Wednesday 2 July 2014

(HT Commentary by Hsuan each question)

1. Homage to the ground na tar kicked out stomach skin
Every day we often dreamed A - di - free kick. Male model Thich - Ca Mau - Buddhist nuns. But you know South - scale mean anything? Probably very few people know. A few years ago, once I had put this issue in a meeting but not a legal person acquiring the complete answer.
Male - size, transcribed from the Sanskrit words Nama. Chinese translated as "Refuge"; also translated as "The first glass network". It means: "I'm bringing my whole life to rely on the Buddhas." The ego is no longer his own. Which I offer my whole body up Buddhas network. If the living Buddhas for the children living; I told you to die, die. Children fully into Buddhas. It's called "The Network".
And "glass top" means very respectful and taking refuge in the Buddha. That is the meaning of the South - tissue.
And "Refuge" which means bringing all your mind and body, bringing it all back to their lives depend on Buddha.
Generally speaking. Male model kicking the tar out put da da na means "Please refuge boundless infinity in the ten directions."
That is the essence of the Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara. You should start that evoked compassion. Although it is the essence of Portugal - Avalokitesvara, but also means that the entire refuge with the Buddhas in the ten directions, throughout the three generations: past, present, future. When you maintain this mantra. Not only remind ourselves refuge in the Three Jewels in around ten permanent boundless endless but also makes all beings to hear this mantra are also returning to the refuge, the feast of ten three generations Jewels permanent.
Do you know what the Three Jewels is not? It is the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha. You should know that this world is the most precious Buddha. Also, Dharma and Sangha is the most noble and precious. Not the noblest in the world but also for the noble realm of the world, for the non-ideal for heaven phi phi idea anymore. There is not anything more noble Triple Gem in the Dharma again. In the legal world, the ten highest Buddhist realm. So we need to respect rules and thresholds credit report your inner life, faith arises permanent and profound, no one doubts.
Someone will ask: Refuge in the Three Jewels will benefit ? Is minimal when you take refuge in the Buddha then no longer lifetimes fall into hell; when you take refuge in France and is no longer lifetimes fall into line preta (hungry ghost) again; refuge in the Sangha when you then you do not fall into another animal species. This is the fundamental doctrine of the Three Refuges.
But then when the refuge, you must voluntarily and diligently practice the good work, corresponding to the teachings of the Buddha called it deserved refuge. If you still remain before the episode air date as killing, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying, addictions and do what I like to satisfy the five desires, then you can not avoid the fall into 3 evil way (hungry ghosts, hell, animals). Up because of the Dharma without compromise. You can not say: "I seek refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha, then, I will never sink to hell, hungry ghosts, animals anymore. So I have the right to do what I want ... "
You have to change, transform all his bad habits and actively practice good deeds, definitely never do evil again. If you continue to do evil things, then you will sink right into hell.
Buddhism, unlike pagan. They stated that: "The most important thing is trust. If there is belief despite evil work, and can get into heaven. And vice versa, if one lacks confidence, despite the strenuous work of mercy, they will fall into hell. "
If you believe in Buddha and still create bad karma then you will be certain to fall hell. Even though you do not believe in Buddha, but still working hard to merit then you still get to heaven. Dharma never dazzle people by saying: "If you believe in Buddha, then everything will be like that." Conversely, if you believe in Buddha, but still refusing to give up the evil then you still have to sink into hell.
"Okay". You wonder again: "If you believe that Buddha then fall into hell as well not believe, then why must seek refuge in the Three Jewels?"
True refuge means to renounce evil, return good roads, amend any mistakes. As someone who is born again with a new name, from here only pure good works. No longer do evil things. As a new generation to achieve real benefits. Therefore mantra: Homage to the ground na tar kicked out stomach skin means "refuge infinite in the ten directions."
When you maintain this mantra, also can help eliminate the obstacles for your accident. At the Chapter meeting, or you often evoked: Male model kicking the tar out put na gastric distention ear skin, he is immediately eliminated. Major accident would turn into minor accidents, and minor injuries in the accident, the goal will be clean. This Notice is called 'Text in France ", was a ghost in the pay protection.
Male model kicking the tar out put da da na also called "Increasing legal interests." That is, until now you've planted a lot of virtue, and often recited mantra, then your virtue will grow many times more, untold benefits. It should be noted this is called "Increasing legal interests."
You can recite the entire Great Compassion Mantra, or just recite this mantra first stop: Male model kicking the tar out put na dA is "legal Achievement", no matter what you want, then voluntary basis facilities are for your desired achievement. If you do not have a son that wants to give birth to son, or the outdated notion Male model na tar kicked out da womb will be born son. But you must maintain the concept of mind, not just one or two days and then blowing concept, that concept must be continuous for at least three years. If you do not have to be good friends, but want to meet a person, or the outdated notion Male model na tar kicked out stomach skin was immediately met with the board. If you are all evoked the Great Compassion Mantra, then all the better, if not just reciting the first Male model kicking the tar out put na da da, also accomplished the inconceivable merit.
This mantra is also called "Goods in law". The capacity of this mantra can surrender meditation, pagan livery when it heard this mantra.
However, this mantra is not "legal question millions". When you have a mantra recitation of the "Question million legal" then all kinds of evil demons everywhere in the area and can arrest, or dictate them.
So, the mantra Namo black leather raised by this radar has a very strong power, can not infer it. If said information, the same can not take it.
In summary, in question Homage to the ground na tar kicked out stomach skin, then Namo means "glass top network provided". Black out put na is "sure". Stone was meant to "Three". Da meaning "Feast".
Global mean is: "Please give all the body, mind, taking refuge with his life and endless feast Jewels boundless throughout the ten directions, throughout three generations." We must bow before the Three Jewels permanent.
Why is it called infinite infinite? Because Buddhas in the past is infinite. Buddhas in the present time is infinite. Buddhas in the future is infinite. So the Three Jewels is boundless endless.
2. Namo ri
Male model as I have said above, that is "to bring out the body, mind, and threatening refuge feast, Buddhas and monks studying Portuguese - slap".
A Ri means "Holy Family". This means that the separation from all evil law. Should Male model A Ri means the feast of the saint author, who had separated from all things evil.
3. Backpack up the bowl size leather soles
Backpacks up to mean "bar" in the title of Avalokitesvara - slapped. Also translated as "ray" from the title of Vairocana (Pi - plot - prices - na) means Quang Minh Variable Projection - Projection aura everywhere. Also translated as "observations" means the contemplative realm, is to observe.
The skin of whatever means "liberation".
Global significance as reflecting a widespread observation and in order. That is the meaning of the title of Bo - slapped Avalokiteshvara, Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara. It means observing, listening to the sound in the earthly world to save themselves in a way.
4. Bodhi she threatened to slap leather
Everyone knows Bodhi is derived from the Sanskrit Bodhi. Enlightenment means.
Slapped DOA means "the" is crossed (tank size) as well as give others pass (pool size) to liberation.
Bodhi threatened to slap her skin means a bodhisattva - slapped himself enlightenment and help for all living beings as his enlightenment.
She was meant to "pay homage".
Skin means pay homage. Who bow before? Pay homage to the bodhisattva - slapped himself enlightened and liberated themselves, and help others get enlightenment.
mantra is a reminder of Portugal - busy not apply modern war books. This means that when you chant this mantra Portugal - slap Real No minister of the book led troops to uphold the heavens for you.
5. Lama threatened to slap her ha ha
Ma - ha has 3 meanings: University: large; Da: many; and Win: perfect.
Ma - ha with mean University: only for the immediate release Mind large.
Ma - Da ha with mean: ie, only for quantity. There are many people who play Mind.
Ma - ha with mean Wins: News comes to mind who has attained bodhi large to achieve fullness place, is more a crucial benefit.
Slapped - meaning of the abbreviation DOA - DOA in this mantra does not mean the same as in the preceding sentence. In the above mantra, Bodhisattva - DOA means "high" - crossed to the other side. It means that liberation. And in this mantra. Slapped - DOA means "strong imitation" is courage, not fear. It means "Diligent fake", is the practice diligently.
Ba - Da Han translated as "obeisance User tha" means: "I would like to pay homage to the first buddha - slap, is the very strong, very diligent, never fear, and vow to center before the word bodhi bodhisattva - slapped this. "
The buddha - slapping themselves enlightened, liberated themselves and also vows help for countless other beings enlightenment and liberation as his.
6. Plot Ma ha ni ca da ca
Ma - 3 ha mean: big wins as much and went on.
Ca - lots Han translated as "Bi".
Ni - ca meaning "mind".
Together, Ma ha plot ni ca ca means "great compassion".
Skin that is bowed, as I have said above. The whole mantra Ma ha ni ca ca da Lot means "bow before the Great compassion mantra Da - la - ni."
7. Court
Project means "four colors", the "Notes form" mother of all mantras; is also "the goddess" mother of all Buddhas.
Mother of the Buddhas of resources means that the mother of all living beings in mind, because the source of the sentient mind all the intellectual capital available, often born of good law, so-called "four colors."
Through the power of that the ten mantras want to be revealing.
1. The French first goal is "Self" means the watershed, as every syllable of birth.
2. Secondly, "Owl". In the office or in mantra, "stuff" means a sentence.
3. Third is "Restaurant" means contemplation, observation, reflection wield power that practice.
4. Fourth "Tri" means wisdom, intellect used the sword to cut off all negativity. Intellectual practice that is saved from Prajna Paramita, which is the most intellectual fulfillment. What about "consistency" is saved from practice meditation Paramita.
5. Thursday is "Action": means the practice, which swayed to practice Dharma.
6. Friday is "Prayer": means the need to vow, swayed to the true teachings that practice.
7. Saturday is the "Church": ie y according to the true teachings that practice. If you do not slash the teachings of the Buddha that practice, then even if you have to practice many lives as Ganges sands go again some still with no results at all. Like sand that can cook rice so wish to.
However, to be able to practice proper to the true teachings of the Buddha, first you must understand the teachings that a thorough way.
8. Eighth is "reason": that is ethical. If you can enter into the wonderful dharma new common understanding reached on her teachings. If you do not contract the wonderful opportunity this way, it is only you who practice in the blind. Whether you have a long practice, it still would not achieve success.
9. Ninth is "Human": In this life you must cultivate the human wins, good people, human purity, past results you will reap the wins, wonderful fruit and pure fruit.
10. Tenth is the "fruit": Results will be achieved respectively after planting workers. It was wonderful fruit, the supreme enlightenment.
So from the word project, born out of the ten disciplines of magic. So when your Great Compassion mantra recitation, recite the words, the sentence spirits all species are extremely reverent palms, not daring to show reckless or negligent practitioner to hear recite the Great Compassion. Signature Project has a powerful capacity for species that causes evil, the evil spirit must respectfully accept maintenance. Function of the mantra was massive, the force of truth inconceivable.

8. Slap a penalty descendant
Short Sale, the Chinese translation is "liberated". This means that when you recite this mantra, the Four Heavenly Kings are to make them legal for you.
Imposing descendants, Chinese translated as Venerable, also translated as Holy religion.
Originally this mantra mean in World Self respect. Self-respect in the Holy Land, ie self in the Buddha, the Buddha's pulse.
9. Booking number na my land
Two negative digits and Shuo Shu. It is often contemplated as "Shu".
Number of soil Na means "law" (Dharma). What the French? France is also called "Noble wins legal". Also known as "noble born winner". It means nothing more remarkable than this method. Win means born from this method was born of a crucial capability.
Yet a number of other translations of the word 'Noble Birth "or" frank ". Noble birth ie beyond all the magic. Frankly could mean that a crucial legal.
There is a translation of another digit, is the "Ultimate redundant address." That is the realm of the practitioner will experience after witnessing the tenth row of the Bo - slapped.
Soil Na is the symbol of France said.
My land is a symbol for the Sangha.
So the whole mantra court slapped a fine descendant table booking number na my land is a symbol of the Three Jewels. This means that we should pray to the household threshold of the Three Jewels. So when the recitation of this mantra, meaning that requests, prayers to religious blessings of the Triple Gem.
Land use description also means dharma teachings to the gods and demons used to summon spell spirits that teach them to follow the spirit of the Dhamma.
10. Male model of medical afflictions threatened butt flip Li
Back then you always seem Male model with someone else, and never Homage to himself. The practice does not need to be a guest Namo go but to Male model right with yourself.
Male model I mean, I returned to the refuge in the Three Jewels infinite around ten.
Male model also means bringing one's own self can enter fully into the legal world throughout the ten directions. That is, can enter the Three Jewels infinite throughout the ten directions.
Each flip is meant "absolutely". That is to bring out the whole mind, the whole attention to refuge in the Three Jewels and bowed.
Boring ass y means "Self". It is the ego-self. So you must bring obeisance wholeheartedly his own ego, but bowed ego self. Does this mean there is not himself or what? For example, when someone hit you, you feel no pain; if they curse, you are not upset; if they are insulted, you feel as if there was nothing going on. You do not necessarily need to have patience, because if you spell patience, that you've fallen into the "II mean" then. In this case, you do not necessarily need to "ring", for which there is no ego to use a legal entity and does not have an ego to give legal effect to that ring. This means that you must ring the executive in "inhuman".
It's called the Cross so selfless.
A Li-explained in the past, which means "Holy Family". that is here to pay homage wholeheartedly "ego" of the Bible was false. Boundless Bodhisattva, DFWminis all must pay homage to the self in selfless saint of authors. The self that encompasses the infinite universe. There are many fake saint. Who are they? Below, I will clarify.
11. Fetters backpack is something she emits Lang
Fetters backpack to translate the "shop".
Seven emit translated as "Liberation" or the negative potential. sounds in the world. This is the Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara.
