Saturday 5 July 2014

fasting before Buddha, this statue is a must for the true Buddha, accepted without question a certain direction, such a conclusion yourself in three bodies of the Buddha, just thought to myself: I only the most attention, the most attention to the Buddha, Buddha eyes, reciting Buddhist center, it's very respectful, very respectful of that inspiration.
At no statue, should sit neatly turning his face toward the West , starting at the center concept, so thoughts aura of the Buddha Amitabha on top of our head office, every idea, every sentence, order not to fall into space, tar can also kill now. disclaimers solution: The beginner can not shop itself is Buddha mind, so the front of the Buddha statue means for emotional scenes consciousness, but it is necessary to be very respectful because everyone has a new feel is the clear teaching of this article, from having lengthy discussion, the practitioner should be considered carefully and likewise, the poor will be eliminated, Buddhist self-interest does. 14. - busy times of the Buddhist concept If the concept of a sentence, they should recite a verse, can recite 10 verses, they should recite 10 verses; only 100 stars in this busy moments have been in a bit of free time to let go immediately clear legal mind and body maintenance. Bach Lac Thien You can test that notion Walk Amitabha Amitabha concept Sitting For no matter how busy as the name of Amitabha Buddha to recite often. ancient people of like mind, it can not be patented! Word accessories Prize: There are people who are too busy with live squid, which has many free where Buddhist concept; however, the percentage of busy,'m also a little free time, spare the Buddhist concept generation, not to mind wanders to think of, to no avail misery. The life story where it left, wearing what people do and more tired, to the Buddhist concept for healthy position now than never? There are many people to how much time chatting stuff everywhere, just asking for how much it depressing, so some questions or comments during oral pleasure, is enough cause to feel the anxiety, distress, or cash in give yourself the bother painful consequences! 15. - SHOULD idle Nianfo In life there are far too many men miserable, why not also want a little get free, should not be religious. Now I get some free time, to be heard this chanting Buddha, need to stalk, body and mind continuum dues end, specialized maintenance Buddhist concept; Such new optical tackle wasted no sound. If so mind drift, do not do anything, including date of pepper, four gift her side, an initially impermanent tomorrow comes, what will get to fight here? sub-prize Word: There's been little demand goofing to recite the Buddha was not there, do not you walk away this grace, so do not be late again veal, try Buddha, do not let the day, days, and old, and die, though until now wants to be free a little, add one hour to live nor Buddhist concept. It's really rather sorry! 16. - RICH PEOPLE SHOULD DO TO Buddhist concept of life is merit from past lives, spiritual practice. What Vinh Hue honor, so too is the steep increase that transfer. But although there Vinh Hue without permanent, if the karma surely make it hard to escape damnation sea. So they have to think: what can I bring the eyes closed? He is the Buddhist concept of merit. Like water boat ride. So, up furniture or Buddha, or invite monks guided by Buddha, carved in the Pure Land sutras, or Amitabha Buddha statue to admire the concept, but little work, but to the public for many , must resolve to be reborn again, it is the path of all people, not rich or poor, to, coward. Do the French royal house messengers nothing more precious! disclaimers solution: any past relevant documents, now only personal property, whether it is through the grace of life planted in advance, Vinh Hue awarded the honor to be, but only temporary effects only, when everything stopped three feet slightly let go, just holding empty hands. So what should we cling to the false image that reasonable? We must have a clear sense that. So we have to kip up immediately and achievements Buddhist concept so wholeheartedly as we tried tried so worried enrichment. The author is no place for truth, should run the scene, ostensibly frivolous mentality, there is little fun, but the fun is only temporary while. The ephemeral life, quickly kill the body, often the only remaining ethical, honest, no rush outside, does not have a happy moment. View as Confucius He also said: "Eating cold rice, cold drinks, bend the knees and have fun at the beginning of that!" What fun that is the fun of the place. 17th. - the poor should Buddhist concept Alas! Having relatives who had brought as slaves, others were wrong to use, hard, miserable, pray without escape, they suffer more later. should know the four letter name such reasoning to Hong, vile, rich, poor , young, old, boys, girls, just a day in the early morning press center on the West faces, recite verses 10 Buddha's name, not interfere, not an end, to demand Sukhavati, the present life will enjoy benefits, the waterfall itself is reborn. Amitabha Buddha is dead lifesaving boat in the sea for people suffering so. disclaimers Prize: In life, one where poor that no body, mind? So we should bring body, mind available that Buddhist concept. Ngu Hien Nhon In the period Duyen: The venerable old lady Ca fought in the hire and sale of the poor by means of Buddhist mindfulness, she has achieved results. So we should imitate the old woman selling coffins for the poor go free, what more dogged suffering? Suffering is hard to know which method is the ruler's escapism. Suffering and still not know is suffering, the suffering is also happy, he says all the damage! 18. - exquisite Buddhist concept was the wise is not to be mesmerizing, must be very subtle nianfo for wisdom to be more permanent. Must know, the Buddhist concept, the galaxy position will have a lot of time Buddhist concept location concept Phat.Nguoi who follow pagan practice will ease back on the right path. Why? As the fame of the place can open their hearts, because of the location effect their salvation location. disclaimers Prize: The work of the position to bring a good impact and low or helpful for those who lack position, in that case work with the good karma. So the mind must prove to be worthy of the trust people, do not get stupid vile things, the urban poor sexual deception. A person's right to religious expression, there will be very good influence to those who round. Thanks to the clever, wise, added that the trust of thy neighbor violently, that the mind is possible to do big things that affect the mind sharp knife. Doing a result that many, that's what many people want. Yet many who can not bear to be done, or can do to get much cheaper then unfortunately instead! 