Monday 1 September 2014

History of The classic episodes and missionary.

1. SIX ROYAL SOCIETY FOR ECONOMIC AGGREGATION ÐIỂN Tall people and things in the world are subjected to a certain impermanence. Out of The Sarìputta and Moggallana's two disciples of the Buddha at the right time to ask the Buddha entered the kill. And then in turn not how long, when the Buddha's true 80 years old, 45 years old Scouts, he also retired from the four of them to enjoy the fruition of residual radio-Níp-table. The members of the Buddha and the two disciples is a tremendous loss for each of the four of them. Since the absence of the Buddha and his disciples, Buddhists often must confront the dark situation with the misleading interpretation, besides, not to mention the real component in the Sangha. But blessed with the Holy elders Increase each period brought the responsibility and interest in preserving and promoting the French leaders. Therefore, the period of the classic episodes released to preserve the teachings of the Buddha.
1.1 Ðiển Aggregation Association Australian First Experienced a) causes: Mr. Mahakassapa noticed The World Religion enter Níp-new table have a week that happened to occur in the Sangha. It is at him and five hundred Mahakassapa Bhikkhu khưu're taking missionary in Pàvà and hearing the news spread from person to person is The President of world Religious membership. No fresh news that some schools of St. Rose of omen dread happy health facilities, while some chums Increase then upset the dismay that masters degree: "How's Níp rush-Suen goals early, the light of truth and the French label disappears in life!" Then Lettered St. Rose comforted and encouraged Other Chums Up with theory of impermanence. But then a Bhikkhu khưu older and his new name is my credit card not Subhada net which ranks masters should have the attitude and the vocal glass with the Buddha as follows:
-"Hey you! Why do you mourn so much the Buddha do chi, he was member of the President and the us of later life more comfortable at first many, no longer listen to the advice the commandments ask anymore: ' Be like this, be like the other... '. Since today we want to do what, no longer bound by the Act, since the Buddha was then President Park ".
A saying of the Bhikkhu khưu old proven despised the Dhamma and not what they want to separate laws of the masters degree. Mr. Mahakassapa heard so feel sorry and concerned for the money map of Buddhism, but He ignored the pastoral concerns to The World Crown. After the burial The Sun done, bring the story was then presented to increase them and explain the background to the French leaders on the following:
-If so then from the present illegal, the Philippines will promote France and law will ruin; illegal undertakings, the Philippines will more, also the legal undertakings will be minimized.
So as a tank was The World Corrugated Board for the depth of "Happy early momentum," Mr Mahakassapa did not want French Director mai a on, and soon stood out summoned 500 Saints Rise to the episode. However He only recruits are missing is located 499 a anymore. Do you see any position not out out of The Ananda was, because of out of sight, The Buddhist pine philastraena is a spoken by The World Religion preaching throughout 45 years. However, The Australian is not the Holy steps A La Han loads smuggled should Mr Mahakassapa motivate greater Germany, and wait for the great Germany when the fullness results led to a new set of kicks.
b) dates, place, hosts and the patron of the exact dates of the Congress the first classic episodes are after three months The World Honour members President.
Mr. Mahakassapa summons the full 500 arahats together in dynamic jelly Sattapanna on Mount Vebhàra in the language Buddha aggregation to Ràjagaha.
After the selection of the ingredients and there have been points of seeds, Mr. Mahakassapa start Litigation of the Declaration and recommendations with the Holy Phrase Raises three things:
-The number of attending this Aggregation choose only 500 units only, during the episode are not more or less.
-Select a dynamic mountain Sattapanna Vebhàra jelly in Rajagaha are points of the set.
-Forbidden the Bhikkhu khưu would not have to be members to the classics to settle unlawful down rainy season in Rajagaha. The reason such precautions, two things happen: a) Jesus the episode will get stuck in the problem go qifu mumo carried; b) to prevent the evil ones will have to break the classic aggregation.
Chu Saint Rose had a deal together three things on, and then pull together to Rajagaha requires the King A snake in the World (Ajaratthu) help by giving extended 18 Rising way for Jesus to have episodes where rest. The King accepted the invitation and wedding Festival stands out in full support of the classical aggregation.
At the moment out of The Ananda also has a prime result arahats Congress should start opening day. Who presided the first set of tripiṭaka master Mahakassapa, at the same time He also was Questioned about the direction the law. The elder Upàli were the Buddha commendations before mass is filed for the position of law and have mastered the precepts the Buddha has set out, in terms of time, place and object violate about living at His money, so He was chosen as the meeting the questions of Mr. Mahakassapa. While elders Ananda which disciples depth by the Buddha to be multicultural, am the wall paper of the World Religion during the past 45 years, so choose The Australian Increased His Client did have a visceral and Marvelous studies Microscopic organs.
c) method of aggregation Before tam the declaration define the role and their place in the final episode that was chosen during the Saint Rose, Mr. Mahakassapa turn stated each meticulous and detailed legislation as follows: "this fake buddy Upàli! What would cause The Religious prohibition instituted this law? Who is it? There is a subsection of the law then what? What is the crime of the this law? ". Mr. Upàli was based on the questions he answers in a way pure, in the class. Each answer of Mr Upàli, Chư Saints raise litigation against the law there. If you do not see the MIS in response to questions, he agreed to another statement that this is the law That prohibited Religious institutions and enacted. Apply the way such aggregation for the remainder of the Vinaya, and in Congress the first episode the Vinaya as in great part: Àdikamma, Pàcittiya, Mahàvagga, Parivàra, Cullavagga.
