Thursday 3 July 2014

The Ado Update Meanings Of Birth.
Ý Nghĩa Của Vãng Sanh
In the "Current birth stories" we see a lot of people do and worship are very contentious as a guest character in, know before my departure, not a little bit sick, my face l i beautiful than usual.
Many people do not understand that: "new Worship three years had a guest being, is dead, politically-da! I'm scared, no, don't tell me to worship anymore. "
Those who have thought so, because they don't understand the meaning of high value, the large inflow of birth, should be the thought taking part were afraid of death, nostalgic Tran Canh to suffer forever rolling drift the continental leader reincarnation.
Traditions worship there are few mortal beings is not dead, as a guest of birth is living that out. Also dead is not a guest of birth. For so called disciplines disciplines not being, do not kill. Because while a guest of birth you are awake and see the Buddha to Buddha and then attended the procession go. At that point the body of this world's prospects are no longer used. Once up to the Extreme Western Tribe will be a beautiful stately general body health as the Buddha Amitabha. So absolutely not to die.
So I often tell you that France is not elderly, traditions are not sick, not dying. Please rest assured, stop step, most pleasing to notion of professional direction. I say this is the truth, not lie lie to you to do anything, just to have you committed worship, until the mind is pure, all suffering are no longer available, my face is always fun at themselves, because perky should not elderly. The ancients have the sentence "concerns meant that the old lick", lo sad prevents you from very very aging.
We still bear the newspaper industry this incarnation, life and death not a little freedom. The gauge network at life too, and yet, want to die and still have to live, to be blessed more treasure, to live a few more years to enjoy life, but the network has ceased, as long as it wants to live is still dead.
Therefore, when you consider the Buddha or to worship the worship, the mind, the world, the great wall outside the coast, all of which falls off, and only the Red sentence a Buddha Amitabha always brimming with joy in my heart, it's called France Hy fullness. Their practice to block at the elaborately, you will no longer be bound by gauge one of the sick and dying, that being killed himself in, wanted to go at any arbitrary, want to stay in the world to live a few more years also. At the moment his life totally beautiful meaning and self know I will have to do these things.
The reach of birth Prince himself at the meet the Western world continue to blessed Sukhavati to enjoyment. They don't go that volunteered to stay because a lot of people still consider with myself, I have to help them, not for them, hopefully can lead more and more people together on the Western.
The reason such a plausible life absolutely not live because of fear of death or to enjoy in this world. In fact the enjoyment the world how Extreme by Western world in! that we give is the most beautiful and luxury, for the Western realms Sukhavati them not to, because their homes well is above the Palace floor by Yuri (marble), the go go gold, the food just think coming out, things always do mind thought that figure.
Due to the volume of gas in the world should have the dining concept at start-up till enlightenment instant feed back and disappear. So at the Extreme Western tribe of inane, incredibly clean and do not have a kitchen. You see life as so happy there? While we're here, filled with quality furniture from home, want to tidy up for neat clean also takes much time and hassle of infinity. So who worship till the achievement and, if it deems itself not enough charm turns the beings in this world they are all looking forward to soon be up to Sukhavati Western Phuoc.
After up to Extreme world lost, each day to see the Buddhas, are ten thousand Buddhas memory donation. In Di Tuo said ten thousand Buddhas memory, the fact you can hang immeasurable donation HA sa number of Buddha he spoke less so because the Buddha is very compassionate, he knows the awakening of beings have very limited, up to then that sometimes run the mind think of old houses and the ones left in the world. Therefore you, the new vehicles, which says little more figure donation fact so and we could still come back to visit the world at any time can be.
The Western world a beautiful stately Sukhavati and so on. Go to where there are nice accomplishments like that. Why don't we enlist come soon?
A possible disciplines achievements so easy. For the bodhisattva of achievements in the other disciplines, if not entered into this realm, is believed to be one incredible traditions, hard to understand.
Just as we tell people that worship the way a very good, very hostile to practice. They listen through readily believe now. But after a few days to worship and they believe. A small thing in this world that the world doesn't understand bless, say nothing to alert enemy WINS, fullness in the Sukhavati Western world.
From small talk to big broad decline. We can realize the part to grow more faith and goodness of his apartment almost took off his cooperating out worship bridges the Net birth Rate. Will certainly be achievements.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.4/7/2014.

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