Saturday 13 September 2014

The word "NOT" in the SUTRA.
In Sutra fragment: "the General is not of French soil, clean air, not more, not less, etc." to the ear, nose, tongue eye no body then does both good tactile flavor Gerald France etc. all are not. Such emptiness is no entity of France. Way then no entity not doing real at all, should say not all. No, skandha ayatana no, not eight, etc.
The tu have, couldn't have been justified relief. But despite much as Mt. Tu Di still does disservice as not accepted by rapeseed. That was the big disaster. So the ancients or remind us that no, that should not approve of Uncivil talk anything does not go away. No eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, not good, tactile, taste, aroma, noble etc. In saying not that the forerunners don't accept no. So that no two words any different? This is something I want to preach inclusion for all monks and nuns, Buddhists hold firmly to the seclusion we don't suffer from obstacles can proceed more quickly.

Want to know the Word Not in the Sutra or Uncivil system, first of all we must grasp it firmly and human fate. Non human doctrines mastery charm never understands the word No in this Sutra. The word is not Uncivil's stand is based on human's fate, if the coast guard staff is the truth, the truth will Not Print.

First of all we try to consider the legal world has not to Altaf birth or not? As we see the temples, so the temple whence the? Everybody knows which employees, craftsmen, priests, bricks, sand, stone, cement, etc. into the temple. It never undertook it self up, must be human enough charm new Association. Coast Guard personnel are not something that a lot of things together back into things. Also, all like the above things on this earth that would cross the coast people outside it.

Recently, when scientists learn Buddhism, clearly advocated the French coast by the birth of Buddhism is consistent with science. Because science is subject to analyze things, which analyzes things, not things would in itself have, all due to the combination of multiple components that have. Such animals are not alone a human a charm might formed. They are complex, because many more charm gather. We expect to see the look of the Buddha more than two thousand years ago apparently, how thorough.

Things not there, no coincidence there, not because of who makes, only the coast guard gathered the things we have lacked charm, the Glass Canopy. Buddhist doctrine specifies tells us no more about mistakes, thought that things do people do or random it is. From the House we look up to the table, the Chair, the item would not from human charm born? Trees before our eyes as well as the coast guard was born, and people are not born from the coast? If say simply because of the mother's blood father Crystal forming the human body. Today with the eye medicine, they analyze how many billions of cells, split up each type and then coordinate with each other. Thanks for them to coordinate activities, develop our trunk is alive, if it disintegrates, the crushing of this body. So all things upon the Earth no escape outside the coast guard staff.

As the review, what is the subject of it? We can't say the needle is subject, of the subject. What is the subject not to be enough, that by the parts Assembly back into the clock. As such, it combines charm, if the parts dispersed, the clock doesn't. Before our eyes see the clock, but the clock or not? Just as Lydia temporary Clerk's case, because it has no subject. By no subject should be enough coast guard it is, lacks the charm it loses, there's nothing fixed it. So how do you say the clock is real. Was not true then what is its subject, for example through integrated Coast Guard to temporarily be off coast, does not.

In A function which the Buddha had taught, people would see the charming staff, that person can see France. See see see or leader i.e. France Buddha. through which we see the importance of how the coast guard staff already. Also, people are so charming born should not subject, not fixed. Like things on this world by Lydia b. nor subject, not fixed. Still not fixed, not the subject but the clock still has enough charm, it made money. Understand argumentative and then we just walked through the second step is the Word Not in the Sutra.

We do not mistake the Word Not in the Sutra is empty, no nothing. No argument with that. But the letter is Not just where things we see money, touching hands are parallel entities it is not fixed. So whatever the eye sees, the hand touch was that said no, that's not the subject, not fixed. Uncivil to say no because it's so charming born should not subject. So the word is not in the Sutra known as emptiness. The system call that Uncivil self-emptiness. That is not the subject, not the names but things still has its charm when enough chess theory together.

