Saturday 6 September 2014

Shurangama: deputy director of France
All the Buddhist scriptures are very important, especially Shurangama . Where there Shurangama , there's Dharma office. Shurangama not, the Dharma Ending cash out immediately. Shurangama Buddha's feet, Shurangama Buddha's relics, Shurangama church tower Buddha; therefore, all Buddhists need to bring all their strength and their ability to support and preserve the Shurangama this. 
Take Sutra Removal said: "The Dharma Ending Age, Shurangama kill before, the classic gradually after the killing." 
If Shurangama not destroyed, the Dharma will make money. Therefore, we are Buddhists, need to take their own life force to upholding Shurangama , bringing the endeavor and its ability to upholding Shurangama , upholding vows made ​​Shurangama , making Shurangama 's permanent office, found the vast ocean, every particle circulation in each mote circulation to all parts of the world, take nothing Dharma variables. So, Dharma aura illuminates everywhere. 
Why Shurangama perished before? Because this business is to preach the true reason, ma natural pagan unbearable, so we used all the way to destroy and kill. First, they create distortions rumors, saying Shurangama Buddha uttered not from the theory, which is fabricated by later people. It's telling ambiguity of heathen misrepresent, using bad tactics, vandalism "economic truth." 
The content of the Shurangama is pure Four overs foreign intelligence, warm ghost Fifty realm, and own recollection of twenty-five saints of the members for their practice. The whole experience can be likened to the plate "mirror love," makes evil demons, pagan subjects eagle, must show the exact shape, no place to hide. So, we should not believe in these words, distorting rumored that Shurangama as "apocrypha." 
In recent years, some scholars have the irrational and foolish prophets, are not aware of Buddhism, Buddhist do not know, but dare put it where it should, extravagant criticism of the saint's teachings. Innocent people unconscious mind because there is no wisdom to distinguish the true puppet, heard people say they say played along as such, just that "drawing lines running to the enemy," promoting other people do bad things, so new blasphemy to say that Shurangama Buddha's doctrine is not!
The Dharma School not only need to understand deeply the morality contained in the Shurangama Dharma is to make the long head and immoral to permanently disappeared without a trace, but also initiated Shurangama-around place will uphold the Shurangama Sutra , everywhere preaching Shurangama , and upholding all over the place are Shurangama . The Buddhists need wholehearted commitment to this responsibility. 
Today I assure you one thing: ensuring that the Shurangama Sutra is the true "economic truth"! If Shurangama as "apocrypha," I pray hell because I was not aware of Buddhism, "get fake foot," so committed volunteer center she experienced. Because K inh Surangama is "economic truth" so I vow to propagate lifetimes Dafa Surangama, Surangama truth preached. 
You try to think: Shurangama if not by the Buddha stated theory, the theory of the one that can rightly so true Dhamma? I wish critics Shurangama will be apocrypha haste repent, amend mistakes, if not, will definitely fall into hell tongue!
I pray for those who recite the Shurangama Sutra , the Shurangama lecturers, advocates Shurangama , the circulation Shurangama , all soon became the Buddha Way. Important reason is that moral discourse is Shurangama just to have a reasonable accuracy, can cause bladder demon devil and not goal directed described hiding place; at the same time can make Buddhists trust righteously, maintain mindfulness, patience Dharma supporters. 
Tathagata Buddha Danh Tu Show Touches Password 
Bodhisattvas Van Hanh The Mausoleum Business
The first book
Sino-Vietnamese Music:
Tathagata Buddha Danh Tu Show Touches Password Bodhisattvas Kinh Van Hanh The Mausoleum.
" Buddha Danh, Tathagata's Secret, Tu Certified Willow, Bodhisattvas Van Hanh, The Mausoleum . " Nineteen letters is the name of the business, plus the word "business" anymore then a total of twenty-twenty letters are letters of the business section. Nineteen of the letters on the "nickname" (proper name), and the word "business" is located on "the list" (generic name). What is nickname? "Special" is distinguished; "Nickname" means the spot the difference with the classic self-identity is not the same. The word "business" is similar, just with the suttas, because similar so-called communication list. Communication is the name of the business, nicknamed the difference of this business. So, the name of each business problem is different, and there are two components and the nickname was common identity. 
Title of the classical theory by the Buddha states are classified into seven categories, called "ventricular strain elaborating." Type up this Saturday covers all Tripitaka, twelve sectors preached by the Tathagata, and the the second is divided into three single triangle, for three (but three) and most ordination.
All three policy setting (established three types of single subject). "Single tam" is single and has three categories: 
1) Respondent's up threads. As the title Amitabha Buddhist theory , the "Buddha" and "Amitabha" are people-because the Buddha was, Amitabha is the, so-called "single- up problems. " 
2) Application of making threads. As Mahaparinirvana Doing the "Mahaparinirvana" is legal; because only the French used to name the business, so this item of business is a "single-subject law established." 
3) An application example to elaborate. "Du" is billions instance, for example. As Brahma Net Sutra , the "Brahma Net Sutra" is billions example. This set of business such as colonic part of the kings treasure mesh sun Dai Pham. 
Three types of single titles on just one thing that people (people), or measures, or example in the name of the project, should be referred to as "single up all three." 
Makes up three threads (the three categories established dual problem). This type of item is established by two of the three factors-human, legal, example-and is composed of three types: 
4) Human establish legal title. As the title Economic Manjushri Uncivil Religion is "Manjushri" is, "Prajna" is legal. By having the use and legal-legal name and the name of the name of the business-the so-called "legal person established topic".
5)'s example to elaborate. As Business Tathagata Lion Roar is "Tathagata" is the "Lion Roar" is an example; implies that when the Buddha preached the majestic sounds like the roar of a lion. This is called "human example to elaborate," and the name used to name such business. 
6) French example to elaborate. As Economic Lotus Sculpture "Sculpture" is legal, "Lotus Flower" is an example, so this item is a "method to elaborate example." 
Tubercle of the most excluded. "Most ordination" is a sufficient tool, complete with three factors, methods and example 
7) ordination to draw up (a compilation of full). As in the Business section of Quang Dai Phuong Hoa Nghiem Buddhist is "The Great Square" is legal, "Buddha" is the "Flower Adornment" is an example. This set of business use flowers to share with the example of the thousands of happy gathering, taking thousands of flowers to admit stately supreme virtue results. So the headings "General Quang Phuong Hoa Nghiem Buddhist Economics" are full both legal entities and billions example, it is a "compilation of ordination."
Recommended items are not all classics in addition to the seven categories above. You see hundreds of thousands of titles of the Tripitaka scriptures in all seven categories included in this set. As a teaching experience, up to seven threads need to grasp, can explain classics. If even seven elaborating nor understand, how can teach others to understand? Themselves were not enlightened, how to teach others to be enlightened ?! So this is very important.
Seven up this kind, that everyone who study the Dhamma, must be known. Do not like people who just read the book about two and a half, less than three more books, and even a "mystical meaning," a "professional distinction," they do not know, let alone the general elaborating, Five identical mystical sense, subjects differentiated Cross ..., so that the chest pat dare claim to be Shamans, as taught masters beings go! Not understanding the true Dharma which dare lecture sermon, they just lead people to hell alone! Shortly themselves but also to their own hell do not understand why! People who listen to them too, do not know why I fall into hell. This is so pathetic! So, people need to learn Buddha Dharma true understanding, true wisdom, then go religious beings, they can not be misled. 
Morality preached in Shurangama really infinite. Seen this lecture, I do not preach under five identical suspension means (meaning magical story of the year) of Tiantai, which by Cross distinguishes subjects (ten distinguished subjects) Thu Hien of cardboard. 
Hien Thu concrete and Tendai are two major sects of Chinese Buddhism. The Shamans often have teaching experience to understand God without informing Hien Thai Prime, or clearly not knowing Hien Thu Thien Thai, so no gain teaching experience at the park unobstructed space. I'll just cross this medical professional's distinction to teach the Hien Thu concrete Economic Buddha Danh The Mausoleum of this. 
Cross distinguishes subjects, ie the ten gates to distinguish all Buddhist scriptures, including: 1) general topic like list; 2) Start teachers predestined; 3) Tibetan regent excess of 4) means of meditation; 5) Energy can displace teachers; 6) Department of mechanical equipment rooms; 7) Special Tong interesting information; 8) Notes to the cash logistics; 9) Calendar intelligent infusion; 10) Special resolution means text.

I. General Interest Thread List
This is the first professional distinction, explaining the name of the business in general. Seven types of compilation of lectures on the seven methods to determine the name of the Buddhist scriptures. Now let us "like the list overall title," the analysis section of this business. 
This sutra is called: "Buddha Danh, Tathagata's Secret, Tu Certificate Willow, Bodhisattvas Van Hanh, The Mausoleum." 
The first word is "Great." What is called "modern"? By doing this the big contains four are great people, great meaning, great happiness and great results. 
"Great people" (major cause) ie Secret, unlike other people. This is the secret person, is that often people do not know, do not understand heathen, II legacy is not detected, so-called "human security." "Secret's" This enormous, for so-called "great." 
"Cause" (meaning big) ie Tu Certified Willow, this sense is also particularly large. 
"Great happiness" (large onion) are Bodhisattvas Van Hanh, this behavior is also very large. 
"The result" (result is greater) ie The Mausoleum
By doing this the full four major factors, the great-great staff, great meaning, great happiness and great results-the so called "great." 
"Buddhist." You used to say: "I am a Buddhist, I learned Dharma"; but you know, "Buddha" means reasonable? "Buddha," called for the full "Buddha-momentum-da," is the transliteration of the Sanskrit word Buddha. By the Chinese prefer to simplify removing the word "momentum-skin" over the end, only the first digit is a "Buddha." Some people claim the word "Buddha" in Chinese is, in fact not, because it only is known transcription-written Chinese characters are under, but it does not have to read music. Then, if translated into Chinese, the word "Buddha" What is translation? "Buddha" translated as "enlightenment." "Sense" ie enlightenment. There are three types of enlightened self-discipline, sense of forgiveness, happiness and sense of fulfillment. 
"Voluntarily" means enlightened himself, not deluded anymore; therefore, different from ordinary people. Realm of self-enlightenment is not the same as the realm of the ordinary class, unenlightened people like you and me today. Buddha, the enlightened himself, but then he found this was not enough, so he wants to "feeling tha" anymore. Themselves enlightened and then try to help others as well as his enlightenment, it's called "sensory others." 
In his own enlightenment (self-awareness) and other enlightened people (sensory others) have more classes and different levels because the base nature of each person does the same. Enlightened sub-enlightenment enlightenment not perfect yet, and the great awakening-enlightenment has fullness. Buddha reached enlightenment, and can make other people enlightenment. When vow of self fulfillment and sense of forgiveness was also perfect, it is called "Enlightenment virtues fullness" or "Enlightenment complacent."
Buddha, the "triangle park, the great German was" -Ngai has fulfilled all three of enlightenment (self-awareness, sense of forgiveness, contentment sense) and full thousand virtue.
Why should we believe the Buddha? Because Buddhism is us! We basically are Buddhist, but only because now we are ignorant should not be able to attain Buddhahood. Why say we are radical Buddhist? As Buddha once said: 
"Necessarily all living beings have the Buddha nature, Buddha-operation between afford." (All beings have Buddha nature, Buddha can do.)
If all beings have Buddha nature, then why to date we have not become a Buddha? Just because delusion, attachment! There delusion, have attachments. We all think western winter break, all men think they thought the north, thought on thought below, quixotic delusion heaven and on earth, there is no place without thinking. Too many thoughts, not counting Xue. You tell me, in how many days you start delusion? You know how much is it? If you know, then you have the right Bodhisattva; But if you still do not know it is a human being!
We have no delusions that it was the attachment again. Attachment to what? Attachment to the "I" and "mine," so to enjoy all the material did not let go. For example, someone said: "Ah! This aircraft is mine "; or: "Ah! This is my car, the latest it! "Whenever something is attached, to hang on to it-there man clinging to the men and women who have female attachments; the prior permission of the friendly people of good will, with the attachment of the wicked of the wicked ... No matter what the attachment, the attachment of the heart can not let go. They just tugged capture forever, as there are more and more attached!
However, prior approval is not a good thing! The attachment of tooth to enjoy as well, in a nice, fun travel everywhere; How are you good for you? Not sure what is better, because you have to know that because of keen enjoyment that we can not become a Buddha! So Buddha said: "Because of delusions and attachments which all human beings can not attain, can not become a Buddha." 
Buddha taught: 
"Heart flutter disadvantages listed, traded away Bodhi."
(mad attention if an end, an end to the Bodhi News.)
That is the moral Shurangama . "Heart flutter" that is, the mind egotistical megalomania of each of us. It is the center of the lofty desires, the mind despises others, think of themselves as intelligent, more talented people. Even those which are very ugly, so saying, "Ah, my beautiful too!" You see, hearts attachment so large! Their ugly unsightly capital, its very nice to say, there are attachments. If you are an end to the megalomania of this attachment, the "news traded Bodhi" strength just off center, which is the main Bodhi. What is Bodhi? It is the sense of direction and enlightenment; then enlightened by the successful Buddha was not how far. If you can stop the mind of his own megalomania, it is so good for you. 
In three kinds of enlightenment, "self" is the difference between our ordinary, unenlightened who, with a Pratyeka Arhat and Buddha, the enlightened level itself. "Bich-Buddha" is a Sanskrit word, is enough to call Pratyeka ca la (Pratyekabuddha). Tier-Buddha Cliff is by practicing Cross Path Dependent Origination that realization, and the Arhat level by practitioners words to that attained success. 
"Self-awareness" is to distinguish ordinary excess II, was "feeling tha" the distinction between the Bodhisattva II legacy. "Sensory others" is what? Tha makes sense ie other people become enlightened, and who practice this vow of the Bodhisattva mind should have, should have broken ranks altruism of Bodhisattvas. "Sensory others" might as well say that "the benefit of others," to benefit others. Who can practice well benefit others? It is the bodhisattvas! Second bodhisattva differs for each Pratyekabuddha excess and self sravakas know that not only focuses on visual neighbor; Bodhisattvas Development Center "sense of forgiveness, the benefit of others." 
Bar text is Arhat, is Pratyekabuddha Pratyeka Buddha Bodhi Bodhisattva is slapped DOA; Thus ends the bar text and Bodhisattvas Pratyekabuddha one person, two people or three people that practice into? It can be said that a person, it can be said that three people; why? Because there may be a first, the religious virtues sravakas, then tu Pratyekabuddha well, then from that since then Pratyekabuddha operation of the bodhisattva-a justification that all practicing many virtues, many disciplines like, so that a person can say. 
However, it can also be said that three people; why? For example, a practitioner may well bar text after realizing they just want to "put his self drought," not for the players, themselves enlightened and do not care about other people should stop right at the Arhat level, it is a person. Suppose there is a practice to others after Arhat is the practice in person-Buddha Cliff, and in this position and results do not carry anymore; Such is the cost of two people. Add one more person as above, ie before sravakas amended, after the convent Pratyekabuddha, then from that since then Pratyekabuddha operation of the Bodhisattva, so the three people. 
So, of the three types of enlightenment, the Buddha to fruition Pratyeka also just voluntarily, not feeling forgiven; the new bodhisattva is feeling forgiven. Bodhisattvas are so well since then-Luc Van Paramitayana solemn and universal happiness-that to. Members Bodhisattva Path and still be diligent Bodhicharyavatara practice, practice until perfection-perfection-is feeling happy to be a Buddhist. So, want to "fullness feeling well" are not leaving happy Bodhisattva. Sensory happy consummation is the difference between the Buddha and bodhisattvas.
kind of enlightenment Tuesday, saying only this much here, but in terms of practice is particularly true messianic universal, in every level to level, in other have distinct differences. Perfection three vows this enlightened then became the Buddha. 
"Danh." , "type" (top) means supreme ultimate place, not something that can be higher. As our occiput called "crown" on top of the head is the sun, so there is the "empowerment foundation of the world," that is, the sun started, foot pedal ground. Not only men but also women, too, can be "bowed foundation of the world"! 
So, the three words "Buddha Danh" though not preach, I believe that everyone understands-it's only the top of the "Buddha," a big Buddha, great. Huge Buddha that like? There are large Buddha statue in the church hall it? In fact, this statue is not a "Buddha," but only as a drop in the ocean, a tiny speck in the Three worlds; You should not mistakenly think that the "Big Buddha."
The "Big Buddha" the great big to none. His big without big, but no one is bigger than he was-then called "modern foot," true greatness. So, here is what the Buddha? This is turning complacent Buddha everywhere, nowhere without.
So this is where the Buddha? He did not place at all! Then, place where He is not? There is no place where He is not! 
You tell me, how great he? You have no way of measuring the magnitude of this enormous. Must to some extent be a great new true? Until the great personality no more, no more big deal-that is the greatest, greatest. 
Then who is the "dark age," the greatest? As the Buddha. That's the Buddha who? It's you! It was me!
One wonders: "But I do not that big, and according to the show, I was not as big as that. So why is the teacher said, and also the teacher? " 
If not you, not me, then say what !? Because a relationship with me and with you, so the new economic mention!
"Then, I and I how great like that?" 
Buddha nature that you and I are huge capital in full and this is the Great Buddha. The Buddha does this great match, so-called "Buddha." 
Now we're not just talking about the Buddha, but also refers to his top generals. The Great Buddha, the capital nothing bigger, higher; however, higher than the Buddha as "empowerment," his top. And, on top of this the Buddha appeared a Buddha others.
The Great Buddha to any size that big? The Buddha then we did not see it, so the verse of the Shurangama Mantra said: "Radio is empowerment minister, optical zoom Tathagata, said the theory mantra." 
