Sunday 7 September 2014

sixteenth PRODUCT
Buddha Bao Thien Tho women that Friendliness:
At that time he was Head of Fisheries at home giaLuu King Quang Thien Independence, heal all sickness beings can make themselves happy healthy. So be healed, so do many things together good deeds, religious giving. Respect, reverence chief this author, and both said: You instead! Mannequin Head! He has done many good works or benefits being measured can not think! And long life. It deserves to be the king in the medical world! Good immeasurable importance of being patient. Sure he was a bodhisattva incarnation, should understand enough medicine so!
Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Meanwhile bourgeois married name is not Long Tang Shui, born two sons. The first child named Thuy No, the second son named Tang Shui. When her two sons bourgeois Europe's leading men, from urban to rural. Finally went to a big dress, wide between copper, bourgeois public that animals are tigers, leopards, ferrets, dogs, birds, crows, etc.. much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says:
You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is?
Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand!
Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful!
Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone!
Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us!
Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this:
I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person.
When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author:
Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled!
Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going!
Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui:
The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant.
then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond.
As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms.
Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang!
Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this:
"Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! "
Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms?
of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers.
Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures!
Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so?
University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell!
king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for!
University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king.
then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace?
chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead.
told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test?
Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also?
Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead!
Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead!
king heard this, consciousness fun!
Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods:
Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body!
PRODUCT seventeenth
Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that:
O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic.
Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again.
then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said
Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower?
Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment!
Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode!
Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white!
Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist!
Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise.
Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get!
Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr.
then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that.
Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not?
Wang said second element to that:
I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief.
Vuong said third element to that:
I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace!
of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network!
United's first element found immediately said:
Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh!
United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What
King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot.
Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat?
The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it!
The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself!
The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy!
then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma!
Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that:
"We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! "
As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger!
Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss!
Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth!
then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince:
Concussions great earth,
So great sea,
the sun is not bright,
As with obscured,
in out of nowhere
Raoei the fragrance of flowers.
Perhaps you're
Having lost my life!
The shelves Monday to say that
the other tiger childbirth
Having gone seven days,
seven children surrounded by
hungry no food,
ill Pneumatics,
Live Soon!
're great compassion I
Know hungry tiger,
I can not stand,
eats Back!
Should the sacrifices
to save the life of a tiger?
Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances!
These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed.
entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do?
Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat!
Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that
today has spent
great local customs Dai
​​'s all up?
'Things are not quiet,
the sun is not bright,
As with veils?
sorrow My heart,
the eyelids blink!
dreams as
I have seen that,
probably has seizures
brain size any wall!
United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where?
United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh!
University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love?
Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that:
I am long time ago
in countless lifetimes
Put your body weight
to bridge sense of direction.
Either make King
And a king of death,
Put the hard left
leading to sensory needs.
previous life I thought
Great King There
He named
Ma Ha La Da
Being located in United-mail,
name Wang's death
Boring Ma Ha Tat
Or great generosity!
Then there are his two
big named The
Great Ba Na La (2)
First name Dai Thien (3)
The three walked
to a wooded area,
saw the tiger just being
hungry no food!
A University doctoral
Birth compassion:
I now have to give
you this great body,
the tiger is not
hungry So too stringent,
can be returned to
eating meat you get!
Linked up hill
before sowing his tiger.
cubs Since making
threatening Was Full!
When this great earth
and the big mountain
Thaoey are shaken,
Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng
tiger, leopard, lion
Fear stampede!
world is all dark
no light.
meantime two brothers
in the bamboo forest,
lamenting sorrow
Hold heart grief!
seek time,
to near the tiger,
the tiger mom Seeing
all bloodied mouth.
again see the bones,
teeth hair nails hair,
blood stained stick
together throughout the land around.
When two particles Wang
's Seeing then ,
Mental ecstatic,
Kneading rolling on the ground!
matted Body
Full of dirt,
Forgetting mindfulness,
Mind as wild si!
These subordinates
Watch this show,
also being the tragic
loss of crying sound!
Going taken Cold water
poured Spray mutual
Eventually woke up
this stand up is!
Of even while
Wang element of selflessness,
the harem at
World Women United pilot
five hundred relatives of
fun together.
Vuong Then non
Two breast milk flow ,
All limbs
Headache stinging,
birth center sorrow
As lost sweetheart!
United pilot then
came to King Immediately,
looks sad tears
or Expressing King:
Behold the Great King Oh!
Hear this! Listen here!
Now fire sorrow
As coal burning Cards,
Cards this two breast
milk flowing At the same time,
body pain
as prickly!
Cards saw the sign
No such wall,
E does not meet
your child loves!
Now bring network itself
Down the Great King,
Please hurry wrong people
search the Cards!
Dream Cards hug saw
three birds Rosary,
The smaller end of
a beloved Cards,
birds Ung Back
Bay to rob!
Seeing the world and
given birth Soon brain!
Cards now suffering
from incomplete network E!
Please hurry wrong person
Finding the Cards.
's Great When non-
words like that then
fainted Soon
Knead the ground rolling!
king heard how
the brain shirt born again,
Because not found
The children loved!
of King
and the retinue
are all meeting
inside the Great King Two
sad cry cry
echoes of heaven and earth!
At that time all
the people in the Nhon
cries Listen
to the amazing run,
the same questions each that
Nay United particles
Alive is not.
Hay dead?
University unfortunate streak officer,
said Eating gentle,
be the beloved,
hard to see!
Already the people
In search of forest,
Pretty soon you believe
Make the dead?
Then people
fear so,
then the sad coal,
Concussions Miracle!
Then the Great King
got out of bed
dressings Get Africa,
Pretty soon awake,
be mindful Complete
King that small Question:
I Business cards now
Alive or dead?
Then Faye
Because I think,
add more cerebral shirt
not mind leaving,
baby unfortunate
Figure outstanding radical right,
soon Why
I Quit die?
close Why do
not die before go?
To see all the
suffering brain so?
Con gentle beauty
Like the lotus flower.
destructive beings Who
Gets to segregation?
hatred Was
With one day before.
Industry coast pay
which kill it?
Con I her face
bright as the full moon
Unfortunately an early
Encountering this painting!
Better make me
like dirt Tan,
Do not make my child
take the network itself!
dream I see
It is retributive,
Accidentally I now
submit to get this painting :
As I dream
saw tooth loss dropped,
two simultaneous breast
milk Self flowing out,
I'm the
lost pet:
Seeing the three birds Rosary
began losing a kite.
During her three children
to take a Make:
Then the Great King
United pilot, he responded:
To station will send
the Great spirit messenger,
go east-west across
the Search,
Stop People just do not
spend much sorrow!
University Police uoei kingdom
Faye like that,
Immediately car prices
Basilica Out ,
birth center sorrow
sorrow Seriously!
Despite the crowd,
Gaming emaciated appearance,
Immediately out of the
search of love and death.
then also
daoeo Everyone eastern
coal Sad echoes
Follow King.
