Monday 13 October 2014

Just think evil, evil god knows.
A Chinese Buddhists, Tran Hai Luong, have a friend named Hoang Dong Birth. Royal lay their eyes were very strange, could see demons and optical power of each person. 
According to him, the main sincere, pure heart, then you have rings around white light gentle cool. The rich, red light. Tier to you, there is light purple. Who even sad loss, or illness, such as light gray smoke. Rank ordinary people, mostly light green. 
Who is a black optical power is dying, it's two guys so cruel. Good and bad, depending on the mind, the optical power of each change incalculable. Roughly, the healthy heart healthy at the small round light; pure heart healthy levels or more, the large round light healing. Optical quality narrow width of the wicked is like. 
So when we start a bad idea, but outsiders do not know, but you know, god knows demons; also enlightened saints saw the lane clear look in your hand, or look in the mirror the morning shadow. I know, the self-conscience rebuked disappoint regret not alone. Demon said, indignantly rebuked the fine. Buddhas and Bodhisattvas to know whether mercy is not harmed, but who's causing all bear fruit, not how to avoid. From behavior to my mind, the law of cause and effect reactions per each are very fair. 
So gentle was first told: "Retribution of good data follow the ball. When starting a good idea, but not to the blessing that God has to improve. At birth an evil idea, but not to the evil art has followed. " Those words are consistent with the Buddhist cause and effect.
If the three now, has easily create and export business, then the energy industry has a strong advantage over both. Mortal can only control your mind raw, but can not control the fact in mind. 
His Maitreya Bodhisattva entering the making, using ultra pure wisdom, discernment, that each being in a moment [about 0.018 seconds] had wanted to thirty six inhibitors [36 billion] subtle concept, every idea every turn form, good idea turned Protestant minister, Minister of data processing concept data. This reminds us to remember, a practitioner not only to preserve causality in mind, but also the conservative cause and effect in every mind. If indifferent to bad mind often emerges when long days accumulate, it has enough power to do wrong to use the wrong, and bear beast itself in the future.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/10/2014.

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