Saturday 6 September 2014

LIFE IN THE PRESENT your mind today. Retribution, compassion, impermanence, All the truth in life lie in the mere fleeting moments n ay. Yesterday is only a dream and tomorrow, Who knows what will happen? Let's live in the present! - Kassapa Thera. B í decision of a life th Britain and the peace and happiness is always work to be done in the present. No questions for the future. No regrets for the past. We can not go back in d southern provinces of time to arrange things as you wish. I just live each moment v à control only interested in one moment: the present.

Here l à a truth that all ranks contemporary thinkers p Israel world are nh label printing. He saw that the remembrance of the past, dreams of the future are l à vain; forgotten now and not interested in the opportunities in the current l à pity. Time is always flowing. I do not n Israel stopped the e antenna arms folded expect great success that we wish to see it gradually became th Transformation into the disaster in memory. It is in our hands with the means to build up in the ng him today what will remain for tomorrow, what dreams firmer suspension virtual beauty.
Buddha e ã outlined for us the path. We ourselves have decided to start h image from today, in this moment. indomitable spirit we are soldiers of The e ã said: "We have enough l he is confident, smart enough, capable to free himself, so l am all things. "Oil has dried blood, meat can wear down and disintegrate, just bones with skin oil, we will not leave this seat before Success. "In the fight Last game c this application we decided to win. "Forever prolonged life miserable, endless n did anything useful? "It is better to cut down on the battlefield rather than a hero. "Not so shy before entry great adventure as a coward. Persons e ã speak the words on here l à Supreme Teacher's who we are.

Under his banner, we were e ã know the route to go, the road m à He found himself not only lead teacher. His e ã boldness, perseverance, patience even, steady steps on the road to ng that he reached th draw some final adventure.
As people of his noble line, we have fun fighting game v à War relentless fight for justice, truth, H -boo comments for Compassion and Supreme Directed results.

I would rather die we do not sell voluntarily discarded children's toys. - Kassapa THERA

A memory Buddha never advocated the theory of fate. Retribution of nh Ly à Buddhist doctrine nor money to. The past affects the present, but not coughing dominant current safety because Karma is behavioral artifacts of the past and present, both past and present.
Past and present influences the future. Past l à c ate risk Israel stems life li Israel from short to continue this in another short. C is wrong because the future has not arrived. Only the present moment l à really useful. We each take on the responsibility of using that moment, in the right and in the wrong, good or evil. No living being can escape and that no living being should have that desire to shirk her duties.
Buddha often repeated v à keen to remind us of such characteristics Memorial, Decisions, Effort v à no dependence where none other than me. thing m à He never taught the doctrine of fate. Ng turned one taught that all things are constantly changing, all things organic contraband (Sankh ARA) are impermanent (anicca) . Mentality is an organic material illegally. So the mind is impermanent, ie variables change. The main change, impermanent l à crux of the final release. What can become dirty clean. What strengths can become weak. What does not mature can exercise to become n Daniel maturity.
Want climb could not have jumped to that persistent, persistent and continuous efforts forward. It is through step by step from where we can go far ng snack. There is a good virtues can help us th Britain in everything. virtues that l à motivates us to go to m AI, solid, continuous, not discouraged, not lose heart, not stalling step ahead obstacles, would not fail in any circumstances and always fighting game, achieve the objective for the non- EU.
That l à virtues m à Buddha wants to h ang Buddhists we try to cultivate: The Real hidden.
indomitable spirit brightly than the sun, deserves more credit for v inert and strong stellar n over all other power antenna p Israel world.
indomitable spirit always wins. INDUSTRY In the good as well as evil, has three doors open way for us l Israel or down. Serves as secondary door most plans that l à Body. Critical mind and with n h power antenna strongest application. Administrative action n loud that the wise reprimand is vile. The good word nice n loud not coupled with l am useless. Administrative action n not rushing with the spirit of the ethical food wise l à wrong. thoughts and ideas lust anger go Madness Israel are l à detrimental. Acts l the noble deeds à n active rushing the wise praise mode. noble words are good words accompanied by beautiful l am. Administrative great action arises from an enlightened mind v à clean. noble ideology arises from a selfless heart healthy. - Kassapa THERA "After killing her mother (craving), father (conceit), two belligerent king (typically reviews and stage reviews), v à after destroying a country (continent c ate v à ceiling Contents ) and all the treasure in the land (craving), the A-La-Han to go, l he was not disturbing. " - Dhammapada (294) P particles France is a bold expression doctrine, suitable for determination. A weak national soul, romance will find Buddhism is useless, because this doctrine with practical people, dare to look right into practice to deal v à ready to take advantage of n antenna m blatantly in her . Existence as greed, anger, ignorance. everywhere with greed, hatred, v à si. From the temple dd everyone to hang c power alleys cancer, as well as the rich-poor, hospitals, tourist places, as well as before the e blatantly. Every time I see them is to realize just because you can not win an enemy that we do not recognize. greed, anger, ignorance is the enemy of our inherent. To resist evil trio n ay , three things are very effective weapon in the hands of those who have pre- qualified to use.

Saturday weapons to ti kill êu Join the Giving (D ANA) , that generosity college, h the half rushing. It's incredibly simple, incredibly beautiful! But then l à something heavy weapons, only those who truly robust new well used. Be bold up for charity, as well as ancient bodhisattvas e ã wealth boldly original, legs, hands, eyes, nose, etc ... for both of these precious lives Ng Ai. Generosity knew no bounds university as well as h rushed union of the hero, there is no limit.
Vice weapons to ti kill êu Airport is the center of (METT ā) . Heart of love is not selfish attachment to what you'd see in novels or on screen. From the center does not contain the slightest idea of carrying a selfish, does not contain a shred of attachment. Heart of countless, countless bi Israel, covering all beings without distinction to the other person and see all the familiar friends. It's not easy out there are not blatantly commercial noble like that, but I try to exercise. Try this moment in the present.
Vice weapons to ti kill êu Meditation Si is the (Bh Avana) . Zen Buddhism is not to dream dreams m antenna membrane, unrealistic thoughts or dreams building beautiful in no no. Meditation l à cultivate a positive approach to cultivate mind by gathering ideas v rushing a point v à toward physical life. See r õ truth means to see things impermanent, suffering and non-self. Meditation for l à a very difficult weapon used. Want to maturity in the use of these weapons have n antennas practice to create n Israel a spiritual self-discipline necessary for everyone. And start early l à keep clean n am fundamentally. Virtue clean heart create the solid, powerful, capable of using weapons of meditation.

Try to become n Daniel robust. Always carry your weapons effectively triple (generosity, kindness and meditation to) v à ready to attack the enemy as a warlike hands joyfully sortie tr Israel battleground. IDEAL HOME AND DEFINITIONS I find something sublime for me and for those who believe in me. I would not want to lower the level of those who only seek material is coarse, poor, average consumption in a solution of reconciliation in the world. Useful details, if one day the road will overshadow v à dims go! I would hatch a compassionate smile to illuminate the path v à traveled further away t ... Learn how to find what I most sublime! - Kassapa THERA B IET how events in human history e ã demonstrated that when a group of people drafted ism and decided to create an x ã opportunity that's compatible with all the other news has been troubling nature of suffering . Those who stand l Israel correction constant x ã Congress can and often is the ideal character, knowledge and intelligence. But, rather the contrary, all the more honest and good heart good to c results ANG devastating and traumatic.

Sooner or later, accidentally or intentionally, the " Man of The Network " was agreed to accept the risk of Israel principle " The ends justify the means ", all players use long period to achieve the purpose, therefore, a Again, the m well you e ã seen as abject and abominable to render a quick easy way. Replaces slogans arguments. Appreciate overwhelm reason. People say wrecked. The n he suddenly found himself being strangled each other m à do not know exactly why.

Buddhists, oil trivial that n loud, not to m blatantly misled with the attitude of foolish v à rude to men. Buddhists seek truth and do not recognize the " Truth-half seasons , "half truths. Buddhists must find the truth in yourself. No one, oil is a Buddhist way, can be transmitted to another person or enlightenment safety. Each mirror Buddhists follow the Buddha v à Do you A-La-Han to try to free himself for m blatantly.
By the same token, Buddhists do not see the need to have a home that, a theory, and not the need to e sabrecat asked one end justifies the means. We do not seek to enforce on others to follow the path of one v à lifestyle we live. History of Buddhism does not try to get the credit load map. Buddhists do not believe anyone can be dragged beings, each measuring desks, in scenes Nirvana. When repeated for a person who heard the Dhamma, we act as a free man for a free man.

