Saturday 6 September 2014

as true (1) I heard a Buddhist in America Soap Mountain Grottoes in Rajgir. Then Tathagata stroll through countless profound legal nature, the well-Buddhas and the virtues of purity once the Bodhisattva practice.
As Kim Quang Minh
King in the business,
if someone heard
or failure usually think
the profound meaning
Supreme mysterious,
such scriptures
are four Buddhas Standing
In the four
were upholding Family:
A Rinse Eastern,
Southern Security Minister,
West Infinite Life,
North Vi Thanh Dieu.
today I am going to said
the legal repentance,
is the supreme law
arises merit,
Necrotic the suffering,
End the occupation,
is the basic approach
is necessary given location (2)
Cultivate stately
Boundless merit,
Kill the scope
Board unexpected pleasure.
Persons lacking the base,
Tho reduce network losses,
poverty, misery,
Gods give leave,
Body of spoken against
each other Litigation
lawyers shaped French
Finance material losses,
fearful Sad worry;
How bad ear epidemic ,
Those evil poison,
variable constant monster
night saw evil omen,
the anxious days.
should bathe,
Medical uniforms
Play this classic
Chi pure heart,
listening practice specialist
intensive Even Buddhas.
Dread Lord This discourse
Equal or eliminate
such evil The
Causes are definitely kill.
Uranus households that
Bring the attached agencies
and the countless
of them have deleted
Equal to support
him lead this business.
Attorney General Angel,
Spirit River Ni Contact
Mother the demon god,
god Kien Lao Street (3)
Great Brahma King.
Tam tam Cross disaster (4)
Great God Dragon King,
King Khan Na La,
Ca La King Lau,
A La Tu Vuong (5)
Along their relatives of
Equal to support
this business Listeners
Date night does not leave.
now I'm talking
Employment mysterious
dark secrets Even
Bhagavan Buddha,
wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes
is very difficult to see.
If listening experience,
or because people say,
Or Mind depending blowing
Shopping offerings,
people like that
In countless lifetimes
gods Often
the Bat (6) reverently.
Cultivation like
Birth of merit
not inconceivable,
incalculable blessings Group
is also ten
Buddhas Exalted,
the great bodhisattvas
Gia was upholding.
uniforms Medical
Use upper magic incense
offerings Reassurance
is usually not separated from
body, the purification
of defilements No,
Cheerful enjoy
Popular sutra.
If anyone is hear,
or should know
human body, the human realm
and by network chief
legal repentance Listen,
Keeping in mind.
A baker house,
Buddhas praise!
At that time in Rajgir with University Bodhisattva named Tin General has ever offered by countless memories na tha (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)?
Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind.
When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate.
trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana?
At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata:
four large sea water
droplets Know,
Like Sun Life network
can not be counted,
the Mount Meru
Knowing the weight volume,
Life Like Sun network
can not be measured.
known amount of dust
all college locations,
online Like Sun Life
could not be determined.
Nowhere longer
limited to parents,
Life Like Sun network
can not be told.
thousand untold life
can not be counted,
Buddhist immeasurable life
Boundless like.
Due to her grace mercy,
grace should say two,
no harmful material online,
For real immeasurable.
So Great artists
can not tell Life,
Infinite and boundless,
also not limited to,
So this person
should not doubt
Regarding the lifespan
of the Buddha Boundless.
trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy:
When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore.
Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard:
Last night's dream
I can still clearly
see the empty Mong gold
colors bright,
luminous light,
Brighter than the sun
lighting around ten
Hang sa world,
that light Nhon
Seen Buddhas
Sitting court lapis
Under the Tree Treasures,
Boundless mass
fin joint sermon
Seeing Brahmin
's Drumming gold.
During that drum
racks words like this:
Blank gold this big
mystery Bring
Equal or terminate unless
Crime suffering three life,
suffering Crime hell,
demons Peta, the animal,
the miserable yoke of poverty,
many other sufferings ...
This drum comes
Reverberation mystery,
except for the sorrow
oppressed beings,
End all fears,
Makes no fear.
well as Buddhas
countless captain.
Buddhas St. Nhon
Success faith,
departed from birth and death
to sides of the senses,
thus being
also be of merit,
Dinh and assistant director (1)
Just as the great ocean .
drum sound this release
such Miraculously,
Causing beings are
on the negative (2) a profound,
Stock Buddhist Bodhi
Supreme winning results.
