Friday 25 July 2014

Historical Backgrounds
the Festival's Artichoke Spread.

Vu Lan Festival or Vu Lan Turkish is transcribed from the Sanskrit Ullambana, translated the pinyin is Arjun Islands Award, meaning that ties who hangs back. Legendary Islands is the most painful punishments for hungry daemons species the Devil (the devil of hunger). People are not eating should be excessive hunger and thirst all day very painful. Thus, Ullambana or Mystical Islands Award means to save the doomed souls are suffering the painful punishment because of his karma so when left in the world. Thus, the Vu Lan also known as feast of Death Human Indulgences.
Legend, holidays Vu Lan originated from the Buddha, when He pointed to his disciples is Maudgalyayana (Maudgalyayana) rescuing his mother from the punishment of past life, hungry daemons devil. Later, the Buddhist approach is to save the souls of his relatives died.
My Vu Lan (Ullambanapatra-sutra) that:
Maudgalyayana, one of the main disciples of the Buddha, the most famous of their love and the spirit of communion, after testifying the fruit Lo Han, and he remembered to thank his parents and wanted to alert Temple. Thanks to the Scouts of the label, he found his mother's fallen body, Devil hungry daemons species do ill lean, leather upholstery, the big belly big heads, starving throughout the year are not eating. Pity too, he thus manifest spirit through, carry rice bowl are fed to the parents in order to give to his mother. Mothers because of the hunger and thirst, so when it was rice, greed emerges, afraid of the robbery, taking the left hand hiding the hand loading rice bowl, and eat. By greed for money shit floating up, should have just put the rice into his mouth, then into the rice fire, she doesn't eat at all.
Maudgalyayana downright miserable, crying carpet set. He returned to the white Buddha, narrates the story and asked the Buddha taught the method of salvation mother. Buddha taught that:
"This Maudgalyayana, parents do evil greed has created a heavy guilt for many lifetimes, now born in evil how hungry daemons species should not be alone, the devil says salvation is. Whatever his filial heart great fine turning the circumstances, like the children, could not carry large rocks. He thanks the dread God of them falling in the ten directions, "shifang them the" great German as new sea of salvation and his mother was freed. We'll show you the method of salvation and his mother.
"This Maudgalyayana, July full moon day is on self foursome of monks all over the place, after three months of settling Fang down, the monks progressing tremendously on the tu study. On staff, he let's anoint Vu Lan Turkish to alert fondness for his mother.
"You go shopping this page enough vegetarian dishes, fifth of fruit, with sandalwood oil lamp candles, blankets and mosquito nets, blankets projection only bed clothing, brass face washing, hand towels and. .. In a nutshell, is a four-course enough donation you treasure in the world. And then he must go to the procession stems greater Germany in ten directions, or the meditation in the forest were four saints, or the bodhisattva appears as the teacher Bhikkhu stilts and. .. He must sincere homage son increase donation and petitioned the monks pray for Uncle lemur mother was escaping suffering. Thanks to the merit criteria as you wish, lemur, his mother would be free. As well as the rock though weighed hundreds of pounds, but there are many pallet and then moved anywhere".
Maudgalyayana obedience to Buddha, to the July full moon ceremony Vu Lan, bought the material, monks procession to donation, death of his form should get rid of shit hungry daemons demons born of Protestant picket. Then, Maudgalyayana asked Buddha what other Buddhists want to rescue the parents themselves may use methods that do not. The Buddha answered:
"You so much! Hey Maudgalyayana, hereafter, if anyone your dutiful parents to pay for past or present, on the full moon of July ceremony Vu Lan to increase his donation. Thanks to the merit of the monks I pray, my parents are currently rising fortunes tho, from the things brain gauge woes, did his parents seven years ago from being miserable hungry daemons devil, was born in the Human or Heavenly, eligible same-no fun".
From then on, whenever the full moon day of July, the stock Buddhists Chi Hieu Vu Lan have to pay for my parents though--alive or deceased. In addition, they left Memoires and I pray for the nine legends furniture group, the benefactor, relatives, friends, acquaintances and the public alike have been trying too soon to be born where the Buddhist Kingdom.
