Saturday 6 September 2014

VOL. 2
At the time, Bhikkhu Sa First, heavenly Subject Back To heavenly, heavenly Massage Lac district Store Bhikkhu, Bhikkhu Save Uncle Removing Uranus were both from the seat stand, trịch ought to shoulder, kneeling on the right hand-Bach Mo Buddha land that that:
White Germany World Religion! My Kim Quang Minh this mystery is the King of the classics, often Religious celebrations of world Buddhist followers were dignified merit deep mystery of divine Bodhisattva. Heavenly realms are usually People respect! Make all the Heavenly beings pleasing Wedding Festival, also the goodness God worldly supporters praise. This Sutra or projection of the palaces of the router the Sun; This Sutra or ban for being things happily. Doing this or make the source River suffering the realms of hell, hungry daemons devil, Animal birth has a goal of clean dry fire. This Sutra or except all fears. This Sutra or repel all the resentment of other local pirates.
My others except accidents starving, grain scarce. This Sutra or minus all the disabled room. This economy or kill the bad omen star hazard appears to ... Others experience except the pros brains. In summary is this economic force or excluding all boundless immeasurable suffering for hundreds of thousands of brain beings.
The German Business World from Bach (surname): Kim Quang Minh, France this mystery if when in crowded places are widely spoken lecture, the Four heavenly us and all progeny of the French giant orange taste sounds infinitely more upper-body strengthening force, powerful discerning soul, the dread of Germany.
White glass That show respect! Uranus us or say Chief Justice French, tu as Chief of France, as King in his life, the Chief rule of law established.
White Germany World Religion! Our Heavenly and semi-Devils lettered Devil spirit: Qian Thát Ms. spirit, A Tu La spirit, Ca 4th floor La spirit, Pleading Na La spirit, the old rule of law Most Ma La pre-loss life using all types of demon eating gas.
White Germany World Religion! Heavenly children, twenty-eight of the devil God, and immeasurable Fortune Devil spirit, often use Natural pure label wiser eyes of people reviewing and supporting the Right match is spirituality.
White glass That show respect! By therefore we have named the "King of world". If in the above countries of the aggressors pounding aggression, hunger and thirst, disease outbreaks, all things decadent arduous physical and. .. If the Bhikkhu khưu life or maintain my behold, our Heavenly will advise each other, making it our health, come to the villages water district County Court reading instructors say, experienced widespread Kim Quang Minh up this mystery, making all these things so undoing them are destroying everything!
White glass That show respect! As the monarch in his country where if someone maintained this business go to his country, the King that need to have stems to hear such mystery classics. After hearing it, the fun, have to respect the notion of household operations.
White glass That show respect! Our Heavenly had wholeheartedly supported the King's country and both the people in the country. For they that excluding these impairment fire, to be an all right.
White glass That show respect! If a Bhikkhu khưu, or Bhikkhu khưu ni, or the favor she rules her life, or experienced pros, if we keep moving the King would often give people chanting it was an okay then the four heavenly we must also make the King and all the people in the country are an OK there is absolutely no such thing scourges yoke.
White glass That show respect! If there are four of them tho keep reading chanting for oxidized behold, if the taste or donation, respect, honor, praise, the heavenly Quarter we again must also make the King most often in other Kings, were the donation, respect, respect, concur the exclamation, also makes other Kings prefer the glass Tomb, praised the blessings of the King.
At the time, Germany was that the praise to Respect The Four heavenly that: Or instead! Or instead! Behold the four heavenly, the he the past ever donation, respect, honor, praise van immeasurable cox2 headless Buddha. in the clean, cultivated during the Buddhist ceremony said the French public, tu as Chief of France, such as the rule of law, the King of both the people and God. The constant here is now his benefits. As for being, being the great compassion, candidate for being all things fun, peace, or prevent all the evil, ban the blessings. By definition it should if there is no King or donation, respect, respect my Kim Quang Minh at this mystery, the key to such a notion, the household suffering brain, ban the happily for King?
Behold the four heavenly! He along with all progeny of the boundless immeasurable Fortune Devil spirit, if such legal experience or memory of households, i.e. households maintained Chief Justice France lettered Buddhist past, present and future position life. Heavenly you and them, a hundred thousand of the devil Spirit while fighting alongside A Tu La, the realms of Heaven he is usually the victory.
The memory of this experience, or if households can deduct nothing scenes as resentment of the pirates, starvation, illness, translated ...
If the four of them, one life or maintenance, read chanting behold, you should also wholeheartedly in favour, because the people, eradicate loss, lo sad, frightened, giving them benefits at peace.
