Friday 25 July 2014

Sun Jia Maudgalyayana-God First Communion
Venerable Statement
Maudgalyayana was Chinese, Sanskrit translated as "radical," futuristic outfits also translates as "outrageous" a conclusion. The name of the false Religion as "Da Law", which is the name of a type of tree. The born of false Religion also has a charm like the fake Religious Brother Romaine so-fake-ton Boss Romaine is due to parents appealing under the tree that was born; the fake Religious Maudgalyayana, too, as well as the parents asked themselves under bridges that Law was born, so this tree is named name.
Mother of false Religious Maudgalyayana while globe spirit, but don't believe in Buddha, do not trust the French, does not believe the increase. the Lady didn't believe three jewels, also canceled stock, destroying three jewels, said Tam is not good, would be not to believe in..., so after his death, she was successively fallen into hell. Wait until after the fake Religious Item Related symptoms result the Luohan, DAC is the continental media, false Religion associated observed throughout the world to find his mother; just looks she had been fallen to hell. Because of false Religion has opened Buddha label, label France, insight, DAC is active record label info, should see their MOM was under the gauge where the Inferno, which also does not have rice to eat; It is supposedly soon ask for a bowl of rice to bring to my mother.
In to hell, false Religious consecration rice bowl for my mom. False Religion's mother at birth and money because of the mind too, so take part despite being an evil hungry daemons do not end up was mentality took part. Her one hand take the bowl, use the other hand's skirt cover back on, and then hurry run to it there are no hungry daemons demons, bring rice bowl out sneaks food alone. Why did she have to cover rice bowl again? Because she is afraid of the hungry daemons on other demons to fight, would expect rice had just taken to the mouth of the Mainland into the fire. This is the reason? This is because of her Karma too heavily, career criminal too deep thick, so whatever is food to these, Mrs also inedible!
False religion is communion God Bookmarks first, but now it is out of the way, no longer paying attention to the anniversary, can't grace through God, no other way — eành to find master only: "The possibility of the disciple learns, to where it becomes useless!" It is assumed to return property, navigate to the Refund Period glass Buddha Sakyamuni, said: "my mother was fallen into hell, I bring the rice to the mother, but the mother had just caught the instant rice into the fire. Please the Buddhas tell me know how? In Germany The Religion of compassion, please save your mother! "
The Buddha Sakyamuni sailings offer a way to help save the fake Religious parents, that's what? Buddha said: "because the parents canceled stock three jewels, felt too heavy; Now your strength alone he could not rescue it. Want to save his mother, on the full moon of July, is lettered on the Buddhist festival of Hy, is also free at the four monks, he make holidays Vu lan Turkish, this is religious "mystical Island Award" (save the slitting strung backwards). First, you take a donation of ten mass media increase; When the life of the ten directions have not Increased this food he was not yet in use. He firstly had to worship Buddha, Dharma and Rising, then can use the life surges worship. On this day, he son donate you parents will be absent from the agony is fun! "
That is assuming Maudgalyayana itemized medical device display religious society of France, lan Yu Vu lan Turkish. So each year to this day, the temple has hosted the French Vu lan Turkish, Super speed to parents for seven years past and present parents life. Someone asked that "my parents there is still in it, so what should I do?" My parents still live life now, then take the Super speed to parents for seven years have passed; Super for my parents in the past, the parents we might be adding to Fuk it, extend the life.
Spirit of false Religious Maudgalyayana is first, extremely generous. Once, the Buddha Sakyamuni to offer heaven ... ... taking advantage of the sermon, on the road, at the cross of Mount Tu di, the Buddha met a dragon poison. The Dragon this poisonous jealousy with Buddhist teachings, says: "the subject as he could wish to heaven sermon, I won't let Him go!" The dragon then blasting poisonous words in your mouth, like to use venom to kill Buddha, but false Religion Maudgalyayana used toxic sand turn into pine than cotton, soft paste, no toxic effects anymore.
Dragon poison 'd: "so the sa had informed spirit subjects, has broken off my toxic sand!" What is a successful linkage of poisonous Dragon large wrap around Mount Tu di three rounds; you see there is no powerful! Ended up being much larger Tu di mountain? Mount Tu di big to describe major councils of the four sets--that we're all in four sides of Mount Tu di. At the time, false Religious Bookmarks also show great body, larger than the body of the Dragon of poisonous Dragon-poison-wrapped mountain of Tu di was three laps, the fake Religious Bookmarks back a enormous body, wrap around the mountain to nine laps. Dragon poison just saw: "A! False religion assassins over me like that! " But the poisonous dragon has not yet resigned.
Now, false Religious Item Related back to a small bugs, climb into the belly of the Dragon's bite ripped its guts makes it extremely painful. Poisonous Dragon knew he did not have the spirit through generous like that, still refuge in Buddha! so says the God of false Religious Bookmarks extremely generous.
False religious Bookmarks is located at? Is the "Bodhisattva Vows Era Mostra Organs United Kingdom" which we now call. Bodhisattva Tibet Native United Kingdom due to seeing my mother suffer agony, He not only could you not seeing my mother suffer agony, nor could you see the mother of all beings are suffering, so He played the will as your Organs United Kingdom goes to hell, to look after the situation in hell. This was the fate of the false Religious Maudgalyayana. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.26/7/2014.

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