Sunday 7 September 2014

Now the General Approval is just the devil spirit along with twenty-eight the Devil Spirit sailings from seats in bulk get up trịch right shoulder, hand-Bach kneeling that Buddhist thought: Mo
White Germany World Religion! My Kim Quang Minh at his current life untouched or variety, and its future, identity, or in urban areas, or where the hamlets, or Prince of the forest, or between places not, ho c in court, whether this economy spread to where I'm going with twenty-eight of the great Devil God behold, according to whichhidden, image support for French-speaking target the evil shaman, making him be peace here.
At the same time the French listeners, whether men, women, boys, girls, for doing this, so just hearing a name Like Hybrids or heard a great Bodhisattva, and hear the name of this economic life, maintained that litigation would follow, the reader almost permanent, supportive, eliminating the evil to them, making them an okay. Both countries, villages, citadels, or where the Court, having homes, or between irregular spot as well.
White Germany World Religion! Because Nhon'm coast name Concur Only General Devil spirit. Please Do Respect is shown to know for.
White glass That show respect! I know all of France and the French Coast, understanding the whole of France, and a part of France, as French police stay the France as Leanne. As for the French to accept all.
White glass That show respect! The bright minds currently do, Hanh, and torch position do, focus intelligence do the intellectual realm, do! White Germany World Religion! For the French, knowing chon TAM chon TAM districts, police districts, a distinguished Chief chon TAM, understood the French coast guard Chief chon TAM QUY Nhon; Visual mind chon TAM Chief Justice.
White Germany World Religion! So should I Concur Only General Devil spirit.
White glass That show respect! Concur Only General I would make people say words typically dignified disciplinary action, your real good; nature gas units are from the pores in the body's position, making it full-force, clarity of mind, intellectual accomplishments do, keep mindfulness, such things are full of fun, mind-body, not being tired. So that would be because of this experience, said instructor being widely available. If there was ever any beings in that hundred thousand Buddha cultivation of good units. People say typically because the beings in the popular dark Classic Suit Matches his colors, behold, not to the ambiance.
Immeasurable beings hear this Sutra, will be intellectually do, contain group merit do! In life its futuristic past life memories are often immeasurable pleasure of the People, Sun, will meet Chu Buddha, come get the Chief Justice, Associate Chief of the buds. All in scene three the evil permanently depart!
Nam Said the United Ocean Merit Ly Kim son Quang Released As Hybrid, the Cult, the Chief Justice made the Voters.
Nam Thien encyclopedia immeasurable cox2 na do tha dignified States stems Like Ca As Lai, the Cult, the Chief Justice made the Tri, has burned up the French Torch light charged with acts like that!
Male models the first Dread Germany Honours Them The Grand Duc Thien.
Male models as possible intellectual achievement merit pay Great home remedies Natural.
Then Buddha said Kien Lao Add Me:
The past has a king named King, General Religious Force there is General name Crown Prince, soon to be throne, the head of the country. Then the King told the Crown Prince that:
In life there are the Chief Conclusion you treasure craft y by which to rule the country. Salmon at the old Crown Prince, the future, now father because we, the Chief Justice's Reasoning out instructors tell me, said that, for two thousand years domination of Nations has often been an okay. Never a ballooning illegal work, and never have a bias towards her children bereaved of his.
What is the Chief argument value life?
Consistently Break The Spirit! at the time, King Power to honor General because Crown Prince General article this shelves speaking Credits:
We are now going to say
The Chief argument of Kings,
For the good being,
End all doubt,
All QUY Nhon United Kingdom,
Heavenly realms
Need to rejoice
Hand pieced together to listen.
The King of Assembly
At Mount Dharani.
The Heavenly
Dear ask breaking the United Kingdom:
Messiah College Pedagogy
Self in in my life,
Or minus or,
Because I'm the exception!
Why are People,
Known as the Sun?
Why did the King Who,
Call God?
Birth of the human race
In the Palace of the King,
The Chief rule of law introduction
That call is the Sun?
The heavenly
Ask it here,
Brahma studying
Mainland said the shelf that:
But he is now here
Ask him that he,
But we have to because
All beings
Win the first comment:
Nhon because episodes |
Birth of the Person,
United Nations leadership degrees
Should call Nhon United Kingdom.
When ơœ in thai,
Schools of Natural protection,
Or for protection against
Course late type abortions.
Despite being in The
Be a King Who,
Because is It households,
Should call God!
Hashing three realms of Heaven
Offers his blessing
Assigned to it,
Should call God.