When was the Great King
he was out of
the Watching four
children search,
Mental disorders disturb heal all sickness beings, happily making body healthy. So be healed, so do many things together good deeds, religious giving. Respect, reverence chief this author, and both said: You instead! Mannequin Head! He has done many good works or benefits being measured can not think! And long life. It deserves to be the king in the medical world! Good immeasurable importance of being patient. Sure he was a bodhisattva incarnation, should understand enough medicine so! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Meanwhile bourgeois married name is not Long Tang Shui, born two sons. The first child named Thuy No, the second son named Tang Shui. When her two sons bourgeois Europe's leading men, from urban to rural. Finally went to a big dress, wide between copper, bourgeois public that animals are tigers, leopards, ferrets, dogs, birds, crows, etc.. much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says: You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is? Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb heal all sickness beings, happily making body healthy. So be healed, so do many things together good deeds, religious giving. Respect, reverence chief this author, and both said: You instead! Mannequin Head! He has done many good works or benefits being measured can not think! And long life. It deserves to be the king in the medical world! Good immeasurable importance of being patient. Sure he was a bodhisattva incarnation, should understand enough medicine so! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Meanwhile bourgeois married name is not Long Tang Shui, born two sons. The first child named Thuy No, the second son named Tang Shui. When her two sons bourgeois Europe's leading men, from urban to rural. Finally went to a big dress, wide between copper, bourgeois public that animals are tigers, leopards, ferrets, dogs, birds, crows, etc.. much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says: You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is? Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb And long life. It deserves to be the king in the medical world! Good immeasurable importance of being patient. Sure he was a bodhisattva incarnation, should understand enough medicine so! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Meanwhile bourgeois married name is not Long Tang Shui, born two sons. The first child named Thuy No, the second son named Tang Shui. When her two sons bourgeois Europe's leading men, from urban to rural. Finally went to a big dress, wide between copper, bourgeois public that animals are tigers, leopards, ferrets, dogs, birds, crows, etc.. much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says: You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is? Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb And long life. It deserves to be the king in the medical world! Good immeasurable importance of being patient. Sure he was a bodhisattva incarnation, should understand enough medicine so! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Meanwhile bourgeois married name is not Long Tang Shui, born two sons. The first child named Thuy No, the second son named Tang Shui. When her two sons bourgeois Europe's leading men, from urban to rural. Finally went to a big dress, wide between copper, bourgeois public that animals are tigers, leopards, ferrets, dogs, birds, crows, etc.. much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says: You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is? Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says: You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is? Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb much as the predator, just saw the ball pulled together, these beasts booe run. At that point bourgeois thought why animals rushing this so? Let's chase, to see if they do that. Thought so then, bourgeois chase, for a moment, then found the pond; shallow pond, the more fish. Gentrification that fish workers agonies limp in shallow puddles, birth mercy. There were deities manifested busts says: You instead! You instead! Dai Thien Son! These fish are very pitiful. He should give the water to save them. His name is Liu Shui major bourgeois. There are two reasons that he was titled Save Hydro One is often cleared waters, two for the water to save sentient beings. So far he's made ​​in the name to determine which ones truly qualified. When he asked the chief author Than Life: The number of individuals about how much this is? Tho Spirit said unto him number ten thousand! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that time, Mr. Liu Shui heard even number so pitiful! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! When she met at Sunny harsh, but there is water in the pond at, so ten thousand fish was going to die, swimming dancing and agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb agonies in shallow puddles! As seen on the shore bourgeois looked down the whole herd them toward him, and as shown fervor for help. So just stared toward the bourgeois, look forever alone! Then bourgeois run around looking for water, but found none. Re looking far away, to see life tree, ran to get it cracking branch leaves, bringing back cover for shoal that help reduce hot pen. Then go find waters come from nowhere before. In four directions but could not find the place with water! Delving further, find a place, suddenly found the river named Thuy Sanh. Then there are the other evil, because I want to catch fish, so in the course of, for dangerous vulnerabilities, broken levees, not to water down! But hardly dangerous place to break up. Estimated retreading, lost nine, ten day, hundreds of thousands of workers, still can not succeed, let alone us! Then he ran back to bourgeois, to where the Great King, reverent worship, stand back side, his hands said the king, presenting the work, say something like this: I was in the Republic of royal people, traveling quite a treat diseases helps people, suddenly the area and that, find a pond with tens of thousands of fish , the water dried up, because the hot sun, now afflicted yoke, dying shortly! - Please forward the Great King kindly lent twenty elephants, carrying water to go rescue him some fish. Just as I've ever heal the sick person. When the king's University University of instant color a hurry to bring the elephant god provided. Courtier obeyed the king's edicts, said the chief author: Hay instead! Great artist, now he can just arbitrarily arrived elephant stables, discretionary pick, to the benefit of all beings to be fulfilled! Then bourgeois and twenty-two elephants brought to the people around the city, looking for urgent loan-xi, immediately went to the river, near the embankment, get water for elephants transported quickly to where the other ponds. The cypress-cylinder water from elephant turn down, down into the pond full as ever! Then go around the shore bourgeois, gentle pianissimo! Shoal was also happy to swim around the pond. Bourgeois thought, the shoals of this, why go after me swim? - Maybe we were hungry, so want bad food, only to find food for us going! Behold Thien Nu Heaven! Then he told me that Liu Shui: The elephant brings the most powerful home and said to his grandfather that had nothing in the house to eat, to eat both parents' and children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training, riding elephants large home, according to the words he said to the grandfather. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb What things in the house to eat, to eat the whole portion of the parents and the children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training , riding on a big elephant, just follow the words on the grandfather said. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb What things in the house to eat, to eat the whole portion of the parents and the children's section, as well as servants, devote all, give up quickly carry out this elephant. then I listen to the two training , riding on a big elephant, just follow the words on the grandfather said. Then they gather the animals actually taken away on the back of an elephant, rushed into the pond. As an adult, he sees two back, overjoyed, rushed to the side of the open remove the object actually hit shit pond, fish feeding, he immediately thought to myself: I now have to eat enough of these fish then progeny will carry the legal alms. Again he thought: Before we ever heard a monk in a quiet place, reciting scriptures of Mahayana The College, in business, said: "If there are living beings in deathbed heard Bao Thang title Tathagata, instant realms of heaven." I will present this because tens of thousands of fish, say twelve measures profound goodness grace, and claiming the title of Lord Buddha Bao Thang! Then in the realm Southern Jambudvipa there are two classes of people, a conviction Mahayana Method Grade College, class Monday usually unproductive libelous or destroy confidence! So this bourgeois thought we would dive into the pond water, because of the profound legal fish says this; Think then immediately dive into the pond, said something like this: "Namo Tathagata past Bao Thang, a supply response, the chief variable Tri, Minh Hanh Tuc, the World Compassion Award Oath, Supreme Doctor, The Lady fisheries, Thien Nhon Teacher, Buddha, the Blessed One. Bao Thang ancient Tathagata Bodhisattva while practicing virtues, vows that if any of these beings, in the ten realms, to the time of death, we heard the name, he will make them after general networking, instant delivery thirtieth third heaven (1). then they head back because of personal authors say that the profound measures twelve wonderful goodness grace: "Ignorance Coast Operations, Administration and Coast Wake, Wake Coast List Lust, Lust List Enter your continued grace to Luc, Luc Enter Promotion charm, the charm Promotion Tho, Tho the coast Ai, Ai the coast Prime, Prime coast to Organic, Organic Birth to coast, coast