When the volume of My organs, he agreed that begins with business Sagging Offense article (Brahmajàlla sutta). Mr. Mahakassapa advice as follows: "this false Sage Ananda! The cause for which this article is theory of world Religion? Venues where? For patients who are preaching statue? The contents of each lesson is what? " Out of sight, The Ananda answered then, and Monks began to chant together again and confirmed that this was the word of The Honor. Such practices until the Economic organs, and in the episode the Lord also diverge in the Nikàya. The final episode, he spent seven months to complete.
After the final episode, out of sight, The Ananda has white Lettered with Bible Increase that time as Lai about member President, He has taught: "When the President's staff can remove these studies would not matter". Mr. Mahakassapa asked out of The Ananda is learning about would not matter, but Mr. Ananda answered because Dao master Níp-desk, out of The too busy so there's no question of that. Mr. Mahakassapa presiding as the previous linkage of Sacred chant Phrase like this Increases to declare: "the glass of the white Monks, the issue of precepts are important, it relates to the life of the subject, but The Sun before members the President did not clearly indicate what would be minor. So so dear please Chu Saint Rose henceforward Jesus do not add that also do not remove that is learning about That Religion has made to, just so that the practice ".
1.2. The Australian Economic Aggregation Ðiển the second a) reason: due to a disagreement between the precepts of 10 Things Bhikkhu khưu Vajjputta and Mr Yassakàkandaputta. The Group maintained no Vesàli in khưu Bhikkhu 10 things learned so long so the villagers of Vajji also get used to the lifestyle of Jesus here. Often they took gold and silver treasure donation for Jesus and they think this is the donation correctly and precepts. Unfortunately, one day He Yassa, a Saint Rose, from Kosambì to Vesàli, casually watch free Vajjiputta group khưu Bhikkhu Chu received the gold and silver from the donation of Chu Thien nam Tin, for females. He reprimanded friendly units and advises monks should not use life jewelry as such, it will not correct with the Buddha's law, but they did not listen to his teachings Yassa. After using life jewelry is finished, they are divided against each other in lower Canada, and of course they also give donation Mr Yassa part, but he does not accept that reprimand of job again.
Bhikkhu Vajjiputta khưu Group found his attitude Yassa is too much to do so should the meeting monks leave the Declaration condemned Mr Yassa as Patisàranìyakamma, which means getting Him Yassa got to go sorry his job to offend the beliefs of renunciation; and when you go apologize to that Bhikkhu khưu representative of the sect they go according to testify. Prior to pressure the majority over the minority, so He vows to go apologize to each home. However He just apologized to both explain the precepts of Monks for the renunciation to understand. He identified with them that the work of the Group Vajjiputta khưu Bhikkhu is absolutely not true to the spirit of the Buddha's precepts. He reiterated the Buddha quotations for the renunciation to hear:
"Hey, you! The Moon, the Sun did not shine is due to clouds, mist, mote and the God Rahu obscured. The Bhikkhu khưu in the Dhamma of the Buddha is not brilliance is due to these causes: alcohol, sex life, administration and storage of gold and silver, living this particular teacher teacher making railway network ".
The Group wedding, parties, renunciation of his teaching to the word Yassa, they apologized to his job, and getting him to learn and master as Yassa Festival Bai donation. However, the Bhikkhu stilts accompanied walks by Him, that brought Yassa said Vajjiputta group khưu Bhikkhu. You hear that decided to take His punishment manifesto of Yassa again as Ukkhepanìyakamma, literally isolates his activities. After that, all together, then pull up to his residence. But through the spirit of a arahats so He went in her childhood self would already.
Along the way He thought, if we're ignoring the teachings of the masters degree will be strained and its evil Bhikkhu khưu will increase. So, you're not working time goes into the Pàthà, Avantì, and Dakkhinàpatha to inform the Monks know what Africa's law khưu with Vesàli in the Bhikkhu is to deal with. Then again, Mr. van du Adhogangà up the mountain to open it for Sànasambhuta elders, Mr elders completely agreed with Mr Yassa is the behavior of the group such as Vesàli in khưu Bhikkhu is the wrong law.
After that, 60 arahats in the Pàthà and 80 in the Avantì and Dakkhinàpatha together in Adhogangà mountain, with Mr. Yassa and elders Sànasambhùta. Jesus all together that this should also Writes a Holy tier Revata four Buddhist pine philastraena results programming to do messy end hosts in Vesàli. Initially Mr Revata disagree, but then You agree. He is of consent because of the elders Sànasambhùta presented to him the wrong thing 10 of the Bhikkhu khưu in Vesàli, asked him to handle, and after all is a set of Buddhist quotations as the forerunners did.
b) dates, place, hosts and sponsors A hundred years later when The World Ton Member President, group khưu Vesàli in the Bhikkhu does not maintain 10 things learned by the Buddha promulgated, should the Saints Increased the strictly forbidden Bhikkhu Khưu not be acting any more and bring it before the masses increase.
The incident occurred in the Vesàli Temple in Vàlukàràma, therefore, Chu Saint Rose also chose this venue to deal with clutter on the precepts and chose the temple to the Tripiṭaka episode a second time.
The first advocates of this job is Mr Yassa, however the Chairperson to address group khưu Puràna than Vajjiputta Bhikkhu not maintained 10 things school is Mr. Revata, and he also hosts the second Tripiṭaka aggregation.