Seventh fetters backpack is Buddha Avalokitesvara, also is Avalokiteshvara. Two titles are not certain this is the Bo - New Avalokitesvara is known as Avalokiteshvara or Chenrezig, but if when you have achieved self in it, then you are Bo - Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva . When you have the ability to save all sentient beings, then you are Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. So, once you have been able to enter and complete use of this method then you are the incarnation of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. If I achieve in order to use this method myself as well as the reincarnation of the Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara.
Ms. Lang translates as "island", only to Putuo Mountain (Potala), where Bo - Avalokitesvara often manifested. There are books Putuo Mountain in China. Putuo means "little white flower" because of the mountain where there was a lot of white flowers bloom. On the mountain there is a palace constructed in a cave known as "Palace of Compassion", which is where the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara often manifested. There are seven things decorated with treasures: gold, silver, pearl, crystal, pearl, jade, onyx. But not everyone has to be where the palace.
Seventh fetters backpack is Buddhist bodhisattva - slapped wishes full of compassion.
Lang had her palace Compassion, where Bo - Avalokitesvara often manifested.
12. Namo out na be maintenance
In this mantra, Male model still means "refuge" and "glass top network provided".
Na translated means the "Hien" - sage level, only to bodhisattvas.
Be maintenance translated as "love", which means love. In concept compassion protection, protection for all species. So compassion Sage rank (Bo - slapping) usually bring enclosed, sheltered beings. In the past I've talked about 10 categories mentioned Center in Beijing Da Dai Bi Tam - la - ni. You should care according to the ten categories that interest elaborately practice.
Na to be prime, Chinese translated as "Does anybody charitable status" is related to the first meaning, ie 6th and 10th in 10 categories that Tam: It is compassion, reverence and Tam Tam Supreme boyfriend threads.
This mantra represent 3 types as the center.
13. Hebrews sa ri ma ha you have ME
Hey Ri means "heart". Heart What does this mean in 10 mean? 4th means is immaculate front center. This center helps you to maintain your pure heart. When your mind starts greed, hatred and delusion, romantic, comfortable ... then your mind immediately contaminated, not pure anymore. When you are not looking forward to starting center the notion that pollution, then your heart is pure.
Ma ha means "the Great", also means "school".
You've laid ME mean? If I say no, you certainly could not have known. So you want to know, first I have to preach. Then you understand. You just said that: "It turns out he's sense of balance is like." You've laid mom means "great clarity" means radiant light projectors around.
You've laid the mother is also translated as "Where projector par" usually means that the light shines everywhere wide.
Central System sa ri ma ha you have ME means "The great clarity." That is the light of the mind power, clarity of mind power projection often widespread, both Vietnam forever super space infinity, eternity; from a mote to the infinite world of the existence of that light.
You will say: "oh, that's great clarity of mind, I have heard spoken of doing a lot of that, and ..."
Yes, but unless you do not hear me preach the mantra of Great Compassion, then you may not have known. I will preach to you clearly. It is hard to see who can explain the Great Compassion clearly intimately. Indeed, quite frankly speaking, not many people can enter the ultimate meaning of the mantra of Great Compassion or transfer the meaning of the mantra.
Someone would ask: "So how Master knows?"
You need to ask me out. Since I have not asked out loud, but you should not ask me why I know. Of course, I have to know. If I do not know, I can not explain to you hear. So do not ask why I know.
Instead of you asking why I said, then you go back to your main question. Why did not I know? If you know why I do not know, then you will clearly why I know. Conversely, if you can not clear is why you do not know, then you clearly could not be the reason why I know. That is what makes the magic so.
For example someone asked me: "Why do people ordained me? 'I did not answer that question that asked:" Why did you not do home person? If he knew why he was not ordained, he will understand why I left home. " Questions about legal ethics in Buddhism and so on. Instead you are asked, "How did I understand that ethical?", Then you ask yourself why you do not understand. When you understand why you do not know then you will understand why I know that morality. Now you are all much of a house attend the conference should be preached Great Compassion Mantra. So you should uphold, protect important for his virtue. Himself to cleverly manipulate her virtue to practice dharma and input, not wasting a moment for all.
Currently we are living in dark age. Buddhas and Bodhisattva - a little slap in the current world. This time, the thought of nearing bureaucracy wild places, ruined, not so easy to get the legal district, is also not so easy to get good knowledge of vacuum.
I once told the disciples that "in Taiwan has opened University presented above, in brotherhood we should go there for the child to be ordained as legal appeal". The disciples sent letters to many people I know in Taiwan told them: "There needs to practice whatever religion he may attain career". My disciples said, "We are human beings like other human beings, if not under cultivation, how can a Buddhist achievements? If not elaborate, how practice is dharma realization ". If you do not need to say that the practice of the Buddha, but also, in another direction, the former Buddha mountain snow did not need to do anything for six years, and then to sit under the Tree of Enlightenment meditation diligently throughout 49 days until the morning star, He has grown into enlightenment achievements.
Buddha also new achievements to practice enlightenment. As every sentient as us, if not of practice, how can the Buddha be? Everyone knows you have to thanks to the new practice attain Buddhahood, but the truth is very little practice; and everyone knows if you do not have to practice it can sink into hell, but he refuses to practice the unspeakable. Karma real world is inconceivable!
Do Buddhists! Living in the dark age that would be to study the conditions are so powerful dharma diligent up, not lazy, be meticulous diligent, ardent hope one day directing new business achievements. If the effort is not strong but is now looking forward to directing achievements could not have duoc.Vi so you do not hesitate arduous, painful, obstacle, disasters ... so forget everything. Strong drumming right up to the good spirits, just to elaborate a new direction hoping to achieve Buddhahood day.
I'm talking about the magic of the Dharma. If you do not trust arises in Vietnam, the wisdom of this doctrine for you nor any benefits. You can enter from every living dharma in life, every step from the time quietly in the whole legal world ...
In the Dharma, what you also want to be expressed clearly and unequivocally usually lost the deep sense of magic colors. Now though I have presented all the wonders of the Buddhadharma, but if you do not believe it deep and not practice what I preach Dhamma is not anymore. Moreover, the need to regularly practice at any time, any place with spirit diligently, not fall back, not lazy. This is most urgent. If you do all the time, all the time are forward meticulous efforts that are certain will one day live realize "you old face" of his own.
Sa mother you've translated means "great clarity" or "reference case proving" that represent ten fifth in the sense of the mind, which is "not interested". Through "not interested", a new practitioner wisdom. With wisdom, he should get a new clarity. There is luminous, radiant new, enlightened approach throughout all the world. That is no longer darkness, ignorance, ignorance that is not there.
Why is it called "ignorance", because your mind can not illuminate the radiating throughout all the legal world, because you do not have to be "great clarity". If you have been "great clarity", the mind immediately you get the radiant illuminate every legal world, which means you have transformed ignorance. Once ignorance was clean and metabolism, the apparent legal nature, this is the true wisdom of you.
Long ago in Food Dynasty in China have Zen Chi Gong is a high level Venerable increase. History does not record the song itself is one of the Zen master. People often tell each other that one day, the woman heard the sound of a baby crying on a high tree branch. She climbed up and saw a child lying in the eagle nest, and brought the child to raise. But this child's body perfectly but just like fingernails, toenails nails like eagles. As an adult, export from the director, the human resources certification information. Do not know who his parents are, just know he was born in falcon nest so everyone guessing he was born from such eggs hawk.
At that time, Emperor Wu Liang king and everyone had great respect and trust for the Zen Master. Regardless of when they see what events in life, such as birth, his parents died, weddings ... sometimes they are providing the Zen Master to pay for chanting prayers.
One day a wealthy family visiting angels chanting uncle who pray on the occasion of the wedding of their daughter, while visiting Zen master gave some congratulations to expect that in the future, the marriage is good as you. The angel showed up to her house, when she saw the bride and groom, he immediately said:
"That ancient monsters, real monsters neck!"
"I married my grandmother"
"It's neck monsters" means unprecedented traditionally such a thing. These are not usually happen this ancient story. It was strange seeing a grandmother's nephew married his wife. On this earth, if not communicated in the past karmic, how could he explain the relationship father, mother, spouse, brother, friends ... the same. Why? Because everyone has a spouse can be together in previous lives. A person can be a child of the same father or in past lives. Or are a mother and daughter together in previous lives. Grandfather before your married life with your daughter in this life. Or is grandmother to death before rebirth as your daughter. Everything can happen, and are subject to unpredictable evolution.
In this house, about "her grandmother's wedding" is because before, when about to lose her grandmother, her last words to the entire extended family: "My son just got married and had children line connection. My daughter was also married, do not have to worry anymore. " She totally satisfied and has gotten everything aside bother, except for one thing: even grandchildren, "then the future will be like? Who will take care of it? Does your wife have to make is whether or not it? I can not help but worry about it! "
She took grandson died. They say that if all things are unsatisfactory, get deathbed poetry mood alone dead eyes closed. And if not, then close your eyes were not dead. The old woman said: "She was worried about her, her death was not close your eyes." Saying so she goes and opens her eyes. Her consciousness was still anxious. When to see Pluto, her wailing, saying,
- I also grandson, who does not take care of it.
Pluto meet:
- Okay, she returned to positive or time to care for it
Saying so, she was reincarnated in the mundane. As of marriageable age, her grandson took her past. So to say "take her grandmother." You can see ancient monster is real?
Just because a concept of love is to let go of that attachment does not make clear how the karmic force later. She was just as concerned for her grandchildren, but the wife behind to do it. You try to think of, this is not the fairy tale monsters or what?
You will ask: "How Zen Chi Cong know the truth?" The teacher knew that because he had achieved record label and team information. So just look through, that he immediately knew immediately the bride previous life which is the groom's grandmother. Just because her grandmother has started a charity concept should mistake this attachment to be reincarnated as a man, his wife and his grandchildren. A good idea is also nothing like situations evil concept, or idea start glowering evil reincarnation six paths that focus never know an end, new hope never know out.
Zen Master looked in the number of visitors to the wedding, a baby girl was eating meat, he said: "mom daughter eat meat."
Because the meat that is eaten baby goat, the goat which is the baby's mother reincarnated again. Previous life she has created bad karma too big so I have to do to fall. Now his son to be eaten. Round resentment arises now because of ignorance of sentient beings is not a word after all. Bodhisattva of compassion and Development Center is saving people by this point.
When he looked at the musicians, that there are drummers. He said:
"The boys are hitting father".
Since the drum was covered with flint. This donkey is my dad reincarnated into the music. This donkey was slaughtered, taking skin drumhead. It is painful for reincarnations.
around him looking at the printed wedding, said:
"Pigs to sit in on"
He saw countless pigs, sheep, goats, chickens are reincarnated as humans, now they were relatives of other relatives should also attend this wedding.
Look in the kitchen, he said:
"Alex was cooking in the pot".
It is the parents, brothers, relatives and friends due to a previous life was killing pigs, chickens to eat too much, do this again fall into pigs, goats, chickens back; then slaughtered, put in the fryer to cook again.
He continued:
"Everyone is happy to congratulate each other"
Everyone who attended the wedding were happily praising each other. He himself than his that:
"Seeing that heart harrowing scene, we knew it was the plaintive loan spell rotation now pay to make up the pile misery".
The angel showed clear cause and effect when looking at this family. How can we fully understand the causal chain of identical overlap each family with a different star. So the cultivators should be very careful while prisoners, because the ripening of conditions will reap with the corresponding results were sown. Why do people back? To pay the debt, pay the debt in the world of cause and effect. If you do not find a way to pay this debt, the debt continues, as the debt of banks that borrowed.
I remember a story anymore. There is a family raising a donkey, used it to pull the blender and transportation. The owner found the slow asses whipped so often urged it to. Donkey work hard in toil until death. It was reincarnated person. When the owner or beating dead donkey, back reincarnated as a woman. When both people are of marriageable age, they were married.
Do you know this couple live together as is? All day the husband beating his wife. He beat his wife at any time, regardless of holding something in his hand, even when eating rice with chopsticks also beat his wife. He has hit just verbally, whether the wife did not do anything wrong.
One day Zen Chi Cong passing their homes. The woman came to him and said:
- My husband does the same beat and scold me through them, but I do not know why. Bach Him, ask Him to use five labels, record inform the causal relationship know our past lives that this life how her husband beat and verbally abused me so nostalgic?
Zen Master Chi Cong meet:
- I will clear cause and effect relationship of two people to hear. In her previous life she was a man. Every day she also beat the donkey scolding, urging it to pull the flour mill.
He often beat the donkey's owner in bamboo broom. Now the boss is reincarnated as a woman, it is her. But the donkey was reincarnated husband. Now he was often beaten and cursed at her previous life she often ducked his donkey that is so. Now she understands cause and effect relationship with each other, I will present a way to end the resentment within this industry. She just hiding all of the instruments except the ponytail brush (wire brush). When her husband no longer something that used to beat her, he grabbed a broom to brush the wire. Let him hit a few hundred lashes, then she was old debt is paid. At that time, she was reported for human life he knew before he died after a match report clearly as I just explained to her. He will not hit her again.
The woman did as the angel teaches Chi Gong. When her husband got home, he immediately for something to beat their wives. Only show pony tail brush, and he took the hit. Usually as always, she was trying to run away. But this time she sat there patiently until the bear moves his hand to stop her husband.
Seeing strange, he asked why she did not run away. She recounts the Zen Chi Cong explain the causal relationship of two people. He had heard her husband mused: "Thus, from now on we should not insult her again. If also hit, in the next life she'll be reincarnated back verbally and then find one to beat. " Since then he scolded her husband no longer beat his wife anymore.