We humans also favored by students, not the subject, fixed. So call me please? It's just a temporary one, and lost coast, has no real value. So that we keep getting the wrong one is real, the characters are real. The Buddha said to the wrong recipient that is ignorance, is delusion. The learner must be discerning wisdom Buddha, seen as they really are. What the Buddha taught us a suicide, being out guide only teach others, not learning to understand such that see the truth.

We tested back to myself is this bullshit or not? If stem sure honest never ruined. Because due to the coast guard should lack charm, it engenders disease and then go to the ruined. That's probably true, there's nothing to suspect anymore. So No word of Uncivil is no entity, not turning a blind eye not between Yes and no. An immediate table is there, empty nowhere is not. It's the one that's not life, did Not of itself isn't Uncivil, Leanne self owned that is not possible. So Buddha said this body egolessness. Because of egolessness should not subject, for no subject should s/he is subject to discretionary, s/he vandalized, not always intact. That is the specific meaning of Buddhism.

We see clearly the meaning of the word No and then for things we see money, hand touch being true or real? Telling the truth or not is wrong because it's bullshit, only action chess author. So what to say? French-speaking is not really there, because the coast guard was born, only temporarily to the Buddha known as going, as commodities. Here, I remember the teacher From Always in life with post racks:

Cooperation Chen sa property
Vi does not necessarily
Owners don't like glass Moon
Previous animal owners do not fail.


Where are the secret
Otherwise, all non-
There is no Moon water bottom
Don't be stuck with no no.

Him From Always interpreting the picture shows us very flexible. All things if say yes then things would have gone. Why? Because the fake General eye saw, hand touch is. If not, all without cease, since they are not real charm. It is not really should say no. So say Yes and not like the moon on the bottom of the water. Supervision we looked down the Lake, saw the moon does the bottom of the water. The Moon at the bottom of the water is real or not real? If you do the right hand picked up are not. If not what our eyes see clearly. Should have called that is just a shadow, not not turning a blind eye. But the ball then it is not real.

So far as the things in this world as well as the Lunar shadow bottom water, seeing as there but ended up not entities. So there won't, just because the coast guard temporary combination. An that what the eye sees the headset is actually there, but they are incredibly charming combination. Had fate together, we don't make mistakes that it accepted will not suffer. This is hardly of learners, this seen If Buddha. we shall see Buddhism or due to.

We tu hard because we see something real well so much pollution, easily jammed. It isn't the jam infection, also sees France not true then we have nothing to accept, that do not accept the way tu very easily. So delusion is the principal motive takes us to the wrong place. From mistakes it made we do not see the truth, and then immerse in this mortal life and everything is not the same. However the stuff that was really not fit favored General. But not tu we're not out of it, this place is very important.

I emphasize the Word Not in the Sutra i.e. emptiness of France. From people to things like assuming there are no entities. Who is there that we see the truth then it is wrong about, let's say there are that say otherwise are contrary to the truth. So couldn't assert is not. Want to know the secret things before our eyes is the General case is false charm.

Sutra contains the sentence: "self-Consistent In Bodhisattva conduct intensive Uncivil Three La Suite To the weather, Passport no, during skandha an Ant necessarily gauge yoke". That is, the Bodhisattva Quan himself in the practice of intellectual insight into Uncivil, you see all things, namely France or all humans consists of five aggregates: good, tho, thought, action, consciousness were no entities, not fixed. When You find such sailings across all tribulations.

Today we chant the Sutra pagoda for the next sixty years of age, how many turns? Hundreds of thousands of variables that the gauge yoke is still suffering delays. Because litigation is so Uncivil that litigation which see themselves five aggregates indeed. If found damaged in coastal aggregates the combined body doesn't lie to anyone, aggregates we see? In aggregates was not so then the diatribe is true. No frivolous bullshit is false. I fake fake frivolous people, damage, damaged speech imitation, what that agony, there is always. To all the underprivileged, miserable, if they look real? Also not true. So what makes us miserable where? Just taking taillight Uncivil intellectual things, like soi soi detector back myself as Mar mix Jesica imitation. That being so, the hard yoke would also through.