Sanh Laozi, Bi Pros Suffering Brain! " Behold Thien Nu Heaven! At that Liu Shui and two children finished the sermon, and he returned home. then gathered his house guests, busy eating, sleeping tired. heaven and earth this night suddenly shaken, ten of thousands of fish at the date of the public network. The fish that, after the network collectively arise heaven. When you arise in the realms of heaven and the God of death and ten thousand, the God of death that same thought: We're conditioned by the wholesome goodness what is this Trayastrimsa realms? of the death that God told each other: We previously in the realm Diem, rotten animal species, fish are doing themselves. Thanks bourgeois Save Cards for water and food, even for us, the profound sermon twelve grace and mercy proclaimed title as Lai Bao Thang. Because goodness that should grace that we are born to this Trayastrimsa heaven! So we now have to place bourgeois offerings to grace the old newspapers. Heavenly Then ten thousand particles from the supply to the realms of heaven Trayastrimsa Diem, chief physician to the author Liu Shui. Meanwhile bourgeois sleeping upstairs. God brought death ten thousand ten thousand feet European pearl necklace and pearl necklace beautiful iridescent He lost heaven to the top of the bourgeoisie, he took ten thousand to in the foot, another ten thousand strings to the right side, and ten thousand sequence to the left. Back scattered lots Mandala flower, Great Mandala knee-filled, rhythmic music of heaven, mysterious sounds, in accordance with the realms of Hell who are also waking sleep. Ten thousand Thien death in out of nowhere, fly back and forth. In the country of King Quang Thien Independence everywhere with scattered showers in the beauty of heaven. The death of God was to come to the pond before it spread flowers done in turn to provide Trayastrimsa God, free from arbitrary flavor in the realms of life's pleasures! Staying at Diem, the next morning the king God Self In Dai Quang asked the gods: What fate last night out signs, illuminated vanity across so? University gods said: O Lord, or, in the womb of God Dao Thien Loi came to his house bourgeois Note Cards European to forty thousand feet, he lost, and scattered these flowers can not be tightened Mandala tell! king immediately told his courtiers that should go to the Secretary of the bourgeoisie, skillfully visit and invited him to 're here for! University gods take orders, went to the head Liu Shui author, said the king was invited to teach and bourgeoisie came to meet the king. then went to where the king was bourgeois. King asked Gentrification: So what does multiplication sign such grace? chief author said: I was going to make ten thousand fish were all dead. told King that is now possible to consider how the truth test? Save Cards bourgeois immediately sent me him to the other pond, clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb clear view of dead fish also? Then I listen to teach people, to seat the other ponds. When we arrived to see the pond has many quality flowers Mandala put into piles. Fish in the pond are both dead! Watching closely for the father said: the fish was already dead! Then Save Thuybiet the truth, and he came to the king said to the king: Ten thousand fish that are already dead! king heard this, consciousness fun! Then Bhagavan told the Bodhi Gaya Tho gods: Thien Thien Nu Behold! Save bourgeois Cards then this here is my body; No this is the firstborn Cards Rahula, Wednesday Shui Tang is now Nan, ten of thousands of fish in the pond at the time, this is God and death in ten thousand. This should do for the life that he would sign the Enlightenment. And deities bust out the old, this is your body! ] PRODUCT seventeenth dedication Then Bodhi Gaya Buddha Life Than the Prospectus that: O Buddha! I hear about childhood past Exalted, the Bodhisattva practice, enough of hundreds of thousands of ascetics unpredictable network booe whole body bone flesh pulp. Please pray for the benefit Exalted, peaceful beings, say the goodness grace ancient ascetic. Exalted Then immediately make sufficient spirit. So thanks sufficient spirit, making all six local university dishes concussion. At the Amphitheater at Tower associations between the seven treasures, from the ground now. The Saturday buoea John stately treasure. At that time, we see that the festival should Hyoe consciousness, which is rare! Exalted immediately stood up from their thrones, reverently worship, circumambulate the tower was, finished the French court sits again. then Bodhi Gaya Buddha transparent Than Tho said Dear venerable sir! The hero is the one Tathagata appears in the world is often all reverence. For these beings, Buddhism is a form of Religion, Dark Victory, but any reason to worship this tower? Buddha taught instant Behold Tian Shan Women! Old days when we cultivate the Bodhisattva, relics (1) to place oneself this tower. So that by itself, makes us early into Enlightenment! Then the Buddha asked Venerable Ananda: He should take the relic tower open for public viewing. It is by religious relics six Paramita immeasurable merit episode! Buddha told Ananda listened then, and he came to the tower, worship and offerings; He opened the tower, in the tower saw seven golden box. Open the box to see, to see beautiful white relics pink, and white Buddha that Buddha Bach! The relics in this beautiful pink and white! Buddha told Ananda: You take a look here, there are relics of the Great Monad artist! Then Ananda brought instant treasure box offers Buddhist place, Exalted rise. Buddha Now All Mass: The person should present this relic ceremony. The relics were due WORLD, THE, the successful HUE religious orders, Blessed is the ultimate fill very hard to get! Then we heard the Buddha's Great soul happy together immediately got up from the seat, hands homage relics University Dr. then Exalted wanting to control your doubts cuoea Mass should say goodness grace of ancient relics that. Behold he Ananda! in past life king named La Da Ma Ha dhamma practice, smart governance, without enemies. King's three sons born to be the face of the radical right peculiar physiognomy, moral dread most. The first prince named Ma Ha Na La and Ba, the first named Ma Ha Recommended Ba, the name is Ma Ha Tat nhooe Dooea. The three princes of this field trip in the forest. Turn to go to a large bamboo forest, car prices layover. The first prince said to me: You now have the fear in my heart, do not know in this forest would have been the failure damages something or not? Wang said second element to that: I do not regret this body his life, but because shuns affections should be part of grief. Vuong said third element to that: I'm now not afraid, nor be grieved. Because the place deserted jungle purity, Shen, Tien praise, a place of leisure, may cause religious people to be part of peace! of the United particles together such discussions then continued up the road. Suddenly encountered a tiger had just become the seventh day, seven tiger cub is surrounded, was too hungry, sick body, almost wanted wonderful network! United's first element found immediately said: Strangely enough! This tiger born last seven days, have seven children around the enclosure, unable to find the food is, if hungry too, probably going back to eating human flesh! United-mail Tuesday asking that he used to eat animal tiger What King said first element: Tiger's blood everyday just to eat fresh meat hot. Vuong third element asks that we who can give this tiger eat? The second said this hungry tiger, the body a sick one, too strict, life sure is not how long we could not find food for it. If you have come here in search of food, they can not be rescued promptly. Who can not spare the body in sacrifice to revive it! The first says: All things are difficult to remove no more than the network itself! The second said, We regret this because taking the network itself, should with this body can not let go. Because of poor intelligence, should be born with this fear! - If such great artists, for the benefit of others wanted to be born compassion, as beings that xaoe lost my life is that easy! then grieved the death of the king, standing for a long time, then took another go . Then think Prince Tuesday: Now is the right time we should sacrifice oneself. Why so? - As of this past have left countless body and life like this, but absolutely no benefit whatsoever. And this body has ever loved, protecting the body, it also does is provide housing, food, toys lie, clothing, medicine, elephants horses, vehicles, depending nourishing, not for lack of , but also much resentment caused birth, impermanence inevitably corrupt! Again, this body can not make truth, no benefits, it is khaoe stains, no other enemy who, as well as toilets! I now have to use the body to the ultimate karma, the great bridge across the sea of birth and death. Furthermore, the body is left to be removed countless cancer disease and hundreds of thousands of fearful things, this body is just great, urination, the body does not make truth as foam, the body is not very good purity, as accommodation of these bacteria, the body rested near the road leading circuit tangled blood, skin, bone pulp Princess brain hold together. Observe how very boring! So now we need to let go of this body to demand cessation supreme Dharma Nirvana, permanently separated from pathological anxiety impermanent change, an end to birth and death, no longer bare implications. Achievements full intellectual immeasurable merit meditation, dharma body magic hundred solemn blessings, praise the Buddhas! France itself is the supreme witness that, for the countless beings Dhamma! Then Wang electronic pressure above cultivate compassion, play great vows so strong! But his fear of being free are two concerns or to stop terror, vow obstacles to planning told him to go back to the accommodation. Then Ma Ha Tat DOA United particles come to a tiger, stripped to the branch structure and vows that: "We now because the benefit beings and to witness the supreme Dharma, because of