The force household
Should be at,
Depart France wickedness,
Prevented from,
An stay friendly France,
Austerities of growth.
Or render beings
Many blessed Heavenly beings,
Little more than a King,
Also accept Lac.
Lord La Police
Or prevent the evil,
Also call your parents
Teach tu Thien.
The current result report
Schools of Heavenly favors.
The career of good, evil
In the future,
Does the life result report
Heavenly divine favor!
If any evil guys
Skip don't ask,
No punishment for them,
Don't teach primary chon TAM,
Boœ absent from the French Protestant,
Increase the storage batteries.
Should be made in water
Many crooks disorder.
Hashing three realms of Heaven
Both being anger.
By monarch
No evil guys.
Craftily abound
Undermining the country!
Resentment towards other means of pest control
Files on each other of aggression,
Money treasures
Wealth in his home,
The thieves stole
This file tries to Rob each other.
Lifetime value is true of France,
Avoid these things on.
If tolerate,
Water will destroy!
Database of elephant lab
Stomp the pedal lotus ponds,
As floating wind storms,
Usually poured heavy rain,
Bad star appears,
Springtime Sun Moon,
Cereal plants
Are not lush.
Led by King misdeed,
Makes body care!
The realms of heaven
Equally contentious worry sadness.
Because the King of tyranny,
Do not clean the convent.
The heavenly
Both told each other that:
This King to do evil,
Do you evil guys!
Because of the evil
Should Chu Angel of wrath,
Because of God's anger, LETTERED
Should water impairment loss.
Illegal armed men,
Insincere fight chant,
Ear malformation disease
Going on in the country.
Chu Heaven away
Behold, the King left off
Led reflector, the
Engenders misery!
Brothers, sisters,
My wife's sex in
Exile rain,
Hull was destroyed!
Often falling stars,
There are two Suns,
Other means of hijacking aggressors
The German invasion thing.
People often suffer from
Poverty, the challenged room.
Important offices
Elephant riding, vehicles etc.
Crushing moments!
The property, homes
Belonging to national,
Pics taken together,
Armed soldiers of the dead!
The Saturday Star
The loss of usual,
The disabled room
Spread all over the country.
We are an lộc
Position the great spirit,
The US bureaucracy
Dedicated to Africa to France.
Do such evil
Is grace,
Those tu Thien
With guys who do evil
The birth Palace of glass,
See the tu Thien
The mind does not deign!
Should make the world
Complications arose,
Temperamental stars,
The rain hung wind data...!
Undermining the Chief Justice France
Supreme, paramount,
The species of animals being
Breaking ground substance oxidized.
Dear evil bad guys,
Archrival who heals.
Should the rain fury,
Hungry thirsty dead!
Rice, corn, sweet potatoes left
Reduce loss of taste substances.
Being more disease
With the country,
Juicy fruits
More rarely,
Bitter substance whizz
Each time more!
Places to Park
Breathtaking landscapes
Were severely dehydrated,
Not nice.
Food drink
High quality epigastric
Gradually reduced loss,
Eating insufficient dietary,
Ugly beauty,
Pneumatics weakness.
Divine dining furniture
Not knowing silly enough,
Crystal strong
Were knocked loose,
In countries with
The US indolence,
Enough of the disease
Sustain your body.
Wicked essential fluctuations,
La police master.
If there is a King
Do illegal things,
The evil party, growth
Nhon ton Natural relief
In the three realms
With many suffering brain!
The immeasurable evil
Start up like that.
By King
Tolerate unlawful in
Create the storage batteries
Ignore does not treat.
If the person is
Schools of Heavenly favors,
Such a King,
The whole don't do evil.
The tu Thien
Is being the Sun,
Guys who do real good
Fallen three evil way.
Hashing three realms of Heaven
Are being upset!
Evil dung from the King
Ignore the commandments,
Chu contrasted to natural,
Left my parents,
Do the real curious,
Unable to treat the Chief Justice,
Creation time
Who ruined the country
Should not tolerate,
Are political crimes.
That's why Chu Tian
Households maintained his King,
To kill the evil French.
Because tu Shan industries,
Current political world
Royalty rise,
Should be clear
Career in good, real good,
Just pitching Nhon result
Should be the next King
Chu Tian households maintained,
Neighbours for help,
Because, as the
National political order.
There are guys who ruined the country
Primary teachers required
Because the body, because the water
Tu French administration.
Should not do evil,
Should not tolerate.
There are other things
Unable to infiltrate the country,
Because Nhon maximum period
Course Miss sexual orientation failed!
