Friday 12 September 2014

Basic Principles of Buddhism.
"Suffering" is a real truth-testing. Not only new element birth, aging, sickness is suffering. How many other suffering, more petty, but more troublesome, and tormenting humans more often. "Aware of the suffering" not only confirm that unpleasant feeling of real property. Aware of the suffering - dukkha - that is to realize clearly and profoundly selfless personality impermanence of all things opposing the creations. Wider awareness of suffering that is know to live in a world suffering with pain is not good karma.

Crystal-third part of the investment-idea man. People can self-pride that he better know that thousand-character musings. "He is a thinking reed know", saying he had confessed to the weakness of man before the universe that also has enhanced the ability to kill any human-universe before. Standing in front of thousands of objects which la, and look at myself, I understand the desire to know. Understanding to be satisfied, and understanding to life worth living. Main tendencies did want to learn spawned philosophy. Mankind today knows to where? Philosophy outlines the path of human progress yet? Having solved the wonder of the great man's life, the universe and human selves yet? These are the questions that the people most likely also have to contemplate a pity to think. People wonder how human knowledge can afford to reach the truth or not. If not, do people even contemplate spending. Better that kept buzzing card adapter that lived in my life, because here hopeless thinking only makes people more miserable. , but people can not help thinking. Living is thinking, and thus, whether philosophy is a subject not spoiled, unrealistic, useless, then philosophy must also exist forever; because when people are thinking to these fundamental issues of human life, the philosophy remains. Three thousand years of history of philosophy seems to have told us so. At the dawn of philosophy, humans are very confident in our intellectual ability. But along with the skeptical philosopher, was losing faith, losing ... The deeper we go into the thinking, feeling human beings as the apparent inability of human knowledge! Man is even more pessimistic when seen alongside the knowledge was weak and lowly, still have a heavy heart desires dark, evil. These dim, bigotry and all this are part of the objective should hide the knowledge that you need to complete. With the stakes so poor that people have dared hope to find out truth. How to have longer want to fly far, far away in the metaphysical realm. As far as possible. Need something to experiment! The attitude of "rationality" is enough to guarantee it! Entangled empirically how far to fly! And so, people are spoiled for freedom tectonic metaphysical dreams. Saying "dreams metaphysics" is correct, because the creation of human rationality of metaphysics are so very subjective motivations Human arrangements: many misguided rationality and prejudice, the more emotionally ambiguous, biased, so my dream is not a dream of his, and thousands of human beings have to dream ... Has anyone who is a true recognition of it. Buddha contemporaries saw at the futility of metaphysical dreams. He did not want His disciples immersed in metaphysical thinking, delusions of false knowledge and subjective feelings. His major problem that is posed to his disciples must immediately destroy part ignorant bias in knowledge and feelings of each person, that is to practice to free themselves from the bondage of ignorance. Provocative eradicated all expectations are reached. No provocative outlook eradicate the thinking of thousands of lives despite the metaphysical problem is still not going to do a nice result. Buddha's method is the method of implementation, not the method of thinking. Buddhism is a living religion, not a metaphysical subjects. Buddha one day holding a handful of leaves "sinsapa" and told the monastic disciples: "You think? leaves in my hand more or more leaves in this forest? " - "O Buddha, the leaf he is holding at the leaves in the forest is too many" - "Just like that, the kids, the ones I know are very many, but the ones we brought to training the child is very small. Why not give us all out to teach the children? Because he did not have the benefit of the whole. they do not do for the prize-exit for I will not give up teaching. what we teach? taught me about suffering, cause of suffering, the cessation of suffering and the path to the cessation of suffering. things that benefit, because they can take the child to the place of liberation "(Samyutta). We see clearly Buddhism is a path and a single path leading to cessation of suffering places. Buddhism is just a way of life, a practice, not a theoretical vain, a "Coliseum argument". Because Buddhism see the need for the eradication of passion expectations. Buddha said: "Hey, bhikkhus, do not think that the world bullshit is finite or infinite, or the incredibly useful. Though this world is finite or infinite, although it useful for the same or incredibly, the thing that we must realize the existence in this world are suffering: birth, aging, sickness and death "(Anguttara). therefore suppressed Buddhism advocates argue all delusions, forbidden place minded adventure into the world thinking that Buddhist metaphysical postulate is only the illusion camouflage damaged and useless. Buddhism bring people back to the experiment. Experimentation is a vast empirical widely. That is the perception the "suffering" of life. "Suffering" is a real truth-testing. Not only new element birth, aging, sickness is suffering. How many other suffering, more petty, but more troublesome, and tormenting humans more often. "Aware of the suffering" not only confirm that unpleasant feeling of real property. Aware of the suffering - dukkha - that is to realize clearly and profoundly selfless personality impermanence of all things opposing the creations. Wider awareness of suffering that is know to live in a world suffering with pain is not good karma. All of the Buddha's teachings are oriented to intentionally make people aware of the suffering, and realizing the broad scope as defined above. People must first empirical deeply and widely the "suffering" that, the fact of Impermanence, selflessness, and