Wednesday 23 July 2014

DDmemories of Buddha enlightenment news has reached Nirvana. Nirvana was considered the goal saved the wing of Buddhism, just state the consciousness has to clean cleaned from all afflictions of ignorance, the freed the unlawful use as hypnosis, the complete removal of all fragments the craving, the extinguished in net security status, si yard absolutely no longer were four General Hospital geriatric birth-death-dominated again. Nirvana is the rescue of the Buddhist monastery.
Time ago on 2500 years, on a full moon day, a great entertainment ranks appeared in his life. He was born at the Palace of the King here, the Sanskrit Calendar year before 563. that was the Crown Prince, later known as the Buddha We Achieved Artists as Sakyamuni. He is a man living in silk velvet topping, cosy family happiness and even control but himself at all tempted by the five education-green ceiling. He has voluntarily abandoned all, beyond the renunciation asceticism subjects Sa life where forested mountains, experiencing how arduous, Sun Frost, beams ranges beyond the mountain woods, off to school with the Hermitage's effort to practice and practice. He has sworn an iron stone: "I sit here, for the mind to meditation, though ragged meat bones to dissolve, if not yet shown to be Loads of upper Primary education Primary sensations, we decided not to leave this place." He spent 49 days and nights under the maintenance operations at its plant on the River All Associated Ni La Bowl boat, eventually Leading accomplishments result Loads upper.

Even the day and night and the leader are the two most important hallmarks of his life the Buddha and the two most important for those of the Buddha we. Then, during the 49 years Hong Yang Chief of France, He developed micro-diệâu France to save the sentient beings, to the last period of his life is able to enter Nirvana themselves in.
The Buddha is the control over town and even the currently existing a Nirvana. He added removal in Our forests, la Song tho. That year He aged 80. Before leaving, He had to leave the ultimate teachings, eventually Emerging into aggregation Di Teacher, it's invaluable teachings for all every disciple renunciation. After the Buddha Nirvana then cremated body and symbolism, divided into eight sections for eight where Moskalenko of him. He is even born vi Hoang Dieu, France en Dieu and enter Nirvana of magic. He is not exist, is not a God who has the power to bless Christmas for anyone, but he is Infinitely superior Y United Kingdom heart treatment for sentient beings. He is the degrees of masters, teachers lead the way just teaches them methods of escapist and mortal beings through out the sea bass rotating gauge.
The Buddha of enlightenment that has reached Nirvana. Nirvana was considered the goal saved the wing of Buddhism, just state the consciousness has to clean cleaned from all afflictions of ignorance, the freed the unlawful use as hypnosis, the complete removal of all fragments the craving, the extinguished in net security status, si yard absolutely no longer were four General Hospital geriatric birth-death-dominated again. Nirvana is the rescue of the Buddhist monastery.
The Buddha defined: Enchanted beings, enlightenment as Buddhas. can such as the backs of hands and palms. Delights and sensations are not the two possible, not two lines, the two approaches that are the same can, in a way. For example, when people sleep and dream scene shows people when the dream is still the person who once charmed is are in the dream and the nightmare, i.e. when eyesight, is the.
Venerable Lisa poetic said in the post:
"Dreamlike hull C
A romantic scene.
Dream tan is,
Laughing disillusionment.
Record your dreams,
IM romantic guests.
Know the dream,
In the dream. "
Therefore, mesmerizing and enlightenment is not a two way, but with the way the mind distinguished by beings need new perfectly understandable. To understand it, we'll see when returning to his real legs man is not either able, almost no distance. There is no gap here as well as the waves and water. The waves go in search of water is a worse thing, mistake. Like the Zen saying: "a person under the crystal-clear river water, but he again found the thirst". So Buddha said: "The Warsaw Buddha Buddha bowel."
If people cleaned from impurities in si field runs out, the quiz challenged, ignorance will become Buddhas. beings and the enlightenment are just a can. Leanne Buddha which are available where each of us, but because of ignorance created career life should close, giving false to temporarily forget that is honest. People would often forget that fake new live near the truth, so the new Meditation guide us tu to realize the true without mistake to assume provisionally the other.
The Buddha was enlightenment, has 49 years, France has granted Hong handed down that He had food poisoning, saw, were added to being heard, are known. Thus, the Buddha's enlightened Step. He gave birth to Buddhism. Buddhism is enlightenment leaders. While the four of them disciples of Buddha, Buddhist disciples they are interior or is the child of Buddha, the son of degrees of enlightenment. If then we don't deserve to be disciples of Buddha, for the cause of the tu is enlightenment, the Buddha's disciples need to vigilant was mesmerizing. Classics āgama, Nikaya, Mahayana, Zen Paramount Admit has implemented a lot of facets to opened up for us a horizon wandering of the enlightenment. We need enlightened to live life happily happy, for enlightenment, will no longer live in the night shadows. If darkness reigns, we don't have light, but even though we live in the shadows that get penetrating even ethical, it expanded to the enlightenment and mesmerizing mistakes will get progressively out of our minds.