If multiple boot time
Undermining the nation,
Laboratory experiments as the big elephant
Stomp out Lotus pond.
Resentment Chu Thien,
So the Natural impurities,
Run the evil
With the nation.
It should be according to the
The Chief rule of law established.
User friendly procedures,
Do not shun illegal,
Would rather quit the network itself,
Not because of the attractive,
Relatives or documents,
The mind often equal,
Treat a loved one site
Tolerance as a.
The Chief Justice is happy to title
Handed the three realms!
The Chief of France-procedures,
Many people do good
Used in good heart
Admire the monarch
Or make the Sun
More and more!
That's why political
Called Workers United Kingdom.
All schools of astronomical objects
Love humanity United Kingdom,
As well as parents
Love for children.
Should make Sun Moon
And the stars,
Appearance schedule,
Not wrong always,
Rain, wind harmony,
Not be cause
Giving to the nation
Phong thạnh peace!
The people's interests,
Chu Tian crowd.
For that reason should,
The monarch
Would rather quit the network itself,
Should not do evil.
Should not put off
Chief Justice of France conferred.
Because thanks to the French public.
The life is fun.
Often have to close
The French tu Chanh.
Contains the German working group
Dignified ourselves.
As for her children
Usually know just enough.
Are far from evil people
Tu French administration.
An all beings
With the French Protestants.
Teach prevention
Giving away the evil.
Hence countries
Wealth at peace!
The monarch is also
Dread full German!
The people would
Do the evil,
The need to prevent,
The right chemistry teacher from France.
Given the monarch
Honor worthy!
Clever ruler
An all beings!
At the time, Germany As a hybrid because The Spirit say the distant coast of QUY Nhon, He says that the shelves:
I used to do
Move LUN Seong
Remove the four underwater (1),
And the great sea,
Back in time
Used treasures
In all over the world
Surges, cosy lettered Buddha.
That means that when the alms,
Bring the things you,
Are flush left off,
No craving pity.
In the past life
In countless lifetimes,
Because French public sphere
Often give themselves there,
She could not think of
Lots of shit too then,
Has Germany World Religion
Mark is to win,
In Germany The Religion.
After Nirvana,
Do Seong
The name is of good Practice,
Political power
So is extensive,
In the world,
So be yourself in!
The King had the
The Name Sound Cards To Honor,
Here he,
Worried about the chemotherapy,
Night's sleep lies dreams
Listen to the Buddha,
And see Bhikkhu khưu
Bao Minh's name
Affidavit or declaration
French Chief Justice Lai
Named Kim Quang Minh
Task classic jerseys
Bright as day
Or passport all over!
Move LUN Seong
Vision to see that,
Instant wake up,
Family fun Center,
Yet leaving the Palace
The wihan (2)
Donation respect
The Holy Mass,
Ask the greater Germany
In this mass,
Is Bhikkhu khưu
Bao Minh's name
All achievements
The German company reasonable?
Bao Minh at the
In the Yungang Grottoes
An estate is located
Thinking in Mindfulness,
Specialized notes read that litigation
My Kim Quang Minh.
Is Bhikkhu khưu
Mainland leads the King
Come to the Grotto
Where the Bao Minh,
Then Bao Minh
Still an offering,
Special visualization
Dread Germany brilliant!
Sailings only King that
In the cave.
Bao Minh's
That King was asked,
Or maintain French proceedings
Maybe even intensive Buddhist followers,
My Kim Quang Minh
The King of the classics!
Then the King of good Practice
Away the glass desk
Bao Minh khưu Bhikkhu
And said this:
Face like a full moon
Dread Germany brilliant!
Please pray for me
The presentation was well
My Kim Quang Minh
The King of the classics.
Then Bao Minh
Offer sometimes.
Promise because the King said
My Kim Quang Minh.
Three thousand of heavenly
World Natural followers
Know will say France,
Both birth and wedding Festival.
In that clean
Pure micro magic,
Used treasures
Spread onto the ground,
Premium lotions
Use bring sprinkle soy source globally,
The beautiful flower
Scattered all over the place.
Then the King
Experiencing the French court,
Hang the p the
Decorate everything
Nice variety, factual,
Use the powdered incense
Scattered throughout the surrounding
France at high court.
All schools of Heavenly,
The Dragon and the devil spirit,
Most Of The Old Dollar Ma,
Urgent Na La desires to ...
The sky scattered
Flower Mandala
Same all over France to court,
Filled the whole place,
Hundreds of thousands of great wall of memories,
Cannot tell!