the immense compassion estate, letting go of the very hard to let go. As the closest location for each Bodhisattvas or want praise beings in the three worlds free from the fear of birth and death, suffering hot! " As the United-mail swear like that then immediately release her self in front seat hungry tiger! At that time because of the great compassion because of the tiger prince should not do anything! Prince thought: Tiger now sick, not close enough. Unable to feed oneself how! Prince stood up to find a knife, without looking around, so grab pieces of bamboo pierced blood chaoey neck, threw himself on the hill before the tiger! Then great earth tremors six dishes, dark sun, not very bright , as was A La King Tu obscured; the first rain of flowers, incense you weird, and nowhere was that the goodness of God consciousness so glad compliment ever! At commented that: Or instead! Or instead! His contemporary artists today really value is the unfortunate practice compassion. Since being injured or quit a job so difficult away! - He is the most powerful person of life, compared to the currently practiced! He has been praised Buddhas, that is often lost, not even the brain temperature, will soon attained nirvana pure bliss! Then he saw the tiger blood prince body licking and tearing meat immediately, only to the bone hair nails teeth! then Prince first saw both great earthquake, said Monday that this prince: Concussions great earth, So great sea, the sun is not bright, As with obscured, in out of nowhere Raoei the fragrance of flowers. Perhaps you're Having lost my life! The shelves Monday to say that the other tiger childbirth Having gone seven days, seven children surrounded by hungry no food, ill Pneumatics, Live Soon! 're great compassion I Know hungry tiger, I can not stand, eats Back! Should the sacrifices to save the life of a tiger? Then two princes very sad, frightened, wailing lament , emaciated face! Come led hands led to a tiger, you see the clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb I see clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb I see clothes hanging on the branch structure, bones, hair, nails falling blood strewn all a khoaoeng rampant land. Seeing finished fainting, can not be forced, rushed to hug long bones in the province, stood up and held his head cried to heaven, crying lament: I was young, more talented people, especially the parents love request. Body suddenly dropped to the hungry tiger! We now supply if parents ask, how to answer! I would rather be here, live and die together, not any heart to see that this remains skip back to see his parents, wife and children of relatives, friends, acquaintances! These two princes coal sad such a long shirt brain, Then once removed. entourage Then the third element to the king, and scattered stray silently told himself: Now we face in the sky do? Then place royal palace in the non-sleeping dream suddenly see her breasts cut off, lost all their teeth; see the borders of three birds, a kite was caught tearing meat! Then suddenly great earthquake, King pilot startled, waking up, mental hoaoeng alarmed, worried immense grief! Say shelves that today has spent great local customs Dai ​​'s all up? 'Things are not quiet, the sun is not bright, As with veils? sorrow My heart, the eyelids blink! dreams as I have seen that, probably has seizures brain size any wall! United pilot said it had finished speaking outside the blue shirts go on. Since hearing the news that Prince died, panic fear, he ran into the palace, said the United pilot: Someone outside listening to the market in search of spare Prince, do not know where? United pilot heard the very sad , two eyes overflow rate and stagnant all blepharitis! And immediately rush over to the Great King, the Great King said that: Cards have just been listening to the news takes adorable kid and the Great King of Cards Oh! University kingdom audiotape, immediately fainted, suffering anxiety, tearfully lamented Why this child is lost, but what we usually cherish love? Then Bhagavan reciting this sense, the shelves should say that: I am long time ago in countless lifetimes Put your body weight to bridge sense of direction. Either make King And a king of death, Put the hard left leading to sensory needs. previous life I thought Great King There He named Ma Ha La Da Being located in United-mail, name Wang's death Boring Ma Ha Tat Or great generosity! Then there are his two big named The Great Ba Na La (2) First name Dai Thien (3) The three walked to a wooded area, saw the tiger just being hungry no food! A University doctoral Birth compassion: I now have to give you this great body, the tiger is not hungry So too stringent, can be returned to eating meat you get! Linked up hill before sowing his tiger. cubs Since making threatening Was Full! When this great earth and the big mountain Thaoey are shaken, Chongqing interesting experience khuoeng tiger, leopard, lion Fear stampede! world is all dark no light. meantime two brothers in the bamboo forest, lamenting sorrow Hold heart grief! seek time, to near the tiger, the tiger mom Seeing all bloodied mouth. again see the bones, teeth hair nails hair, blood stained stick together throughout the land around. When two particles Wang 's Seeing then , Mental ecstatic, Kneading rolling on the ground! matted Body Full of dirt, Forgetting mindfulness, Mind as wild si! These subordinates Watch this show, also being the tragic loss of crying sound! Going taken Cold water poured Spray mutual Eventually woke up this stand up is! Of even while Wang element of selflessness, the harem at World Women United pilot five hundred relatives of fun together. Vuong Then non Two breast milk flow , All limbs Headache stinging, birth center sorrow As lost sweetheart! United pilot then came to King Immediately, looks sad tears or Expressing King: Behold the Great King Oh! Hear this! Listen here! Now fire sorrow As coal burning Cards, Cards this two breast milk flowing At the same time, body pain as prickly! Cards saw the sign No such wall, E does not meet your child loves! Now bring network itself Down the Great King, Please hurry wrong people search the Cards! Dream Cards hug saw three birds Rosary, The smaller end of a beloved Cards, birds Ung Back Bay to rob! Seeing the world and given birth Soon brain! Cards now suffering from incomplete network E! Please hurry wrong person Finding the Cards. 's Great When non- words like that then fainted Soon Knead the ground rolling! king heard how the brain shirt born again, Because not found The children loved! of King and the retinue are all meeting inside the Great King Two sad cry cry echoes of heaven and earth! At that time all the people in the Nhon cries Listen to the amazing run, the same questions each that Nay United particles Alive is not. Hay dead? University unfortunate streak officer, said Eating gentle, be the beloved, hard to see! Already the people In search of forest, Pretty soon you believe Make the dead? Then people fear so, then the sad coal, Concussions Miracle! Then the Great King got out of bed dressings Get Africa, Pretty soon awake, be mindful Complete King that small Question: I Business cards now Alive or dead? Then Faye Because I think, add more cerebral shirt not mind leaving, baby unfortunate Figure outstanding radical right, soon Why I Quit die? close Why do not die before go? To see all the suffering brain so? Con gentle beauty Like the lotus flower. destructive beings Who Gets to segregation? hatred Was With one day before. Industry coast pay which kill it? Con I her face bright as the full moon Unfortunately an early Encountering this painting! Better make me like dirt Tan, Do not make my child take the network itself! dream I see It is retributive, Accidentally I now submit to get this painting : As I dream saw tooth loss dropped, two simultaneous breast milk Self flowing out, I'm the lost pet: Seeing the three birds Rosary began losing a kite. During her three children to take a Make: Then the Great King United pilot, he responded: To station will send the Great spirit messenger, go east-west across the Search, Stop People just do not spend much sorrow! University Police uoei kingdom Faye like that, Immediately car prices Basilica Out , birth center sorrow sorrow Seriously! Despite the crowd, Gaming emaciated appearance, Immediately out of the search of love and death. then also daoeo Everyone eastern coal Sad echoes Follow King. When was the Great King he was out of the Watching four children search, Mental disorders disturb
Do not know what went down.
then see the distance
There's a reporter,
clothes stained with blood,
filled his ash,
hand you bewildered!
Just to weep!
At that time, King
Ma Ha La Da
Seeing messenger and
more sentient brain shirt ,
Hold your head screaming
wailing Weeping!
wrong person to look
Prior came back
round to where the King
they said to the king, saying,
Thou shalt not sad,
the child still,
Pretty soon about to
see the King was.
During the moment slices
Having Gods
Seeing King sorrow,
Gaming emaciated appearance,
clothes on the body
sordid dust,
Sire or
a Deceased!
Yet even two,
helpless grief!
United third element
Seeing new tiger birth,
seven-day hunger Being
eaten E!
Seeing tigers so
Sanh compassion,
finding great vows
beings will,
in the future life
of Buddhahood Securities
Linked to the hill
before sowing her tiger,
tiger chronic hunger
tore eat meat;
All flesh
Equal ate!
Only the remains of
fallen Fall Sprawl!
Then the Great King
Listen gods said,
adding more faint
rolling Knead loss,
sorrow Was the fire
burning as the body!
relatives of courtiers
water use coax King
provinces far Seconds,
Get up early hugged
weeping sky Shout!
And a god
to before the king, saying
in a forest On
Seeing two United death,
sad Weeping coal
Pros melancholy miserable!
Confusion dementia,
Kneading rolling on the ground,
I tried to find a water
COAX throughout the body,
gradually long Impetigo
New provinces back!
fire burning messing
around look forward
slash Diu stood up,
rushed back Soon,
Embracing the sun started crying,
wailing Weeping!