Bhikkhu khưu Vajjiputta have to ask Mr. Revata cover his job, but was reprimanded Him. So the Vajjiputta squad together in the Imperial Palace audience the King Kàkàsoka and lied to the King that when they look after the wihan then comes khưu Bhikkhu Group intend to occupy the pagoda, the King did not understand the story's tail should be enjoined the Saints Rise not on Valukàràma pagoda. That night, King dream saw the devil in hell getting Him up on the Pan Council. At the King woke, the anxiety and fear, and the next morning my sister King is Saints Ni Nandà to meet the King and explains what is right, what is wrong for the King listened. Holy Ni Nandà King backed His Client should Rise to Buddhists, and Chan Hung Kings agree. so, the patron of the classic episode a second time in Vesàli is The King of Kàkàsoka.
c) aggregation method before the official set of classics, Mr. Revata Declaration elected a Board of law include:
-Presbyterian Sabbakàmì, Salha, Khujjasobhita, and Vàsabhagàmì. Four acts represent the faction accused the Group's breaking khưu Bhikkhu.
-Sànasambhùta elders, Sumana, Yassa, and Kàkandaputta as a proclamation or represent the accept France to confront and tackle those breaking the law.
Dew point warning here is Mr Vàsabhagàmì and Sumana's disciples Anuruddha, six surviving are his disciples Ananda, that Mr. Anuruddha and Ananda were the range of the measurement in the first classic aggregation.
The four factions representing the defendants and the four representatives for the Monks in the Board rules. What is Mr Revata raised each article one of 10 things the wrong policy of the Bhikkhu khưu Vajji to ask you Sabbakàmì:
There is a wrong one, Mr. Sabbakàmì responded that the Bhikkhu khưu would hold a private salt to use my Choice for treatment.
The procedure goes wrong Monday, Mr. Sabbakàmì responded that ate time CAI is guilty, whether it was the Sun, the difference over how much.
There is wrongdoing on Tuesday, Mr Sabbakàmì replied that after the main meal, which is used once more my Choice for treatment.
There is wrongdoing on Wednesday, Mr Sabbakàmì replied that the area Sìma, Monks are not divided into several group to do this entire ceremony.
There is wrongdoing on Thursday, H.e. Sabbakàmì replied that according to Campeyyakhandhaka, the Rose Professor Chu Bhikkhu khưu right on a weekly to take not to weave.
The procedure goes wrong Monday, Mr. Sabbakàmì responded that it was based on the life of priest and Pastor that everything should be done according to the law on medical economics treatise to standard practice.
The procedure goes wrong Monday, Sir Sabbakàmì replied that if someone does not have the illness after noon using edit my prerogative and sour Pàcittiya (Ying for treatment).
There is a wrong eighth, Mr. Sabbakàmì responded that the Bhikkhu khưu absolutely no alcohol, though the wine in any concentration.
There is a ninth, wrongdoing, Mr. Sabbakàmì responded that the Bhikkhu khưu not in use is marginal, the tool would use the sin.
There is wrong, Mr. Sabbakàmì tenth answered that the Bhikkhu khưu would store jewelry for my personal choice of discharge for treatment, if it is then removed all Township new repentance law.
Each answer of Mr Sabbakàmì, the Monks acknowledge is true according to the conception of the Buddha and the Monks also claimed that the advocates of group khưu Bhikkhu broke the world Act on 10 illegal things that completely wrong to let the masses know and am the wall.
After Mr. Revata adjusts 10 to Africa's law finished Vajjiputta khưu Bhikkhu, 700 pirated loads Increase Saints embarked on work to gather Buddhist quotations. This aggregation method is the same as the first classic episodes, however this aggregation period of time lasts up to 8 hours.
1.3 Economic Aggregation Association Australian Third Ðiển a) causes: According to various documents, especially documents Mahavamsa (Australian history), during the reign of King Asoka, the Buddhist review is the national leader, the Monks are many favor, the pagan priest also admit at this renunciation Buddhism very much. But the Sangha organization yet closely, internally the Monks do not unite, is often disharmony, do not trust each other. The Act is somewhat loose, there are places even in seven years Monks had never met each other once to anoint Slapped (Uposattha). This spectacle to the ears of the King, the King sent Lord to remind the Monks but the Monks are still not well ordered King. For so the Lord's anger, ordered killed many monks. Mr Moggalliputta-Tissa saw such direct sailings between them. The Lord did not dare to kill him and returned the King report. The King heard, very afraid because believe you have created a vital industry, involved the massacre of Monks.
The King was very puzzled about what happened in the ranks of the old Tank and bring it to ask the monks, but each one explained in a way, all these are not responding to the King's satisfaction. Finally, the King finds him Holy Rise Moggalliputta-Tissa. It explains to the King understood This:-"your Majesty, if it You do not intentionally ordered him to have no evil thing coming, and as he deliberately ordered, he will bear the fruit of evil report. Because the Buddha has taught: Career is the deliberate, intentional only new make up ". The advice of St. Rose Tissa has made Ashoka remove anxiety about the law of cause and effect. Take this opportunity, He explained to the King's French Chief of the Buddha, what is non-statutory, and elders also explain the King's skepticism about France's finances. The King's wedding Festival about the teachings of the elders, and the King promised to support Him every old Growth ranks the corrective. This work very much Khe, cannot use the raise command that is used in both the United Kingdom ordered more. Layman at this Buddhist monastery many, they knowingly created a new faction advocated precepts and voter opinion is completely distinct from the spirit of Buddhism. Holy Holy Roman Empire Steady knows of us layman infiltrate Buddhism should Jesus associated with the King Asoka purged the ranks of the old Tank. Through the client's test that Saint Rose, if its not ph i as Buddhist monks actually deported out of the Church, and is allocated to return the lives of civilians. According to the Mahavamsa documents and Samantapàsàdikà, in the purge has about 60,000 monks pretending to be expelled from the Sangha.
