Wednesday 2 July 2014

Meaning Buddhist meditation concept
MEANING OF ECONOMIC Buddhist concept.

Buddha embodiment of life preached want four thousand eight different legal subjects, to treat afflictions four thousand eight want the ceiling to living beings. Depending on who, depending on the spot, depending on the time, he said, not the same way; but only for the purpose of helping us to be the ultimate liberation. Buddhist meditation teachings concept is not beyond this goal.
Meditation is not going clams clams. It is a practice carries significant meaning. But see approach meditation Buddhist concept seems simple, but the legal right to practice a few times to bring a good change for body care. Depending on the period and the enlightenment of everyone's different, but have different results.
Indeed, the legal angle to meditation, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas are enlightened. In the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha teaches meditation practitioners that legal right, to generate wisdom. Not go empty, then go to that go forever remain in samsara. As the old woman beggar follow the Buddha, to remain skeptical position of begging her.
Shakyamuni Buddha walking under the Bodhi tree, step by step thinking to observe the legal world and you experience Tathagata wisdom. Thus, we understand the Tathagata's walking aims to concentrate, contemplate the universe and gain wisdom Vietnam.
Doing that work alone or away many people, walking distance and regular inter- process as rope strung. Mouth chanting Buddha's name and the pulse center tribute to him. Every day, often remember things worldly. This yogi walking Buddha to commemorate anniversary of liberation silhouette of Buddha and the noble teachings of him. Through it, one feels gentle, playful, forget the earthly pleasures and higher Also, found living true understanding of the law.
Go is one of four German majesty of Buddha. When walking beginners, practitioners felt awkward step; because many lives are familiar with the movements of the earth. Now follow the Buddhist school, go lighter. Buddha experienced this countless lifetimes practitioners, he has a light gait like a plane, but who did not keep up. N nothingness knife chased brain damage that Buddha did not catch up. Trading under the movements of the Tathagata, the release schedule from training center to become a Buddha, practitioners have the body and mind transformation and sublimation follow the foot steps away.
Every step of the practitioner is defined as four inches. The four left feet and four step foot circle to recite a verse Namo Sakyamuni Buddha Ni, located in four different languages ​​are already open. This is the first rule to follow. Each step is always four inches apart. From before we go free, step by step short term, are not; workers should welcome, or becomes agitated mind and do not have blood circulation, ease pathogenesis. Step away four inches will always go that strong. And distance are all in sync, they become gentle body, breathing and heart rate will have also have follow.
Thus, one step adjustment to adjust the breath; because steps affect breathing. Go irregular breathing would not have. Irregular breathing easy pathogenesis, is not religious; carbon emissions because not all, also accumulate in the lungs susceptible to lung pain for a long time. Meditators regulations are taken as the main breath, because it's easier to control.
Profile religious center, the practitioner uses a screening step. Thus, the mind does not follow the ceiling bohemian charm outside. Mind completely deposited into steps; nianfo mouth; headphones gong; eyes looking down, track walking distance of the regular. And gently breathing steady, harmonic rhythm of walking. Overall, the six senses focused on walking, the mind is not encumbered charming tribute to the ceiling.
Phase one, to recite the Buddha's meditation practitioner separated from the consequences of life Saha. Meditator's mind negativity completely disappear, because no condition to run under it. It was only at the stage of adjusting itself.
After the practitioner to check that the correct steps are distance and cadence, step right foot always on gong; practitioners began to adjust breath. Meditators breath control during go see how there are or not, or is already breathing faster or weaker. At this stage steps to adjust the mix breath walking. Walking once felt tired, leg fatigue, sweating, shortness of breath, heart pounding, as did wrong legal practice. As you go or stand, need to keep the body in a normal state.
The practitioner uses breath control step, see Buddhist concept of a sentence of eight steps, breathe some steam. If you just take a breath, the yogi inhale slowly and then all eight steps, new exhale. Or take two steps and two steps breath exhaled. Just like continuing steadily. How much breathing out and breathing in the said medium, ie just numbers. It can be changed to suit your breathing long short each person different.
The main problem is to breathe steadily, gently, and harmony with the natural rhythm of their steps. In the first phase, he should try to go for the right rhythm and distance, should be quickened breath, not lawful. When you pass a stage, and all steps, one associated with breath taking steps. So breath and walked mutual control. Breathing air and walking, blood flow and harmonic. There is a body conditioning so good, it will be difficult illness arises, should themselves be well.
Adjust the body and breath are normal, healthy, is just the first phase in the nourishing arts of the world. That is not the goal of meditation methods. Because there is nowhere more reasonable healthy, one must give up this body. So, should step into three stages to adjust interest.
At one stage, forcing practitioners interested in walking and breathing. But if opportunities for continued office also vain. Indeed, the only local attention on the breath and walked away, eyes closed die time, leaving this body, one would not be beneficial whatsoever. Therefore, the teacher usually commandment: "Living sitting, not lying; death is, do not sit ". Italy aims to tell the futile exercise of religious people in the form, not the content contained within.
