Friday 12 September 2014

From-compassion is not a doctrinaire; not a good ideal to look for life. It is not a passive power, which is both a strength constant activity. From-compassion is the source of fresh almond want; good deeds are so pleased ballpoint From both. First of all, because from-compassion should we give alms, alms so that an end to greed, four cropping.
The definition

of compassion is because the word "" From "and" Bi "melding back. According to the scriptures," From "la love, they will bring fun to all beings (Since most evil beings energy expenditure communication). "Bi" is mercy, injured an end of suffering for all beings (Bi canvas features the most detailed world of suffering beings.) In the "immeasurable Four" (four large dishes unforeseen Center) , the From-ball head. -bi arranged in two letters from the Chinese grammar, the meaning is not against, but we should Vietnamese to Bi before and After, because "Bi" is a person that "From "the results, as well as" discharge is the joy that is the result. "Why is that? flavor if in love, wants to ban happy beings, while they suffer torment, it was just so funny the fun is strained. therefore they want to enjoy the full fun, except prior to suffering their behalf, and for fun. way, a completely new please. nature of Compassion nature -marbles from a bag la and equality in life or in the doctrines of religion is also often comes to love, big love gbac. But this term contains a narrow content, sometimes it's just a loving wife, children, family, relatives, friends; then out to the wider national race as much. Chu from-compassion of Buddhism has no range, its vast, endless. It spread from family, society, race, the human race out to all beings, plants. It does not close the file, your enemies, near and far, strengths and weaknesses; as it spread by water, where the water flows to the previous low, get more, any place, the flow to the next high, getting less, but always evenly on the face. Anyone who is suffering much more research, who saved little less painful, but the goal is always to make people, things are out of suffering and peace and happiness with each other. From heart-bi are equal, no high-low, near and far, light heavyweight. But because they are born with many types of suffering, there is little sufferings humanity has more extremists, extremists have less, so compassion-compassion as well as the case, depending on the illness, which is more or less reduced to part leveling of suffering. Thus, we see that the spirit of bi-always equal, but in practice there are differences depending on circumstances, a place to vent a lot of love, a place just right, there is little place. And then, are the true equality. From a bi-wise. From -bi not only immense, equality, but also incredibly wise. Compassion in real life when there are so blindly. When he injured the left circle and, when the boyfriend hates rock and distortion. Trade is bad as well as good, hate is good and bad products. Especially love even more blind. In journalism, there is no year date, three different cases guillotine, killing each other for love. Love and hatred go parallel. "No love is hate", a French psychologist has said rightly so. Love between life blind like the reason is because it comes from sexual lovelorn record, because it is based on their love, to the self. wisdom of Buddha dispels the self, so Tu Buddha's compassion is not based on selfish self. Therefore, from a bi-wise. From the position-by-ball enlightened wisdom, realized that his whole, his whole body; despite being divided into six categories: God, Human, A-tu-la, hungry ghost, animal, hell, but still at a high achievement as diverse as wetting though the ice in the winter, when dissolved into water, when turned into steam, the convergence of the cloud, the rain out, and have a common nature: nature wet. Competition from myriad beings, turned upside down in six lines, continuation want millions of lives, did his parents and sisters, relatives of each other, so we must love one another. Speaking generally, the From-bi love that comes from living life back injury and suffering determined to rid had to cling to life, in much diversified. Life has vastly equality wise, it also vastly from-compassion, equality, enlightened. 's Function From-bi -bi Since not a doctrinaire; not a good ideal to look for life. It is not a passive power, which is both a strength constant activity. From-compassion is the source of fresh almond want; good deeds are so pleased ballpoint From both. First of all, because from-compassion should we give alms, alms so that an end to greed, four cropping. Because of our rabbis to morality, because morality of killing that do not harm animals. Because of our rabbis should have patience, because patience are qualities we extinguish anger, hatred. Because of our rabbis should be diligent, so diligent that one except be lazy. Because from-compassion should we concentrate on static, so we all calm chaotic confusion. So should we train from bi-location-wise, by practicing intellectual delusion dissipated. Due from which all things stand-bi murdered, pain; thanks from ballpoint support human warfare; thanks from human ballpoint less animosity; thanks from ballpoint poor cold less poverty, less greedy rich people; thanks from ballpoint enlightened people are stupid, cruel people back meek, scared people back safely. summary, thanks ballpoint from this mundane world down wail, deep pools with tears, smile on his lips. Mirrors Tu-German bi Bon Thich Ca To have a concrete evidence that compassion-compassion and its use, let us look back at the life direction of the Master Thich Ca Mau Buddhist nuns. He was so pleased from-compassion, to save suffering beings so he became the Buddha majority. From the age of seven, in an age when people tend to be poor unknown age (AGE sans Pitie CET), the then German Shakyamuni fall plowing consequences down the road, when he noticed another scene stealing killing between creatures to preserve their own life. Growing