Wednesday 23 July 2014


1-the eighteenth Vow of the Buddha went to Da:
Most people learn the Buddhist monastery under the disciplines of Translational, everybody knows to Buddha Amitabha and forty-eight great prayer which Germany his immeasurable compassion. Including the eighteenth vow strong impression in the mind of everyone who played worship. content pledge as follows: "Let's say when I become Buddha, beings in the ten directions to your favorite News Center releases like to being about my country as ten rings anniversary, if not contentious, I didn't take the Chief sensory, except for the guys who created our sins against the French public with stock cancellation. ".
To learn more about prayer of salvation being of extremely large Buddha, causing the conviction for the contentious voluntary worship of tu found Western skills. from that sense, from the ancient to the present worship being the large inflow of French, and the tendency of people dying notion was widely popular in the living of the tu people according to the traditions Of pure land. However, understanding how the meaning of ten are few mantras of birth is important for practical learning of tu attitude in this life.
2-My conclusion in relation to France ten anniversary worship:
The French regard ten current mantras of birth is derived from two business: Doing Loads Amitayus and Consistent Amitayus. article noting the Amitayus said: whether People create evil but recite the ten titles the Buddha or "the ten Rings the" current voluntary birth shall be satisfied, except in crime and destroying primary grip for France. Also A Amitayus says: people do evil cross in adversity, do enough of the real thing in good worship or "proclaim no end to ten shouldalso be a guest of birth. So, then, on the question of guilt and causation newspaper people would worship, was a guest of birth?. Now people write asking extract questions and answers from the interpretations are as follows:
"Asked that: Amitayus Sutra has said: the current prayer being, are current being, except for (the making) the year (offense) against (and) the main French libel. (Present) Jing Quan Amitayus (again) says, do enough evil in the ten derivations of real charity, was also a guest of birth. Two of this business (saying so different), how to understand?
Answer that : A (then) that enough heavy guilt type, one is in reverse, the two main French, libel is due because of two things this offense for a guest should not be contentious. A working (again) just said do Muoi, evil, against the guilty, (but) not to defame the France, do not lead to libel should be contentious public alike. "
We see the content, prayer, the eighteenth Amitayus and the Amitayus are referred to ten worship of achievements, was a guest of birth. The two Seizures and a sense that people had done ten things any good, in reciprocity for crime fallen into hell, but if know worship is being about the skills of Buddha, except French public libel. So guilt cancel stock Chief Justice French is like without being a guest? Commentary explains that: "If talking is no Buddha, no French of the Buddha, the Bodhisattva has no, no of Bodhisattva, the ones seen so, or the mind (I) understand (like), or listen to other guys, (once) the mind (think) like (that) decision (right), then it is called the main French libel" . The problem here is not the Buddha's compassionate strength limits which the principle of causality and industry achievements of France as a guest of birth failed.
3-Ten current accomplishments Worship of birth:
My comment in the Catechism Of Net most are common Worship content, but France ten anniversary of birth anniversary of birth are few and a few are clearly speaking of Buddha Amitayus and the Amitayus Sutra left Amitabha Buddha teaches the Worship time is one to seven days and for any heart disorder at Lam chung will be Buddha and Scripture to degrees of Western realms Method. "For any heart disorder", for mind over excluding hope ideas, real Center is no longer driven. The problem is the quality of an anniversary and ten anniversary was a guest of birth is synonymous with "For any heart disorder" Buddha Amitabha in theory.
What is the concept of time, a notion for how long? Comment explain that: "For 101 times b. removal calls a suicide watch 60 na na, called a Memorial. Talking book where (the ten mantras) here, according to the forecast, too. Only (Italy) said that the Ministerial anniversary (that recall the idea) Buddha, or General (of him), or General (of him). For Coast Guard whereby that a utopian mentality, nothing more. Ten anniversary contrasts continue (as then) called ten anniversary. (If) only the title only (meaning it) just like that "
So then if a Buddha who, in General only the Buddha only, no other new ideas magazine xen called a celebration of achievements. While reciting the title of Buddha Amitabha Nam must recite mantras like don't interrupt. When such a notion then, if for any given situation, Prime News Center then no longer the notion one or ten anniversary. Ten Anniversary or An Anniversary for the mind real disorder before dying was a guest of birth is not easy to implement. As soon this life don't practice good body at France, dying painfully leaving mental coma, how do you hear the magic of France to French medical worship are few contentious. Consequently, A Di Đà Kinh insisted: "the ECHO and symbolism! Don't you can use a little bit of good German based Phuoc QUY Nhon s/he be contentious about the there." is that person.
