Saturday 5 July 2014

Arc De Triomphe Title:
The side of the hearse's sad passing
Excessive dew wild afternoon Moon ties
Impermanent life chencang Oh come on!
The gone times to me.
Thousands of ancient far away in the butt wiggle
Member ' hoa tan on the infinity!
Samsara road not super sharp
Though wise did the hero?
Red Cloud sunset in non far
Content of dry old failure as silently flowers
Di tu dying rooms dedicated to da
Heartaches dream about Sun Lianhua.
Category A. The Necessary Preparation For Actual Shares
Article 67 of the reserve on the Outer Coast
"I contest's old death. Hot Lap sorry! Ain't no mercy guys lose. Since coming to the US! " Between life, the great sad not more than Prince of distinction. But death, the life leave no one out. So these guys have wholeheartedly want to favor themselves taking advantage of people, can not reserve early anxiety. In fact, the word death is pretending, as that isn't through is the end of a thing coming, due to career experience contact line between each lifetime, when this life again, die other relatives only. Man does not know Dharma either still to depend on industry works. People have heard of Translational disciplines such as hybrids, are credits prayer worship private wages, to when dying was a guest of birth anshun. Like new hope exit going to his agony of life and death, Samsara testifying on foot scene of Nirvana permanent residency. The people have only the Translational level, tu lo separately for themselves, but for bereaved parents in the same body by familiarity, should play a positive, compassionate hospitality, advice for worship, and for severe depression when, at dying. It's your luck turns tha, Phuoc Duyen's quote yourself after that.
* But for more details at dying, now first would say about foreign charm. The Net childbirth, healthy level of seclusion, to attend before the search to the Council, the depth is close to themselves, to each other for support when the heavy depression and dying. By us the more heavy, but has his, but in the meantime the e cut off when detecting weak forces, body, mind, lethargic, hard to maintain mindfulness. If not for the support, all vulnerable depending on the shipping industry, the tu a lifetime no clownfish Lam process? This is the first essential point depth.
* The second point was the worship when finds himself weakened, should bring the scenes suggest arrangement in advance, so that when the dying out of bother. If the renunciation must then give the pagodas Deputy wish Sami, specify replacements themselves run the Buddha. As people in the home, garden and farmland property distribution similarities provide for children, set up all the charm. Back to tell the progeny belonging, when her severe pain or dying, no wailing or lamentation bi definition route. If there are injured, you should stay calm, because I worship prayer, or to support for the current being, that's true love.
Article 68 Preparation of spiritual
About foreign charm as above stated, the people worship there is mental preparation for yourself. The way how the reserve? -On the tu, practitioners must have the spirit of liberation, viewed from the money of their garden so attractive sex Tutty's interim fake in life, depending on the scene, going to die without charm. If this could not understand, none of it would block the rescue, sometimes having to make an Eagle species living being like a dog or a snake to hold the door. There were many because of money or the attachment holding Nhon, where death is difficult, no peace of mind your eyes are.
Most leaders do fake pen salmon, while the rise of tea late, hear a Catholic tho narrates the story, imply the sense of meaning. The plot essentially as follows:
When there are two fellow tu, one he liked in new scenes, a high loaded pm based on the forest streams. Next time, the monks at the edge of the stream President, monks in the mountains or down to visit. After chanting the prayer, the associated entry to sit still treat you yourself being on the site? But finding observed all over the place, from the heaven to hell, he did not see who you anywhere. Export schedule, Professor asked his attendant you: "every day you mi to do the Scouting line?" answer: "Bach, some later sugar cane at Bush because before his master, usually good fat, am out vun stools, trimmed leaves, stuffing ever, out-way fan!" Monks heard added to pubs seeing him you turned out as worm in sugarcane stem. Professor wood cutting cane, the instant split get worm out, the sermon you wish for it to pass.