After the purification of the Church, the King promised that Saint Rose that if demand associated with Dharma, You will yourself. Human response to the King's Italian partners, elders Moggalliputta-Tissa King supporting Monks to the Buddhism practice programming. The King accepted the invitation wedding Festival.
b) dates, place, hosts and patron dating back to the episode by the Buddhist calendar is where said 218, where talk is 234. Other documents have said was the year 287. This document maybe right because based on the time of Pharaohs.
The Holy Asokàràma Temple Pick Up the phrase in Pàtaliputta South of the Imperial Palace of the King as a classic episode last Tuesday.
Mr. St. Rose Moggalliputta-Tissa was a visiting Monks appointed official Buddhist aggregation hosts this semester.
Mr Moggalliputta-Tissa Buddhist aggregation unit 1000 selected quotations. Prolonged period of 9 months. The cost of the final episode was King Asoka is fully funded for the Monks.
c) method to set the Saints Up to record the master Moggalliputta-Tissa was a Brahma due to these two Saints Increased Siggava and Candavajji appeal to the humanity to the Buddhist Chan Hung. Because the two Saints which States did not Increase the volume first classics should Monks assigned on the position of the second to. Mr. Tissa Christmas down the realms was 7 years, the Presbyterian Medical Giggava for the renunciation sa di and taught the Dharma to basics. At twenty years old, He Candavajji for student instruments life and teach the tenets Tissa subliminal. How long does He am wall tripiṭaka and DAC results A La Han, with the intelligence analysis. When pagan master in Buddhism, old mutual discord Increased as the chon TAM Chief won't anoint Slapped with the pagan priest, King Asoka sent many delegations petitioned Mr CHAN hung out Adhoganga mountains in Buddhism and presided the classic episode last Tuesday.
How to set this period classics like the two States before but has a few differences. The magistrate to set forth the views and prejudices of voters mistakenly sent over three hundred issues of doctrine. He is based on the original faction Theravàda to refute the argument that deceptive, and for Kathàvatthu to the aggregation of the micro-organ Magic France-Abhidhamma.
The fair we should note here that in the two States to file the tripiṭaka, lettered arahats scored only by memories and Word of mouth, but that theory is that during this period aggregation, the tripiṭaka started started recording with inscriptions Pàli [according to w. Rahula, the History of Buddhism in Ceylon].However, this hypothesis has not yet been much of the Buddhist studies accepted.
1.4 Australian Economic Aggregation Association Fourth Ðiển a) causes Mission of King Asoka and St. Rose Moggalliputta-Tissa sending Mr Mahinda to missionary in Ceylon in about the year 236-287 under King Devànampiyatissa. Enacted by the King wholeheartedly supported, spreading his French Chief Mahinda here successfully. Soon, from the imperial family until the civilians are Buddhist refuge. Initially, the King supported the construction of the great Mahàvihàra himself to the Monks resided to Hong King at the same time, the French encouraged people to renunciation by the French public. Then again, the King sent to India asking King Asoka sent delegation to the Sangha to Ceylon to for women is the French public as Ceylon. The Princess the King Asoka is Bhikkhu khưu ni Sanghamittà was nominated as head of the Sangha group to Ceylon in response to pleasing the King of Ceylon. Since then many women in the imperial family and the civilians made his Bhikkhu khưu ni under the guidance of St. Ni Sanghamittà. In addition, Ashoka also for extraction of tree branches United Threads in Bodhi-gaya, sent to Ms. Sanghamittà gave the King of Ceylon.
As a result, Buddhist at the time, very powerful, and the very renunciation and the understanding of Dhamma. To strengthen long-term Buddhism in Ceylon, Mr. Mahinda asked the King to organize a set of Buddhist quotations.
b) dates, locations, times, hosts and patrons About dating the first classic episode IV, there are so many different sources, but according to the history and current scholars, it is in the Buddhist calendar 313 (in 232 BC).
The temple Thùpàrama Tower in the capital Anuradhapura was chosen as set of the Monks. The hosts of this classic collection is Him Mahinda. Chu Saint Rose attend include 68,000 units. Prolonged period of 9 months. King Devànampiyatissa was the patron for the classical aggregation States this.
c) method of aggregation of St. Rose Mahinda to Ceylon, He was 32 years old. Here, He not only Buddhist but also develops the culture area of Milan, such as the art of temple architecture the Tower of ... He was brought to Ceylon the tripiṭaka and glossary (Athakathà) [under w. Rahula, the History of Buddhism in Ceylon, p. 50-60]. To preserve the tripiṭaka and the explanatory notes to this valuable and let the Monks as well as masses of Ceylon thorough understanding of Dhamma, He examined the classic episode last Wednesday. In addition, in order to consolidate Buddhism Theravàda in charge, after the episode, the Holy Jesus Rose again before work add a glossary tripiṭaka Pàli in Ceylon [w. Rahula, the History of Buddhism in Ceylon, p 50-60]. Investors can also know about the following, about 5 to 6 century AD, Mr. Buddhaghosa went to Ceylon to translate this text into the annotations tripiṭaka Pàli to maintain the traditional Pàli language of the Buddha.
Classic aggregation method in this period nothing new, only y number based tripiṭaka in my classic aggregation States Tuesday in India. Mr. Mahinda and Holy Jesus Rose on the basis that identical claim again The Religious teachings of the World.