Lettered immeasurable Natural
At the same time comes
A meeting place for French speaking.
Then Bao Minh
In the cave come out,
Chu Heaven away
Using Ta La
Give rise donation
Bao Minh Bhikkhu khưu
Bao Minh at that
Bath Body,
Stately medical building
Come to France to court
Hand pieced together homage.
Where France's Court,
All of Uranus
And nhơn Bias
Lay the treasure:
Flower Mandala,
The Great Mandala,
Ma Ha Alongside The Enemies To ...
In out of nowhere
Hundreds of thousands of immeasurable
The digital music
Trays not vague.
Bao Minh khưu Bhikkhu
Person or the sermon
Sailings to France to court
Sit the old urban planner,
And recite the ten directions
Angel memories of world Religion
Buddhist schools of immeasurable
As for being
Hung Bi Center.
And the King of good Practice
United lead the country
Broadly the same across the
Where Sun Moon shone.
During the sermon
So the King
Presents the instructor says
Classics for oxidized.
Then your Majesty
Because French is heard,
In front of the Bhikkhu khưu
Upright hand pieced together
Take listening to the French public,
Concur the exclamation or instead!
Sadly, the King Center
Crying down crime!
Suddenly excited again,
Italian Hon openings.
To donation
This classic.
Then the King
Like Italy, turquoise sacrifice
Because the beings
Play the great becomes the prayer:
Today's prayer here
The Subject Line Matches
Are immeasurable rain
Miscellaneous treasures:
Gold, turquoise, seven treasures
Ngoc anh and lost.
Because Nhon's charm
Made for all
Immeasurable beings
Is pleasure!
Right in time
Raising rain seven treasures.
Miscellaneous jewelry
Pianguan Emerald Belt,
A variety of English communication.
Juicy desk deck
In them are full
Throughout the whole world.
Then the King
Sailings take seven treasures
Such immeasurable
Full of all mankind,
Bring alms,
Donate To
During the loss to France
The Buddha Said To Win.
Bhikkhu khưu Kings
The sermon was then
Is Buddha A Cattle
We now here;
Also King of good Practice
Listen to France which at the
Main Nay us
Like the American Writer here;
We at the time
Even greater, the
Seven heavenly treasure down
Give out alms,
New to hear my
Kim Quang Minh behold!
Listen to this economy.
Claiming that: Heals instead!
Because thanks to long Thanh Duyen
Due to the radical Evangelical then,
Deng himself brilliantly in gold
Hundreds of stately approval
Often immeasurable
Hundreds of thousands of thousand memories
Types of beings
All your Favorites see saw,
Has seen it,
No boring.
The past ninety
Nine natural breast fuck
Usually do the
Move LUN Seong
Also in the immeasurable
In the hundred thousand.
Often leader system
United Emirates United Kingdom.
Many past life usually do
Like The Title Complete Nhon
Net and breaking the United Kingdom.
Frequently asked again to be
Ten Jie Sun
A myriad of immeasurable
The merit
Boundless, immeasurable
Are due to hear my
And x ng heals instead!
As we pray
And have now been
Bodhi accomplishments
And The Chief Justice Of France Itself!
Then Buddha said The German astronomical objects that:
If Good Men died, Friendly Female Nhon would like to use the product object you treasure do to donation for Buddhist past, its present and future; as well as wanting to know deeply the phrase voluntary third Buddha. people need to decide who will, with customised dissemination of this experience. Or where urban areas, villages, residential, or where not, mindfulness does not rebel, who heard the French economic releases this mystery.
Then this means That the duplicate claim Respect, should say that shelf:
If you want to donation
All schools of Buddhism;
Voluntary information
The phrase third Buddha.
Need to go to
Cities, villages,
It has significant behold,
Releases the mind listening.
Task classic jerseys
Extensive merit
Boundless immeasurable!
Make all
Being freed,
The immeasurable suffering
All the realms.
This experience didn't even Brown
First, middle, late work
Can not speak!
For example, compare,
Assuming constant sa
Of vi Tran,
The large sea-water,
All the mountains ...
Those things like that,
Can not for example!
If enter my behold
Immediately enter France, Leanne
Intensive French comprehension, Leanne
Leanne French boarder security.
News in business
Kim Quang Minh behold
That was us
A steady States.
Can't think of a table.
Being in the Sun, The
Often hedonistic
Because hay was heard,
Believe this experience out.
That contains the Group
The immeasurable Germany
All have completely!
