Monday 25 August 2014

Good at least. Much evil.
anabull2.gif (133 bytes) In the mind, evil bad power, strength and inclination then good.
So good then said: "I'm good"; that's bad, then said: "I was the best here!" The evil bad thought ahead, overwhelms the thought in good faith; so friendly competition Gets Wicked crush. That's not good.

anabull2.gif (133 bytes) From early history to the present, marine radio because the notion of goodness in the hearts we have little notion of the evil bad back much, so self-clean Leanne (Buddha-Tanh) covered, does not appear to be. Because that's the accumulated evil mantras we keep starting the good book, like sleep, like enjoyment ... which is not what way Deng resistance. Such is the Karma; so I have to order to it. If not, whether you go there listening, you just hear loads a bunch of that negativity is still abound, e.g. it would informally meet!
anabull2.gif (133 bytes) When karma to then start negativity. In the absence of mindfulness, the deviant anniversary run.
At the time, you find someone who is also not registered; see what is not satisfied. Someone that wants to leave the temple; or has the feel not what position should want to finalize procedures. Actually, you don't need to know or even ridiculous you start negativity is you have messed up!

anabull2.gif (133 bytes) Don't fear the new mind ANDing. When the mind is fear, not an intention.
Fear is the psychological sense only, others feel like myself; Therefore, only one is detrimental. When I don't have fear of self. Scared, scared all the time, then the birth experiences. Meanwhile, the mind is not an Ethics Center there to austerities anymore! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/8/2014.

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