However, in the tradition of the Royal We, the Buddhist calendar around the year 400, Chu Saint Rose held the classic episode in Gandhàra in Kasmira, in North-Western India [according to enlightenment, number 12, page 9]. Hosts the Vasumitra the aggregation with the sponsor of the Assault false Religion. Initiators and sponsors of the aggregation is King Vasumitra is known as its French equivalent to A United Kingdom Education. the reason the episodes are by Monks of the dissident faction of the classics should open new Congress. The purpose of the exercise is to send out the comment: My Department, Law Department and the Comment facility, consisting of 30 thousand items that litigation 9,600,000 lyrics. The King intended to put 500 to jelly in the United Kingdom, where He became a Dormitory Kassapa became the first law aggregation but the denial and ask that "out of sight, the United Kingdom, should not. Because there are many, many other lawyers comment pagan sects are complex but would pose many obstacles for the final episodes ". Because of this reason should the new Congress held in Kasmira. But the tradition of Theravàda, does not recognize this Congress [under "2500 Years of Buddhism", p. 42]. Out of this society came into existence was the starting point of Buddhism (Mahayana) overcapacity out of later.
Parallel dating to the classic episode of out of Them the order, at the Ceylon King Vattagàmani grant States the classic episode because Mr. Maharakkhita to preside, the number of Monks attending the 500 a Bhikkhu on stilts. The aim of the Congress is to reread the teachings of Tripiṭaka master point sets, a legend of three organs, the sort order of the classics, wrote a set of tripiṭaka on leaf let go in Pàli, and commentaries written by the Ceylon [under Chattha Sangàyana CD-ROM, led by S.N. Goenka made].
In summary in this part we need to note some of the following issues:
According to The historian, States that the investment-law-comment by Mr. Mahinda presided and the King Devanampiya Tissa auspices, the form of the episode still is the transmission of mind tho. But the episode due to Him and the King presided Maharakkhita Vattagàmani sponsored the new Scriptures written on leaves to let go.
However according to venerable w. Rahula, in the book "History of Buddhism in Ceylon", and some scholars claim that the States first tripiṭaka aggregation IV by Mr. Mahinda presided was written into the text but also the third episode in Hindi also wrote the tripiṭaka and annotations in the language Pàli now. The document also trusted because Ashoka period were literate, that we've seen in the United States and the Exercise of A beer King. Later in 1897 Dr. a. Fuhrer has dug up that place a stone pillar of Asoka, the content of the stone: "here's where the marking Buddha's birth".
After the Congress of the Catholic magazine America classics IV, both of the major sects of Buddhism have tripiṭaka written on leaves to let go. Although the episodes of the popular faction not recognized by the elders, but they both defend the conception stances and doctrines of their sects. In this Congress marks the Division of the sect in both form and content.
1.5 out of The Emerging Fifth Ðiển Aggregation a) causes Buddhist calendar 2404 King Mindon built a large standing Buddha on Mandalay peak, Buddha's finger pointing down into The kneeling statue of Mandalay and Australian Ànanda accept the hand. The making of such a legendary proven King of Burmese people Phone because they believe that the good old days the Buddha and The Ànanda that dwell to this mountain and the Buddha a prophet that the later will become a flourishing city. Construction is complete, the King named the Buddha is Javeyattau. Then, in the Buddhist calendar 2407, King for the carving of a Buddha on the mountain. The King and the Monks wanted for classics of the Buddha and to long-term preservation. For this aggregation period should launched.
b) dates, locations, times, and hosts the patron dating back to the States, if calculated according to the Western calendar in 1871. Monks choose Blames Burmese capital is Mandalay as places to gather. Prolonged period of 5 months. Hosts the fifth classic episodes are elders Pong Yi Sayadaw and 2400 Monks took part. King Mindon's patron the classical aggregation.
c) method to set How to tap this business is similar to the previous aggregation. The Saints Falling as he Jàgaràbhivamsa, Narindàbhidhaja, Sumangalasàmi and 2400 the Monks read the tripiṭaka classics. Especially after this episode, all of the tripiṭaka is written on 729 marble slabs, each higher and half size 1 slab wide and non 1 size, the full inscription on both sides.
Vinaya is composed of 101 rocks. Tibetan Scriptures engraved on 520, and Conclusions organ engraved on a marble slab 108. A total of 3 is 727 lamina. Glossary of tripiṭaka, the other slabs carved in 1774. All are King and Lettered His Rise offers worship at the Mahalokamarakhin Tower and the Tower of Candamunì. Have to say this is a most progressive works of Buddhist elders sets.
1.6 Economic Aggregation Association Australian Sixth Ðiển a) causes The Australian States are also to be held in Burma Blames time period Congress V about 83 years. The State Blames Burmese Buddhist projector problem of concern to help beginning when Buddhism set foot in this country. Perhaps due to the influence of two ethics arahats in the 8th delegation of King Asoka, the lineage and the Sangha has the Groove under the precepts of Buddha. State Burma wholeheartedly support, classic aggregation States are aimed at three goals:
-Communists bolster ties to Buddhism map.
Buddhist Chan Hung-Presbyterian Ministry.
-Highly independent position Subject Burma phone #.

b) dates, locations, times, and hosts the patron dating starting on 17.5.1954 Three day Case (even Buddhism) in 1956, Buddhist calendar 2500, i.e. in 2 years to complete. The venue is set in a great animated jelly in the capital of Rangoon (Yangon). Mr. Nyungan Sayadaw was crowned Conference hosts. Prime Minister U Nu of Burma's Government Blames finance costs for the classical aggregation States this.
c) aggregation method in the period of this aggregation, the Lord according to the form of the first episode in Hindi. Mr. Mahasi Sayadaw was elected Congress is providing the tripiṭaka glossary, you Bhivamsa Vicittasàra Bhadanta will answer his questions Mahasi. During the clarify tripiṭaka FAQ so then magistrate and 2500 a Bhikkhu stilts listen, if not then speak up. Special magistrate is the tripiṭaka pine philastraena. The language used in the Congress is composed of 3 languages: Burmese, Pàli Phone, and the English language.