"Forever is worship minister" this empowerment facies are not present, because the "no reviews" (not seen)! Did not see, why the Buddha said that there?
Look but do not see it, it's like new large; why? So big that you can not see it all! If not great, why do not you see? 
Some people wonder, "How did not see? New baby too small animals can not see, if certain large children see! " 
If is large, then you see it? The sky is so vast, you can find out? You find out where stacks! Ground so vast, you can find out not comprehensive? It is impossible to see it all! Because the new show is not really that big. If not great, you can see right away!
Infinite is empowerment minister of the Great Buddha halo; aura was how big? You think, is a Buddha, he would not back a small halo? Of course, to a large halo to it! Big Buddha is a large halo. This large halo projector around everywhere. 
Some people wonder: "How can you not refer to yourself?" Screening to you a long time ago! 
Now you probably wondered: "Then why do not you know anything?" You want to know right? I've told you that: 
"Tam Shui stick out periods,
numerous natural Intent on. "
(Mind sedimentation, water current moon,
Intent, cloudless sky.)
If your mind to the extreme purity of the aura of the Buddha will be showing up. Without a pure heart, the dirty water such as lakes, cloudy, no moon light was shining through; if water is deposited in, moonlight illuminates the lake will. Mind if we purify the aura of the Buddha will slide to our hearts as well as the moon shines in this lake.
"Intent numerous natural wonder," if your idea of ​​security is the same as the clear sky, no clouds so-wonderful realms can not speak. If you really purify my mind, it can obtain the power of The University Surangama. 
"Tathagata." "As" is "omnipresent as," nothing that is not such as real estate. "Hybrid" is "omnipresent hybrids," that is not no place that does not come. "Like" the duty of the law. Duty of Dhamma is "like," the dharma of the "hybrid"; That is the word "can use." Buddhism is "such as real estate, to which not to"; should say that:
"As such estate,
to come back to,
to which not to. "
If so, then he go? Do not go to a place at all!
Then he come from? Just do not come from nowhere!
In the Diamond Sutra said: "As a hybrid author, spare countless future, past countless egrets." 
Not to me, nor to your site; but also where you are, and where I am-it is "like tomorrow." 
"Tathagata" is one of the ten principles of the Buddha performance. I fear, each with a thousand Buddhas title, the following shall waned because people do not remember. Initially, the Buddha was reduced to a one thousand titles; but a thousand titles do not remember it, so it fell to one hundred titles. Then, each Buddha has a hundred different titles. However, we still do not remember being, so to decrease, down to just ten titles. Ten of this title, is also the title of a Buddha common: 
1) As a hybrid. "Tathagata" means to rely upon as actual religion that unto enlightenment, became the Buddha. 
2) a supply response. "Together" means deserve heaven and offerings. 
3) Turn the Tri Chanh.
4) Additional Minh Hanh.
5) Worldly heavenly prize.
6) Infinite Sgt.
7) The royal macho.
8) Heaven Sphinx.
9) Buddha.
10) Exalted.

Each Buddha has ten such titles and is one of ten Tathagata that title. 
"Secret." What is the Secret? That is the exact concentration of each of us. Why call "human security" is not called "show people"? The exact concentration per person are available, which are full, no one without, but does not know himself; because do not know New-called "security personnel" variation of secrets. The secret is the responsibility of the exact second power-on and power of the Tathagata is the exact force of all beings. Everyone has duties to the force, but by themselves do not know, not yet discovered only; not knowing the so called "human security." 
"Tu Certified Willow." 's Secret is to do? For private practice. We need to cultivate the new realization. Need to practice, but practice like? Meditation or Buddhism are religious concept, but the word "practice" here is only for meditation, meditation specialists can attain. Attain something? Attainment "in another sense." 
"Lieu means" what? "Meaning" is the meaning. "Willow sense" is the clear sense, are sufficient, complete it, which is no longer meaningful. So it is pointless, does not mean all stars?
The word "willow meaning" here means a fully attained, did not admit fault for all the worldly and world-no longer produce anything to practicing law, no law anymore nothing to show. That's what the Great Master Yongjia said in the Securities Act Ca: 
"Military Real reviews:
Excellent school unconditioned humanitarian personnel,
excluding Real estate delusion foot bridge? "
(He found reasonable:
End school, unconditioned, he's directed,
not excluding delusions, no bridge pins?)
"Cool School" is the supreme school, a school that does not have anything to learn anymore; "Unconditioned" is not done; "Humanitarian workers" is the cavalier, purity, leisurely, something not done at all. 
"Any except delusion, no bridge pins": Not unless delusion, nor for the truth. Why "not unless delusion"? Since then subtracting all, no delusions, but not so new anymore. "Not for the legs," because the truth has been achieved already, so no need for more. You have not yet reached the new crane; also have reached the truth then it is not necessary to beg anymore. Not unless necessary unless new clean delusion delusion, delusion they no longer need but not anymore. "Lieu means" is the same idea! 
"Lieu means" also implies that all the Buddhist sense of the theory learned to the ultimate place, have learned to place nothing more to learn. 
"No kill means" (not in another sense) is still significant. It's time to no longer make sense, but pure dry, then reaches's Secret, get exact concentration, and that is "enlightenment" that achieved success in the realm of "willow means" so. If you do not practice, they can not attain the realm of "willow means" this. So, "meaning willow" is also great meaning, great sense includes all meaning. 
Someone asked: "But I just said in another mean nothing anymore?" 
No longer is the new real "yes" (friendship pins), if you are "there" is not really there. So, in another sense attained then no sense can be attained again, which has culminated, that called "willow means." Extreme point is to what degree? It's reached the realm of Buddha, attained Buddhahood. 
"Van Hanh Bodhisattva." To reach the realm of Buddha, the bodhisattva must be done, should say "Van Hanh Bodhisattvas." "Text," suggesting that very much, very crowded. Many are how much? Many do not count Xue, in general, there are fifty-five college level. This fifty-five college level (the latter will preach to, now do not preach meticulous), the signal consists Cross, Cross cylinder, Cross happiness, helpfulness Cross, four part well, tenth, and Buddhism. Each grade level has thousands upon thousands of bodhisattvas, so fifty five degree colleges are not just mere fifty, which is boundless Bodhisattva, so-called "Bodhisattvas." 
And "Operator" means what? "Operate" means a lot of practice disciplines. "A lot" is how much? As many as eighty-four thousand teachings! 
Said ought to be eighty-four thousand unfortunate subjects, where the business is simply titled "Van Hanh." "Operator" means the Bodhisattva's practice facility. Bodhisattvas are not self-propelled, but have since then too. What is altitude? They are: 1) Giving; 2) precepts; 3) Patience; 4) Effort; 5) Meditation; 6) Prajna. 
There are three types of generosity is experimental resources, experimental methods, and fearless pilot. 
"Property" means all money, possessions, is something that everyone loves, could not bear to let go; which is also the dirtiest, most impure world. Our money count count went through the hands do not know how many people, how many contain bacteria. In Buddhism, the money is considered to be "impure" impure. "Impure" is because money is something dirty. Why not call things the money is clean? Firstly, because the source is not clear, not clear, such as by theft or robbery that was. As background improperly so-called "impure."
Someone said: "Money is the reason I do not make it impure animals!" Money you do earn, but righteousness background, but the money itself contains a lot of bacteria! You see, money is not clean like that, but everyone likes money, just holding hands caressing the back and count to count. Someone to count the remaining funds raised his hands to count for spit easy, so highly contagious infectious disease!
Capital is not clean things like that, but everyone likes money-no money as much as possible, for as much as not enough. All money of the United States to bring me out, I did not think too much; if for all you have, you also do not believe that criticism is much too! But more money then a lot of problems also follow! What's the problem? Not sleep, tossing and turning itself on reflection: "I have a lot of money like this, it should be hidden in a safe place for this?" And just because money loses sleep loss, such calculations awake! 
Capital is not a good thing, so that they all cherish as their primary network itself, could not bear to let go. If you can let go, that's generosity. Giving to others is the bodhisattva practice. Tier Bodhisattva operated since then, the first to do is bring alms-money of his property and give to others, helping others, and it's called "financial giving."
But charity is not an easy task to do. The human mind is the "yin and yang communication originating agency," that is where butt of yin and yang; it is also "fighting for the sex," ie war between justice and education ("Management" is moral, "sex" is the desire, the longing of man). For example, to see a person experiencing difficulties, there is no food and reason you want to give him a contract to buy food, so you went to put his hand into his pocket to get the money out. But just then, a second memory immediately arises: "Wait! If this coin for him, I do not have the money to take the bus, walk to the house, or ... well do not tell! "So they want to discharge the first anniversary, second anniversary of his thought, weigh put money back into his pocket, no longer want handouts. 
The work goes on like this, from small animals to large animals, from one to ten contracts for copper, hundred, thousand, ten thousand contracts, etc. are so evenly-discharge which wanted to give alms, first anniversary want to discharge, but the later thought to himself: "I want to go eat, I have no money," should not be able to help other people. Finance candidates is not easy! There is even the thought: "I give alms, give my money to someone else is too stupid. Why do people not give to me, huh? "Often in times when you want to give alms, and also want to benefit sentient mind; therefore, it's easier said alms, do they find it difficult to time. 
The second type of legal alms giving. "France pilots' ie legal alms. I preached this sermon is also doing charity law. There is a saying: 
"Chu secondary offerings,
offerings French dinner. "
(In these types of offering,
Offering France is the highest.)
Why? Because generosity is limited amount of money, generosity is not limited volume method. As I am now teaching experience, if you hear a classic question can then enlightened, rightly understood, attained a realm wins, then my merit will be great. Why is that? Since I have teaching experience lectures help you become a Buddha, you become a Buddha was built by my lecture sermon to you; therefore merit is the largest trial law. 
The third type of generosity fearless pilot. What are fearless generosity? It's comforting, appease those who are having bad luck, ears flying art posts, or invert the diaphragm. What are raging against? That's pillage, fire disaster, or the fear of terror. When people are fearful horrors, his consolation for people to help, encourage and: "I should not have worried about being free, whatever may slowly solved!"; it was so fearless pilot. 
The other day there is a lost wallet, I saw her face was worried, she asked me: "Oh! I have lost bag of money, how now? "
I said: "She should not worry, she will look back pockets."
Results indeed my words fulfilled, she returned to the old place and found, still not lost. It is also fearless pilot-make others fear mitigate anxiety. Here I offer only minor issues to, for example, the big problem is a lot; but if we know what the problem is small, then the big problem is also easily understood. 
The above is talking about alms strategy, ie the first of six degrees (at the time). The second is morality . The most important thing is Buddhist precepts. So what is the world? About the "only non-evil room" - "just evil" is a suspension or termination of all evil; "Non-room" as a precaution all false guilt. What's wrong, not right, known as "Africa"; is also true is called "marketing." 
Gender is also "evil desert monks work, we improve the service of" the evil -all are not made, all good works are done. 
Now hear me tell you a story. As a child, I do not know much about math, do not know how to calculate. Why say I do not know how to calculate it? No money is right, but everyone has the money, I took it the other-have a go at it for a contract, two contracts are both contracts to end, do not want to keep the money themselves. This, according to common sense says there is too silly or not? Do not know how to help yourself, help others only worry-my childhood was like that, always wanted to help others. 
Helping people is to benefit the people, the main benefit is the Bodhisattva Development Center. Bodhisattva Development Center wants to benefit others and not to benefit themselves. Tier Bodhisattva himself would rather endure hardship travail, bear unjustly, not to make others were unjustly afflicted. We have found such a center, which called attention benefit of others. The main benefit of others is at the heart center Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva mind is "we serve good practice" -all must do good works. 
We should not see what measure calculated and compared: "To calculate the losses if you are vulnerable or not? There are not ripped off? There is no benefit to be gained? "
For example, you'll need to purchase that item went to a lot of company store belongings, photos of the other firm, parsimonious calculated, and compared them: "Its price is cheap, the beautiful furniture, buy this brand better! "; so went to purchase. Jacob, brought on trial knew it was a fake by chemical, visual appearance is very nice, it looks good, but how long has not been used and damaged. So, although you'll want to gain back the losses that result. It is only known that the benefits of their own, just want to take advantage of their parts. We need to think of others, not only for his personal calculations. 
Thus, morality is:
"Opening Chu evil work,
they serve good practice. "
How many types of people? World there are many types! The Buddhist home after refuge, if you want to take the next step, it is necessary to the life of the Five (Five Precepts). After five precepts life then, if you want to practice a step forward, the people in the world who can expectancy Eight (eight precepts). Furthermore, there are Ten sex (gender Cross), ie novice. After the novice monastic life and the world, back to life two hundred and fifty people if the bhikkhus, or three hundred and forty-eight people if the nuns. Bodhisattva bodhisattva also presented. Bodhisattvas of ten people present include important and contempt forty-eight world. Ten major world if violations are brought very serious sin, once committed, then it can not repent; committed contempt of the world can repent, amend mistakes. 
When about to enter Nirvana Buddha, Venerable Ananda, the Buddha taught four things sometimes; one of four that is: "When the Buddha was alive, we take the Buddha as teacher, Buddha is our Master. So after Buddha attained Nirvana, who will be our Master? " 
The Buddha said to Ananda, saying, "After we enter Nirvana, he must take the World as the Teacher."
It's sure renouncers all bhikkhus, nuns have "reason World of Su" ( About as I get). So if you want the house for ordination, certain to be ordained to meet the world demand. And, given the traditional export this world can be certain bhikkhus, because nuns are not allowed to ordain. (In the Buddhist precept of not allowing ordained nuns.) So, there are many kinds of people as novice, fully-ordained monk, the bodhisattva world. 
We want to be certain Taoists are ordained. If you can preserve the purity of the world can be beautiful, bright as lapis gem, treasured. 
In the past few days, I have talked about Attorney Act Statement (Tang) on ​​Mount Chung Nam, His precepts refined by serious disasters should be offered to staff. Thus, morality is extremely important! The Buddhist precepts, if not life, then practice how well trough just like the average, how much water poured into drain it all out!
The body is our friendship contraband, the illegal exit. If you can, then morality becomes progressively longer outflows. This ethical organic contraband, I now can not openly preach to you is. You do want to learn the method, the ways of every one by one little question, I will preach to listen, so now can not be openly preached. 
Surangama the conference this time is a most arduous conference, and a conference-most difficult to learn every day from nine am to six pm. Someone said: "Even in school nor learned so much!" 
But today's schools are our schools "escape samsara," school "of award respectively." () Is Shurangama Teaching "award," meditation is "out" conception of the process, understanding and practice must go together; that's called "foot pedal field, personally practical," a little sloppy and not permissive, and not a little deceiving ourselves. If you lie, the people are also deceived. Now I said you ripped off and, in fact, that is not deceptive. It is nothing less than to help you solve the problem of his own birth and death, and provide the greatest benefit to you in the future, so you should definitely "award, the" simultaneous practice.
lectured on "the progress of the same," now I give an example: There was a man who was blind and paralyzed it live together, and in a few other people there to help them. One day, people are not going away-they came to learn Buddhist Lecture Hall Shurangama anywhere, but to go fishing, go swimming, go shopping, shopping ..., generally is going to do things that people Favorite earth-just blind and paralyzed at home. 
Incidentally, also on that day, their house destroyed by a fire. You think they have to do now? The blind do not see that the road should not know where to run; see the list though, but I could not run away is all. You say there is sorrowful, but not dangerous !? The blind man about to die burned, the list will be burned to death! 
At that time, there is a knowledge-based Compassion to tell them that: "The two men could escape, away from the burning house. Just grab the eyes of the blind user list, grab the foot of the blind for paralysis borrow. Now, the two men would work together like 'the corridor, the light' so, with assistance, help out each other. "
Get "the light sweet baby" to compare, then imagine overkill; but I am afraid that people do not understand, should be given a specific example only. So, bring the paralyzed legs lend the blind, the paralyzed eye for blind users, is how? There is a list of the hook eye and then up into the eyes of the blind spot is not? If so, no doctor can not do the surgery, though his eyes did not hook anything useful. If you take the foot of the blind man crippled leg transplant, also not easy to do, but there is no specialist. What to do? It's called "institutional quality personnel, information reaches the right turn," () is the blind ie carrying the list, the list just for the blind, make blind people go to the right, turn left, or just go straight. Blind people have feet, but no eyes, see not, should have to obey the instructions of the list. Thanks to the compassion shown only knowledge, so both of them can help themselves escape from house fire. 
Teaching the meaning of this, people should not misunderstand my intent, saying: "He said I was blind! He said I was paralyzed! " 
You do not have to be blind or paralyzed man, I is not paralyzed or blind man; I know nothing of this doctrine should like to preach viz. This is not about you, nor speak of me; but also is said about you, but I also talk about that!
So, we should not be complacent, do not think you have a lot of knowledge, his wisdom was vast. Because, if so, ask why you have not become a Buddha? That's because you are too complacent, that we learn more knowledge! In fact, learning what it is to be a stumbling block, you have plenty of intellectuals are intellectuals hindrances; you shall be capable of large capacity obstacles; obstacles that can not be a director. 
Now we should abandon thoughts distinguishing "me, you, they," do not need them anymore. Make your thoughts subside, tranquility, chastity, make your stomach empty. To do anything wrong? To contain such dishes taste wonderful "pool problem" supreme law of magic! 
I remember last year a laywoman (she is now Ph.D.) confessed that in her head, "there is a lot of garbage, more garbage, cleaning is not clean"; have that right? So, now I will use her words and say to each person we dispose of garbage in my head, wipe the scum thoughts in your mind, and then go to my lectures, then can be "a thousand realizations heard," easy to understand! 