Just to praise
Merit brother.
When the Great King's
death Because departed love,
Mental ecstatic,
Pneumatics loss,
brain shirts Crying coal,
And the thought
child smallest
Ta very dear,
University of impermanence demons
caught sneaking food Immediately!
two other children
But still,
But the fire is troubling
is like burning.
possible so
then also perished!
hour I attempted to
go higher on forest,
the pickup carrying the
palace Return.
lest their mothers to
health troubles too,
like heart torn liver.
E have perished!
If you see two children
be part of an uoei,
Keeping the body and mind
Looking forward to the whole network!
Then the Great
Elephant good brakes,
spare Along markets
Wants to other forests,
Just go halfway
Seeing double,
land Stamp yell
Calling me names,
Then Pharaoh took to
Hold two children,
crying Crying,
recovery time supply,
to the two
mothers met Mau!
Buddha Than Life:
The date should know,
Ma Ha Tat DOA
United particles dedication
Tiger Rescue at the time,
now is our own,
Ma Ha La Da
Dai Vuong then,
now The King's
warheads Na (4),
United pilot then
now is the Ma Da (5),
Great first element
is now Maitreya,
Great second element
Now the thing Dat (6),
Tiger hungry then
Kieu Now Dam Di (6),
Seven tiger cub
is in Bhikkhu
And Shariputra,
Moggallana it!
Then the Great King and Da Ma Ha La Faye wept bitterly upset, everyone took off his necklace in touch , give people go into the woods and architectural relics collector get it built right here by seven golden towers!
United e Ma Ha Tat DOA then, when about to have vowed that their dedication:
"May the relics of my life future, through many lifetimes, often because the beings that made ​​Buddha! "
Life Than Women Heaven! He is charming ancient goodness that we have this festival tower!
At that time, because the force of the Buddha, the tower's seven treasures disappeared!
PRODUCT Eighteenth
At this time there are hundreds of thousands of thousands of memories we Bodhisattva A large infinite, from this world to go to the country by virtue of the Tathagata Son Kim Bao Cai. When you're here, theaters body down to the ground to celebrate Buddha reverently, and went back to join hands and stand on one side, facing the Buddha. All praises in unison say:
The body of the Tathagata
Yellow Sac wonderful,
brilliant light
golden mountain as big!
gentle body
like golden showers!
good general Boundless
Self dignified body
depends Beauty
Body pure
wise very shy
as gold mountain!
wholeness Clean
As moonlit sesame!
voice rang hollow
known as Brahma,
known as Lion,
As thunder rang!
six sound
Miraculously pure
fame gentle
sound As Confucius deprivation,
patriarch Qin Lang Ca.
Oai full faith,
blessed minister excellent Hundred
Solemn Buddha!
light beam
is no limit
Intellectual quiet.
attachment that no longer!
Exalted achievement
Boundless merit,
For such a large sea,
like Mount Meru!
Because of beings,
compassion birth,
life in the future
Or for pleasure.
's Word says Tathagata
First deep meaning,
Or that being
quiet peace,
Or for being
unexpected pleasures,
Let's show the true Dhamma
supreme nectar,
Or open practice
supreme nectar,
Hay on all
happily Houses,
Hay making beings
are liberated
countless Beyond
the Sea three realms of suffering,
Dwelling district director,
no longer worry about suffering.
Exalted Tathagata
intellectual merit,
Power, Great Compassion,
Diligence means
Boundless as such,
can not be counted!
We present here
can not be speak out!
Devas, who lives
in countless lifetimes,
measured Seriously think
is impossible to know.
Tathagata has
merit Intelligence
agency Countless customs.
far I agree Strategy
Company Tathagata
As a drop of water,
Hundred thousand memory part,
no one can say!
If you are
Contributing merit
Dedication beings,
Supreme Securities direction!
Then Bodhisattva trust between this conference left the court immediately stood up, patronizing right shoulder shirt, kneeling close to the ground, palms towards the Buddha commented that:
Exalted hundred blessings,
Gen. good mystery,
deep high merit
dignified body,
projection distance wise,
not nostalgic look bored,
like sun light
throughout the space Screening
Morning Throughout glorious
boundless immeasurable!
well as countless
storms stacked,
light in color Five
Green, pink, red, white.
As mass flow li,
crystal, gold.
nowhere blazing morning,
through the Empty Mountain,
Can screening
buddhafields Boundless!
Or kill countless
beings suffering brain;
Back or give
Boundless pleasure.
Each unit purity
Miraculously most!
beings prefer to see
no boring boring.
lush hair, soft
As Confucius stripped feathers,
as the queen bee
on the lotus bean.
Purity Ball University
Merit dignified,
director of the Boundless
merit and Dai Tu!
such merit
Both were full.
Gen. good beauty
dignified body,
All merit
Assistant to enlightenment.
Tathagata often
Overpowerer beings,
Caused devout attention
by many pleasures!
merit All
profound solemnity
is also ten
Buddhas praise!
Aurora Lighting
Across want to place,
As the sun
compare with nowhere!
Merit achievements
As Meru paint
over the existing market
All the world!
sealed with white teeth
like pearls snow,
German sesame bright as
the Sun and Moon are not,
Hao Minister between you
rotate right,
Luminosity bright
as jewels lapis,
Body minister majestic
as the Japanese morning!
Then Bodhi Gaya back praising God that Tho:
Male model Purity
Supreme enlightenment!
Even profound Justice
Depending upon known throughout.
far apart all
Africa Act, non-French,
beyond Self,
The Buddha's Enlightenment.
Knowing Friends, African Friends,
Baoen pure nature.
Hy useful! Rare!
Tathagata merit,
Hy useful! Rare!
customs Tathagata University,
Hy useful! Rare!
As Mount Meru,
Hy useful! Rare!
Buddha's infinite happiness,
Hy useful! Rare!
Lord Buddha was born,
As Udumbara
An occurrence!
Hy useful! As Lai
Dai Boundless compassion.
Light creatures
Wanting benefit
Give beings,
Propaganda Religion economic theory
Miraculously so!
Or rather Tathagata
The quiet apartment,
or introducing Which
president Shan University of
Unknown structure, pure,
deep blacks Tam.
On-site Buddhas
Having practice.
Thanh Van All
Body are quiet.
whom Tuc Luong Ton (1)
does not behave well,
all legal
like Boundless!
General Nature comprehend failure
are also quiet.
beings all
general nature not
So crazy stupid mind
can not know!
Con usually Buddha,
Prefers see Exalted.
Lai vows usually
not far from the Buddha.
usually underground
demons straight hands.
Wholeheartedly attachment grave
To see the Buddha.
practice I usually
bi Ultimate University,
To see Buddha
Sad tears fall consequences!
Con usually soft threshold
Want to see the Buddha,
Because he should be
given hot burning fire!
Please Exalted pray
for Compassion Board
French Cards cool
to kill annoying fire.
Exalted From Man,
Bi infinite Mind!
Please make human body
usually seen Buddha.
often household Exalted
All Thien Nhon.
So far the
thirst threshold want to see,
Than Van Thanh
Like illusory,
as the ball nowhere.
countries like the moon base.
nature of beings
like in a dream.
Tathagata origin of
Pure Land as lapis!
On which legal origin
supreme nectar.
Or Board beings
Countless peace
of origin Tathagata
profound mystery,
all living beings
can not know.
Ngu Than Tien information
and the Thanh Van,
All Engaku
also unknown.
now I not comfortable
making of Buddha.
Tathagata Please pray
As the embodiment!
Then the Blessed One
From Three black boots,
mysterious Use language
which commented that:
You instead! You instead!
Than Thien Nu Life!
here today You
Like say so!
All living
If you listen to this law,
Equal enter practice
birth Infinite Orange Giant!
when speaking of this business and the innumerable multitude of people, Sun Development Center for the Enlightenment!