Transfer supreme legal
mystery Pure
Life innumerable existences
can not think of the.
Forums said dharma
benefit all beings.
destroy negativity Or,
Except the thing is suffering
, hatred etc.
Both make a stop killing.
Either beings
in hell In,
Fire burning
incinerating her body,
if they become golden drum
sound sound mysterious
language teacher Coming,
Soon find Buddhist holy
beings also makes
network-sufficiency Knowing
eternal life Hundred,
Thousand want lifetime memories.
Makes mindfulness
Exalted Buddha.
well hear
Supreme mystery,
In empty This yellow
Bring on the magic.
again being made
​​to meet the Buddhas.
far apart all
the evil things now,
Smart cultivate boundless
compassion purification industry
Devas, who lives
and beings
Depending thoughts
are prayers of ,
empty yellow stems
Sounds like that
's all, or
full achievement,
If living beings
Going To Hell contemporary
data blazing Fire
Ignites other relatives,
Nobody rescue
victims sunset,
would make all
Killing except the yoke of suffering.
beings If
urgent sizes,
three evil paths Report
Until mankind.
Such Gold Drum
Sound Coming,
Equal or eliminate
the business end of suffering.
Ke no shelter,
no one rescue.
Con for all
makes refuge.
Exalted now the
voters will see Xin.
With the long
Sanh great compassion,
Across everywhere,
the Ten Tathagata,
Buddha present
who Tuc Luong Religion (3)
The capital did
not heal Transactions,
hereby repent
before hex (4)
Do not know grace Buddha
and considerate parents!
not understand goodness,
Creating evil,
honor their Y
And more money.
Youths let loose
Do the evil,
Heart healthy concept,
mouth say evil,
causing Optional create
not see the error.
byproduct foolish
compartment cover not know,
you evil Intimacy
Negativity psychosis (5).
Nhon coast in Education
Center anger birth,
not that boring enough
Trying to work evil.
Near Holy pilot who,
being fisted Nhon,
Nhon poor affinity with,
Gian flattering wrongdoing.
dependent on others
should generally fear;
not be free in
which to do evil !
Greed foolish
soul stirring,
pressing craving
Creating evil,
where rice Due shirt
And by beauty,
scorching Bound
Creating the evil one
Body and mind now
causing many sins ...
sins so
now all penitent.
Either no reverence
St. They Dharma.
sins so
now all penitent.
Either no reverence
Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas,
such sins
are repented.
Because so foolish
libelous article dharma.
Unknown reverently
religious parents head ...
These crimes like
this penance.
Ngu or obscured
arrogance let loose,
Nhon greed, hatred and delusion
Creating evil ...
These crimes like
Nay have repented.
Con this offering
Three thousand great celestial
Buddhas world.
Con will help
Countless beings.
All ten
Wherever there is suffering
You will save
not inconceivable.
Countless numbers of them born
Originally stay tenth.
has been peaceful
and Resident tenth.
Both made ​​full
Enlightenment Tathagata.
beings As a
religious life Breasts
Makes them immeasurable
suffering sea Quit!
Con will for
such beings
Forum Justice said the
deep mystery of
the Kim Quang Minh
eradicate crime,
causing many lives to create
very serious crime
, or even if center,
One phen penance,
such sins
are all cut off.
said this child
continental method exchange,
Kim Quang Minh this
mysterious purity,
Hay eradicate than
all karma.
peaceful I'll
Where tenth
Ten treasures dishes
Use as heel.
Thanh Buddhist supreme
clarity Merit,
India beings
Escape from the three worlds.
Buddhas have
profound visceral France
not inconceivable
merit Boundless,
location Necessarily strains
are fully Prayer,
meditation Hundred thousand,
Base, Power, Sense Forward (6),
The Da La Ni (7)
No inconceivable,
Cross Exalted Power (8)
I will achieve.
Bhagavan Buddha
Have Great Compassion,
Confirmation sincerity
I ask repentance.
Either the hundred lives
of sin Cause bags,
goodness Due coast He
Sanh much grief,
poverty and deprivation,
melancholy panic,
Fear crimes
often terrible Mind,
Any Where
no little joy!
