Thursday 3 July 2014

The Vision Before Dying.
Những Điềm Báo Trước Khi Chết
The austerities has led a privileged, they are at peace, order in, the living dead dong thong, they can regenerate on any of the world they want. Also being stupid, the divine Lady death must remain as that tho being, i.e. after death, be subject to the guidance of career resources that bring forth life about swordsmanship adaptation for career that I had created. That doesn't mean Buddhists believe in the theory of fate, that is, the set is everything, I have to go by what has prepared him. Here, that's not true, the Buddhist believe that he is the owner of he himself, however, once I mastered myself to let evil career was going on, then the dealer will back his control. Thus the Buddhist be cautious in all acts, speech and thoughts, from where it will take us to peace, and from where it will take us to suffering.
Before a person dies, the precursor, possibly depending on each of which have different life about swordsmanship in good or evil realm, and the omen will help us predict the place of birth of the deceased's life.
The bodes notice will probably born about Translational degrees:
The soul does not get confused
Know in advance the date and time to die
Consider primary leg does not take
Said before dying that bathe and change clothes.
Worship yourself, silently reciting mantras or noise
Sit straight, accept the hand worship that died
Strange smell spread all over the House
Aura light into the body
Heavenly music resounding the middle of nowhere
Self said the shelves to suggest that teaching people to stay.
The precursor will be able to cast up the Sun:
Nail your compassion
Start of good mind
Heart often cheerful
Mindfulness is clear
The body has not been stinking
Nasal pain slant not
The mind is not angry
Nabagesera not property, spouses, children, family
The eyes are always in the morning
Heads face up and a smile
The precursor will be able to regenerate back to the person:
Until death still remember think of blessings
Themselves do not suffer
At least say his low-key, often thought in mind to parents
The ears are usually want to hear names of siblings and friends
With regard to the non-identifying data hampers the wrong disorder
Mind the bluntness of straight loathe the dua quit
Know your friends help yourself
See her children look after b. heart happy
Suggest things in the House before his death
Being free to charge the Chief, sometimes Buddha, France, up to across refuge.
The omens foretold would be fallen into hell:
Crash offspring and her children were looking at the dying by butt eyes
Mortals usually put two hands on that removable nails to nowhere
Whether you are healthy advice thing or not depends on the pros
Dying screamed wept
Go out without urination, defecation or know
Close your eyes-crushing
Used to cover the face you
Lying that eating
I promised myself tongue are foul
Heels, knees are shaking
Nasal pain slant
The eye on the left or move
Two bloodshot eyes
Face which is located
Body shrinkage and the left hand over the ground
The precursor will be able to cast it into the worlds hungry daemons demons:
Lick your lips
Body hot like fire
Often worry about starving and or comes to eating
The eyes often opened up without close
Two eyes infertility as wooden bird's eye.
The right knee before
The right hand usually holding back
The precursor will be able to cast it into the species of animals living being:
Love his wife, soak up rays do not leave
Fingers and toes are convulsive
Throughout the body are exuding sweat
The voices off wheezing

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