Saturday 5 July 2014

Want The Whole Body By Progeny In The Present & The Current Make Up Of The Extreme Western Tribes.
Birth to Sukhavati Western world is we are Amitayus, longevity on par with Amitabha Buddha Life long network how not ... count count; most modern computers in the world at present are also not counted out. This is from "good birth" (live forever) that in other religions used to say. The true birth of Vinh, the sky did not yet, just a little longer lifespan than the worldly people only. The longevity of "Heavenly realms Phi Phi Idea Idea" is the bowl of great wall great shit, still a certain figure. Only the Western world is Club Pole really Amitayus. So, being on the Extreme Western World Communications i.e., a lifetime of achievements.
Except the Sukhavati world, in the continental leader reincarnation before later all alone. To the Extreme Western World Communications then no longer lonely, because her children, progeny too. Parents, Master Chief, you learned, the owner, with progeny in the past life, has been a guest at their birth, worship alongside Amitabha Buddha to guide you. That means that the charity workers according to the Amitabha Buddha to come to you, have sex with you. No relation, will not follow the Buddha to guide you. Just met the introduction: I'm a friend, spouse, brother, sister, friend, Dong Huu tu leaders of the way life would place. Just said, instinct of the University mission, the label instant restore, recall and are known at all. So in place of her son, Tinh friends so much, it's the bodies on the reception!
In said very clearly, to the dying, a breath in, to record direct rollover forms, but met each other without realizing. That's what I know, fellatio is not true, there is no way to hold it back. There are few single Western contentious Sukhavati world, your family's past life, eternal life, whether fallen to the road, supposedly saw, heard, are completely unknown at the time, the living condition of them. Therefore, to truly love his bereaved relatives of his, only Mau Mau: the Western world of Sukhavati. First of all go there to observe the self progeny of, till they back transitional Center, can absorb the Dharma, then go at them, leading them to the world of her own, her self to this caliber.
Rana quạnh as the continental leader reincarnation. Present in this world, her children bereaved of you get these people? When moving shit and then went out, no longer knows any more, things systems must start again from the beginning, it was very strange. But in the new world the Sukhavati Western is more extruded friendly owner (friend). END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/7/2014.

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