Depending on the fault,
The hundred or so weeks,
Although the fire all around,
Need to pass,
Or go to the villages,
Or A Elegant Orchid,
Come in France the
Press Center for lectures,
Because listening to my behold,
Nightmares, poison,
The bad back,
The disability hazard translated ...
All the evil
All but destroyed.
Shume premises,
Sitting on the Court, France
This classic theory,
Written copy read the chant of ...
If the French down the Court,
Then mass
Also see where it
Still someone novel,
Or The Buddhist Religion,
Or see the Buddha,
Statue of Bodhisattva in China:
Samantabhadra Bodhisattva,
Van Su Loi Vengeance,
Maitreya Great singer
And the imagery of ...
Amongst all
What he's done,
Immediately disappeared,
Back as before!
All achievements
Such merit,
The headless Buddha
Oh praise,
German venture General dread
Boundless immeasurable!
Name echoes the same all over.
Or subtract matter,
Resentment towards other pirates
Or render lui tan.
Strong body,
Or break the enemy powers.
Immeasurable evil karma,
Nightmare mind mind...
The evil like that
Were to be destroyed.
If the military battle
Often wins the aggressors,
Name echoes the same all over
The Subject Line Matches.
Also or suppress
All resentment towards the enemy.
Far from the wicked,
Order the fresh thing.
The battle was won,
The mind is often fun.
The Brahma realm,
Hashing the three realms of Heaven,
The heavenly,
Dharani Suite Area,
The phrase the devil God United Kingdom,
Concur Only General,
The Devil Himself In The Na Me
An Emergency And Na La,
A Nậu Long Reach,
We Masterpiece La Silla,
A Tu La Silla,
Ca 4th floor at La Silla.
The great advocate of angels
And Heavenly Merit.
The Friendly Spirit
Upper thuœ something like that,
Usually have to donation
The above theory.
Being head of the French Tower
Can't think of a table.
Beings see saw
Respect the wedding Festival!
The heavenly
Also thinking,
That told each other that
Making this beings
Are all achievements
Dread immeasurable Germany.
If the or go to
It's the society of France
People like that are
Achievement of good units.
If someone is listening
Even experienced deep behold,
Arrange dignified
To the French Assembly,
The mind being Chief Justice credit
Donation respect
French Tower infinitely superior,
Great bi so,
Benefits being,
I.e. storage space
French immeasurable said.
Or enter a maybe even deep
Leanne French immeasurable!
By using meditate
Listening to this classic.
People who like
Are due to the past
Immeasurable donation
Hundreds of thousands of Buddhist followers.
Because he justifies,
Nhon immeasurable charm
Should be heard
My Kim Quang Minh,
Such beings
Often immeasurable
Headless Angel Wang
Craving glazed guardians,
The Great Advocate Of Merit
The heavenly,
Immeasurable Devil Spirit
And the singer's ...
Days and nights diligently
Supporters four directions,
Which results in disaster,
Constant left scenes of agony.
Like The Title Complete Nhon
And The Celestial Sun Moon,
Yan XING Ma La Silla,
The God Of Wind, Water ...
Vi Da Angels
And Fin Nựu Angel,
The great advocate of angels
And In Heaven
Spirit of fire etc.
The mighty force of the great Meng
Often the time
Day and night are not removable.
The great Powers, United States, deceived,
I Na La 01,
Ma Oh Its La,
Twenty-eight foot,
All the devil spirit,
The only approval,
Hundreds of thousands of the devil spirit,
Graduate student spirit group
Support all
Made fearless.
Dharani Suite Area
The great Devil God United Kingdom
Along with the progeny of the
Five hundred party decorations,
All of which is
The Great Bodhisattva
Also are supported
This experienced listeners.
Ma Ni Da Baht
The great Devil God United Kingdom,
Phu Na Da Baht
And Kim Bhikkhu La,
A La Her Soles,
The New Batch Was Old,
Asked The Lord,
Every each of the gods
Both have five hundred
Progeny of the devil spirit
Also generally supported the
This experienced listeners.
Multi Substance As Na
A Tu La Silla,
And Qian Ba, Thát
Na La La Beams,
States Na I Ba,
Ma Gan Ji Ni Tuo
And Ni Qian'an County Da,
The great God of the rain Home
The great God of cuisine,
Ma Ha Old Disguised,
Kim Sharp plays the spirit,
Sale of The Devil spirit
And Selling Expenses, La.
Far From The Bat La Ba,
The Great Dread Of Germany,
Mrs. Na Beneficial spirit,
The Ghost Talks Canvas La,
M.a. Badri La Ba,
Play magnet Devil spirit,
Tu Favor Your Multi,
Lac District Na Sí, Remotely
Ma Ha Ba Na
And The Momentum Of Price,
Ghost House Empire.