Said this about the economic section. "Van Hanh Bodhisattva" - "Bodhisattvas" ie including all Bodhisattvas; "Operator" means the virtues which ranks countless bodhisattvas to practice. Bodhisattvas operated since then; above talked about two of generosity and morality, so there are four degrees warmer.
So, the third is patience . Patience was born three types of legal persons and legal unborn ring. 
Fourth diligently paramitas. "Effort" is energetically carry forward, not backward. In the Lotus Sculpture, at the Bon The Buddha of Medicine have written the Bodhisattva Medicine King Buddha-worshiping self burned his body wrapped around him, sprinkling scented oil, and coal burning in front of the Buddha himself offerings. If you want to know more, you can study the Lotus Sutra, the Buddha of Medicine at The Bon has said very clearly. 
Why Bodhisattva Medicine King Buddha worship burned body? Because kindness of Buddha felt very heavy, and it was great, can not repay, so he decided to bring out the body and mind of his own threatening to burn offerings to the Buddha. His body burning for how long? Very long, so long that can not unspeakable. 
General Tendai monk worth seeing the Buddha of Medicine in Beijing Bon The Lotus Sculpture to paragraph: "Market feet diligence, legal marketing lists offerings feet," (which is a diligent foot, the foot is called legal offerings), he entered the. In the, he found the conference Soul Mountain, see Buddha Shakyamuni's teachings are still there, moving great sermon, religious beings. He immediately realized Phap Hoa Tam-black. He entered the French eighty States, and obtained the "Best Hindrances Da-la-ni." () After the production, widen the wisdom and value of General Tendai monks founded and became the ancestor of sect Profile this. 
Relative merits burn offerings of Bodhisattva Medicine King Buddha truly incredible; effort that is true. Not like us, spit a piece of fuzz on his body and unfortunately, could not bear, so have a saying: 
"Children benefit Baht mao most men, regardless of field."
Uprooted a downy fibers that are beneficial to all men, nor do. Why is that? It's so selfish benefit only themselves but do not know the benefit of others, should not be called diligent. 
Thursday is the meditation Paramita. Meditation with the Charity Bowl. In the Shurangama said to "submit order to eternal" (grades nine consecutive meditation); So I waited to section chief will explain thoroughly, this does not go into detail what to do. 
What is the Charity Bowl? Now I will briefly introduce the realm of Charity.
"Charity" include meditation, subtle meditation, meditation third quarter and meditation. realm Profile In meditation, the circuit will stop your heart beating. The level II meditation, your breathing will be suspended; nose no longer exhalation. Was so dead? No, there is nothing else but a state, a second plane only. Tam How to meditate? Then the formula will stage, concept stage and always. 
Profile realm of meditation is "ly blissful place of birth." When you reach the realm of joy, cardiac vessels, but yourself feel so happy, it's called the "ly blissful place of birth." In Profile meditation, the force has not yet solidified. 
By the Second Jhana, ie the realm of "blissful place of birth," is the solid force in Profile meditation much more. Then stop breathing passage, respiratory and outside stages, respiratory inside alive. We are all external respiration, internal respiration is not. If breathing inside it, then you will not die, to live well for many years; but then it turned into a long-lived "saw demons hold," worried keepers "rotten leather bag", then use anything useful! 
Three of meditation known as "glass wedding bliss place. "" Joy "and leave. The practice happy to say, was happy, very happy. Tam meditation called "glass wedding bliss place," this kind of peacefulness extremely wonderful. "Separated joy," leave the wedding, which obtained the bliss of this realm. 
Charity is the realm of "pure thoughts discharge location," conception official detachment. Entering the fourth new category is a step on the way to cultivate the Way. However, you should not assume that the Charity evidence that it is so great, because it is only preliminary, beginning a step toward Buddhahood, but have not yet attained arahant results. Until then, all things in heaven and on earth can you know it, but know it will not be accepted into the realm. That's roughly the realm of Charity. Bat comes to the very prolix, this temporary faculty not to. 
The sixth Sutra paramitas. "Perfection of Wisdom" Hindi, Chinese translated as wisdom. "Wisdom" is what? The life of the world that human intelligence is wisdom, in fact not so. "Smart" is the location of the world, is the knowledge of the world; and "wisdom" is mind-realms. Intellectual understanding of science, philosophy, radio, optical, electrical, chemical, etc. ..., all that science invented all worldly wisdom, not the wisdom of the world production. So wisdom is what made ​​the world? That is the wisdom of the Buddha. "Wisdom of Buddha" is not only a kind, but three categories.
reasons the "Sutra" remains the same, no translator? Because the word "Sutra" that encompasses three should be classified as "multi-function regardless of the session," one of the five strains of any session (in categories not translated) -tuc is meaningful because covers should not translate into . So, what are three kinds of Prajna? That is:
1) Document Sutra. trading All documents are in canonical texts Sutra. 
2) Reflecting Sutra. Reflecting Prajna wisdom that is from contemplate, their reflection, counterculture cultural nature. Your eyes wont look out, this does not look outside, but instead look into, it's called "their reflection" dialing back on their own screening. You can of their reflection, contemplation is called Prajna. "Quan" is the observation; "Projection" is the projection luminous spectrum. If you are using the luminous light of wisdom gained from observation to shine through the dark, illuminated inside you to become pure, not defiled filthy rubbish, it is "contemplating Bat elegant "so. 
3) Food Minister Sutra. Additionally, there is a kind of Prajna most incredible, most wonderful, that they really Sutra. What are they really? Food Minister Sutra is "willow means" which refers to the business. Willow is that they really, really are is also in another sense. 
You may not understand what "really are" is and hesitate: "The term for me it's strange, I do not know this word is explained how!" 
Now I'm sure you know: "The Minister" is in another sense, in another sense they really are. So, what are they really? 
"The minister assumed,
formless wild, wild omnipresent minister. "
"The Minister" means the Minister does not have, but what is there is no minister. You say it has no minister you? It's what generals are also so-called "real minister." 
"The minister formless, omnipresent minister." This realm, if you understand it will become neighbors of the Buddha, the Buddha fell one step away. But this is easier said realm, which is attained is not easy. Although not easy, but we must also think of ways to go on this road. If you find it difficult not to go further went, such as saying: "I want to go to New York, but far too expensive, go by plane or car are also very expensive. Well, I do not want to go again! "You do not go, then forever to get to New York, did not know the face of New York's How! The Buddha is the world-you want to become a Buddha, but because of the way it is remote afraid exquisite, need to undergo a long period of time behind class, so you have "positive outlook manic admiration" () that: " Oh! Why so hard that I did not learn the Dharma anymore! I wanted to find something a little easier, but do it easily! "So what you forever will never become Buddhas were both !! If you do not want to become a Buddha, and there's nothing to say anymore, this custom you. But if you want to become a Buddha, it is necessary to strive to overcome all difficulties! There is a saying:
"The difficult pediatric post-avant plans."
The people, they first have to undergo a certain phen hardships, then be able to achieve easy. Old virtues have questions:
"No business remains the most radical versions welding,
apricot flowers slowly attained refugee aroma therapy? "
(Do not go through chilly winter,
Apricot Flowers blooming fragrant star?)
China apricot in the aroma sweet asphyxiation, not offset with apricot in the United States, does not have any fragrance. Like the Chinese, the other morning, at a distance of two miles it still smelled faintly of the fragrance in the air. Why such a fragrant apricot? By apricot trees bloom in mid-winter, have to endure the freezing chilly winter, so the flowers are very fragrant flavor shine. 
Talking about Food Minister Sutra, there is someone there, there are people who do not? Not so! Every living thing has this kind Sutra, each minister beings have real wisdom; but like "human security" in this business-so that we do not know just make it visible to only; valuable asset that made her, but I do not know, so they have to make the same poor man. 
Prajna nature of which we are really are full, but because I do not understand themselves, so that turned into a poor man for the law. 
Diamond Sutra says: "All the officer, the period of market falsehoods. The downside is the non-lettered Minister General, which is the Tathagata. " 
All you have general are assumed temporary condition; if you can from the minister that said property is formless, then see the Tathagata. You can understand the obligations of France, ending the study of French origin, is like so see Buddha. See the source of all the French, was found Buddhism. So, this fact is general Prajna wisdom that each of us has, we need to open the treasures of this wisdom, can make manifest "duty hybrid category covers" his own . 
In the past we do not know with Food Minister Sutra, the gold mines such as full without anyone knowing it. But there is gold, but if no one known to excavate up, you will not see the gold. There are people though that the gold mines, but does not exploit it and do not know that, would not be able to get the gold. So what to do? Need to excavate gold mines and then use labor exploitation efforts, digging, filtering, can get gold, and gold time new show out!
That's what? We each have a gold mine, but did not know. Is the fact that gold mines minister Sutra. Now we hear the lecture, said the Food Minister Sutra, but we still can not use Food Minister Prajna, not excavated "gold mine" Food Minister Prajna his own, so they do not know so well. Whoever Development Center diligent practice, the excavation of the "gold mine" Food Minister in his nature, all the inherent Buddha nature will manifest: "Ah! I am the Buddha! " 
Yes! All people are basically Buddhist, as Shakyamuni Buddha once said: 
"Necessarily all living beings have the Buddha nature, Buddha-operation between afford."
(All beings have Buddha nature, and can act as a Buddhist.)
However, we can not say: "I am Buddhist, by" all beings have Buddha nature, Buddha can do. ' Buddha said I was Buddhist, Buddhist, I was right! I do not need to practice anymore. "You are not religious, the other is like a gold mine, but you know it's a gold mine, but otherwise tried to exploit, try to ask you can get gold? Certainly not! So everybody has to practice hard! 
Already talked about at the time. "That," also known as Luc paramitas. Then "paramitas" mean? "Paramitas" is Sanskrit and implied that the ultimately successful. What the successful consummation, He called paramitas. You ultimately want to study Buddhism to become a Buddha, the Buddha ie the paramitas. You look forward to college to get her doctorate, the Doctor is parked paramitas. Abdominal hungry and want to eat rice, you eat and the paramitas. You want to sleep, he lay down to sleep a sleep, which is also paramitas. 
Patience is Paramitayana, effort is also Paramitayana, meditation, charity, morality, Prajna-are all paramitas. What job done successfully, fullness, then are called paramitas. According to the Chinese, "three dollars" means pineapple fruit, and "password" as molasses, sweet implied. So, we can say that the work done something a fullness, or taste the sweetness of the fruit and then, they were called "paramitas." 
So, in the meantime here is talking about paramitas, the unfortunate subjects that level bodhisattva practice.
Everyone can learn to play center Bodhisattvas, Bodhisattvas practice, work-it's Bodhisattva Bodhisattva Development Center application. Bodhisattvas are not selfish, never said that, "Only do one new Bodhisattva! You can not do bodhisattva, you can not compare to me. "Not so! Not only can we Bodhisattva, the Buddha, but can do more. Everyone can do Buddha. I believe that everyone who is present here, especially those who have been studying Buddhism for years, knows that he can become a Buddha, so I do not say much about it. 
"The Mausoleum." Now preached the word "The Mausoleum." "Prime" means the First, top of the head. First one to be? As Surangama. "Surangama" (Shurangama) Hindi, Chinese translation is "necessarily a permanent cure."
"Necessarily the" what? "Necessarily the" means all the work. All modern painting local galaxies, Buildings, all people, animals, the chemical species of low ovum pregnancy, these types of problems, the moral thing ... -het are all included in "the most essential." " necessarily the "Can thoroughly fortified, which can be obtained from the exact, obtained by the" human security. "must be obtained by the" security personnel "to be able to attain" in another sense. " 
Certification means to put his degree and, if the practice of the virtues which still Bodhisattva, the great virtues obtained. Attained age well then great achievement of specified performance "necessarily a permanent cure," ie the great work. So, "Buddha Danh" This is the "great people, great meaning, great happiness, great results." Due achieved wonderful place of four types of "modern" is, so it can be called private magic, there be called magical means, it can be called a magic well, the results might call magic. But four things "people, meaning, happiness, results" have obtained the word "magic" and then, but the word "magic" still can not completely replace the whole four meaningful, should use the word "college" so.
"Necessarily the permanent cure" is specified. "The" is different from "uncertainty"; "On" and "uncertainty" is not the same two things. What is called "uncertainty"? As we wanted to do something that hesitation, no definitive decision, within, and want to go to the south, but the truth did not listen, but kept going northward; or the heart to work well, but not control myself so drawn to the bad-so-called "uncertainty," uncertainty hesitation. Also, if you work without constant attention, there will be no permanent, long term. "Every heart" is the invariable constant attention. 
So now we learn Shurangama, everyone should have three conditions are consistent, successful, enduring. 
1) Kien. "Kien" is permanent, forever unchanging. For example say: "I decided to learn Shurangama, no matter how challenging the way, I also learned to understand until the new morality of doing it!" You can not "beat the drum line drawn between back, "can not go halfway but gave up. 
Someone said: "Learning through for days that are not well understood. A! Difficult too, only, not school again! "It's called the" baby selling scrap, "half-way abandoned, unfinished; rather than permanent. 
2) List. "List" is earnestly sincere, do not forget anniversary anniversary. You study the scriptures need to "play dead real anger," () fun and forget to eat forget to sleep: "I am determined to learn Shurangama here, I intend to learn where to place. I lay there, but do not sleep, this time I do not think anything other than business ethics hearing in! "
3) Hang. "Hang" is every prospect, unchanging. You should not be new to two or three days to have changed his mind, want to retreat: "Alas, this business too confusing! Dharma is so dry tasteless, school to school back did not see anything interesting. Well, your park or other place for the finished game. Classic study no practical; This is the era of science and technology, the research evidence on these old books, it's no fun at all! "; because there is no such constant attention. 
Without constant attention, it is not "permanent cure." There is constant attention ends solidly at the center is also the permanent cure. You have the solid center sincere and constant attention, the more vision is "permanent cure." Not because circumstances make change displacement, which is the same force. 
These are generalized sense of the word in the nineteenth nickname of this business. Now I will explain the word "business," the list of all the classics. 
Business . "" Business, "Tu Hindi called multi-la (Sutra), the Chinese translation is" business contract. "" Deed "means the deed with-out the contract with the teachings of the Buddha, under the contract of with inborn human beings-is "contract management, contract agencies" is called "business." 
"Business" means what? "Business" is the way. Why call "path"? All scriptures can help us from the mundane to the effect that reaches the sage and Buddhahood, so "business" such as this path. 
"Business" has four meanings, before I went, but there are many who have not heard, I will now go over. Four meanings are: 1) shop; 2) Photography; 3) Often; and 4) France.
1) shop. "shop" is "the theory that regular consistent" -What the sense that Buddhist doctrine is connected in business just like using a rope strung strings so.
2) Photography. "Photography" is "basis photographer maintenance of muscle." "The" mean? It is for the living beings does nothing for appropriate sermon, the preacher what they are living beings; so say: "Depending on the experimental teaching, depending on the disease for the drug." So people should preach this, it's called "the experimental teaching options." "Depending disease medications," that is, to see what is being sick for that medication. So also known as "body shops teachers beans," but in terms of preaching radical adaptation.
3) Often. "Often" is what? "Old metal invariant lowercase" this does not change -xua called "normally." Is from the ancient scriptures have not changed so far, not a word away, and not a word more; because no changes should be referred to as "often." 
4) France. But "legal" mean? "Tam co-written legal compliance." Tam-life is three generations past, present life and future life. Beings in the three generations are to follow the teachings of the Taoists business, which became the Buddha, taught that all living beings-y to do according to that. By four full meaning "custom, photography, often, legal" so called "experience." 
"Doing" such as magnets attract iron capable. Beings such as pig iron, iron magnets encountered immediately sucked into-this is the meaning of the word "photography" aforementioned. 
Dharma such as magnet, being such as iron bars. Ie magnet attracts iron, iron ingots pulled towards the magnet. Shurangama can be called "magnet" Surangama. Often a permanent magnet, but the Shurangama more solidly-everyone was "smoking" of these beings and beings that are no longer oppressed optimistic, laid-hell no, do not ghosts, Nor do the animal any more. Why is that? So great has been the permanent "presence" tight, well run not want to run, want to escape and escape is not finished. It is very magical! 
The entire Buddhist scriptures are divided into twelve (compiled binary sutras), also known as twelve, twelve or twelve per teacher: 
1) Where the goods. Ministry School first row. "Where goods" is what? In the commonly used documents can be rows and rows and very long, so-called "top universities" (prose).
2) the identical procedure. This is the verse (verse) is "identical procedure," recall the meaning of the paragraph on each side. 
3) Register the Life. What is "Life Up"? In classic usually refers to the Buddha Shakyamuni previous record for a bodhisattva that very clear, such as: "In life (that) he will become a Buddha, the title is (something) , lifespan (how long), chemical education (how many) beings at national level (yet) ... "It's called the" prophesies. "
Shakyamuni Buddha ancient Buddha has also been signed for Dipankara life.
At Buddha Shakyamuni's place in religious practice Bodhisattvas, Dharma for you to guess his mind was show how? When bodhisattva practice, he had been "experiencing hair mud mask" Buddha Nature Posted step through. "Experiencing hair mud mask" is how? 
Shakyamuni Buddha when he was in private practice sites, everything his ascetic practices. On one occasion, Jesus was walking and saw a bhikkhu was approaching and about to cross a very muddy way, into a pool of stagnant rain water. Then the Buddha Shakyamuni, you guess what he did? He said: "Oh! This place is too muddy, the monks advanced age, not skill, it will get wet! " 
So he lay in a pool of water, and sometimes older monks stepped on my body go. Then, still a muddy spot where his body was not covering. Because of concerns that the monks feet will be covered with mud, he went out and cover up the hair lottery muddy place for monks that came through dirty feet. Jacob old monks are Buddha Dipankara! 
