Wednesday 23 July 2014


Nlet it go around the time we spent in it, it's over fast just at a glance. So that no one let go of discharge is, keep taking hard, accept East West mortgage, regarded the world is authentically, from the files on your shared interests, bouncing around all the time in favor for the good mailing list, which makes the Act of insanity, my conscience. Ultimate results is because your that died with the reputation, for the good that died with the election. A lifetime, I argue he has won, for the good contacts that reeling insanity, cause the problem? Because it was not yet aware of the three poisons are taking part in the si field. This exclusive more formidable type bumper part the other poison stuff. The poison is only physical harm, damaging manner are the mind, while tam medium body damage just toxic harm the mind, making me have to frantically light, then the destruction of the family, weighing the extermination of national, even to destroy the world, so the three poisons that are the enemies of humanity.
Why in the world are murderers, arson, adultery, with the loot? Because people took part, pitch, si, and three favored toxic, making people take part without knowing tired. Trouble wish that weren't, and he floats anger, mild, it lurks inside the heavy, then the action plays out, the struggling, sometimes into the war. Therefore the world is not an OK. If people keep your purity, no plaque in mind, who worked with compassion, the natural world peace no war anymore.
If you want to take advantage of solving the world's problems stem, then it is aimed at three exclusive to down and find ways to do so that people do not take part, not the pitch, and not si. Do be so affordable? The only measure is as Buddha-Dharma, Buddha's only parish-tones by, i.e. taking about, trying to kill the lily, take, the, si. That is the fundamental measure to solve the problem. Keep In World will wholeheartedly take part; There will be no force field; a hue, i.e. all foolish. T-toxic is a paediatric disease m, threefold-about, plan, hue-is smoking or used to treat, see the disease is work now, as construction tree nest, immediately seeing the ball.
People who study Buddha-Dharma, men who did not take part in the si field, so the world's problems will be solved. However, to be possible isn't it what d easily. Why? Because people have different, ethics has degenerated, who then lied to people, and to reach the target we don't tell the tricks. People just talk profit, which does not speak of rehabilitation that, like other commercial crooks selling wine mixed with water, its because of that lie to customers. It is said to "hang the goats, sell dog meat," it is an act of deception. The old days, a real sales, merchandising, pricing, which promote such standards lie old young. Nowadays in commercial, have no opinions about morality anymore, guys who buy the seller tricked, no one honestly anymore. Take care that the trafficking, sale, price is right theme clearly table no one trouble also. Why is cheating? Summary of a Word, it is because of greed taking advantage of.
The farmer who is the runner-up, now spread the influence of world trade, also no longer honest anymore. They planted cereals and vegetables against the use of chemical fertilizers, they raise cattle, goats, hogs, chickens, cattle food mixed with chemicals so that they quickly grow, making about consumption, eating the same stuff into long day will hit by poison. It is taking money that harm other people's networks of birth, perhaps the law must take measures to punish, but they still nhơn nhơn outlawed, there are other more cheer for them more. Not through because they want to have any more, which ignored the issue's other guys, than he to time trade in alcohol-water phase and cruel than human. Today the cancer once a day, is the country due to the farmers and merchants say the cause at all. By therefore, the strongly advocated use of foods from nature, without the kind of institutional variables have been processed. However, for those who eat, these oils have reached their ears, they don't listen, let's eat at for a full belly, there is nothing more to swallow on a slow fuse, it is time for blood being hot, mild symptoms is hit by Feng (stroke), heavy, deadly. Nevertheless, oil saw the mirror previous car was away from Marsh, airport after still in the correct old stains.
So you see enough of taking part, pitch, si, there's no way you'll ever since. Not only for the people, even the monks, if not cautiously procession also took the above toxic. And just to bring some force associated with the fire burn out of ignorance. How to prevent the fire that ignorance? To order ring disciplines humiliation of ba-la-suite, and absolutely not be angry is a prerequisite. Not pitch, i.e. a hue. Have light decor, Lily the black of the foolish will be displaced. Out of the dark, all of them action gestures are all major modern quang minh. It must overhaul how? First of all, kept the precept shall have designated, has given away a hue. World output, hue, threefold that in full then took part, pitch, si, three poison will self destruction.


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