When taking the breath test center was eating regular rhythm with walking, leisurely elegance, the practitioner has to compromise with professional bodies. The arrangements for the body and mind with proper practice is a critical issue to maintain vital body in that practice. Aware that the practitioner does not have an unparalleled power and wisdom Vietnam as a Buddha, so he can not do the same. So, to compromise their professional bodies, breath gradually adjusted to the body from disease. Body conditioning, air breathing and heart surely suffer less.
Body, mind and breath and then back to normal, then fill that "Normally the center director." From here, he should start the practice. Become ordinary man, began to observe, think, new characters look objectively and accurately. Meditators concentration to reflect judicial Buddha, called interest, belonging to the chief monk. Customary practice is to use the noble teachings of the Buddha and compassionate image, his deliverance to break from the defilement of countless lifetimes action fake.
Meditators start thinking about the meaning why walking meditation, each step must go four inches apart. Four steps to put down right mean anything gong and four left feet mean anything?
France has four important implications for the customary law. Every step spaced four feet typical operating life of the author always go according to quarterfinals Noble Truths, or go on the truth. On the way to find the truth, he should observe two measures and two measures of the procedure to the stand. Understand the legal procedure to be two, one looks to the world, beings that the world is full of defilement. In Brackets stance, see the world Buddha pure liberation. This side of suffering and the causes of suffering; other party of liberation and human liberation.
When you're conscious of the Four Holy Truths, one step forward, one step left four bars that represent the four earthly suffering, are the result of wrong people in life and death. Four steps to represent purity, liberation of nirvana world, true happiness. There Saha suffering world, because there are four things make up the world of suffering. In contrast, happily nirvana, liberation; because the combination of four purification methods.
Walking, step left foot to put down four, one immediately visualizes the following four measures:
1 - impure body shop
Step left foot first, one thinks that this physical body impure, unclean, impure, often envisioned as a stinky glove leather bag. In contrast, the Buddha in Nirvana pure, solemn. He took the nature of doing things yourself, so Buddha Dharma body is permanent. And when his existence on earth, but also carry themselves like ordinary people, but Buddhism has good general full 32, 80 beauty.
The Buddha observed and practitioners alike bring human body. Why he is respected, but hated the practitioner? Buddha taught that you go through countless lifetimes religious practice Bodhisattva, relatives just about doing good; mouth only to say the right words, gentle; center fully remember and think of the good things he's done just to bring happiness to people. With body, speech and mind so pure, new to the Buddha pure, transparent as glass store.
On the contrary, he should forever live in my heart greed, hate contention, four cropping, arrogance; mouth lies, wrong, evil; do yourself guilty of errors and a life of selfish, meaningless, unhelpful to anyone. Body wicked mind as this new form of suffering shape, hardly injured. Mind narrow, become myopic. On the months passed, the body and mind once badly without knowing. Over countless lives, one rolling on this path of suffering. Nowadays understand religion, one does not even like themselves unclean. Want to give it to the French certification body needs pure as the Buddha, or at least body biochemistry from lotus.
Business executive, said bringing the pure image in mind, he should immediately become a Buddha; This Buddha is Buddha mind. Just a thought pure mind, Buddha appeared. From a Buddha outside influence on the mind, as Buddha lived up to that person. Buddha immense kindness, practitioners should think about his heart, and he became gentle. The practitioner also see follow. It is currently in the Buddha's time, or relatives Buddhist practitioners have been turned. On the spiritual path step, part yogi like Buddha, will erase the secular part.
2 - Cafe Life is difficult
Butterflies flying kick up in beautiful gardens. But greedy, foolish catch it, hold hands, holding only be read tattered mess. People often start heart desires all animals on earth. However, the Buddha taught that the more possessions, the more suffering; because it is bound. Not only do they suffer because of things outside, itself contingent was much warmer urgent suffering from birth until close your eyes, can not tell all.
In contrast, the Buddha has merit fullness. So, for him, all things are a means to practice their religion; when should immediately self-sufficient. And he was dignified by the French themselves pure in the world should only touch his life, with no unpleasant.
When other practitioners in the ordinary position, need to use consistent methods to distinguish two different things for the right and left feet and hope, guilt and path the path of liberation. Quan thus   shuns evil practitioner of mind towards the world beautiful.
There are only temporarily used the word "pleasures" expressed the Buddhist sense in the world, to the word "unpleasant" in the world. The truth of the world is no longer treated Buddha, good and evil, suffering and pleasure. Since all measures are in a state of tranquility; difficult to use ordinary language to describe it. Only if the meditator enter the real world he lives in, there is a new sense true and accurate. Therefore, all the description states perceived the world of Buddha nirvana beyond harassment of ordinary table.
3 - impermanence interested
The practitioner must remember that all things in this world always changes. Modified organisms, should also change under center. So the Buddha taught that the mind is impermanent. Understanding impermanence of worldly interest, one would unmoved by the promises of others. Materials and ever-changing circumstances, the heart is changed according inevitable. In addition, the concept of man on all matters and changes in phases, each period. In theocratic period, separation of powers, civil rights, people have different perspectives on all aspects.