Witnessing a devotional offerings like Buddha Dipankara very happy, saying: "As markets, as market"; ie: "He 'so,' I do 'this'." "So" what? Means of the bodhisattva is "so." Because Buddha Dipankara past practice bodhisattva is "so," so that the practice "so" is true, and immediately signed for German life Shakyamuni Buddha: "In the future, he will become a Buddha, Shakyamuni effect." Thus, the German life became Buddha Shakyamuni. In past lives, for the sincerity touched German Shakyamuni Buddha Dipankara should have signed for his life. 
4)'s the charm. Due to numerous causal theories numerous disciplines. 
5) Share the example. "Billion example," this means that the material obtained compared with that thing, get used to display examples of the wonderful invention Dharma seat. 
6) of the deity. ministry includes texts Buddha Sakyamuni recounted the incident in his own past life, or of the Bodhisattva. 
7) Duty of birth. These are texts said about things happening in this present life of Shakyamuni Buddha or Bodhisattva of the other. 
8) The advertising of. "Method" is four, "advertising" is vast. Dharma is said theory is extremely large and extremely sophisticated. 
9) The property employs a set. These are teachings which so far has said no theory, to now being spoken. 
10) No matter the theory itself. No extra visiting the Buddha himself halo, great earth quaked, and began to preach Buddhism-it's called "no self-theory problem." 
11) You start the (so-called "humor litigation"). These are the verses of the individual proceedings, but the quartet is not related to the above paragraph, also unrelated to the text below. 
12) Discussion of the conference. This is the way texts have oral arguments. 
Above is the classic twelve. There is the following verse:
Where goods, Chongqing recite poetic sign,
her boots, children's self-theory bullshit,
's coast, rate the example referred Bon,
Bon birth, The Square, The Organic cleared,
Luan conference, plus a set of cross sensitivity.
You want deeper understanding, you can refer to the University Tri The thesis, which is thoroughly explained in the classification of twelve classic. 
Tripitaka affordable mere twelve sutras categorized under twelve this? Not so! In fact, each business will cover the twelve divisions, and each passage are in one of the twelve divisions.
So, the goal here is to distinguish the first, general topic like lists. Now we learn to distinguish subjects teacher Monday-Run predestined. 
II. Run Church of Interdependent
"Church" is what? "Church" is "holy language is lower cost," - the words of holy teaching, Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, to religious beings, called the "Church" So, "education" is being run as How "Catholic" arises the need to have an affinity with reason; that it is predestined from? Human beings coast from the capital, but to no sentient beings-if there is no Buddha, Buddha without which there is no "Church" So, "education" is because they are born that set; and is predestined to be made being sexually escape samsara; hence the "teacher" so.
How to make beings end birth and death be? Shakyamuni Buddha because he wanted to kill living beings escape birth and death that appear, in life.
In the Lotus Sutra it is written: "The most modern of the Buddha's grace, huh appear so." (a contemporary of the Buddha because of conditions that occur in life.)
University is what it is? Great that's the issue of birth and death of each one of us-we are born where they come from, death is going to dig this reason if we do not understand, there are birth and death, and understand there will be no birth From the second half of Shakyamuni Buddha came to this world because they wanted to teach us to understand the birth: "Born" is like? "Death" is out HOW "Birth" is coming from, where "e" is going?
While the life we ​​have, in this world are busy traveled life. Why Humans as the ones in the busy food because rice and clothing pieces that traveled ... If someone asked: "Why do you have to go?"; it will be answered that: "For two meals!"
It is the ideology of the Chinese-meal for two! In fact, no matter what the Chinese or foreigners whatsoever, everyone just because pieces of rice and clothing that hectic traveled. However, for samsara nobody worries that agitation, thinking nobody thought: "Why I came to this world? I came to like? From where I come from? " 
Often when meeting and welcoming people ask each other: "Did or where he was from, sir? I came here was how long "; but, no one asked himself: "I funds come from?"
We even come from his mind would not be, so where they will go to be? We forgot! Then when death is imminent new frantic panic: "I will go dead"; last time, maybe we have forgotten, do not remember studying this issue! 
Shakyamuni Buddha that people no longer remember the "age of birth and death," so he came to this world to remind us to pay attention and research issues. 
In the Media Cart Lotus Sutra, the Buddha said that just because a modern Exalted predestined that the appearance of the earth. That is wanted for being "out detailed market knowledge Buddhist enlightenment enter" Buddha -German beings wanting to open knowledge to be pure Buddha appears in the world should be; wanting only knowledge Buddha beings should know the Buddha appears in the world; because he wanted to show enlightened beings should knowledge Buddha Buddha appears in the world; because they want to penetrate beings should direct knowledge Buddha Buddha appears in the world.
"Declaration of Buddhist knowledge" is what? All beings are Buddhas full of knowledge, wisdom, duty hybrids are more like Buddha; however, this nature such as gold mining exploration awaits, not so manifest. Now you know the inherent Buddha nature, can be "forensic practice," then as well as gold mining, gold taken what scum of impurities (impurities if there is not gold ). 
Thus, the Buddha nature inherent in us, inherent wisdom are we located? Buddha nature is inherent in the right of every defilement of us! Everyone has troubles, everyone has Buddha nature. But, just because we do not make our Buddha nature is revealed, so that turned into sorrow.
Now I give an example. Our afflictions such as ice water, such as water wisdom. Water wet nature, but also the nature of wet ice. Water is the example for wisdom, for example, ice is disturbing - disturbing in all wisdom and Buddhahood museum functions. What is Buddha Nature? Nature of water is wet. You can not say that there is no nature wet ice, can not say that the country has no national identity-wet and wet ice has character. However, ice can be harmful to people; water can not harm people.
Some people would not agree, saying: "I have preached this sounds reasonable, but I see no rational points. Why ice may be harmful to people, then I know that I would say is if you use ice block hit it, it can lead to casualties, so ice can cause harm to humans, but they have the beating the other hand, the new die! " 
"Mark who" is how the negativity is born; negativity is like being hit different person. A bowl of iced water before you bouncing your others, they do not feel any pain; however, if after water bowl was frozen into the ice and then you took another hit on the head, it can make an early, maybe even death. This moral is clear. 
The wise, though all else is cursed softly, so far as: "He should not do that!" He had the wisdom to speak the language and are making their voices heard for the very welcome joy, like the flush scoop her with cool water, do not feel any pain.
If you have troubles, you used to scold someone else negativity rudely: "The ignorance of him too big! "; makes people born disturbing, frustrating, and even fight anymore wrangled Fighting the injury is certain that such damage is the difference between ice and water, as well as points of disagreement between negativity and Thus wisdom.
Ice and water are wet nature; This is for example the wet nature Buddhahood. If each of us can transform negativity into wisdom, we can "revert fertilizer." Water is not ice, but you can not say that ice is not water, because water water into ice is due. You can not say that the water is not ice, because ice can melt into water and the water is frozen into ice can! 
Likewise, you can not say that we are not living Buddha, Buddha also can not say that they are not born. In fact, the Buddha is the Buddha of beings, beings are beings of Buddha. This moral-like ice is water and water-ice is nothing less than a transformation. If you do not change, then there is room disastrous; if you change it to be a benefit. 
Some people objected: "I say water does not harm anyone, but water can also drown large man is that?" 
You say very true! However, there is talk about the case of large water or flood water, even in the example I outlined here only refers to a small amount of water alone! I took this little country as an example; if you want to use the word ethical problem is not very much, is never exhausted. So, now you just need the gist and do not let yourself unimpeded by a particular phenomenon: "Ah! He said that the water does not hurt it? Large water can drown people there! I do not believe what I just talked about anywhere! " 
If you do not believe, I preach anything you do not believe. If you believe, then I say eggs grow on trees, you also generally believed; and if so, you will have wisdom. Without such trust, you'll never bounce being true wisdom. True wisdom is from ignorance that they should not be true, the water turns into ice, it is wisdom; water turns into ice, it is foolish Negativity is foolish. Why are you being afflictions? Because you do not understand; if they do understand, then there is more negativity? If you have insight, you will not have troubles!
So, I preach the lecture is "reasonable," so you should not be interfered "a" on. Explained the truth, you should not use "the" to comment "reasonable," and by the same reasons which do not have to listen to you slowly, you will hear more and know my teachings are correct; You hear little or heard for the first time, it felt quite strange "preacher's something I do not understand!" Because you have not heard the last capital, how to understand!
If you've never heard of that understanding, then your wisdom too great then! Maybe in past lives you've heard before, but in this life, this is the first time. First heard the usual familiarity, a little strange, but heard many times will become familiar. Like the first time you meet someone, it shows vaguely: "A! Do not know if I know this person is not it? I have met people where then they must "However, after many meetings, you can recognize easily:" I know this person! "The listening experience is also along such a path.
Once you understand their nature is Buddha nature, then you can turn afflictions into Bodhi. Bodhi is moral enlightenment, then enlightenment is your thing? Enlightenment is that we should not be attached. As long as there is room attached, you will not be able to become enlightened; therefore, you should not attachments, any things are not attached at all. I have not been enlightened, but I have no attachments please!
It was said that: "I do not have attachment, but I have yet to be enlightened, so our teacher and the same!" 
I and you are not the same! If you no longer attachment, you can become enlightened. As for me, I am not enlightened because I do not want to be enlightened. The reason I do not want to be enlightened because I want to live with all beings. Your heart is and mine are not the same person I saw both also good, so I could not bear to give up being, so I do not want to enlightenment. I told you to approach you become enlightened, in fact, that I found Bodhisattva mind. Development Center is Bodhisattva want to be happy people are happy, but for myself, it was not noticed.
I often say that if all you can become a Buddha, whether there should be infinite hell of suffering, my heart is orange. So, now I'm sure you know about this method, as there is good food, I want to be for everyone, and I just tasted the taste is said to be flagella for enlightenment and taste So, because I've been tasting a little while, so I would like for you to enjoy that. Want to taste enlightenment, you need defilements When there is no sorrow, no more ignorance, then wisdom will emerge that human being and liberation. So, it's called "open Buddhist knowledge." 
You open the Buddha-knowledge unearthed a gold mine-and then, it is necessary to "Buddha marketing knowledge." "Market" means Directive, only the knowledge possessed by the Buddha shows opening then you need to try use of force, as well as gold mining requires a lot of labor to work so hard. What do these things? First, you have to dig, then little by little star treatment sand filter, removing impurities to obtain pure gold. So need only present beings how to get real gold. This is the "Buddha marketing knowledge," only tells us about the knowledge of their inherent Buddha. 
Next is to "enlightened Buddhist knowledge." directive, then, to see that it, itself, then you have to practice, to the public. We meditated everyday, then one day course will Quit consistent message, instant enlightenment. What Enlightenment? You realize that, "Oh! So that's that! "Then you rightly understood, rightly show enlightened human being; It is called "enlightened Buddhist knowledge." 
Knowledge of Buddhism is not the same as knowledge of our beings. We all day from morning to night is all delusion, attachment; everyone one is not good for his heart troubles associated birth: "You mean to me too!" Why do people treat you badly? If you're good with people, how the people are not nice to you? Understanding this principle, there is no person that is not good for you, because the problem is not that people are not good for me, which is not good for yourself one!
One hand clapping does not make a noise; clapped her hands together, the new sound emitted. You clap a hand, there is not a sound? Of course not! So, if you truly treat people, then people will treat it with you. As you can see, people who are bowed Buddha, out of reverence, devotion to the Buddha; why people with such reverence Buddha? Because Buddhism is really good, so no one is good for both the Buddha!
Someone said: "This is not the news, because there are people who canceled butt Buddha, Buddha said is not good!"
Terminator patent, shall not be considered definitive human! Broadcast Terminator who somehow are those who do not understand human morality, so new patents canceled, canceled butt French, libelous Increase canceled. They say Buddhism is not true, but in fact, they do not understand the fundamental issues of human birth; If you understand the principle's birth, understood as a moral person, make sure they will not mind being canceled Jewels butt like that. 
After the "enlightened Buddhist knowledge" and the need to "import Buddhist knowledge," need special training efforts. What is "entering Buddhist knowledge" ? You need to use public efforts, understand and then to use the practice of their reflection, screening your inner. Now, in your mind, opening the true wisdom, and that is "imported Buddhist knowledge" that is like -tri wisdom of Buddhist knowledge that, not the other two do not. 
Above are talking about "opening, marketing, realization, integration, Buddhist detailed knowledge" -is causal generalization of a lifetime of being taught by the Buddha. He has since beings that sermon during the forty-nine years, over three hundred trade negotiations in particular asked if the causal Buddha Shakyamuni Economic theory Tathagata Buddha Danh Tu Show Password Willow Divine Bodhisattva The Mausoleum Hanh, the six of conditions; and that is: 1) multi-cultural market, limits on the power; 2) Landscape protection Favoured crazy as evil; 3) The true mind, show Tanh; 4) the nature Marketing, Promotion realization; 5) Criteria idea island, except for health or; and 6) Ming sensitive subjects, interests metallic oyster Now let's find out six weeks this predestined.
1 Market multicultural, stricken to force. 
The first is predestined "multicultural market, limits on the power" (authentic multicultural, neglected samadhi). "Market" is trusted in, relied; dependence on something? Y back into multicultural! "Multicultural" is what? "Multicultural" is much literature reviews, extensive study said many, many legal prayer heard, many intellectuals Venerable Ananda also qualified him under the most multicultural Buddha-all these years, but each said the law societies What he remembers very clearly. Whatever you heard is never forgotten, his memory is extremely great; It is called "multiculturalism."
possibility "intercultural" Ananda's not the kind of "doctor forced to sign documents." "Uncle" ie advertising provider, large; "Doctors office" means watching a lot of books. "Forced Up" is pressed to remember, remember grudgingly. So, "Uncle forced to sign documents" is applied with efforts to cram into his head, trying to remember the moral of the book. Ananda is not like that-he remembered it all naturally, no little reluctant, forced. 
Normally, people have a good memory, remember a lot of moral consciousness is easier dependence. Sword and the like? He probably become conceited, "You see, I know more than you!"; or bragging: "I learned a lot. I have too many qualifications, which is doctor of science, philosophy, literature ... You see! I have hundreds of doctorates in that hand! "Ananda dependence is a place to learn to listen more extensive; It is called "multi-cultural market," depend on the "melting pot" of her. 
"Contain the force." "Contain" is distracting neglect, disregard, that does not matter. Given that what is not important? Given that the power is not important; Ananda said: "The force is not important, it does not matter. I know many out wide, I then pour wisdom is the wisdom that play, but I had this wisdom, then! "
Ananda is indifferent, not watching on its importance to cultivation. Ministry Shurangama This is because Ananda Buddha said that theory; why because Ananda? Because of Ananda does not have enough torque. Why Ananda did not have enough torque? Venerable Ananda did not use the daily meditation, which specializes in writing only, see the book, learned. He is not sitting meditation; while people were meditating He considered the book, because he does not focus on power. 
Summer classes are now our new wonderful, amazing and can not speak-we have meditating while listening to lecture! Sitting meditation is "out" (practice), business is listening to "solve" (understanding); It is called "the last of the, of the appropriate solution." Understand it, then use the practice; true when the public would have been enlightening. 
I hope in this summer course, at least ten or more people are enlightened, how do I get satisfaction. If only one or two enlightened only, I felt not commensurate with the value of my time spent. So, I hope you each focus on this, and be careful to hold elaborate, not so "multicultural marketing," and not "alarmed the force." 
We focus here has the power, just focus on multiculturalism. Multicultural we learn, we practice the power of multi-cultural and concentration to be conducted in parallel. We must use the advantage of both aspects of this realm-the realm of wins is incredible. Thus, participation in the conference is hard to see this, if you each new enlightenment is not wasted labor practice their misery. So, you're not vain affliction has had, but even so was I; therefore everyone "happy period era"!
I ask this every day you write a summary of your practice, and gave it to me. You can meditate feeling, see what realm, felt or heard doing something, then just write down and submit me Also, you should also record the morals they learned; This is an event such as extremely rare and more wins.
We live in an era that can still legally mighty eager to practice like this-it is indeed true diligence. Early morning had to wake up, throughout the day dedicated to practice, went to bed very late evening-it was diligently studying Dhamma. Thus, the new you is not "multicultural market," nor "crescendo of concentration", but rather, that you are learning multiculturalism, are practicing samadhi; and there is the opportunity to be so difficult!
Buddha said theory Shurangama Mantra is to rescue Ananda. Why must rescue Ananda? Ananda So far only focused self-study document without practice Prajna Sutra Make Minister. His emphasis Document Sutra, and think it can still become a Buddha, can still be enlightened. In addition, he has the heart of what the Y Y? Ananda thought he was cousin of the Buddha, Buddhism has now become a Buddha and the Buddha's definitely going to help me become a Buddha, so they have religious or not does not matter! So thinking like that, so Ananda despised him not to force-meditation, no meditation, no public use, only focused learning Prajna Document; and as such, he to bed a lot of time.
According Shurangama , with one day to go thirsty Ananda carried alone. ("Beg" ie to hold bowl for alms from house to house, begging for food.) Or turn him into their homes alms like the Old Post Ma met her. Her mother Ma Old Post heretics believe in "royal play" (blonde), and religious life of pagan magic, pagan Mission also notes technical and legal private spa; and measures their power is also very inspired. 