According to Buddhism, the truth finally ends. Self-control, self-cultivation of the mind and fresh ideas in the media. Salvage guided vehicles without justifying the means. Self-control, self-cultivation of the mind and fresh ideas in themselves and prove themselves as a blessing in every step, a grace faith in each stage m à beings in times reaches p Israel way forward the enlightened ho arrived safely. CANDIDATE STATEMENT Noble generosity of compassion, For those in need, with mercies ... That l à precious seeds, what more noble brilliant splendor but useless. Offering cozy, with sincere heart, to hold teachers, mothers fathers, to relative rank v à good level of knowledge, ... the more noble. Given out only to sow the good of Israel, spreading the Truth and the open road leads to happier, reciting v à light of wisdom. It l à noble generosity! - Kassapa THERA " C ho "is an art, and art as well as the other, we can cultivate the art" to "every day by experiment. The miserly, people just think to m HIB, feel hard to give up. regard to the rank n ay, oil and b à uncles is also very difficult. Not because of bad love, but because of their injuries too. Crush attachment sticking to their own interests too powerful, e herd all sympathetic pressure. than a little bit as people are willing to give to help b à uncles. Also do not like anyone else. For parents, children and some relatives, but relatives of the generosity extended from modern v 's narrow southern provinces. They are like flame e en in a closed box, just inside the shed. Not a ray of light reached out ngo been anyone. Grade this person is also attachment and love for the " Falling "its too strong. But " Falling "in here does not just mean l à " I ". Falling here l à " something of me . " Most of us belong to the class n ay. There are different ch more antennas only natural skills as high or low position, more or less. Who is your east, more familiar v à for the easy, fun to draw, since v is widely uring the class, advertising agency. The limited narrower close, for less, paralyzed v stingy stingy rushing classes. Indeed, stingy or advertising agency, widely or stingy, we are still in a v welded pipe making, small or large, wide or narrow.

Noble is less than all the unlimited generosity, generosity extended to m era and suggests that anyone ever like the sunlight, covering all things beings.
Persons alms to all the nobler l à Buddha. Not in the last life, m à as a Bodhisattva, from innumerable past lives he e ã board how much of the wealth and property, to both eyes, nose, hands, feet v à trunk network. In the last birth, he e ã alms treasures and greatest in life l à Dharma. He gave up easily to all those who have ears hear and mind want to understand.
Availability led by example, that each of us take on the task of experimental art " for ". We must patiently try, t m antenna part of anyone who ever we can. Each minute we try to break the wall of the techniques to l Quang my age who can shed to b outside Israel. One day it will become infinite, boundless. TRUST To overcome water disaster game tr herd flooded with desire life, birth and death, t à prejudice, and ignorance. I can not stand y Daniel a place, khongthe also be sunk helpless wreck an extravagant way. I have enough courage, determination, v well ... a belief completely solid. - Kassapa THERA C ó no difference between a man and a swimming do not know? Both can l à people age, illness and lack of exercise activities. But children of Israel, if one day risk both fell deep river, who knows swimming will be fine, but who does not know swimming will be sunk if no one to rescue. Why? V ì collected by previous experience, strong swimmers who know heart believe that water will improve support m blatantly should not struggle, do not waste energy, but just trying to keep themselves above water. I guarantee this and drift to rest. He also is not sure ch Learn how immersed deep. Just keep your nose v à mouth on the water is to be. He did not know swimming, could not believe it. He does not know how to swim th ì not believe the country can raise red body m Dinh, did not believe that he could float on water, should not drift to rest. He tried his best v application waving and war fighting to live, but in vain. C After his application failed.

This is just l à an example shows the importance of trust. Trust arises understanding, c eat any where wisdom. That l à chief virtues helps us th Britain in all operations activities, all attempts, from the thread through the eye of a needle piercing the participation of meditation. That l à all the difference between success and failure (a job promotion with confidence, that course to th Transformation into satisfactory achievement). Sometimes it l à difference between life and death.
Having the caller's " Faith ", a noun as good as whatever beautiful word n another loud. But faith which h am a little sense appropriate to the spirit of autonomy and independence of those who wanted to see his eyes, headphones themselves, self-knowing mind.
unfortunately, there are many things we can not do Europe experienced a whole. Cy-tasting substances such as a-nua (Cyanure), for example. The ancients had a saying: " Experience is like a comb that only when people started e ã hair fall out . " Indeed, when gathered enough experience th ì e ã old, with no opportunity for further experimentation.

The wisdom to know others enjoy the experience.
Trustee shall c eat every p Israel understanding is required not trust arises due to personal experience. Because the laser which he published a lot of money to ask the teacher to teach. Master l à professionals e ã collect the necessary experience, knowledge sufficient to pass on to others, taking that l am a livelihood. The economic wisdom teachings and believes careful management, practice teaching. Is that l à faith m buzzing night blindness or not to ch antenna that l à credibility c tr eat any understanding of Israel?
For Buddhists, the Buddha l à highest level monk self-Ton ancient times. However, there are also e ã consider themselves Buddhists, but do not trust where Buddha v à not act in accordance with the teachings of Ng Ai, as they put all the trust in an e doctor or a trained HIB sports coach. They distrust a great man , but when moral quiet wisdom takes recognition of a human being. MENTAL CAPACITY From the thermal zone, a single r Aryans Who all quarters, above, below, a light directing flamboyance compassionate, flexible effects, infinite. And, in a distant sky x is negative, where snow falls dewy, Death appears ... All around the bed, crying exclamations of, "him" or desperation, to power, concept-driven restaurant concept only "slightly nh Metta Ang mellow like rose petals! " and smiled, his last breath. - Kassapa THERA A n A rea is a power antenna, Tam l n à a power antenna. No one would deny the power capacity. But with the c ON doubts n antenna uplift v ì lack of instruments measuring human mind. But children of Israel, who e ã experience is a v Who velocity of the mind will realize that there is so obvious human mind and sometimes amazing v ì was evident. From the ancient Oriental e ã identify human heart. When Westerners staring collectibles v à well advanced in exploiting n th antenna material force of inertia in The Eastern people focus on subtle mind power v à long and took a step. The metaphysical approach as telepathy, hypnosis, insight and wisdom from ancient atrial often happens in Oriental. For Westerners really l à rare. well as all n antenna power, the center itself is neither good nor bad, can kill can also save lives, maybe ti êu can kill creativity. And, once again, as well as all the n antenna other forces, a center shall comply v AI law enforcement course Israel. Many e ã research the law was virtually silent extraction capacity v à other invisible. Some people use mind power of evil and e ã reap the fruits of suffering. There are also user class n antenna's power in the l him. Till now the life is c ON prompted to save your reputation with a rear l sincere devotion southern provinces.

Buddha's noble than all the cardinals spirit. Insights v à completely rational laws govern the validity of the mind, the Buddha buttons Israel subjects followers n Daniel utilize your mind power to better the beautiful, the most noble l à final liberation . According to Buddhism, the period beginning ti on Israel 's moral progress line l à About (S ILA) . The control center first want to know the words and deeds control of m blatantly.
During the next paragraph l à Dinh (Sam Adhi) ie meditation import regulations. Indeed, is not easy. Buddha taught meditation section 40. In cases where there is no teacher, h must satisfy themselves Assessment analyzes its nature and choose a suitable item. In the meditation section, the expression " Metta "is very effective and suitable for everyone. Metta is not the skill of love, compassion embraces all beings. Reciting " Metta "is a meditation on peace to desks and useful for all, oil is not the morality or pure safety. Reciting " Metta "is a meditation on pure v à effective, nourishing body and help purify one's mind, resting easy.
For mass too hastily v ã, when he saw the expression " Metta "quiet sitting alone, then that person does not work for the g ì out. But one e ã effective understanding of the human mind can confirm that there is a practitioner generator power to fine dining are released the l herd compassionate thought of voting universe that most do not seem to know how to how to express l he often. Hopefully there are a large number of such meditation to c coordinate a joint application n antenna power h post-application possible current rescue mankind from suicide victims, killing himself.

"Indeed, animosity can not be taken to be extinguished by anger.
Metta Only new l kill
his men. That l à principles of morality ng old desks ". - Dhammapada (5)


"The pure precepts are y n Daniel fun and antenna power h post-application.
During a righteous soul no refuge for the fearful anxiety, ...
The only morality. " - Kassapa THERA

G IOI (S ILA) is the period beginning ti Israel on progressive spiritual path v à ethics. During meditation we learn to enter the human mind gums v rushing a point. But, mind power want gum v rushing a point, before ti Israel must know how to n antenna power of the mind to take effect.

If the middle of the afternoon, standing ngo Who heavens we use a convex lens to collect sunlight v humming a small point p Israel hand, the moment we'll hear hot. In contrast, the original e also quieter place to stand that v à convex lens that is used to light a flame gum e en power 40 watts (instead of sunlight) will not listen tr hot hand of Israel, except when It has a touch -sensitive hot special.