October the current
bi Exalted Great
Hay except being
scared Everything ,
May received for the
City repent,
you eliminate Makes
Things frightened.
did you have
troubles Industrial structure,
only the current voluntary
Bhagavan Buddha
Compassionate Use water
wash except clean!
Past Crimes
Now are penitent,
The current offense
manifested Sincerely,
The wicked do not
dare vow not to do,
that business did
not dare conceal.
Ba's body now,
four of the export industry,
and now the three
are now repent.
body and artifacts
And by the thought,
something bad karma Ten (9)
Repentance all.
Lia ten evil deeds
Tu ten good karma.
An residing in decades
Until the Buddha.
created karma
must be evil.
now in before Buddha
List repent.
Either this country of
the world Or else
there fresh approach
brings Equal dedication.
now I practice
three honest now,
in May the next life
certificate supreme director.
Either in the realm of
six animals (10 ) casualty insurance,
dense in the irrational
Creating evil,
now in front of the Buddha
Equal ask penance,
The world has
accident insurance Samsara:
The lewd industrial
accident Source afflictions.
Survivors like
this I repent,
Victims profane heart,
you evil Victims nearly
three realms victim Insurance (11)
and three toxic accidents (12).
Difficult not crashed
Hard to see the good,
the virtuous ascetic
Buddhist ... It is hard to see
how The victims
now are continental exchange.
Buddhas Exalted
Property lean,
So far I
Homage to Buddhas,
resplendent golden
Mount Meru Like,
So far the
existing Ceremony professor
Figure supreme excellence
heaven as golden,
shining eyes
As gem lapis,
majestic Merit
Title radiant.
Buddha length bi
eradicate darkness.
divinity does not constitute,
Lia the dust,
Tri great Buddhist
lighting everywhere!
data negativity Fire
Gets hot burning center ,
The Buddha or unless,
like the moon throughout,
two generals Hashing good,
beauty Eighty (13)
Dignified Buddha
forever watching boring!
Merit glorious
morning where want to shine,
as the sun
Dwelling three worlds,
Like lapis
Without sordid,
mysterious colors Shining
Enough different things,
Matter blush
like sunrise,
crystal, onyx
premiere Mixed unfurl,
gold pearl Enough stuff
Dignified Buddha
in the three worlds At
Sea samsara large
wave flooded abundant water
psychosis human brain,
The bitter poison
Seriously protruding roughness,
Grid Light Tathagata
Or that dried up.
Dieu itself seriously radical
Gen. infinite perfect,
shining golden Sac
lighting across all
major Sea intellectual
Fully three worlds.
So now I
bow my head,
As great sea
is difficult to know the number,
age Dust address
can not be counted,
The Mount Meru
can not measure,
parents nowhere
Impossible come.
Buddhas too
great merit,
The Organic Center who
may not know.
During countless lifetimes
thinking Wholeheartedly,
can not be said to be
of Buddhist merit.
These great mountain location
Also known quantities,
can be counted said
step drops sea
of Buddhist merit
is impossible to know.
Gen. great solemnity,
in particular Title.
merit so
they are Causes,
Con for goodness grace
Due to karma,
life shortly after
a director Will sense,
the true Dhamma talk Lecture
beings Benefits,
The escape all
we suffer unpredictable
Breaking up the ghost
And our relatives,
Go wonderful sermon
Supreme purity,
Tho countless lifetimes
not inconceivable.
fully Beings enough
nectar French position,
I will fully
Six Paramita (14).
well as Buddhas
Past achievements,
End of negativity
Unless all suffering now,
Kill all greed
, hatred, etc ...
The would think to remember
that the sufficient network
lifetime Hundred, thousand generations,
Hundred thousand memories of his life,
will usually even mind
Mindfulness Buddhas,
legal Heard
Supreme mysterious.
wholesome goodness Con
Common Buddhas,
far apart from evil,
Amendment of good karma.
Each world
beings Property
brain size does not measure
unless I'm going out.
If there are living beings
destroying the base
is not sufficient
Both made ​​full.
Muoi the world
are the sick suffering
major illness forced strictly
no helpers,
Equal led liberation
End the suffering sick,
again the strength
Recovery same.
Either legal
criminal offense must be
unexpected Fear
Saul suffering.
Such men
make deliverance Equal.
Or beaten,
shackled tied column,
enough of the suffering
body pressing.