At the time, the four heavenly white Buddha:
White glass That show respect! My Kim Quang Minh, dark mystery behold, in life situation where popular hybrid, or national level, or in the County, if the King of the Meiji life or respect, emerging leaders heard all this valuable, and to respect, respect life, we offer four maintenance read this chanting.
Due to his charm, Nhon we often hear subliminal mystery classics like that! Heard farms Deng, adding the force, wise soul, the German investigation, so we're often deceived immeasurable spirit cloak, as popular places to behold, the Scriptures support, no accidents. Also going to the household listening to this classic, and all the people of the time except for the tribulation, so that they are completely safe here. The resentment in other methods to also have to retreat to dissolve. If the King would hear this Sutra, there is resentment in neighboring countries that won the guys make enough for four branches in order to sabotage, invasion of other countries. White Germany World trade by imposing Respect of force typically resentment neighboring enemy country, should he have other enemies to cause accidents in their countries, the emergence of acute vulnerability, disorder, cause disabilities room! Then the other enemies are evil things emerge as such and if you obtain branches close to the country's conquest of aggression. Then we will together fascinating boundless immeasurable in the hundreds of thousands of the devil spirit hidden image support, make the enemy there naturally have to prick out of fear, awful back tan, enough shit, the other branches could not proceed, the consequences can be destructive invasion!
At the time, the four heavenly praise Buddha: Or instead! Or instead! Behold the four heavenly, he has advocated for or me on the practice in the hundred thousand memories na do tha shit, so as the Buddha! respect, donation for the life of this economic maintenance, except for those fires, so they happily! Or in favour of palaces, houses, fortifications, villages, water, until the frontier caused the resentment of the pirates, vanish, eradicate all undoing brain gauge, to make them be peace here. Also makes the monarch in the Subject Line does not Match the brutish, impairment loss, fighter, litigation.
Behold the four heavenly! The should know, the Subject Line Matches, eight men four thousand into communications convergence hamlet; eight men four thousand of the monarch ruled, King would take in water, fun, pleasure, every situation in his country which are themselves in. The owner of a security, the Pearl would love taste is full, not invaded, plundered each other. As it blessed Germany cultivation generations, as the career longevity fruit, not being free to take other countries bridge the evil, each each birth order all your benefits, bring forth compassion, being thought happily, no litigation, does not mind the vandalism, does not mind who is not bound, beaten and. .. Every situation in his country, fun peace out under inclusion items like water with milk, think of each other, the more compassion heals. Nhon Phu Matchstick realms by his charm Deals happily Thanh Tri people strong, rich, fertile soils, harmonic music, weather, the Sun, the Moon and the stars are not frequently wrong, rains, no trendy things crash bastard yoke, the people wealth, self sufficient wealth, not greed, and no popcorn sẻn, nor the ganh hate. Everyone in French tu ten healed. Manchu life expectancy, dying almost every living being on the Sun, the Palace of Heavenly realms dignified completeness of more!
If the life of the future Monarch (2) would listen to the classics and or donation, respect the life they experienced maintenance four behold, is of him made the four heavenly tastes and all progeny of immeasurable Fortune Devil spirit are benefits at peace! Why like that?
Heavenly tastes, if often hear this classic, IE has been drinking the Orange flavor drink French, Chief Justice, and huge growth power, clarity of mind, enough of the German prestige! The King if this business leaders listening center or Chi also has or donation I; If my donation, i.e. donation lettered Buddhist past, present, and its future. If or donation of past Buddhist followers, currently, the lai, the German group is immeasurable, do! Due to her charm, and Nhon supported this Kings, until the Queen of the Crown Prince, Consort that females, all her children are also supported. The impairment loss, suffering brain destroying, hedonistic things naturally full, Palace, houses an fine purity, not with the damn hazard yoke, the spirits of German growth is also a teachers ' dread fun immeasurable pleasure. The people of the country are to be fully happy happily, all the villains are destroying everything!
At the time, the four heavenly white Buddha:
The glass of the White World Religion: the hybrid position in life if the King wanted to be Prince Consort household, the Queen and the Prince's Palace, houses, until the territories were guardians, my best enemy WINS, full merit of its Regal do. To gain immeasurable group of Germany, a country with no other means of retired people's resentment in the retribution comes, without the worry of sad miserable. White Germany That ton, so King should not let go of the lung, the disarray the soul, which should bring forth kindness respect unpretentious need dignified palaces, houses splendid best, use Eau de toilette rảy around the home, sprayed the stuff on the lion Court (3), and use these precious treasures jewelrycountless hustle, colon said phan beautiful valuable, clean clean, aromatic oil DAB himself, stately, opulent costume you lost, small lower bench, don't mind high, not too far away from the Bohemian freedom, self-esteem humbled down, kill the Palm of his side, mindful listening experience so wonderful, with French-speaking ideas like Honor. In offers from Prince, later Africa, the female and the progeny of being happy to say compassion amiable enough recommended product animal donation, donation Wizard. Now King has promotional merchandise and then, successively being unexpected sensual fun. Rate books yourself back to work benefits, not being tired. As for the wizards as being respect.