Mind power too, as an office, the stronger the heart, the mind as a powerful force. Weak heart, oil to remain okay to create powerful capability. V ì world, and remain the same, mind power of each different strengths and weaknesses, and more importantly, mind power of a person abides, each time, is not equal. A powerful natural properties also have a weak moment, a very weak innate as well as powerful.
therefore, the period beginning ti Israel in the cultivation of mind power is patiently trying to train the mind to be mature v à back an abundant energy source. In other words, to exercise willpower. baked to cast an iron will, the most effective method l à manually control every minute, every second, every thought-moment, non-stop. About (S ILA) is the perfect vehicle for self-control. Sex has many steps, since its basic precept h ang layman does not know how to Children êu rule that the higher t antenna (Upasampada Bhikkhu) must keep tr ON. Ie course there are many ways to take control. How can I keep troops b HIB, ground outrigger jack l Daniel sun, like always few hours clock. We may take on an empty stomach, ng walk him through the other day and raised his hands to heaven until dead. How to Train with a resolute will, but the method does not help us to have a pure heart.

Critics hurry, no time to think, that the Buddhist precepts are negative, only interdict evil deeds of evil do not encourage that l him. Criticism is so misunderstood word About (S ILA) and Section of Gender purpose. About (S ILA) in itself is not an adventure but a means to go to item non êu. Buddhists adventure and only one item every effort to achieve the goals for the non êu was directed Nirvana B results herd, is the final release from the misfortune of suffering worth gh ethyl disgusting, from moral defilement round back, birth, aging, sickness and death.
's task is to keep the lay Buddhist circle n am (Panca S ILA) ie abstain n tone evil: killing, robbing, t à sex, hope language, and using intoxicants are harmful to morale. Who perseverance to keep tr ON n am This will be an even stronger force, easy mind dwells v à when e ã resting heart becomes a source of extremely powerful force. No. "He wants to have legal Kabbalah not? "So, let's keep them happier and tried to center v humming a pure point. "reap results will be recorded in-depth understanding of the gods. "Indeed, rather than gods, because the You never know anything beyond the universe. " - THERA Kassapa V á enter meditation methods go nh (Bh Avana) we e ã step into the center of the Buddhist teachings. Meditation for l à noble method best to develop mind power v à n to create the mood joys Israel and the n antenna magical power (Iddhi) . status joys and n antennas magical power just l à good results that practitioners can gather is tr Israel line progressive spirit and not the TV category last êu Buddhists, because the mood and the n antenna other forces also l à impermanence, birth and death. A goal of Germany as a true disciple Lai Enlightenment only one item IHI êu is the final release. Additionally, assuming all is temporary, impermanent, is fantasy. however, let's be honest with us. Although the n antenna magical power as favored nh edible, lily atrial etc ... is not the ultimate goal of a true Buddhist, I still prefer v à expect to ever achieve that. V Well, like all the others, the n antenna when power was also very helpful. I h and destination profound influence imagine anywhere from a nh à missionary, preaching the joys and sorrows of the scenes in life, just l am showing people appear before the eyes of the state of misery or joy, health as words. As Buddhists, much less progress than those who only Buddhists empty list, we d spend how much ã n antenna power v à time to run after the entry of non êu complete material, we do not Should false self that we do not elect m antenna to the divine power v ì l that's not our game ends. In fact, why not unfamiliar. We say so because we feel there is no sufficient th ì n hour and th antenna necessary to the achievement Transformation into her permission. I also have doubts, because spells are actually quite rare in ordinary life ng of us did. In short, we are completely human flesh eyes and ears.

Ng lives of us did what? Only one ring around boring v à scary. M we gather delinquent according to the daily subsistence without even time to live. We paddle reinforce x ã opportunity. We worked, struggled once more step, the step ladder material, to enjoy the little bait baits interest list v à automatically taken as important as success. Failure, because most of us have failed, we do not care about that l for the normal game of the world. During that time death quietly go to each one of us, c ang increasingly close, and the story pathetic Breeding occurs. Blogs e ã flip over. Another page start early ... in the new life. V à thus continue forever, not the end, this life to another life as miserable stories slope mi takes Israel achieved.

Turn his head away, not nh print show the frivolous, at killing early birth had to be hid away no? Now we e ã adult, costumes my childhood e ã became too small, so give it away with the toys kids have l à hiding away not? In meditation, joys state v n à magical power antenna only l à dependent results, the awards along the road very c cancer is more precious than all the things that we can enjoy the standard of living nature. We can achieve, v à someone e ã achieve that award. It's not l à assumptions only in the imagination. Meditation leads us to the place end c liberation cancer.
Interested in an increasingly quiet office, the more powerful and to the point c works well, seeing the truth of things. Lucid insight to stories that h Assessment will have a resolute will to escape hurriedly away from life v à things of life. Just as a person awake, saw m blatantly wearing a heavy long time stinking corpse that is still valued as a treasure. Instant qu course he hurriedly left zombie antenna. Children's reactions to Israel yogi e ã evidence Nirvana B Dharma herd. insight clearly see the truth of things absolutely clean Safety l It 's à saint's Adventure section - Kassapa THERA S au when moving pure heart (sila) and meditation to enter the (Bh Avana) to develop mental powers h Assessment pure radial, determination and wisdom about life. H The only consistent insight English French (Vipassan ā Bhavana) lived alone in the deep forest or solitary wilderness caves v ì stillness of the surroundings help of inner quiet. Ranking ordinary people, not like to think, see the hermit monks as cowards who shirk their duties. The truth was not so. It l à lifestyle live closest to life. In the busy world most l à always evading the life screw job n entangled him to another job v à never have enough th ì now to see clearly the true face of death. Must have the courage to be y static Israel. Having seven virtues, the impact coordinate, help us th Achievements Transformation into Vipassana. Seven qualities that l à mortals boyfriend's seven threads (bojjhanga) or seven factors carries us tr Daniel the wise path (Sensory Path): Mindfulness (sati) , Trach France (Dhamma vicaya) , Diligence (Viriya ) , Info (Piti ), Contempt Security (Passadhi) , The (Sam Adhi) , and Equanimity (Upekkhā) . Perform full seven virtues that would be the idea that n uring the heart and mind of a master , all th Chief Transformation into a to h English French Insight. Then we new concept is that n loud as a true hermit, always pay attention to the workings of the mind as the guard in t blatantly alert action, not always control center to an ideology oil n petty rushed through without knowing it at first, not a minute discouraged, always persistent, patient labor, cheerful, calm, and remain calm. Housing is a true hermit heroes, can make, do not be afraid nh straight to the actual printing, dare confront life, the m à few people dare to do. Hermit is not cowardice, shirking duties. He no longer is the only class that superficially look of things and so satisfying. He went deep v noisy life.

When practitioners continuous determination executive insight, a day will come, in a brief m à practitioner directly witness the truth of life l à impermanence (anicca) , suffering (dukkha) and not-self ( anatta).

Legal Insight is not a deductive method. Inference can not help us achieve insight. Vipassana is a direct experience with deep experience profound effect. When you gain insight rays, h Assessment e ã attained Tu-e à-Huon and step into the stream of each church. Meditators e ã escape three worlds and is no longer a human being again. From there began a transformation, sequential v à certainly as e remains quiet day to come. H Assessment persevering, trying to meditate and discover the light of Vipassana, gradually climbed Tu D à-Ham, A-Na-Ham, and finally, when e ã completely lucid achievement directing A-La-Han.

"Those fulfillment full seven factors of enlightenment (Bojjhanga) (*) ie l à seven mental factors leading to enlightenment floor late c cancer, those who no longer desire, that enjoy renunciation, those who ho safety virtue, live oil in the world n he also e ã obtained Nirvana B Dharma herd. " - Dhammapada (89)
(*) List of Bojjhanga by two c ate danger Israel: Bodhi is enlightenment or trying to, determination of practice to attain unsurpassed Bodhi. Anga l à factors, material dynamics (A Manual of Abhidhamma - Narada Maha Thera).

So Bojjhanga or loss are seven factors of enlightenment or seven practice of helping us achieve Enlightenment Dharma.