Countless hundreds of thousands of
vegetable lo horrible
Qualified panic
disorders soul,
all suffering.
Boundless like,
Prayer makes all both.
Both are freed.
Either beings
suffering brain hungry
enough Makes things
really juicy material.
blind see,
the deaf hear,
the dumb speak,
Ke torn shirt.
Those poor guys with
Noodles treasure,
full of wealth,
no longer worry about missing,
Everybody are also
pleasures An okay.
until there is no
one person miserable.
different beings see
fun harmony.
stately shape,
people prefer to see .
Tam often think
of the good work.
Satisfying dinner jacket,
fully merit.
Optional think
of these beings
wish for all of
the music stuff:
Text, flute, war, war,
Cam, color, drum beat
sound enough
Miraculously so.
river water, pond, lake,
stream, slots, grooves, creeks
Fragrance La Bat
Blue yellow blooms throughout.
Depending on the wishes
of all beings,
things Soon enough
Costumes , meals,
Money treasures,
gold and silver lapis,
Chon Asia, jade,
interspersed He lost together ...
Let all beings
hear no evil,
So do not
see the evil there.
Vow of being
Sac nice area,
with each treatment
capacity commercial air affection.
These dishes from being
there in the world,
depending where thoughts
can make it full.
Vow beings
wish for things,
like that they need,
Just thought immediately be.
The fragrant flowers
usually in the third period,
Drop dough smooth flavor
and aroma rub his
head Beings Life
Fun pleasures.
Vow beings
Often offerings
not inconceivable
Buddhas Ten
Abhidharma Supreme
Purity not measure
both mass and
Bodhisattvas Thanh Van.
Vow living beings
are usually shuns
evil three, eight survivors (15)
Having no accident spot.
Almost access Buddhas
supreme Holiness.
Vow beings
born Often honor,
of wealth,
fun An okay.
Fig wonderful color upper
body Dignified
Merit achievement,
college career Yes,
Let the woman.
Both the male body,
Full of wisdom.
, effort is no different.
practice all both
happy Bodhisattva Path,
Mind diligent practice
Six Paramita.
usually see ten
Buddhas Countless
buildings lapis Sitting
Beneath treasure tree,
meditation Dwelling
Liberation pleasure,
dharma Speech
beings prefer to hear.
Child or current
and past lives.
Doing misdeeds
accident insurance there,
should be punished evil well the Buddhas and the virtues of purity once the Bodhisattva practice. As Kim Quang Minh King in the business, If people hear or think usually means profound mystery Supreme, Classics like So usually four Buddha In the four were upholding Gia: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. now I'm going to say The Legal repentance, is the supreme law arises the faith, the suffering Infestation, End the occupation, is the basic approach is necessary given location (2) Cultivate stately Boundless merit, Kill the suffering Committee unexpected pleasure. Persons lacking basis, net loss decreased Tho , Poverty, misery, Gods give leave, Body of spoken against each other Litigation lawyers shaped French Finance material losses, fearful Sad worry; How bad translation ear, poison evil guys, variable constant monster night saw the sign data, the anxious days. should bathe, Medical uniforms, Play this classic Chi pure heart, listen Specialist practice mats Buddhas. Dread Lord sutra or eliminate Both like The Evil Gets the end Removal. Uranus households that Bring the attached agencies and the countless of them have deleted Equal to support him lead this business. Attorney Angel University, Holy Ni River Union demon god mother, god Kien Lao Street (3) Great discounts Uranus. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A La Tu Vuong (5) Along their retinue Equal to support this business Listeners Date night does not leave. I 'm saying this Jobs mysterious dark secrets Even Bhagavan Buddha, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If listening experience, or because people say, or mind blowing customizable offerings Shop, who like countless In eons gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group is also ten Bhagavan Buddhas, Bodhisattvas Participants were upholding Gia. Medicine uniforms and use magic incense upstream from center offerings often not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, Cheerful enjoy Popular sutra. If anyone is listening, or should know human body, the human realm and by Right Livelihood Listen legal repentance, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE QUALITY At that time in Rajgir has named Bodhisattva trust had donated countless memories by tha na (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil well the Buddhas and the virtues of purity once the Bodhisattva practice. As Kim Quang Minh King in the business, If people hear or think usually means profound mystery Supreme, Classics like So usually four Buddha In the four were upholding Gia: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. now I'm going to say The Legal repentance, is the supreme law arises the faith, the suffering Infestation, End the occupation, is the basic approach is necessary given location (2) Cultivate stately Boundless merit, Kill the suffering Committee unexpected pleasure. Persons lacking basis, net loss decreased Tho , Poverty, misery, Gods give leave, Body of spoken against each other Litigation lawyers shaped French Finance material losses, fearful Sad worry; How bad translation ear, poison evil guys, variable constant monster night saw the sign data, the anxious days. should bathe, Medical uniforms, Play this classic Chi pure heart, listen Specialist practice mats Buddhas. Dread Lord sutra or eliminate Both like The Evil Gets the end Removal. Uranus households that Bring the attached agencies and the countless of them have deleted Equal to support him lead this business. Attorney Angel University, Holy Ni River Union demon god mother, god Kien Lao Street (3) Great discounts Uranus. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A La Tu Vuong (5) Along their retinue Equal to support this business Listeners Date night does not leave. I 'm saying this Jobs mysterious dark secrets Even Bhagavan Buddha, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If listening experience, or because people say, or mind blowing customizable offerings Shop, who like countless In eons gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group is also ten Bhagavan Buddhas, Bodhisattvas Participants were upholding Gia. Medicine uniforms and use magic incense upstream from center offerings often not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, Cheerful enjoy Popular sutra. If anyone is listening, or should know human body, the human realm and by Right Livelihood Listen legal repentance, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE QUALITY At that time in Rajgir has named Bodhisattva trust had donated countless memories by tha na (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Such classics are usually four Buddha In the four were upholding Family: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. now I'm going to say The Legal repentance, is the supreme law merit arises, the suffering Infestation, End the occupation, is the basic approach is necessary given location (2) Cultivate stately Boundless merit, Kill the suffering Committee unexpected pleasure. Persons who suffer from the house, Tho reduce network losses, poverty, misery, Gods give leave, Body of spoken against each other Litigation lawyers shaped French Finance material losses, fearful Sad worry; How bad translation ear, They poison evil, monster variable constant The night saw the sign data, the anxious days. should bathe, Medical uniforms Play this classic Chi pure heart, listening practice specialist intensive Even Buddhas. Dread Lord sutra Equal or eliminate such evil The making the killing stop. Uranus households that Bring the attached agencies and the countless of them have deleted Equal to support him lead this business. Attorney Angel University, Holy Ni River Union demon god mother, god Kien Lao Street (3 ) Dai Pham Thien Vuong. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A La Tu Vuong (5) Along their retinue Equal to support this business Listeners date night left. now I'm talking Employment mysterious dark secrets Even Buddhas Exalted, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If economic hear, or because people say, Or Mind blowing custom offerings Shopping, People like World In countless lifetimes gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group is also ten Bhagavan Buddhas, Bodhisattvas Participants were household Gia maintenance. uniforms Medical Use upper magic incense offerings Reassurance is usually not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, Cheerful enjoy Popular sutra. If anyone is listening, or should know human body, the realm the primary network and do penance Listen legal, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE QUALITY At that time in Rajgir has named Bodhisattva trust has been offering by tha na countless memories (1) hundred thousand Buddhas past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Such classics are usually four Buddha In the four were upholding Family: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. now I'm going to say The Legal repentance, is the supreme law merit arises, the suffering Infestation, End the occupation, is the basic approach is necessary given location (2) Cultivate stately Boundless merit, Kill the suffering Committee unexpected pleasure. Persons who suffer from the house, Tho reduce network losses, poverty, misery, Gods give leave, Body of spoken against each other Litigation lawyers shaped French Finance material losses, fearful Sad worry; How bad translation ear, They poison evil, monster variable constant The night saw the sign data, the anxious days. should bathe, Medical uniforms Play this classic Chi pure heart, listening practice specialist intensive Even Buddhas. Dread Lord sutra Equal or eliminate such evil The making the killing stop. Uranus households that Bring the attached agencies and the countless of them have deleted Equal to support him lead this business. Attorney Angel University, Holy Ni River Union demon god mother, god Kien Lao Street (3 ) Dai Pham Thien Vuong. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A La Tu Vuong (5) Along their retinue Equal to support this business Listeners date night left. now I'm talking Employment mysterious dark secrets Even Buddhas Exalted, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If economic hear, or because people say, Or Mind blowing custom offerings Shopping, People like World In countless lifetimes gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group is also ten Bhagavan Buddhas, Bodhisattvas Participants were household Gia maintenance. uniforms Medical Use upper magic incense offerings Reassurance is usually not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, Cheerful enjoy Popular sutra. If anyone is listening, or should know human body, the realm the primary network and do penance Listen legal, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE QUALITY At that time in Rajgir has named Bodhisattva trust has been offering by tha na countless memories (1) hundred thousand Buddhas past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Kill the pain Committee unexpected pleasure. Persons lacking the base, network Tho damage reduction, poverty, misery, Gods give leave, Body of spoken against each other Litigation French jurist shaped lossy material assets, sad lo fear , Why do bad translation ear, They poison evil, monster constantly variable data Night see the sign, the anxious days. should bathe, Medical uniforms, Play this classic Chi pure mind, practice Specialist hear mats Buddhas. Dread Lord sutra Equal or eliminate evil like The Make is stop killing. Uranus households that Bring the attached agencies and the countless of them have deleted Equal to support him lead this business. Attorney General Angel, Contact Ni River God Devil god mother, god Kien Lao Street (3) Great Brahma King. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A Tu La King (5) Along their retinue Equal to support this business Listeners Date night does not leave. now I'm talking Employment mysterious dark secrets Even Bhagavan Buddha, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If listening experience, or because People say, Or mind blowing customizable offerings Shop, who like countless eons In gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group also the ten Buddhas Exalted, the great bodhisattvas Gia was upholding. uniforms Medical Use upper magic incense offerings Reassurance is usually not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, enjoy fun activities Favorites this. If anyone is listening, or should know human body, the human realm and by network chief legal repentance Listen, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE OF At the time of the Rajgir has named Bodhisattva trust has been donated by countless memories na tha (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Kill the pain Committee unexpected pleasure. Persons lacking the base, network Tho damage reduction, poverty, misery, Gods give leave, Body of spoken against each other Litigation French jurist shaped lossy material assets, sad lo fear , Why do bad translation ear, They poison evil, monster constantly variable data Night see the sign, the anxious days. should bathe, Medical uniforms, Play this classic Chi pure mind, practice Specialist hear mats Buddhas. Dread Lord sutra Equal or eliminate evil like The Make is stop killing. Uranus households that Bring the attached agencies and the countless of them have deleted Equal to support him lead this business. Attorney General Angel, Contact Ni River God Devil god mother, god Kien Lao Street (3) Great Brahma King. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A Tu La King (5) Along their retinue Equal to support this business Listeners Date night does not leave. now I'm talking Employment mysterious dark secrets Even Bhagavan Buddha, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If listening experience, or because People say, Or mind blowing customizable offerings Shop, who like countless eons In gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group also the ten Buddhas Exalted, the great bodhisattvas Gia was upholding. uniforms Medical Use upper magic incense offerings Reassurance is usually not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, enjoy fun activities Favorites this. If anyone is listening, or should know human body, the human realm and by network chief legal repentance Listen, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE OF At the time of the Rajgir has named Bodhisattva trust has been donated by countless memories na tha (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Add Kien Lao spirit (3) Great Brahma King. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A La Tu Vuong (5) Along their retinue Equal to support him heard this business is not left on the night. now I'm talking Employment mysterious dark secrets Even Bhagavan Buddha, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If listening experience, or because people say, Or depending Mind blowing Shopping Map offerings, people like that In countless lifetimes gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group is also ten Buddhas Exalted, The great bodhisattvas Gia was upholding. uniforms Care Use upstream magic incense offerings Reassurance is usually not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, Cheerful enjoy Popular sutra. If anyone is listening, should know or the human body, the human realm and by network