Back to the Great Spirit
Far From La Suite Imperial,
Oh Ma Da Canvas,
Slapping Multiple Le,
Maximum Of Three He He,
A The Old Canvas La,
Chi La Ma Old,
Exposed Central Ma La,
The gods.
Both have immeasurable
Graduate student spirit group
Often support
Those who listen to my
Kim Quang Minh behold!
A Nậu Long Reach,
One Elderly La Silla,
The chon TAM Australia United Kingdom,
Contest La Bowl United Kingdom.
Nan Da Long United Kingdom,
Canvas Nan Da Wang,
All such
Hundreds of thousands of Long United Kingdom
Use The force
Often to support
This experienced listener
Day and night do not leave!
Three Beneficial Rahu
A Tu La Silla,
Fin Ma Multi Substance,
Until the trade Only,
Shaanxi Ma Loi Tưœ,
Three Hectares Of Le Prince,
Then La Da Dang
Until the Qian'an County Da,
All of which is
A Tu La Silla
There is great power
Often to support
This experienced listener
Day and night are not removable.
The marginal female,
The Mother, Deceived,
And five hundred Gods
Often to support
People hear this Sutra,
Or sleeping or awake.
The great devil of da Fries
And Fried The Momentum Turns,
The External La Male,
External La Forum Threads
Gas-eating people,
The devil spirit.
All have Great force
Often support
The economic life maintenance
Ten of the world.
The Great Advocate Of Heaven,
A female Bias immeasurable,
The German Emperor
All together belonging to the bereaved,
The Spirit Be Tuberculosis,
The Great Spirit
The Garden Left Trees,
The gods.
Birth center wedding Festival
Are supported,
Close your affection
My Kim Quang Minh!
With the beings
Good motivation to live long
Merit majestic,
Unusual grave site
The Saturday Star
Ears are variation hell
All or destroy,
Can't save bad.
The night is dream evil
Wake handle sad,
The evil like that
Peoples are destroyed.
The God Of Great Power
That part a lot.
Because of this economic power
Or dirty situation
Throughout the whole of
To the Dharani
Thickness of sixteen thousand
Eight thousand by week,
How much gas do
Turn around in it.
Are kept flush
Delicate surroundings being,
Thanks to this economic power
Make your land
Are we on the
Thick hundred by week.
Also making Tian Chu
So is gas,
Full body power
Hedonistic fun:
In The Subject Line Matches
Have the gods
Birth Center fun
Immeasurable life lost,
Because of this economic power
Schools of Heavenly joy.
Hundreds of varieties of rice left
Both are good fresh,
His accomplice Lin rice garden
The flowers are brilliant,
Fragrant bowls fields
Fills all,
Miscellaneous plants
Being head of good fresh,
Flexible straight,
No curves then.
In The Subject Line Matches
The Dragon Lady
A myriad of immeasurable
The mind being the wedding Festival
Rejoice not measurement.
All over the place,
Stately floral ponds,
In the pond.
Bring forth everything flowers:
United Pros Bowls La,
The Three Ghosts,
The Verse States,
Momentum Stool Flower Benefit.
From where the Palace
There is no clear
Made out of nowhere
There is no cloud cover
Four methods are transparent,
Bright, clean,
The Sun splendor
Free light all over,
The passengers are a beautiful rack
Soi dark spot.
Gold Match Fitness Forums
Used as the Palace
In the which
Immeasurable merit,
Both the Japanese God
Until the Moon God,
Because listening to my behold,
Full gas,
Behold God in Japanese
The Surplus Export Compliance Issues,
Birth Center fun
Zooms out the immeasurable
By lighting all over the
Slideshow of the soi,
Right now appear
Launched against the light,
The Lotus pond
Nơœ out everything.
In The Subject Line Matches
Loads of fruit,
Depending on the time of the collapse,
Being filled.
Then Sun Moon
Brilliant lighting.
Stars appear
No wrong Friday class,
Rain, wind harmony,
Rich, hưng thạnh,
Abundance of wealth
No deprivation,
My Kim Quang Minh
Charged with such a great mystery!
Options ơở anywhere
Preaching popular proceedings,
Water vistas.
Sailings are growing
The immeasurable Germany
As said above!
At the time, Germany As Hybrids are about as Bodhisattva and General Credit Bank, General Bank, Quang tho, Associate Chief Justice Chief Justice signed into that feeling. The Mainland has ten thousand German dread God fully, the upper tier was its capital, are all from heaven ... ... taking advantage of going to the wealthy girl, 24-foot Buddha, sitting back on one side.