At the time of Buddha and the four heavenly kings at that time dress up: clean, the guys tribe dignified opulent jewelry, beautiful white calm holding facilities capacity hold true principles, in themselves lead to nghinh Wizard. Why like that? King then for every step in the donation, meet hundreds of thousands of Buddhist followers by The memories tha na Ton; is beyond the accidents of birth numerator such shit. Back in the next life-life often was promoted to London Transfer status Seong (4) depending on the step, life is also known in Germany as a result. Being aware of can't think of themselves in. Usually dark Palace wins, rather than the seven palaces of heaven and the People. Any living being, you are long lived, says power smart, people used, not be frightened, often famous, Person, God, in the respect of the people, just as the Sun is usually fun things in particular, have great powers, full authority in Germany, colors brilliant incarnation of the most strict decency; meet Buddhist knowledge and good schools, adequate achievement immeasurable joy in Germany!
Are you heavenly! The King thus saw the merit of such immeasurable benefits, so the King, we need to have self nghinh next shaman, or another, until by the hundreds of thousands of downloads for the wizards should think like Buddha; should think like this: Now who Prefer American Hybrid such as the Chief Justice position was in the Palace, receiving the donation because the sermon. We typically hear and the Mainland be rotten any move A multipoint nậu l miệu T Bodhi, is met by the hundred thousand Buddhist above tha na memory; is made current, past Buddhist schools of the future, is already completely depart the agony of the three evil way. I now have planted Nhon immeasurable blessing the Holy Emperor Wang LUN Transfer Like breaking the United Kingdom, have planted boundless charity based bīja, caused immeasurable cox2 myriad beings from birth Prince, boundless, immeasurable already contains the blessed Germans, the harem of the bereaved were supported, in the Palace there is the undoing, the nation has no resentment towards other means of disrupting enemy pirates, resentment can not conquered! Are you heavenly! Such a ruler should have to Chanh donation such as France. Pure listening experience getting this mystery, respect, donation, respect, concur the evening four disciples kept chanting ye will also revert a merit driven this WINS for the situation, and the progeny of the Holy Roman Empire, Emperor, the devil spirit which contains the merit, life is often self interest in boundless immeasurable, cannot think of measurement. Dread full achievement powers Germany, France's principal or break up the evil! At the time, the four heavenly white Buddha:
White glass That show respect! If the life of the hybrids have the King respect the Chief Justice French, wholeheartedly listen to this wonderful experience leaders, respect donation, respect life extolling four panels. Our Heavenly will typically play together in it. The prayer for peace, to bring the benefits of his merit was, gives us. White Germany World Religion: The monarch's seat — in theory, it should be because we burn the incense, the donation my behold does scent, just in a instant anniversary to us; to the Palace of the Heavenly realms. The scent will turn into said, the scent of brilliant Golden colors, mystery aired throughout all our palaces, Imperial palaces, palaces like the Brahma, the great advocate of angels, archangels, merit Stubbornly Local Labor spirit, only to scatter the devil spirit, A Great General, twenty-eight of the Devil spirit General, Ma He Thuœ LaDharani, Secret Area, Ma Ni Da Baht General Devil God, the devil and all five hundred Devil you đoanh fins around the United Kingdom, Long A Nậu Won together with his Masterful Long La ... The God of love, deceived them in their palaces, which are being heard, and found his scent incense smoke, color clarity of showtimes throughout; This incense smoke also broadcast all over the Palace of the Heavenly realms. Buddha told heavenly perfume by discerning Said that not only to the Palace of the heavenly Quarter!
