Sunday 25 May 2014

Increase offerings Boys - who worshiped the problem.

Namo Original Teacher Shakyamuni Buddha. Annually, during the Vesak Day to Vu Lan ceremony, the monks enter the time the House, which means that in summer, the monk monks scattered in many places gathered together in a point where, usually a large temple, to actively practice, not step foot out of the temple premises. Starting each session the House is Buddha's birthday, to the full moon day of the fourth month and the closes on Vu Lan ceremony, full moon day to the seventh lunar month. This time also called rainy season. But only three months, but three months is a positive study, the Buddha nature, so this is an age of three months the House. clear problem definition to "old House", we quote the teachings of Thich Transcendental Meditation as follows: ... "... On July full moon day is also called minnows Increase Life. Life is getting old minnows. By that time, if enough parents born in the last 12 months a year old called. But in Buddhist law regime, every monastic precepts of the Buddha not included under the age of five months on earth style - which features the lower particle age. That is in retreat that has been fully calculated the old one. For example: What The retreat from 15 April to 15 July of the lunar calendar is chronic abuse, are such a down year, ie a lower age. Who ordination but not settled shall not be lower year-old, who was constantly rainy retreat, the old are much lower. therefore we often hear in the temple when I read the biography of a monk who President, often referred to age and lowering Greek. For example, the age 80 and 60 down the Greek, which means that the student's parents age 80 years, age was lowered to 60 lower particle. Lower particle is calculated on the full moon slowly, ie the full moon in July, after three months of practice round down. however, there are also cases in accordance with the Law of institutions, 20 are to be ordained as monks, but because of the lack of grace, there are 25 new monks ordained and ordained after each year's rainy. If he died at the age of 70, he was 45 years old then lowered and 70 years of age. If an ordained monk and retreat without even once he is regarded as absolutely no lower age, other than the birth parents do that, whether or not we can do what we did, or that there In any sleep all year round, then a year old and still be counted each year. contrast, the monks must have settled the new world fetters of age, was not settled, shall not be lower particle, also called the Greek world, the Greek law ... "... Dear listeners, retreat tradition stems from the Buddha's time. At that time, the monks and nuns do not cook, but every morning, and you go together holding an alms bowl enough for lunch, called the Horse Boy. In addition to that, all the time make use of meditation to purify the body and mind with the goal of liberation. alms house the Buddha such as is good for both the clergy and the people. For the monks alms enough to eat each day will make you let go of habits that accumulate, the origin of the carpet, it is used all the time in life to practice hard, not being distractions. regard to public offerings, the event monks will create good habits for the virtues of generosity, let go. Yet at the India House in the rainy season, the climate and the soil is warm lower. Therefore, insect growth across the ground. Because spreading compassion to all beings want, he wanted to avoid all the pain, so he devised a period of learning in a dedicated location, called the retreat, monks do not go to out, not trample the little creatures crawling on the ground is. At that time, the food looks absolutely monks on alms daily. Now as to stay in the temple, not to go out for alms, people should personally carry supplies to make offerings to the temple monks and nuns, in the spirit of the Buddha's disciples we support each other, monks and nuns charity called the French experimental teaching and public alms to monks items called the life of ears. The handouts are used in words reverently called offerings. tradition that still preserve the fourfold Buddhists and practice throughout the length of the history of Buddhism from over two and a half thousand years. listening to additional material on solidarity between the fourfold responsibility disciple of the Buddha, the monks, nuns, laymen and laywomen, we respectfully submit to you a very transparent analysis by Thubten Chodron, taken from the book Buddhism for Beginners. U.S. nun who has written many books as teaching dharma & Clear Mind, Open Heart, How to Free Your Mind, Taming the Monkey Mind, Cultivating a Compassionate Heart , Blossoms of the Dharma, etc .... The Dalai Lama has said about this book as follows: "Buddhism for Beginners book is written for people who want to learn the basics of Buddhism and how to apply basics into their daily lives. It will bring many benefits to readers. " question in the book: - Please tell me about the relationship between monks and lay Buddhists? Thubten Chodron said: - As the Buddha regulations, the duty of monks, nuns, is fully preserve the rule has voluntarily promised, and learn and practice the Dharma, and bring that knowledge to guide practice for Buddhists. terms presented apartment Buddhist artist is the need to provide for the life of the monks, as the place of residence, clothing, food and medicine. The classification task is intended for the clergy have dedicated a lot of time to learn and practice meditation, so they quickly advanced in