So you must know everyone has a different relationship with corresponding human created. You could not have known in my life before, who had been a mother, that he, the father or his sister. The people have created in previous lives will create this life and achievements related to certain relatives of his retinue. If you understand the principle of cause and effect, then you can be transformed, converted multiplied by the wicked abandon.
And one more thing about the Zen Chi Gong. One day he ate two pigeons. He enjoyed this dish. The chef thinks meat is very tasty pigeons should make day he decided to taste it. He works with two thoughts: one side wanted to see her make food taste good today or not? on the other hand he thinks that his Chi Gong every day like eating pigeon, given this is a very tasty dish, so want to indulge a little and then give the teacher used.
When people bring food to cook. He looked at the plate and asked:
- Today there are thieves who tasted this food? Was it you?
The chef immediately rejected. Zen master, he responded:
- He also denied. I'll show him who's tasted firsthand the theft. Take a look here!
He sat eat. Eating every two pigeons, then he immediately opens her mouth wide, in which, a dove flew immediately waved off the other child also lost a wing, can not fly up.
Angel said:
- You see, if you do not taste the theft, why pigeons can not fly?
That's because he ate one of its wings.
This makes the chef knows Zen Chi Gong is not often. He is the incarnation of the Bodhisattva - slapped. So he has the capacity to turn into doves cooked food and a live dove. Not the Bo - slap, not be doing this.
The angel showed also ate a fish called Fisherman Tue. Also brought out cooking fish and he ate from the tail to the top. But then he yawns fish back alive. So this is very unusual for goods realms of Portugal - slapped. Zen Master Chi Gong is a bodhisattva - slapped, but he never said, "You know, we are a bodhisattva - slapped, are teaching beings, we have this great prayer, the other virtues ..." The starting position never wish that notion. So we are ordinary goods, or whether Buddhas see Bo - slapped could not identify. Employment of Portugal - and almost slapped behavior of ordinary people, but actually are not identical. As for the ordinary action only think of their own interests, not thinking to help others. And Bo - slapped think only the interests of others without thinking of yourself. Is different at this point. Bo - slapped it to benefit your self worry to benefit others. Self finished his enlightenment to help others enlightened. Complete freedom, complete benefit of others. Great Compassion Mantra the meaning of which I am preaching this doctrine is also in it.
14. Slapped her in a neighbor's parked
This mantra is divided into three parts. When reciting up, the mantra has three different meanings:
Slapping she means "all". Also means "equal". She should turn to the second point icon in the heart ten, is "equal attention".
A pass tha translated means "rich touch your wife" rich, peaceful, not poor in spirit, morality, dharma.
Also translated means "like the immortal".
"As the" mean anything well wishes are fulfilled.
"No kill" means that the achievement was due to a permanent prayer not annihilate.
In October, this type of center is "unconditioned mind" means "rich touch your wife" and "as the immortal".
Either translation is "very serious net benefits", is pure and dignified. The more solemn purity, so there is no worry about anything, giving the brain. This mantra ninth symbol center "is the eighth Unknown". Architecture is one of five players dish "torpedo used". That is when you just saw something, a thought of the mind immediately wanted to get, keep. So the ninth center - very center is the state capital is not there the slightest hope of clinging to France, and Russia; on the subject as well as object; as well as for external line transformation of consciousness.
15. A can stand
A be true that Sanskrit, literally "irrational approach". There is no procedure that can compare with this method. Also means "irrational religious" meaning no religion can be compared. This mantra for the heart icon Saturday, is called "lowering interest company", the very reverence center and depending upon any person I met. This mantra also symbolizes the eighth center, called the "very complex psychosis". This is a pure legal, some not contaminated, is uncivil methods of Avalokitesvara center - slapped.
Ten is the center of Da General - la - ni, we must bring this doctrine and practice not disruptions distraction. We practice in the spirit of economic Dai Da la ni compassion will surely directing career achievements, attained the primary results.
16. Tatda Slapped her, slapped her multi na ma, ma na old women
Slap slap her stone is Sanskrit, translated as "Great Bodhisattva body and mind - slap".
Na ma has slapped her. Chinese translated as "virgin declare artist", is another name of dharma and death, as well as goods Bo - slapped. "Virgin" symbolizes nature. And "Dr. declaration" is a title of another of the Bodhisattva, a place known as "contemporary artist". The bodhisattva - slapped eve achievements Buddhahood, are called dharma-mail, every tenth name Bo - slapped.
Na ma old woman. Chinese translated as "wife who". Like the meaning of the Heart Sutra "valued Bowl - Elegant three - la - Privacy - most urban contemporary mantra, proving the great uncle, the uncle countless, countless college class notes."
You may ask: "What can not match?" "That old woman, Han translated Venerable". The old woman is permanent throughout the Buddhas in the ten directions.
17. Lama himself put
Ma put himself translated means "angel, so friendly."
This mantra means: "O Lord of the cow - slaps, please save me from beneath. Please let the relatives of his in heaven and is our friend in this earthly world of our children, to improve the legal holder of all achievement. "
This mantra petition blessings of the Buddhas of the ten directions and the cow - slapped.
18. Put tha-burning - court
In the Heart Sutra said: "Try theoretical density of Wisdom majority notes, lecture notes written immediately ..."
Han-burning tha land translates as "news presentation letter". Also translated as "the Department". Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara taking great compassion that comes out feet this language, said in the strains of Brahma himself.
Tha-burning land also means "mudras" means the publication in hand. Also known as the "human mind" means opening the eyes of the intellectual beings.
Back-burning tha land also means countless training and learning methods and infinite wisdom label. That is the meaning of "the Department".
Signature projects as mentioned before, when you come recitation recitation of words, the court must join hands and spirits reverently, listening to religious concepts only. The word also has a plan to save more of the following disciplines.
19. A backpack hê
A backpack is Portuguese hey - Avalokitesvara. It means "to observe." Use wisdom to observe all sound oqr world. In the world there are many types of sound. Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara observe sound, beg cry for helping others in the world when they are not insurmountable hardships.
20. Births Lot
Lot births means "Liberation" or "Exalted". A two sentences together on her plot revealed births mean Bo - slapped use wisdom to observe sound in the world. Is the title of Bo - Avalokitesvara.
21. The Empire Ca
To translate the lyrics are "aging" is a large compassionate, often help sentient beings be free from suffering and despair. People that can help to ease suffering beings is a "great compassion". Ca also means the sole "author". The director can do for now arises, help for all sentient beings discovered Mind - threads, vow to do the hard work as executive Portugal - all directed toward achievement of Buddhahood.
22. Taking Us RI
Hey Ri Di translated means "agree to assign". When you recite the mantra this means you spontaneous prayer: "I'm determined to practice the virtues of the Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara, will teachers of all beings. I am determined angle to the teachings He taught that practice. "
Taking Us Ri also means "religious worship Medicine practice". Bake according to the teachings of the Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara as well as of self-interest to the religious life.
23. Lama threatened to slap Bodhi ha
Ma ha means "university" is great.
Portugal - to mean "visual direction", the enlightened righteous morality.
Slapped DOA. Chinese translated as "mighty great author." This means word bodhisattva - slapped the mind has great boyfriend who - subject very brave and Bodhi Spiritual Practice Development Center. Development bodhichitta means growing human enlightenment, giving up - problem is well cultivated, watered the cattle breeds hant - Started seed germinate, then reap expect enlightenment, ie the Supreme result Bo - threads.
This is the meaning of the mantra Ma ha slap Bodhi DOA. This mantra notes about the fullness of happiness solemn word bodhisattva - slapped but due to cultivate wisdom. When Dinh Hue has also been deposited in the lighting. When Hue was fulfilled, then The dung. Since Bo - Avalokitesvara has the power to achieve perfection, so emerged so wise. Since Bo - Intellectual slapped achieved perfection, He newfound power to settle in. No Dinh Hue and then there is no such gain Dinh Hue. It should be called the two are not so favored.
Due practiced by countless deeds that Bo - slapped the form should be dignified you do not leave any of them though extremely small or subtle. Even a smallest good deed, to the largest, the word bodhisattva - slapped are completed thoroughly. Business should be taught "
"Do not despise the little good without
Do not despise the small but unavoidable evil. "
The bodhisattva - slapped often painstaking work of good and definitively abandon evil, and you can set aside - Mind and attained the Supreme Enlightenment boyfriend - threads. Do you solemn legal body with countless virtues. Do you play great compassion, great practice law ungainly from depending on the amount of interest that makes the Buddha beings. But the bodhisattva - slapped, self-nature and essence of him not the slightest ripple a general state of mind of sentient beings. These he found himself and all beings be the same substance, no duality. He not only of his own suffering, that desire to help sentient beings free from all sorrows. Although he converted all the suffering to sentient beings without any attachment at all to the level you have to escape to living beings. The self He never said that:
"I've been saving for you, now you have to thank me. I helped him get rid of all the negativity he expressed gratitude to me ".
Because word bodhisattva - slapped no such mind, so he can show the body of thirty-two generals, to promptly satisfy all wishes of all sentient beings. For example, should the embodiment of Buddha to escape beings, then you Bo - slapped embody consensual Buddha to teach Dhamma to beings that they are freed. If necessary Pratyekabuddhas embodiment, the instant he Pratyekabuddhas the embodiment of our students to teachers, helping them to be freed. Just like that, they can embody the Arhat, kings ... to help sentient beings is the exit. Chu bodhisattva - slapped capable of thirty-two turned out to save the dear beings. You also get the fourteen fearless and four legal measures inconceivable. It's the kind of divine right thing four inconceivable. The evidence he has attained the true telecom, have achieved fruition Supreme boyfriend - threads. It is the fruition of Portugal achievements - Avalokitesvara.
24. Slapped she slapped her
She slapped slapped her. Chinese translation is "necessarily beneficial." This mantra encompasses Conservative label printing method, meaning that the benefit brought everything to everyone.
By pressing legal practice this, you have the ability to bring happiness to benefit all sentient beings. Uranus, Pluto, you have to obey the king reciting this seal. You told them: "Let's drop the sinner" Pluto is closely associated immediate release. Why? So you had this Security.
Security as well as the publication of a king. On the publication of the manuscript can turquoise throughout the galaxy, the king, who is responsible for what is to follow the implementation of the reference letter, no one dare resist. With Security, you may benefit, happiness for all beings. You can just tell them to benefit the vow to practice. And peace will be achieved. So the so-called "Necessary welfare".
The Chinese have a Korean knows, know how to use a seal called "publication bias Version". The son of King Quang Thanh has a natural line publications. This is the same publication. Taoism called "publication bias Version". Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara called "Security".
If you practice, the use of certain Security will achieve this. When achievements then, if someone has recently died or is dying, you only need to maintain the printing on a sheet of paper, and write a few lines for Pluto: "Please forgive this person back to life. Let's spare time he returned to positive ". Pluto could not refuse. Shedding of Security that can help to resurrect the dead. But to use this Security, you must first achievements was elaborately practice. If not elaborate achievements are no results whatsoever.
How sophisticated means accomplished practice? Just like in school. First of all, you have primary school, then high school, then college entrance exam. Can finally be a Ph.D..
Practice to achieve this Security and obtained a PhD so. But this example only temporary, but Security has nothing comparable.
Slap slap her she means "benefit to all sentient beings." You see the boundless wonders to such use. So this is the Security dialing. If you want to use this Security must be meticulous religious past forty two players both labels. Slap her she's just a slap in forty-two publications that measures only.
Someone will hear me preach from such a thought, "I will practice this Security immediately to any time someone is going to die, we will use this publication, Pluto ordered him not be caught dead" . You just practice, you can help other people from the dead, as ng until you die, then there is someone to help you get rid of all dead by this Security.
I had a chance to use this publication twice. Once in Manchuria and one in Hong Kong. Seen in Manchuria as a case study the dying. This person will surely die if I do not use this Security. On a rainy afternoon sun lunar April 18. A man named Cao Duc Phuc Duyen Tam Pagoda where I was staying. He knelt before the statue, holding a knife wrapped in newspaper, hands ready to worship Buddhas. Do you think? He was wise or not? Of course too stupid. Yet his foolishness stems from leading hospitality. You do not know. His mother was gravely ill near death. Because his mother daily heavy drug addiction. But her illness so severe that opium is not anymore. She curled, not eating anything. First back to black tongue, lips chapped. Dr. East, Western medicine are insufficient, not what was hoped to be treated. But her son pray: "Lord Buddha - to slap a hunch, I pray to the Three Pagoda Coast offerings Buddhas hands. With great sincerity, I pray for your mother be healed. "
Even when the guy is about to hand tight, people holding hands pulled behind him and said, "What are you doing, you do not get on here that suicide".
He replied:
- "I only cut offerings to the Buddhas hand, my mother was praying for healing. You do not stop me. "
Against boys, but not for the other person's hand he should immediately inform the abbot said. Venerable did not know what to do, he immediately dispatched reason lay petals, the powerful guardian of the temple to find me.
Even then, I was still paying Sa - di. I was tasked as the temple Three tri Coast, just below the abbot. I'm just a novice, but unlike novices same pot eating, sleeping and general reference. I wake up after sleeping with everyone and everyone. I do things that no one wanted to eat only once a day and lunch, not eating at the time. Cultivation is amended subtle mistakes. If the transformation is not small mistakes that, that is their lack of sophisticated capabilities.
Abbot assigned it to me. I went to Venerable Master:
- "Venerable Buddhist help to bridge. turned over to the upper left. Venerable makes me very uncomfortable. "
Abbot said:
- "I bring compassion and help them."
Venerable teach the words are even reasonable. I had no hard constraints, so when he heard those words, I was excited, I said:
- Venerable Master, I will go.
I told the boy:
- You go to the front, I will follow.
He says:
- But he did not know the child?
I replied:
- Do not bother about me. Let's just go home first.