Why like that? -When the Marco Polo Bridge handles, incense, incense above my donation then turned around, in a memorial to all three thousand of heavenly world, hundreds of memories of Sun Moon breasts hundred, hundred memories big sea mountain Mt, along largely Tu Di, Essential, Essential Mountain Range, and the mountain of the Lord, hundred memories of four continents (5), around the world, hundreds of memories of the Four heavenly realms natural breasts, hundred Tam Thien, to Thirteen hundred memories the Sun Africa thought phi phi thought of in three heavenly heavenly world, all Long the devil, God Needs A spirit she Thát Tu La, La, Ca Emergency God God Upstairs Na La, Ma Most Old Dollarall the Palace of nowhere are filled with clouds of smoke flavors the smoke flavor, cover him projectors the t.i, tam heavenly palaces in the world that has the flavour of smoke cloud cover due to the force of my uncle behold! -The King when AI Lu incense donation this Sutra, the scent is not the only celestial heavenly Freemasons around the world in a celebration turned around ten world means boundless immeasurable Buddhist schools of hundreds of thousands of myriad memories of the sand River. in out of nowhere World Buddhist followers as well as incense to cover projected all over that way!
When the Buddha heard this scent and colourful smoke seen gold shining all over the world means ten, much as every sa, with the force of such changes, all together praise the shamans: Or instead! Or instead! The great singer or presenter, popular classics the mystery is so boundless was immeasurable achievements merit do! If anyone is listening to this classic, merit no less troubling, is that the life or maintain the Court read, because other beings distinguish just pitching good explanations!
Why like that? This friendly e-South: Jing Jin Quang Minh, a mystery — in fact, boundless immeasurable cox2 na so tha the bodhisattvas hearing this Sutra, sailings are real rotten Bodhi mind transfer!
At the time, with the constant editing potty immeasurable sa client world current Buddha Bar saying: Behold friendly female suicide, the decision will be in the hereafter sit nowhere shume, Gautama is a ton, Max wins the three realms, are overlaid on all beings. Because thanks to diligent practice competencies, tu France, stately or manual, ascetic Bodh, or undermining the ties conclude layman, suppress the ghosts the resentment of the pirates, the misshapen in heavenly objects in the world, expressed the most calm of French Enlightenment, totally pure, penetrating even bodhi was infinitely superior!
This friendly male suicide! Who sit where the Dharani moved the great Falun twelve Nhon charm (6) infinity upper intensive Buddhist followers, even commendable. Or the great drummers of upper comb French, or French suck infinitely superior task of oxidized, or flag France loads upper Max WINS, or the endless Legal clarity of style torches, or flush the French giant Orange upper invisible Rain, sever the immeasurable suffering a whitewash, or causing immeasurable thousand muon memories na do tha beings overcome the immense suffering frightening, freed from the contentious element rotated boundless limits, having been immeasurable hundred thousand thousand memories na do tha Buddha!
At the time, the four heavenly white Buddha:
White glass That show respect! My Kim Quang Minh, the mystery traditions, or are all the immeasurable in the present life, as well as its future. So the King if hearing this mystery classics that have been planted are serviced in thousand of ten thousand Buddha immeasurable memories. Your love for King, because see is immeasurable joy in Germany, taking advantage of strayed beings, so we and our progeny of the immeasurable, hundred thousand thousand memories the devil spirit are all right where his palaceWhen he saw the omens or heal existing effects, smoke incense cloud che ... Because the French want to hear, we have to go to the King's Palace, where the sermon, hidden picture to hear. At the same time also have the great Brahma realm, Like Complete Nhon, the Topic addressed by the Angel, The Angel of Germany, be Local Labor spirit, the spirit, the devil Only Approved General all twenty eight of the devil spirit, Ma He Its La, Dharani Suite area of Ma Ni Da Baht, the devil spirit General, the devil and all five hundred Devil you đoanh fins around it, A Nậu Long Reach United Kingdom, Ta L Masterpiece United Kingdom, hundreds of thousands of immeasurable cox2 na due to tha Devil spirit the realms of ... All they want to hear it for France, both to the Palace, the King's property, where the sermon, hide the image to listen to, which does not appear.
White glass That show respect! Our Heavenly and the progeny of the immeasurable, the devil spirit were for this ruler is good knowledge, a General Council. The happy niche, or make the home laboratory, pilot multitude upper legal makes us instill a giant Orange France in full. We need to support her position, minus the ear thing fire did its ACE, making a band is usually an alright. Palaces, houses, country villages of King if there are the evil, or evil, are objective except.
White glass That show respect! If there are any King for this classic being absent from the mind and reluctant to hear, does not want to respect, donation respect read complimentary, extolling or in four of them, someone's life maintenance, read litigation Assistant says, also does not respect or donation, respect lauded. Our Heavenly and the progeny of the immeasurable Devil divinity because was not typically public listening, left the orange giant landslide reduced the French loss of power and the dread of Germany, reducing the loss they Sun, a wickedly fun!