So we just chant a verse that's misery, not complimented many. Mostly known to use the word Buddha in his seclusion. The word Buddha very releases but we recite. Reading back to the Buddha heard right? We read the Sutra actually read yourself to remember and practice according to the word of Buddha. But often the Buddhists think that reading so blessed. Read twice blessed a little more. Do not know the word of Buddha to the application a replayed itself and things, camera should be scrupulously its truth we read for the Buddha heard, I didn't turn off. Buddha says not an opinion during skandha projection necessarily gauge yoke, we praise all the time why not pass a gauge yoke? Because that opinion anywhere! Projection of light, that we not be enlightened, how to fully express it. That was our mistake.

The Buddha teaches this incarnation is combined from the five aggregates: good aggregates, aggregates, aggregates, in life thought aggregates, aggregates form. Good aggregates are the four great country wind fire together. Shou aggregates is the sense of us as there are hot wind blowing through listening to cool, feeling it called tho. The tongue we tasted a dish sounded sweet, bitter listening etc. life is feeling. Our eyes see sees things, get out pretty bad. Close-contact living being like or bored etc. That feeling of expectancy. Six units are exposed six ceilings feel good gauge, non-miserable unhappy. It called tho. Idea who imagine themselves as aggregates the past its hybrid. It is thought, the notion the delicate lightness. There's also talk that the will. the will rise or strong. Formula aggregates, to distinguish this one good, the other bad, this one is, the other sexual harassment etc.

So our body have five sections. Part of good substance, the other four parts belong to the spirit. There are other places outside this body because of four things is good. Colors that include four minor country wind fire. The spirit of the four things: the life, ideas, travel, recipe. These two things combined into eight all together.

In summary, this stems from the nature spirits are charming together, nothing is fixed. Old teacher's Salary, the Tong Cao Cao died, new hair shaved at the pagoda, read the Sutra, he is seen doing says: "Invisible label, Turkish, tỹ, victims, relatives, Italy; infinitely good, tactile, taste, aroma, noble, France, "Mr. Bach with the master:

I have a ear, nose, tongue eye itself, but why in saying no. This means what?

Masters shook his head told Him to go find another place school, because he interpreted does not float. Learner directed experience to see what is or so, no wonder learn sense then we don't get. Mr Leung About praying not understand mainland born you find phăng facilities. Later Gnostic You see true agents of Buddha. All the word Buddha does not have the word, the word would be unintentionally nonsense, only the truth for us. But because of the low level so we don't understand the out every circumstance forever.

In Sutra fragment: "the General is not of French soil, clean air, not more, not less, etc." to the ear, nose, tongue eye no body then does both good tactile flavor Gerald France etc. all are not. Such emptiness is no entity of France. Way then no entity not doing real at all, should say not all. No, skandha ayatana no, not eight, etc.

To the "unconscious ignorance make invisible, invisible Scout, destroyer set gauge Tri, DAC infinity Heron". Literally all of France as the five aggregates, twelve of eighteen, sex. The five aggregates is just this incarnation, twelve of the six root and six ceiling, eighteen is the bare base formula combined is eighteen. So, this body, this consciousness and death scene on the emptiness is there, not entities. About the things of God, the secular is not really there.

Also like France Erren Cross charm, four emperors should have to have. As Buddha said France Tetrarchy is the truth, not false start, legal fate as well the truth, can't be wrong. But why Sutra says nor always, so we order something? At this point there are more questions. Don't suffer the removal Guide, not ignorance and not out of ignorance, etc. then we order do?

I often remind France of the Buddha is the treatment of sick minds of beings. What disease or beings have Buddha's medicine. So if it's not then the medication is real? These skandha-body that is not true. The drug is for curing disease and was not really the drugs do exist. Clear France of Buddha is the only means of curing for beings. If being off sick, the drugs are also not used. Beings are not entities, nor drug entities.