When he was about five o'clock in the afternoon, the sun has taken drivers. He followed the main road, and I followed the trail. His house about six miles from the temple. He's awfully shocked about the place, I saw him sitting in the house waiting for him.
- Mr. White, did you know that children come home early?
I said:
- Maybe you just have to play, or he desires the TV watching football or something.
He replied:
- Dear no, I do my best to go home quickly.
I said:
- Maybe your bike is not going as fast as my car, so I come first.
Upon visiting her mother, I can not see how she was rescued. But I still decided to try his best to save her. I used to write a few lines Security:
"This guy has a place of wish, prayer offerings to the Buddhas hands to save the mother's life. I have hands to stop him. By all means, ask for his mother to live ".
Security I sent away, the next morning she already lay motionless for seven, eight days, suddenly sat up son by name calling procedure.
- Blessed Blessed Oh ... uh ... hungry mother, little mother porridge ...
Boys for seven, not eight days she called. This extreme delight. He ran to tell her side of the bed:
- Mom, mom was bedridden for eight days. Maternal health, right now?
She answered:
- I do not know how much longer. Mom was chasing runs in a deep dark cave without sunlight, starlight or moon light at all. Mother ran and kept running all day to day to find his way home. Do you cry, but no one listened. Until last night, I met an ascetic monk robes bearing was worn, the mother led her mother to go home ... I eat gruel for clues at all hungry.
The children heard the mother say to the minister, asked:
- The monk she met the face like?
She replied:
- He was very high. If the parent is met, the parent will recognize immediately.
I was on bed rest. He came to my side, just for mom and asked:
- Is the monk this?
She stared at me and exclaimed:
- Yes, the teacher is the mother who brought home.
At that time, the entire extended family about ten people, including young and old, both knelt in front of me said:
- White me, so I saved the mother alive. Now the whole family we ask to be ordained refuge with him. Regardless of what the temple there, the chapel offers please do your best work, and follow the Master's teachings to practice.
Later, the people of this village have come to the temple for refuge and I pray for their healing. I said:
- I only allow healing by spanking. You can take it I treat.
They agreed and I have to fix. This means that the patient began to lie down, hitting a three heo with bamboo broom. Mark finished, I asked:
- Have not all patients?
It is surprising. They truly healed!
It's an annoying thing to happen in Manchuria. The 2nd time I used this Security is in Hong Kong. When her father Lew, 79, Magdalene disease. The position of divination are sure that he will surely die this year. He came to me for refuge to the Triple Gem Bless his prayer life for a few more years.
He replied:
- Thay. Please help me I live for a while longer.
I said:
- How is he not want to die. I will help him live another 12 years? Right?
He is thrilled with response:
- Yes, sir, it was great to be so happy.
Then I pray for him and pay him to live another 12 years.
however, you should not use this method to help push people to save them from death or resurrection when they were dead. If you do so, you will be confronted with Pluto. At that time Pluto will say:
- Okay. He has helped people from the dead, now I have that network.
Until you face and the impermanent; Security nobody uses this to help get both. If you think you can use Security to save him from death as you are mistaken. Shedding of legal publications like the blade itself can not cut off the shank of the knife itself. So when you meet along the way, the story is like bodhisattva - slapped Earthenware:
Bodhisattva earthen traverse the sea.
Hard to keep the integrity of the body.
So no matter if you are fluent in the use of this legal publications, also have more sophisticated practice. For this reason, I pay less attention to other people's private affairs.
25. The ghost of Ma
Two of this mantra, the Chinese translation is "growth". Also means "like that" or "optional". That is the power of the European As confess, do Phuoc Hue growth, making all things are good like that.
"As the" means, depending upon the wishes that are fulfilled.
You can see the infinite benefits of this publication is not legal? So performance should be the first publication of this law in forty-two legal procedure volume label. As the use of European Yew admits beyond description language.
If you want to be rich, be practiced according to the legal procedure volume label. Once you have achieved it, then you will get everything and not have to worry anymore because of poverty. You will always be rich and boundless optimism blessing.
26. Lama hey hey ma ri up
Hey hey ma ma. Chinese translation is "no words extreme attention"
"Unknown language" means no need to say anymore.
"Medicine Department" means the other concepts have reached the ultimate place, then reached wonderful place.
Hey hey ma ma may also translated as "liberation". Liberation as Brahma United: not sad, do not bother, do not worry, not angry. Throughout the day are free and happy.
This is "iridescent clerical". Knowing this publication, will save the output to heal the iridescent clouds, and will attain competency in extraordinary self. Noble and order capabilities of publications in this way is actually infinite.
Ri is up, "confessed the Lotus Bar". It means "flower Union Center." When you practice this legal publications achievements, will be blue lotus scent emitted, and the Buddhas of the ten directions praise. The magic is hard inconceivable. It is true that:
Dharma truly sublime mystery
Hundred of thousands of hard to find memories for life!
27. Cu cu Lot Lot butt up
Lot Lot cu cu. Chinese translation is "legal work", or translated as "dignified work", it also means that "the speaker has championed disarmament". This is our Privacy speaker volume label legal procedures.
Now we are living in dark age. Many people think that simply recite the Great Compassion Mantra is in agreement with the spirit of truth and dharma, but actually not. Great Compassion Mantra is called instead of the forty-two confessed legal publications and magic of the Great Compassion Mantra is the magic of the forty-two legal procedure volume label, which is the whole of the Great Compassion Mantra. If you only know the Great Compassion Mantra recitation practice without admitting forty publications like the way the hand without legs, should not be able to go. On the other hand, if you only knew forty two players to practice law without label printing recitation of the Great Compassion Mantra, as well as the legs without hands, do not get both. Also useless. So to put his radical Great Compassion Mantra, first you must reach forty two legal publications and confessed to recite the Great Compassion Mantra again, new called the ultimate achievement of the Buddha Dhamma this.
Not only just heard about shamans Great Compassion Mantra lecture finished they said:
- "Ah! I understand that mantra mean it. "
Understood in this way would not benefit at all. Just like the body, but have no limbs at all. You already have the whole body, arms and legs, to help them work together making merit is new.
Privacy speaker volume label procedure is legal for legal work when you founded ashrams, you should use this method Privacy speaker publication. When you work this way, then the sound resounds take heaven, hell take comprehend. Throughout human realm, and everywhere are affected. Any people anywhere to hear this sound in the control of the prime legal publications. The species devilish demons must obey, can not invasive. This is also called the fetters world.
publication of this law, also known as "dignified work". This means that using mind power luminous whirlwind of legal publications Insurance speakers will create a wonderful sound approach, making the land into gold by chemical, are dignified by seven treasures things. It is hardly inconceivable magic. You're practicing Buddhist Dharma should know that in the past 300 years, no one practiced forty two legal procedure volume label and no one comprehend this legal publications.
Now we understand the Great Compassion Mantra, the media, and we should give rise solidly practice forty two players mark this legal publication. Then there will be the right thing.
Listed ass is Sanskrit, which is the language of Brahma, rather than the language of India, but the Indian language legal documents also based on the language of Brahma.
Listed ass is Sanskrit. Chinese translation is "the measures", also translated as "merit". It means doing everything without merit beneficial for everyone. Working beneficial for everyone merit is merit for themselves. Bo - slapped practicing self-interest and benefit of others, self-enlightenment for themselves and enlightenment to others.
This mantra comes to practices and operating altitude. It is the avowed White Lotus legal publications. Imagine you are holding a white lotus flower in hand. Your hand holding lotus flower and oral recitation Bill pay up the butt butt ...
Not only do you recite honey notes but also practice publications. When both legal recite this, you can create whatever merit. When you recite the Great Compassion Mantra and also understand how to practice the forty-two admits the legal publications you can achieve record levels of operation. Shedding incredible, never exaggerate. If you can say is that mysterious place, it must have prevented her. But the mystery is not limited volume, no place start and finish. With the listing values ​​buttocks, you can achieve is immeasurable merit. In later generations, you will forever be dignified by the scent of white lotus and always uphold.
The magic, the mystery of the Great Compassion Mantra praise despite not ever, never the end.
28. The plot of plot, the fine old soles
The plot of plot. Chinese translated as "sea level" means the death cross of suffering. And literally "pure invention".
Once you have crossed the sea of ​​birth and death and suffering, you will gain intellectual clarity, the entries and pure nature, to the other side, which can enter Nirvana. From the pure nature's wisdom, wisdom will flow out, you will understand all disciplines, you will definitely end the cycle of birth and death. With samadhi, your mind completely at peace. That is the power, when you get to the true force can be reborn in the pure land bright, it is the world's Bliss.
This is Ma Ni Yue Xu confessed legal publications, is magically France - la - by Bo ni - Nguyet Quang slapped expounded. Pure Resonance legal publications prime labels have the power to bring people to the wise and peaceful place.
A fine old is out to push the legal envelope label.
Buddha out to. Chinese translated as "stately silver ore", also means "Generous". Also translated as "the life and death". If you practice practice push the envelope labeled this way you can overcome suffering ocean of birth and death, which means liberation. If you are not meticulous legal practice printing envelope labels, they can not escape the ocean of suffering of birth and death, to liberation, nirvana is.
29. Ma ha fine old leather soles
This mantra means "I win, daiphap direction".
France is generous, supreme generosity and also directed, at winning. French director truth beyond all the most wins in the world.
This is a prime Privacy size label printing methods. This publication has vast natural for the kind of magic and pagan. Functions of this great French food. Such measures could push national defense against foreign invasion. If your country is about to be invaded, and if you practice this method, then press the invisible, enemy troops forced to retreat.
30. Already a mandala
Sanskrit is very difficult to understand. Even those who have studied and mastered Sanskrit is difficult to understand and explain the mantra is clear. I only understand a little thanks mantra of Great Compassion alone.
Already a mandala is a calculated average volume label legal procedures. In this bottle contains pure nectar. Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara used willow branches sprinkled nectar filled the beings of the six lines. No matter who had an accident or illness suffering what, if Bo - Avalokitesvara sprinkled nectar they are freed from the accident.
Mandala mandala. Chinese translation is "bringing the total maintenance publications", is the heart of the whole amount of living beings. It was Bo - Avalokitesvara Wisdom admits taking legal publications, Binh Duong players label printing methods and measures for inclusion press - press all three measures was to sprinkle the nectar to all sentient beings, salvation born out of direct force measurement.
31. Geographical ni
Geography ni. Chinese translation means a lot. The first is the "Instance" means fierce courage. It means "purity or chastity kill".
"Intensive" is the general form.
"Pure kill" is static.
Also translated as "value and only declare".
- "Value" means making the law are evil metabolism, serving under the direction of goodness.
- "Come opening" is to make the karma, their accident of birth are eliminated.
This is the competition for players pick Cuba legal publications. Publication referred to as setting legal questions, has the power to make all spirits, DFWminis to uphold the practitioner. If you carefully craft practice achievements this label, the celestial dragon can be sure there will be rain and rain immediately, if there needs to be wind, they will do the right wind, the rain and wind do not want to practitioners raging more earth, wind and rain will end soon.
You will say: "I do not believe so." True character! That is why I want to talk to you listen, all just because you do not believe. Without trust, and not in this state is difficult to understand.
If you wish, you can ask those who have just returned from Taiwan in the rain today in Taiwan. When I talk to Buddhists in Taiwan over the phone, they said the rain and cold. They want the warm weather and less rain. I asked them to please be assured, it will happen. They are the questions:
- Teacher can make rain or sun all stars?
I only briefly:
- You wait Buddhists see the sky has stopped raining or not?
As soon as I hung up the phone, it started rainy weather. They are the things that are strange . (Those who came to Taiwan to attend World Forum 1969, will be able to witness this. Rained Keelong beams in Taiwan at least 48 days, a maximum of 53 days. Taiwan We are in for life world. Both fuels are no longer a monastery, once the wood has been wet before, there's no way to heat it dry again. however, on the morning of 18/4 as mentioned above, is the moment we our conversation was over, the sun has come up, the sky became bright and warm air becomes immediately.'s Note Pattern to translate from English).
Actually, there is not anything else, is the ability of players pick set legal publications. You just press fetters and called: "the dragon, do not rain again!" The sky will rain soon stopped. Dragons will abide by the order for you and only if you have this option and press the achievement fluent players pick set. Spraying Dragon publications will follow this method and immediately suspend the rain.
You will think I'm joking but it was true. Now, I'm teaching experience to hear you and I'm talking to you in English feet. This is not a joking matter.
32. Loss deliver most
Each time you recite the Buddha Decor throughout the legal world, the skin has a threaded shutter release us. Every skin is the anniversary of the Buddha really have a luminous flow emitted covers the whole universe.
Leather interior emits translated as "optical zoom". Also translated as "liberation". Transliteration of the Sanskrit word "Isara" as in the word "Avalokihesvara". here means "shop", because there is a new and profound insight to be "liberated". If you do not have very deep contemplation, then you will not achieve capacity in order.
Reflecting inward meaning is self-interest but rather elaborately landscaped external direction. That means that inward contemplation constantly. Ask yourself: "I exist or not?". He exists in the server itself you or not? You are my master or not? His old face all this exists or not? Often head to chon pure nature exists or not? If there are existing ones, which means you achieve liberation. If not present, which means you do not have to be in order.
The optical zoom is also meaningful in itself. If you reach capacity in order, then you can zoom optics. If you do not get themselves in power, the optical zoom can not be.
Leather interior is also emitted translated as "Pyro optical", also known as the photocatalyst. That fire, but not fire arising from habitual negativity, as you often say, "I get angry just like fire." It also is not derived from the flames of hatred, anger, your anger, but it was the fire of wisdom. That's more water from the intellectual to extinguish ignorance. True wisdom manifests ignorance when the fire was extinguished. That's Martian ore.