PRODUCT nineteenth
Then Shakyamuni Buddha from the starting concentration, force modernization Spirit, put his right arm rubs the head of the Bodhisattva and Uranus, and the Naga king, the crown is only twenty-eight demon God, the Army Generals and said words that
I am at countless hundred thousand thousand memories untold lives practicing law mystery of Kim Quang Minh Kinh this. The need to maintain life reciting, in the realm Diem widely spread approach this mystery, let not rupture. If you have your son or Thien Thien Nhon women do in life expectancy and future maintenance of this classic reciting the devas often favor the status. Be aware that the next life is often immeasurable happiness in heaven, and He will meet with the Buddhas of the ten directions, quickly proven to Enlightenment.
then there are the Bodhisattvas and Devas University, Long kingdom, Subscriptions Only Generals, twenty eight, immediately got up from the seat in front of the Buddha to pay homage to the ground, and said in unison: As the Blessed One teach are pleased to serve out. Ladies three times: As Bhagavan taught are pleased to serve out.
Subscriptions Now the position of General Council Directive white Buddha that: As the Buddha's teachings, if someone lives and future economic life over this often, or write copy, or ask someone in disseminated, we along with twenty-eight of the Spirit because you usually have to follow most, hide the advocates of this sermon, that they eliminate the evils, the peacefulness, please Do not worry!
Then Buddha Shakyamuni its modern spirit, ten boundless world are all things six concussions. At that time the Buddhas are very happy, because of this extensive experience and compliment good people in accordance with religious teachings, so the force out immensely.
boundless Now Bodhisattva: Bodhisattva Gen Tin, Kim Optical, Kim Tang, Bi Often, the French Supreme Bodhisattva etc ... Four Great Heavenly King ten thousand God-mail, along with Bodh Gaya Than Tho, Kien Lao Street Spirit, Thien Nhon all the world, Tu La hear Buddha's teachings are found spirituality Supreme Bodhi, elated joy bowed back out.
fish from suffering Savior,
sensor alarm reward,
close to the tiger Discharge
Certificate Thien feet.
tower apparent multiplication cash
operating flexible spirit,
love of people for ever!
-When Self-Bodhisattva practice Prajna In La Most profound secret, that in aggregate are not inspired, beyond all suffering yoke.
Xa-Loi-Tzu! No other color, other colors are not there, which is not great, which is not great; sensation, perception, consciousness, and all that.
Xa-Loi-Tzu! It's not the law minister, no birth, no killing, no dirt, no cleaning, no more, no less. So in no, no color, no life, perception, volition and consciousness. No eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and mind. No color, sound, smell, taste, touch, approach. There is no limit of the eye. So there is no limitation of consciousness. There is no ignorance and no end of ignorance. So there is no age to die, does not have all the old dead. There is no hard, set, kill, direct, no-no prime. Since there is no such acquired.
Bodhisattva Bat-elegant refuge where the majority Paramita so do not mind obstacles. So do not mind obstacles, so do not be afraid, away from crazy dream, the ultimate Nirvana.
Buddhas Three generations of Bat-elegant refuge where the majority Paramita so be Supreme Enlightenment.
therefore for should know that Prajna Paramita is Most Great Mantra, is the Great Ming Chu, the Supreme uncle, is remarkable wife, or eliminate all suffering the yoke, not true damage. So say uncle immediately Prajna Paramita majority:
"Bill-empire, empire-up, three up-empire-la Ba-la-Empire Rise up, Bodhi our three-hectare (3 times).
Heaven, A-Tu-La, Drug-Rub all,
who came to hear the French should wholeheartedly.
Dharma Support is usually longer.
Each diligently practice the Buddha's teachings.
How many people heard of this place
or on land or nowhere,
usually being free from humankind
rely on self-Dharma night.
vow of world peace is often
immeasurable benefit Phuoc pants birth place.
How many poor threw eliminate
It leaves the size of his passing.
Ganges Using international stature apply light incense
usually wear to cover the body.
States Bodhi beautiful, dignified throughout
Depending normally peaceful accommodation.
Male model Dharma Protector Bodhisattva Vi Da Thien Ton (3 times)
spend three obstacles Prayer defilements
prayer unto the feet of clear intellectual
crimes Prayer eliminate obstacles are
often religious Eternal Bodhisattva.
Vow born in the Western Pure Land,
nine lotus is the parents.
flowers found evidence unborn Buddha
Bodhisattva do you no good rotten.
vow to bring fresh merit,
based on over all
beings Disciple and
fled into the Buddhist.
Buddhist Self-y rules, please pray beings
According directed both, found a superior mind.
Yourself rules y French, please pray beings,
Understanding of the Tibetan plateau, the deep wisdom.
Increase Self-y rules, please pray beings,
Public Administration, and all do not be afraid.
Recovery volunteer Jewels proven, the Dragons bowl sets, depending prodigy Compassion necessarily support the Buddhist Indian song, recitation, lecturing Kim Quang Minh Kinh, excess investment merit, lettered direct current soul deceased states touch, make them equal amount Buddhist karma eliminated, the body and mind at peace, now diligently director, a post-legal nature at Quang Minh enter.
Quang Minh any incredible mental capacity,
excluding energy Nhat thousand yoke distress call!
reasoning assistant director of United Nations Security ,
demon god of upholding Dharma Master.
Fishing attain selflessness moral being,
Tigers escape excess risk lifesaving
organ profound French bodhisattva conduct
any magical high super incredible!
monk Thich Thien Tri
Carefully spread
PRODUCTS rewind:
(1) As the truth I heard: This is the autobiography of Ananda in the opening paragraph menstruation. According to the business practices, such as Buddha taught Ananda Nirvana is as close later aggregation of business, each business are beginning to use "As I heard it's a Buddha ..." as part of informed self , also known as certified private parts.
Particularly the word "truth" has many meanings, but in short the following means:
a. Ananda confirm their beliefs on the teachings of the Buddha in this is absolutely correct and true.
b. To identify people believe that what is said in here is absolutely right as he had heard that the Buddha taught the truth, not what speculations, or speaks for itself.
c. The Buddha's teachings are certified as true place of Buddha-nature of the law, but said the General. TRUTH AS should mean as the true nature, true as CHESS, as fact, as truth USE, SUCH AS true. If this medicine according to that practice will achieve the true nature of the Body chon sense!
economic As said:
"If this integration immediately enter the legal nature,
Shenzhen understand the legal nature, Dwelling legal nature,
That in the Kim Quang Minh doing this
is to see which one Sakyamuni. "
(2) Necessary strain location: location is one of three things: - First set position, the position of each Thanh Van, he knows the total general location of the is NOT legal. - Directed given location, the location of the bodhisattva, this place knows all the difference method. - What position necessarily strain, the special place of the Buddhas, who thoroughly intelligent achieve all General Minister and Special Minister, Minister Nhon, fruit minister; know all based religion and their place of birth, or the period leading to sufferings of the birth.
(3) Kien Lao Street, that their Divine worship in the temple, his face Dharmapala Vi Da.
(4) is Trayastrimsa heaven, heaven on language Trayastrims'a the second floor sphere, atop Mount Meru, the central Sakka, 4 way, each of the 8 union of 33.
(5) A Tu La ( Asura) is one of them in eight of Devil Spirit, known as Fei Tian, ​​also known as Infinite radical right; Retribution of this species almost of heaven, but there is no merit in, and the body is not good by God.
(6) As the Angels Eight supporters often follow dharma: 1 / We God (Deva) , six-sphere heaven, the four realms of Zen Lust, four realms not originating in the Formless world, merit retribution wins over people. 2 / Long (NAGA). 3 / deleted (Yaksa), God in vain. 4 / Beware Ba (Gandhrva), also known as Perfume moisture, because this species only nguoei flavor to life, is the idol of Sakka. 5 / A Tu La, as mentioned above. 6 / Ca Floor La (Garuda), Kim SI, each 336 fly thousands of miles away, usually eaten Nagas. 7 / Emergency Na La (Kimnara), also known as African goodness, like people, but with horns on his head, singing god Sakka. 8 / Ma Virtually La Aging (which they are ga), as in business, the transcription of Medicine Ha Ho Info Aging, synonyms, also known as the Great Man Spirit. Eight of this kind of human eye can not see. Should they also called Ming bowl set.