White glass That show respect! Our Heavenly Devil immeasurable, I leave that country; not only us, but also the immeasurable Good Spirit protect the country are leaving! Our Heavenly and the devil spirit has left off and the nation that will have everything crash bastard yoke, all the people lost all good, just to know what instigation, fighting, undermining each other, enough of the disabled room many bizarre omen as: Comets, meteors and the stars left an oftenCurrently, two Suns, solar eclipse, Lunar Eclipse, Sunbeam, Sunbeam silver black often appear, distress from loud explosion earthquake resonates, frequent wind, rain data..., no day off, rice scarcity, hunger and thirst, cold wet weather were spicy aggressors invaded much vandalism, the people he suffered many countries suffering the brain; no local it would be worth of interest. White Germany World Religion! Uranus us immeasurable and the devil spirit, along with the former National Guard God Goodness, when did depart, the country he engenders the immeasurable evil like that!
White glass That show respect! If the King wants to be guardians, and the country is happily, things are mostly like to make both domestic beings are completely happy at peace; want to destroy all the enemy outside, want both locally are supported, like the Chief Justice, the rule of law works to except extermination of all the fears for the beings of ... The King should decide to hear this classic, respect donation who read this economic stronghold, at the Court. Our Heavenly food from France, the French-based charity charm nhơn drinking Orange flavor was endless huge upper body power, growth, Center for illuminating throughout, Chu Heaven more!
Why like that? -Because the King Center press releases and hear and experience life, we, as the Brahma said comment made exercise (6), Like Title Complete Nhon said the good reviews (7). In spirit and conclude the Elves.
The Ton! Brahma, Like Threads Complete Nhon, the devil spirit and who have the information, but there are hundreds of thousands of memories na do immeasurable economic treatise, WINS tha Kim Quang Minh, we did things in the night!
Why like that? As Hybrid Theory Kim Quang Minh is probably because being, makes all the Kings in the Match Match spirituality refers to primary treatment people, wanted to give all the beings at peace, because your love and want protection for all beings, because want to make beings without the brain gauge, no longer the resentment of other means of pirates to cause disorder, the evil ears can't happen, want to expel the country caused no..., the French Chief of chemical education should take people without the litigation each other so the Kings are in the place where his country burned up the torch of French finances wisely, adds them to Heaven. Uranus us immeasurable, the devil spirit during the Match Match, Chu Thien, Thien's coast by God are located in Nhon French giant Orange full, are large, full German dread effort. The Subject Line Matches usually an alright people crowded, Thanh Tri at peace. Back in immeasurable Fortune na do tha shit do, usually happy peace is extremely common, it was lettered immeasurable Buddha, planting the friendly units, the course late austerities saw the Buddha results!
Merit such immeasurable is The Primary Variable Hybrid Perception comes out. As a hybrid is more than hundred thousand thousand memories na do tha the great Brahma health dhāranī; with more than hundred thousand memories Complete Deals by the Likes of tha na Nhon, due to incompatible power. That's why As a hybrid because the beings emerging speech Kim Quang Minh like that.
As both being the Match Fitness and the Kings of the world, worldly appearances do national interests, creates the reasoning, all this horror, Nhon. Because want to make beings at peace, like the Ca As this economy appears Futuristic, widely available.
White Germany World Religion! So, the coast of QUY Nhon should the Kings, who lead the national rule, need to decide to hear the life and leadership, donation, respect, honor, lauded Beijing Kim Quang Minh.
Then Buddha said the four heavenly that:
Behold the four heavenly! The situation and the progeny of the immeasurable cox2 na so tha the them the devil spirit. If the Kings would or who heard this classic releases, donation, respect, respect for the heavenly, extolling itself is supported, except for the fatal fire, which provide the happily to them. If anyone or popular, extensive explanations this Sutra, the Buddha did in life and in the Sun, or do the great benefit to immeasurable human beings, so heavenly you need support, we recommend to the other coast of QUY Nhon turbulence, causing the mind they are static at peace, to take care of this emerging popularity continues.
At the time, the four heavenly sailings from seats stand up, trịch shoulder right, kneeling in front of the World, hand-pieced together show respect say that merit racks:
Pure Moon Buddhist
Dignified fullness,
Japanese Buddhist splendor
Launched a thousand rays,
Face As Lai
Bright radiance shed,
Bright white teeth clean
As the Lotus root,
Immeasurable merit
As well as the great sea,
Source of boundless entertainment
French full cards.
Hundreds of thousands of the Chief Justice to
Not missing things chi,
Feet with plump,
Currently thousand of round marker (8)
The toe touch screen mesh
Like Russia, the United Kingdom,
Lucid luminous
As great treasure mountain.