When you recite the Buddha really means your skin is optical zoom. But first you have to get themselves in power. There is no capacity in the order you can not do optical zoom. Please remember this.
This is the unification of Romania confessed legal publications. This publication has features not cure blurred vision clear. This publication makes use eyes are bright again.
33. The cost price of
Price means the price of the service "action". It's like the military action to implement a marching order. Marching is an order if you do not comply, which means against the order.
This is a legal Bao specific volume label. When you ring the bell, the sound echoed throughout the space, through the heavens, the shock boundary. If you need something done, just ring the bell large species gods, angels, demons devil will obey your orders. For example, when an earthquake, you just need to ring the bell and then dictating: "The earth trembled not so," returned to earth right state of peace.
Protection ultra-specific magic legal volume label advantage. If you want to sing with a great melody, then press meticulous practice this method. When the wife and achievements gained, your voice during voice as big bell rang in space.
34. Ma ma ma la fine
Ma ma. Chinese translated as "life over the Soviet Union." It is a command action. This means that "everything I do is to make sure a success."
Bach Ma ma is collected fine French food label. in China, the Taoist and Buddhist monks often use whisk, the monks often holding whisk Posting sure to coordinates sermon.

Bach subtle publications legal procedures have the capacity mark off all of body karma except every accident and sickness karma. Just waving to yourself a few times as possible and eliminate any healing karma karma born of graves disease.
White label printing waving defense measures have so many uses, but who know how to use this method very little press. I know very few people today have been printed using this method.
In the first Westerner ordained walked in Taiwan have returned. They have become Bhikkhu, Bhikkhuni true. They just came back to the airport at 4: 30 pm today, 910 flights of Chinese airlines. Today Buddhist Lecture Hall had so many cars all Buddhist guardian in ashrams as well as all Buddhists in San Francisco - Former Kim Son - United States - can out of the airport to welcome the Bhikkhu Front.
Normally, I do not want to get to the airport but the flight was carrying on several Buddha statues there, so I went to the airport to welcome Buddha, not to catch my disciples. The disciples did not need me to welcome me, did not need to. When they go ordination Taiwan, I told them that:
"When the master of love
When enlightenment and freedom. "
Now they have to their own level, they have to go, now returned. Surely they have to find the way from the airport to the temple. They do not need me to instructions: "Turn there, go this way, that is the way the temple".
The funny thing is when they write a letter telling me that they had forgotten Doing a barrel. I said:
"Omission doing nothing important. The important thing is that no one in the neglected child ". Five riders who ordained and this year have returned. Why? So I bought insurance in word bodhisattva - slapped, so for anyone left behind is not acceptable. If a person is not on, ie word bodhisattva - slapped fail to comply with the contract. So I strongly believe that all the world and he will return to the Vassal Insurance Services bodhisattva - slapped not need to pay contract.
You should remember one thing. Those ordained were returned today the declaration of Buddhism paint the United States. Do not take this simple. This is true. Do not be like those who claim to be Buddhists, located just at home but prefer to call themselves "home team". Indeed, a few days ago, there is a self-appointed Patriarch come here and want to hear me sing. I ridiculed him: "It's boring to hear him sing." He just pops up: "oh!", An hour and left.
Imposing ghost is "Every guardian ghost vajra" golden hand wheel. This can be because they embody large as Mount Meru.
Ghost out fine. Chinese translation is "I won Separated Configuration", which means it's the most wins legal, structural separation from all worldly contamination. Also means "like the irrational." Because nothing can compare with this law and custom of his wish that everything happened as expected.
This is Hoa Palace admits the legal publication. If you practice this method is pressing achievements, then you will forever live in the same residence with the Buddha (as in a palace), not to be re-born into the culling of birth, and low birth ovule born again. The use of this method of printing is accomplished eternal life with Buddhas.
35. Items to rate
Ocean Charter items to be pressed for inclusion of the Buddha. It is a tree branch that you usually see Bo - Avalokitesvara holding in one hand while his other hand Bodhisattva - a net average muteness. This positive rapid Portugal - Off to the net and then sprinkle on average for all suffering beings. This country does not like plain water. That's nectar. We are born this water for irrigation will be more beneficial profit. Nectar can help for all living beings from suffering hunger and the implications achieve pay attention.
Items to rate translation also means "liberation". It is liberation from all suffering, illness and obstacles. Should Portugal - Avalokitesvara usual inclusion Ocean legal publications to help liberate all sentient beings from disease, suffering and nasty incidents. Superficially, this seems to attach no great importance, but once you elaborate this legal practice publications and accomplishments, not only can you help liberate sentient beings from disease and suffering that can also conquered the whole world, pagan magic. When the pagan meditation are imbued with positive spike this country, they naturally in good direction, according to Dharma practice. Therefore, there is magic Ocean inclusion of infinite, inconceivable.
Drops of nectar from the hand Bodhisattva - Avalokitesvara not only help you escape any illnesses, sufferings, but one thing is true, when a person is dying, if any merit, the Bo - Avalokitesvara, the huge sprinkling can live again. All herb plants withered grass if watered down nectar also be revived. Grass species accidentally, but when nectar is also watered germination, flowering, and fruiting so as sentient beings that will be beneficial to know how. That is the magic of Ocean inclusion of legal publications.
36. Ideological ideology
Single ideology is ideology Chang'an long legal procedure volume label. Chinese translated as "positive education".
This means that when you ask someone to do something, they have consented. When you are used to teaching of Dharma, they are obedient. This mantra also translated as "original mind". This means that in mind for the desires something, due to the power of this note are achievements. This mantra makes Ma - hey - the - la king, is a pagan meditation is often said that his greatest, and to listen to his hands reverently upon precept upon hearing someone recite this mantra, not dare contradict. So when you recite maintain ideological ideology, then Ma - hey - the - la king came to, any practitioner wishes of how closely the implementation of this right, the correct response as integer the mantras.
37. Decor Furniture na na
This mantra is translated as "General intelligence," also translated as "Hoang vows". This was printed warning label legal procedures. Privacy scene for scene as members of the Great Buddhas.
Great wisdom is what? That's when being no longer cling to the delusion again. There is great wisdom, each concept are manifestations of uncivil place, every mind were saved from Dai Quang Minh. If you have true wisdom will get Quang Minh. And if you can not enter the intellectual nature, is still in the dark curtain of ignorance.
Luminosity is a positive light, and the darkness of ignorance is negative. Why do people sleep at? Because sound pressures rising too sharply. Where do people be so wise? Because stronger positive light.
Those who have no intellectual thinking as the ordinary man. They have the ability to distinguish clearly spell. They do not have to ask other people, they know every thing about his place in itself. They do not go into the boring way, they walked right into the highway and down elaborately handcrafted. While practicing, you must first gain wisdom. Then you must know the spell to clear before entering the highway right way and avoid evil path so.
But what you may not know what to do damage puppets should keep on insisting evil deeds. You can kohng know how clear transgression, so that should do, try your best to make it, just want to look for is whether there really are hindrances. Such behavior is extreme ignorance, fully expressing the intellectual weakness.
Oh! No - You can protest - I am wise, I only momentary mistake in it!
Only mistake once also means ignorance, then a no-brainer. People have no great wisdom wrong ideas. So Venerable Ananda had taken a vow:
Text crazy idea down memory lives
Inappropriate increase any legal body plan.
That is:
"Helping to eliminate the false illusion of life want to memory."
Makes no need to go through the eons that realization itself is legal. "
Venerable has taken a vow to eradicate delusion not only one, two, three, four, five or a hundred lifetimes but in countless lives.
But in our mind why there were so many like that idea? When a passing illusion, delusion different then the next, and when he annihilate delusions, delusions arise after the continuation. Like waves on the ocean surface. You keep thinking that the ocean is an object accidentally, but it really is not something outside of your mind that. The sea is also saved from the mind of sentient beings. Not stop the waves rise and sink, also quite like that idea of ​​never being stopped. It continuously forever. Delusion has gone before, then immediately followed that idea, this delusion delusion followed the other, spell rotation continuum, not an end and joined together, as the falls never stop. Do not have any delusions want to fall behind at all, they are totally want reporters surged forward. Why do you have to suffer so much so that idea? Just because no-brainer. If you have wisdom, then no shred of illusion and no longer agitated waves again. As in verse:
Hybrid style bar furniture
Mercury three estate mania
That is:
"The wind blew fresh,
Sea waves are no longer pale. "
When in elaborately you gain the power, and the waves were silent. When the water has been the intellectual force manifestation, not a ripple, not even a thought anymore delusions. It was pure realism. It is at:
"Most games without infection
Van uncertain period not "
Indeed, when a person is no longer even a speck of dust caught ignorance is no longer something to worry anymore, things in life are not. It is the expression of great wisdom.
Wise people usually succeed in any and all work, and the lack of tueu position often fail in anything but their hands on. Because intelligence is so incredibly important.
What is ignorance? Ignorance is ignorance. Ignorance is just ignorance that out. When ignorance arises, people completely lost wisdom. Ask someone who has just finished doing something wrong, then clearly:
- Why did you do that?
They will answer:
- I do not know anymore ...
This is due to ignorance, due to the lack of clarity, lack of wisdom. But whether they act deluded by ignorance, but they did not give up ignorance. They insisted:
- I know. I know that it's wrong! It was weird. People just so confused because no-brainer, does not reach the Great Park scene, because they refused to elaborate practice legal warning procedures label printing. publications if they practice this method, there will be no more foolish ; no matter what happens. That is when:
Feng watching devils demons
Buddha Buddha Feng police
This, as well as holding a very sharp knife, cut immediately flashed all just delusions. Great intellectual as well as a sharp knife or sword is like.
You can say: " The sword is very heavy intellectual, no, it is not easy for him to be held "! That's because you never took it. Indeed, this use does not need to use for any strength at all. If you've never picked it up and found it too heavy. If you've already picked it up, saw it slightly. If you do not have to hold up, then turned slightly heavier. If you have to pick up, then turned slightly heavier. Why? So you've picked up already!
If you say: "I know that sword intelligence is important, but too heavy. I can not lift well ". And you do not touch the sword. So the heavier sword intellectual truth. But once you've touched on swords, sword up and it was all understanding are sharp as swords, not even a little bit further trouble at all. So I would say to you that:
"Everything was nice at all." It is derived from this principle. If you have a lot of trouble, because you do not have the sword of wisdom. If you get that sword wisdom, then there would be no trouble about anything anymore. Mystery is at this point.
Mountains inland river, the castle houses the world as well as chief medical alert alarm will not mind beyond our present money.
What is the newspaper world? Mountain rivers, land, homes castle called world health report. World's press chief of our body and mind, is where we humans receive the retribution. If you already understand the retributive yourself when received, meaning that you are no longer ignorant anymore. There is no ignorance means brainer. This is like a mirror:
Materials hybrid light switch
Materials past no rules.
That is: "Object reference to the mainland. Materials not turn completely ". The mirror does not keep track at all. Who often casually place with everything and just let it go by that heart no longer encumbered anything.
Although those who mind do not keep anything in the heart, but usually everything is displayed. And although it's often revealing but never caught.
We are ordinary goods, not have great wisdom, outstanding efforts have often remember to recite the Great Compassion Mantra, or usually recites: "ideologies, ideologies, loss na, na failure."
When once again it is not forgotten, have been two, three times, a few hundred times and never forget it again. It is to try to remember. And if you just look or listen cursory once and memorable, no need to use the memo again, that's when your wisdom shining like a mirror in the radio.
Wise people know that all phenomena are saved from their self-interest. If you understand this, then we will no longer lust, hatred and delusion, romantic, think again. Why? Because all things are saved from their heart, so glad things are sad to hate their own property. Whether it's good or bad, did not matter at all.
While talking about her sex scene is easy, but exposed to the realm that is not easy and requires a sophisticated new contact with that realm. Those who say no will elaborate:
"For me, no matter what the problem."
Outside the like, but problems arise and are opposed to each other on the inside. Those who have true wisdom is rare.
You should also clearly distinguish wisdom and worldly wisdom Ashamed of time. Intellectual world, also known as The variable information , as can squeeze out a moral right when needed. Where there is no morality, they can build up, causing all sounds very reasonable. Those who hear them talk about black thought,
"Oh! They mention a moral right. " Actually, if you have true wisdom, you will not get lost in the tangle of their foolish arguments. People often say: "In the positive-sounding".
Similarly, also in intellectual ignorance - ignorance intellectually. On the other hand, the positive-negative. Beneath that lies a foolish wisdom. For example, you can see a person not say anything at all, who seem ignorant country bumpkin, but he's doing things true. He may embody a confused man confused, but always behave ethically in agreement. There are many such people.
When observing others, you will contemplate his place singlehandedly get so wise or not. If you have a genuine intellectual, you do not get the wrong klhac use, leading to wrong place. And if you do not have wisdom, you will induce others to do blundering.
Intelligence and stupidity have a direct relationship. It's two sides of the body. The absence of intellectual ignorance is displayed. And ignorance arises in the absence of wisdom. In ignorance of the intellectual and the intellectual shadow of ignorance. How's this? Because ignorance is wisdom and a. If you know how to use, that is wisdom. If you do not know how to use it is ignorance. For example, when you lift up sword of wisdom, it is wisdom; also when you let go of that sword down, it is ignorance. That is not two but one. So you do not ever say that you're looking for is wisdom and dispel ignorance. No one else ever did. Mainly just the "early".
Can take the example of the hand to symbolize wisdom and the other is the expression of ignorance. If you want to grasp an object with the other hand it can not do both, but if you use your hands then get new things. Failure to obtain objects symbolize ignorance and the use of hands to get the animal is a symbol of wisdom. It was only two aspects of a most general sense, depending on your operation.