(1) A term used in business to refer to the many not be able to tell.
(2) This is the Bodhisattva of trust he heard eight Buddhist life Fifty-year-old will pass away, so thought questions, not the Buddha's death; Lord Maitreya and now the unborn; that we might know life is 6 thousand years old he will be when the time people life to 8 thousand years old. It is the discharge of life under the Buddha often, as in business The Moon Tibet University, the tenth book Killing Take the French, the Buddha taught that verse:
Falling needles being the
third part Drain Life,
Compassionate beings tries,
France Hai Linh Nga chronic
Remover Nhon sexual Devas!
We now because being
Rinse third life,
So merciful beings
I fully Makes French sea,
around the Sun Bath, The!
During economic taught that: Buddha's time in the 100-year-old life. Buddhist embodiment of this human realm, the Buddha's life is worth more than ordinary people, mean life of 120 years, but for being merciful Buddha, Dhamma residents want to maintain long-term maintenance of the world, the Buddha's life partially discharged three, and a testament to Heaven, The, Devil Spirit will use the age of the Buddha saved him, so after this offering forever for my disciples, concerned with preserving Jewels, pants interests being any good. These are just speaking the embodiment of Buddha in the world alone. What about the life of Buddha, the network can not limit the amount of years that is. As in the "Life Amount" has said of this experience, just like in the "Life Tathagata amount" of the Lotus Sutra.
(3) Lust: Contains Four Meditation Heaven!
1. Thien Ly profile blissful place of birth, including the floor of heaven:
- We Thien Pham (Brahmaparsadya)
- Accessories Thien Pham (Brahmapurohita)
- Great Brahma (Mahabrahma)
2. Meditation II blissful place of birth, including the floor of heaven:
- Minimum Quang Thien (Parittabha)
- Heaven of Boundless Light (Apramanabha)
- Optical Sound Heaven (Abhasvara)
3. Tam Thien Ly local wedding bliss, including the floor of heaven:
- Min Jing Tian (Parittasubha)
- Infinite Pure Heaven (Apramanasubha)
- Turn Tinh Thien (Subhakrtsna)
4. Four Meditation, Local Discharge pure thoughts, including the floor of heaven:
- Unknown Van Thien (Anabhraka)
- Thien Phuoc Sanh (Punaprasava)
- Square Disaster (Bratphala)
- Infinite Ideas Heaven (Avrha)
- Unknown Trouble God (Atapa)
- Infinite Heat Heaven (Sudrsa)
- Good Knowledge God (Sudarsana)
- Sac Rescue Wing Heaven (Akanistha)
- Warm Thien Hoa (Aghanistha)
- General Self In Heaven (Mahamahesvara)
(4)-sphere: apartment complex consists of five exciting locations:
- Hell
- Peta demons
- Animal birth
- Nhon
- Heaven
In Heaven Animal includes Luc heaven Education:
1. Four Heavenly Kings, including the floor of heaven:
- Tri Nations Heaven (Dhrtarastra) (east).
- Growing God (Virudhaka) (male).
- Advertising Section Thien (Virupaksa) (west).
- Multicultural Heaven (Vaisramana) ( north).
2. Trayastrimsa Heaven (Trayastrimsa) also known as Thien Tam Tam Thap.
3. Da Ma Thien Tu (Yama), also known as time share.
4. Rate Where Da God (Tusita), also known as Hy-sufficiency.
5. Hoa Lac Thien (Nirmanarati), Thien them in this world transformed itself into the scene to life the sexual communication.
6. At Thien Hoa Tu Tha (Paranirmitavasavarati), this realm are often robbed her so happy, also known as ma God.
(1) As a quartet, the Bat and the assistant director 37.
(2) As the sound of God University Pham, the second five chastity. English Buddhist teachings pure magic, than languages ​​Brahma, as the Lotus Sutra text saying call:
Buddha sounds wonderful blessings called on acoustic purity. In the Flower Adornment Sutra also says: "Acting on pure sound wonderful, citation supreme supreme dharma, the audience happy, directed pure magic!" so-called Great sound.
(3) Buddhist Phuoc full faith and wisdom fulfilled, so called Bi Additional sheets.
(4) Force Cross is the mentality of the Buddhist ten:
1 / Tri force knew right direction justice or morality. 2 / Tri karmic force multiplication effect known three generations of beings. 3 / Tri know the power of meditation, liberation and samadhi (concentration). 4 / Tri power aware network mentality of beings themselves. 5 / Tri force aware of the level of understanding beings. 6 / Tri force known realms in 10 attacks. 7 / Tri force all the well known practice of how and what the result will be; as practice the Five Precepts will be people, good practice would be to do God Cross, Nhon religious precepts, samadhi, wisdom production would be nirvana. 8 / Tri force that all good karma, evil and place of birth and death of beings (third eye unobstructed location). 9 / Tri-sufficient network capacity to know beings and ways of nirvana. 10 / Tri force permanently rid of all passion or career prospects.
(5) Wealth, beauty, fame, eating, sleeping. In this dish the first year of being sensual. Because so trapped by this year's hard being rescued!
(6) As directed sensory loss, also known as Saint financial loss; interior enlightenment; Spoiler loss. Consists of: 1 / Trach legal, legal wisdom selection feet, camouflage. 2 / Diligent, strong center practitioners use their feet, paragraph wrong approach. 3 / Hy, true legal mind being fun. 4 / Contempt Security, get rid of the negativity coarse, close attention should be gentle peace. 5 / Mindfulness, usually the favored religious thought, not ignored. 6 / Dinh, the center specializes in landscape, not scattered. 7 / Action discharge, except give up all hope love scenes, accept mistakes, but at the same time giving up the scene possessed, not a legal resident at all. As the Diamond Sutra says: "France are favoring illegal discharge cases galaxy," or "no basis Ung resident children born any attention," the meaning of this discharge.
(7) Da La Ni, also known as general maintenance, is capacity to keep all three Buddhas goodness of life, not forgetting, and maintain all the good virtues, help the director achieve.
(8) Considering the previous gather force.
(9) Consists of three career body: killing, stealing, sexual misconduct. Four of mouth now: Telling lies, romance, said piercing, evil word. And three of the industry: greed, hatred and delusion. Contrary ten ten now this is called karma.
(10) Hell, Peta demons, animal, person, asura, God.
(11) sphere, Lust, Lust Forever.
(12) Greed, hatred, ignorance, also known as karmas, or do these three things for chronic depraved beings in samsara, not liberation, the so-called three poisons!
(13) is only for the primary and general depends beauty from head to toe, so sign language, are beautifully adorned.
(14) generosity, morality, patience, effort, meditation, wisdom, the Bodhisattva of six legal practice and the degree to self-forgiveness.
(15) Three Evil: Hell, demons Peta, Animal birth. Eight victims: Hell, demons Peta, Animal birth, Cu Block North Africa, Thien Truong Tho, deaf blind mute lisp, deceptive intellectual life, Buddhism after Buddha's previous birth. Eight here and can not see hear and practice the Dharma is so called victims.
PRODUCTS tons of coal
(1) Come back at the previous footnote.
(2) As one of the thirty-two great generals of Buddhism that emerged in between the two eyebrows.
(3) Organic Sun worship (Acanitra), also known as Sac finality, the fourth heaven Lust, at the peak of the visible world, the so-called Friends empowerment.
( 1) The body consists of six bases: eye, ear, nose, tongue, body, and mind, admitted six ceiling: Lust, sound, smell, taste, touch and approach, so called Hamlet of six entering the village.
(2) Due six bases admitted six ceiling, discrimination, attachment to a cause, which is born of suffering affliction enemy, so called place of the enemy.