We learned moral enlightenment it must enjoy a team experiment, to emit visible light quang minh in each moment while riding, standing, lying, sitting, eating and drinking, exposure to live happy and healthy living. The enlightenment is the enlightened also. The order never create evil karma, bad karma because they always live in an inner peace, cheer for yourself and have fun for everyone.
Dharani Sutra are said to "a combination of General". This is a very important experience of Buddhism that the Buddha was deployed. King Tran Thai Tong while praying sailings DAWU. Lu Hui, Special Power to hear Jing to sentence: "An infinite space facility, multiple birth States of mind" instant escape course DAWU.
          Our body is matched by good, tho, thought, action, consciousness. SAC is made up of land, water, wind, and fire. If leaving the material and mental elements cannot have our mind-body. General situation that we see is due to the harmony and a French, a phenomenon that consciousness studies called: "Leanne self maintenance of birth Fund, assumed office of the prize." Each method comes with the framework, looking at the General status of all can know it. If the French are the French going to know harmony by personalities and charm, by different factors. Each of the French equivalent of each other, matching each other in order to form a proper General. Harmony is present, no longer in harmony then disintegrate. That's relativity born and carving. If the find is this incarnation is a combination of General, is falling, there is no subject look all France is also just a general. So, when you see all of them because neither had actually combine charm, not the subject. If we took that enlightenment Sunrise light into all of life's crannies you will see all of it fake, which then had real fake. Syllogism of uncivil has implemented this. In the world born removal vi, a combination General is never wrong in this space and time. The tu is not busy. They thus fall inward, each moment to chon TAM positions expressed. We need the wisdom to live happily uncivil sense. When the Buddha was enlightenment and then You achieve happiness for the world. King Tran Nhan Tong left the mount Yen Tu tu, the enlightenment saw the truth do not crush mistakes, no longer suffer from afflictions, the terrace of the si, should govern ignorance is also incredibly happy. Happiness here is stopped, look deeply seen, no longer being Mexican mistakes.
A combination of General does not belong there because there is no truth, and does not belong to do not because we supposedly have. That's uncivil language. In Asia there are ethical background called University College, which didn't even need a new learning-intensive salvage the dangers of the modern world is in danger of being destroyed due to the greenhouse effect, melting Arctic ice, pollution, air pollution, ground pollution, pollution of water resources. Science has created a full and comfortable life for humanity, but at the same time people also threatened by violence and war, because science is built out bombs, nuclear weapons do affect human life. Hurricanes, earthquakes, tsunamis with macro. All that occurs is due to the influence of the advanced economies. If limited beings are taking part in the si field will live in the spirit, solidarity and people more and more wisdom. If still raised in pitch is that the si of the war. Scientists need to be ethical and spiritual pillar. Buddhism is the leader of wisdom and compassion. So that the United Nations has chosen Buddhist leader offers peace, peace for the world.
The fake French case has many ways of expression and implementation called pratītyasamutpāda emptiness that is the owner of pratītyasamutpāda. Huu vi is that being, that removal, there suppose to do it. He lived beyond the birth status, removal, separation, and pass up the routine, to live in the supernatural world, call it Nirvana. This body is present in the body not a factor. User has no ego, no subject, the body is able to. This very scientific, because the memory of Buddha never lull believers.
His stories and Indian Buddhist Dongpo did show us it is sometimes best friends more life, more shit. Indian Buddhist austerities, as monks in the Temple of the living by wisdom uncivil. Moto Dongpo's poets in the life of the road, very intelligent, understanding the Dharma but there is food poisoning because of longer going to earthly enthusiasts dream, live nation, five ahead of seven cards. A packed it, Indian Buddha as support for Moto Dongpo Zazen. After the Indian Buddha, meditation flush helped Bowl Dongpo shining truth: "Kat all France are pure, mind as the average mind, such as world peace." Moto Dongpo after Indian Buddhist support to understand Meditation intensive scenes, he has saved a famous poem:
"Batch-paint still radiate, Zhejiang-Jiangxi Province Government
Locate the due birth vase hate real goal
Due to the unique complete radio hybrid acquisition
Plot-painted saddles radiate, Zhejiang-Jiangxi Province Government. "
Blind radiate backpack-painting, waves of Zhejiang-Jiangxi province
When not to be hated like thousand of
To go back with nothing
Blind radiate backpack-painting, waves of Zhejiang-Jiangxi province.