        As a guest of birth is a key purpose of the Net An overhaul, worship is the key to open the door of the home to Sukhavati. Buddha in the skills of Sukhavati has nine products, i.e. depending on the unit's name and a tu virtue that supplies the other wrong. For beings know good practice, with enough morals freed, said Bodhi mind, runs the bodhisattva vow, broadcast Director worship then sure of Western performance vivifies. that image as a good pupil, health studies, are the successful examination is probably of course.
For beings in life create much evil career, active inverse if known Islamic Center of worship, although only ten anniversary worship before dying (Dying) is also a contentious current accomplishments. This sense, the doctrine Of pure land called "Current Industrial Zones Being", i.e. not end all afflictions that are of contentious. Ten Current voluntary corporate citizenship is the Birth Anniversary of the compassion of Buddha eyeing heavy guilt beings blessed thin that salvation. As well as its exemplary teacher zealous assistance for children of poor students, need extra tutoring with special methods.
4-Buddha in mind before dying
As for the Net an overhaul before dying, psychology is very important. In particular, the unprecedented austerities and create more sin, now last year who return healthy birth rate Net bridge worship the Dharma ten worship is a chance to save unique. Experience teaches that: "so stupid, at the general meeting, acting in good faith knowledge using more consolation, as saying the French magic taught to worship". Why called stupid? Because of the ignorance that generating a lot of real good, as five against, evil cross drift rolling in the continental leader reincarnation called stupid. Now having good knowledge of spoken French magic knows playing in mind that People who start to Buddha repentance prayer, Karma put evil to heal, said Bodhi mind and worship the new achievements.
The most disappointed by Buddha mind should meditate on insanity end to subtract. Humanity is the sentence: "butcher knife lay as the Buddha," Buddha his sentence: "turn your head on the banks of the sensations". Him being boring and mind to discharge all the lousy nabagesera Cup lifetime. The psychology has to as riders dropped into a burning train tunnel was rescued out and dare not go back. Evil people make guilty expecting lost the rollover requirement being flawed Sukhavati also like that. People look forward to the next Buddha degrees West earnestly as the gentle mother hoping to save poetry out of the fire pit to safety. Due to the Net birth Rate request earnestly like called the Mighty Heart piece should be contentious about the skills of Sukhavati. under master Ceremony Decor, that: "If ten anniversary title Buddha not disarray, the NIE on the plan, who have shared network resources when the mighty and strong, so, in the ninth such products". Khai Tri master argues that: the ten mantras or reciting a guest at birth is dying is because worship goal except the crime of karma: "Of worship except kill cut crime", i.e. to worship power minus eighty memory past life felony of being suicide.
As presented, the Catechism Of Net and France ten anniversary of worship are few beings are insured through the classics of Buddha, through the conclusion of the Master Jesus, coming into Office. From Credit initiation Vows, from Almond to start Prayer worship the large inflow of Net birth rate. The Buddha Amitabha General Hao quang minh, hand shaking, the wall unlawful publication duổi down as awaits and await being discharged glass ceiling NET regression an expectation. Forty-eight prayer of salvation being rid of the gauge.
Worship to the Buddha, Buddha's helpfulness tu follow merit to all the Net birth Rate. Any traditions of Buddhism also requires the experimental tu school. France ten anniversary of birth as a guest is obliged to pray for Buddha's immeasurable compassion, too, it is demonstrated by the achievement of mind practitioners before dying Samyutta the Buddha with full force. If only knowledge-based segregation and stopped on the verbal impairment measurement shall never touch the charge acts the way of the Buddha. TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH,THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.23/7/2014.

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