The story above is just word of mouth, fake pens are not found in the Scriptures. But for reason that guess, the event still isn't fictional legends. The Kingdom of Buddha also have several data mining work. Such as:-what he sa di because eating milk peanut Bowl, so when I do fallen dead maggots in the bottle. -What's the favor she switches while the precept austerities, but by the relationship my wife, so when he died his spirit birth formula maggots in the noses of his wife. 'Cause your wife cry, at Cape spear, the maggots thrown her infamous, put the foot wishes to trampling may ask a arahats dissuade, stating the reasons, the sermon Super speed for the maggots that. -A wife hurt by sea, by nostalgic beauty its beautiful, so I became at instant death maggots from the noses of crawling around on the side, like My Buddy Ngu said. So the Net daily Rate of tu is the Centre of a review, end except the original charity greed decided towards the Buddha, to when dying from reproductive career hampered his haul.
* From Projection master said: "The general academic degrees when Translational order usually has three to four suspected breach, or do the obstacle course for the current being, the reserve must think ahead to break unless three things suspected to be:
1-his heavy student deep Industrial Facilities, while elaborately austerities less, e not being a guest.
2-their Facilities a vow is not paid, the terrace of the si is not ceased, e not being a guest.
3-her worship Facilities, the Buddhas not to the procession, e not being a guest.
The four gates are:
1-Or is that gauge a chronic back cancel not Buddha ghost grip.
2-living animal that kills Or the network's offer.
3-human Or taking drugs that use the same blood substances alcohol smell fishy.
4-Or kindness good relationship that bound himself with his family. "
Master outlined Four Facilities in three kingdoms theory on, steps position can think to find solutions. Now fake pens would comb through speaking saying break except to comment, and the company of his understanding with seclusion, may further understand the reasoning.
1. break the heavy student facilities, public affair tu at least:-the Buddha once had the word becomes the prayer: "being of like mind releases does, recite His title until ten anniversary, if not a guest being, He vows not to become Buddha." Buddha never lie, so practitioners must believe where Germany From Sun. Ten anniversary is the time very few austerities that also was a guest of birth more we meditate on more of them. Despite the heavy guys back to where, like breaking the son broke the world, creating enough evil karma, if releases the mind turns to focus on the Buddha, He has to lead. Jing Quan Amitayus did not say who created the heavy crimes our evil cross inverse, when dying mind releases ten anniversary were a guest being that? In the Current series being, as Zhang Shan Hung Tuan Hoa, the only lifetime, Bow, killed cattle, knocking about, doing evil, when the dying General hell now, fear, worship the Buddha saw sailings to the procession. Until the starlings out, worship, also was a guest of birth more ta is not worse than that?
2. unpaid volunteers Demolished a suspected affair, joined the si field has not ended:-A vow of two kind of practitioners: and his life. About, someone will take off the Temple Bell or prayer chant of my uncle how much, do not yet have full time to die. Must think: who trusts only worship, as a guest of birth will do immeasurable boundless merit, did a prayer is just small things, or not done not relationships, and there's no harm in both genera. About life, or someone because of family duties is not rounded, like my parents old failure no one looking after his wife and son, a wild slash title where lack of poetry, or someone who owes not charged, not cooperating persons should not crush yen. To think: we die, though there are worries or not, how not to be. Spent by specializing in Buddha mind, when there are few Western birth certificate has been directed the fruit, then all a vow against the coast guard may be paid, all of your resentment towards their loved ones may be salvation.
Quốc Na First said, "such as whether the light sand, drop instant water sink. By contrast the rock though heavy to, if the boats, which can take from place to place. People worship too, mild but not career salvation Buddha, all being sinners, reincarnation Karma though weighed how much, are sitting Buddha led to birth of. " According to this passage, we see his Worship is France can bring forth large inflow of industrial zones, because thanks to tha power. Large boulders for for heavy to carry boats for the vow of the Buddha. So people do not think about his seclusion, golf, si, e not being a guest. For example on the can break the always heavy over point in the former depth.
