Wednesday 23 July 2014


PNet, a level subjects háp disciplines we present four convenience-ease "is pronounced. If you do not understand the reasoning in doing well no problem, also can still progress. If not needed to understand the sense of doing just a devotional worship that can progress, so I still have to trade delivered the sermon to do? I still have to constantly preaching every day, bring the sayings of Germany That Sun ra said he would expect you to understand, expecting you to enlightenment.
By you in this blessed enough treasure all the good ideas, thinking fuzzy. So, who's had enough joy in it? Who is honest, quality craft, all day, only keep the Amitabha Buddha, what also doesn't think ideas. Thus, the worship of you having to also have good memory, only a sentence Amitabha Buddhist tripiṭaka, then twelve Scriptures, that It Respect throughout the 49 in the sermon are all redundant. You also do not need to hear further explanations.

So the Buddha of beings, two of the most easily. A is the upper radical Nina, just heard through the Inland reaches, touches the baby, clean end of hope celebration. The two are the honest ignorance, they don't need to learn much, and they worship that they just docile, really accept the Tri, no idea what besides worship. third was who halfway liked "Warsaw's shield" hug đồm, learn to think fuzzy. You know, we kind of person this Tuesday, the types of people more trouble. So Germany World Religion throughout 49 years thereof, the incessant daily said France also because many people like us. You must bring the evil separatists French instructors say meticulously out for us.

Hope that after you have understood it to let go of the discharge, there is hope anniversary Dai Phuoc's underwater treasures, absolutely do not have to have more money, status, the status, the money but was enjoying the physical life, enjoy a few three years, after death and then what? Three Kingdoms map, green must be reincarnation, so there had to be blessed or not? If the mind does little good ideas, all day, only the Amitabha Buddha, who only a few years later as the Buddha got it. To understand this, you know the Germans worship very enemy WINS, no. In Germany The Ton of must host the media say three superfluous, just because want to extradite beings only. His only goal is to us a lifetime may be known as the Buddha.

There are skeptics that: "I'm very foolish, slow to understand, Karma still thick, may be known as the Buddha, please?" In the Buddhist scriptures say: "just the title of Buddha, can deduct 80 memory past life, birth death heavy crimes" have you thought through the night in Worship the did you recite a lot of hours. Then calculator watch, crime has cut target you tr. This firm is not wrong, because the word of the Buddha said no damage lies, certainly has a good effect, do.

However, how many people worship throughout the day and night that Karma still full? Because this person's karma too much. So the Germans worship of a date night and even help them target minus a lot that has yet to end clean. So need every day to worship, each day reduce the more karma.

Buddha taught us that: the most important capacity to release Karma while worship is not skeptical, not junk xen, don't interrupt. With three factors capacity of not xen strongest junk, if you hold the unbroken continuum for three years, no matter how much thick deep karma of immeasurable life may release it. How do I know are no longer karma? Look at you as a guest of birth, can go by sitting or standing very self in. After being on the Extreme Western Tribes, not head in the Holy divine realms at the same residence, nor the head of the large inflow of birth which Vivifies every living being in the current.

The title of Buddha's karma disarmament was possible as summer residences. So the Lord Nebula From A wealthy girl Wizard in the legend of the Amitayus Sutra says: "beings from the immeasurable life create evil sins, extreme, extreme deep industry created thick. How much of My commentary, all continental France are not of a kind except been. " Finally still a method could salvage, which is a method of worship. shows the true worship of Germany is tremendous, the enemy WINS immensely.

Net Speed Disciplines.
In the classics taught a lot of methods for us to come in, into the methods, not any method suitable for us. Want to order studies, to know himself better align its name, its level of reasoning. Speaking in the noun is the level of understanding accompanied by memory capacity. Because of these two factors are closely related to the circumstances of life and our jobs. So, since in many of the different methods, we have to choose a method that suits their conditions.

Thus, the new order would achieve results easily. However we know it is difficult for yourself to befall the from? How do I have a choice of methods. Buddha comes to eight thousand four thousand traditions, let France band was appropriate. Once the incorrect selection of disciplines, such as the use of the lot, resulting in fewer. The tu study hard in this world wouldn't be part of any merit. This is so right, so by the situation itself, so That the new Religion Buddha as being the loss of only pitching off a road. It is the traditions Of pure land, as well as the traditions of Buddhist followers to help us choose.

But these traditions there are many practices studied. However all schools of Buddhism are for export and the chugn helped me choose a maintenance method of worship.

In Di Da teaches us to maintain your worship. Amitayus Sutra also teaches us to maintain your worship. In Doing Amitayus say more, in addition to maintenance your worship is also a Buddhist Memorial, a memorial to Buddha. so we clearly see the three Nikaya Di Da, Amitayus, A Buddha, Sutra are advised us to keep the method accept maintained the title Buddha. Thus, we selected and proposed this solution.

Through methods that maintain your worship, those benefits are many, countless beings are few results ever since. If according to this approach, the main legs austerities will very close by with flowers N t I meet again the principle of true encyclopedia natural t-I. What a traditions do, a simple traditions, easy, sure, soon. Just let go of the discharged Abubakar van, hold the title of Buddha meditate to. Some people worship, cong phu khong is best for not letting go of discharge are all charm, made a serious barrier. This meant that others could not help. Lettered Buddhist bodhisattva also could not help. Most have to do yourself is to let go of discharge, whether what should also not accept the keep in the heart, just keep the Amitabha Buddha in mind, come up on the Buddha worship, the current amount, the future will certainly see the Buddha.

Order Of Goods Released
The ancient schools of Germany often says: "play the Bodhi mind, for specialized directions recited the Amitabha Buddha is an incredibly disciplines enemy WINS, quickly and firmly." Move somewhere? In my mind A Buddha a said: that this mind is Buddha.

Two sentences in this extremely important and are made out of boundless immeasurable disciplines that all schools of Buddhism had to say: The Buddhist Centre is talking about nặt LY. Means that all beings have a mind, Consciousness of being accidentally then called French mind.
Buddha's mind and the mind is a Legal, not two. However, a mind why turn into two different General? Because a party has had the idea should become love, in contrast to accidentally being. In France the General Tong said very clearly: "all beings a hybrid is Buddha" then the original was Buddha, Buddha mind again now, do not Have any physical Buddha Buddha. Therefore, the key issue to vexed is to worship because worship is the main method, direct method.

The question is: why do we have to meditate on Buddha without reciting the title of the other Buddha? Have you read My Amitayus will see clearly.

Amitabha Buddha is quang trung Chi Suen, Buddha intermediate releases United Kingdom. A ton great Buddha with result Germany extremely pacing, help the wings and practically all the ten directions Buddha were lettered stick to scatter the exclamation.

Ladies and gentlemen, all the French who think the idea that being. Today, our Mind thinks of Buddha, reciting the Buddha, we will do the Buddha. The reason recommends you do not think the idea of anything beyond the homepage for reciting Amitabha Buddha is the same. Moreover in the great Organ has said very clearly in full: "most wins award for" means when we recite the title of Buddha Amitabha is reciting the third least in all schools of Buddhism. So don't be so concerned or distinguish, accept in advance that this worship is giving Buddhist teachings there. It's not. Once we have determined the truth okay, next to assures stable releases, courageous piece based on the Buddhist worship in the road.
Methods are often referred to in Worship is: "self-forgiveness of goods" means the austerities yourself and taking advantage of strayed, another plat. Hence the need to Worship the way, need to work together.


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