Thursday 10 July 2014

Murder dog would be nemesis.
"From the ancient, in Buddhist scriptures, and also in folklore tells of career suicide born will have to suffer the results of many woes alarm does not kill again, especially the bodies on the large animals, these animals have various names, the more horrific consequences immeasurable. In the Buddha's teachings, when humans die, the spirit of knowledge (which is often called the soul) will depend on that coast rebirth in the continental leader reincarnation, that is: the Sun, A tu la, hell, hungry daemons demons, animals, and humans. So, based on the industry when we sow in life which will be reaping (tho born) on one of these worlds, as well as when you throw a stone, then surely it must have a point falls ".

Specifically, in the story of regeneration, a tale of a man who was reborn in animal life: early life of Buddha and in she went Church turns through a village and to a family she had a dog jump out barking loud. He yelled at sailings:

- "Good fucking bitch dog that barks".

After being yelled at, my dog to stay in the old place and sad rười of fruit, so much so that even eating. The host saw it go in search of Buddha and loudly that:

- "This old man, why is he yelling at my home dog back to it's sad, it's not eating anything, if it's that died, I caught temple's elders".

The Buddha said:

- "My dog is not a dog commonly are, before it was your dad!".

The landlord bothered too to get a bang stick to him because the dare to dishonor his father.

The Buddha Wen exist says:

- "You stay calm, listen, if wrong, he also is not late, I will wait until you are done. Previously when we were in the world, his father was a great-grandson chiu would get the area, was a vial of gold, he was buried carefully, plan when preparing dies, the will give you. But because he died suddenly not up just for you is gold. On occasion the home dog lay, his conscious spirit sailings get to do oneself a dog to guard it buried gold. Now I come home to find your dog where it often located in it, dig it up, some few hands was find the bottle of gold, but when you see the yellow bottle is cherry and the dogs will roll out the dies ".

Or facilities or home owner, but he's still about do as Buddha said, where the dog often situated. The dog saw him bring the tool to the Mainland out of one place to dig. Ah when digging deep to two hands hit the bottle of gold, my dog's eyes lit up, rejoice and it rolled right off the dead.

UK homeowners then found the Buddha says is true, weeping mourn for his father's body parts, successively fled to find the Buddha and ask Buddha for rescuing her from the dog shit.

The Buddha said that Britain take gold jars work good, making merit freed and when to do it, I remember reading the sentence's virtuous direction Muslim prayer for his father.

The homeowners do as Buddha, brought the complete the gold she gained merit and merit-driven return to his father. One day he is romantic, his father finds out about, so the wedding Festival, said that thanks to the freed German and do good by her that I got rid of the damn beast. Her father advised her to follow the Buddha to merit being fullness.

Children listen to father in a dream, to a wealthy girl 24-please follow the Buddha and later tu Dak result arahats.

"There are many examples of the nemesis scarier with dog slaughterhouse owners. There are dog slaughterhouse owners don't understand why climb into a saucepan of boiling water that ooze to still kill the dog. In a few years ago, Green markets and have a family one day, dog killers do have a dog before it was killed it was pieced together the two front legs to my home restaurant slaughter, but he did not condone, still mindful that dog meat. After that, the family that swim, to night and sailed to the squid, capsized boats and screamed the whole family be harmed ".

"In China, the No. 1 Green, we have witnessed many families come here for Super because their families see much left horizontal on spirituality. Have a family in Vinh (Nghe An) diving wading out here, ever since that night and night and just close your eyes is seen horned demons chasing Gore into the throat. When the East's no. 1 Super bridge Work a week, the layout for the psychic family spirituality section shed there, saw them slaughter lines making up the souls of the animals was killed there on the annual application. The family that took several weeks of Super bridge and gained feedback geared for the animals were killed to be sleeping soundly ".

"Predatory animals such as dogs, horse ... but there are many protein really, but who have lost from the bi should generally produce disease. Killer dog was barbaric then, guys caught stealing dogs back even more barbaric. Certainly before the guys that were "nemesis, DR. Vu The Khanh affirmed.

They are also known as beings including humans and other animals have feelings and are located in samsara (birth, aging, illness and death).

On the other hand, they are equal in terms of subject, character, mind and causality should the Buddha had taught: "the essence of every sentient beings (human or animal) is pure; even more delicate is the pure heart, which rescues winged a mind which is awakened or enlightened Buddha, also known as PC computer (Buddhata), or Tri opinion Buddha ".END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.11/7/2014.

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