Thursday 31 July 2014

Signaling Buddha's teaching.
hoa hong 1

Vu Lan season is the season to remind signaling Buddhist followers reciprocate four grace, in which the divine grace born of upbringing.
curious mind is Buddha Buddha Mind, Buddha almond taste as well. His teachings remind us the importance of aerobic center, well on the way of practicing hospitality; but perform aerobic center, well as how to properly taste the Chief Justice to be parents and we all benefit.
As earthly parents, we care, providing a full serving the material needs of daily life. Besides taking care of physical comfort, love, anxiety comes from my soul's pious son was actually the fire warmed the hearts of their parents, as parents happily in the days longer again. Due to the fact that the wealthy families, parents do have a lack of food or drink; but the harmony of rice stuff with tears, swallow sadness, bitterness daily.
dish delicacies accompanied by emotional coldness, rejection of child disloyalty, maybe if exchange for meager life, but spill full of filial love, then anyone willing. We have also seen many difficult family matter, but their lives remain simple warmth, glow of happiness, thanks in filial piety and deeds of the children to taste entirely devoted father maternal grandparents.
Caring, loving your parents is necessary. But the spirit of the Buddha, making parents married to Dharma, glasses Information security, really important and how signaling has great benefits, long term for our parents. Normally, if someone loves their parents, ready to meet what he wanted, including not refuse to do the evil. Create karma for parents worried about money, then how much more concern, as do parents grew greedy, evil concept brought up much. And the time could not meet demand because of our blessings is limited, but parents too big now, so make them more upset, so it contains no sorrow, no pain.
Lives suffering, death is rotten inevitable, because karma will lead consciousness reborn countless three evil paths. Such signaling how completely wrong.
signals according to the Buddha, we seek to influence for the Three parents credit protection glass and to live in accordance with dharma. Through chanting, Buddha, listening to the law, their sadness lull quiet, gentle soul happy, because we know the Buddha dharma has washed capabilities labor bare afflictions. When the Three Jewels radial, Pleased to the law, with your guidance, with the scenery, helping them to recognize the work necessary for rest of his life, before giving up the illusory body. Since then, the sense of impermanence to come, have to worry about preparing to go the other world, should no longer require, desire more, not frustrating, difficult children.
Said another way, when the father tu mom Development Center, now overcome, no sorrow, lament, is optimistic growth blessed, joyful hearts, not expecting that life is still abundant. Living a moral life, peace of mind, then he closed his eyes to die, they can be born to the world peace.
chronic When parents part, we prepare by signaling problems rebirth. Four great body no longer, so we are only interested in the spirit, that aim their aggregates unconscious. We lead the consciousness or idea of what their parents toward holiness, which is the condition to give them rebirth into the world peacefully. According to the Buddha, the birth of money if you create more negative karma, death, birth is not good for the world, exists in the form of intermediate bodies.
During the forty-nine days, we must steep heart dedicated chanting, ceremony repentance, charity, donation, do the good deeds to pray for the deceased. Use calm in legal mind and heart with joy to think of the good soul, reminds them to remember the good things they did in life, recalling the precious Buddha dharma, the liberated realm happily. Me thinks consciousness is thus certainly be reborn in good realms.
Especially we are offering high levels rise, thanks to volunteer and assist his uncle, merit for intermediate body of the deceased . Bake in god blessings come from a pure heart and virtuous of them, the intermediate body is easy to let go of bad karma and rebirth of the world good. In contrast, no dedication to do good to parents, but the bad killing animals for sacrifice, such as cost benefit, but parents are not entitled to, and must bear more bad karma.
Additionally, the Buddha taught, just as for the deceased parents of seven lives in three evil paths oppressed or who were born to place natural, healing, blessing our work dedicated to them still produce beneficial results. Because of the invisible, the relationship of our deep feelings put into the charity to pray for loved nothing more networked system will affect the heart itself was reborn, that they are friendly toward the world , escape the misery life.
summary, signaling lan Vu season has come, dear image of parents, grandparents day as intensely alive in the minds of the pious son. People have also merit besides parents, please keep and care hospitality center, unfortunate fondness for Buddha's legal right to build a family fortune lost, dress warm. The people no longer cherishes the invaluable love of parents, strive to practice, created a lot of merit, to dedicate merit to their parents, a new desire to save them from third place furniture or planting add the fresh root, for their good deeds in heaven's place.
regard to his disciples convinced the Three Jewels, the only path is the only religious, enlightened, capable of bringing new life happily, freed forever basis for our immortality, to relatives and to all beings.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1/8/2014.

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