The time of Buddha and Bodhisattva General Credit: He in the hereafter, spent hundreds of thousands of immeasurable cox2 van na do tha shit couldn't count, and in the world right now Kim Premieres will be the Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice sense, as Kim Said His Son Wang As a hybrid, the Cult, Chief Editor-Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity becomes the World TournamentEndless, Sergeant, That Dwell Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Mastermind, Buddha, The Religion. Until after the Buddha's Nirvana, Chief of France, the French destroyed it. General Bank cooperates will at the time of Buddha tonic design. The world was now going to rename the Buddhist pure land, and Of the colon mark is Kim Trang Tien Minh Phu Quang Kim Flock Projection As hybrid, Cult Effects, the Chief Justice made the Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity becomes the prize in the world, Infinitely Sergeant, What Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Offensive Mastermind, Buddha, The Religion. So after this Buddha Nirvana French French, the Chief Justice also kill off.
The Optical Bank then followed additional design for Buddhist origin. The world now as the old is no different. Buddha as Kim Quang Released As Hybrid, the Cult, the Chief Justice made the Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity becomes the prize in the world, Infinitely Sergeant, What Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Offensive Mastermind, Buddha, The Religion.
Ten thousand — in God after hearing the three Great Singer is finishing up life; listen to My Kim Quang Minh thus heard fun, who valued contentious, not being contaminated structures, like Yuri throughout don't be afraid, just as frivolous.
The time As Lai knows ten thousand apartment behold tưœ Angel charity to be mature. He successively signed for the life that:
Behold your God! The spin-off through a steady States hundreds of thousands of myriad memories na do tha shit will become the Chief sensory; in this world, and shared a home, a family, a name, mark is the Best Item Bowl La Scent Flowers Painted As Lai, the Cult, the Chief Justice made the Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity becomes the prize in the world, Infinitely Cwo, Thy Wife, natural Offensive Things Sphinx, Buddha, The Religion. Thus sequentially appear birth tells enough ten thousand Buddhas.
At the time, at shume is the Bodhi tree deity named Dan Falling Utility white Buddha that:
White Germany World Religion! Ten thousand are above God in the Heavenly Palace the donation to benefit, because listening to France should focus here, stars As Lai Mohammed sailings up to them? -White Glass That show respect! I had never heard the Angel Prince behold austerities enough six Three La Suite; never heard them leave limbs, heads, eyes, spinal cord, brain, my wife loves you, wealth, rice, silk, gold and silver, Yuri, far from the CU, brain code, chon TAM Chau, coral, pearls, jade and juicy drink food, blankets, clothing, shone clear cure, elephants, horses, vehicles, homes, power temples, gardens, Woods, ponds, a servant, who like most of the other bodhisattva immeasurable, take sufficient sat map feed donation, donation, respect the past hundreds of thousands of immeasurable help to endless myriad schools of Theravada Buddhism.
White glass That show respect! Bodhisattva thus in life are bred too early valued things immeasurable, eyes, spinal cord, brain, my wife loves you, wealth, rice, silk, so the servant, etc. ... the turn austerities such achievements and undergone the ascetic seclusion immeasurable life of new life course, Deng signed as the Buddha.
White Germany World Religion! The Angel this tưœ thanks to what the fresh plant, the enemies of the other out of the sky WINS just to listen to France, Mohammed was ready to sign? Hope glass Sun, because the League said, to let her be the suspect.
Then Buddha said Friendly Male favoritism that have fresh victory, Nhon apartment coast sui tu General due retribution. Why like that? -The God we have from God, the joy of active exercise on it, trying to hear my Kim Quang Minh behold; been listening to my right, left still meditate valued business relationships, such as the theory of austerities and back to hear three representatives signed life Bodhisattva, we also do long Thanh Duyen who was past his childhood becomes the vow, so are we up for life in the life of the future will become the Chief sensory.
Buddha told Tho I Bodh Friendly Male Favoritism that:
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! Listen listen. Manual note taking, I will because people, says the ancient prayer becomes the coast of QUY Nhon, undergoing countless immeasurable before do.
At the time, that the Buddha was born as The Winner As Lai, the Cult, the Chief Justice made the Tri, Minh Hanh University, Charity becomes the prize in the world, Infinitely Sergeant, What Thy Heavenly Nhon Phu, Offensive Mastermind, Buddha, The Religion.