Dhamma-vicaya (Trach legal or Nirvana) is found all things - and matter - as real. Clearly see the truth of things (A Manual of Abhidhamma - Narada Maha Thera).


who rid the prospects of m other blatantly to leave like people do not nh à door.
Ai e ã eradicate greed and abandon adaptation of material life:
I called him l
à-friendly knowledge (brahamana). - Dhammapada (415)

X thriving part of the future nipple Israel in six noble aspirations (Ajjhavayas) Bodhisattva. Rather, Bodhisattva l à the e ã be a Buddha said that a ng ay other in the future they will become Buddhas. In the previous incarnation of the Buddha Gotama, Ng Ai e ã Buddha Dipankara ng prophesies that He will AY other Buddha attained enlightenment. It was during her lifetime Ng who is a hermit called Sumedha, also e Asia since the p HIB can experience the results of A-La-Han. But Ng who is a brave and pride he ranks. With boundless compassion embraces all beings, He e ã chose very c sugar afford cancer pain, very tough spot to eat, bodhisattva path, to the fact innumerable beings.
That l à noble renunciation (ba-la-bile).
Since that time, through countless lifetimes, he will not stop fighting match v à constantly build direct result of the Supreme Buddha fruition. Section ti êu his own - when he can remember to - l à Dharma Enlightenment. For the TV section was his last êu always practice Balaam ten French honey (Paramis) sometimes sacrificed to both threatening. But in the interval d Who posted colleges, at no great Dharma, Bodhisattvas also lives overshadowed, qu Israel all their lofty goals.
Bodhisattva is an extremely powerful mind power, where n antenna can force led away in charity road as well as in evil ways. If mistakes dimensional radial force of evil that it will fall down deep with a terrible velocity, hard m à anticipate it. There is nothing that firmly hold tr Bodhisattva Israel the line d th AI silently, life n he after life, by millions of successive lives like that? What he might just be the inherent nature conjoined with his personality.
Given the expectation that six of the Bodhisattva, the Bodhisattva all, is very important to us as Buddhists. Through the desire of one thing we can predict about the personality of the person. Aspirations of Bodhisattva l à-home (Nekkhamma) , reclusive (Paviveka) , did not participate (Alobha) , no court (Adosa) , non si (Amoha) and freedom (nissarana) . From one life to another, exalted beings always tend to put the lifestyle of m blatantly on six things.
For ordinary people in folk noun " enough "simply means cravings, satiety, boredom. Human nature is involved , restaurants à shall only be " enough "for a temporary time, when there is no way to swallow anymore. In the pamphlet n AY, author repeats over and over billions of voracious example coarse. V ì hungry l à a specific certificate templates and practicality. But there are many other places to use the glossy photographs and more abstract, like the thirst of such money. A person usually never find yourself with enough money by very simple reason l à greed has no bottom. D buzzing wealth to where we also c Wen want to " have "more power and always try to come n Daniel Richer, more than ever. Saying " enough "seems to be a way of saying go crazy Israel.
Bodhisattva is different. He is an n antenna of natural Israel towards renunciation. Although wealthy parents, relatives of nobles, although physical life or future commander Ang bright, full of money v à forces, His nature is always towards renunciation. He said " enough "not because Barbarous, but because of Ng Ai " ordained "has a deeper meaning, entirely noble.
For such a brave nature Bodhisattvas, like the notion that life has no g ì is strange. From this life to another life, brave nature tend to steer clear of the chasing, chasing targets at multiple e ê worldly means. From one life to another he gradually discarded the shackles of the world to freely travel, live life not nh à hermit's door, although in many lives He never learned Buddhist l à anything. The nature of courage steering wheel tightly immediately led Bodhisattva path straight to the TV section last êu. EXPORT PROCESSING (II) The e ã mature, the e ã beyond dishes toys in life, people He e ã childish over time. persons no longer wish to reap He is not the sower. - Kassapa THERA N Guoi understand that the monastic life l à renounce material life. In Buddhism, ordained (Nekkhamma) is a growth rather than a waiver. could I give up something of us, or rather, a character g ì but because we believe that our reasoning : to win over t feel blatantly's moguls, to be known better etc. ... There are many reasons why we give out a property, the reason that sometimes good, very bad time as well. But the motivation for a true home person so simple, so l à noble desire to just go.

To take a percentage example, we h and destination observing a child between the piles of e ò child's play. Sometimes they refuse to hand out a toy to another child v ì kindness. Sometimes they do it to obtain l southern provinces other children. Sometimes I sense that it l à one of the nice v à I want to be good. But deep down I still fancy dishes that toy.

Action verbs quit after tr state of Israel does not like the passing of a true home person.

But then the other baby grows, they extend out of sight, and one day I naturally felt that the dish e ò loved playing there is only a burden to them. Everyday you have to take the ch ch Initials Year after wiping and arranging ui, whereas it no longer gives me an interesting anymore. Then I crashed out thinking: " Why do we have to stick hangs things anymore? H and destination for anyone who wants to play with it and walked off . " So I do not think even bothering to children's toys anymore, no matter how it will turn out, nor m desks to have one to play with it. I e ã mature. I e ã beyond time playing with her ​​toys.
That l à attitude of the true renunciation.

Throughout life v à undergo maturation processes of e ã know how many times we have state of the true renunciation. How often we neglect our behind the toy he êu you in a certain time.
Having possessions that you prefer and we fervently clings much yesterday, today e ã become a burden Heavy vain that we may soon qu antenna go, no matter what it will turn out, nor m antenna to the n rushing to use it. But for us l à profane person, have a good time e blatantly delay, during which he will not be able to progress more mature not to be. Therefore, there are many animals m à us all, who is also a human being, you always popular and fervently clings, sale ng to a public he quietly Death to v à whispered into our ears " Leave all and follow me . " As long as we did her character, suffering, regret valuables, relatives cling scrotum, life hangs; v à due to hangs, attached scrotum v à regret it, e ã planting the seeds for a new life with new possessions v à new afflictions. And so, life goes on m Who forever.
know if we try to develop mind power, more mature n to become master of Israel, one day we will feel that the valuables of adult classes in this world is just a useless burden, the item e ò players that do not even like anymore. When they do, we'll get to r õ clear that the possessions we call our actually is not mine or mine is only temporary until a n events occur uring such as death After that we did not c ON control anymore. Then we will see that we only l à victim jailed h am in a pile of worthless. No more and no less.
There, in front of the class genuine renunciation, p possessions of this world is Israel so. I was surprised that saw him abandon the luxury status v à the regal life again? Get rid of the burden, the Ng Ai each time each mature on the maturity path. Mature, more mature, v à forever c that works well, and while not c carry the little noise on the shoulder, to ng Freeing him last. recluse who sat alone, lying alone, go a m Dinh, who tried to persevere, the self-tame yourselves: "He said to find interesting places jungle". - Dhammapada (305) Living in seclusion (Paviveka) is the second aspiration of bodhisattvas (*). Bodhisattva naturally tend to seek solitude. Not because other people hate, but because of the hidden life of Ng Ai sees something noble and pure authenticity. From one life to another, he shunned the place prosperous urbanized to a m blatantly to go, frugal v à self-contented life of a hermit.

Part of us has the capacity crowd favorite. We always prefer to be living with other people. We see adaptive, easy ch IU when operating as h majority Transformation into action, said the g ì part said east v à inferences like the inference east. When forced to flee from the crowd, even in a short time, we assume that l am extremely upset and tried to hurry back to the crowd.
Currently, in many parts of the world, seems to have a lot of older adults that act like children. It will accept any dogmas v à join any movement of thought, without ever knowing exactly why, do not need to learn. A group of supporters of a neo with a warm heart and sincerity while another group in opposition was also very honest and enthusiastic. Both pairs b Israel are ready s ANG sacrifice all, an e antenna support, an e ang ism against which both do not know exactly l à anything. People try to act in accordance with the way the theory, trying to fight oil well die happy l him, for all that, instead of reasoning and understanding that theory or neo. It is " bringing "something to his faith as easy d Ang and unconscious as it carries a disease in people, sick boards such red.

Seclusion is actually a state of separation from the crowd, a mental attitude than l à material. As he Honder e ã said, recluse is sometimes withdraw, withdraw the mind from the busyness of life. Most of us are always too busy with work unnecessary. Sometimes we need to get out of v 's southern provinces annoying to nh reprinted m living in it with all our game. The last time I was aware of the gap between actual v à remarks through our senses, as long as one realizes that the one critical mistake that n loud.
Sometimes we need to wondering: " Why ? " Only now live outside the crowd, will tell us.