The entire human universe is pratītyasamutpāda emptiness. Man is composed of six units: eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body, mind ... all of it fake mix Jesica pratītyasamutpāda, i.e. where there are six objects absorb to assimilate to the inside. Means the right eye contact with Tran called the good, the ears, the nose, the exposure must be exposed to the smell, taste, body, exposed blades in contact with exposed and Italy, with France the ceiling. Inside there are six radical, externally there are six Chen should call is ayatana. Ayatana include: inside there are six civil parishes, there are six outside of foreign origin, but is special in that eye never hear, ears never saw edge ... Each apartment has ceilings correspond to acquire and discern. The eye sees colors then the birth of mind distinguishes called label formula. Headphones are hours being mind distinguish called United way. Nose smell them then being called distinguished national center of consciousness. The tongue tasted the flavor should birth center segregation called lost consciousness. Body in contact with the exposed ceiling known as environmentally conscious. The radical French exposure ceilings rise to consciousness.
So the six units, six died and six formal pooled called eighteen sex discrimination should have the new body, mind and this realm. Six sense consciousness distinguishes and six units inside human's interest. Six external ceiling space is concerned. The universe is good, noble, flavor, taste, tactile, France. Six units, six ceiling interference effects and the new born six formula, but if separated six formula out of the six units and six died, then six formula also does not exist yet. Serviced apartment, ceiling and consciousness are all pratītyasamutpāda should is emptiness. Emptiness pervading all space thousand kinds, the Buddha's new progressive impairment such as going to the dream-like France.
Venerable Lisa once said to voters expectations: "six units is good, six ceiling is average, six formal distinction is disappointed. If people let go bad when the discharge expected life agreed with regular foot, probably should say this life is going to dream and hope that dream. " Dharani Sutra says: "do not stop other non-General-General news comments Like Lai" means that if the show was all general conditions are non-General will be Like tomorrow. Do we accept the truth so the episode the vaccine industry, passion and then create constant industry gauge of the pass. You who live by the silence, the naivete of self mind should look deeply and clearly by uncivil. Also we live in mind should differentiate depending on how each person becomes Holy or divine Lady.
The human body is born, old, sick and dying. The France between the world has born, head, allergic reactions, destroy. A cycle of the universe has the head, ruined, don't. If people who are calm, gentle and death will have your order in. Zen master Duy Credit life Song says: "I'm a revised tailplane when new tu find mountains are mountains, the river is the river; but when a revised tailplane tu I for some time, having been elaborately found mount not mount, the river is not a river; After thirty years of austerities enlightened me a revised tailplane, completely self in the back to see the mountain is still the mountain and the river is the River, like a medicine. " France should not called magic possession, France is not really shouldn't be called chon TAM is not. Not that chon TAM, that marvelous. Yes but very micro magic because not everyone will get in to look at anymore so I moved her sailings into The Net. Once visually flared up, the whole world steeped Visual luster; and then at the luster feeling off iron, ignorance some karma to the realms then I her suffering. NET or One she is in our mind.
Clear all existing French but retained a Convention rules, exist in the movement impermanence, exists in the attached contact interlacing elements of Abubakar 's. The French are in motion and so the French don't stand still in a permanent and independent self formation that is borrowed. The French-speaking because of impermanent imitation that is present in a Convention rate rather than the food. If you understand that we will see the French Africa and should not accept.
"Weak opinion Chu General Africa General news opinion As Hybrids." As it is not distracted, Futuristic look, see and hear but do not take away any of the variable status. The Buddha words like that to this realm. He reached the invariant that depends on fate of salvation being in 49 years, and 80 years of existence in this life is a marvelous article vi. Him as a flower shower rose from the mud of the stigma of cloudy water, offer excellent auras for years. The Lotus represents the Tanh Immaculate, in Chen that He is not infected with the ceiling, in the world that He made the world.
Living Buddha himself in and immaculate mid-life. Buddha was enlightened Level, France is the torch pillar, Increase the sugar just way. The Buddha entered Nirvana, the French there and thanks to Falling Hong Yang. The temple to Buddhists, "First cult Abbot, Miss BAI Likes Ca" because thanks to you Master that new Buddhists known value of the Buddha and France.
The Buddha had attained nirvana at the self, what is Nirvana?