3. break the strong Buddhist worship facilities, e not to the procession:-Who worship according to his merit, when dying to see the Buddha, or the Bodhisattva, or Holy to the procession. Maybe not see genus, which thanks to its voluntary health and life force, the Buddha silently ritual NIE bay on the West. This is by his modesty has high low, shallow depth. Just weak at the time we have to worship Center releases, do not you think other false information. If doubt himself engenders hindrances. In summary, when dying though saw the general good or not, don't manage to worship wholeheartedly, just till the last moment only.
* The common struggles of four Lagoons: human suffering depression-canceled stock Buddha-take part live close to being religious-drink drink healed bridge, or taking medications with high blood should fall in love-because the fishy consider binding with the family.
People worship that the accident is due to the agony, depression, thanks to the Germany austerities, should switch to heavy fruit fruits slightly, turning the scenes as we quote, pay off to be contentious about the Western doubts return. If Cancel stock, the less trust to understand, please sub the Buddhas, themselves perpetrators obstacle course for yourself. In the area of Translational Degrees has narrated numerous NGO other Buddhists with Mao, thanks for fixing that soon was a guest of birth. So to see this scene, people should worship the sense to understand.
This temporary false hull again, depending on which poor lifetimes have fun suffering for long now. If kill birth network to foster being there, or offer, then more heavy gauge crime, radical right come up on Buddha and sure LY causation.
When aches just bridge the Buddha, should not allow consumer ties counsel, or listen to guys who don't understand, the back eating salty, drink alcohol, or use drugs with substances that fishy foul blood. This body grease, are about the Buddha soon as long as possible, such as abandoning the tattered identity wear nice, aromatic smell, most notably the genus is busy please?
As termites damage on fall in love when dying, then as the above mentioned. To think: in my family from my parents, brothers, husband and wife, their children, are caused by previous life with the debt ends, so a temporary reunion together. The Coast Guard has run out, then each person goes every reclining. If there is compassion, we should be better off bare birth bridge love Vegas West method, to the all body matter. When death approached, though there are attached can bring, not John, by the good friends have to melt the dust. If you fall in love was not a guest of birth, were suffering samsara endless infinity.
The point about Three quarter-Facilities on this, practitioners must remember experience failure, to reserve in advance for the spirit was comforted while dying.
Category B. The Weak Emergency Preparedness At Dying
Article 69 the knowledge Level Has Opened The
The Net yet, depression, when An overhaul badly should the pill, yet effort worship, shalt not ever think: medicine would be healed. At convalescent has severe, may not need the medication. Hong Nhut master when severe pain, has the right to ask for the procession he killed the drug. Mr. Xie sailings from and say that the shelves:
The Buddha Amitabha.
Is infinitely superior y United Kingdom.
If removing it is not required
He was an avid si!
A red list of Buddha.
The magic pill Fo Tuo.
If removing it does not drink.
It's wrong to it!
And then He just committed worship. Results course others times times of remission.
It should be remembered when the depression was heavy, the practitioners have to let go of all the things around, so the mind itself, only professional depth worship, a crush expecting large inflow of Western beings. as that, if its network has run out, be a guest being. As the network's life has ended, but the current bridge being that back now healed, so because of her crush, the professional should be able to eradicate the evil career lifetime ago. On the contrary, if not let go of all Coast Guard depth understanding Buddha, as the network's life has ended decisively was not a guest being, because I only specialize in current bridge clerk healed bridge being, not because of where life has not ceased, if the network is not quickly relieved, that chronic conditions increased again, because he healed human bridgedisappointed, being happy to sad worry is fear.
There are many Net rates, while tu hurt herself badly, poorly understood, such leaders as nhơn lo strongly against the worship, not pity money procession is more Eastern, Western medicine or witches, to demand treatment or offer to heal chronic conditions. To do so, making the depression was not the celebration, it was wildly distracted, should not be a guest of birth. It was purchased for mailing, to taste or buy aliens found themselves a grace late, dedicated to worry. They don't understand that, or not have a Buddhist Scriptures are shown to know, it would have external form! His actions led to the discerning just smiling mercy!
