Wednesday 23 July 2014


NWelcome to the holidays The Scout, we try to find out the significance of the Bodhisattva's ma WINS emotional Sidhattha in the night into how leaders. When it comes to winning sympathy Buddha Devil, almost everyone imagined images Devil horns, fangs sharp, Buffalo head, the horse's incredibly terrible experience besieged him and he also used Kabbalah to resist; After a revert fight oranges go by the power he had, ' mission includes a force ghost resplendent Nile. From the Devil and won Buddhism not only means simplicity, the Devil has five categories:
-Negativity ma (Kilesa māra).
-Skandha ma (Khandha māra).
-Administrative Code (māra Abhisankhāra).
-Death kill ma (Maccu māra).
-Chu Tian ma (māra Devaputta).
Both first year ma on both as obstacles to the process of enlightenment. So, touch wins the five ghosts that is inspired and overcame the obstacles of the devil, as ma negativity to reach rescue wings of enlightenment moksha. We will in turn learn what is a ghost army; The Buddha has won the ma's Army like?
1. ma: affliction
We take note of the following passage: "this devil, sex, tribe is ma's army, Monday's discontent, is longing for, four are craving, is kissing the Swiss deposits taken (slacking, drowsiness), six are afraid of sea, seven is skeptical, eight to defame bigotry, nine is a beneficial and ten is too romantic (pretending,...). Devil's heroes, this is your world, they often stay in the wicked miscreant; a weak failure, but who are they going to achieve happy feet and. .. I would rather die in battle than live with failure... ".

Read the passage above, if any attention we will see the Buddha used the word "Devil" in the sense of intrinsic impurities in the wicked miscreant, appears in the form of the heart and mind any friendly facility like, pool, lazy, doubt, fear, or under physical needs such as hunger and thirstsleep, vacation ... The weak were always dominated by this physical barriers, but the Bodhisattva with Somasundaram resilience, he has won all of ma's army.

Affordable Buddha used the spirit through changes, power charged with oxidized or thanks to an assist from the outside to win ghost army? Affordable He only fought there once under the original bodhi tree at Bodhi Gaya which can now reach Army General leading the devil ghost layer like that?

The life of the Buddha demonstrates that except for the case of a need, He seldom refers to spirit communion, because he did not want his disciples or the layman refuge to him because of the power responsible for acts that they must come to the rescue for purposes only.

Besides, the purpose of the Buddha is turning evil into good, moved by the charm the German favour ba-la-suite that You practice in a past life, immeasurable but never taking control, violence to win devil. The power of three-dollar suite is exactly the virtues: alms, maintenance vehicles, glass education, intelligence, effort, patient, determined, honest, compassionate, Hy to discharge. Bodhisattva has tu be ba-la-suite, the noble virtues transcends this secular, of immeasurable life, that is immeasurable in fighting the devil took place repeatedly and he spent many a draw, until the last, when the full almond, intellectual Student Tools, he has the devil WINSnever fail again.

So winning is winning ma affliction yourself and only the significant new won this battle than his winning Sequence: "Verily the most resplendent than the other guys win. The oil, the Qianlong emperor Thát BA, Ma United Kingdom or Brahma, no one can beat people have been overcome and made live.

2. the five aggregates ma:
Skandha ma is good idea about the ego, in other words it is falling opinion, falls, falls accepted the seat only in the notion, in thinking, illusions, rather than in reality. It is common to have a concept of constant invariant is completely wrong, because the so called me just a combination of those elements of mind born of physics changing according to the law of impermanence, don't have an immortal element. The elements of mind born of physics which include:

-Colors: physical factors such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body matched by four great earth, water, fire, wind.
factors like feeling uncomfortable (agony), pleasant (peanut) or suffering is not lost (discharge) when in contact with Base cabinet exterior.
element of perception as function of recognizing objects through concepts (pannatti) new formation or achievement in the past.
determinants of sexual orientation in psychological reaction on audiences, as fancy or aversion to ... In other words, is the evil karma artifact.
Elements of mind made transparent background from when a mind born startups on the object until the removal. Not recognizable objects better than ever thanks to the life, ideas and for that they have been providing information during the process of awareness, that formula as noted, stored (tadālambanā) this information into your memory (bhavanga).

