Sunday 24 August 2014

Sakyamuni Buddha of Boundless There Must Be Life Buddha?

                                     Shakyamuni Buddha and Amitabha Buddha are two completely different people, in business taught clearly the origin of the two Buddha. Two Buddhas are two things that do not advance frivolous claims of Lord Bao Tang period Tathagata this way countless lives a period of increase. At that point in Jambudvipa, there are realms named San Recommended Lam, human life expectancy at that time was 84 thousand years ( beginning of new life, (the beginning of a lifetime, the human life span to 84,000 thousand years old Then every one hundred year old man fell to 1 and lower down the fingers, down to the 10-year-old, stop (called a reduced lifetime), then for each 1 percent increase in the 1-year-old man until 84,000 years old (called the lifetime increase) 1 1 increases, decreases and called eons. Which the realms of the way gums San Recommended Lam has undergone a period of life increases can not count .)
        Then Lord Bao Hai has a son son, this son ordained a Tibetan Buddhist effective Bao ten Tathagata fully respected brand, that country's king named Ly Avoid ( Unknown Avoid Mindfulness - ie Boundless Pure ) He Bao Hai is great that the Spirit of kings Lord Bao Hai had undergone a rising birth Supreme practice guidance, encouragement memories of countless beings by na tha development of Supreme Bodhi mind in the ten directions. Avoid the King Ly also found practice directing Mind supreme, pure realms choose dignified and virtuous life Exalted Museum will sign later in the realms Lac Amitabha Buddha is effective. He also told the two they chose evil realms five degenerations taught how to sentient beings, causing them to quickly escape from the suffering of samsara.
        Indeed, Lord Bhagavan Shakyamuni Buddha which had a long, close approach of He is Pi Lo Na price, is sambhogakaya Na Lo Xa. But because we do not know about black students ever watched any mortal eye that Shakyamuni Buddha to Buddha just over 2600 years ago. In fact, the only applications ( chemistry ) Buddha. We have seen in the Buddhist-like stage plays on it? It is none other. This moral studies really need to celebrate the Buddhist teachings, there would be no one ever suspected. But it is a doctrine of Mahayana Bodhisattva goods, frugal as we will never comprehend reach, but if Buddha Bless holder and can afford. As a Mahayana teachings, so we do not need to decipher doubt on our understanding. So, just follow the lead of radical legal and practical us seriously is.
        they can be seen, as well as differences from low to high, but there are Buddhists who carry out body and another at home, when the life of the wonderful French teacher of Mahayana Phuong Dang, whereas they did not recognize the French compared with results of the primary line, so consciousness is so vilified.
        If lay people to understand This should be a moral and empirical study of Buddhist teachings deeply new attempt to comprehend, alongside that need development of Supreme Bodhi mind, that rely on new production methods in order to understand how power always flows The Buddhas of the ten. We should remember the fact that century, the Buddhist teachings that encompassed nine French world beings ( bodhisattva 1, 2 Pratyekabuddha, sravakas 3, 4 Sun, 5 people, 6 Spirit , Hell 7, 8 and 9 animal Peta ) and not just for humans in general, in our selves in particular.
        Previous inquiries brethren as Shakyamuni Buddha's virtues Buddha Amitayus. Yes, but not only that Shakyamuni Buddha Medicine Buddha Buddha or whatever in ten world are also from the French world of ethics body organs Infinite Life.
        On the history as stated above Buddha, the two are completely different. But for the ultimate end, the fullness of a Buddha does not have to leave the legal world Amitabha Buddhist Sangha. Why? For all such waters in the sea, brought us water and pour into well wherever are tolerated without any problems. However, if brought into ponds, lakes and canals etc. .. other then water will have its limitations, but the nature of it completely changes is no different, it's wet nature. Likewise, the Buddha Buddhas are fulfilled and the ultimate end, but there is a limit of vows go into each different country, to show the means, as it is the birth, the halo around five desires , ordained, that ghost, enlightenment and attained Nirvana. Things like that just because of the nature of the base, karma of living beings which turned out, do not really true, as not not wiggle or move out of the mansion in the French Vajra body constant. Enlightened awareness not entrained within karma of living beings. But out of the ten applications buddhafields method to help sentient beings, but France has not shaken itself, or have to go, there is birth there is death. All that stuff is like magic tricks, because stars? Because they afflictions, crazy, therefore, they had seen the Buddha is like that. As people with eye diseases, find flowers spotted in vain, but for people who are not sick do not see. So then what is ultimately true, some not found in the DOM, but who are not sick do not see? They all can not just start over due attention should delusion born of false hundred thousand distinct, often-stage, and-take, people-beings etc. .. are all like flowers spotted another aerial.
        Teachers the truth of the Buddha is so wonderful, and have the capacity to eradicate the source of life and death. But we by heavy, thin blessings, wisdom is not only used in seeing, hearing intelligence judgments ( not wisdom ) by virtue of much cumulative negative past life remaining. Then was born, and destroy suspected ascites, this phenomenon very much in this time. So, that can not escape the cycle of birth and death. Fortunately, the Buddha teaches us a method to gather photography can all be liberated in this very life of life and death, the Buddha is so compassionate.
        Hence, we should practice what we understand thorough understanding and advance the teaching, not to follow the wrong people senseless, consciousness distinguishes this approach better than the other methods, this is not because the Buddha said, the other is not in the teachings of Buddha education etc ... Have a Buddhist understanding of the Buddha's teachings, they must appreciate your time, do not let it through ( very fast ), but regrets. Try to use the honest, sincere and earnest to soon be shifting to the vows of the Buddhas that this escape samsara. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.25/8/2014.

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