Chronic pain at Nhon, as God consciousness and the province, the visiting knowledge level should come to the sermon khai meets. If there are no degrees of knowledge, should invite a co tu to pacify a declaration. It should recommend prompt Nhon himself possessed, used the compassion issue Executive advocates for everything with the Scouts, who are about to meet the the current benefits being. Sort the stubs should be a y in some detail here:
1. Say You're miserable scene, scene free fun Sukhavati, prompting for convalescent Nhon played hearts fans. Back to bring the Protestant, the convent of convalescent Nhon tells clearly out and praise others for being happy happy no doubt, self know when death will come up where the industry's healthy living being on the Western.
2. If a chronic Nhon has a doubt, should depend on the interpretation of the theory of Three quarter-Facilities at the above mentioned. In this essential point was advised to end except the mind took pity and reciting love family relationship.
3. If the person about to die have a will before then, otherwise, the proselytising to dissuade, encourage environmentally Nhon shouldn't ask about wills. Also recommend don't talk about useless junk makes for a chronic dynamic erotic mind nhơn, worldly attachment, are afraid for their current birth.
4. when her children or visiting their dear possessed should be prevented before distemper Nhon expressed sad asked. If has since visited sympathies, should just stand next to a hand-pieced together, the Muslim worship place, that it is a sense of compassion. As inferior understanding using only the sex, it was man overboard, the gauge but worth the experience, but the poor malicious mobile again.
5. suggest a chronic Nhon offers the raiment of his pilot supplies for the other guys. Or y under such as Lai Su N, to bring Tibetan Prefecture in the material she donation my audience again as well. This also helps the depression more effectively target crime, is easy in the large inflow of birth.
Kind things on, the open market must note there can improvise, there cannot be said to be.
Article 70 the way Memory Aid
The convalescent from when severe pain until coming off slightly, the relative calm in the progeny of Nhon to stop crying. Guys but not crying but reveal a sense of dramatic features carpet, that was not so. By then, nhơn, depression, went to turn that division between the devil, people, means Holy, the unusual emergency dangerous weakness, as thousand of pounds hanging below the hair shaft. The oneness Center worship mark is essential. People though there are few Somasundaram being, that being sexy in the trade of crying makes off the notion of sex, all must be fallen reincarnation, the convent also had a clownfish container gardens!
Back when convalescent Nhon death self they want to shampoo bath, change or switch is located, you might prefer, but to gently caution that do. As they do not take, or Asia-export do not speak, are not so reluctant that do. By dying bodies often ache, if pressed, the swapped lies or bathing, swap, the more painful the more chronic Nhon. Many austerities play of prayer, but when the dying bereaved because of the turbulence, destructive cell mindfulness, should not be a guest being, this happens very often. Or the General network can bring forth of the Gospel, but others don't know, body contact, modify the limbs make painful, should bring forth your wrath news. Due to a misconception that the evil way in an instant, make, Dragon, snake, Tiger, Leopard, or other poisonous species. As A King Snake That tu many blessings, when dying was the servants asleep drop the fan on the side, so the angry dead fallen sour snakes make liquid soap. This mirror should not deter fear it!
The depression, when dying, or sitting, or lying, are arbitrarily, it ought to stand. If feel weakness can only lie, but want to watch out for looks, trying to keep up, what harm does so. Or, perhaps, are lying on the side towards the West, but because the body aches are supine, or lying on the left side towards the South, also let it naturally should keep trying. This is the chronic Nhon must understand that the treatment itself. While relatives must also understand this, maybe, there should be a bridge, getting people treated themselves lying on the side towards the West, or get up, wear tràng, correct sitting Fang to l. Didn't know that just because the little bridge that nominal, causing the dead to an equilateral triangle map, subject to the immeasurable suffering!