In the sixth episode this tripiṭaka, Congress used 729 slabs engraved tripiṭaka and marble slab 1774 engraving annotations for the fifth episode as a base. Election officials forecast the ancient texts of Ceylon, Thailand, Cambodia and the Association Pàli Ðôn in Scriptures is researching, comparing and editing. After the complete Congress complacent, the Church Grew old Burma phone # to print out for dissemination, a total of 45 in his book Tibetan primary and annotated book of 92. Once the episode has invited representatives from eight countries Buddhism to attend, including Vietnam. Vietnam mission by the Church Increased the original old Vietnam celebrated, the protagonist is the venerable Bửu Chơn Thành district.
See: pictures of where the volume .
2. NINE MISSIONS MISSIONARY COMMUNISTS BOLSTER TIES of Ashoka Sau when purifying the Church Grew old and the classical aggregation period III was born, Asoka want for Chief Justice of the Buddha spread further into the neighbouring countries and to maintain the essence of Dharma on, the King has in mind the arahats contemporaries and plans Hong Duong, Chief of FranceSetup, the mission sent out all over the place. The King's variant is Chu arahats wedding Festival Council, especially the elder Moggaliputta Tissa. Before long, nine delegations are established, begin to spread the French Chief of the Buddha Gotama.
2.1 first mission According to legend, the elders Mahinda Ittiya, Uttiya, Sambala, Bhaddasàla and Sa-di Sumana responsibility to evangelize the island of Ceylon (Lankà, Lankàdìpa, Lankàtala).
As has been recorded in Mahàvamsa (history) and annotations Vinaya (Samantapàsàdikà), Ceylon but is a small country but very important in maintaining the French Chief of the Buddha Gotama and at the same time, countries that have a connection, contact to the three Buddha in the past [according to "the dictionary name and places of Buddhism-Buddhist Dictionary of Proper Names"]. Add contacts to the island Ceylon during the three past Buddha called, capital cities, and different rulers. At the time of the Buddha Kasusandha, the island is called Ojadìpa, the King was Abhaya, the capital's landmarks and Abhayapura Mahàmeghavana, Mahàtittha. While the Buddha Konàgamana, the island is called Varadìpa, the capital city is Vaddhamàna, the King called Samiddha and has the name Mahànoma. While the Buddha Kassapa, the island was called Mandadìpa, the King's name is Jayanta, capital is Visàlà and has the name Mahàsàgara.
Also the Mahàmeghavana have a highlight nature, half of Ceylon is now the Summit of Mount Sumanakùta, where the Buddha Gotama did leave his footprints. Living Buddha at the money Gotama has 3 times to visit this country, whereas three Buddha past to once. In the ninth month after Mr into Scouts, the reason He came to the notice of Ceylon after this is a country that Mr. Tenet will popular and growing. But now, there are many species of the massage Felt (Yakkha) and A tu la (Ashura) so He came to this country as a chemical purity, to his later improperly turning superficial preacher. Second, in the fifth after He became leader. The reason he States is to reconcile their line Long United Kingdom. third was the eighth year after He became leader. This time he is accompanied by 500 a Bhikkhu on stilts. Why go this time due to the Long and sometimes offers His Monks to stay in their country to boys, and life span of this visit, He has saved the footprint on the mountain that day still remains.
That document states that the delegation led by H.e. Mahinda led to Ceylon spread by boat, according to the trade, but according to the book Mahàvamsa, the Lord God shipping information go to this country at the time of King Devanampiyatissa ruled. King of Ceylon and the King Àsoka that friendship should Mr Mahinda delegation arriving in Ceylon was the King welcomed very solemnly because King knows Mr Mahinda is the Prince of King Asoka. The King thought that Mr Mahinda is a Prince lived in Dien Ngoc Hoang that dare to abandon all export countries live the life qifu gangui singer. Surely this is a non-human means or in the Dhamma of Buddha there is much variety, the new mission should attract such a Prince. The King thought like that, trust for delegation Mr Mahinda more deeply, and King would each be close to him elders to learn more about Buddhism.
After friendly greetings, Mahinda elders began preaching, sermon for the King and the Royal family heard about U.s. Trade Statue area of Example, Central (Cùlahatthipàdùpama suttanta). Upon the termination of the French, King and Entourage would be y Tam-Bao. King promised henceforward will make the hearts advocates the promotion of Buddhism in Lankà country.
2.2 second delegation He blamed Majjhantika Presbyterian missionary travels in Gandhàra and Kasmìra. He is a arahats. In the classic episode last Tuesday, He was also a member of elite in attendance.
The Gandhàra seem to be including Kasmìra, therefore, the two countries have always been referred to as Kasmìra-Gandhàra.
While the Buddha was born, the country's capital, familiar that we often see when reading the classics. It is the capital of Takkasilà. It is famous for the school centre of training talents for the country. The King ruled at the time was Pukkusàti. The King and the King of Magadha Bimbisàra diplomatic contact with each other are friendly. Thanks to the relationship that, when Tam's birth, King of Magadha send you a notification letter that has Buddha-Dharma-appeared upon the Earth. When this news, the King decided to take his disciples of the Buddha, and he renounced the throne, went to Sàvatthi to see the Buddha, asking for renunciation, live life happy offense.
At him out of The country to France in Majjhantika Hoang, the populace of the country Gandhàra are in distress disasters like hurricanes, droughts, the loss on the season. The disaster is due to Long Aravàla Kingdom causes. Mr elders learned about this should take me through a break through against the Gyalpo. Finally, Gyalpo said my God can't be booked by the sa Division, and his rage and fell the side starting from appeased, facing about sa Mon accommodates glasses. Mr. elders began the sermon for the Dragon King and his entourage, Emerging through Soap Example (Alagaddupama suttanta). When the end of French song, the Dragon King and his entourage, the well massage the massage felt's wife and Pandaka is Hàrita, pls qui y Tam and promised him the elder's lifetime will households maintained three jewels.