Bodhisattva always go t Learn how to Truth, when a mind to explore, ch letter sounds towards th truth i just know there is a truth and firmly dismissed out all that is not truth. Bodhisattvas were smashed for the hard shell " credit conditions " to make observations b wall in Israel. If what's in the e ã rotten, he does not hesitate to throw away the peel always. When Bodhisattva agree with the crowd on a point n noisy ie his self e ã think like that. He never accepted because of fear, laziness or because of any other argument.
Infinite blessed, comment crowds usually l à wrong! Give to the h Transformation into action is called l à l often indecent acts à motivated by the wrong reasons. So, who wants t Learn how truth must come out of course take a m HIB, Bodhisattva calmly go tr Israel the path of m Dinh, did not mind being tied up and no rights concerns in public opinion. Whenever possible help others, he is ready and happy. However, he also knows that interfere in the affairs of others, often do more harm than good, so much as forcing Bodhisattva standing ngo anyone to nh print.
During reclusive life Bodhisattva t Learn how to find the peace and strength. While others seek to settle among the crowd, Ng Ai saw only peaceful solitude while living alone. Jungle does not make him afraid. Petty trifles of life not l am busy Him. Increasingly quiet mind, it is increasingly resting, burn the rope burn all bonds of material life. Light nh mind antenna, clear, quiet, pure, not little kids, always searching, always surveying and towards the Truth. (*) ... Can not quite clean apart reclusive lifestyle . Unable to completely dominate and win the inner battle sex outside play alone. But children of Israel, secluded and elegant enjoy fun by creating n hidden life of Israel is not the ultimate goal of the religious life as people mistook, m à only a means to achieve ti êu final. The endeavor of Gotama Buddha and many disciples of Ng Ai e ã prove it.

"We should recognize that these people (who live in seclusion for meditation) is implementing a tr blatantly extremely helpful. Huu Unfortunately for anyone turned her back inside for a moment there want to collect benefits firmware durable than those built just know happiness outside "(Master Eckehart)
There appear to believe that many of the monks tried hermit were boiled v rushing a selfish goals . The truth is not so. A true hermit monk, e ã bring all t mind Learn how to conquer, to know, that when the level of c works well, attained nirvana, no longer called the TA costs, nor the costs referred is MY. No matter, sensation, perception, volition and consciousness in a permanent place because all invariants are l à impermanence, suffering and non-self. By the same token, the e ã determination to move forward on the path of liberation when n is not even thought of rushing to the TA, can not be selfish. So, we can not call the nh à righteous ascetic selfish.


Those who control the l He has a wealth of v à its complexity, negativity can not find the shelter where he v à will leave him like drops of water on a lotus leaf clinging to slither down because there was v noisy leaf. - Dhammapada (336)
A lobha , not greed, is Tuesday aspirations of all Bodhisattvas to come ng he finally freed, in the continuous life long behind class (*).

Some people think that Alobha , not greed, is the advertising agency wide r anyone. Thinking like that is wrong. Between the idea and the ad does not take age differences r õ significantly. A person with generosity university may want quiet and always stored to help others. The cultivation of virtue, " not taking "no desire to have more and not as a reason to hoard. If the emptiness commercials go for the desert m à met a heap v Ang, he surely picked, yellow belly with this thought I could be helpful to others. The cultivation of virtue " not involved " in height will not stack up to v antenna that calmly firmly on the path of m HIB, think that the reason for her not to bring additional burden.
part of us I have a lot of good reasons to prefer accumulation of all kinds. I got myself l am delighted and proud of our altruism to collect c ANG much and as quickly as possible. The more confined fortune of wealth, the more we find ourselves wiser than others. Of course we also sincerely want spacious and advertising agency v à out to help anyone who needs to l southern provinces of our charity. But, first off I want to be there and, because he wanted to have, we consume most of our time. 's time for us to be very careful out, wondering, considering each cup by little, thinking , separation of all aspects.

The e ã voluntary desire to destroy the lens must surely take unique source of l he participated. For storing lots of money to help others, else n not rushing attempt , restaurants really no rushing to roll out-splashing vomiting. V Who do the animals to adoption. But we must nh print that out the notion that hidden " I "and" me's . " That which l à one of the selfishness. A father's generosity to hoard it for me. Certainly children of Israel, when a man some money or an item l à other people lost a piece of furniture or a cash equivalent. The e ã loving broadly evenly all beings will find that collecting money in the world to give ri Eng is one of a few irrational.

And more is not reasonable, then l à an act dangerous, l à son all the way to h blatantly despicable conviction. By the same token, virtue " not involved "extremely important for Bodhisattva. Bodhisattva virtues that help is always clean right straight path to the m anyone to Section ti êu. Thanks to the Bodhisattva's virtues firmly v Ang overcome all pitfalls here than d anyone under the deep lines m à He had to go through.
Bodhisattva is a n c antenna and without strong application. In the run racing t AI production, although with the altruistic aim, that capacity may lead away tr Israel sin.

These exclusive t brutal anyone has these items altruistic goal v good à nice. Tiger mom has solid reasons to forgive our children in order to feed its children.

A bodhisattva is never to give l He even distribution. He lived as an employer and always use wisdom to closely control the will of m blatantly. Son of Ng road so long and so is anyone hardships, but the map h Ly His truth and His light always rejoice, and move forward continuously. (*) Write the author totally stand on important moral point. Here l à a translated excerpt of the Abhidhamma (Abhidhamma).

"Lobha by c ate risk Lubh Israel is clinging, lyuen flow. So Lobha can translate the attachment, hangs an attempt to cling tightly v loud that fancy. Several scholars use the term "ambition" . "Desire" also are included as synonymous with Lobha. (I usually call Lobha l Join à heart).
"We usually try to center attachment and clinging tightly to what is preferred. When you see things that are not popular, you feel discontent and grouping it.
"Sanskrit called the Dosa's not fancy or Patigha. Dosa by c ate risk dus Israel is not fancy, not pleasant. Patigha by c ate threat against Israel is Pati, confront, touching (I usually called Dosa l à pleased Ground).
"Moha by c ate risk Muh Israel. Muh is misguided. Moha is misguided, deluded, misguided. Moha as translucent cloud cover v à make wise mind losing. Sometimes non-Moha is also translated as Israel does not know, stupid. (I often called Moha is pleased Si).
... " To compare with greed, hatred and delusion (Lobha, Dosa, Moha) l à three causes of all unwholesome actions (akusala), there are three causes of acts of good deeds (Alobha, Adosa, Amoha). Alobha, Adosa, Amoha not only means no greed, no golf, no Si but also that l à third cause of good behavior (Kusala) . therefore, is not only Alobha not participate, not homosexuality but also means no advertising agency, bounteous. Adosa not just mean l à no yard, no hatred, but also means that the goodwill, generosity and kindness (Metta). Amoha not only means that there si no means wisdom, discernment, enlightenment (Naha, panna.) - (A Manual of Abhidhamma, Narada Maha Thera, Volume I, page 14 and 15).


He who find happiness in the misery of others, who was caught in v southern provinces hatred.
Such a person was not able to escape the fire field. - Dhammapada (291)
A dosa , not pitch Wednesday aspirations of bodhisattvas.
During continuous life, Bodhisattvas are not always doing good. He can not people stand reforms x ã opportunity and not as members of a movement against the crimes that are the only known mode of work Initials Year lo ri his Eng. But not when he refused subject to slavery and the slave does not have to go crazy Israel, no operator action n rushing himself ridiculous by volunteers put his hand v rushing shackles of hatred.
Nobody can plaintive hate other people without losing a portion of their freedom. N time and power antenna l à two most valuable possessions in life. But really when, v ì loss of reason, how much we are wasting time with those we call enemies. Unreasonably wasteful and extravagant as well as in times of drunken wreck we squandered th ì hour for loved ones.
anger is a destructive emotion. Anger is a recoil guns are extremely dangerous. The damage caused by members causing ammunition in front n Sung hardly comparable with the loss in the rear.
E ã Buddhists, we must realize that th path is buzzing hate the slave route, disturbing n Austria and suffering. No hate not l à tolerated enemies. If found to be r õ evident truth of things - in fact, few people see is - we will know that we can not, harm anyone is. Sometimes our own hands e ã make an enemy suffering. The pain was only l à result of bad karma that he e ã caused some point in the past. I just l à volunteers stand out l am wrong hands for the cause of the enemy to cause n Israel a new evil that, in another time, the strategy must pay. M so goes the AI forever, one life to another, for the ng then we received was for my stupidity v à trying to end our deep sorrow that e ã create for us.
analysis to the c works well, not a particular hatred is tolerated very well for us, we are spared from experiencing the macabre tortures caused by the hatred, is preventing us from having to participate in those folly to pay off other people, just like under the new historical past suffering is embrace heart health field.
well as the th Street is buzzing hatred slave route v à negativity, I do not th-distance ù hatred is the path of freedom v à happiness is the way of the bodhisattvas. The Ng Ai always come tr Israel the line d th Who 's quietly from this life to another life, v à always try to aim directly target the Buddha Dharma. Not when n rushing air he refused to take benefit of another bad karma. Not when you look in the material progress. You just live and let others live. Not when n loud Him shall engage in the religious wars.
Buddhists we should always remember: " hatred is scandalous . " Hatred could easily hide behind the deformation " indignant chief worthy " to rise up as a feeling of righteousness.