* Chronic conditions chronic At Nhon assistance section is about mantras is necessary. By then, the convalescent from spiritual to physical weakness are mesmerizing blur, hard surface area of autonomy. Don't say simple sentences hold no seclusion yet Mylene worship are permanent; that the average sentence usually do worship grab Rob key, if not for your support anniversary were also difficult to effectively. How to meditate on AIDS medicine under these conditions as below:
1. Sometimes Buddha Di Da to lead to others before they make plant observed. Plug a fresh vase and light incense aromatic smoke, furnaces burning just occasionally to lead starting the mindfulness for chronic Nhon. Remember the smoke just SPLENDA, do not leave much for e stuffy shortness of breath.
2. The notion of AIDS as many little therefore rotate that notion. Less then one or two people, divided into three sessions. Many then each session can speed six or eight people. It should be remembered at the time very weak convalescent Nhon gas bar pressure required, if so on the Eastern, or your sponsor so many mantras, all make the person a chronic stuffy agitation, harmful rather than beneficial. Again, the right guard under the clock that silent rotation, to the worship continues unbroken, don't call. Each session lasting an hour, estimated an anniversary.
3. follow him Printing Quang, should recite four letters to the convalescent Nhon easy produced received while mentally physically too weak. But the opinion of Hong Nhut master, then want to meditate on four or six digit, should better ask convalescent Nhon, to get on with the average customs Rob childhood favorite of the convalescent, cause they can meditate silently according. If contrary to the preferred usages, i.e. vandalism mindfulness of the convalescent, his socks were also guilty. Leave a memory of aid, should not recite to yourself will hurt too, as the difficult durability; should not meditate too small, because the e the psychopath out peanuts, hard to gain it. Nor should recite too quickly, by making a chronic Nhon was not listening to get clear, couldn't keep up; Nobody should recite too slow, by which, the fault memory of the discrete chronic conditions is difficult to continually stock photography Center. Something like the notion isn't high not low, didn't slow didn't come on, every letter of every sentence are conversant in turn clear, making the notion of experiencing disasters in mind, depression, like new power. Have notice, when convalescent Nhon consciousness too kiss and fall, in addition to all they hear. Then, to their ear to mouth statements that recite, can cause depression, people are intelligent mind.
4. gas to France to use while supporting the usual celebrations should hit the unveiling. By the adjustable wrenches sounds opaque, not by the opening of the clear, easy to cause mental depression, Nhon province. But it also depends, as a private experience, Hong Nhut master taught: "the guys nervous weakness, so scared hearing the opening and small adjustable wrenches. By the sound of these harsh Lord Ding tai, stimulating nerves cause the mental is not an Italian, largely Under such notion only satisfactory than before. Or if there is, then it should just hit the Bell stuff large adjustable wrenches. This spectacular sound dishes, making the birth anniversary, depression glass, less severely hit Khanh and many small adjustable wrenches. Wednesday, cloudy sound adjustable wrenches should not be struck, because making a chronic mental nhơn Kiss directly under. However, each person's preferences are not copper, it is better to ask first distemper Nhon. If it does not, must depend on the modifications, should also not bigotry. "
On this point should take note of how the memory of AIDS.
Section C. Article Pleading Weak After The Menopause
Article 71 When off steam To Go Ahead
New people off steam, essential thing is not to rush into mobile. Or the dead body tightened Venice should also not folded clean, had to wait over eight hours, or least depth is three hours, was bathing costumes changes. Before and after his death, relatives are not weeping. By crying is useless but harmful, because make the birth anniversary of General network attached, are not freed. Try the new worship should only really of interest to vong Nhon. If you want to cry, to wait eight hours later. Why is that? Because convalescent Nhon but off slightly but not A knowledge of skin Back away. If then waggle, bathing swap, or screaming, they still feel hurt or angry sad being injured which is the fallen. This is very closely related, essential, ought to remember.
Theory of probe for the heat to experience being on it, but there is evidence, but nor should the sentence fair. If the average credit period treated themselves and Nhon Chapel foot set, when dying mindfulness clearly, can experience is current being. Many are not carefully, keep the probe, overload here and there, making the notion of a public network, malware also great.