Clarity purity
Data mining, such as net gold.
There are blessed in Germany
Buddha's great merit
The ongoing homage.
Chon TAM Buddha-body method
As well as frivolous.
Application of apparitions
Like the Moon in the water
Not be obstacle course
Like the light shining!
So I now
Buddhist ceremony, wealthy girl Moon.
Then The Sun
Use shelves in meeting that:
My Kim Quang Minh
The King in the capital,
Maybe even the deep dark WINS
French is the infinite upper!
The force of The Sun
Once declared dogma.
The heavenly
Need support.
Because Nhon's charm,
Doing this mystery
Or ban being
Immeasurable pleasure!
Because of the peace
Benefits being,
So generally prevalent
In the Right Light.
Then or eradicate
That immeasurable suffering,
The evil realms fun
Heavenly world.
The monarch
During the Match Match
Being free From introspection
The Chief rule of law established.
If common or
This mystery, horror
Then the country.
An all powerful, rich
There are other beings
Are all pleasure.
If there is a King
Self appreciation
And both countries
Want to be rich and strong.
So will the mind,
Body clean
To the French Assembly
Attend to hear this Sutra.
My others do
All the blessing,
Break up all
Resentment of the pirates out there;
Or unless removal
Immeasurable fears.
Is the King of the classics,
Or immeasurable Board
An good pleasure
For all beings.
Countries such as the treasure tree
In the House of people,
Feature or engenders
All Raghav says,
This treasure classics
Also the same!
Or the birth of Germany
For the Kings.
As the water in cooler
Or minus longing.
This treasure classics
Also the same!
Or except the King
Aspire merit.
Countries such as bureaus
Contains items on Pearl said,
All in hand
At your disposal.
Kim Quang Minh behold
So again,
Arbitrary or ban
The King of France said,
Kim Quang Minh behold
Classic jerseys are factual,
Usually the phrase Heaven
Glass arc donation,
Also the
Four Great Heavenly,
Dread God of power
Downright households maintained.
Ten local schools of Mahayana Buddhism
Often their anniversary.
The instructor said,
Praise or instead!
There are also hundreds of thousands of
Immeasurable Devil spirit
From the ten directions to
Supported him.
Someone is listening
This treasure classics
The mind being fun,
Hon unexpected openings.
During the Match Match
Immeasurable masses
Let all the fun
Meeting to hear this Sutra.
Because listening to my behold
Enough of the merit,
They Sun rise
Gas power trunk!
When the four heavenly to hear this shelf and then raising the white Buddha that:
White glass That show respect! We please never heard TWAS disciplines responsible for acts like that!
We hear this traditions and glad our better crush; in the spooky, tears flowing full, net movement!
Return the fun immeasurable extremely full, do!
These are then used flower Mandala, the Mandala surges sprayed donation Like Ca As Lai and donation both shifang lettered such Cult, the Buddha. back of the white Buddha that:
White Germany World Religion! Our Heavenly position, each of which has five hundred Devil spirit often must follow to this theory that the guardians!
At the time, the great Sun Buddha Bach Bach Remedies That German: Respect! If people do or say, you typically experience will make the lecture he says more and more fluently, what your vivacious what that situation then it comes out very dignified and true Saturday class, was the intellectual legacy, instructors say niche. In this classic, if any false sentences, lacking the word lost meaning, you can make your business's French speaking khưu Bhikkhu see comprehensive, layered stuff right, not forgetting, no mistake!
If there are beings in the hundred thousand Buddha cultivation of friendly units, the speaker typically also be so, in the Light Fitting (1) dissemination of this experience, which results in an end to hunger. Bring boundless immeasurable beings be heard doing this, making all the smart intellectual clarity do; vipāka blessed Germany can't tell the measurement, understanding the immeasurable France means, being all things theory, to know better all techniques in life; or beyond the life cycle of birth, death does not rot switch, decided to move into the Chief Justice, Associate Chief of sensations!
At the time, its Merit Heavenly white Buddha that:
White glass That show respect! The shaman said I typically experience will depend the location needs it, whether rice, coat, clear, map is, every other use of t v, will provide absolutely full, let the wizards from total deprivation, consciousness is an all right, day and night fun, mindfulness thoughts, discern better turn each sentence, every word. If there are beings would have been in the hundreds of thousands of Buddha cultivation of friendly units. Typically speaking also as such. In the Match Line popularized this mystery trading, not to the ambiance. The beings would hear this horror and then, in the life of the immeasurable hybrid hundred thousand na do tha shit often happily in the Rain, People having been lettered Buddha, mau the Chief sensory. Absolutely no longer suffer miserable scene in the evil way.