After the leadership of the King Dragon, chúngnước inhabitants, Gandhàra living an evangelical. Mr. Majjhantika started work on French birth rate in Hoang. Before long, there are so many young girls would like to export her follow him. According to the Mahàvamsa (history), during which up to 100,000 people after all. It is from here, of Kasmìra and Gandhàra has a team of old Growth and strong positive xiển Chief Justice of France.
2.3 third A third delegation headed by Presbyterian missionary to go for Mahàdeva of Mahisamandala. Elders was also an outstanding member in the classic episode last Tuesday.
Have not seen documentation clearly places this Mahisamandala, but maybe that's the lower Godhàvarì River, today known as Mysore. Godhàvarì River in Dakkhinàpatha [according to the "Buddhist Dictionary of Proper Names", Vol II, p. 815], make up the southern border. At the time of the Buddha, Alaka King and King of Assaka settled in River North and the ruler of the people living in the outback in Bàvarì. According to legend Nipàta Sutta, Godhàvarì river divides into two branches near the places. There is an island 3 miles in circumference, and on it was a dense forest called Kaptthavana. Secluded place of people of Bàvarì occupy an area five miles. In the past, this area was once the residence of the Sage as you Sarabhanga [according to It Predecessor, Jataka, V]. According to the explanatory notes Increased Nikaya, secluded place of Bàvarì 's river channel (Godhàvarivamke). Godhàvarà River is one of the most sacred river in southern India.
In the book chronicles Ceylon mention spreading Dhamma to his Australian success The Mahàdeva at Mahisamandala. The first French post that He in this country is made in Scriptures (Devadùta suttanta). After the lecture finished France, more than 40 thousand people have applied, and qui Tam-y then every person would like spice, live it everyday.
2.4 Fourth delegation Do you accept responsibility Rakkhita Presbyterian preacher of Vanavàsa. Add your Vanavàsa is a County, probably North of Kanara, South India.
According to the "master system use" [Mahavamsa-Bhikkhu stilts Jianwen room] are elders to this country by spirit communications. Upon arrival, he stood in mid-air the sermon to the people of this country to hear about menstruation Samyutta Anamatagga. After France, with 60 thousand qui y Tam-Bao, thirty-seven thousand people from leaving home, and then there are 500 temples built to increase them reside. What is the Catholic Church of old Growth is founded on this country.
2.5 fifth mission Yonaka Dhammarakkhita elders By his responsibility to spread the French Chief of the Buddha, Gotama in Aparantaka. He was born and raised in Greece, favored with the Chief Justice and the renunciation was, then practice the essential professional and ultimately a prime witness results A La Han. He is also a member attend The classic episode last Tuesday by King Asoka auspices. Later, monks in the Congress sent him away in Hong of Aparantaka, now known as the Bombay of India. Add your Aparantaka is national territory, including the North of the country Gujaràt, Kàthiàwar, Kachch and Sindh, the country's Western Ràjaputana, Cutch, Gujarat and the part that connects the coast on Narmadà River's downstream domain.
At the time of the Buddha, are known as Aparànta. According to legend, the Mandhàtà provides four maidens of virtue from three different continents to Jambudìpa and live here. When the King died, that these people cannot return to being the King's Prime Minister asking for permission and allow yourself settled in Jambudìpa. Prime Minister agreed, and from it Aparànta is in place, linked to the settlement of people from Aparagoyàna.
The French first that he is the master of horror novels article the fire metaphor (Aggikkhandhopama Suttanta). After France, there are many young spice cultivation. According Mahàvamsa, there are about a thousand people would come in, including the son, daughter of the family.
2.6 sixth mission Due to the Mahàrakkhita elders take responsibility away Hong Duong, Chief Justice in Central Asia, northern Iran. The language of this country called Pàli is Yonaka.
At the time of King Milinda, the capital city of Sàgala city Yonaka. It is said that the ceremony to build stupa (Mahàthùpa) there are three dozen thousand Bhikkhu khưu to attend, under Chairman of the elders Yonamahàdhammarakkhita. He came from Alasandà in Yona. Of course Alasandà is the headquarters of the Buddhist Monks of the period. Generally Alasandà because the King of Macedonian (Alexander) to assimilate in Paropanisadae near Kàbul. In Assalàyana, the Yona v Kamboja is referred to as the landmarks that in society there are only two levels, it is home, and home, and I suddenly turned into me. In central Beijing, Episode II-784, which explains this as follows: because of caste Brahmin go there and die for their children should make friends with a servant class, so the home turned into me.
Vol. Mahàvamsa mentioned the success of Mr. Mahàrakkhita elders in this country. The first French Writes in this title is Kàlakàràma-suttanta. After France, one hundred seven ten thousand people demonstrated and Director-elect ten of thousands of people asking for renunciation, live it everyday.
2.7 delegation Saturday Due to the elder Durabhissara, Mùlakadeva, Kassapagotta, Majjhima and elders Deva Sahadeva for spreading French Chief Justice in Himàlaya area.