up, his compassion expanding. He could not find a shot that bird rescue a sheep which was crippled not hold it up. Because of the vast mercy, love you forsaken small family, splendid golden throne forsaken, forsaken noble fame; because the compassion-compassion that He is the snow pillow mist, not managing risk while looking time directed lifesaving. Because e-compassionate heart that 49 years he did not stop preaching one day. Because of his kindness ballpoint placed around the heel AᮠDo vast realm. Because of his kindness ballpoint forgot elderly, fertility sermon until the last minute before you leave it. Because of his kindness has ballpoint vows: "I voluntarily subject ourselves to bring it all countless suffering beings" or: "If there is a single being who has not accomplished Buddhahood, I decided not to become Buddha ". Because of his kindness ballpoint declared martial sayings are: "If we are not in hell is anyone to hell?" or the first sentence air cavity, the volume will have been recast to eternally: "With the data, we should be good, with people squeamish, do not be squeamish, for the time involved, we should not take long. Obtain from the wrath of air-balls replied, taking a real response to a lie, get good response data. " Buddhists have adopted from nature-marbles like in everyday life from nature-marbles lie in the heart of each of us. We do not need to beg, bribe it in any god, any god. Seeds that lie in our hearts. But it's been under cover layer overlays hatred, greed, selfishness, can not sprout emerged dream, his head is protruded. So, the first task of the nature of nursing-Ball is ominous once the brakes have to be afraid to show class, to the germ-balls from bouncing up. When it was jutting up from the ground, we have to find all the causes and conditions, any chance it convenient to quickly sprout leaf springs. Work not only in three days, a month, a year, but a lifetime. Well not only take care of it in a convenient great opportunity, but leave it in the act, small gestures trivial everyday. There are many people who can do things great charity, such as opening the trade, poverty handouts, consuming thousands of silver each, so that when he saw a sick, hungry or cold renh a foreclosure before him, the officers ignored segment. Some people can jump into the river to save drowning people, give silver buying thousands of birds, fish killed buyers, nevertheless calmly watched an innocent ant drowning in a glass of water, or a dragonfly about to be kids his little wings spiraling spiraling tail. Let's watch, learn why the above actions mood. Sometimes it is due to the misconception that ideas do great things, great new charity, new compassion, and those who do small things well, there do or do not do has no consequences what; sometimes it is due to the nature eager to win popular favor that makes greed. If that is not the nature of compassionate care, tossed on the contrary it is more deep beneath ignorance, lust of his refrigerator. Want to support compassionate nature, all we have to do good works, avoid the evil, no matter how small though, even before all people, or only do alone, despite the compliments or criticism, whether easy or difficult. Want to support compassionate nature have exposed, close to the miseries of life. Those who are always in the palatial mansion, difficult to know what the weasel midnight scene under the rain leaking thatched hut, fled the scene when the sun under the corrugated roof half lunch, who always sat on the horse, difficult was the cry heard moaning roadside, in the frog. Those who dress warm, hard luxury feel the chill to the bone marrow of the naked man in rags. Those who always sat in front table delicacy, fine taste, hear the howl, scream tient horror, the pain, the range of the sentinel cattle being slaughtered under the kitchen. So, want to study love, have to be close to misery. Prince Si-reached-I in the palace, but please keep victims anonymously Women United to look beyond the four gates of the city is so. See, feel, do share the pain of another, each new trade. There are several new traders find other ways to relieve suffering. Have been suffering sufferings to love each other, adding new and exciting development. Love more excited and development, we also thank those who have created misery predestined to extend our love and strong performance. The main merit of the suffering was filled nurture compassion arise and grow. Land activities, land of compassionate life is misery. Separated misery, compassion tree will lose its birth and vowed not to come to fruition is. Misery not only in humans, but common to all organisms. So who support compassionate nature not only help save human suffering but also how to love animals, view them as maids in the house, avoid them suffering needlessly. Let us also think that motherhood, with labor faithfully, known suffering, known fear. We should not be excluded, abused them. We should not find pleasure in hunting or fishing. Those who can enjoy the sight of the horrific pain the animals, birds, fish, kill shot, will get used to the murder scene, brutal between people. until plants, who support compassionate nature should not needlessly destructive. Remember that it is life, and life has of course to preserve life. Those who live Rooter, dead trees, spiraling flowers, leaves cracking, breaking branches that do not have a purpose at all just to satisfy the destructive nature favorite, who was also hurt his compassion much. Love plants, help perhaps we can perceive the mystery of life, with the common understanding of all things, and directly receive the nature of the universe. nutshell, do all of the above, from small to large, from DDE to hard, retrogression never despair; expand sales for its compassion embraces both the legal world: So it's compassionate nursing Buddha nature, that each of us has the potential available in the state of our mind.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/9/2014.

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