(3) Each separate realms are hanging on the ceiling of each corresponds to it, grace is not something else, such as eye color only with grace, charm the ear only sound, etc. ..
(4) Because beings cling My body is so big four, and were it not liberate toxic, and such as poisonous snakes.
(5) That 12 goodness grace, all beings are hooked within this coastal chain of 12 mercy that flow of birth and death, the practice goes against the will, in removing it, call Removal is done.
(1) A guardian heaven to earth, as the previous footnote.
(2) King, here are meant only for the primary thuoe national leaders list.
(3 ) Property seated Buddha preached.
(4) As a rule the kingdom saints galaxy four continents.
(5) mental Wins Eastern Europe, the European Southern Thiem, Cu Lot North Africa, West Asia Chemical Taurus.
(6) Consider the Save Thuytruong the author.
(7) Brahma is the unfortunate position because of religious purity that were born on, so their theories are aimed to promote sexual well-made.
Sakka There are so friendly France pyramid, so the theory which aims to promote the good karma, so-called good argument.
(8) Thousand markings of 32 feet is a Buddhist minister, at the foot of the road just spin like wheels.
(1) As we show in the world.
(1) Buddha has ten full effect:
1. As Lai Pham language called Da Da Da A patriarch (Tathagata), according to the argument True said: Thua realistic future direction of enlightenment pediatric try list Tathagata, as it's meant shifting direction, back into the living Buddha should called the Tathagata. Business Upasaka said: Exalted Tathagata tu no samadhi, the samadhi Removal, Charity, Compassion, mercy grace delicate cross bar, all for the benefit of all sentient beings, so called (AS); Beings spokesperson true enlightenment, not two, not another so-called Tathagata. Tathagata from local ancient solemn Buddhist bodhisattva level, practicing religion as true to the enlightenment, the so-called Tathagata. In the Diamond Sutra says: "Unknown hybrid spare head heron tried countless list Tathagata past;" feet is unborn nature, eternal.
2. Application Cung Pham term Arhat (Arhat): Dharma is full of magic, may deserve to receive donations of all people, God, so called application offerings.
3. Chief variable Tri: Comment on Tam Tam term Buddha (Samyaksambuddha): Truth knows the law, as well as a way to sole infallible right feet, so called Right Turn Prophet.
4. Additional Minh Hanh Pham multi-language platforms physician tam na na la price (Vidyacarana-Sampanna) net practice full third world league so called Additional Minh Hanh.
5. Compassion Oath: Tu Pham old term momentum (Sugata) From the Eightfold Path, thanks to necessarily place beyond birth and death that passed away.
6. Worldly Good: Great old English Plot palsy (Lokavid) understand all beings, accidentally made ​​the earth and the world, beings, Buddha.
7. Supreme Officers: A recruiter on multi-language la (Anutara), such as Nirvana is supreme in all measures, the Buddha is paramount in all beings. Again from the religious Tathagata attained mercy until, from solemn Buddha standing until the liberation are exceeded Checkout all the documents, Pratyekabuddha.
8. It Phu Truong Ngu Pham Phu long term appearance Dam She sa la threads (Purasa-Damya-Sarathi), Tathagata cleverly used all means to being led, to subdue beings.
9. Thien Nhon Teacher: Ms. Pham language Sá multidrug recruiter sa ma year (Sasta-deavamanusyanam): Buddhist masters is both realms and Earth, or just being taught to do certain things, certain things should not be done. Again beings or do not fear being free means being taught to be happy-suffering, so called Master Thien Nhon.
10th. Bhagavan Buddha: Buddha's language on Highway ca na tha (Buddha-Loka-Natha), translated means Enlightenment authors, Exalted also means respecting the earth. Know the law and conduct, self-discipline, sense of forgiveness, fullness feeling so well known as the Buddha according to the Buddhist honest discussion is both effective and Exalted, also Supreme Defence macho thing artist and a brand, but according to University Buddha's speech is the full ten marks, Exalted is also full ten marks on, the respect of the world, such as Buddha or Tathagata Exalted Exalted ... But there is a little different, but at the same mean age , because each Buddha is always full ten qualities mentioned above, there is a noun Venerable honored general. Buddha or breaking four ghosts (five warm ma, ma negativity, and God Samsara ma ma) favored the clergy, equally benefit all beings and all beings indications for birth and death defilements, the whole world respect of time, so-called Exalted.
(1) As the Buddhas of ten.
(2) As the world Uposatha. The home because can not be so ordained Buddhist Uposatha international institutions, to conduct collective renunciation of a day a night, including 8 world:
1 / No killing. 2 / Do not steal. 3 / Do not lewd. 4 / Do not lie. 5 / Do not drink. 6 / No body jewelry. 7 / No music, no see hear. 8 / No high chairs sitting wide splendor. It is the eighth world; This eight closed capable of evil and cleared the scene fresh approach, so-called Eight. Second is the midday meal a day older. So-called Uposatha. Business should review carefully Upasaka spells.
(3) Dedication means gyration and provided direction, with many meanings: In the Name direction results, in others self-direction, in the direction of justice, in general towards nature , birth and death towards nirvana ... The practice always dedicate your merits to all beings and for the liberation results.
(4) A Lan Nha (Arinya) have plenty of negative translation differences slightly different as: A na lan, lan elegant A song, A Valley ... are just elegant comfort deserted place, adapted for cultivation in practice. As the Diamond Sutra says: "Bodhi Monastery A mock urban spread happiness na fake!" Happiness is elegant spread well away from noisy place for contemplation moral deposition mind the thorough nature. If life does not have the time to practice observes a tasteful spread is difficult to achieve. As Flower Adornment Sutra says: "A tasteful spread measures, Bodhgaya ...!"
OUR PLACE THAN working conditions
(1) Kim Cang International, also known as Kim Cang Gong, is the deepest underground. Comments Cu Xa 11th book says: "An established world atmosphere, dark apartment style rotation down, any amount of countless commercials, rear hex touch rubbed, upper secondary rotation of Mercury, dark memories gather universal binary, rubbing down the bowl touch Mercury residues agglutination of metal ..., "meaning that according to the structure of the world, wind circulation in the lower end (according to geologists call the atmosphere) atmospheric layer was so thick amount, way over 16 communications Hydro massage is rotated (Hydrosphere) deep depression two thousand ten, less than eight peanuts rubbed into the metal rotating condensate (Info rub mean very thick layers).
(1) Are spent 4 continents.
(2) As they rise in places.
(1) of the Buddha Dhamma handed divided into three periods: the Chief Justice, Justice statue, and degenerate. In the first hundred years of the Dharma, everyone can practice it will result, legal phenomenon is the next one thousand years, just as the Dharma similar but not entirely, because ten practitioners can only result 5 7 persons, subject to the following time onwards is legal under degenerate age, grit mean the end, is how far the legal district, practitioners should be very difficult to attain results as the Buddha in the world, or close to that time . As yet more practice, but few people realize. However, there are three such time as radical majoritarian karma of sentient beings, not absolute, so if anyone out in accordance with religious teachings diligently, then for that person, the current is still dharma that.
(1) That God Trayastrimsa.
(1) A Buddhist remains.
(2) The word is translated words Maha University.
(3) Great God is a literal translation Maha Deva (Ma ha threads women), mean age Ma ha, offer her is natural.
(4) As King Suddhodana, The King of Prince Siddhartha (Buddha during their lifetimes).
(5) As Queen Maya (Sample post Prince Siddhartha).
(6) Qiao Di Dam, the sample cell of Prince Siddhartha. After applying for ordination as Buddhist monk and nuns, nuns started from there.
According to the inscription in Vietnam have not only the Good Cumulative sum of 18 items, while the Tripitaka has the Good Accumulation, this translation is under the Tripitaka translated into 19 product.
If this economic integration enter dharmata news.
Understanding dharmata dwell dharmata.
Ie in Quang Minh Kinh Kim
is seen to do - Shakya Ni.

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