After the depression, Nhon off steam, people recite must still continue to worship until three hours later, to give the current delivery is guaranteed. Guided ballooning, the Mainland closed the room again watching carefully, the dog, cat or dog who does not understand rushing to contact, wait menopause eight hours will bathing costume changes. If always in eight hours, someone at worship, is very good. There should not be forbidden to do others. As a reminder of this period, the dead still feeling.
After eight hours if his death was hard not to be moved, use absorbent cloth heated up around the joints. To do so hours long, can fix the isokinetic limbs as often.
During the funeral of the deceased, the body should stop simple nhơn too cumbersome that cost nothing. It is essential to use vegan, never got close to being to treat over religious. Loath to be little bit map salty, you should buy the flesh die, or one has to do is sell in markets. If the observation of birth to favors over, all Manchu Vietnamization part for not being freed. Although the General network has been a guest of birth, that of Lotus products with reduced so low.
In the time before the false pen, along with monks chanting her super speed travel plans who is venerable Bao Hui Tan Township in The province where the funeral, fake pen found using vegan, there's praise and ask, the venerable a: "The cult abuse vegetarian truth out there so I recommend chemotherapy, but also largely thanks to motivated by a conversation was going on in the neighborhood. On a quite rich, the owners of complacency, the section for chicken pork beef kill more ducks to receive relatives and acquaintances guys off, throughout these days. Homeowners money at birth is gentle hearted people usually vegetarian chant Mantras, has a broad network. After her funeral, in the afternoon you enter grandchildren, the solid red, jump onto planks sit, Pat Pong, called for the right to name their babies back, and Hector said a lifetime I austerities largesse, not heavy fault be contentious to riches. Now you are close to being too much to treat, should I not be freed for Vietnamization. Currently I'm under house arrest to keep blankets, fine beef chicken pork Pack duck, run in the mud rugged, it's incredibly miserable! " Art finished the story, the Venerable laugh said: "for that rumor echoes everyone knows, the new happening again, at least, the House has frightened recourse, should I just suggest that instant approval." The police being treated over religious funerals, Jing Prefecture Tibet had also made it clear the harmful, so stock Buddhists who ought to bear in mind.
When vexed the farewell visit for people too are few, stems should bring his virtuous nhơn helpfulness throughout beings in France about. Thus, the Germans would more big, that the blessed death of Nhon also multiply it increased by much.
The reserve spots on the above at dying, most counterfeit pens draw opinions of quadratic Optical Printing and mailing him a German Hong Nhut master that content again. By the dying officer's weak at depth in the life of people. If not private current wages being to the full, to the possible difficulty of horrified embarrassment, call delay, career for life also appears, how did the rescue?
So when dying though thanks to the people at y according to the method that guided ballooning, but yourself at dawn Mylene must try new possible be approved at.
Please order early career translational reserve in mind, to be the Lotus product where Union Navy Maintained.
Article 72 The Prime Example Of The Anniversary
1. The area of renunciation Save Scene List
Upasaka Save Scene List, people in Jiangxi province in China, the lack of time to save Mylene class A. after the liberation, he was the Congress parliamentary party leader and the company. He died at the Scene of the renunciation, which found the fuselage was long popular affection for Buddhist studies, recommended for POOJA doors, renunciation also boldly households maintained. He did lots of things merit, such as the restoration Of the ancient Life watch, the burgeoning export bribed their divisions the fire to the temple, again, sometimes for Great spring and venerable of Abbot. When Germany Sum wizards worked the great Singers Sound A statue cast in bronze, high twenty-eight rulers, renunciation also be such to donate until the completion of the Buddha.
Of 22 years, refugee workers Included Scenes of war to Suzhou, the refuge with the Luminous master, was the Germany city. From there he kept his record and net industrial overhaul. When not on relief, scene List like fishing, bird netting, creating career suicide just as much. Led by the evil people that later renunciation certificate bearing scabies For Export out, day and night aching groan. In agony, he vows end to except the evil industry, dedicated to anniversary of the German title Avalokiteśvara suddenly heard a strange scent very selected chronic conditions, flying time was relieved.