From the world's impermanence Saha, meditation practitioner, step into the world of unchanging permanence of the Buddhas. Heart of the Buddha and his world has not changed. As you dwell in tranquility, or in the form of the law, often referred to as the true form of law. On this basis, what the Buddha taught are the absolute truth.
4 - Quan selfless approach
Step left foot Wednesday, one linked to the idea of cumulative efforts on how human this time. In the end, three feet slightly terminate life, not all will finish. Now live, often approve all of our animals are around, but suffering with this self. Likewise, the human body is not durable make, often likened to bubbles Buddha or sunlight. But it is ignorance, mistaking it is permanent; should suffer forever in reincarnations.
Buddha speaks of selflessness to lead people to the true self. On walking step, get rid of all of the crazy dream dwell earth and in true self is the body true. One will become immortal like Buddha, is capable of penetrating the universe, the universe taken as relatives, present throughout France. In contrast, persistent in the body tight, then eternal suffering for it.
Thus, the four left foot helping out authors think of four measures is impermanent, suffering and not, selfless Saha world's suffering, defilement. And four step approach to evoke is usually four, optimism, self, pure world of pure Bliss. Two contrasting images. According walking meditation, the meditator boring day, time away from suffering and defilement of women approached me happy, pure nirvana.
With the four-step right foot, step right no gong to alert, remind practitioners world remembers permanent, immutable. Four step left foot steps into space, not typical for law, so mundane for the practitioner becomes meaningless.
Initially, two legal practitioners to contemplate contrasting the purity, peace, resolution and escape suffering, bondage for comparison and selection. outsourcing But with practice, the sad suffering bothers the left slowly disappear with silent steps, was empty. Now, observe other changes; since only four trophies Buddhist gong and centripetal help practitioners to Shakyamuni Buddha. He is the only person to teach practitioners are aware of the path from the mundane to the Buddhist world.
Step right foot first right into chanting Namo. This means that the practitioner stance beings stand in view of the Buddha, his hands reverently, put my trust in him and vows to follow his footsteps.
Beliefs of practitioners of the Buddha is an intellectual belief guides. Meditators observe this world, there is a good symbol of men's style church. The Saints are only created his influence and interests in a certain extent only. The words of this position is only valid at a certain time.
Private Buddha, the saints, his first born, most economic theory, which does not make the same mistake. Treasures of the Buddha's teachings to back this way for thousands of years, people around the world still learn, study, and no one dared to wrong conclusions Buddha. So, he should choose as object Buddha practice, reverently placed his trust.
Entering Monday to correct numerous letters Shakyamuni. Power Nhon is Shakyamuni, who is omnipotent means, omnipotence, perfection. So what he did not do his contemporaries and posterity who do not. He was born in a country with many races, at times complex, full of theories. In light of the teachings he had overthrown the doctrine.
Living in a society where people bow my head mode class, he dared to eliminate the class, but no one was hurt him. Specialized cortical sneak kill, kill the Buddha chase. Advantages Floor Speakers Frequency drop Kassapa Buddha and king snakes caused Asajatu drunk elephants kill the Buddha. So they can not harm him and eventually became his disciple.
Coming from the highest class, he casually abandon all, to live with the lowest caste. And his congregation had to reconcile all classes live in harmony with each other. The Buddha was not an inch of iron used to conquer or seduce people, who are all religious rules, respect him.
Entering Tuesday to correct the word Muni is president of wear, quiet. Silence from facial expressions to heart. All sorrow, suffering, hate merchant has no interest in Buddhism. He never dispute with him. Germany Buddha always abides in static and silence expressed profound happiness gentle patience.
Follow Buddhist meditation, one becomes a mind calm and peaceful for everyone.
Entering Wednesday to correct countless Buddhas, that is enlightened, wise. Buddhist meditator is shifting with his intellectual insight, and shifting the direction of his compassion, build a beautiful life meaningful.
In short, business law practice outside the Buddhist concept that only simple movements. However, this means practice, the mind becomes purified and brought back to port sense practitioner.
Footsteps walking Buddha, Buddhist practitioner brings to mind, intellectual sword severed the cord is craving comes out every sin, ignorance. Thus, the legal practitioner practicing meditation as Buddha, the Buddhist world as the closer and the more knowledge the Buddha were opened. Since then, he should realize the Buddha's path to truth is the light and immortality. Meditators take refuge in the Buddha, but the network itself; volunteer to do things as he taught; supreme Development Center, for the attained Enlightenment.
Want supreme Development Center, to give a narrow mind, attachment; expand the center to inform the Buddhist center. One will easily tolerate, forgive any harm or defame accidentally or intentionally.
Meditation always remember the Buddha's teachings, revisions to the same Buddha nature center, follow the Buddha's virtues. Bake according to him, her mind for the glow. Due to external influences Buddha Buddha nature within the practitioner's mind becomes pure, lucid; be Foolish dispose of countless lifetimes. Being so, he should find themselves omnipotent as Sakyamuni, do difficult things in life to do evil in the sight. And practitioners pray for everyone to understand, and go on the path of the noble supreme Buddha.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.3/7/2014.

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