Wednesday 21 May 2014

Magneto-optical TO-FAMILY
Magneto-optical Buddhist ORDER
2176 Rue Ontario Est, Montreal, QC. H2k-1V6, Canada. Tel: (514) 525-8122

Letter No. 1782/VP/TT - Date 05/12/2014
Head-Venerable Thich Tam Chau
Upper-Prime Catholic Church the Vietnamese Buddhism On-The-World

 Dear       religious peace-Upper, lowercase-coordinates,
                        Great-German monks and nuns and mainstream-friendly, Buddha-mail.

You Him transparent glass,
Ladies and Gentlemen, 
          At 11 am May 11, 2014, at To-From-Quang Dinh, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, was organized-modern-office-anniversary celebration of Buddha's birthday-year 2638, Buddha-calendar in 2558. Prior Buddha-power, the religious-moral monks and nuns and Buddhist mass-mail and we especially commemorate the peaceful center of the cast from Sub-Like-Ca-Ni Staff Buddha, praying for world- world peace-peace, security-we-born-particularly communications and special prayers for the Vietnamese nation soon escape the Communist regime of dictator-production, to give people freedom, civil-owners, civil-rights , has crystal-solidarity, firmly oppose and harm wild-center land invasion, the Vietnamese sea of ​​head-directed by the Communist-China-US product.
          The invasion of the land, sea and counsel to harm the Vietnamese people in the animal-use poison, who knows and knows all-world. In 1974, the Sino-plus soldiers killed fighting the Vietnamese-Czech-Hoa, Hoang-invasive-occupied island of Sa. Teach nominally Communist-co-produced the Vietnamese a lesson in 1979, China-which together account for how many square kilometers land and sea and how much exploitation of mineral-producing mines and jungle. Time-space-1980s, the public-invasion-occupied island of School-sa, forming interest-Sa, of Hai-Nam, signed the secret treaty merging the Vietnamese nation in the Middle-Communist country and the Vietnamese will become a province of the Middle-national, named Au-Lac province. Today, Sino-Czech co-teach for real-Communist South Vietnam-second lesson, as suddenly, the first ocean-calendar May 2014, Sino-plus much maneuvering aircraft, ships and giant rigs offshore islands occupied Ly Son, Quang-Ngai province, Vietnam-Vietnam, despite the disapproval of the Vietnamese-and Chinese-fact.
          Truism, now, those who have blood-South Vietnamese patriots, regardless of political views, world-calculated, director-teacher, what we think? Certainly direct word-religious leaders-teachers, the union-the Vietnamese nation, is available on the book-comb, to carry-out options body, we dare not abuse you!
Now, standing on the Buddhist-Catholic, we would like to speak to emergency call-set-the religious faith monks and nuns and monks male, female Buddha-Buddha-teaching the Vietnamese at home and abroad: - "Tears, directed tan. Along bloodstream Vietnam "! All monks and nuns, Buddhist-mail, we have:
1. - Muon as a person, of one heart with everyone - regardless - determined to save the country.
2. - At the self-discharge, early Friday, chanting, mantras, prayers for the Communist government of Vietnam-South real-awareness, the understanding, the evil, definitely give real-Communism, para- sheer love of false co-Press-communist China, probably towards the neo-part national, ethnic-minority, determined to put question-problem-Communist Chinese invasion of the state-court and appealed to the international-agreement- National, international powers-the U.S., Britain, France, the country's self-do on real-world pro-mind protection against foreign-South Vietnamese invasion and the freedom of the people-all, human-rights prosperous and happy real-people-being.
3. - Male, female Buddha-mail depending on the circumstances, capabilities, built-pole taking part in the mass-country-home, real anti-Communist, anti-invasive real-steering, in crystal-god save the earth water.
Jewels religious vows, mountain river soul, spirit spiritual beings, good-god-Vietnam-South line maintenance for the Vietnamese nation was communist escape, invasion steering, preserve territory, territorial-waters, peace-making, prosperous and self-do people, people-all, human-rights, prosperous and well-being.
                                                                                            The call center,
(Ate up)
Head-Venerable Thich Tam Chau