Conflict Impurities that. Such experiments have it, the new man questioned necessary: ​​find the cause of the suffering and the cessation of suffering. Whoever only superficial sense of his suffering could not find the cause of suffering is . When people have adequate experience and profound suffering, impermanence, selflessness, and Conflict Impurities, people will find the cause of the pain easily. Already truth is the first Noble Truth of Suffering, then the second is The Truth sole, cause of the suffering. Buddha said that the cause of suffering is passion expectations, karma, kindness is infectious, and people also noticed that. The cause of suffering and misery, is not a result of the metaphysical musings that provide an empirical truth can. Anyone can make both empirical truths. Experience teaches people to live that truth. Buddha wanted man clearly conscious of this truth. Canonical Buddhism has a clear explanation of this truth. Suffering-So-Great and The Empire is the experimental and widely used as a platform full of Buddhist methods. In the face of empirical truth was, of course, people have found their way: liberating the end of suffering. If the cause of suffering is desire, the anti-sex-except that is expected to eliminate suffering. It is a reductionist that nobody saw. Life is suffering. And that the cause of suffering is desire. Kill passions ie destroy life miserable. So, according to Buddhism, suffering life, to destroy human life sorrows to reach Nirvana. cried Do not that Buddhism is like the overly negative, the policy is not to live , as advocated alienated life, is advocated turning all into nothingness. Desire is the cause of suffering, the origin of birth, aging, sickness, death and thousands of other unpleasant wanted. But man is not only desires only. Human beings have what more serene sublime passions, such as compassion, wisdom ... So as to destroy only desire is to destroy the life of suffering; In other words, more suffering is to destroy part of life. Part passions are destroyed, but also part of three high purity crystals will be like? Part three ethereal crystal, when the desire to destroy, of course, will be made ​​whole. Perhaps not perform integrity of this section leads to a nihilistic results? Then when lust kill, bad part of life (impermanence - suffering - selflessness - impure) are destroyed, but good portion of their lives (usually - communication - self - purification) to be done at all, as in humans, the three high-purity crystals were made ​​whole. So Nibbana is not nothingness, which is the implementation of what high integrity purest, most pure and mysterious. Lives in life is impermanent, selfless, impurity, suffering with many ups and downs life and death, but did not see impermanence, selflessness, impure, how much suffering the ups and downs that life and death: it is Nirvana. Achieve desire to eradicate spot, people are liberated, totally self so, no longer a slave to anything anymore. The problem is just a matter of Deliverance changing perceptions. Desire to kill, compassionate mind does, immediately change perceptions. Impermanence, suffering, selflessness, impure, before cognitive liberation, becomes Often, Us, Falling, Pure. Bondage of life and death is there. Nibbana there is liberated. And do not leave the mortal Nirvana, "Nirvana, no flowers vital market." There's the bad side of life and death is life, there is also a nice side of life is nirvana. That is the truth Tuesday. , but to eradicate desire, achieve nirvana, people need to have a way, a method. Buddhism is the way of it, is this method. killing ways are very clear educational need, and must start from the banks of the Mekong, meant for human suffering can achieve the first step, the difficulty and embarrassment. Although many countless disciplines, but are included in the abridged few essential things: Three primary school and bowl directors. Tam-learning: gender, concentration and wisdom. Initiative of the bad karma, is the behavior, language and thought mesmerizing expectations. The "career prospects" This helps to develop strength for lust. So the first task is to suspend them. "About" is the family's only. No do not say and do not think now's the passion that is not expected to comply with the use of wrong desires. It was the first revolutionary tasks. Having succeeded in the initial resistance and disobedience of this, hopefully new people to kill passions stage. precepts, which is not subject to pour more oil in the lamp desires. However, the lamp still burning strong. Therefore, people must use positive measures to gradually weaken and eventually force the other fire, destroying flame. Due morality performance, increasingly strong willed. Allows the practitioner to practice concentration, using meditation forces whittled down to the wire tangled roots of desire and spent many meticulous, unwavering and can be pushed to its roots. Desire more destroyed, the more intellectual growth. Intellectual growth as the breaking strength than the more intense passions. So practitioners approaching seat completely destroy the seeds of subtle source of suffering. "The student's About, The play's Wisdom" is summarized by saying that the three-school. elaborately But three school should be founded on genuine knowledge - political (vue juste). This means that we understand and fully experience four basic facts (known as the Four Truths) in order to avoid misperceptions, contrary viewpoints truth. To follow the Buddha's teaching methods used for concentration and meditation in accordance with the law, and the main thought. Only the true memorial Dharma, mindfulness. Must diligently follow the right way - Chief diligently. There must be a means of survival true - right livelihood. To act and speak in accordance with dharma - right action and right speech. That's the main bowl of directors. despite tough road but is the only way. All systems rich teachings of Buddhism only one whose sole purpose is to present the methods and ways of liberation, in addition there is no aim to solve metaphysical questions. Those who look at Buddhism as a metaphysical science major who did not understand Buddhism.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/9/2014.

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