We must always be vigilant. NOT SI stupid person knows that he is stupid e ã wise somewhat. Sources that his idea is smart, that's l à damage is stupid. - Dhammapada (63)

A moha, not ignorance, is the desire nth tone of the bodhisattvas.

In each life Bodhisattvas are not all l à artist or scientist. Bodhisattvas also not a scholar tightly under conventional definitions. But bodhisattvas always try to thoroughly comprehend the " real generals "of things. He dismissed everything out can make his misguided. He did not this excuse or another excuse to strip out of the way e ã bar, nor is sophism of other people touch the road.

Part of us to live a full life with a spirit too d è conservatively did not even dare n êu the critical questions. We live like a child, the child docile. We believe in many things. We blindly put all credibility v humming the " competent voice ". The " competent voice "told us that the spirit of patriotism as a virtue v nice change and success in the world is worthy of praise, that style tr rushing towards religion helps us to build useful human , that the e-school children Training for a mental ethics etc ... Then we tried to fight in times of turmoil, each country's m HIB, then we try to work on the sugar fame in the b HIB, then we send our children into the direction the agency director, v à if possible be, send them v uring the learning path. One ng he does, if anyone asks g sudden inertia about the wisdom of the practice of, we n Daniel knows that he is not a stupid person class is not the class sly cunning.
A bodhisattva does not pay attention to the other person might ph ethyl his judgment is foolish or disingenuous. If you do not think that their country always acts rationality l à Bodhisattva is stupid is stupid? If you have the opportunity to make a lot of money, but not hurriedly grabbed her chance is cunning, he is cunning. If trying to comprehend the truth of things m à Someone called despicable He endured please do the most despicable world.
Bodhisattva raise your questions and find out the answer for his words. This much is enough to ensure Ng Ai.
From this life to another life, one of the m à Bodhisattva always wonder " phenomenon exists forever? " From this life to another life, Ng anyone noticed that all is impermanent v à variables always change. Ng noticed that not everyone can find peace and happiness in life is impermanent. V à His efforts to find out what those things which he e ã know. What he found no variables change, the g ì real and permanent property. Of course it must l à a long-term project and answer only to the Buddha attained enlightenment. Public tr was the most blatantly not the l th à an antenna implementation that Israel is an exploration, an attempt to clear the site. Attempt, effort, endeavor m forever for anyone to ng him to find the truth to light.
How many of us are wise enough to nh Print recognize our foolishness? Buddhists we say things are impermanent. But nh print carefully to the operating activities, the plans and our aspirations, we will notice that the word p Israel would not convince my mind. Why? Because Moha , delusion hearts, our minds are tamed. FREEDOM "The e ã off the shackles of incompetence and e ã towering beyond the shackles of heaven, he e ã completely escape the bind force. Tathagata called the monk's level (Brahmana) ". - Dhammapada (417)

N issarana, freedom, aspirations final six aspirations of bodhisattvas and is the most earnest desire of Him. Because of his earnest desire to find the determination to be v à teach others achieve freedom. Ng leader who is leading - in accordance with the definition of the term l British director. Ng Ai being led to the place of liberation rather v ì to dominate.
I look closely to the wire shackles e ã tied us. Actually look at the subject. We are ready to accept that taxes, like income tax is a ligament-term bonds, but do not like the show and look closely some of our profits every n harvest moisture. Debt certainly Children of Israel as well as a wire tie. But what do we mean to borrow to ask? They say a sinner who was detained without freedom but the un sa l grid legislation a free game.
Bodhisattva always wise. He sees the r ang force where other people are happy. Property, wives and children, imposing authority, prestige and fame many others in the world, we have for l à merit, Bodhisattvas only see that l à wire ties. That which we call a blessing just to give me a little excited for a moment. Bodhisattva glad l southern provinces reject, refuse to lick honey on the nose, a tr eat hungry, ready s ANG tying anyone approaching it.

Perhaps that is why the Bodhisattva, in life as Prince Themiya, endured all sorts of extreme h blatantly l to avoid the throne of Israel. His e ã king in a previous lifetime and still remember the misery which he suffered from bad Karma e ã created while still in his throne. Subscribe to a campaign election MPs - even in Buddhist countries - has championed Israel through the enthusiasm of the candidates we saw enough of the Bodhisattva spirit Themiya not contained therein. Certainly children of Israel that every politicians have noble reasons to expect elected. Everyone wants to serve the nation. But wise people feel l infer he understands why the spirit of service v à " Themiya spirit "may represent a difference in the way he seems.
Invariably we can also find out the reasons for h justification Transformation into our work. During slack effort l am an evil to satisfy m edible desires, even if it is the truth we may see things l à wrong. It can also take our deception, sophistry to cover mistakes, can we m buzzing night blindness not to see change g ì out. Nevertheless, when e ã greed is no longer overpower us free. Freedom means gentle, relaxed, escapism, no problems, unfettered.
Bodhisattva loves freedom, he did not want to take any liberty with an argument n treasures of the earth rushing . Over all, he e ã permeability nhuam spirit of service, but the n antenna Ng of Him Who knew that there was no service of any noble and worthy of me l am that sacrificing freedom. His rope bondage avoid strenuous open new and the old shackles. Bodhisattva find every way to help others, not as a boss to help hands and not as slaves that serve all m à as a mate for friendship.

A virtual ship

Not flying up in the sky or diving into the ocean,
nor hide in caves deep ...
à we can get rid of the data by the operating results of the evil one e ã created. - Dhammapada (127)

C ó many found in the Dharma teachings advocated e burst pipe. Seeing as that is wrong. A loud pipes are hiding, could not cope with life's misfortunes. So l à behavior differs from that of the people who are trying to escape inference or t Learn how to run lines to escape danger, from v southern provinces suffering. Staying in an apartment nh à fire, if we take into drinking hard liquor drunk and got into bed, waking up believing that it will be an l where good shots pretty often, that's l à e burst pipe, which New l à dare not confront reality. Seeing nh à fires, flip nh land running out before it's too late à certainly not the e burst pipe.
Buddhism teaches us to cope with reality. Buddhism has no intention to persuade us to believe that all the p Israel this life is fine, in life n he or next life. Buddhism does not persuade us to believe in a god reserves the right to dispose of our network; not all schools have salvation if we blindly believe c antenna a certain deity. Buddhism is not fascinated by the human dose of sleeping pills: " I take this pill. When Death to the dose of n He will save you woke up and you will live forever, forever beautiful v à painted wine " .
Buddhism teaches us to take advantage of n antenna capacity to observe, deduce v à deal with reality. Impermanence (anicca) is not a mystical doctrine is not something we should blindly believe sweep. Every day we see how impermanent nature of all things. Flowers bloom and brutal. People are born, mature and die. Things are always changing. No there is nothing that exists firmly in two consecutive moments. Sometimes we see things seem sustainable, no change. It just l à process of change that object's relatively slow m oh well.
Due to impermanence, suffering physical serial Sanskrit Dukkha means suffering and the suffering is a course in life always changes. Not a person in sight n organic feel rushed look back childhood without some pay back. Do not have an organic feel any sense of ownership can sadly not before suffering of the sick, h are h waist complain, though himself and his cronies are still healthy and wealthy. My health is a state could instead easily change d Ang and quickly. Most healthy people today may tomorrow severe pain. Illness, gi à aged and death were ready always with us.
Due to where the two truths Impermanence and Suffering brain, truth-self (anatta) arises. No there is nothing that we can say that " this one is mine, here l à me, this is my spirit . " Go t im a permanent unchanging soul in the process of life is like banana peel off the layers to t Learn how the tree inside. None of the tree that only a combination of fleeting phenomena change, the th reflection metamorphic and the relentless hard and durable form that we see only the outward manifestations only.
Buddhism teaches us responses to the law of rebirth. If you understand that death l à all, that is enjoying life with l he believed that after life is an endless slumber constantly. Was so th ì life easy d antennas, good nice v à things are simplifying. Unfortunately, reality is not so. Life goes on m anyone ever in an uninterrupted process stages, all this life to another life. We live and live again, live m AI, constantly always reap what we e ã sown. Now is the result of the past and the future as a result of the present and the past.
The Buddha taught us to respond laws tr Israel bluntly honest way. He taught us not to be discouraged discouraged but not always chalk match v ì e ã has a road leading to the place we liberated. We have to boldly tr firmly son Daniel was with a l line was too felt an indomitable will. Child 's path l à About, The, Tue (S Ila, samādhi, Pa NNA).