Then she saw the Old Post Ma Ananda physiognomy extremely handsome perfection, being free instant favorite. But her favorite Ananda, but no way was he tempted, went back to talk to her mother, "Mommy! His mother to bring certain of the children Ananda, forcing him to marry me. If the mother does not bring him back to the Ananda then I will die, I do not want to live anymore! "
The mother of Ma Dang Gia loves her daughter too, he used to pay Tien Pham Thien, an uncle of pagan art, to catch Ananda. She has this mantra, the enforcement of the note make Ananda became deluded ignorance mean? Ananda time because there is no force should not be able to master his uncle was magic that comes under the control of the Old Post Ma mothers, and about to break world is about to break world Ananda what? He almost broke gender sex, one of five world-radical damage, direct, sex, hope, and wine!
At that time, the Buddha knew that Ananda coming down to pure sex. I believe at that time because the Buddha with his cousin Ananda, seeing his brother in distress, he immediately said Shurangama Mantra to rescue the Buddha said Shurangama Mantra is to break the pay of Tien Pham Thien pagan " royal play, "use of capacity makes Shurangama Mantra Ananda awake, mesmerizing escape the net. Ananda's like when drunk or drinking anesthesia, do not know what's happened; but due to the power of the Shurangama Mantra to awaken him, wisdom again.

Awake then, Ananda look around and wonder why they get into situations like that So he rushed back to his residence, to kneel in front of the Buddha, the sob that white Buddha that: "The ever just rely on multiculturalism, should not be directed full force. (Directed force is the force.) You do not have the resources, so now I ask Buddha to bow to the Buddhas of the ten directions clear how that practice has been on the force for enlightenment! "
So, the first causal theory that Buddha stated Shurangama is by Ananda multicultural haughtiness, but despised the force. Buddha broke the cling of Ananda, rescued him, and then Shurangama theory. This Ananda phen radical new development center practice. So, "multicultural marketing, stricken to force 'is the first causal.
2 Scenes from Ta households crazy wisdom.
Causal Shurangama second is "crazy wisdom scene from households evil." 
"Landscape" is a warning, warning deter anyone? Caution those "crazy wisdom" -What who have gifted intelligence but just think of the wrongful, even count on his wise mind to attempt something underhanded, to harm others. That's what wrong livelihood thoughts, evil, that they deliberately cover up, hide, because they think those thoughts wrong livelihood is their right! So, this business of warning people "crazy wisdom" often tolerate or cover up the wrongful thinking of them.
"Households as evil" is also "short protection," ie, cover, protects the evil thoughts or defect defense. The "crazy wisdom" insisting that his thoughts are not perverse: "Thought my righteousness!" 
This world has many, very intelligent smart, but intelligence of their own, "betray," leading them to do things wrong, falsely obscenities. Instructors came here, I remember a few maxims as follows:
Detouring sound smart monitoring market support,
monitoring sound introduction to smart highways,
No of sound monitoring using smart,
intelligent smart reaction was realized.
"Smart detouring sound monitoring market support." Why is it smart? Because life before they are virtuous, so in this life they are very smart. Or is life before you read the book many, many chanting Buddhist sutras, they are also intelligent life.
"Sounds smart monitoring introduction Highway." Why are smart? So did a lot of good work, a lot of good things, a lot of "sound monitoring." "Audio Monitoring" is what? "Sound monitoring" means the virtues of music, good deeds are done quietly, not letting anyone seen as doing a good job If then brandished a gong sounding drums, claiming newspapers, or radio speech advertising on television, it is not "sound monitoring"-that nothing else is working fine, but severance "audio monitoring" is a good thing we do that others do not know. Works well without letting anyone know, that's true philanthropist. There is a saying:
Education staff is friendly, honorable estate market,
tri's terrible evil, evil means great market.
"Compassion is sex workers, regardless of market leg." If you do good that proclaims itself everywhere, everyone wants to know, it is not righteous good deeds, that's just a ham of "good" only.
"Evil tri's terrible, evil means great market." do evil that tried to cover up, afraid everyone knows, it is certain that the great evil one!
"Regardless of acoustic monitoring using intelligent / smart Intelligent contrast is realized." Now, because of his intelligence that does not work, then went negative virtue, does not work well, do not do the more friendly. "Using smart," ie, the use of professional intelligence odd, the "sub-sub-favored position," while ignoring the root of it is negative virtue. So, in the end there will be a cunning led to many mistakes, and then gradually fall optimistic, diligent work no good anymore.
Three Kingdoms period (in China), there was a man named Cao Cao; You have not heard? Cao Cao was very smart, and very cunning; so the folk have a saying:
Creating space demons title,
Emperor Yao position as god.
Cao Cao is smart, cunning deceptive demons, much less. (Devils last night it appeared, did not showed up the day.) And King Yao is smart, wise as the fairy skirts
In this country, it is often called the wise men, wisdom is "god." you should not "god" as a person too high In Buddhism, there are many law-household god in heaven gods are in favor upholding the Three Jewels-Buddha, upholding France, Increase holder. Therefore, Buddhism is "god" means the guardian deities. 
If the evil in mind that amendment, it will become a good college; conversely, higher if let yourself fall friendly touch, it's like the evil. The evil one when awakening: "I now want to remove evil to do good"; immediately they become a good college. Why did so because the evil that can admit strongly, strongly modified mistakes, to become a university should be improved.
However, modern communications would improve if fall into the evil. Such everyday you are doing good, but as nostalgic as ever, but still not found the inspiration to discourage discouraged: "I dedicate themselves to charity, so much the better, but do not have the touch at all; working alone is just bad, evil for it! "And so you do things to harm others, cheat others, be detrimental to others, and you become the evil. Why is that? Because you have "intelligent tri violation" that is not true ace, but still deliberately violated; that turned out so evil so great!
People with "crazy wisdom" often do the opposite arrogant, crazy, is not righteousness, but they still insist they are right. They can even justify murder and said: "If I do not kill him, he will kill many others. Because I promptly killed him so new that no one was killed in his hand all that! "But, the truth, the man killed was not curious look as they say, but just because they have an aversion to them should put things like new only. Friday interpretations are called "private wrong," is thought wrong livelihood, wrong Someone really guilty but cleverly fabricated very sensible reasons to justify, so that should be tried-out that called "crazy wisdom."
So, "crazy wisdom scene" ie warning, deterrence those extravagant mind. And "evil private households," the word "protection" is not sure we help, support, or praise from someone's wrong-absolutely not the case! Here, the "protection from evil" means that people have crazy wisdom concealed from his evil, the argument used improperly to justify himself. By having a professional who manipulate intelligence to upholding their own investment misconduct, and the experience is kind of warning to the person-advised they should not cover up ideas of their wrong livelihood, which should amended mistake, follow the true path, returning to thoughts of righteousness, there should be no evil intentions evil.
Only 3 foot center, displays Tanh. 
The third is predestined "only true mind, show Tanh" (specify the nature of mind, revealing Tanh). Shurangama sutra is a "straight human mind is the Buddha nature." Online only what the mind of the person who personally just vacuum the human mind! Legs human mind formless how true mind of man, we can not see!
Someone said: "You can see the heart (heart) her; it's shaped like lotus flowers hanging upside down so! "
It's not a "true mind" that is "flesh union center" is -tuc heart of flesh in the chest, with the birth of maintaining your network; rather than the mind can dominate, making sure you have the right knowledge. Why lend because the center leg flesh union of your mind, when you die, the mind must have followed you. Again, after the man dies, humiliation union intact heart in the body, then why it can not dominate anymore That is very clear-the union humiliation foot center is not center Your heart-leg is your Buddha nature!
So, true mind is Buddha nature inherent, display outputting house where your identity. Buddhahood is the property located? Buddha nature which is not inside you-not in, not outside, not in the middle of real life and preaching to the chief part of this business you will understand that morality, because in doing so have to say meticulous.
In the Shurangama explanation about "decade sessions show prejudice," ie phen display shows intelligent nature, and the very nature of this show, this is true of your mind. This sutra is talking about "nature show" (is identity), so karmic Buddhist sutras This theory is wanted specify the "nature of pure intelligence can" of "foot permanent center" in each of our true mind we are not to go away, the invariance property, did not change, so-called "permanent true mind." "Nature can purify intelligent" foot basin of the unstained mind-nature is pure; possible, in the morning. So, karmic third Shurangama is just inherent to the nature of mind and manifest root primordial nature of each of us.
4 Thi Tanh-making, promotion realization. 's economic fate of the fourth is "the urban nature, strongly positivistic" (the manifested nature, encouraging realization).
Legal subjects to have a lot of kind; even the religious and pagan goods, they also have the power. However, for the maintenance of everyone to the "wrong one glass, is to go a mile," so we must cultivate concentration, to do evil practice. Friday "to" that every pagan and practicing Theravada is the kind of evil, rather than concentration. Because it is not the right concentration so regardless of how long the practice would not be able to achieve Sainthood. Why can not the Sainthood? Because the "the" was not "the essence," which is just a wrong thing to!
What is called "the nature" ? Talking about "the nature," I have two very important verses, you need to copy everyone on set and always remember. Two sentences that like? That is:
Identity matrix for the millions of lost,
any idea Vong initiate an origin origin.
Why in the way of practice we often encounter innumerable stumbling, karma? Because our nature is not "on"; if nature "to" Okay, then what drug was conquered both. Why you can not surrender the ghosts? That's because your identity is not calm, they ma not be submissive!
Based on this experience, the duty has fifty kinds of "warm ghost" ; in fact, there are so many types of drugs, which is a natural drug, which is a ghost, the ghost's there, demons, half demons ... "God ma" is the Lucifer in heaven and often disturbing meditation your. "Street drugs" are ghosts on the ground, and they also come disturbing your meditation. Then there's ghost (the ghost), demons, the evil demon species, also came to disturb your meditation.
Why are these ghosts want to disturb your meditation? The reason is that before the time of Buddha or Buddha not believe you have been a house or retinue of ghosts; now you want to leave their homes, want to meditate, put his wish to escape rebirth, ghosts because they also love for you, your attachment, so new spirit to harass, disturb the meditation regulations, and obstacles of your spiritual practice.
Therefore, if the power is not enough, you will be unshakable stumbling realm where ghosts chasing them; even if the full power, you will not get them pulled, which will become "such as real estate, willow willow often clever."
"As such no action" is to power; "willow willow often intelligent" power is wisdom, strength wise. Once you get the power and wisdom force, any ghosts can not always make you both shaken; conversely, if there is no torque, no human wisdom, you will be drawn ghosts, lead. Lead to? Leading the homeland of ghosts, then you will be there, but her ghost ghost, constantly rotated; it's dangerous!
Every pagan practice of concentration, not knowing the importance of "character set," which starts from the top spot away from the site rather than the original, all elaborately slope where the body panels are assumed to have their mistake misunderstanding, that the "official" center of consciousness-foot center is, by mistake that this is a center for knowledge, they made a mistake. During Taoists, they can gain a bit of planes passed away, but not all of them are really in!
For example, take a rock fell on the grass, but can cause temporary grass does not grow up to be, but until the stone is removed, the grass still born right back to normal methods of coercion to suppress, pressed her, making no delusion arises is, it also "took the stone to have" so, are not radical measures, so that can not escape birth and death touches.
So, if not to get rid of the root of delusion, they can not escape birth and death are both willow! In Zen, people often take the first phone to save the "Recitation is?" This sentence is the first phone means to "wipe all legal, all officers leave." By brooding, searching for the "Who," which you can dig the roots and thoroughly clean except for the origin of that idea.
And so, there will be days you are of course consistent communication Quit, Quit enlightened nature. Then, after being enlightened, then you know that your nose upwards or downwards. Currently, you do not know your nose is pointing up or down; a right to know immediately that you have been enlightened, they will take measures. So, your nose is pointing up or down, this issue should wait until you are enlightened to be able to know!
At the time of Buddha Shakyamuni declared the doctrine Shurangama this, in India in a few heretics, does not focus on enlightenment, which likes to imitate, racing to "learn buffalo, dogs learn. "Why are they" learn buffalo, dogs learn "? Because in every pagan times to the people who, seeing a waterfall buffalo was born to heaven, he deduced that dotage: "Oh! The buffalo are born natural! We have to learn from it new! "So, he started to eat grass, eating even sleep in the barn just as fins buffalo species, of course, he's learned to sleep cattle, and the not sleep there for a little practice; but ultimately did not succeed! So, there is also a kind of evil to it.
Infidels have dreamed a dog was born to heaven, he thought: "It turns out dogs can be natural birth; So we should learn from dogs! "So he started learning the way of life-guard dogs kept such a dog, what dog food to eat, sleep the way most dogs will do the most sleep-like dogs. Even the dogs do not eat food that he does not eat; however, results also failed. That is one way heathen priestess of goods.
The other infidels have had many years of practicing law, "the mindless," which is not ideal in mind, thinking anything. People often fleeting thoughts, but he does not initiate thoughts, not what to think, and so that tu tu go back; want to be born in the heavens Countless thoughts. The result will look like then, he was born on Unknown natural idea, but then still have to communicate as often oppressed. So, this is a wrong thing to!
Tu "the evil" ie professional practitioners of pagan, and that is not the ultimate practice thoroughly, not from the place of origin. If you can "cultivate nature of nature," then that is the down side of house duties If interested delusion used to practice Dharma, you have tu tu forever nostalgic just as "cooked sand that want to rice, "never achieved both! Whether you practice in many lives many lives, much like the sand of the Ganges way, it is hard to escape the cycle of birth and death, can not be achieved Buddhahood!
So, you practice it meets certain to find the true masters level education to life, like a new desire to achieve the true power. Want to get the true power, you also have to endure the test of ghosts anymore. As I said just now, there are many types of ghosts there a ghost from the outside, with the kind of magic from the heart of our self that out. Ma from the outside, it is easier to surrender, but his ghost is born from the heart, it is very difficult to surrender. Have a hard ma surrender most, it's "ghost patients."
I remember at about seventeen eighteen years, I have learned dharma but also very complacent, thinking that he is an extraordinary man, and uttered words very extravagant. How extravagant I was told that: "Everyone is afraid of ghosts, but I do not. In fact, the ghost scared me, but I have absolutely no fear of ghosts! "
You may feel like talking too extravagant, is not it? I blatantly said I'm afraid of ghosts, and even the whole world, ma, ma place, god ghosts, demons, ghost workers, no matter what ghosts I'm not "tired" at all! Jacob, like complete statement, and there was a very dangerous ghosts came to me-it's "ghost patients." I have to go through a serious illness that eventually I became afraid of ghosts who not ghost is afraid of me anymore-I feel afraid "ghost patients" are really!
Because once you fall ill, they no longer act freely according to their own wish easily anymore, but as is shackled bondage, feel this body did not listen to her anymore-protection goes, it does not step well; told to sit, it sits unsteadily; throughout the day from morning to night just confined to bed, do not drink water nor eat rice-ghost systemic diseases were dominant, bondage. Then, I thought back and realized his mistake! I pretend that I'm not afraid of ghosts, but the ghosts of this disease to find me, then obviously I'm not enough resistance, it is not defenseless!
My illness at that time was how sick I was so not know what's more, just flickering like coming last breath mortgages but, in the seemingly dying dying and still not dead him, I suddenly saw a plane out what realm? I saw three of them cootie hospitality in the Northeast Kingdom, my hometown Northeast (Manchuria) with three renowned hospitality Wang element, which is a hermit, one who is a bhikkhu, and the rest as laymen. I saw all three of them together and asked me to sail with them, and so I followed them out.
Strangely enough, I stepped out the door, I felt my feet no longer touched the ground again; Although not sitting plane, nor "behind so universal value," rider riding rain clouds at all, but just bobbing up and down in vain. I go surfing on the roof and looked down and saw the built-up and very small; and I have also seen numerous people across the bottom.
We went through a lot of temples, large alpine river; to visit four famous mountains of Chinese paint-Wutai, Mount Emei, Nine Chinese painting, and paint Putuo. Go where we also saw a lot of temples and numerous passers-by that time, we not only throughout China but also to the foreign country has many platinum hair and blue eyes again.
Go where we stop for a moment and then go right, like watching the movies that-all this screen to other screens, the scenery changes constantly. The only other thing is there is no screen in front, and I really have to look at that time where I see a lot of things, heard a lot of things.
Then I go back to his doorstep. I opened the door and looked in and saw her lying on the bed. Right now I have to be aware of both the "I," then I immediately turn into an "I" in bed, and breathing associated with cardiac rehabilitation at that time, my parents are in the I stared at the edges, and then happily exclaimed: "Oh! My child is not dead! My child is risen! "
Then, I was shocked bewildered, not understanding why my parents say this-something that is not dead? Something that I resurrected myself looking back and saw her lying on the bed, not moving, what is the whole; then I remembered that I was very seriously ill. I asked, they told my parents that I was seven or eight day coma and then, totally unconscious, or do not know anything; I had seen this perception back then knew I was not dead!
After this incident, I turned into an "active human element," told myself that I was a dead man newly renovated and completely electronic delivery; and since then I no longer speak half an extravagant So, therefore, I am sure you know that: The Taoists absolutely not haphazard speech, not speech ambiguity, not to say things such as: "What I'm not afraid of"; by then you will be able to encounter the scary stuff that I did not expect to. But, if you say: "What I was afraid of all"; it is not right. In general, we do not say the word bullshit, not useful.
At that time, there is something else going on for me, since it is rather odd place. What is the practice at that time and I felt there was a bit of meticulous!
Before he was sick and I'm still in the Northeast, I have legs Ethics in Society. I keep nothing in the Ethics Council huh? I preach about morality, humanity, advise people to do good deeds. I advise people to do good deeds, what about me personally, why of course, the more I need to do a better job, can not recommend it empty but they themselves will not do anything! Then, read a book written about the natural behavior of Zhang's great sages, I immediately want to imitate him, he vows to high heaven, saying, "Thank God! Most children learn to follow the example of Zhang's present home! "
But I suddenly vows complete remorse, wondering: "I learned to follow the example he is useless does not it?" Saying so, then strangely, that night I met to the challenge of ghosts, we come to see if I could keep his vow to imitate Zhang existing home or not! I know that if we can establish what the vow, the bodhisattvas will pray silently to challenge our power. It is essential that we should not let out the rhetoric, smug. Then, after all, what has happened to me, and that's Hien Truong Nha what? Unfortunately, now I can not recount the reason is because they do not have the time, not to the right time!