To 25 People, did not return home to renunciation. While the trust has played, but for the life of the busy leaders too much, so the real issue, he has not been purely professional, everyday just as charming little worship only. To the Republic of 27 years, due to career suicide this life and previous life, renunciation of heavy depression arises again. Long on constant during the depression, agony, he hardly mosaic ring, associated to the Plays were the German deposit page Sum Wizard thanks to donation, Mr. Press and do the merit to pray Navigator mau counts. Magi writing poetry answers suggest that renunciation should the school boys, but delays until last year he really is.
Through years of depression, 28 Republic of renunciation as more severe. His wife is his refuge disciple Optical Printing, know the weak dying, emergency visiting rush at monks in the Temple Of Life to recite. Nineteen days of January of that year, his renunciation from the ceiling, the family seat in front seat pitch for support to change the gas bar. After calling my brother telling backstage and told I was kneeling Page to hear the wills done, God he was suddenly different. My wife saw the home support as well, offering instant statue Di Da to lead to renunciation in front, and then the same monks loudly reciting Buddhist titles support. Has months upasaka is convalescent xuội off a left arm, but when you see the Buddha, he suddenly to work as usual, two hand pieced together again, oral worship, the highway looks Hon openings is pleased. At the time, he seems to no longer feel suffering, depending on people to worship, then long seconds-chemical drainage well-being.
Current renunciation of birth at the time of sixty years. Few months he suffered a chronic suffering due to career suicide being transformed into contempt in the present. Before dying thanks to your sponsor should mantras appear good omen, called: the Nice fun, mindfulness quibble discharge report well-being, as in meditation. Like the large inflow of Western beings who will no longer doubt anymore. Entertain at the international funeral, both obey his word Optical Printing, use the vegan, who went were commendable.
The affair upasaka is current being, but because of the fresh root into Shu, but also thanks to your supporters celebrated at dying. So for an emergency point of weakness ended later, Chu lien owners need to mind the attention.
2. The area of female German renunciation Hong
Female German renunciation Hong, the wife of one of them in Yangzhou. Because her husband had a wife but not sexual beings, she is hardly your easiness where home, so to come up with sample design implied that American renunciation of nails Vivek. Ms. Vivek also wounded her as a child, Princess party double each other intimate situation twenty years as one day.
Germany Hong tu boys school of renunciation, on very early career translational work. She and plans for Coast Guard life blessed silver, bereaved of the ghost to matter, so the refuge together with a French friend on the way forward. Comment on the direction and the almond approved at dawn Mylene, then every individual she is far beyond than saving the Scenes Listed upasaka. Only sorry because his student career haul, Coast Guard personnel deficiencies, so she always met the scene distracted ' obstacle course at alone.
Republic of 27 years, realized in Wuhan are about to sink in the fight, both sailings from Hong Kong to the town Of refuge temporarily. The time for pricing up high, rent is difficult, but in the long term where hotels cost much more inconvenient. Lucky charm Magic foot of venerable mercy trader, opened a net space where the temple to the Pacific to give her mother and three more residents to spread the Buddhist along in.
Of 28 years, on about March, Germany Hong upasaka suddenly felt certified typhoid. Work through to April, clear are disabled. Chronic conditions that every day more and more heavy. At the time of the Buddha Temple lot, property rooms leave little, if to die at that find it inconvenient, so loath she plans to take her to the hospital. The program places here are Western manner, wanted to be free of aid at dying, it's hard to integrity. Germany Hong upasaka at the clinics are two three days, who knew Dharma cannot back support, so the morning of APR eighteen, she met a part of Lake map in clinics. At the time American renunciation was fifty-one years.
As Germany Hong upasaka authenticate who the credit approved. If when dying was the anniversary of the French right, none of the large inflow of non-contentious General bodes well behind Liu upasaka. Also by industry obstacles, this life expectancy should not be the happy time at dawn Memorial convent only causes human DAC degrees after only. Things happen unfortunately for her, the song also shows the memory key at the dying.