Buddhism taught legs like that. But the humanity religion has blended many other things. For example, due to the influence of Catholic Ethics, for that day, in the underworld, hell open hell for the soul flies on to spoiled food enjoyed, and then had to fly about the underworld. Thus, they arose for mercy for the souls die. Her cult continued leading the July soul became a folk customs.
Vu Lan Festival description
Starter July Lunar, Buddhists as well as the many Buddhist outsiders, began to remember ancestors, parents, people who had hid the ball, in a special way than usual. Many vegetarians, worship, blessings, to hear the sermon. To prepare a more specific, people to spend money, clothes, food, medicine to donation (= glass courtesy) monks ni on holidays, and also to buy the map ancestral worship on the altar during the last two weeks of July.
From July 24-pressure (on July 14), elected in the temples were beginning to bustle up really enjoying. Many Buddhists came to the temple to Buddhist ceremonies and prayers, wealthy girl. Around the pagoda, they sold la listed incense incense, Buddhist Scriptures (especially for my Vu Lan), the bird cages (to launch the birth), etc. Holiday atmosphere in the Temple of the increasingly make the Buddhist soul was elated, self-denial, as contact with the invisible world.
On the full moon, Temple of the increasingly crowded. Up to about 12 noon, Temple filled with people: holidays Vu Lan began celebrating. Outside as well as inside the temple, the local school said (= Buddhist flag as cuckoo has a calm mask) are scattered all over the place. The columns of the Temple also hanging the flag. Altar, the altar candle lit incense, fruit, rice smoke ngut.
A blank revert uncivil to emerge signaling holidays Vu Lan starts, everyone shut up. In addition to the Buddhist pagoda, standing opposite the Buddha statues in the ubosot, also many monks and nuns «formal uniforms are invited to sit on a Chair in front of the Buddhists. Abbot stands out few testimonies ceremony, and then invite a venerable among monks and nuns present at which French geography. It taught the meaning of holidays Vu Lan. After France's new business: everyone together chanting Vu Lan-talks about the gift of his parents and his duty to love for parents-smoothly according to the rhythm of the soldering tools.
Chanting Yu Lan is complete, the monks and nuns are invited to room Tho Mussels eat a vegetarian feast. Anyone present at that, despite not being Buddhist, if desired, may join the monks and nuns. After the ceremony, clam life is ritual donation also known as feast of French Ta also in that room. The monks and nuns are Buddhists donation per person per package. In the package which can be clothes, blankets and mosquito nets, medicine, food, money, or other common objects. Soon after the venerable represents the Sangha are donation thank you for Buddhists, holidays Vu Lan ended. Everyone out of the atmosphere cheerful blaze. The ceremony lasted from 11g00 to 12g30 or to 1g00 at midday.
The monks and nuns are donation often prestigious ones are the Buddhists cherish, in the surrounding region, also when in the remote province are invited. The gift that is customized by the Buddhists generosity contribute. The significance of the donation is to express gratitude for the three jewels (Buddha-Dharma-increase) that are represented. In the great pagoda, the monks and nuns were invited up to hundreds. In the small temple, probably about 20-30 units.
After the ceremony, the Buddhist temple, all scenes are loitering away this temple to the other temple. They can take the unions because the temple organized to tour the temple scene at a distance. It is a pilgrimage, prayers, is both an innovative entertainment and events.
Since the full moon of July until the end of the month, the day Buddhists praying Vu Lan in the household or in the pagoda, while fasting worship, blessings alms, in memory, I pray, and helpfulness of Germany for parents grandparents and all of the other deceased, including the lemur King hard orphan it (called her soul). In the second half of this month, an altar in the House always on display lights incense, flowers and five fruits (5 kinds of fruit). According to tradition, the host preferences select private facilities someday in half this month to make her religious spirits in front of House. Worship is done, they often toss the rice, salt, fruits, sweets, money the ...-medium is used as a sacrifice to worship-out four directions with the meaning to the spirit of her access. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI  BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/7/2014. 

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