chief legal repentance Listen, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE QUALITY At that time in Rajgir has named Bodhisattva Tin General has been donated by countless memories na tha (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Add Kien Lao spirit (3) Great Brahma King. Tam tam Cross disaster (4) Great God Dragon King, King Khan Na La, Ca La King Lau, A La Tu Vuong (5) Along their retinue Equal to support him heard this business is not left on the night. now I'm talking Employment mysterious dark secrets Even Bhagavan Buddha, wanted Hundred thousand lifetimes is very difficult to see. If listening experience, or because people say, Or depending Mind blowing Shopping Map offerings, people like that In countless lifetimes gods Often the Bat (6) reverently. Cultivation like Birth of merit not inconceivable, incalculable blessings Group is also ten Buddhas Exalted, The great bodhisattvas Gia was upholding. uniforms Care Use upstream magic incense offerings Reassurance is usually not separated from body, the purification of defilements No, Cheerful enjoy Popular sutra. If anyone is listening, should know or the human body, the human realm and by network chief legal repentance Listen, Keeping in mind. A baker house, Buddhas praise! OUR SECOND LIFE QUALITY At that time in Rajgir has named Bodhisattva Tin General has been donated by countless memories na tha (1) hundred thousand Buddhas of the past, planting the fresh root. Gen. Tin Bodhisattva think like this: So what grace mercy Sakyamuni Tathagata such a short life span, eighty-year-old New Nirvana (2)? Then there think: As the Buddha said, there are two Coast live long multiplication. What are the two? A no killing, two beings as food handouts. Exalted that are in a rising period countless lives clergy any damage, good full cross (3), given the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood candidates for being hungry are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Give us the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood beings starving contestants are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Give us the food and drinks being unable to limit the amount of autologous, bone marrow and blood beings starving contestants are fed alone that these animals carry. Great artists like even the Buddha mind. When Bodhisattvas are thinking that this is another natural home is spacious, stately blue lapis things of heaven, full of precious things mixed together make a face land, as well as the place where Tathagata in the Pure Land. There is the scent of incense mystery than heaven. Clouds of smoke filled the whole house coverage, at the four sides are four high court by seven natural treasures appear. Full map used clothing to spread God. On the building's mysterious treasures are precious flowers, due to half-life of the Buddha. On four lotus Tathagata: A Rinse Eastern, Southern Security Minister, West Infinite Life, North Vi Thanh Dieu. This four natural Tathagata seated on a lion throne bright halo around Rajgir, and the three thousand great worlds, to the world as much as ten Buddhas sa constant. Tung flowers sky sun instrumental music. At that time all beings in the three thousand great worlds, by the force of the Buddhas which is the pleasure of heaven. Those who lack house, and he was full. In short, the benefits are in the whole world have long been unprecedented, this appeared adequate. trust Then Bodhisattva Buddhas and see what's bizarre, exhilarating joy reverently folded hand, the direction of Buddhas in mind this: Shakyamuni Tathagata of merit, but the heart of the living room lifespan, Tathagata why a shortened life span of eighty years old that Nirvana? At that time Buddha Center uses four primary variables Bodhisattva tri protection trust, Lo Shan son! The measurement date should not think about the short life span of the Tathagata. Why so? Compassion this son! We do not see heaven, who, of Ma, Brahma, the same level Samana Brahmins, Nhon and Nhon Africa may think the quality of life of the Tathagata, and they know the deadline is, The only minus Tathagata can know. Then four Tathagata going to say about the life span of the Buddha Sakyamuni's Office, to be in heaven Lust (3), sphere (4), the Naga king, and we demon god, she will need a god, a god Tu La, Ca La Lau god, god Emergency Na La, La Ma Most Older and countless memories by tha na Bodhisattva monks, by the force of the buddhas are to gather at the Tin General Bodhisattva . When Buddha was four shelves used in mass summary life examples to talk about the amount of Shakyamuni Tathagata: four large sea water droplets Know, Like Sun Life network can not be counted, the Mount Meru Knowing the weight volume, Life Like Sun network can not be measured. known amount of dust all college locations, online Like Sun Life could not be determined. Nowhere longer limited to parents, Life Like Sun network can not be told. thousand untold life can not be counted, Buddhist immeasurable life Boundless like. Due to her grace mercy, grace should say two, no harmful material online, For real immeasurable. So Great artists can not tell Life, Infinite and boundless, also not limited to, So this person should not