People often think of his chums continue to lie, while the word Buddha is truth, that truth. But the true Buddha is just as sick of beings that taught them the release was illness, do not ignore the language he is also not true. So says classics such as the Moon or just fingers friends brought people through the river etc. Understand so we didn't dissent. All worldly Dharma (the Emperor remain) and French world (brackets) are not entities, just suppose General prospects for disease to smoking only. Clearly as such should not accept, will came up to save dear Nirvana, no longer crush mistakes anymore.

See the handwriting of Uncivil then we easy to refit. Because we're getting non-observance. Said all of France without instant subject accept the not turning a blind eye. If you accept not turning a blind eye as wrong, because things are supposedly General does not make money. So we have to understand, there is no subject, not fixed, do not ignore mistakes is not turning a blind eye. Understand that we will no longer accept any more.

All things come to me, I do not accept the easy tu know. You must to fuck mad cleared, negativity doesn't? The Department of us suffering, we're angry is because we accept it. If it's not exactly know temporary only, because the what combines charm accept. Do not accept so disengaged themselves in between the life that we are not getting anything.

So the Buddha we misery, or we use wisdom to see men things happened to me wasn't real, sailings through the agony. Suffering no one save me is that because I realized the truth of it is not really what makes it troublesome, miserable again! See thorough moral, no longer accept. Remember the original is from passion, is of suffering. Thanks to bright minds do not accept should also no longer suffering. Litigation is a Sutra that spectacle we then exhaustively in going in life. That's certainly so.

But there will be people who say this, Buddha the frivolous bullshit fake French as Dharani Sutra says: "necessarily possession vi France, like going to the romantic image cell". If everything is not going to get all chemistry temporary need do nothing more. My life just float, then society would like? This is the question of many people today. Actually, the Buddhist monastery must have sufficient two sides: one is the wisdom that is Uncivil, two-place compassion.

We consistently observe clearly the names of France is not, because the coast guard temporary combination, see inside so we are intellectual Uncivil. But suppose next we have poverty, we also leave just sitting smiling somewhere, do nothing, thus becoming unprofitable negative. So to play the compassionate mind. Buddha wisdom without compassion is the excellent wisdom that wisdom is dry. So intelligence must have compassion, the wisdom that new fresh delicate. Also from bi which intellectual then called compassion blind, so we're Buddhist monastery to have enough compassion and wisdom.

Because there is wisdom and can't sit unassisted, one gauge of wearing them regardless? Is so selfish, no benefit at all. So the people who release order from bi, they still can't fake frivolous fiction author. So they suffer, we must hurt, have to rescue them, make them misery. So thanks to top intellectual opinion accept the mistakes, broke the dark beyond. Thanks to Compassion's mistakes, biodynamic trade just for them to see the truth, no longer accept, not suffering anymore. It's rounded duty the overhaul.

So the wisdom and compassion to each other according to the rhythm. The upper tier or even Buddha Monastery commissioned must also at the same time the order of the two aspects of that. Must have full intellectual News position and Uncivil to the beings. Not only does the Buddha of wisdom without compassion. Understand that we are ready to roll into the life to suffering, to wake those stupid. Not to say false, fake scene, suffering nor truth, nothing worry about. World hunger is false, there is more to bother pleasing and then sitting there not doing anything.

So in Buddhist scriptures teach Phuoc hue, and both are parallel to each other, just like a bird with two wings. Birds like to fly right wing enough, if a bird's wing shots aren't. Tu people, too, must have the wisdom to see into the truth of my life and have compassion to san sớt, share the suffering of beings. That's the true Buddhist monastery.
Hope all of you listen to meditations and teachings Buddha on his work life. If the application is going to see the value of subliminal Dharma, by contrast, such practice not just understand nothing at all then never see the mystery of Buddhism. and so we do not deserve to call as disciples of the Buddha. all keep in mind and try to attempt the practice to have true joy in the present life.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/9/2014.

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