White glass That show respect! About the past, the United States And Germany were The Duc Hai Yuri Kim Shan Ming Cult, the Hybrid Projection, the Chief Justice made the Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity becomes the prize in the world, Infinitely Sergeant, What Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Offensive Mastermind, Buddha, The Religion (1) sowing the good faith basis. You are now, depending on the method of commemoration, depending on how we came to, and or make immeasurable beings are the pleasure, or the birth of physical training items as rice shirt, gold and silver seven treasures, Yuri, chon TAM Chau, coral, amber, jade, jade kha have been fullest. If someone would often read chanting Kim Quang Minh even penetrating the mystery. For me, The Buddha during the donation to honor title three times, the name of this economy, burning incense donation. Donation OK, Buddha used the aroma, the taste for fine things private, cosy, Marquis of the canopy. Must know! that is the group containing the treasure. Because Nhon's coast, the soil to grow flowers, preferably fresh. Chu Tian, the Spirit in them are fun. Rice varieties, tree leaves lush lush fruit. Happy tree spirit, engenders the immeasurable items. Meanwhile, I think the being, gives many animals need to live.
The White World Religion! Bhikkhu Sa Mon Uranus in the North, we have designated A Ni Wi; the German Optical Industry garden stone Floral, garden and in the garden the best he has called Kim Trang seven treasure so precious, that's where I'm usually an stay. If anyone wants to be lot of wealth, and the treasure, he should stay right there in her cleaned, wash the body, dressed in a clean white, scented oil DAB himself, then for me that releases the mind proclaim the Buddha Told That Their Flowers to honor three times, the cult of donation, burning incense, scattered flowers. Also have to address my Kim Quang Minh, releases the player wishes; at the same time taking less flowers, the American private, cosy taste flavor for me, Marquis of the canopy. Time to read the following statement:
1. Three Benefit Phu Long Na Price Benefit
2. Lynn had then Reached Wi Ni La Residence
3. Ma Ha Sido La Imperial Old Bhikkhu
4. Tam Na Ni Wi Da Old Truths Bhikkhu
5. Ma Ha Ca Of the three Emperors
6. the three She Ne Slapped Her Late Rock
7. Tam Phu Tu Le Bowl Wi Rules
8. A Yes Na Reached Base Plating
9. Ma Ha Bhikkhu Emperor All Stock
10. Ma Ha Mile Count Falling Roman Empire
11. Oh God Tĩ T bowl of Weird Hi Soles
12. Tam Wi A Tha
13. Mrs. Brown A La Ni
Your uncle A wealthy girl, we are really talking ingenue sand wall! Hanh tu beings according to the Bodhisattva and the Friendly units need to read through-life maintenance court seven days seven nights tho maintained eight (2), early afternoon meditate aroma donation shifang Buddhist schools themselves and because often being, totally helpfulness (3) upper Primary education Primary Mineral taste fruit buds. Play pray as follows: make the things I now pray is the sand wall.
Housing (4), rooms in cleaned; or A Lan is prominent, whether it would, that I am taking the substance aromatic water sprinkle soy source all over the walls, wallpaper, burned incense appreciation of incense, used to set ceilings, the United townships scattered around the surrounding for the mind to pray. Meanwhile the transient a notion will go to the other end, adjacent to sit on the Court, from night to the House, or villages, or the room up there, or it voids sailings are full of money, all things: either Golden or as security, or water buffalo, goats, or rice ... in all things need not lack, and are all the pleasure!
If anyone can provide the ultimate merit WINS by the Protestants did, revert direction for you, you will not ever leave him. In that he releases the mind depends on the notion of household, people need the bridge, were achievements.
Need the glass desk Center releases the Buddha That this Respect:
-Said Wins Like Lai.
-Invisible Texture Ugly Said Quang Minh Vuong General As Hybrids.
Kim Quang Minh-Diem As Hybrids.
-Kim Quang Minh Organ Projection Technology Such As Hybrid.
-Kim Son Said As The Hybrid.
-Optical Hybrid Jinhua Diem As Prime Minister.
-Great Range As A Hybrid.
-The General As A Hybrid.
Homage must also:
-East is A Cattle hybrid.
-Nam Phuong Told Gen. As Hybrids.
At the Buddha Amitayus.
Buddha Bar-Vi Marvelous North.
Homage must also:
-Bodhisattva General Credit.
-Bodhisattva Kim Quang Minh.
Bodhisattva-Tibetan Staples.
-Bodhisattva Usually Bi.
-Bodhisattva France Upper.