Add your Himàlaya has many different names: Himavà, Himàcala, Himavanta ... but the common name is Himàlaya (i.e. where there are many snow-Snow Mountain). It is one of the seven mountains surrounding Gradhamàdana [Sutta nipata-according to legend, i., 66]. An area of about 300 thousand miles, as many as 84 thousand peaks, the highest is 500 by week (Yojanas) equivalent to 8,000 km. in the Himavà there are seven large water pond, each of length, horizontal, depth of about 50 miles. The name seven Lake which is Kannamunda Chaddanta, Rathakàra,, Anotatta, Kunàla, Mandàkinì and Sìhappapàtaka. At the Lake, the sun never heats a water tank. Water from the Himavà flows into the river 500. However, according to the explanatory notes and the Milindapanha Suttanipata, only 10 of the river receives water directly from the River, and the Himavà others get indirect water. Ten that river is Ganga, Yamunà, Aciravatì, Sarabhù, Mahì, Vettavatì, Sarrassatì, Sindhu, Vìtamsà and Candabhàgà.
In Student birth story (Jàtaka), Himavà is mentioned as a refuge to the hermit to give secular life. Here are more old forests are suitable for the Hermitage. In the Sutta Nipata Nikaya Minor annotation have addressed a Summit in Himavà is named Mahàpapàta, where the Buddha enlightened Authoritarian President Park. ^ Samyutta Nikaya, III-120, stated that the species of Dragons (Nàgas) go to Himavà mountain to bring forth children. ^ Presbyterian Falling pallets, II-138, there is mention of a master Sìvalì from Savatthi arrived at this mountain along with 500 partner tu. This journey resulted in loss of time Jesus about 8 days.
Vol. Mahàvamsa, XII. 41, recorded in the elders in the delegation of Ashoka went to water Himavà Hong of France. The French were first novel in this country's Emerging post Zhuan Falun (Dhammacakkappavatthanva suttanta). After trading post was preaching done, there are 80 people start your net credit. In the this Presbyterian preaching at 5 United Kingdom General optical Himavà region, and in m i United Kingdom has about 100 thousand people please export the giat.
2.8 eighth mission Due to the two elders Sona and Uttara responsibility goes French in Hong Suvannabhùmi.
So far scholars have yet to consistency of place Suvannabhùmi of place names. Historical Thailand, Cambodia, Burma ... for that eighth mission of King Asoka have missionaries to their countries. So Suvannabhùmi is a vast country.
There is the theory that Suvannabhùmi was the predecessor of Funan (Funan). Some scholars in the world adapted to the position of Funan as follows [according to Pear flavor, "histories of Funan"]:
* Mr Lam Communists bolster ties Code who was born the Song dynasty (960-1280), in Lost commentaries, written in the "Constitutional Information Notes" that Funan in a large island to the South Vietnam district in the West Sea, a Japanese Male 7,000 Li (Li 1 = 400 yards West), southwest of forest way-the hamlet of 3,000 controllers, covering an area of 3,000 physical territory.
* In volume the historian Sima Qian noted that "... the Under King Into the Continent, in Nien (1109 first solar calendar), take the free water to the White Bird dynasty hemorrhoids. Emissaries did not know the way back to be In The Ðản for the year only car South to probe the way. Envoy crosses of Funan, forestry-Hamlet, and returned exactly one year ".
* Australian copy message: "She takes advantage (P ' O-Li, the name of Funan) in the southeast of the country of Champa, on the South with the country Chu complaint, came after Vinh Huy era (650-655 Duong Cao Tông) is the water Chenla occupied".
* Mr Klaproth and Paulhier for that Funan in Burmese waters Pégou phone #.
* He Déguine for that Match is an island in Western Thailand.
* Mr. Abel Résumat for that Line is a province of China in northern Vietnam.
* Mr. Wilford said that Funan was a Kingdom in Malaysia.
* Mr. Stanisla Julien that Funan in Thailand.
* Mr. Barth that Funan in India.
* Mr Schelegel said that the Thai soil was a vassal of Funan occupation.
* Mr Bowring and Mr. Wade said that the Kingdom of Funan in Thailand, according to the etymology of Funan Word TCHETOU (Turkish Sausage) is a red ground thanks to silt up the claims.
* He Aymonur that Funan include southern Cambodia, now the South of Vietnam.
* Mr. Blagden said that Funan include Thailand, Cambodia land until the Pégou in Burma phone #.
When the master came Buddhism here, in the Palace of the King, the princes were often born American carnivorous sea Massage Felt. The presence of the elders at the time coincidence on the birth of the Prince. At first people thought that these were friends of male Friendship and they intend to use the weapon to kill him. The elders explained to them the situation are the sa foot districts, and subjects learn why have this misunderstanding. After the causes, stamens are successively used sympathetic spirit elders turned male Stomach Massage. After the massage, the Skin inspired the King and people were Hy Festival immensely with the mission. Second, that the elders began the sermon for the King and the people listening, through my Sagging Offense (Brahmajàla sutta), the University Minister. After the ceremony is complete, there are 60,000 people please qui y Tam-the 3,500 men and women and the family would like to export to. In addition, later on whenever the Prince would sire the King were named the Sonuttara-II's two names from the elders is Sona and Uttara.
2.9 ninth mission By Mahàdhammarakkhita Presbyterian missionary responsibility in Mahàratthi. About the place, the scholars which is made Maràthì, which probably is North-East of Bombay, India.
Master Mahàdhammarakkhita was a high rise of virtue, have force Africa chums. When the vịTrưởng him to this country, the people were extremely popular and are according to him to study Buddha's teachings During the first French. elders speaking in this is the Bibles of birth (Jàtaka). Bibles living being is a collection of stories of the Buddha, when he recounted the reincarnations is the Bodhisattva's practice of France third cross-la-suite. This is located in Nikaya (Khuddaka Nikàya), in the tenth episode 15 episode. The valuable moral economy, morality through the mirrors enlightenment shining of the bodhisattvas of the Buddha Gotama. After the ceremony, people were Hy Festival credits its teachings of elders. There are 84,000 people testifying, and leaders said that 30,000 people would join the Congregation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.1.9.2014.

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