Monday 8 September 2014

(The Khuddaka Nikàya)
Prof.. Tran Phuong Lan

The minor Nikaya entitled "little Foot", but contains the number of the largest economy in the year Nikàya is 15 volumes, compared with The Field (3 episodes), Central (3 episodes), The Samyutta (5 volumes) and increased Branch (3 episodes). The word "Minor" here, according to the v argument counsel, wants only a mixed personality many topics is described by many different writers, from the short shelves because the Buddha preached, the predecessor to the Buddha with thousands of articles on stilts by the shelves, the sensibility profile Bhikkhu of the Buddha, the A-la-Han dynasty, the legend of heaven, hungry daemons demons by Jesus to the classics compiled..., to the comment letter analysis doctrine opened the literature A Fin Ðàm (Abhidhamma) of Tibetan Opinion later. In sum Minor Nikaya is a multi-faceted anthology contains 15 episodes in the same order as follows:

1) Khuddaka Pàtha (the minor suit): consists of 9 and brief shelf due to the Buddha on Tam quy, The world, The Buddha said, bodes, Crush from school for new disciples etc. direct.

2) Dhammapada (Dhammapada): contains 423 cards shelf due to the Buddha speaking are sorted by topics in 26 products, emerging as the most popular in the South because of a Buddhist TV Bollywood condense the framework of doctrine through the short shelves as the basis of ethical lifestyle, from which many large Nikaya is developed later.

3) Udàna (linguistic inspiration, legend Buddha himself): consists of 80 stories evoke the inspiration to the Buddha spoke the joy is to educate and encourage the assemblies, divided into 8 products.

Itivuttaka 4) (Buddha such theories): consists of 112 trade divided 4 chapters in prose and poetry shelf. This episode also cited the stately language inspired by the Buddha but begins with the sentence "this is what is The World to honor and I look so".

5) Suttanipàta (My files): including 71 in 5 chapters written by shelves, ancient social circumstances described India and discussing the teachings is full of character and moral philosophy of the Buddha, the same ideal in pure lifestyle of the Bhikkhu on stilts.

6) Vimanavatthu (heaven 's): consists of 85 stories divided into 7 chapters, describing all the glorious scenery of the castle of heaven in the hereafter for those who live according to the legitimacy to do good in this life.

7) Petavatthu (Stories of hungry daemons demons): consists of 51 stories in Chapter 4 describes the suffering of bad career Devil created in this life. Both episodes about heaven and the evil hungry daemons to talk up the correlation between Cause and Result, and encouraged the practice of gender at all.

8) Theragàthà (elders Raised shelf): consists of 1.360 poetry shelf due to its National operative sensibility stilts 264 from Jesus's life.

9) Therigàthà (elders Ni shelf): consists of 524 items shelf by 73 Male stilts ni feel monumental. Both the Theragàthà pallets first and Therigàthà is considered as the most beautiful works of literature in Hindi because Bollywood heavily obscured blend meditation of Buddhist disciples. This is the song festival of American life purity of those enlightened free bridge games, happy feet.

10) Jàtaka (His birth or What the predecessor to the Buddha): composed of 547 stories short and long according to the xen prose probably contest the shelves in 22 chapters, in order of ascending shelf articles from chapter one with a shelf for up to 22 chapters, ending with the famous Vessantara thousand items shelf. The predecessor of the story has the purpose of creating confidence in the French leaders in all walks of life from Kings, Brahmin until the miserable budget limits. For the scholar, the predecessor to have historical importance because they are built in ancient India.

11) Nidesa (Sense of): a comment letter presents the analysis of the average solving the problems of the investment Sutta Nipata. This book consists of two parts: An analysis of meaning and significance.

12) Patisambhidàmagga (Infinitely afraid religious Award): a comment letter presents the problem of analyzing the doctrine in the form of frequently asked questions as in the A/F Ðàm. This episode is considered the pioneer work of literature A Fin Ðàm, and is considered by the fake Religious Sariputta (Symbolism Echo) preaching and teaching issues 32 comments in 3 products.

13) Apadana (the hero): ever since under the poetry shelf life of the Buddha and His disciples. Volume 4: the life section include the Buddha Gotama (Like Ca), 41 are independent from sensory and taste National 559 Buddhas, stilts and female stilts ni has experienced the noble heroes struggle to rescue the rescue wing reached enlightenment.

14) Buddhavamsa (Buddha history): the investment according to the poetry shelf referred to the area of 24 ancient Buddhist flavor from the Buddha Dipankara (Course--sign) to the Buddha Kassapa (Ca Romaine) and how the Buddha Zhuan Falun. All are caused by the Buddha Gotama recounts from when He was a bodhisattva is the Buddha Dipankara tho sign until You kill the Myriad Nirvana in public health.

15) Cariyà Pitaka (Department of Tibet almond): consists of 35 stories Buddha forerunner is told to request of false Religious Sariputta, with the purpose of stating the will games for free with high effort and sacrifice infinitely superior that the bodhisattva has done through the Three ten happy la suite (fullness) of him. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.9/9/2014.

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