We each need to remember, not so pompous braggart, not talkative about what they like or do not like. If you like something, then sometimes realm that you would like to challenge you. You do not like something, there is also the realm that you would not like to see your island. In short, we should not say the words frivolous, boastful, does not make sense
then to do? You need to cultivate the most attention-not your ordinary mind (who care), which use a keen mind for Dao (Dao center) to "the religious nature and demand realization."  What is "evidence- "? "Realization" means no falsehoods. For example someone born delusion: "I become a Buddha, then!"; and then, as I immediately felt meditating like Buddha himself also so-halo, and great earth quaked. In fact, absolutely no-that it is only illusory realm falsehoods, not the actual attainment.
Yet others thoughts: "During meditation, I saw Buddha to sign for his life, and asks that: 'You are about to become a Buddha, then! You do not need to practice anymore, then you now have a Buddha! "In fact, there are absolutely things, which is nothing else but a kind of falsehoods, it's not in, not really the realm of evidence. 
Shakyamuni Buddha Tao evidence into effect under the Bodhi tree. He has to sit there uninterrupted throughout the forty-nine days, and then one night who saw the morning star which enlightened After enlightenment, he said: "Strangely enough! Strangely enough! All beings have Buddha nature, can become a Buddha! "
Before Buddha attained, Mara from heaven came to challenge him-Mara transformed into a very beautiful female beauty, willowy going to persuade the Buddha not to cultivate the more that take time to marry her weight that, Buddha is in the making and not wavered or anxiety before captivating beauty and sweet words of her.
Visualize the Buddha said: "Alas! You claim that your beautiful-looking, but the truth is you are like an old woman, face imprinted on so many wrinkles is barren! Since in your eyes flush any jealousy, any tears; runny nose dangling; mouth sputum, saliva drips body thickness is all you dirty scruffy, and yet here you dare to deceive me? "
Buddha in the observation that, instant power of ghosts was immediately transformed, indeed, Mara turned into an old woman with white hair skin primer, shedding teeth soft mouth, his face dirty begrime, extremely ugly! Buddha told Mara went: "You look at yourself go!"
Mara immediately look back and see myself had such a painful situation is extremely ashamed, and quit running away. There are many other types of drug use every way to fascinated, challenged the Buddha, but the Buddha are not we make oscillation. By not being swayed by ghosts so he has attained the Dao, so evidence of Buddhahood.
During the Taoists use, usually to the critical stage, you will be our next drug trials. When you practice not elaborate, no success at all, it is not a drug reference; but until you get a little sophisticated then, it will meet the plating species survey of the island Then, while stumbling to, if not clearly recognize, you will be drawn to the ghosts and become into their retinue. 
So, if you want to practice to achieve "real evidence," it must have a certain "character set." Once there were elaborate nature to it, "nature" is not fluctuating anymore, all you will have to force ; and then, the results that you attain by nature is true, false, not temporary. Conversely, if you have been making ghost to fluctuate, your concentration is not the true things, but nothing more than a kind of pagan evil; and the evil of the heathen, you can not attain Buddhahood is both!
Recently, I have mentioned the problem infidels came to see the buffalo was studied under natural born buffalo, and natural born show dog learning dogs went. So, why buffalo dog that was born to heaven?
In previous lives, this buffalo had good guidance from the tower; but without good direction from the tower, it has done a lot of evil and retribution of evil acts are themselves oppressed as buffalo, however, because it has improved from the tower, so after a drudge report Buffalo was over, it was born to heaven Where was the dog's natural birth it is also similar. Every pagan, not knowing about the previous life of causal buffalo and dogs, so this misconception that by making buffalo life as a dog that was born natural! And so they blindly imitate the behavior of dogs buffalo, but in the end there is the slightest achievement, not obtained "evidence," does not achieve the true benefits.
"Realization" is the realization of true, true. Attain something? Attainment of true wisdom and the power of our own responsibilities, to achieve "intelligent members favored the" identifier help lily, lily supports, mutual dung attain his wife "to the foot of citizenship" means get your own attention so feet; and there is "evidence." 
5 Criteria idea island, except for health or.
Thursday is predestined "ideal target island, except for health or." 
What is "great island" ? "Island" is crazy, not right, not righteousness. When we say: "This person really crazy," they are not talking crazy human body, which implies that our thoughts and the thoughts that are crazy, not right.
Contemporary, from the place at Ma Dang Gia returned to the Buddha, Ananda bowed and asked the Buddha taught; He then said that the verse:
"Dieu station general maintenance, property sheet,
The Mausoleum United's bizarre,
crazy life memories Text ego ideal,
the French master Inappropriate increased relative term. "
(Shurangama, book 3)
"Dieu station general maintenance, real estate religion. ' "Total maintenance," Da la ni Sanskrit (Dharani), which means "uncle." "Real religion" is an expression of the Surangama University. This is the only full sentence Buddha Shakyamuni.
"The Mausoleum United's rare." Great for practice Surangama is the most rare, the rarest in the world; So why can this age "lifetime memory consumption falls crazy idea. '" Breasts Fuck "is a very long time, as long as infinite lives, can not be counted. "Crazy ideas island" is the ideological opposite, not righteousness. All thoughts of the world we are all "crazy idea"!
"Inappropriate increased period French plan itself." Shurangama whose functions are eliminated from the crazy ideas without beginning to our present, without having to go through any of three hundred thousand increased lifetime memories. We can cut enlightened true mind, body achieve dharmata capital, ie Hybrids As Emptiness, without going through long distant time.
Function of the Shurangama eliminate all thoughts of us crazy, hence the saying is "ideal target island, except for health or."
"Unless or fact." "Te or" that is the suspicion or subtle, so subtle to the naked eye can not see, ears hear, the mind can not think. Whenever we start a thought "no sense" and there was three types of "health or" popping birth. "The term" period is extremely short-lived; but is short but can still bouncing three doubts birth or very subtle. There is a saying:
"International or as a ceiling,
Self-identity as scene. "
The link "or" This is like the dust that-if there is dust in the room, only within a brief second will have a lot of dust from sticking to the mirror surface. Now the dust has less mirror those unaffected; but until a thick layer of dust, the mirror will be dimmed, no longer in the morning as the front half of the subtle charm of us are like dust on the mirror; also the essence of us, as a good example, and that's the University Park location glasses. Due to the emergence of the birth "or fact," so bright mirror obscured and becomes increasingly blurred. University professor Shen Tu can recite a verse as follows:
Bodhi Body urban life,
such as smart glass Heart Radio,
The time to wake waving,
ceiling Lightweight Materials used one!
That is:
Body as the Bodhi tree,
such Radio Tam example,
usually diligent cleaning,
sticky dust Do not mess!
A lot of people said that this verse is not true, but I was right; why, because in each of us have Bodhi seed, so our body can be compared to the Bodhi tree, nature also true mind is like a pure mirror in the morning. Therefore, "often painstaking cleaning," implying that we need to practice regularly and do not let the truth clear mind its purity is contaminated; That is: 
"Today wipe, wipe tomorrow,
Wipe wipe away the morning like a mirror. "
So his verse Shen Tu encouraging people to practice diligently practice is right; enlightened without the need to practice that verse.
Sixth Patriarch Great Master replied with the following verse: 
Life Bodhi numerous responsibilities,
Ming glass herons hypertrophic
most numerous animal hybrid deity,
whom Tran Ha parish?
That is:
Capital Bodhi tree,
mirror light, not radio.
Historically, not a thing,
Where does dust stick stigma?
This poem is by a theory has enlightened states, so those who are enlightened to know and adhere to that practice. There is a saying:
Most existing concept unborn whole,
Luc apartment was so alarmed the old!
When that was not even a thought arises, the Buddha nature make money immediately, the force also appear. At six senses-eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind-ranged, it is like the sky clouded over that.
Once that idea is not crazy anymore, except for health or well being clean, you will quickly achieve Buddhahood. Unfortunately, people do not want to become a Buddha, but the attachment plane "evil world of the five degenerations," want to save the world and be forgotten about. They are good size, do take extreme pleasure, his back to the Enlightenment, fused with dust. Although not escape samsara willow, they think it is good enough: "I am the way, just smart just beautiful; everyone loves me! The things that others do not understand, then I will understand! "
In fact, it's like the dusty mirror, more and more dust, more dust, the more tarnished mirror, not even light reflection at all. This life they think they smart, but that you wait and see, maybe ten lives after they became foolish as pigs do not out! So, in this life we ​​must decide the direction for my life, to discern the direction and goals, then there is a new practical measures! 
So, get rid of crazy ideas and eliminate doubts or subtle beings, is one of the major causes and conditions of this business.
6 Ming sensitive subjects, interests metal post.
Friday's karmic Shurangama is "sensitive intelligent subjects, alloy rear interests."
"Second half" means two mon- Equality Means subjects and disciplines. Equality major in legal fact , the "single-mindedly things," meaning that most things are equal Minister, capital differences; Vehicles are also subject the legal rights , the rule of law that is comfortable.
"Rights" means the right turn, it's not right in France is a random variable, is a means to leading practice in fact legal; Right, so the teaching methods are temporary and not eternal fact, the law is not changed permanently, from the fact of skillful law can apply legal rights. So, there are two subjects that legal rights and legal fact legal.
What are the legal rights ? I will give an example called "no right to the death," the narrator Buddha Shakyamuni not use hands to save a child.
The number is one the other day, have a toddler walking towards a water well and about to fall down the well. If accidentally fell into the well, the baby would certainly die choking water. Shakyamuni Buddha said that if you call it, tell him to go back to back, it's certain that he did not listen, so Buddha came fists clenched, and then put his hand on the boy and said softly: "This children, holding in my hand a lot Drag the hurry here, I will reward candy for me! " 
The baby will be heard cheering for candy, then immediately return to the United actually, in the hands of the Buddha there is no candy-absolutely nothing. Then, there is the Buddha lie to deceive the child does not? Not! Because babies are near the well, if you do not have an attractive and promptly attracted the attention of it, causing it to crash back, then surely it will fall down the well! So, the Buddha put out his fist in that hand-nothing-but said that it had caused baby candy to take back. Why do babies have to go back again? Because it'd be a piece of cake!
For all beings, the Buddha often used the practice of skillful means to edification. Indeed, there is no capital at all, but the Buddha being told that: "We have a lot of precious treasures. The place you come to Me, and I will give you many told Boii. We also have many priceless pearls, and many good things, other precious ... "So often greedy beings, everyone's heard favorable light eyes, immediately seek. Beings to the Buddha then said to approach them-that is the result of the practice facilities; and so-called "right of being cunning means."
"Almost Interest needle" , "margin" benefits, benefits for "post-metal." "Kim" means current, and "post" that is to come. "Kim" can be understood in the Buddha's time, which could also be just the moment. All beings in the present life and future can enjoy the benefits, are imbued with Dhamma. So, "sensitive intelligent subjects, taking post-metal" - shows two disciplines Union Rights and Food for the benefit of all sentient beings in this life and after-life is predestined Friday, belonging to the Church of Interdependent Run.
Thus, given the above six karmic Buddha has declared the doctrine Shurangama . This business practice is taking two kinds of equality (Food Justice) and means (legal rights) to the sermon. Buddha uses two types of this method being taught, made-suffering beings be happy, finally attained Buddhahood; so the benefit of this experience is great for all living beings.

III. Thua Photography Of Tibet
"His legacy of photography" also known as "excess distribution Tibetan regent," ie to analyze the business is located in the "organ" and any of the "excess" What?
"Tibet"-ie the Tripitaka scriptures, Law and Argument visceral organs. Tripitaka belongs-About three ways of learning, concentration, and wisdom-which, under the Dinh learning sutras, vinaya of Gender Studies and Discussion of of Hue organ school. In the scriptures, we often find mention respect the "monk Tripitaka" -this is the French name for both the three monks were familiarized organ Economics, Law, Luan. 
These things are explained in the scriptures belong The study, by most practitioners are taught how to. Typically Shurangama This appropriation is mainly taught us how to practice meditation. In business there is also mention of Gender and Hue, but not much; so it can be said that the Shurangama The school took root, and belong to the scriptures. So, as mentioned above, "the urban nature, strongly positivistic" is also the motto of this business.
In the Shurangama mentions four strains of intelligent foreign Purity (four clear teachings on emptiness purity), this is the Vinaya teachings but also not much; so this is not the business About business, education and non-Hue, which belongs to The School. So, in terms of the Tripitaka, the Shurangama belong scriptures, not visceral Vinaya or thesis.
Now we say the word "admit." So, "excess" mean? "Hue" means chariot; and here, "excess" is only for two vehicles in Buddhism-Mahayana and Theravada 'Hinayana "lesser vehicle is carrying only a few people, such as bicycles or cars with fewer seats; and it is also "bar text Pratyekabuddha" And "Mahayana" means "bodhisattva," the greater vehicle can carry a lot of people.
Dhamma, the Buddha preached including Mahayana and Theravada; then Shurangama excess of the classics of the brain is Shurangama sutra "legal education Bodhisattva, the Buddhist concept of household head," because it belongs to the Mahayana Bodhisattva law, and is one of the classics of Mahayana.
Why say the business is "legal education Bodhisattva" (to teach dharma Bodhisattva)? By doing this the Buddha for the arahant want to "age in primary direction," Bodhisattva development center, bodhisattva practice, which states theory!
Contemporary, Venerable Ananda when the girl has since Ma came to the Buddha Old Post, eager for instant petition Shakyamuni Buddha taught himself clearly "Bodhi path," the path that monks Tathagata had walked past the crows And the answer of Buddha Sakyamuni is the Shurangama in doing this because this has lectured on the teachings of the Bodhisattva practice, so this sutra of surplus on Mahayana Bodhisattva, rather than legal Theravada.
So Shurangama belong scriptures, and the teachings of the bodhisattva. Above is talking about "excess visceral photography of" the Shurangama .

IV. Ly means meditation
In the sense Shurangama is deep or shallow? This set of business ethics that uphold it belongs to the public of religion?
Pursuant to the judgment of the Tiantai four science teachers, known as the Four-Tibetan teacher education, information education, Special education, and teacher.
1) Tibetan teachers. Tibetan teachings are the teachings of Theravada, of the Tripitaka Tripitaka Catholic Church includes certain canonical Abhidharma Sutra (Abhidharma), also known as Business Agama (Agama). "A Function" Hindi, Chinese translated as "irrational approach," which means not spending teachings match. Yet, despite calls "irrational approach" but still is Theravada teachings, still belongs to the Theravada. According to Tendai teachings, the sutras are said to belong to the Catholic Tripitaka.
2) Communication professor. Later Tripitaka teachers have called scribes What religious scribes By this means, first, religious communion with Tripitaka, then the information with Exceptional teachers, ie "before posting of information," connecting the doctrine, the so-called Christian Fundamentalists "Communication" means to communicate. 
3) Special education. Later Update Catholic Church What is Special Special Special Catholic Church's teachings in particular, "other differently after" un similar to the information in the previous teacher did not contract with the teachers in the following Members, so special special. 
4) Members religion. Later Special education teachers is Vienna.
In terms of the four-Tibetan teacher, Info, Special, Member-of Tiantai, it belongs to the Special Shurangama teachers. 
If pursuant to the judgment of collecting cardboard, the Shurangama science teachers belong Hien Thu concrete under the five science teachers, known as the Five teacher, and that teacher is State, Eating teachers, teachers Chung, DC teachers, and teacher. 
For the Tendai school, Elementary Teacher of the Apostolic Constitution is the Tibetan Prime teachers; Cards Special education teachers are Christians and Information; also three teachers Chung, DC, are located in Vienna, the Institute of So, five teachers and four teachers of this two-tone, despite disagreements, but that name is just one reason. 
Primary education is the teacher's Giao Thuy Theravada teachings of Mahayana beginning teachers, for those who only know "who did not," let alone understand "not legal" for legal -tuc is still clinging to . General education is also Mahayana teachings, for the realization has been "not human" and "not legal." "The" is not "legal" non-human also and are no longer legal, it's called "human but death law. "This is the moral teachings of the Mahayana.
Referring to the "workers are not legal," I have a plan in mind are as follows:
When Shakyamuni Buddha was based so there are frequent lay Buddhist invite them home for a meal; and routine, each time offering complete life, the Buddha will preach to all boys - boys who set offerings - listen. Under the law doubt, the boys all went before the Buddha reverently bow my head, and then graciously invite Buddhist teachings. If Buddhism is away, the boys can all appeal Arhat disciples of the Buddha go to worship, and worship after application, the approach also speaks to the boys all heard.
Buddhist teachings change taking food and I eat this every day because every day I say to you law; if the day is not the sermon that day I did not eat anything! So, I eat rice for problems that could not preach!
One day, Buddhist monks led University Bhikkhu come to worship, pay only for a very young novice at the Fine residence. At that time there was a boy all the remote provinces, wanted the same Buddhist monks visiting his home life offerings. He had prepared a few pure vegetarian dishes, and invited the Buddha and the monks and novice bhikkhus to real life; but to a new residence or Crystal Buddha and his disciples to the General Assembly younger bhikkhus going elsewhere, paying only a novice at home alone. The boys all went happily said: "No problem, sir uncle! I want to appeal to my uncle life offerings; Note invited to follow my joy! "
Note novice then confused, just know Riu twitter follow for all the boys to worship. Why pay the confusion? By always offering to pay them to go together with the bhikkhu, and never go alone both; There are people invited to go along for a meal, and felt anxious to get there and not knowing how to speak must preach, but do not know how legal it unto theory? However, before the passionate sincerity of the owners son, uncle novice can not reject it, but to press the stomach to risk going under.