Someone said: "Now I've got it. Ignorance and wisdom is my hand. " Come mistake again! The hand is just an example. Do not assume that intelligence and ignorance is the hand. Like for example the finger and the moon (in Surangama Sutra). For example Buddha finger to see the moon only. Do not confuse the finger is the moon.
Interior Decorators na na 's "great wisdom" and also means "preacher vows" - the vast vows. When you want to accomplish something, to make vows to play along. As Amitabha Buddha before the enlightenment, when local people were practicing with the appearance of a Bhikkhu, he has 48 large prayer. Bodhisattva Samantabhadra also has 10 voluntary Kingdom. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara also found countless prayers as well as the Patriarch had taken a vow. I'm preaching to the release you hear about the great prayer. There are established voluntarily or not is due at you. I bring this topic up because I was sure the instructor you are not yet understood. But I was not forced to vow to you. Now you are into Buddhism, each person should vow themselves up, the bigger the better. Making prayer the greater the higher the achievement. Currently we are prisoners who have not become a Buddha and all, we should place human development at the local prayer that practice. Each person should write down their prayers detail. Do not vow a superficial way, through loudspeakers, to be voluntary but must be functional as: "I vow to save all beings."
Really? How can you be sentient beings. When every day you find a way to get good food, nice clothing, where sumptuous splendor. The saving sentient beings first of all sentient beings specialized mouth to say where the language of your prospects, the gluttonous belly, the body of desires his own happiness first. So you must be candid and transparent during the vows. Currently his vow to do? The future will be like? As in the past, we could have ever forgotten what practice applications. But in the future we will practice what? Each person should have the right Buddhists vow. 's Now in place, the greater the vow in the future, the result will be higher. If you put all your resources into a chapel pores, you can play a great vow from the pores.
Vow is a sacred promise that all Buddhists should follow. Vows are important, because without it, nor the instructor. Like the road, not knowing what direction to go, did not know whether to turn left or turn right to reach the destination. If you vow, as well as travel guides and destination paths.
Why Buddhas and Bodhisattvas have taken vows as a practitioner? Since then they have taken vows, his new act on their own set corresponding to pray. For example, when Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva's practice in the field, he has great vows:
... "Hell do not
The bat became Buddha
We take delivery of
Local evidence Bodhi ".
That is:
"Beings of all
New evidence Bodhi
Hell, if there
Children of the Buddha ".
May the force is extremely great. We should also vow. Each of you should play a vow suitable for everyday things you love to do.
38. A relic of the Buddha sam
A place sam translated as "Dharmaraja dharma", ie the United Dafa Dafa often move carriages, often expounded magic Mahayana meaning. This profound teachings are wonderful, no one can take is to say exhaustively, but now you are listening to lectures every detail clearly.
That is the meaning of this mantra. This is "prime Attorney normalized volume label printing Buddhist law." you should practice this legal publication. When and achievements, eternal instant they are born close to learning the teachings of Buddha.
There are many ways to explain Great Compassion Mantra. Such a lecture every other mage admits this is the title of a bodhisattva. For example he said that Attorney General admits normalized Buddha is Buddha Bodhisattva Attorney normalized. This is a case of wrong glasses go a mile. Why? here there is absolutely a Bodhisattva at all. You can read the entire Tripitaka if you want but will not see any bodhisattva title is normalized Attorney Buddhist bodhisattva both.
There might say something like this: Attorney normalized Buddha legal procedure volume label is the practice of Bodhisattvas, can not call that Attorney normalized Buddhist bodhisattva. If such call was a mistake.
So when it comes confessed French food storage bowl you can understand that: Make legal insecurity is the practice of Bodhisattvas. Storms that is not the title of a bodhisattva. Recently I was looking at the "Compassionate Economics faculty means" sent to Hong Kong, in doing this they preached forty-two player printed label is the legal title of the forty-two bodhisattvas. It's completely wrong. Forty-two players in trading volume label is the law practice of bodhisattvas. The Buddhist knowledge should keep this point in mind, not conviction on the grounds that no real obvious. While explaining the Dharma for the listener, you must have a solid stance, exactly what you put out, but you will not make mistakes.
A place sam is normalized Attorney Legal Buddhist publications confessed that the bodhisattva must practice.
You ask: "What Bodhisattva?"
This is not a separate bodhisattva does both. Any person practicing forty two volume label is the legal procedure that is Bodhisattva. Regardless of who does not practice law forty two publications he does not have to be a Bodhisattva. If you practice forty two legal procedure volume label can be accomplished is clear evidence you were supposed to and bodhisattvas.
The Buddha's relics translated as "sense of death itself." This is the Department of European legal procedure volume label or the Recitation European legal publications , is the practice of Bodhisattvas practice. When Bodhisattva practice confessed this achievement, the Buddhas of the ten directions in photography and life to lead the practitioner to the Buddha throughout the world in ten directions.
39. Impose penalties laid Rain
Sa fine, fine ginseng translated as "Festival Festival goofy language". It means very happy when spoken. Also translated as "macho" and "Supreme Master".
This is a legal Privacy archers volume label. When pressed achievements practice this method, if the people at home, they may be doing the courtiers, who were ordained can show results arahant.
40. Buddha away from skin
In this sentence, the Buddha's relics . "relics" translated means "Enlightened death itself." And in verse Buddha skin away , "Defrost" translated as "Statue": elephant. That is, if you already enlightened, then your mind can be likened to an elephant god, also known as the French prince. You could be the French king supreme in all disciplines. In general, the meaning of this mantra is: Mind enlightened monarch as a noble statue.
Defrosting the Buddha is said about the obligation of Buddha Amitabha. Buddha Amitabha is the guru of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara homage to his guru virtues Bodhisattva has bowed Amitabha Buddha expounded in the Great Compassion Mantra. So Amitabha Buddha halo to the mantras of this.
Defrosting the Buddha 's lotus Tu legal procedure volume label . In forty-two admits that White confessed lotus, lotus Thanh confess, confess Red lotus legal publications. When practicing this method accomplishments publications, one will be faced by the ten Buddhas. So Death lotus confessed legal publications are crucial.
41. The hole openings Lake
Lot Lot coral reef that out. Han translated as "rule of law as the". Also translated as "falling glass opening legal effect".
This is done manually labeled pearl Kim bare legal publications . In forty-two legal publications, practitioner practice when forty-two player printed label this approach is called "legal work". "As the" means, depending on the wishes are like. When the practitioner is legal publications and achievements, then everything should be like a wishing called "Wish".
But "legal effect opening glass self" means the practitioner is practicing, not someone else. So when the legal practitioner work, then press left no legal practitioner and the practitioner not leave legal publications. France and Russia as a. So there is no law and no ego, and the ego measures are not accepted. That is the meaning of "rule of law opening glass self".
Practicing "Kim bare legal publications pearl finish." Maybe that all beings obey the edification of the practitioner. Teach them what practitioners, they are practicing the practice was not misleading.
42. Openings crossroads Ho Ri
Lot Lot coral reef. Han translated as "legal non-conceptual work" also translated as "self at work." In the mantra of the hole openings Ho preached in front means "like the legal work", while still starting up legal work concept. And the mantra crossroads Ri Ho openings are absent when the work starts legal concept. If the practice of publication of this law, but that is also a thought of that idea. If the practitioner does not have a thought, that is no longer delusions should achieve "self at work" and become capable of Avalokiteshvara. That is the bodhisattva usually observe sound in the world to save themselves in a way, the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
This mantra is legal Privacy bowl confessed publications, press the third method of label printing forty two legal procedures. India has the legal power to liberate beings from sickness woes.
The taste of home while experiencing the patient, keeping notes into the glass, for the patient it can be cured. If patients do not heal, they must observe the entire causal. If you have good conditions, the water you drink, the Compassionate mantras was healed from disease, is due to have put all their faith in The Yin Bodhisattva. If not cured, may be due to your lack of faith Bodhisattva.
The fact is that, now I will pass this way you always. In order to maintain water glasses Great Compassion Mantra, there is such power, you do not need to recite the full text of this mantra, but simply reciting verses Ri Ho openings crossroads in time and then hand pressed three fetters once flipped into the water on glass. Then give the patient will be cleared. Sometimes patients do not heal, the patient had healed. It all depends on causes and conditions between the practitioner and the patient. If you have deep karmic thick with patients, when they finished drinking water have been keeping notes Compassionate instant cure. If the patient does not have affinity with practitioners, whether they have had a drink mantras, but because they do not have faith in Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, then they do not get sick healed.
Generally there are countless predestined to form the basic legal fate. If the patient has meticulously practiced faithfully and Development Center, when drinking water is associated mantras to cure. And if you have no compassion practice but even a lack of trust in the Great Compassion Mantra, even drinking water has been keeping notes and useless. And if you have a heart and even though the practice is not going well, when drinking water has also been keeping notes of interest. Those that produced very heavy karma, if you've been keeping notes on the drinking water is not enough to create the capacity to transform their disease. And if people have had a drink now slightly mantras that may arise in the large capacity. That's because regular maintenance capacity mantra of Great Compassion, has created a direct communication capability sensors. My power has healed.
So whatever the case, have decided glared origination success. Do not think: "I have practiced law Bao publications bowl confess , I was keeping notes Compassionate into the water, why not be effective at all? "
That water is not keeping notes Compassionate not be effective. Just because of your wife is not effective, should not be much effective.
There are a number of legal heretics also use mantras Compassionate Healing with water to achieve effective and flexible application. That's because they have the help of natural species of magic makes people believe in their healing, and leads into customers retinue of celestial magic pagan. So, whilst also practicing a method that thousands of distinct messianic results.
Compassionate Use water to cure for a practice bodhisattva practice. But you want the first practitioners to practice all of the Bodhisattva vow. Always keep in mind "selfless", "inhuman". That is no longer the four generals in mind: self, human, beings, fake life anymore. You do not think: "I'm sick of being healed is, when I lead Great Compassion Mantra, I created the tremendous touch".
If you have a thought like that, means that you have the ego arises. With her ego, and he fell into drug offensive, even if you do not have the ego mind and are vulnerable ma encounter obstacles when practicing this method. Disease is caused by karma karma or ghosts. If patients because now, there's no problem if you treat them. As if by magic karma disease, when you treat them mean you declared war against Lucifer, it can harm you. If you force your religion is incomplete, you may be capturing in the realm of ghosts. If you have been directed to create a little power and influence with them, they will continue to find ways to beat you.
I prefer capital treatment for people who are sick so when I find ways to treat them. But then, I faced a serious obstacle ghost. In Manchuria, a species hell wants to drown me, but it failed. However, there are 50 - 60 people are killed and more than 800 houses were destroyed leviathan. Then, on the way from Tianjin to Shanghai, species of sea monster that sought to turn my boat, just a little bit more as I turned into fish food. Since then every time to spread the goods here, I rarely curative.
So treatment is the best way to the coast, but it is also very dear to resentment with the ghost. It has good points and bad points. If you do not mind that the problems in the four generals: self, human, beings, fake life, you can turn any situation. And if you do not mind self-transformation of his own people from the four generals on the block is easy to fall into the ghost. So, being married to them through their healing is a matter of practice requires very high capacity.
43. The one place I
You hear echoes of this very powerful mantra, right? Ta Ta to the translation is "Permanent force", the force is very strong, something can not budge.
Solidification can force the surrender destroy all the pagan meditation species.
This is increasingly treated Kim confesses legal publications . This method of printing performance is subdued resentment all drugs.
44. Tat dysentery dysentery all
Every seat Every seat has three meanings: The first is "strong" as in battle, the powerful always win, do not be defeated. The second meaning is "wins" means beyond all perfection, never fail. Tuesday means "auspicious" . Because the practitioner is the new powerful overcomes all the obstacles, there are new auspicious.
I often tell my students that when doing any work, whether in the position to have to play strong mind, and never overcome the degradation losses. If anyone back drop, do not return to see my face again. Those who are weak, corrupt what is useful? They like a Cantonese thing called "pox packages" water-skin is flabby. And in the Northeast, it is called "draft included" the straw bag for storing seeds soft and useless. So remember this: anyone who wants to volunteer to be my disciple must always overcome anything, care must be fortified so as Vajra mace. And as "aqua packaging" and "draft which" can not under stand.
All of dysentery dysentery is manually label printing contract law attorney. makes it possible for all fruit soap, sweet tiger, lion, human and inhuman devotion ph1t center. However, one must be really strong heart, and mind to overcome any retrogression. Functions of this publication is not legal in that discourse that attempts must be made ​​in practice.
45. Clear clear
Fill the bowl checkered checkered. Han translated as "nectar" state. It is also a legal nectar volume label procedure. Previously I've talked about the wonders of water and nectar. Can help for the hungry are fed demons and all wishes are like that, everything shatters hungry, received many other good things.
This nectar known as "immortal". If someone is going to die this nectar, the drink will be resurrected. But not so easy to get the nectar if no affinity.
46. ​​Bodhi - Bodhi
Bodhi . Chinese translation is "Enlightenment religion". Want attaining direct, first, you must have been feeling heart. Without visual attention, it is impossible to practice to achieve enlightenment. The practitioner must first be honest heart and a new realization may practice direction to where achievements are now. Two mantras are called Real rotten metal label printing legal commentary. 's Mind It is never permanent regressive.
From now until accomplished Buddhahood, you must give rise to increasingly powerful crystals all over. Do not stop or back drop. For example, when you hear religious chanting, start mind is very difficult to have the opportunity to hear lectures scriptures. Very rarely is the conference meet. Although this view may seem normal, but if you listen carefully ponder heart will find extremely valuable. See if there are places in the world where there is a legal opportunity like this diligently, every day coming to my lectures? There is nowhere else in the world that measures sound like gushing waterfalls, rivers as relentless as ever here?