Is that the e burst pipe ch antenna?


not credulity trusted him,
who understood the situation very being immortal (Nirvana B herd),
the e ã cut off all ties wire,
the e
ã end all karma (good and evil ),
the e ã extinguish greed.
truth He is the new nobility. - Dhammapada (97)

L am when someone asks us, as Buddhists do not trust the Creator? If we do not believe in stars?
If our answer, and we have the same answer, that the Buddha did not nh print labels have a creator as a supreme god created the universe creatures, people instant classic Making the call l à " Argument workers clock . "
argument was something like this: Everything in life, such as the pettiness of oil clockwork such person must have l am out. There is nothing that can suddenly. As there is no worker watches th ì certainly not the clock. So th ì this vast universe with all the vibration that the h -boo and the n antenna complex of its power, with all the satellites, the h stills and all the wonderful phenomenon of rotation entirely within the order there must be the creator.
answer into three parts:
1) " There is nothing that can suddenly ". So easygoing other watches can not suddenly Children of Israel that. To not conflict with us, we also have laws that apply in the example of the creator n Daniel universe and say that the creator can not suddenly by accident. According to this argument, there must be a Creator who is born, then there must be a Creator being who was born, and so to take forever. come to the place n rushing to stop?
2) No worker watches n uring can make a clock with two b -handed desks. So how the Creator did not create the universe. If you think our creator has sufficient material as watchmaker to develop n Daniel universe of materials that where m à out because there is nothing that suddenly that.
Or is that the material is always available ?
3) If " argument worker watches " stand all children of Israel have concluded that there must be a Creator that the Creator has many. As a machine petty clock v à so simple, but requires more processing workers union new energy is v à each worker as an expert. If the universe was created by this organization will be divided into l am many branches and a professional accounting and not a person. We're not trying to keep this conclusion. We just want to say that such an argument would like to be reasonable ie children of Israel shall come to such a conclusion.
Buddha also mentions the Great Fire of Israel. Do not have an uppercase Brahma that many. Buddha referred l à Devas , the devas.
, he also knows a true sad l à other devas as well as we, must also be born mature and die. Law of impermanence in heaven as in-willed person. The devas life so much more human because of his good deeds. The devas are more n antenna power, a lot, also because of the good ones Ng Ai. N Main longevity and power antenna that e ã make us mistake that his longevity permanent and full n antenna. That l à a great misled college. When the time comes, when possible career ending, the Ng everyone has to die as man must die, die like cattle. And after his death and rebirth must because he would not escape from the cycle of birth and death, death and birth.
All devas, high oil anywhere, oil capacity h post-application How well are l à beings in samsara (Sams ARA) and are l à coordination of mind and matter in an endless process. (The gods of the formless world scene, Ar upavacara deva , only list only). And matter are always variables change. In the p blatantly variables that change Creator l à What the Buddha taught that there is only one creator: l craving southern provinces. Greed is the main motivation being dive v Drop in southern provinces, reincarnation, all this life to the life others.
That l à general rule for all, l à c truth of the text. If there is the Creator, the Creator's also because l always create greed southern provinces. You can be creative only one of his Karma and the Karma of what he was all he could created.
Hence, there is something that should not create it? Buddha said yes. For us l à flesh (Puthujanas) within three realms - the only l à a noun: Nirvana. The word that means happiness, joy, is the final liberation from the cycle of rebirth.
During all noble doctrine of the Buddha is not a creator, not a supreme deity m à we have to fear insistent. I stand tr Israel my legs: it was I born one Creator, we are all of us. The main one is the savior of our suffering.

SOUL idea of

All Souls are no
Unless n
rushing us aware things are going very depressed life c application, It l à Purity Act. - Dhammapada (279)

M Ack though e ã r is explained Andrew and proven many times (*), there are still myths that standing pat in question do not believe this problem has a soul, the Buddha kept a vague attitude, irresolute. The fact that there are no l à strange. Oil intelligent and broad education where it is also possible to believe in a soul is indestructible. Indeed shoulder p ò limits of reason to believe or not believe in a soul. However, oil bad reason to believe or not believe in a soul, waiting to enter the store also, prime first floor level of the Four Noble - A Tu- à-Huon - new shampoo I quit the idea ri Eng of us. Then we stopped last is T à ideas and confidence in a natural soul vanished, never to return.
due to the difference in perception between the two and the holy flesh mentioned above - and Buddha e ã Such training - reasonable person to conclude that the notion of a soul is wrong. I do not need to climb to level A. Tu- à-Huon can get rid of this mistaken notion. If the notion of soul l à right v à really have an immortal soul that endures it out - compared with the teachings of the Buddha - people ph warm our e ã wiser rank Tu D à-Huon; than both the A-La-Han. Can not be, v ì e Buddha taught us ã human evolutionary path l of Israel and when the stepped up a level, the level of understanding l also increase the level of Israel.
submit l say this understanding is the result of the game more mature is the reason. According to Buddhism the growth of a human being from the holy l à an extremely slow process. There could be no gas phase, can not be the great leap, progress can not fake. Strictly speaking we have to measure time by cycle can imagine (eons) .
Buddhism does not however negate the rather rapid change from ph am sanctified as the case Angulimala murderous robber broke Children of Israel became a the A-La-Han. But instead of changing m à seen just one other quick release exposed expression. We are secular observer, rather just see the immediate change m à not see is the tr of Angulimala blatantly in the past, the possibility n antenna witnessing the results of a prospective multi Angulimala t antennas are available in His character, just waiting for someone to call to l à appear as a real force. Only Buddha l à have enough power to evoke l n Israel a potential antenna so. V ì Maybe then we th grade Transformation into adoring Him as Anutaro purisadhamma sarathi (Supreme Defence macho thing).
Sometimes we also qu Israel ends the reasons people have the desire to push back th Buddha images have always tried countless lifetimes, to th Transformation into achievement goals. He is certainly not the same trying to t Learn how a new theory that is adequate or needs intellectuals to create n Israel questions threads b hide for world scholars. The only reason he is trying to find out the path of liberation for m HIB and help others out of the cycle of birth and death, misfortune sight. Buddha's teachings help us by Ng Ai. His Dhamma (Dhamma) , endures forever, is the path of liberation m à other Buddhas The e ã taught before him. Selfless reasons (Annatta) , located in France's full. Doctrine of selflessness not only the cost to satisfy m edible reason that is a fact. Truth is what selfless worldly goods as we can only see fleeting reason but that the holy person is an experience exactly.

(*) According to Buddhism, being constituted by and Matter. In addition to two parts, spiritual (the list) and physical (color) Buddhist can not see the reason to create a mysterious immortal soul or an eternal ego.
To justify that happy life maximal p Israel a favor e ang eternal and the infinite torment of an eternal hell, an immutable soul l à vital. If you do not have an immortal soul exists, then what on earth do the crime and what should suffer in hell.

Renowned scholar, Mr. Bertrand Russell wrote: " Yes, we have reason to say that the old distinction between soul v à body long e ã dissipate like smoke because of the physical e ã losing properties v tough game and sustainability, but also soul e ã lost part of its divinity. catch Psychology has become th first Transformation into a science and existing in a state of psychology belief in a spiritual immortal soul can not e sabrecat sustained scientific questions. "
According to the scholar, author of "The Riddle of the Universe" (The Mysteries of the Universe): "Dialectical Spirit School has a policy of Christ Creator v blows human rushing an immortal soul (the soul of man is often considered l à part of a Great Creator's soul.) That l à a myth.
"Universal Dialectical Argument for that wants to create a world that h burst orderly mental ethics, need to have an immortal soul endures. That l à a religious thing unfounded.

"Dialectical Chung penalty advocates that due to the constant evolution of man to improve the transport network m blatantly, the defects of the soul must be improved m anyone ever in life v à later life. It l à one sense of the theory wrong Biology Tongren (Anthropomorphisme) that all organisms have the h Transformation into the v à ideas as people.
"According complications Ethics Discussion defects v à ambitions yet agreed m edible in life to be filled with v à temple b ringing a fair and permanent later life. It just l à one thing ardent desire.