Tho offerings done, as usual, all the boys knelt reverently MOP underground toward the stage notes novice bowed legal requirements. You figure out how to pay novice here? Note novice scared, he crept out of the mansion sitting, plug plug ran all the ancient Jetavana Anathapindika. Note novice meal is finished, do not preach but to flee, in certain heart attach felt ashamed, embarrassed!
Meanwhile, all the boys bowed knees for so long, until after the show notes novice just silent, not saying anything at all, they wonder: "Did not know this uncle novice to say what this legal?" He went furtively raised his head peeking, then strangely, only to see a building sit empty, novice no longer pay to sit there anymore!
See notes novice suddenly disappeared, just for a moment about a moment, the boy suddenly all ecstatic and his enlightened enlightenment-what? He understood the moral "people do not, not legal" - no, that would not have legal-and exclaimed: "Ah, so this is!" But only to say that he alone is enlightened not yet, but needs to be sealed again. So all the boys quickly ran through the Jetavana Anathapindika, found that the novice to get a seal of approval. 
Note this novice, after returning to Tinh Xa, rushed flew quarters, closed and locked carefully. Why is the door locked? So afraid that the boy home pay will come looking to claim pay "debts" legal, wants sermon notes while paying no theoretical means to both! Any doubt how long the door locked, all the boys were indeed found to take place and knocked on the door notes. Note novice scared standing in the room went dead silent, not daring to speak, in the abdomen just knew muttering: "How now? I had a meal of it, now it is up to the legal requirements, what to do here "before the situation urgently, it is extremely urgent, pay novice suddenly enlightened, moral penetrate "'s not legal do not. " 
Through the project, we can say that there are a lot of conditions affecting one's enlightenment. You can be enlightened by too worried. The fun factor can also cause you to become enlightened. Contact, collisions with planes that can also make you enlightened. So, karmic enlightenment of everyone who do not like each other hear the wind but enlightened; with the water running when he heard that enlightenment; the people are heard through the opening bell sound enlightened.
One wonders: "I heard the sound like that much time ago, but why is not yet enlightened?"
How do I know why you have not enlightened? I'm typing this bell, you hear the bell and then can not enlightened? The enlightened need to wait for the right time, the right time, it just happened. Such as cooking, you have to wait for the new rice is cooked it can be eaten; well, the enlightenment you must wait until the new maturity fate!
Now, before your eyes, you just need practice site dedicated to photography, there are certain days you will be enlightened. If this has enlightened you are, then, the better; even if not enlightened, they should wait unhurried calm, not anxious! You should not be impatient so do not be eating, sleeping not-absolutely not like that!
So, Chung Catholic doctrine for the realization doctrine has "no legal workers do not" ; That is the entrance to the Mahayana teachings sea. But that Chung teachers are "legal education Bodhisattva," which was not a Catholic education that ultimately there Logging On Chung and Park teacher education is that teachers lectured on nature "dung very afraid" of all things. 
Lotus Sutra , the teachings of the Members, and which says that in the future, all beings have Buddha can do: "Weak people scattered about, huh enter middle temple tower, most profess Namo Buddha, during public Buddhist Circuit. "
Ordinary people in the temple or the temple tower to make prostrations, then they must be sincere heart, to the most specialized. Here, the Lotus Sutra refers to people who do not have a heart, but in a temple tower and a sound concept "Namo Buddha." But that is not the focus, but thanks to a concept known "Namo Buddha" is that in the future future, they will also become a Buddha!
We recite the Buddha, should merit to all beings. Qualities Buddhist concept should be for all, because that concept beings, not for themselves; How it is even more great merit, as members more unobstructed space.
Instructors here I recall a project. When the Buddha was alive, there was Buddha led disciples to a kingdom, where the king and the people of that country are not welcome nor offered the Buddha and the monks. That time, Venerable Moggallana not go with Buddhism. Later, when he came to Ma Ha Moggallana could also see the Buddha to this country, then local dignitary from the monarch to promote national identity, everyone cheers bowed reverently and joyfully offering these need for Venerable.
Prior to this event, the disciples of the Buddha felt very strange and difficult to understand; they stir debate:
 "Virtue is deep and thick as the Buddha that when this place was no one applauded, no one offered! Yet, Venerable Moggallana only disciple of the Buddha, it has to be immediately welcomed everyone reverence, offerings; why? "
The Buddha's disciples came and said before asking why. Then the Buddha explained to his disciples heard: "You want to know why when I came here, the king, his ministers, and all the people were not offered to me huh? That's because in a previous life, I was fortunate not to them! 
At that time, countless eons ago in the past, he Moggallana was a woodcutter in the forest to cut wood daily. One day they were collecting firewood woodcutter ran into a hive and bees were all rushed out and fired shots. At that time, the woodcutter, ie his predecessor Moggallana, the Buddha and chant vow: 'Namo Buddha! Do not burn bees ye me. In the future, when we attain the Tao, we'll give you the first of the Buddha. You let go and malice should not hurt people anymore! ' He Maudgalyayana vow finished, no longer surrounded bees sting anymore.
Then, this honeycomb rotation to this day, the queen became monarch, the worker bees become the country's population. The old woodcutter in life, now that he Moggallana, is a bhikkhu. Because once the ancient vow of bees, the predecessor of the people in this country, so today he just came here immediately they received bowed respectfully, warmly nghinh to the country! Why? This is due to karmic past lives-lives before forming his Maudgalyayana their vow of the Buddha, so today they welcome reception like that. " 
So, we should cultivate the good grace to all beings, should care about them, they vow of degrees, causing not only a being that is all beings are the Buddha. Prayer, though invisible, not visible, but in the mind of every living thing has a string of radio can communicate to each other Although you can not see, but if you treat people well, then silently they will feel certain. For all human beings, you should have the center of their wish to become Buddhas. If we each had this wish, then go nowhere and are fortunate to be both.
Someone asked: "You come here and there and there, but no one to greet me, no one cares about the whole; why is that? " 
Why? Because you do not have life before sowing affinity with the people living there. So, the word "grace" is very important. We, Taoists, need to improve affinity with all living beings. There is a saying:
"The end result Bodhi,
Tien-existent to them. "
When Bodhi fruit harvest yet, not become a Buddha, then first you need to improve affinity with living beings. That's how to be kind to all beings! You take the good that treats all human beings, to behave well with all beings. Something useful to beings that do their best, you should try to do, do from the spokes. This is important, because it is found the heart of the Mahayana bodhisattvas You should not do Theravada Arhats, should not only know yourself, but to know the thinking of others.
"For Bodhi results,
Broad-existent to them. "
Why must the good affinity with living beings? Because beings are Buddha, you for being good to the Buddha that is good; you for being not good news for the Buddha is not good. Therefore, if you can watch all beings are Buddha, they will see your birth is Buddhist; if you see the evil beings are born, they also see you as satanic.
This is similar to the stained glass that brought you carry-blue glasses, the look everyone can see the blue at all, and the others look at you they saw blue like that if you wear rose colored glasses, why look anywhere Then you also see is all pink! Your eyes see how people, people look back and see how you did.
So, as I said, in the heart of all beings have radio communication with each other, communicate with each other so you do not think your iris to an evil mind, the other person can not know been. Yes! That person may not know specifically, but the nature of which has a kind of feeling, is capable of feeling. In the relationship between man and man, if you treat people well, then it belongs to the "positive rays"; misbehaviors with people, it belongs to the "optical sound." 
The whole moral and meaning contained in the Shurangama deep as the ocean, but you have to know the depth of the ocean is how much? Some people say that can be measured to know; however, the vast vast ocean, this is where you measure how deep, and there has to be shallower or deeper a bit, it is impossible to know the depth of the ocean is actually how Many of Ethics Shurangama too, you will not be that easy to grasp thoroughly the ethics of economic potential. Everyone enjoyed the benefits from Shurangama different, but they all come from the wisdom of doing so due Shurangama sense of very deep, photography wisdom we gain from trade will very large, and the prime force will be fortified; to be called "The Rescue Wing Kien Necessarily Trying." 
We jointly study the texts is everyone achieve slightly possessed, but the economic sense, so that was not intact or reduced. Profound sense of the magical experience such as sea this loan you draw the barrel, the country is still very much in the sea, infinite, there is ease. This sense of doing so, and infinite! Even when you're enlightened, then, the moral of this business remains as before, still exactly the same as when you are not so enlightened. You absorb much more wisdom come from experience, the wisdom contained in the business did not increase nor decrease; so the meaning of texts is extensive as the ocean, never utter. V. Energy Sailing Physical Education

This is the fifth in ten subjects distinguish subjects of Tiantai. 
"Teachers can" be? Why should there be religious? All teachings of the Buddha are said religious doctrine can; then professor of Shurangama what? It is a list, call, text and sound. "List" is the title itself, is named; "Owl" is each sentence each sentence; "Writing" is writing; and "bar" is sound.
Bodhisattva Manjushri were white with Buddha Shakyamuni that the Tathagata appears in the world, then: 
"Try the truth can teachers,
cultural purity in the voice. "
(Shurangama, book 6)
"Try the" world that is just Saha; "legs can teachers" teaching can be true, true. So the true teachings of the world can Saha is this? "Pure tone in text" text tone is the nature of the teaching in this place.
"Letter Sounds" ie sound, but the only sound that alone is not able to be called teachers; winds can also produce sound, water can also cause noise, but wind and water can not become a teacher can be. So teachers can be? That is "sound, list, call, text." "Bar" is the sound of Buddhist teachings; This sound is born from the list, set the name; categories combined into sentences; every sentence every sentence combined into the literature. So, "bars, lists, call, text" is the teacher's responsibility to business. 
Teachers may also include four subjects; which "bars, lists, call, text" belongs Depending Minister goal. In addition, there is consciousness-only subjects - Shurangama also get teachers can only do food. Even nature subjects Rules ("Rules" is turned on, "nature" is the essence), the subjects are not taught in "general", back to "nature" This business unit also took "prescribed identity" teachers can do. And, your wife is Catholic subjects of this business.
The only technical knowledge , the lecture about "Three idealistic world, the only things awake." Shakyamuni Buddha observed fate of beings to see what the law should be able to get their degree. Then from the pure consciousness, the Buddha preached Dhamma to teach proper beings; and from the knowledge, achieve well being of legal benefits. This is called "consciousness-only subjects," grab "the only official" teachers can do.
Regulation nature subjects, the dung very afraid, "reactionary nature formalities" - "knowledge" is gone, all return to nature; Thus, "provided emptiness" is also professor of business. 
The above subjects are reasonable there, which is under the regulation of professional identity. What is "Unknown subjects concerned"? When this four-goal keeper Depending minister, Duy professional knowledge, professional identity and Radio Regulations concerned with the subject-they are "afraid of the very, very afraid of the" Justice and the obstacles are not the same, all without obstacles, all very ngai- dung "very afraid" of the teacher is doing this.
Y parlance Hien Thu textures in Faith Run, classified into four strategic goal "bar, list, call, text" which is above mentioned subjects Depending minister. Pursuant to the only form of things interesting, taking teachers can only do food, so-called consciousness-only subjects. But incorporeal consciousness, this prayer says "Most are provided Tathagata most visceral, magic legs like nature," so the two teachers rod, excellent teachers are taking prescribed nature as possible, referred to as the nature of the goal.
Again, for the first three subjects, "the heart of the scene" are mutually very afraid, together regency expectancy dung. Depending general goal of "scenes," Duy technical knowledge of "heart," where the "center unobstructed sight" Back two subjects Depending Minister and Duy wake of "the," Rules are the subjects nature of "reasonable," but the "Management is very afraid," so called Infinite concerned subjects, and the teaching of this sutra
VI. Was the Department of Facilities 
What is "comfortable mechanical head"? It is talking about frugal living beings have been taught by the experience should be instructive body, called "body comfortable."
Shurangama classes being taught how? Doing this can be instructive, making "the data accidentally, located at the seminary" -Both beings and inadvertently may have evidence of Buddhahood. Principal component is taught sravakas, Organic Pratyekabuddha and every school. 
What is bar text? Tier sravakas who by the sound of the enlightened Buddha that they practice the Four Noble Truths practice-Size, Tap, Kill, Act.
What Pratyekabuddha? Pratyekabuddha two categories, the Coast Guard and Single visual sense. Tier born into the Buddha in the world and by practicing the Twelve's grace that realization Act, known as Pratyekabuddha. Single Tier sense was not born at the time of Buddha and often live in the same place dark paint cups, hermit caves desolate place, introspection born phenomena kill kill, kill kill sentient being of all things in heaven and earth:
Hundred flowers bloom spring bar,
watch Autumn leaves fall.
and by seeing this realm that realization Act.
Shurangama which teaches the two types of muscle or bar text and Pratyekabuddha, and all yogis always Friends School. What is Friends School? "Organic learning" is also educational settings, there is room for learning, and it ranks results Horn Quartet, Bodhisattvas. Four Luohan fruit, Bodhisattva called the Friends School; reached the Supreme Buddhahood new degree (person must not practice anymore). 
In addition, Shurangama also taught in "the nature"-that is, the bar text sravakas not want the "cottage in the long direction" So, "uncertain nature" bar text, why? "No to nature" bar text may "in sub-direction strips" "In modern sub-direction" ie can switch from fruition through Pratyekabuddha bar text, and the bodhisattvas.
Above is the radical teaching that Shurangama States however says the frugal four-bar text, Pratyekabuddha, Bodhisattva, "the nature" is equivalent body-bar text, but if broadly speaking, all beings Three are in the world we face the economic engine of this can be taught from the basics of the business.
This is the sixth professional distinction, the Department was trying to think, to talk about the amenities were reconciled Shurangama can making the grade, "the essence" bar text "primary direction in college," said Bodhicitta, the Bodhi results, so the business can say is "whatever is inorganic, regardless of inhumanity" (no root What body part is not, no one is not saved). 

VII. Special cardboard Interesting Information
What is "tone"? Cult, venerate called "concrete." Municipal regulations, where the trend of the "concrete" called "interesting." Cultivators II surplus (bar text, Pratyekabuddha) specialized lectures about cause and effect; Excess Rights II is also redundant.
Buddha Dhamma is composed of Right to Food and Lose excess "Rights" is a temporary short; "Real" permanent are permanent. The right method is to use a temporary excess of this, the majority are preaching about human causation-is "concrete" results are "interesting." To admit the fact faculty of enlightened enter-realization is "concrete," entered as "interesting. " 
Ananda, "or of being victims," ​​Buddha rescue, and taught him the "primary direction in college"-that is the "tone" of the economic times now to achieve maximum Ananda results, then that is "interesting."
So, interesting tone of the communication Shurangama with Buddhist; Unlike other Mahayana sutras, still tied to the restrictions on the right to the teachings of the Second comfortable surplus, can not attain Buddhahood. So, this is what distinguishes the excess doctrine II.

VIII. The Theory of Money Post
Now we talk about when Buddha said theory Shurangama. 
Buddha preached throughout the forty-nine years uninterrupted. At the Buddhist theory Shurangama King Pasedena was sixty-two years old King Pasedena same age as Buddhist capital, then the business must belong to the class method. Thus, in the (Hien Prime concrete) business judgment of the teachers of Chung, is correct. 

IX. Calendar Ming Communications Services
"History" is economic history, through "Ming" is to make each of us is transparent and understood clearly. "Communication" is the ordination. "Service" is the translation. So, this is about identity, the process of dissemination and interpretation of this business.
Talk about karmic identity of the Shurangama Sutra, the very long distance. When God fetal University Research Professor worth reciting the Lotus Sutra, the business was divided into three parts Auto parts are the chief component tone, and Traffic section. "Self" is as over-explained, the preface, the opening of business documents. "Concrete Joint Chief" means the chief part, clear tone of the experience interesting. "Remember the" end of the business, recommend everyone circulation and dissemination of business. 
Great location Assuming a separation of the contents of each classic into three pieces like that. Later, a French professor India to China, the monk told the Tri Assume University professor said: "He split like a classic suit in India. The scriptures in India is divided into three parts like; Typically the Shurangama also be divided in this way. "
Professor Dai Thien thai worth listening to, every day toward West passionate worship, pray can see the Shurangama. University Professor worship during eighteen years, which ultimately did not see the Shurangama this!
Contemporary, the King of India which is respected Shurangama, that as a 'national treasure' (national treasure). Why is it considered national treasures? Ministry Shurangama This is due to the Bodhisattva Long Thang Long bow down taking carry on, so people in this country saw the national economic security, prohibits spreading abroad.
Later, have lost Sorcerer Bat-God Shurangama translator into Chinese-raising economic intent of this spread abroad, especially to China, where there are extensive culture . At first, he smuggled this text go to China, no doubt to the border, the customs officers were raided and confiscated, do not give him away.
He then devised an economic measure can take out of the country without being detected immediately-with very small handwriting, he wrote the entire Shurangama up on a poplin and most smooth, then put Small and sealing wax carefully. Then he slit roll stuffed biceps and copying them into the meat, then bind medicine and bandaged them waiting for the wound healed. It was said that he hid in the thigh business, but I think that it is not respectful; so certain that he hid in the arm, or a thick meat in place on the body. Once the wound has healed, he left for China this time, due to activities of muscles should hide customs officials at the border could not be found, and he has brought the Shurangama on Chinese soil trot lot . 
When he came to Guangdong Province (China), it is also just as important Thua Phong Minister Dung and organizational change are caricatures of Guangdong. He was Thua Phong Minister Dung invited to reside at a temple in Guangdong to translate Shurangama. 