practice, then progress through their teaching for the re- the world lay achieve more effective as well. relationship has been circulated throughout the Buddhist tradition, though other forms. At the Zen monastery in China, making pit field are considered part of spiritual practice, monks, and nuns engaged in farming, religious education and meditation. In Thailand, it was different, because the promise is not kept ordained money strictly enforced, should laity death not only provided from donations including housing, clothing, food and medicines, but also receive, where all the other workers in the monastery, to help monks and nuns dedicated practice. At Chau Asia, monks, nuns often laypeople world respected and thoughtful care, because Buddhists in places that traditionally precious dharma. Even so, monks should consider themselves as servants, not to become arrogant when Buddhists reverently offerings. If religious resurfaced arrogant mind when enjoying the respect, then their own path to degenerate. At the Western world, the relationship between the religious and the laity are still influenced by the ideas people all, and less differentiation between capital available in the nature of Western society. So what benefit is there, but there are also disadvantages. For example, the Western monks are not always monastery, or where they reside, providing complete financial, for the cost of living. As a result, the monks and nuns to find other jobs outside, to have enough money to spend on the necessities of the body. There are people who earn enough to live through the day, but when they are ill, or want to learn to associate director level, or failure to attend the course, they will have difficulty about money .... "... Dear listeners, thus , offering traditional practices which are a very important and good Buddhist. The offering is also giving, differing only in name. In the name of another and deeper meaning of giving, we respectfully submit to you a sermon listeners of Thich Nhat Chan, clear analysis as follows: ... »... Offering alms capital and the same meaning " for ". Something that could bring her out " for "others, called" for . " Just the same meaning, but depending on circumstances or circumstances which means " to "have different names. Often called just " give ", otherwise known as the" gift ", sometimes called" courtesy ". Particularly noun " published experimental "is used to refer the case" for "the poor impoverished. And when a case of what the Buddhists bring her out " for "Jewels, which is my refuge, is called" worship seems . " And means " gift "is" to "between peers together, " give "to the body or to cause an impression reinforced good feelings only, is called" gifts . " In this world does not mean " offering ", but means" alms ". Nevertheless mean " charity "in the Act is not the same meaning" generosity "of the world. Paths not look legal "alms" in the direction of " patronizing "or" a gift "that in a very deep spiritual dimension depth, including many meanings of the island. Let us examine a general way about the meaning of generosity Act as follows: Giving consists of three main components: one is for the people, the animals two and three is to give recipients. Missing one of these three components, the legal alms will not be established. In it, objects to the link between the people and those who receive. This animal must first belong to the people. Bring to a character not her, it is not the meaning of generosity. After, he belongs to the recipient animal, and human rights for no longer anything to object anymore. Given such means " let go "of your property, letting go of what you have. At Why must let go of their ownership? path of liberation in Buddhism suggests that the existence of each of us is a charming bound tied interlaced together. thing is our mind that a when they had bound themselves to stick to this, the tie should stick to clothing, housing, food and drink etc. ... to foster and maintain this body. Once her mind was tied to her body and for that I , then it will always tied to my wife, my children, my heritage homes, relatives of my friends ... When The religion was bound to say that we stick shifts suffering of samsara, we must not liberated, that means that we, or rather the consciousness that is us, this was tied to the body and its other possessions. So meant liberation from the mind off tie and the owner's body. Mind ties himself into the loving attachment to things the mind, the mind should also consider themselves to be the center of attention escapism or abandon the property's legal ..... »... Dear listeners, in an article ago we presented you that "... the Buddhist monks in the private schools are religious Tathagata, is the largest of the Buddha - the spiritual sense - tutelage tasked them out beside her. Tathagata private schools are religious people follow the example of the Buddha for all sentient beings, as trustee of the Buddha, the Guru. So we have said that word in the Buddhist Master noble. Master teacher, director, bringing suffering sentient beings from samsara sea, floating in the termination of samsara. As such noble mission so in Buddhism, monks status is considered very important. The mission of the Buddhists, the call is accessible, ie laymen, is to provide offerings to monks diameter 4 essential items in life, known as the "Four offerings," including clothing, food, shelter and medications. Why when special offerings reverently? It is clear homage to the Master, master led off with mom, step ashore to end all