19. - ELDERLY Buddha Recitation was not fame, not to show off their talents, make real practice it is very difficult for people to do. Sensei teaches meditation regard, by finding a padded si no. Now the Buddhist concept his main concern is not only padded si. It is a two employers avenue taken straight to the West so. Why? That's because employers beyond two four-digit Amitabha not add one iota what delusion. disclaimers Prize: The heliocentric Buddha, not charming surroundings, unmoving heart before any public disturbances, as as does all his involvement, the same person who outwardly seem naive, si Don, but on the contrary it is clear, that it is pure. The truth is not so easy to make! How much, in Buddhist practice of reciting the verse: Reciting the most real estate Pure birth. Notion that everyone wants the most charming abandon, specializing Buddhist concept of net fishing. My heart and recite the Buddha Buddha respective hearts. Contemporary Western concept not leave, no need to guess spending all that far wide review Buddhist scene still out the money. Rather bizarre teachings Pure! 20. - be glad Nianfo REMEMBER where that funny or pointed, or goodness of that happy place, small but powerful new nhit, but fun all the sights of human life. But glad to know that it's not true bogus, can not be long, so shifting where cheerful moments that rotate Buddha, the time is surely because of the aura of the Buddha, in the end come upon scenes that dropped less many evil concept, good things constant, as the practice, common until now will be reborn stronger Bliss, I not really sure glad! Word accessories Prize: Existence is suffering much less our fun, have fun Does the fun is just temporary, passing moment, to make room for human suffering torment. So happy to have the endurance to do that we are proud to hold or grasp it. worth the fun things we like, because it's true, there's usually a pure pleasure of self-interest. Landscape Bliss of Amitabha ready to welcome those who are pure self-interest. Back then there was nothing more fun? 21. - Nianfo vow a vow to recite Tri name for imposing's rebirth but inconceivable Buddhas everyone recite the prayer to him, they are depending on interest basis. Therefore, training in business: 10 Buddhist concept that benefits (please see below). The demand for demon worship, religious periodicals of repentance, prayer vow more evil, divination believe gasoline invasion of the hexagram, not by the method used to recite Buddhist prayers. they asked: And as Buddhist concept that is not fulfilled what? Response: He not worry Buddhist concept that has not fulfilled, the fulfillment of which the goodness not bring the same results not fulfilled. Nhon how the results like this, how scary he not? Word accessories Prize: the Buddha, who is the great words, great compassion, great location, great faith, religion supreme dark, the sky is the master of the six lines. So, why not praying prayers of His place? It also amazed! There is much evil leprechaun who fear than fear Buddha, probably discovered that, even though there is the devil? Or not right feet in his lap, because there is sin, it is good tolerance district, thousand? Buddhists think this carefully, lest they are Buddhist disciples that accidentally ghost! 22. - Buddhist concept open to configure Every adversity all around us, all by grace should be left out (we have no comments bear) should not re-start evil thoughts, so to start adversity leads to no end ever after. I have to either accept or receive, can avoid avoid, end to end is the only option, but do not forget karmic Buddhist concept. Buddha had infinite wisdom, clarity blessings, He will bless us: despite experiencing adversity coast, left the scene, also moved into the scene upon, dependent upon immediately. disclaimers Prize: Family Recreation Oan any associated facilities, not resentment should take revenge, the new left end to injustice. So just chanting Buddha is the most stable. example, to bitter spicy thousand Buddhist concept tan A statement issued periodically Nianfo rid of hatred heart not violent prison where the king ...? Nianfo extend compassion complain Equal woes do? ... 23. - Buddhist concept of shame cast iron or committed a previous life, the evil results accomplished, then surely hard to notice, but a part of this life that is suffering in part evil in a previous life, can not blame destiny regardless dressed, but his fate tiger should not worry convent soon. Every once Buddhist thought, in body hair are almost vertical, in stature as exhaustion, grief, affection, sorrow, do not want to live. So while every sentence, every word from the liver, bone marrow, but the scene was the anniversary of Buddha's feet. increase Nowadays guys, who continue Buddha, or mouth spread notion that the mind, or just photography center at conception, then stop center concept passion. Then there is the Buddhist concept alternating time talking trash. So no matter anniversary lifelong inspiration. Everyone saw it, for that is the Buddhist concept of rebirth lies words. Did the Buddha's fault because why? Word of secondary prize: the Buddhas I can work a pure nature, not the other two do not, so that He enlightened enlightened mimics feet away, but we keep on receiving damage doing so, sensory deficit ceiling agreement, doomed to wander forever in the ceiling laborious one. It's nothing to be ashamed of! So to end use energy, tu lo lice, do take the term death, birth and death for rescue, not even thinking, who wrecked ceiling implications, many eons to have sunk in the Mekong River, the ocean of suffering. 24 . - urgent Buddhist concept Ordinary people in all circumstances pitiful suffering, but we do not trade, all left with multiplication properties, but the plight of all, we only trade, how empty is the essence of Buddhism ? Forums merchants must find means to escape suffering, to find ways for people suffering the ultimate escape. Be aware that the reason the Buddha is honored Hoop Bi, because he beings to help others. I do Buddhist compassion concept is reinforced compassion of the Buddha for giving, saving suffering for us, the concept of urgency which had bothered to do? Word of secondary prize: Buddhist mindfulness to escape samsara bridge, which the cycle of birth and death is extremely solid chain, as now or our afflictions awfully heavy, and the more guilty obstacles piled up more, if not permanent force concept, do not mind the earnest sincerity, then talking about his own deliverance is far-fetched story, let alone want to help others who are stars? So we should wholeheartedly fervent Buddhist concept to look forward to patronizing compassion of the Buddha, as the poet earnestly looked on with from the sample. Painted reasonable? END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/7/2014.

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