These are the difficulties, hardships during the Shurangama infusion. Today we can study this sutra recitation, thanks determination not afraid of hard miserable Sorcerer Bat lost Empire, who brought this to the Chinese experience. You think, this business of just how important! 
Suppose Grand Master Tri Thien Truc have known Shurangama this, the plaintiff worship during eighteen years, looking forward to seeing, but ultimately not satisfied! Today we not only worship but also can work together and recite Shurangama study, it was predestined so many wins! Hope you are appreciated!
唐中 天竺 沙門 般 刺 蜜 諦 譯.
Sino-Vietnamese Music: 
Trung Thien Truc De Sa subjects Bat lost service.
"Sugar" is the Tang Dynasty, China This is at any stage of the Road? Then, after the abdication Wu Zetian, China Tong recently ie the Emperor, the Dragon dating dating material. 
"Heavenly Bamboo" ie India. 
"Sa subjects" (Shramana) Hindi, Chinese translated as "immediate need" - "need" the wisdom clergy, "that" greed kills Buddha Si Sa can also claim to be the goal. 
When the Buddha was alive, the other day there was a bhikkhu robes Ma Wins deliberate steps are met Venerable Sariputta, Venerable asked him: "Ah! Master stately majesty as this, there are certain Master Teacher, please ask me to study with anyone "
Ma Wins bhikkhus replied: 
"Spare coast legal birth Chu,
Chu kills legal spare coast,
Nga Sa Buddhist university courses,
usually working as marketing theory. "
Italy said that: "All measures are from causes and conditions that are born, and from all the karmic law that passes away. My teacher is Buddha. He is a University of Sa and often teach subjects like "
Heard so, Sariputra instant win code according to Bhikkhu Anathapindika Jetavana, and prostrations do I export from. So, the Buddha also known as Sa subjects.
His Bat lost Empire "multi unfortunate need immediate, instructive and charming," so be called "Sa subjects." He Himself took Shurangama in China, and quickly complete the translation of this prayer into Chinese.
Why Bat God wants lost quickly complete the translation? By doing after he smuggled abroad soon, the King of India and want to know the sins of the customs officials at the border for loopholes, so he went out. Therefore, cross-eyed Bat Imperial Wizard wants to return home early to plead guilty, the punishment endured, not the Sultan had to punish the customs officers. Because of this, we can see more virtuous and noble remove lost Bat Imperial Wizard.
Dedication of merit Sorcerer Bat Empire lost to the Shurangama really huge! Today we are seeing this sutra, they should be grateful for the great virtues of Sa Bat subjects lost Empire. Thus at the beginning of the business, I would recommend to everyone a happy part of the lecture monk this subject.
Each one of us should learn well "to the wisdom clergy, anti-greed, hatred and delusion Instant" Sa level of subjects. What is "the world needs to cultivate wisdom"? 
Want clergy, concentration and wisdom, then first you have to take refuge in the Three Jewels, and then the five precepts, the Five Precepts not only life, once life then you need to practice medicine that gender . What is called practice? It is no transgression!
I believe that everyone knows what is the Five Precepts. It is in the world: 1) no killing, 2) no stealing, 3) sexual misconduct, 4) do not lie, 5) no alcohol. In this world-this is very important standard, level of size Buddhist people. If we can maintain the Five Precepts practice, practice the Five Precepts, the body will not be lost.
Some indignant, said: "Four people need to keep the front could also acceptable, but why alcohol is also prohibited in the world? Why ban drinking? I did not want to learn the Dharma; why u? Because there is a world of alcohol prohibition, which average birth I would love to drink wine, so I do not want to learn the Dharma! "
You should self-reflection: "Smoking is not it? Should not Drink? " 
Again it is said: "Everyone is drinking, everyone was smoking. It is the preference of human nature, there is nothing wrong with what? " 
They do not know that, "it is difficult to see familiar eyes," long gradual infected files into the habit, no longer seen as so wrong again, so toady blindly follow someone else-people drink, I can drink alcohol, people smoking and smokers themselves! Vices are decorated style training to become air for a long time, so it is normal for them. And so they set out stupid, unenlightened, heard people say, I say follow that, ultimately transformed, drunk worsening drug addiction, habitual accumulation harder than, the remaining mortar pestle controversial controversy, defended his vices; This is just sad! 
People without severe disease also had mild disease, mild disease without the vices as well as smoking and drinking are bad habits, should be put away, so that people would rather not Buddhist, but refused to leave quit drinking, drugs! You see, it was stupid to know how!
Why we need to keep the wine world? Now I'll tell you a sentence heard:
There is a Buddhist believes that person Development Center and Five Precepts life, just like alcohol disability is not removed it. So, after ordination, one day he thought: "I'm just a little sip of wine to help stop cravings, sure it's okay!" So he always drank sips of wine, and then see bland due to lack of target map. Unlike Westerners, Chinese people drink all need a little target map. 
At that time, he saw his neighbor's chickens are grub for food nearby, immediately grabbed glad it's against the world-theft. He started a chicken to do? To get handmade chicken drink! And, so he committed more sex kill again So, just for a moment that he continuously violated the alcohol, sex stealing, and killing people. 
While he was drinking drunk, the wife asked neighbors to knock on doors to find a chicken. He opened the door, stepped into the neighbor's wife asked: "Have you seen my chicken run through here?"
He shook his head furiously, saying: "No! I do not see any chickens. "So, he committed another language more gender expectations.
While they were tipsy, alcohol burning, the neighbors saw a very beautiful wife, so he starts heart adultery, rape her. After things broke, he's taken to the road, and be punished according to law. Just because he drank alcohol consecutive year range are presented. This is because alcohol disorder nature, which makes people lose control, do wrong to do, but a true recipe for disaster in itself, it is "a small flame can burn the whole vast field." Have you not Can not careful, could not preserve well!
After the refuge, you can apply the Five Life. Each year the charity world are guardian angels world-if you maintain the lettered elite strictly follow the angels will protect you; also if you transgress, the angels would have walked away, not to protect you anymore. So, the Buddhist precepts are important. 
Ordained way is like? If you only see the books themselves, then said, according to his book is no killing, no stealing, no sexual misconduct, no expectation terms, do not drink; is not ordained-ordination and can not simply arbitrarily so. Nor is it to burn incense before the Buddhist altar, or burn some incense dose arm and said that he had ordained! You need to request a Venerable monks demonstrate, formally transmitted to the world, the new world called life. Ordained finished, need to keep strict gender crystals, like new is inconceivable merit. 
The guiding principles of the Shurangama is to teach us to practice the permanent university. shall we cultivate wisdom to be opened; if there is no power to force wisdom, power without wisdom, how Buddhism can be learned? So where did the power by? The world is from the normal birth-bohemian debauchery, use spirituality that behavior, it is the practice. Amendment No. origin ordained that morality can in practice be the corresponding legal, legal permeate sea, achieving diligent, peaceful. 
Speaking to, there are many kinds In short, if there is external rotation oscillation, which is specified. How to get to this force? First of all, you need to calm down; that wants peace must meditate, meditation. Ordinary today we are going west, go east tomorrow, erratic, every three to four giong traveled everywhere, should not be calm. If you want to use for the public practice. Our present day religious days are set to; but in the practice of concentration, sometimes we encounter many realms. When the plane arrived, you do not let yourself be turning realm, which is the force; if you are turning realm that is not there for that.
As received letters such sad news, if you feel sad anxiety birth right, which means you do not have the resources. Because no concentration, the mind is not calm, so recently challenged is already unbearable. Or are experiencing the joy, the excitement that the fun run, so the power is not there; or see anything immediately they left the angry, angry-like is not to force, not to cultivate success. 
You have no joy, no anger, no one, not compassion; would not work with the emotion joy, anger, anyone, ball, he had to work with spirituality, that's called practicing on. Tu and then the new opening wisdom; if there is no power to force wisdom, power without wisdom, how could that learning is Dharma? The power, wisdom where that power? Are born by the world-so you must first be ordained, then there must be ordained morality, how can correspond to the legal practice is. Once the corresponding legal then you will be imbued with Dhamma sea. 
Thus, subjects are distinguished ninth Calendar intelligent infusion , introduced the background of the spreading economic and translator. The infusion has Shurangama is "the Way, the Middle Thien Truc De Sa subjects Bat lost." 
Eight subjects lost Sa De (Paramiti) is the "home service" translation of ashrams Shurangama . Why is he called "home service" ? Contemporary, in charge of translating the Shurangama not alone he lost Empire Bowl, which more than two hundred gathered at the temple Wizard Mode Only together researchers and translators of this business. And, Sa Bat subjects lost Empire is the head of the council interpreter.
Recently I have said that "He let" means "to cultivate the wisdom sex, greed, hatred and delusion instant kill." By three things greed, hatred and delusion is nothing more harmful poison, so also known as the "three poisons . "Cause we is not the Buddha as the three poisons; if you get rid of the three poisons, we will quickly become a Buddha. 
The three poisons are: 
1) Join Center . Human greed is insatiable, greedy bored. No matter what people also participated, also wanted for many, as much as possible; it is taking about. 
2) Ground mind . This is the heart Nhue yard; not encountered anything like that went mad, anger birth. 
3) Si care. "Si center" ie si center delusions, extremely foolish to do something also confused about black If you can eradicate the three poisons, it will respectively Dao, easily Directed career achievements.
Eventually he had four classes: 
1) He let Thang Dao. This is the practice level-or certificate attained arahat, or Bodhisattva attained. Sa professional grade attained is called Thang Dao Sa subjects.
2) Dao Sa theory subjects. These are subjects everywhere monk preaching for profit delivery. "Hoang" is broad; I give you this lecture, called "missionary activities." "Benefits being" the benefit of beings, that all beings are the benefits. "Hoang born legal interests" are the virtues of professional grade Sa Dao theory.
3) He let Activities Act. These subjects monk precepts diligently to remain in emphasis precept, precept not, live up to Dao, Taoists do get the reason for living his life, known as Operation Sa Dao subjects . 4) Mr. Dao Sa subjects. This is who ordained that the transgression, vegetarians, goes against the Buddha's precepts, tarnish Buddhism, Buddhist adversely affect the delivery of this course makes the Sa others look to have said: "He does not keep the monastic precepts!"; and so that people lose faith, no faith and do not want to close up again Buddhist, Tao Sa O subjects row ordained as Buddhist tarnish.
So, Sa Bat subjects lost Empire, who has translated the Shurangama , then of course any kind of Sa? He belongs to the three types of front-we can call Him He let Thang Dao, also known as Sa Dao theory subjects, and also known as Sa Dao professional activity; rather than subjects Sa Island.
"Bat lost Empire" is Sanskrit, Chinese translated as "extreme amount" function is that wisdom and talent are extremely rich, extremely fulfilling. He is the chair of the Shurangama translator. 
Why is called "translation"? "Service" is a translator, translating from English into Chinese India. "Service" is also a "casual," which means changing epidemic, ie from Sanskrit into Chinese conversion. 
Shamans have chaired this is the translator Bat lost his Empire. Contemporary, at Temple Mode Only, a large monastery in Guangzhou, more than two hundred achievements Shamans have to work together to conduct translator Shurangama.
Why talk about the "service master" because of his dedication to the Shurangama very great, very great merit, so before studying these texts, we should know to his new head because of "intelligence infusion schedule" is "translated all." 
烏 萇 國 沙門 彌 伽 釋迦 譯 語
Sino-Vietnamese Music: 
International School of Di Sa O Older subjects Shakyamuni language translation. 
In interpreting ashrams Shurangama lost by the Bat Wizardry Empire as "service master", there is an "assistant" to the country he came from Mr. Truong (Udyana) is Sa Di Older subjects Shakyamuni
"Oh Where" is the name of an ancient nation of contemporary India; former gardens of King Cash A Ca Du, the so-called School Box (烏 場), in north India. 
"Di Aging Shakyamuni" (Meghashikara) is Sanskrit, Chinese translated as "surrender power," meaning that he has the ability to surrender all negativity, it can be said that all that stumbling surrender. In a nutshell what he can surrender both. The assistant Wizardry this work "language translator" -tuc language is language translator, browse for an exact sentence correction, from Sanskrit into Chinese painter He is one of the French engineers in charge of the most important tasks in ashrams Shurangama translator. 
羅浮 山南 樓 寺 沙門 懷 迪 證 譯.
Sino-Vietnamese Music: 
La Phu paint Hoai Nam Lau He let himself translated enemy documents. 
"La Phu paint" means mountain La Phu, one of the famous mountains in Guangdong Province, China, "South Long Self" ie Southern Lau Pagoda, where subjects Huai Sa Ti shelter.
Perhaps placing legal Name of student, teacher Hoai his desire that his enemy will always use the practice diligently, so choose a name this- new "forever" is ambitious; also "the enemy" is the message that the players-there is usually always have to be diligent, much determination. Hoai enemy mages scholarly study, like the study of the average teacher, teachers should communicate classicism, information fusion restaurant, the fluent Sanskrit, so can cope inaugural "certified translation." (" Certification "is proof, said witnesses.)
Bat Mage and Warlock lost Emperor Gia Di Shakyamuni are knowledgeable Sanskrit, Pattern, then why even invite a Chinese Shamans do the translation to prove anymore because he had just two in the Middle States, still fear that I have not fully comprehend the language of this country, should be invited to a special Chinese Shamans to help participate in the certification service, to demand perfection perfection. So, is the enemy Shamans Hoai demonstrated in ashrams translation translator Shurangama.
However, except for the old version, in the Shurangama published later usually does not name Hoai enemy Shamans. Why go I have not omit reference and understand why; now I just want to introduce this information with you and hopefully later the study, recitation or lecture Shurangama, to know the identity of the duties undertaken Shamans prove this translation.

菩薩 戒 弟子 前 正 議 大夫 同 中 書 門下 平章事 清河 房 融 筆 受
Sino-Vietnamese Music: 
World cash Bodhisattva disciple Chief General Conference sophisticated, low goalkeeper yuan, the Rating program, Ha Phong Thanh Dung pen life. 
"Bodhisattva world" a total of ten major and forty-eight people presented contempt, and the world of learning bodhisattva. This is the Mahayana precepts, is that the monastic world and are home to maintain life. Brahma Net Sutra say: Regardless of the King, or promote martial courtiers related documents, while successors or a mandarin, Bodhisattvas are so life world.
He made room capacity to function Thua minister; for the Buddhist sense, he understood very deeply. Because he was ordained Bodhisattva, the Buddha recognized as the father, Bodhisattva him, so identify himself as "disciples." He was ordained as a bodhisattva, and the "cash chief General Conference women", "Money" means past-time before he has served as Chief of the General Convention wife, but now (the mosaic version) is no longer in office anymore, "Parent Conference," Chronicles book called "Chief indirect," ie, "Roaches Conference college women " 
"Break" that is worried about something? It is "important language" -quoc who have something not right, this governor will stand criticism, dissuading dissuade dynasties-have called this function is "royal history." "The Lady" is a form of address coral officials.
"At the lower secondary professional letter." "Yes" here has two explanations.
First, the "contract" is a co; the "Middle mail at Lower Gate" means a person who accomplish two functions Thua minister. "The letter" is a function of Thua minister, "Mon down" is also a minister-a function Thua both positions concurrently Minister Ta Huu Hue, the so-called "letter Mon yuan down." "Chinese letter" and " Mon lowering "the general position of the Government of TT. 
Second, the "contract" is a community; the "Middle mail at Lower Gate" mean the same to the Central colleague letter, Mon down to work, the service processor. "The letter" is in charge of writing, manuscript papers of the king decree, edict of the king were due to general central Thua management letter. "Lower Gate" is worried about the political and administrative. So, the two officials, the prime minister in charge of managing a promulgated ordinance, and that yep par enforce that ordinance. His room is a solution that both positions concurrently, a person that does two things. 
"Binh show the" - "Average" is the average; "Chapters" are remarkably bright; "A" is the work. So, "Binh chapter of" per processor is the primary work of the court, clarified the law of nations.
"Thanh Ha" is the native place of his size room. "Room Size" is the name of the room-they, Dung's name. He has a son named Management Division, as well as to officials in Thua minister. The written material on his life is very little room capacity, mostly taken from the memoirs of the Department of Management. 
"But life" is used discreet pen mosaic of texts, also known as "the cultural leap." "Nhuan" is polished, making the grammatical syntax, documents from the definition of nice, complete better. In the Shurangama, styles of writing are used from the very best art, can claim to be the most spread in the business. Because Thua Phong Minister Dung, a great literary, scholarly educational, personally translation mosaic pattern, measures should text of this business is very accurate, very complete. What if you have a desire to learn Chinese, then the business should be enough to make regulations. You read fluently, memorize the Shurangama, the level pattern will improve your lot
Van Nghia X. Special Award
This is the analysis, interpretation implies the entire texts, and is said to be three parts: 1) auto parts Profile; 2) Chief of concrete section; and 3) Traffic section. 
The way this judgment begins An Act Shamans, monks Tan life, in Central Pattern Because Hau Tan Phu Kien bring all ten thousand troops get equivalent, is close to University associate An Act for the joy, for so later people are often referred to as University Professor Dao An "An Phu Tan Tao." 
"Profile auto parts" is the origination and introduction of economic causes and conditions. "chief component tone" as the main text, skewers interesting tone of economic intelligence. "Remember the" credit is the extension announced in late trade and save . How to judge the "three business faculty," This is the University Professor Dao An evidence obtained by the Kinh Luan Buddhist Places Than Optical bodhisattva; therefore higher beings can know the virtues of India and China have basis is the same, so the following are the Shamans of care under this judgment that propagate Buddhism, Catholic culture.

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