Nirvana is the ending took part, the ends of the pitch, the ends of si. Nibbana as stifle took part, put down the yard, put down si. Translated as wuwei, President of removal, removal at. If it says by the practitioners of our mind is nibbana. Nirvana is, is a pure heart please, who is the chon TAM, Buddha is our family identity. Or in other words, the equivalent of Nirvana's Immaculate Heart. In Buddhism, Nirvana include: Organic residue and remainder Nirvana Nirvana. The classification of residual Organic Buddha and nibbana Nirvana balance as follows:
The first classification:
Residual organic nirvana is what? The austerities status not mortal, death passes to the banks happily freed completely, but the humiliation of this body remain upon the Earth. It is the Owners residual Nirvana. The arahats sanh were ending, it is happy to have the job done, no longer mortal, but the humiliation of remain of residual industrial might.
Invisible balance what is Nirvana? The austerities achieve immaculate State and then discharge up close quote back the life and the humiliation of the subject no longer exists, no leftovers in this body is called the Invisible balance Nirvana.
The second classification:
First called Tu da end. Results of the second is As the momentum of the jaw. The third is A na function. Fourth is A la Han. Tu da da, the completion of the function and A function is not the result of na clean impurities, residual gas volume butts also filled up, no good, because evil leftovers that surplus is called Nirvana.
Who did this himself on his life, but achieved results A la Han, infinite gain being, not leftovers of evil sexual infection, there is no impurities then the ceiling whole inner purity, clean up the capital, in a State of mind-the duty to quietly called the Invisible balance Nirvana.
In Nikaya has the voice of France is associated to Nirvana, the Buddha teaches:
"This the Bhikkhu stilts! Has this country, where there is no land, no water, no fire, no wind, no frivolous boundless ... do not have non-African ever made; There is no life, no future; without both the Moon, the Sun. As a result of this, the Bhikkhu stilts! I declare there is no coming, no go, no stay, no kill, no being, no police stay, no transport, no coast guard facility. This is the paragraph ending suffering. "
France second associated to Nirvana, the Buddha teaches:
"This the Bhikkhu stilts! There's no living being, not available, not, not vi. The Bhikkhu stilts! If there's no being, no existence, has not been made, not vi, the weather here can't be presented the cup from being, existence, being made, ownership vi. "
The life has the property that, being destroyed, supposedly combines but nowhere does there being destroyed, no fake case. There are also State General microcomputer compounded nowhere does not have general status. What have the owners vi, there are general condition, there being destroyed, which supposedly combines the time exists and is then destroyed. What does not belong to the owner of, not part of the general situation, the immortal ever rang hollow. Nowhere does not limit amount of longevity, so nowhere very self in. Longer torso we wind blown, rain water is wet, fire burns, water submerged, but nowhere are the most ridiculous things, self in.
Our lives have good sad, happiness, DAC furniture, rise. Can match our lives like the River, the river has at the water rises, while down, the water at the point, at cloudy water in veo, at billowing, flowing Rapids, at the water flows calm.
And this is the third French phone associated to Nirvana:
"What is the refuge he agitated; What does refuge, that he is not agitated. No time has agitated an contempt, there isn't time for security horizon, isn't about time there is no coming and going, there is no come and go while there is no killing and being, no kill and birth time of no life, no future, no life in between. This is the paragraph ending suffering. "
          Nirvana also very self in as frivolous, who reached nirvana is the most fun, stable life on this life, are beyond birth, aging, illness, death. Describe the truth Nirvana, the Buddha was practicing a kind of language that it's hard to understand, but thanks to practice with relative levels penetration can be made and then we can understand: nowhere no refuge in the country but nowhere there everywhere a way in. Mr Hui Power said: "A future loads for composite, HA Tran ease of anyone." The teacher Union Chief says: "don't know a myriad of most hybrids, the raised bed does seem a lifetime one."
We order to return most emotional things, i.e. a mind we owned, return Dao-clone-y (something that refuge, that has agitated; something not cry, not agitated). Those who reach the real state of mind never agitated before the foreground, that is the type of the order, that is the exciting, objective world chon TAM Dieu, hedonistic enjoys boundless. Before you start learning leader, before see Buddha, Jesus and symbolism Develop A theory of A Bhikkhu having stilts-Chiping qifu mumo carried with themselves in appearance, an internal, inside the glass you instant satisfaction rises, please ask ethical and was presented A theory of A Bhikkhu stilts on coastal management was born. He and symbolism Develop achieved record results, thanks to A Win A stilts Bhikkhu sailings brought to see the Buddha and then achieve A Lo Han Guo. Mr. Maudgalyayana heard Him and symbolism Develop physical shelves of coast say A combination theoretical A Gnostic.
In summary, the Buddha's enlightened Level, achieved Nirvana. He helped us get the light of enlightenment, understanding the meaning of nirvana is the convent, that Mahayana Buddha-mind, chon Tam called Tanh, A-l-an-item. From the type that you want, the birth of the power of prayer by students does not by industry leading anymore.


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