suffering. So sometimes we see the rise of the medical event, or younger increased, the benefactor of offering substandard material while also worshiped the monks received, as well as traditional offerings reverently. Around problem "collapse between the bow and the" This arose out tripped some thought, perhaps we should know about. Gender advocates maintain "the Lord who" is to be worshiped like sharpening the mind , renounce pride, humility training. Gender does not agree then that is worshiped in this case the monks Buddhist worship, for the Lord will be blessed. Thus, there is no "grinding center" in here, which is a sign of underlying carpet. Events took a spiritual intermediary, which is a symbol of the occult world, in a position to bring down ruin blessing, he can not make people become humble bow, which is probably only grow so fear, or the desire to be blessed only. Watching the roof haired old man, kneeling in the yard white sauce collapse bowing to work on monks sitting in the rows of the table offerings Trai Increase bystander feel in my heart did too impatient. Landscapes like living back in feudal whether he will have influence on young minds, making them feel alienated from the life of the temple reasonable? 's Here, we respectfully submit to you the audience a story about the attitude of meditation givers and recipients, translated extract from the book " Collection of Stone and Sand ", written by Zen master Muju Japanese, translated by Paul Reps to English, the story is as follows: "In Search Trade era, during his time as abbot of the monastery at Kamakura Engaku province, (one of the most important monastery of the monastery system in Japan, where big bell fruit Ogune 2 meters high reputation and a half), Seisetsu teacher is required to provide a larger area, because of where he was teaching the people have attended so cramped. A merchant in Edo Umezu name is Seibei decided offerings ryo 500 gold coins to construct new schools and facilities more widely. He brought some gold coins to give Seisetsu teacher. Zen master said barely said calmly: - Okay, I'll get. Umezu Merchants that offer gold pocket inside is taken as frustrated with the attitude of the teacher. He thought to himself: "Only 3 gold coin, a person can live a whole year, so that once given gifts to 500 but do not get a thank you." Annoyed, he mentioned sounded: - In the pocket there ryo 500 gold coins. Zen master replied: - He has said it to me then that. Umezu said: - Although I was a wealthy merchant, ryo but 500 is a big amount. Seisetsu Zen master asked: - What do you want me to thank you? Umezu answer: - That's how he should do. asked the Zen master: - Oh, why me? Givers to thank you? " Dear listeners, there sentence: "He" for "," enjoy "more than the recipient." It is true. The receiver is only little material. The fun for the whole spirit, enjoying the bliss echo of his noble actions. So, as the teacher said, "givers" thanks to "receivers". Yes, because "the recipient" has undergone complete blessing, blessing the fields, to "Bring the" blessed tree planting. , but a reverent bow, a temporary thank each other as well as sufficient, we try review whether there is need to blow the collapse worshiped as king prostrated crowd together in times when the old feudal backwardness reasonable?  so that once given gifts to 500 without getting a thank you. " Annoyed, he voiced mentioned: - In the bag 500 gold coins that Ryo. Zen master replied: - He has said it to me then that. Umezu said: - Although I was a wealthy merchant, ryo but 500 is a big amount. Seisetsu Zen master asked: - What do you want me to thank you? Umezu answer: - That's how he should do. asked the Zen master: - Oh, why me? Givers to thank you? " Dear listeners, It says: "The" for "," enjoy "more than the recipient." It is true. The receiver is only little material. The fun for the whole spirit, enjoying the bliss echo of his noble actions. So, as the teacher said, "givers" to thank "the recipient". Yes, because "the recipient" has undergone complete blessing, blessing the fields, to "provide for the" blessed tree planting. , but a reverent bow, a temporary thank each other as well as sufficient, we try review whether there is need to blow the collapse worshiped as king prostrated crowd together in times when the old feudal backwardness reasonable?  so that once given gifts to 500 without getting a thank you. " Annoyed, he voiced mentioned: - In the bag 500 gold coins that Ryo. Zen master replied: - He has said it to me then that. Umezu said: - Although I was a wealthy merchant, ryo but 500 is a big amount. Seisetsu Zen master asked: - What do you want me to thank you? Umezu answer: - That's how he should do. asked the Zen master: - Oh, why me? Givers to thank you? " Dear listeners, It says: "The" for "," enjoy "more than the recipient." It is true. The receiver is only little material. The fun for the whole spirit, enjoying the bliss echo of his noble actions. So, as the teacher said, "givers" to thank "the recipient". Yes, because "the recipient" has undergone complete blessing, blessing the fields, to "provide for the" blessed tree planting. , but a reverent bow, a temporary thank each other as well as sufficient, we try review whether there is need to blow the collapse worshiped as king prostrated crowd together in times when the old feudal backwardness reasonable? END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/5/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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