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! At the time when Buddha entered Nirvana, the Chief Justice's removal, in France the French Statue (1) that the King's name is Angel himself in Luminous, tu as Chief of France, such as the rule of law established. Nhơn inhabitants in harmony, curious parent support. In a country as chief author named Marine Maintenance, skilled trades physician, heal the sick, the media knows the four great falling off!
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! Then in the following pseudo Chief Marine Maintenance engenders is a son named Liu Shui, his body presentable state primary WINS, retribution, looks pretty sharp, full of dread, the true names of intelligence to comprehend the reasoning book, math, knowing the industry, everything are reached. When domestic distress that plagues, countless beings who avoided illness sustain brain suffering immensely!
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! Save the Thuœy the of Chief giảấy see the sick suffering beings are not aware of it. Because the beings, beings wholeheartedly dhāranī thinking like this: hundreds of thousands of beings so unexpected, being the brain gauge, my father a good drug trades, however, can cure the patient, knows the four great sick up off but now the age old dry skin thin, depleting the withered wrinkled, atrophied establishment counter, walkinglẩy limbs back and forth, seven, Lady Chair, carrying tired-take! Can't go to the hamlet villages; that momentous encounter beings now sick, no one cure! We now have to go to ladies through the father, asked the secret remedy weak treatment. Dear ask know, will go to the villages, hamlets, cure for being made displaced diseases, make them get rid of gauge scenes!
Meanwhile the Chief supposedly think like that then links to the father worshipping finishing move aside, your arms, your discount increases the body's four great, please father taught. He said the shelf that:
How do you know which
Four great serviced apartments
Impairment loss of attrition
Where is the disease?
How do you know which
The weather eating,
Or eat, ate,
The fire itself did not kill?
How do you know which
Treatment of Sealing and heat?
Of the lung disease,
And other diseases of ...
When dynamic Styles,
When thermodynamics?
When would marine?
Harm beings?
Now the father
Sailings take court shelves
WINS said remedy
That response for children:
Three months is lower,
Three months is the Currency,
Three months is the East,
Three months is spring,
This twelve-month,
Since three months,
According to the same
A four-year period;
If every two months
It six times.
Three months in the old times,
Now in two months,
Depending on the weather, the
Leisure dining
It is healthy,
Y phương said,
Depending on the time of year,
The four great
Increase/decrease disintegrates,
Making oneself sick,
Have a good physician
Depending on the agreement four times,
Three months of upbringing
Automatic six,
Depending on the disease eating
And dosing ladder.
The leprosy many
Summer launch,
The Heat illness
The fall launch,
Many disease sufferers
Winter launch,
People with lung disease
Spring extra heavy,
People with leprosy
Summer drink:
Fat, salt, vinegar
And eat hot,
Heat illness
Autumn Orange drink cold,
There are many diseases
Eastern drink vinegar sugar
In the spring of lung disease
Drink hot spicy substance,
After the Fed
So lung disease,
When eating shit
Then heat sick,
After having starved
Then play the leprosy,
Four great like that
Option three times played.
Leprosy sick
Use of milk fat,
Heat illness Down to drink
Left A Le Lac District,
The patient should drink
The three marvelous things pharmacy:
The sweet, spicy
And the fat,
Lung disease should drink
The oily taste substances.
If leprosy, heat,
Lung diseases and the
The time where playback
So thanks to the teacher,
Customized professional disease cure
Rice porridge is clear.
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! The time Saved his son Marine Captain fake ask about reduced growth and remedy of the four great. Nhơn it knows to be the remedy. Knowing the right remedy he's going around in the water from the urban to the rural Outback, where these beings from suffering, he compliments, comforting people and say I'm a physician here! I'm a physician knows the antidote, now going for the cure, save, except for the sick heal!
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! In the meantime he heard beings Save Cards visit consolation, promise to cure the disease so patients who bring forth happily rejoice not measurement.
When the now immeasurable beings encountered significant disease, to be heard, should mind soothing in person, the wedding parties, all the sick are healed, except the target as often, complete pneumatics.
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! With hundreds of thousands of immeasurable beings from heavy gauge, hard to heal is to lead the Mainland, head fake, he brought the magic handed out medicine to drink, then instant patient was healed!
Behold A Female Friendly Angel! Mr. Liu Shui was in the water, which cures all diseases suffering beings are well-being!
As Lai erstwhile American Great Compassion,
In water Optics United Kingdom as Liang y,
The Germans meet tam KY,
The Bodhi Dynasty syndrome,
Prayer becomes a Mesmerizing pants!

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