615 North Gilbert Road, Irving, TX 75,061 to 6240; Tel. (972) 986-1019
Back to infringe upon China's territorial waters of Vietnam Rig Takes Over At The Exclusive Economic Zone of Vietnam
On May 1, 2014, China has launched drilling rig called the Ocean Sea rig 981 in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam with more than 80 multi-vessel escorts and military aircraft. While the ships of Vietnam marine police on duty to protect the territorial waters and prevent China illegally drilling platform, the train Chinese police have used water cannon spray, used boats ships crashing into Vietnam to be many injured Vietnam. China also dozens of aircraft used on these pants seminar on territorial airspace of Vietnam marine police to intimidate Vietnam. After the press conference of the Vietnam government dimensional May 7, 2014 to denounce China illegally drilling platform, infringe upon the sovereignty of Vietnam's territorial authorities, the Chinese media elements and vice versa Vietnam Southern Coast Guard vessel the ship crashes into the sea of ​​their police, and threatened to "teach Vietnam a lesson."
So far though the international community criticized China in bringing rigs in the South China Sea, tensions in the disputed islands, and the whole block of 10 ASEAN countries to declare May 11, 2014 call parties to respect the International Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and the Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in 2002 that China has signed participation, China still blatantly rig Hai Duong put 981 on the South China Sea .
Before the event seriously, European Union Coordinating Office of the Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam Unified Overseas (GHPGVNTNHN) In Australia and New Zealand, Europe his church, his church United States, and in Canada received GHPGVNTNHN that:
1 / history for thousands of years to see the political system of monarchy and communist rule in China has always hegemonic ambitions Vietnam invaded the country from BC Han Dynasty to the Communist Mao Zedong, Deng Xiaoping in the 20th century. historical fact but also shows that the people of Vietnam were excavated at all times Indomitable strength and determination against forces from the northern border to keep the minutes Diamond, maintain independence autonomous cultural traditions and home territory.
2 / The Chinese brought Hai Duong rig with more than 80 981 types of escorts including military ships and aircraft in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam on May 1, 2014 is the last issue action not only violates international law and commitments with ASEAN but also a blatant act of aggression the territorial waters of Vietnam.
3 / During the course of history more than two thousand years of presence in Vietnam, Buddhism always deserve our best to contribute to the cause of national construction, water retention and the integrity of its territory and territorial waters of the State of Vietnam. During the time the country was invaded, colonized, the Vietnam Buddhist willing to engage in resistance to water retention, and even Zen also not hesitate to take off his robes, wearing armor into combat sortie expel the invaders game, every inch of land to protect the homeland but generations of ancestors who sacrificed to build.
From the above statement, European Union Coordinating Office's four Buddhist Church of Vietnam Unified in Australia and New Zealand, Europe, USA and Canada unanimously
1 / Strongly oppose the Chinese Communist government gave Shanghai Ocean Rig 981 and over 80 Corvettes including military ships and aircraft in the exclusive economic zone and continental shelf of Vietnam; China requested to immediately withdraw all rigs and vessels escorted out of the waters of Vietnam; China to respect the request of the International Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 and the Declaration on Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea in 2002 that China has signed and pledged to respect.
2 / calling on the government of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam (SRV) despite behaving in diplomacy, dialogue in a spirit of respect for international law and peace to China, must also express and tough stance, determined not to compromise on the sovereignty and territorial waters of Vietnam; not for any reason but to lose an inch of ground either, since wages an inch to the sea. Before the Chinese stubbornly refused to withdraw 981 rig Hai Duong and dozens corvette waters off Vietnam, Socialist Republic of Vietnam State government should conduct violated the conditions of China and international laws encroach Vietnam right before the UN court.
3 / Call State CHXHCHVN done urgently revive the power of the unity of the modern nation to block well against invading forces in favor of China and more specific way: serious respect fundamental freedoms of the people; release all prisoners of conscience are still being detained because of dissent, or indicate their patriotism to the threat of Chinese invasion; not prevented, arrested or illegally beaten and murdered people; strict treatment and fair treatment of members and corrupt officials from upper management to infrastructure; sincerely listen and meet the common aspirations of the entire people to become a democratic government for the people and the rule of law actually water.
4 / earnestly urged fellow Buddhists in Vietnam and in overseas countries as well, whether in any country, nationality, put yourself in the position of Vietnamese nationals to the country at risk, determined to protect the integrity of the native land The Father; depending on the ability and circumstances, voicing, financial strength and its concentric for the university against foreign aggression, maintaining social rules Jiangshan.

Buddhist Calendar 2558, May 11, 2014
Unified Buddhist Church of Vietnam Unified
European Union Coordinating Office
Thich Tin Nghia
Executive Chairman of the Board of his church USA
As Thich Hue
Board Chairman Executive Committee at his church Overseas Australia-New Zealand
Thich Nature Damage
Acting Chairman of the Executive Council of Europe his church
Thich soil carbon

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