Tuesday 2 September 2014

Teachings of Venerable Quang Kham.


Venerable Quang Kham, in this age of ninety-three cranes, cultivate seventy-three years, was sitting on a chair from the wall electrical stratigraphy in Thua Thien Pagoda, the new building is nearing completion.
, he said to them He does not know my meditation.
April 1 st morning of heavy rain, the editorial board of the monthly magazine Shifang we are determined to worship is the temple Venerable Thien, consulted him about the establishment meditation ashrams. 

The true promise lay Nations 9am drove us up the mountain, the classmates immediately call a cab to follow.
guests Communication Wizard tri aside work closely Rev. busy preparing the celebration of the French Society, invited us to meet Venerable power Stratum 40 minute conversation. We start the story from his teachings us a few years ago:
"It is not thought that Dharma is human failure."
Venerable said: " Why do people think? Because the world does not have to keep, do not keep using the four postures of walking, standing, lying, sitting. "
Then he suddenly asked us:
" Human beings come from? "
Seeing that we can not answer, he associated himself said: " From the conception of the four species, ovule, low-chemistry ' . Obviously he feared for his jacket we are the good minister "(great generals) to listen to the French.
Thua Thien Pagoda The majority of the pilgrims and tourists, nobody came to learn meditation, so if you can ask him to teach religious experience is often heard him tell that he began to study Buddhism in the pure teachings and concepts taught six words " Nam-A-Di-Da tissue Buddha ". In fact, he is also due to his compassion. For Buddhists this time, pure is the most appropriate method, do not say pure it say?
we remain undeterred, continued to raise the issue concerning meditation, asked him: "Please sir, are venerable and pure meditation practice or both? "
- Venerable replied, " I just thought A-Di-Da Buddha " .
- In general, practice meditation, but not easy to get along?
- With me not Regardless, if exaggerated, it also falls minister meditation, you open your mouth and say what we still have.
- If someone wants to learn meditation, He teaches how?
- Meditation is not something to teach each people are frugal.
- The best easy to learn the virtue reasonable?
- That I do not know. Thua Thien Temple practice according to natural capital. There are many people, I do not think I'm the them.
- So let them self of self?
- It is not necessary to explain, a bell sounded everyone heard 
testimony market a deep, compelling the crowd to hear. Who then knelt near him, who was standing off him, all of a level of respect, sedate. Venerable teaching, people want to "dwell retreat" real effort. Anyway, the question we ask is not mentioned!
- White Venerable, if there are some young monks diligently Development Center, looking forward to acquire the ideal education of the Sangha so that the latter can as radiant Buddhism, Venerable nothing to teach them?
- It's been there for the great shaman can charge them increased education, training talents; my old age and want to do the job just as well afterlife
- Actually, it teaches him or just a few words is enough.
- For as I'm sitting here, saying the students want, make star level is?
(There are many young people came to him, consulted on their aspirations, about how the missionary activities, how beneficial is born, he will not answer direct questions.)

- We want to body and mind quickly metabolized, such as Venerable, often having to meditate?
- Now he tells me that I new I was meditating.
- The practice of monks in the mountains and in Nothing different cities?
- initially to cultivate in the forests, after a while, whether in urban or religious streets can be.
- If you want to set up an educational institution or a Buddhist meditation center the mountain in good or better city?
- Do not say we have to do, so there are forms, and attachments.
- His charming custom sermon here, not education stars?
- Thua Thien Pagoda This is not mine, it's mine if I become him to keep the temple!
Venerable do not want to talk about education. Follow us think he does not like the Coliseum talks generals. The increased our current education here that speaks not the best way of conversation topics !?
- Ladies and upper air, this temple how much they ordained?
- Four dozen years.
- he taught How do they practice?
- Depending on their use of, but ascetic, a Buddhist ceremony at the Buddhist concept remains together until a cedar.
- They lived through days like?
- eating frugally, self based farming to live.
- This is provided by the organization Bach Truong stick out.
- Rules created bulb; that one must follow to do.
- Here, Truong Bach His sound provided nothing additional?
- No .
- The era is different, how can the same apply?
- The monastic past and today similar or different?
(Did he say the same discipline must be the same.)

- In addition to living under bar rules, they have not taught classics?
- Yes, to see the road that they said business practice, I also said they see economic center.
- Ladies, He also taught?
- Contents of this very broad mind, to perceive himself, make his own mind, to point out the natural.
- Venerable Sir, in interested in the most important?
- Fishing "Bodhisattva Avalokiteshvara."
- Is He is practicing the virtues of Kshitigarha?
- I do not know anymore, only vaguely know.
- He has taught college them here chanting stratigraphy and practice the virtues of Kshitigarha?
- Everyone has their vows.
- This life Venerable Dharma preaching, his greatest virtues is what?
- I sat here from morning to afternoon, do not know what you're doing.
- This is the way of the great Zen master. . .
- " Great, "What size? most did not last in the chair I'm sitting here.
- Same goes to Shamans also have to build ashrams meditation, compassion can ask him to teach a few things?
I myself have not yet ability.
- There must be requested or the charming, contented look forward to.
- Yes, who came here asked me, I said only depending coast.
's time to chat with Venerable, according to testimonies of the attendant, is a rare event in recent years. He is hard to see such a good time: joy to teach "secret", it was immediately taken to the "business center". He not only how to build the ideal ashrams meditation but also for people to attend the Conference Wins, enjoy the French, who said that he did not know Zen? END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.2/9/2014.

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