So when there is an event of grace submerged removed, you must arrange for, despite how busy, no matter what the subject shaman instructor, who also have to listen to lectures. Do not differentiate between mages and the faculty instructor or less, and then only to hear the lecture or. If you still endure to hear whether any faculty shaman, ran long day, you will definitely penetrate into the true doctrine. Although instructors who go further, you should also come to listen to the conference holder. If a week has seven night's lecture, you should also attend all seven nights. Do not be lazy!
And that it is hard to see millions of lives had been present then. Once these have been met, the coast should be diligent study. The main effort is "Bodhicitta" so strongly fortified.
If you miss the Bodhi mind that the director is not looking forward to anything else that wish to cook rice sand. So in the Flower Adornment Sutra, the Buddha says:
"Tha Round Bodhicitta, autonomy goodness, now the word ghost."
Meaning: "Omission of thousands Bodhicitta eligible bu goodness as a ghost."
On any rot, there are three types:
- First, the real rot: If the practitioner has certified arahatship bad, there's no more ordinary back rows, if the practitioner has attained Bodhisattva then no longer fall back again every Arhat. If the practitioner has attained Buddhahood back then there were no more bodhisattvas. Except for the current incarnation want to teach beings. For example, one can vow: "Now I have achieved Buddhahood, I want to teach bhikkhus embodiment beings". It's absolutely true.
- Monday is the anniversary of no rot: Sometimes the practitioner in mind arises: "Dharma really bored, I do not want to go to practice or even teaching anymore." This is the concept of interior degradation. When a thought of quitting the interior practitioner, the phantom ringing follow immediately, because Lucifer is very happy to launch the concept of backward fall practice.
Once you have achieved "any notion rot", the better to hear the law, as to hearing more.
Mindfulness any amount rotten at the heart of the practitioner no longer be propelled into food processing line "suddenly expect anymore", no longer experiencing minus four generals birth anniversary of the killing starts again. Always saved any notion rot from Bodhicitta, the companion of permanent interest. Solidification is characteristic of the Bodhi mind. Mindfulness any permanent heart rot and the foundation of the great bodhisattva vows. Mindfulness is the notion that any non-conceptual rot. Countless self-concept notion that "non-conceptual idea, no concept of children's self-concept". This concept is the concept of pre-existing security, can not infer. Mindfulness any rotten always happy to go with whatever rot.
- Third, any rotten behavior: That is true bodhisattva practice. But do everything in countless realms without leaving the center, leaving the great prayer, recite any rotten leaves. Reciting prayers Vajra, Vajra practice inconceivable happiness.
Standing on that argument redundant workers, rotten enforce the diligent practice, interest free security with a powerful effort towards Buddhist legacy.
When you practice Falun Kim admits Real rotten legal publications, from now until then accomplished Buddhahood, you will not even retrogression. But you must diligently practice!
47. Portuguese da da - da da Bo
This mantra similar to the previous question, only sound between the rocky shore labor. Han translated as "false position" and "author".
- Tri is true understanding, is wisdom.
- Enlightenment is awakening.
People with true understanding who the true enlightenment and wisdom.
This is the upper Danh Hoa Phat label printing legal defense. uppercase Buddha in the Buddha spent manually normalized volume label is the law "enlightened." Bodhisattva practicing Buddhist cultural achievements upper Danh legal publications are also "false position" . Basically, the "place" and "sense" had no different.
Enlightenment is enlightenment, the latter stages of the full real understandings (location).
Tri is a complete knowing thoroughly, the previous stage of enlightenment. If you practice Buddhism normalized Danh legal publications and achievements, you will be the true wisdom, who was himself awakened then. If you practice this method, then press the Buddhas of the ten directions will immediately remove the crude oil in the future you will see the results Buddha.
While Buddhist concept or mantras or meditation, the meditator can sometimes strange feeling on top of the head, as if there is an insect crawling around her head, but when you touch the head, the hand showed no wonder. I'll tell you what it is. At that time, the Buddhas in the ten directions to remove crude oil you will achieve Buddhahood in the future. But because you do not have natural atrial communication should not be heard; because there is no natural label should not see you. However, the Buddhas in the ten directions actually left the responsibility of traveling to ashrams started rubbing up for your life. So if you meet merit, then this is a touch elaborately derived from your practice. But you are not starting center infatuation, or conceit, but thought " Oh! The Buddhas had to remove the first sign holder for my life . " If you have a thought of joy or pride as this are also attached. Whether this is a good symptom, but if you accept then began sinking heart, it also becomes bad.
In the last chapter of Business Surangama. Buddha realm builder presentation very much, all of which are derived from the touch of the religious efforts. But if you think that your practitioner has certified the realm of magic, the practitioner becomes seamless attachment to evil spirits and pagan, instant karma ghost. Therefore, when practicing this method, you must dwell in a state of "as such estate." Despite having good or bad realms, also keep fluctuating interest kohng. When the mind is unwavering, as you get the power, wisdom will arise. There is true wisdom, you will become "false position" and "author".
48. Going to ri
Going to Ri. Han translated as "primary quality". Also translated as "generous"; ie lot number, not counted. Also translated as "compassion center" means compassion too large, no short edge. This compassion protective shield for all beings and help them to be happy, which makes being able to enter with his own mind, get rid of fear and away from any disaster.
This is the foremost Sri label printing methods. wooden staff On top nine copper bread circle. When old, go home people also carry wooden staff. Whenever traveling, nine metal ring will make sound, alerting insects to stay away from being trampled her. Integration is an pneumatically staff in Buddhism. Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva wooden staff used as a key to open the door of hell. So should push legal practitioner must cultivate compassion large, vow to save all beings whole.
49. Norway to be prime
Na to be prime. Han translated as "Does anybody" or "collect" also translated as "Compassion household", "Benevolence empowerment". That is, the head of the sages, they are foremost, is hard to find ways to shelter level, sheltered beings, beings left to escape the supreme results.
This is French food storage bowl confessed. well known as Ho Binh legal publications. Water can eliminate all the filth of the earth sliding, help rid patients suffering beings. Bodhisattva practice achievements This publication will have capacity for all deceased beings. When you practice this legal publications and achievements, you will have the ability to help all beings, to help them prevent such disasters, accidents obstacles. So called "Compassion household", "Benevolence empowerment".
50. Geographical iron ni na
Na ni geographical iron. Han translated as "Consistently good". Also means "Search". This is a legal test messages printed label. Previously when forty-two lectures on legal procedure volume label, I can say that this method of printing vast glass for all species, the U.S., the amount of deflection. When you utu This collective achievements and publications, all natural species of magic pagan, worshiping her glass volume expectations are docile servitude because they fear legal publications for the Protection of the practitioner. This publication is epic. If there are any species pagan meditation disobey legal publications, one can immediately punished by this scabbard.
51. Ba da na ma
Ba da ma na have three comments: First, the "identity document" means the name of the practitioner be handed over ten world. The second meaning is "Hy-proclaimed" is ten world rejoiced praise the merits of the practitioner. Third is "the list", "necessarily mean achievement." Reputation means everything, all the actions are real achievements and ultimate meaning.
This is French food storage practices. If you practice this method accomplishments publications will be met with true practitioner.
52. Saha ha
In the Great Compassion Mantra, the Saha ha very important. This verse is repeated four to ten times.
She ha. Han had six service means. Any word appeared in all six attach any meaning well enough this.
The first meaning is "achievement". When the recitation of this mantra, all facility needs, preferences, willingness of practitioners are accomplished. If you do not have the touch when practiced, is not achieved due to the media attention into. If you have a media center and have solid faith, they will certainly be fulfilled. But just a little mind hoof boots do not believe in this note, never be fulfilled.
The second meaning is "auspicious". When this mantra yogi is not all good, all become good like that. But you must have faith. If you have a faith or a grain of doubt when these mantras are bodhisattvas are known. So if you want all things are possible to achieve the first place to have real conviction. For example, when you have a sick father, his father wanted to be cured, you have to be very sincere and district information. Recite the mantra new touch.
Or when you think: "I have not met a long time friend. Now he wanted to see. " is a mantra you wholeheartedly, you just met. Or you think: "I do not have any friends, want to have good friends." mantras you this sincerely and constantly, you immediately get fresh, even having the good knowledge.
Third means she ha 's "died".
When the monks renounce Nirvana newspaper or enter the body known as "passed". But here, the term "passed away" does not mean death. Is not recite the mantra she ha is passed to the bridge. So the use of this mantra is what?
"Staff" means "any member of a multitude." As the merit of complete fullness practitioner; "Very real ethical citizenship" is the virtue of the practitioner reached the ultimate extreme. Only Buddhas and Bodhisattvas know the fullness of her ultimate happiness rather not infer every mortal being.
Wednesday is meaning "instant ear", meaning that all accidents are eliminated.
Fifth means "gain", is the growth of the welfare practitioners. When reciting ha Saha deeds are the growth, the practitioner will gain benefit joyful place.
Friday's sentence means, I think in your little one knows. Because previously I never said never.
She ha means "no boarding". Means "not resident" within the meaning of the phrase "no basis based application any children born center" in the Diamond Sutra.
"Countless residence" means no attachments, no problems grasping something or nothing.
Mind is not a very permanent attachment to the concept at all. No attachment means depending upon the mind with everything, see everything is fine. This is the case, "regardless of countless unborn tasteless" (not a thought of what volition but also achievement). Infinite is unconditioned permanent in the sense above, and inaction is very permanent.
When you are just starting up a conceptual foundation, not to indulge in anything at all, it is the sixth sense she ha . You should not cling to the notion of greed, hatred and delusion, romantic, comfortable. If you have all the above in mind, it must quickly subdued them, converting them to his attention at an office no idea at all. Surrender, transforms the mind's called countless beings reside. What used to conquer them? Using this method scabbard publications to surrender. You say that your mind is filled with concepts involved tame. I will use this to cut clean scabbard. If you have a heart full of resentment ghost, I will also use this pursuit for clean storage. If you are interested delusion seized drugs, I will use this knowledge and make them cut the pieces.
I will cut off all the ghosts that by scabbard Vajra this kingdom, which is used for wisdom to surrender. If you want to surrender pagan meditation, first you have to transform everything his delusions. When your metabolism is delusion in his mind, it is also natural pagan ghosts are vanquished, whether they want to come to disturb, we did not find a way to be harmed at all.
Above is the mean of six she ha . Regardless of which of the following mantra duly ha Saha means six carries full on.
53. Tat leather momentum
54. Saha ha
55. Momentum Ma ha of skin
56. Saha ha
Signature Of Skin momentum has five meanings: The first is "cut Achievement fetters" . The second is "the action" . Third is "a benefit". fourth is "necessarily mean achievement" and Thursday is "basis provides pulse".
Achievement means cutting fetters when using this spell, the basis for every integer of consecutive practitioner immediately (cut) be well (dysentery), contentment.
Someone asked: "Why do I do this Hall mantras, which are unable to get immediate"? Since the Great Compassion Mantra recitation requires efforts correspondence from the public. If there is no corresponding effort to practice, there will be no accomplishment. If the touch, the information content for all departments, voluntary basis by practitioners are accomplished.
All leather hides also means "to measure". This means that practitioners do anything, the results are achieved perfection.
Also known as "the good" is because things are being done achievements interests.
Necessarily mean success means doing any work are also achievements.
Department provides pulse means everyone to praise, reverence praise the virtue of the practitioner.
Ma ha of dA . Everyone knows Ma ha mean big. This mantra means all practitioners achieve tremendous career, achievement and merit wins fulfillment in their vocation. In all things, he should have reached the fullness of its greatest achievements.
Both the mantra of the All she ha da da da da Ma ha all she ha 's Insurance business legal procedure volume label . Bao Kinh are countless thousands of precious sutras, is Dharma. If you practice this way, the press will gain as infinite. In the future, wisdom and strength will remember your very delicate. That is, the ability to "enhance physician office sign" - hear more, remember.
Our memories often operate under a separate entrance. Nor could go without a stick. After reading what, we can not clearly remember it all. Only when the need for their own learning, we went back to search or lookup the records. Why his memory is too low. Because you never practice law Insurance business publications confess this. If you practice this legal publication, you will gain wisdom and understanding diverse knowledge. Like Venerable Ananda, the disciple of the Buddha, the most problematic. It can be said Ananda has practiced law Protection goggles without a doubt. He had reached the legal publications from countless lifetimes already, so to hear anything, do not forget there anymore. Even he could not remember what he had heard. Why do I say that? So Venerable Ananda, the Buddha was born on the same day Sakyamuni attained enlightenment. As so twenty years ago, when no ordained Ananda, the sermons of the Buddha Ananda had not heard before. How, then, can Ananda aggregation entire scriptures after the Buddha entered nirvana? So Ananda heard the elders went through texts that Buddha delivered earlier, or the Buddha by Ananda went through to hear when Ananda Ananda entered the ministry should know the cause of good memory This is because the practice has confessed French food storage business achievements.
Someone asked me: "How to get a good memory?" The answer is to practice simple French food storage business . Those who remember the scripture is clear affinity with this legal publication.
In the mandala map, this is the legal publication Bodhisattva optical zoom. He launched a halo and holding a red chalky. Systemic bodhisattva bursts of brilliance aura icon to open the mind, the power to sign, multicultural advertising is intellectually meritorious achievement and fulfillment.
57. Tat's momentum Technology
58. Failure to her stomach
59. Saha ha
All the momentum . Han translated as "achievement benefits".
Travel Technology . Han translated as "tasteless" also known as "frivolous".
Seven tables that evening . Chinese translated as "Liberation". This is a legal publication Bao admits rape. accomplished meditator This publication can use all these continents took notice hidden in the ground for the benefit of all sentient beings. Did this mantra can say that in places that are usually self in nature and achievements of merit.