Five elements of Abubakar's birth, that charm that removal, and charming views of the ceiling which transforms into a continuous process line of suffering postnatal depression London. Because the kill too complicated of lifetimes should people keep raising hope accept the possession fell, ownership to slavery for the ma obstacle course, good, tho, thought, and knowledge, is hard to escape. With superhuman intelligence, the Buddha has clearly see what we just had, rather, skandha tan, impermanence, change should he break the ma obstacle course fall fair. That was the sympathetic WINS skandha ma way.

3. administrative code:
France has many different meanings, but in refers to the Act of creation itself, export, Italy. There are three types of action are:
-Blessed administration : the career of good such as alms, maintenance vehicles, take part in meditation, respect, service, compassion, Hy discharge etc.
-Africa Fuk onions
: the career of any donation as: observation of birth, identity theft, deviant sex, lying, drinking, jealousy, so mean, bigotry and. ..
-Real travel
: evil behaviour or administrative in intent and wisdom.The career of this evil emanates from negativity and again played a major role in the order of the impurities, by the suffering increasingly accumulated, caodaiists at every rise. So sensitive WINS administrative ma i.e. destroying the formation of industry, freed from the constraints of evil as the Buddha has taught in Samyutta Nikàya: "because it is dominated by greed, anger, delusion that career formation, which are the root causes of all suffering. The kills are taking part, pitch, si IE destroys the motivation of industry and all suffering must end ". The Buddha and the arahats is the quadratic has the ending is a career that is already offering administrative ma way.

4. Death kill ma:
Death to death or kill ma's death. The Buddha teaches: "all beings are subject to death, because there was born to all must be destroyed" (Sabbe sattā marissanti maranantaṁ, hi jīvitaṁ). In the Dhammapada, He also teaches: "don't fly up nowhere, don't dive to the sea floor, isn't hiding in deep mountain chasm, not anywhere in the world, we can escape from death".

Though the East or West, the one who must also acknowledge that obvious truth. Despite humanity's civilization, despite medical advances to can not find a method, a component of any drug can help people escape from death, because "no one can get out death!".

In fact, we're dying every second, every minute, not just to close your eyes down the hand's death. Each is a small point of time (suicide-na) passed, we got a little older, the cells had been destroyed came a little. But the transformation too quickly so we don't get the foot off.

How long they are ignorance, craving, negativity, pollution is still dominated by the law of the generator. By contrast the Buddha has removal take advantage of ignorance should no longer run, IE no longer create karma. No action should not contentious. Without being so your identity, that mind is not contentious. Mind not being, how to have the table of contents entry: eyes, ears, nose, Siberian cats, trunks, Italy. There is no record to enter the no-contact. There is no contact, no fun feeling born of suffering. No fun, no gauge of Ireland, i.e. not born love to hate. No love to hate is not handicap player, wanted, cling, hold etc. No player shall have no ownership, no birth, no elderly, died. Germany Ph t is no longer ignorance, craving, so did escape the generator that He won was the ghost of death.

5. Chu Tian ma:
The five types of devil, only Chu Tian ma is the other four categories, whereas foreign ma are both intra-ma at all. But ma external danger by ma in themselves, so the Buddha teaches: "Whoever wins the armies on the battlefield by his own, winning himself won the best Nile". Chu Tian ma is the Sun, the God of evil deviant idea beings in realms A-tu-la (Asura), yaksha (Yakkha) etc. The League had backed the non-Nhon, sometimes pester the austerities in where the bar away. Angel sky King's biggest ghost Tha Turns himself in Heaven.

The less rotten and Germany will move ahead of the force of ma, but the thick, high German ranks will be terrible not only weak in front of magic but also fell from AI, bi turned an immeasurable introspection they return to legitimacy. In that record instances of Buddha inspired Qian ma, as in the case of long or Ālāvaka massage felt United Kingdom Nandopananda despite generous media spirit still rules the German front Bi-Tri-pure land of the Buddha. that He was claiming to be the Celestial Sphinx, the master of the Sun and the People.

Chu Tian ma also hoped means who want to become lettered or want to up the Sun to epicurean. Ứơc hope that was an intrinsic obstruction temperamental sprite step ahead of us to the shore of enlightenment. In summary, on the journey out, we would have to imitate the Buddha to strive with the five ghosts every second, every minute until triumph was all new exterior ma can be enlightened.


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