Wednesday 23 July 2014


Tall the French who are turning out. Ta BA or Buddha mind by scenes in which the Buddha or beings, are all from the mind that there's ... The mind is not lettered, Buddha and sentient beings are also not. The mind is going, the Buddha and sentient beings are also going. One is going to get it all going, one is not, all without. Not that going, going without, he is General Van's France.

We are not out of the Net or the mind. Both are not, both are going, is going to get without, is not going to get that. All were assuming the General of going. All differences in the way can't. That's why she's not here, she's also not going to level, then the pure land of going well; i.e. could review the names of everything, look at the fake General then all going, and going to start going organic going organic, the organic Center's Net or student level.

From invisible beings far, only I could always run the mind and by the mind which is out of the realm. The mind hell into realms of hell, the human mind built human world, Buddha mind created the realms Buddha. If found to be human is not then see Chu nor Buddha. Also said existing humans must then receive the Buddha also, i.e. that the human world is Buddha realm, there are Buddha, had the Western level Net.

In the French way monastery subjects as the Buddha worship traditions, is the most off line, and in the method of worship freed, cooling method of reciting Amitabha Buddha's name rose bridges born Sukhavati Western is an easy one. With these disciplines, practitioners need is conviction, the truth may born in regular maintenance and the Western notion of the Red Buddha Amitabha, practice diligence and seasoned practitioners, few will Polar world of the Buddha upon a body press. In net-only realm, this release, each were born on the opening play to the Enlightenment, the real rot and eventually as the Buddha's spiritual proficiency Options. per unit, the publicity did play various slow-fast.

That's the way of the French subjects straight off easily recite Amitabha Buddha's name rose. However, on the way to practice, practitioners need to know how the practice application, that the use of the new practice obtained good results, by not being a job, the practice must meet many obstacles, a lot of effort and the results are not as the will. The Western Sukhavati pure realm is freed. Purity is immaculate is pure goodness, freed is beyond the three realms, beyond the three realms is the discharge of glass world. So, want to go West the Sukhavati, practitioners should have pure heart freed, pure charity Cup world.

Pure pure heart or mind in good clean is mind over all evil affliction had not met career Who freed Mr. infection or who are World Cup Center is no longer the United Kingdom brought voracious craving wife secular. Want to be sure to be the Western realm of the translational, practitioners must work out his mind to achieve Holiness no longer craving infected cells.


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