3. The area of renunciation Ocean Related Items
Upasaka Ocean Cargo Ventures, the China Times, a native of Yuyao in Zhejiang. He followed with small poor House traders, Leanne courtesy afford than people.
In the eleventh Nationalist, United Items known to friends as neighbors Every sense of seclusion in the heart of industry, represents constant favourite back to listen to the lesson. Then, he shou rules about making stock Buddhists householder. The literature however upasaka creaky, song about the Buddhist scriptures, mean food poisoning than people. September, You Pig, you remained Civil Convention appointment jointly developed the Bodhi heart prayer becomes, United Items also attend the ceremony in person.
Last spring, a chronic pain because Ty Borders, renunciation sneaks out about suicide being, multiply it times out of touch with the owners. Come July, he treated themselves more and more heavy, you and tu to visit, said that most will die. External review also know its hard living, self-vigilance repent work done. The beginning of August, he keep pain to front desk to reveal all Buddhas, Chi into repentance, vow to retain five world, swear not re-offending. Thus renunciation let go like charm, end except craving, a whisper mantras Hong mailing Buddha, until the General network. The owners know the maintenance of renunciation and shallow, so before his dying six days, sometimes for people to meditate. Some day ended up later, the partner order himself to worship help charm.
The notion of aid beginning from August 26th August. On the full moon, the newly-Found himself feeling the spirit stick lightly spicy. Until seventeen, upasaka said in a dream saw a fine light as in six dazzling lightening power lamp. In the evenings, watching God says just as often, the owners said, less than an hour, continued to worship and to align the two, and are about to leave. The odds that, at the time the book was essential to effective domestication.
Contact Every hear worship suddenly stops unsure, soon said, "I just haven't come to expect Western thanks to Chu Huu lien relief for all tonight." They hear words seem strange, back, the high worship. less than half an hour later, upasaka suddenly smiled said: "I have come to the West ... Oh! Lost pond said to wide too! Behold! Lotus is really beautiful! Quang minh Anh also wrote the incredibly beautiful! " And then he said, the high mass memory of aid do not stay. From advance Orders were still down quietly. Until now the hands and head are operated, consecutive mouth speak louder: "Oh! Lotus is pretty fresh! Ao real treasure glow! " At the time of renunciation smiling Hon openings, looking like someone suddenly has the excited beyond hope. Like over an hour later, he returned to quiet talk, nor limbs, the only patient eyes intently Buddha statues in front of the bed. The next pair of contacts once again ignored tribe, the breath is also weak once worn. Up to five hours on the morning of eighteen new renunciation, turn off the steam.
Useful links night only four people, that just turns out loud supporters celebrated all night, just sometimes alternating words book tons. Like any celebration until after renunciation off steam in an hour and a half, the new version of change for the other unit has just arrived. The celebration continues until the body guys pamper the permanently cold, people were stopping was crying. Up to ten hours at midday, an owner of exploration test, then the other places are only the wealthy girl, cold and hot as boiling water.
In the article, there are shelves says:
Holy, wealthy girl, eyes being heaven.
The heart, abdominal demon hungry daemons.
Eagle engenders the knee.
Hell soles.
When people die elsewhere are cold, wealthy girl hot first single after he was, being about the Saints, Mahayana Buddhist realms; hot eyes after the birth to the Sun; heart hot breasts after birth is back to the people. Also if in the abdomen, it being about the hungry daemons demons, in the knees reincarnation into Eagle species living being; in the soles of the feet, all fallen down to hell. I lost consciousness from any place, then that place is hot after all. The wealthy girl after hot renunciation, proves he was a guest of contentious way.
Like Every product, the renunciation is not circular, the almond approved back young, poorly. But not a guest being, gaining full strength thanks to the aid of fellow tu. Look here, we see the very essential for practitioners at dying. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.6/7/2014.

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