At the time, have the spirit to Consistently Break the white Buddha that:
White glass That show respect! My Kim Quang Minh such mystery, or current life, or the life of the future, whether it would, or urban place, seat or villages, or in the jungle, or in the River, or between the seats, or in the United Kingdom provides a. .. White Germany World Religion! Customised with popular business eventually expanded, in time, cover the visiting Lions shaman sitting in court, he lectured extensively classics you will behold, I'll go there often guardians, hidden under the Court of France, the two legs of the shaman. You heard me right, the French are the French and drinking the orange giant loads of upper, gas is rising, both of this depth of sixteen thousand eight thousand by week, from International Dharani (1) to the sea and the land, which is the substance a fully fertile, growing, thriving on more often and more. So give the Match Fitness of herbal plants, roots, leaves, flowers, branch left the lush, lush colors, delicious flavors are full at all. Beings eat more and more live longer, an excellent resource is OK, Smart minds, six radical Spry, a German who claimed there was nothing special titles dread strictly. Achievements all work well, as do the work were to be successful. There are great powers, the violent diligent! The Ton! So in the Right match is an okay, fun, people, Thanh Tri, all beings are hedonistic. Customised your affection, love your satisfaction!
The beings we are enough major forces of Germany and dread, or Business donation Kim Quang Minh behold, and or respect, donation of four of them tho this economic stronghold. At that time I will come as soon possible, so make the beings are an good pleasure, sometimes a theory widely theory claim such classics.
Why like that? Bach-German Religious World! If I would have the classic popular Kim Quang Minh behold, I and the progeny of the virtuous human body at more often, mind power, played Spry!
White glass That show respect! The French giant Orange flavor drink loads of upper and then in the Match the French perimeter spirituality Fits the seven thousand by week are expanded than usual!
White Germany World Religion! This globe, where beings come up, or grow all these animals need the life. Grow enough objects to use, and then, leaving the beings ' disposal, the hedonistic life. All the stuff the rice dressing, medication, housing the palace garden, trees, forests, rivers, streams, ponds, wells, the refuge where such land is full of both!
Indeed, The Sun! These beings, so know your grace, should think this: we have to decide to hear and comprehend this wonderful experience, respect, donation, respected, lauded. Think so yes, sailings from it or where the Citadel, or in villages or houses, or between the non-place, where the French to hear this Sutra. When heard and life leaders finished, return to the shelter, all appreciation of each other, recommends that:
We present here the French player didn't even penetrating the upper for endless variety, were the group that produced the Germans do, as well as boundless, immeasurable headless Buddha; results reported in Batang beings of evil has been freed, in life are often contentious realm and the heavenly realms outlawed peace!
These beings, we are all in the right place it, or because the other instructors say this economy, or for example, a product, a charm, or is claiming a Crown in Germany That Suen, a bodhisattva, or a shelf, until a sentence and title header name of this economy.
White glass That show respect! As beings in any place, even where it is often abundant, fertile more fully elsewhere. That means that what the land is, Nhon engenders tremendous growth for fresh fine, making the outlawed beings pleasure, abundance of wealth, the treasure of money, like Hanh alms, the mind often penetrating the fortified Tam credit!
At the time of Buddha and The Gods Be Lao:
If any beings, so just hearing that one verse Kim Quang Minh behold, in the who, after dying, as a guest being up in the Sun Three Thirteen astronomical objects.
Add Me! If there are any beings because want to experience this wonderful donation, dignified nh door gives to or hanging a colon p, or a piece, use a coat of ... The Sun Records in the Education World has had seven natural treasure Palace's General network, few are ready to being in that place.
Add Me! In the Palace of the seven treasures, each each have seven natural Celestial female, together fun, day and night are usually incredibly sensual, do!
At the time The Spirit of the white Buddha that:
White glass That show respect! Because Nhon's charm, when the Bhikkhu khưu theory typically, sitting on the Court, the French often day and night always guardians, did not depart, hidden under the French court, head shaman legs his team.
White Germany World Religion! If there are beings in the hundred thousand Buddha cultivation of friendly units, French speakers, so these are probably in the Right match is widely prevalent experience this, color, which results in an excellent piece. The beings he is hearing this Sutra, hybrid position in life, immeasurable Fortune na tha damn birth by conventional realms and realms of heaven, entitled hedonistic life having been lettered Buddhist end minus all the suffering in the three evil way, mau is the Chief Justice, Associate Chief of sensations!
Master Sun four directions,
the integrity,
This wide variety, France plant propagation
Comment that means boundless,
The German,
men of lost maples '

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