"Attorney Certification thesis that belief in the eternal nature of the soul as well as the reward message in a Creator l à truth inherent in all humanity. pediatric It appears Israel is a mistake .
"dialectical ontology holds that souls e ã is an invisible entity inseparable divides and can not be related to the septic death caused by death. This n c he ate every p Israel's false conception of mental phenomena, a fantasy of Duy Luan Spirit.
"All the dialectic above as well as all similar theories about ego e ã fall into precarious status within ten n this sound v à e ã scientific criticism and rejected completely.
An Uncle other school, Mr. Hume, after processing a search immortal soul e ã in his book "Religion and Science" (Religion and Science), saying: "There are few philosophers imagine that every moment we thought intimately aware of what we call ourselves and we feel that what I have really and truly exist. The philosopher was, beyond all the obvious arguments, and insisting that the variables I completely changed v à undivided.
"For my part, when penetrating close to what I call my I always encounter some perceptual as especially hot or cold, light or dark, injured or hate, happy or sad. catch I've never been so I ngo Who's the perception and contemplation I have never been so g ì outside perception ... "
In terms of soul Professor William James in his book "Principles of Psychology" (The Danger Daniel principle of Psychology, page 351): "... What I (used as a residence from , Complement) is a combination of empirical material composition with e ã known objectively. So what I (d cancer as a subject, sujet) know the things he can not l à a combination case. something I can not use it in the goal of psychological and see it as a metaphysical entity no variables constant, an unchanging eternal soul can not see it as a threat for Israel, an ego Vietnam beyond super time. What is a thought I just turn each convolution is not a change of thought n humming like its predecessors design , but always easy to follow predecessors to c common cancer combined into a separate ideology.
above two thousand n bass years ago Buddha Gotama e ã step explanations of what n did when he traveled preacher in the Ganges basin (Gange).
Buddhist psychology teaches one thing in which there is no spirituality. Buddhism explains that humans do list (NAMA) v à identity (R UPA) v composed of two parts of this game is in a state of constant flux as a constant d southern provinces endless stream flow field.
part color (R UPA ) consists of the capacity v à features four factors arises: Industrial (Kamma), United Center (Citta), the transformation of matter (UTU) v à Flora (ahara). Sac fleeting change, arise and kill each convolution v à constant.
List is the most important part of the extremely complex machinery of man. List by Department of the Heart 52. Tho (Vedanta), the feeling, is a municipal center. Ideas (Sanna), perceptual, the other is a municipal center. N c underhand Center Department review collectively Administration (Sankhara). The mood was all that arises in consciousness (viňňāna).

Four psychic phenomena that (Life, Thought, Action, Soul) in collaboration with physical phenomena (color) create n elements Initials Year l à five aggregates (Panca Khanda). Material that is composed of human complexity.
personality of each person are due to the combination of the five aggregates.
In order for everyone to understand easily d ang sometimes called Buddha to be reconstituted by the process of psycho-physical phenomena that is the TA (Atta) because it l à noun estimated to e ã are common. In fact, the change of name of v à only the process color is uniform (no change) m à no material contracts (no-one spent l à enduring constant.)


teasers n ng children did mine, my other assets
located kh Minorities antenna n persistent bigotry like that of Israel must come to folded,
myself n While
he was not my
son So what is our , our property? - Dhammapada (62)

T rong previous chapter, we try to explain partly selflessness in Buddhism and of course that only l à these crude remarks that m à our the need to supplement to the problem is th smoothly fully and clearly.
First, we must recognize that the doctrine ng ã is not a theoretical but a truth by the Buddha taught m à l Buddha à the e ã evident truth of things. When the faculty of reason selflessness, Buddha d breast cancer nouns guess words, vague assumption v ì a very simple reason that this doctrine is not perceived to be intellectually m à necessarily a direct experience.
should know that we have reason selflessness is contemplative in all h Transformation into the constant ng of us did. Selfless reasons not something just to give us the benefit tr Israel education is not the g ì that we have to keep in a glass ng n eat rushing in mind.
L Buddha all southern provinces, we wish to show that the doctrine of life. Empirical challenge v à main final and experiences. Indeed, to achieve th Transformation into a direct result of the new holy person is an experience exactly. But children of Israel, which has yet to ever be that we can base p Israel experience itself to contemplative v à partially digested.
Experience teaches that there are so many diseases, mental and physical, anxiety arising from the fear. Modern medicine today e ã confirms that many diseases such as diabetes sugar, hypertensive disease, gastric cancer d ay, etc ... can be so disturbing that anxiety exacerbated if not caused engenders anxiety afflictions. Doctors also gradually inclined to treat the above theory with spiritual methods such as creating a life for patients recuperate for a quiet mind.
During all these reasons do take quiet spirit Still, sad state embracing fear is the most dangerous. Why do we fear? Analysis of c that works well is only one answer: because we fear thoughts "and one of us". We expect waited, restless want us v à what we love is cycling to herd in a variable world changed. Ke n sand rushing to take long dong on the beach Who always feared waves. Anyone who took money do conservatives always make l am a slave to money. He who would find life in meetings , restaurants à v focus has been humming it as a decision to have th best among other achievements Transformation into being, who was unable to care stabilization inside Israel. So we feared for "us", for our money, for our children, for our friends, for something called mine. I try to keep what sustainable inherently unsustainable nature.
Buddha said that all the p Israel sustainable life are permanent. V ì Maybe he can argue that his pessimism. If we say to a child is taking nh à beach house that he can not survive it is also one pessimistic. Buddha tells us the g ì is certainly noble than the minimum sustainable guys trying to find the location of impermanent phenomena. He gives us a method to th Sustainable Transformation into the ultimate achievement, the perfect fulfillment of, solid mi Israel permanently and totally schools. Buddha taught: " Do not imagine that there is a soul or a What often exists in the mind and matter. perception so go tr Israel the anxiety Street v à afflictions. Realize that all are l à the impermanent phenomena and try to reach for the period is the g ì not variables change . " Every day is Memorial teachings e ã took a step forward on the long road " district director ". It can not be attained Nirvana B results herd right now or for a while, but at least we can recognize that there is nothing in Nirvana B herd and less fearful of the variables in the realm of change around us v à the impermanence of life.


"It's the last few shore b the other Israel,
Also, just running around on this side. " - Dhammapada (85)

X evil body of flesh, blood and bones are only temporary. That which we call a personal nature conjoined with blood and bone meat that is just a temporary phenomenon, always turn change. Tr Israel this world nothing is permanent, there is no such thing as a " soul . " Buddha taught that the m à call a convention for l à human beings or is simply the result of a combination of multiple events in a process and that process does not start when the first human born, does not end at death m à always goes from one life to another, always turn change.

All of us here are going to tr Israel a true path d AI. No one saw the beginning of that path. We each e ã old, really old. They're older than the sun, tr antenna v à stellar.
The Buddha taught that during the tour of our remoteness, each one of us e ã tasted all circumstances can be found " on the side of this , "we e ã tasted enough m ui world This three-time world. We e ã with love and hate, e ã joy and sorrow, e ã live everywhere, seen everything, done everything, more so many times. And we are still up repeating work that m Who forever. If memory is the g ì I e ã tasted in the past make me unbearable. But I do not remember. That is why the end of life to others we have set up repeating what e ã soft old. Right now we are still running around to run back and e rushed joke on this side.
heavenly We run from the highest to the lowest misery. If someone n loud, as such Buddha, buttons Israel should consider stopping the stupid v à go crazy our Israel to try to shore b the other Israel, then we will not notice.

Every day we wanted in our side is longer. But the other side is not easy because the other side is the Nirvana of Buddhas, you Giac Buddhist Single v à A-La-you Han. Want the other side we have not stopped him mature as well as e ã constantly maturing. It l à journeys that have not only participated in the tour and is the only worthy participants.

When you go from a point n ay to the other point p Israel side effect globe, so we thought l à tour. Actually, I just act like worms b ò around in a rotten orange. The ambitious and much more fantasy dreams n globe away from him to face p h antennas or other stills, think that's true l à tour. They only like flies, line, fly from this rotten oranges and other rotten oranges. Buddha taught that the reason v Ang endless, we e ã many times live on the rotten oranges was then. The rotten oranges was still in the side and there is nothing that new.
Additionally, the air far, far away to the point we can not conceive there is so much about stellar line, count h ang million million . Around each of the stars, the planets act as effective transport h earth around the sun Transformation into. With selfishness available in each of us, we are willing to deny the postulate theories of life on the planet, why not a human? It is possible that there are human beings on it. For as there is nothing unusual? So in that only greed, hatred and delusion in this planet. So we see no need to l Israel on it? I have felt the need to go far away to see the stupid face, listening to the sound of evil, the smell of m ui does not stink? Our own part, we never want to give us much sorrow and hardship to meet the infamous m à everyday in here we still face.

Distance from us to the bad things out to kilometer measured. A good book, a moment that can take us there. Meditation, if we know, may bring us to that. Want to meditate result, the medical real silence is critical of Israel. Of course, we should not sit on the rail when the train crossing, n is not sitting in the streets of Israel township. Ease your mind dwell in silence.
That l à preparing to start a new tour, enjoy an adventure.

The goal of the journey? - " the other side "!
players good luck.
No sorrow, lamenting over the mistakes of the past
not the future curiosity
Live in the present
thanks to the abundant health that d uring.

Enquiries for future
Wailing because past
behavior is
the degree of minority position

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