60. Norway to be prime
61. Saha ha
Na to be prime . Chinese translated as "charity status" means that often bolstered efforts to protect all living beings. This mantra also means compassion.
This is Aquarius legal procedure volume label.
62. Lama to the na
63. Saha ha
Ma out . Chinese translation is "Wish"
Na out . Chinese translation is "hurt".
This is the label printed book legal defense. publication of this law to bring attention to wellbeing as the practitioner, making these illnesses, accidents obstacles are eliminated.
Legal procedure volume label books have a lot of things right. Meditators can end a string of five colors printed books and practiced law in that string. Achievement then release the rope while, the evil demon species, worshiping her glass volume expectations are tied. It is impossible to escape. Since it will seek edification for the species was in good direction. This is the magic of the publication of this law. New look at it may seem normal but it's unpredictable performance.
In this way religion is dialing "Woe winnings".
64. Every district has increased a Category
65. Saha ha
Of the increase . Chinese translated as "achievement - loving household." That is usually my best to provide shelter protection for all beings.
A Standard skin . Chinese translation is "no no, no discharge".
Real does not mean organic. But this means that magic exists.
Any discharge which means "Best Real discharge method". Do not give up something, be fluent in all things. Should have verses:
"Truth as the most established of any upper ceiling.
Buddha the most eggs any legal discharge ".
That is:
"In terms of nature, as justice, true nature, they do not need to set anything anymore, not even a grain of dust.
But in terms of the general, that is the practice, practitioners who are not ignoring any of them at all. "
A Standard skin also means is that "we love, harmony". That is love, harmony, often to save all beings.
This mantra also means that the nature of other living beings are self-sufficient in nature and nature is usually the full merit.
This is a publication covering legal confessed . When this legal practice publications achievements, one accident could have been avoided prison, anywhere, anytime, any, practitioners are not stuck to the block on the right victim again.
You will ask: "If I practice this legal publication, if I can break the law without being jailed or what?"
No! As Buddhists, you are not crimes. If you already understand the Dharma and Dharma Development Center then, they do have something against the law anymore? And if you do something illegal, of course, have been arrested and imprisoned.
However, sometimes there are innocent people in prison were arrested. This is because they have never practiced law publications covering admits this.
66. Saha ma ha a labor of momentum
67. Saha ha
As you know, the world we live in is the Saha world. I mean she is "patience". Also be translated as "compassionate". Also translated as "Good theory, good services".
Patience means being as we could hardly endure the misery in this realm Saha.
Benevolent beings means that she is not the world I could endure the suffering that arises also love all things anymore.
Compassion theory, Zen ie, always saying nice benefits in Saha world. Along encourage people to embody in this realm Saha.
Ma ha is big. This means that the Mahayana approach, ie bodhisattva.
A labor of momentum . Chinese translation is "immeasurable achievements". That is the legal practice of Mahayana bodhisattvas have the ability to bring the practitioner to the other side and ultimately the achievement of merit.
This is the Portuguese legal procedure volume label. When you practice this method is accomplished in her mouth pressed practitioners often have the sweetness of the grapes, rather than the sweetness of sugar. You notice this, press while practicing this method that has a sweet taste in the mouth that means starting the induction. When this legal publications and achievements, when you cultivated crops, grains, insects, the insects can not destroy your crops. And the fruit trees such as orange, peach, almond, pear, ... will grow very fast and unusual sweetness. Functions of the Portuguese legal publications and this great accomplishment of Mahayana approach is boundless.
Each item is a district increases . In the mandala is a map image of the exact symbol of the Bodhisattva Medicine King, who spent countless media, herbal healing for all beings.
I ha a ghost she felt she ha have all the duties of a Bodhisattva can be rewarded, people also used to cure numerous healing for all beings.
68. Assuming all fetters of a dA
69. Saha ha
Assuming all fetters of a dA . Chinese translation is "increasingly rotation Kim". Also known as the younger Kim is extracted. This vajra circle rotation, but other than Vajra other rotation. This mantra also means "ghost Goods in resentment." As always arise in the mind and discontent gas pulse is called a ghost. Then they criticize everything. They say, "Buddhas often do things wrong, so act Bodhisattva, Arhat, gods, like Pluto are well." They strongly opposed and hostile to everything. "It's all me". They like guys crazy, do not care what the law again. They are always at odds with the whole world. In time people call this type of person is crazy. In every class, the spirits who are called Ma. It when the ghosts are usually coil g resentment over heaven. It also often angry :: Who are too rude to me. " Or it says: "Buddha huh? We will beat immediately. Bodhisattva or Arhat we always wore down. As human beings, we would eat meat at all. The devil then we crushed under the heel. I will tear themselves to death! "Plaintive air this terrible drugs.
This is Baht discount canteen legal letter . With Kim Cang rotation, one can smash the natural species pagan magic, demons to pieces. Regardless of how it's drugs, it will be tame and obedient when Kim practitioners increasingly used to enforce moral of this legal publication. Ma resentment will yogi bowed respectfully and said: "I am determined to submit to legal publications. Prayer follow all the rules, dares not canceled ".
Legal vajras thesis not only has vast natural for pagan magic, but also have the power emitted sound vibrations. Taoists call this sound "Danh Oanh torpedo".
Thunderstorms which often arise from the sky, but the Taoist Taoism can be emitted from clap their hands when a publication called the Attorney drawing attention. Thunder rang out natural causes ghost shaken, even meat can cause skin it was shattered to pieces.
When Surangama Sutra lecture, I have to say about a close friend, has the ability to be printed using this method. When you practice this legal achievements and publications, the reverberating thunder will you use when printing methods and its echo will surrender all the ghosts resentment.
A labor of momentum . Chinese translation is "irrational achievements". Meditators mantras will be a huge achievement merit; nothing comparable, so that made ​​for the plaintive ghosts are provided early rehabilitation.
70. Drug she had listed all dA
71. Saha ha
She has been ma . Chinese translation is "Red lotus".
Bill of dA . Chinese translated as "Compassion and white".
This is super pink lotus Vietnam all species and achievements of merit. When you cultivate lotus Hong legal procedure volume label this achievement then, if you want to birth in heaven, the desire was very easy as the achievements.
72. Norway to be the location you felt
73. Saha ha
Na to be prime . Chinese translated as "the collection".
Hien sages.
Prime is to preserve and uphold guard.
You have the stomach is literally Chenrezig, Avalokiteshvara.
This is For publication fearless approach to confess that Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is often used to save sentient beings, help for all species no longer scared all the time, everywhere.
74. The three benefits listed out da win
75. Saha ha
Ma won her favor . Chinese translation is "wordy", also translated as "heroic virtues", meaning virtue of great hero. Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara is also referred to as that.
Listing out the skin . Chinese translated as "living nature" or "nature". That is the nature of the organic beings have inherent virtue of great hero. Virtue of heroes is due to the practice of general photography collection company cafeterias natural law , press law has conquered all the power for evil ghosts not only in this world but great disasters throughout the world.
Pressing legal practitioner should know this is the most important legal publications in all forty-two legal publications. Because the practice is legal publications, all forty-two other legal publications have enough of this legal publication.
You may wonder: "So I just need to practice this a legal publication was enough, no need to practice other measures forty-one more push."
If you are lazy then do it. If you are not lazy, they should practice all forty two legal publications. On the other hand, you want to be lazy and liked to practice to become a bodhisattva lazy then just a last practice this publication in forty-two other legal publications. It will take quite a long time to be accomplished. However, because you are a lazy person will not be fulfilled so soon is evident. So these are legal uncertainty. If you do not want to become a bodhisattva lazy, you will not care for any length of time to practice this legal publications.
76. Homage to the ground na tar kicked out stomach skin
This question has been clarified at the beginning and Sutra. But in case you have forgotten, I will preach again. People have to remember, though, is not clear but, this time it will be heard more clearly. Those who remember it, hear it once again as a deeper understanding.
If I preach not clear, you keep asking me immediately, because of the way I preach Economic completely different from the Shamans. I do not need any documents or commentary.
Male model means "Refuge". What Refuge? I'm sure Triple reputation.
Black out put na means "protection": precious.
Rock out labor translates as "Three": three
Global means the refuge vows. I am determined to bring the mind and body threatening to take refuge. As the Buddhists who have taken refuge in the Buddha, the Dhamma, the Sangha. It is taking refuge in the Three Jewels.
Ie refuge refuge in all the Buddhas of the three periods, throughout the ten directions, with nowhere to take the legal world. It means refuge with all three measures of life, ten, with nowhere to take the legal world. It is threatening to bring the body and mind of all refuge with all the Sages increase in three generations, ten, with nowhere to take the legal world.
Nowhere, never the end. All realms are in the legal world. There are ten legal world, the realm in which four of the six sages and the realm of mortal beings. Four Sages of the realm is: Buddha, Bodhisattvas, bar text, Pratyekabuddha.
Six mortal realm is: God, human, asura, animals, hungry ghosts, hell.
Ten are: North, East, South, West, Northeast, Northwest, Southeast, Southwest, it is eight. Add above and below all ten.
Three generations of the past, present, AI, and future. We take refuge in the Buddha throughout the ten directions three generations. The word Buddha is called Dharma. Tripitaka is expressed through twelve part Sutra (the Business). All scriptures say by the Buddha is called Dharma. Dharma and not just existing in the human circulation, but also circulate throughout the legal world and nowhere.
When you get five labels, record your new message then infiltrated foot Economics. This means that you read the "disinterested foot Economics". In vain, like any time you are reading experience leg without cleft lip. Sixth Patriarch once said:
"When you love France United move
When enlightened move Lotus ".
"Impartial" does not mean that Beijing no words. Which is not seen every ordinary word. However, when you look deep into nowhere, you can see the Buddhas is litigation. Some were chanting the Lotus Sutra, recite some are Surangama and some others are chanting Flower Adornment Sutra. Buddhas are recite mantras and mantras as Surangama. Buddhas always practice the chant's schedule. Thanks so sure the existing French and circulated throughout nowhere to take over the French border.
We take refuge in the Sangha throughout three generations, with nowhere to take the legal world. Forming component sages Increase? It is the great Bodhisattva, Arhat agents, agents Bhikkhu increase.
Rock out labor means "three": three. We take refuge in the Triple Gem during the ten, three generations of the same make frivolous legal world.
Da means "pay homage". As a refuge and bowed respectfully before the Three Jewels.
77. Namo Li
Male model . Han translated as "refuge".
A Li . Chinese translated as "Holy Family", also means "consecrated". This mantra represents the refuge with all the sages increase.
78. Backpack imperial fetters
Imperial fetters backpack . Chinese translation is "consistent".
79. Selling drugs out skin
Table size of skin . Chinese translation is "liberated". Global fetters backpack leather soles out table size means ie Avalokiteshvara Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara.
80. Saha ha
Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara accomplished all merit. Saha ha mean achievement boundless merit.
81. U.S. Court of electricity
Now part of the mantra texts were recited it. Following is the speech legs. Normally duly Court always lead to foot part of this discourse. Should pay penalty meaning "born that lead."
Every means "achievement".
Phone dollars . Chinese translation is "down world" is ashrams, territory, as was his fetters of world achievements. Scope fetters modern world is due to week 800 (yojanas) and is mediated by week 600. Within the scope of this world have been dysentery, practitioners often peace and quiet, all have merit and accomplishment as the vows are.
For example, when I was presented with ashrams fetters districts within San Francisco (Old Gold Mountain), then the entire region will no earthquake or other natural disaster. As the guardian angel must uphold the power of prayer ashrams achievement.
The scope and meaning fetters world how great! A particle mote and also immense. As a practitioner of the mote particles are countless covers infinite mote world, and countless mote in the world is only implicit in a mote. So, if one passes away, the Mote Mote are countless annihilation. A particle exists, Mote Mote immeasurable exist. That's the magic of the fetters world.
82. The mandala
Mandala out . Chinese translation is "ashrams", also translated as "conference". This means that the practitioner ashrams have certain achievements. Assembly of French practitioners have certain achievements.
83. Canvas skin
Leather canvas translated as "Toai fulfillment center". For example, when I want a mote kh6ng damage will not damage it. If I want all the mote is not corrupt, then the mote tan that will combine together. When I recite Court, all U.S. electricity mandala canvas skin out she ha with wish would not have earthquakes happen in San Francisco (Old Gold Mountain), or if there are large earthquakes, the victim was turned into a small , then turned into a small accident can not. Thus, there is no earthquakes, no one is scared. So-called achievements. Depending on the wishes that are like that (contentment fulfillment center). If you trust the media, they find it magical. And if you do not believe, because you are not happy about the mysteries as above.
84. Saha ha
She ha translated as "achievement". What achievements? Achievement vows every practitioner. No matter what your wishes discovered, you will gain as the anniversary of the U.S. Court of electricity mandala canvas skin out she ha .
The holidays are doing so well comes home this mantra recitation. This means that aspired to being ordained Dharma as the achievements will be fulfilled.
At this point, the Kinh Tam Da La Ni Compassionate and Great Compassion Mantra was finished explaining. Now I also went through all forty-two legal procedure volume label, which is part of the Business after Da La Ni Dai Bi Tam. But another part is the science room after practice, the method of practice, I do not repeat this again.
Years ago, some practitioners may wish to hear preaching Great Compassion Mantra. By now you have heard preached nearly a year. The conference was seen as fulfilling achievements.
I pray that you practice what the mind has also been like that, all leather canvas she ha , ie accomplishment of his wishes fulfilled. Each people have a different vow, so the achievement is not the same, but both are fulfilled.
Buddhists pray for all to hear charming Kinh Tam Da La Ni Dai Bi are accomplished Buddhahood soon, because this is the wish of the people convinced of the Buddhas.

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