doubt Regarding the lifespan of the Buddha Boundless. trust Bodhisattva Now hear this Buddha's four lectures on the life span of the innumerable Sakyamuni Tathagata, deep faith , elated joy: When it comes to the amount of such Tho Tathagata then immeasurable beings Development Center of Enlightenment. Then suddenly four Tathagata not anymore. OUR THIRD penance Bodhisattva soon convinced that night dreamed blank gold, the great condition, beautiful bright, its light and light projection over sunlight. In light was found to be ten Buddhas boundless Exalted court sitting under the tree Yuri treasure, along with countless retinue surrounded. Buddhas are legal because they say that. Seeing that there is a person like the Brahmins hold the stick on drums, echoing cries, her voice expresses repentance shelves proceedings. When he awakened Bodhisattva trust, media center shelves to remember reciting penitential've heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Me thinks media center shelves penance proceedings heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil Me thinks media center shelves penance proceedings heard in a dream. By morning they leave Rajgir which goes straight to the mountain of America Exposed beam. At that time also boundless hundred thousand beings with Buddhist bodhisattva to right place. Go to the right, pay homage to the Buddha's feet, right circumambulate three times and then back again to sit on one side, reverently, hands admire physical body, never taking his eyes, bring the yellow drum and shelves penance saw in a dream , said the Buddha heard: Last night's dream I can still clearly see the empty Mong gold colors bright, luminous light, Brighter than the sun lighting around ten Hang sa world, that light Nhon Seen Buddhas Sitting court lapis Under the Tree Treasures, Boundless mass fin joint sermon Seeing Brahmin 's Drumming gold. During that drum racks words like this: Blank gold this big mystery Bring Equal or terminate unless Crime suffering three life, suffering Crime hell, demons Peta, the animal, the miserable yoke of poverty, many other sufferings ... This drum comes Reverberation mystery, except for the sorrow oppressed beings, End all fears, Makes no fear. well as Buddhas countless captain. Buddhas St. Nhon Success faith, departed from birth and death to sides of the senses, thus being also be of merit, Dinh and assistant director (1) Just as the great ocean . drum sound this release such Miraculously, Causing beings are on the negative (2) a profound, Stock Buddhist Bodhi Supreme winning results. Transfer supreme legal mystery Pure Life innumerable existences can not think of the. Forums said dharma benefit all beings. destroy negativity Or, Except the thing is suffering , hatred etc. Both make a stop killing. Either beings in hell In, Fire burning incinerating her body, if they become golden drum sound sound mysterious language teacher Coming, Soon find Buddhist holy beings also makes network-sufficiency Knowing eternal life Hundred, Thousand want lifetime memories. Makes mindfulness Exalted Buddha. well hear Supreme mystery, In empty This yellow Bring on the magic. again being made ​​to meet the Buddhas. far apart all the evil things now, Smart cultivate boundless compassion purification industry Devas, who lives and beings Depending thoughts are prayers of , empty yellow stems Sounds like that 's all, or full achievement, If living beings Going To Hell contemporary data blazing Fire Ignites other relatives, Nobody rescue victims sunset, would make all Killing except the yoke of suffering. beings If urgent sizes, three evil paths Report Until mankind. Such Gold Drum Sound Coming, Equal or eliminate the business end of suffering. Ke no shelter, no one rescue. Con for all makes refuge. Exalted now the voters will see Xin. With the long Sanh great compassion, Across everywhere, the Ten Tathagata, Buddha present who Tuc Luong Religion (3) The capital did not heal Transactions, hereby repent before hex (4) Do not know grace Buddha and considerate parents! not understand goodness, Creating evil, honor their Y And more money. Youths let loose Do the evil, Heart healthy concept, mouth say evil, causing Optional create not see the error. byproduct foolish compartment cover not know, you evil Intimacy Negativity psychosis (5). Nhon coast in Education Center anger birth, not that boring enough Trying to work evil. Near Holy pilot who, being fisted Nhon, Nhon poor affinity with, Gian flattering wrongdoing. dependent on others should generally fear; not be free in which to do evil ! Greed foolish soul stirring, pressing craving Creating evil, where rice Due shirt And by beauty, scorching Bound Creating the evil one Body and mind now causing many sins ... sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence St. They Dharma. sins so now all penitent. Either no reverence Pratyekabuddha Bodhisattvas, such sins are repented. Because so foolish libelous article dharma. Unknown reverently religious parents head ... These crimes like this penance. Ngu or obscured arrogance let loose, Nhon greed, hatred and delusion Creating evil ... These crimes like Nay have repented. Con this offering boundless Three thousand great celestial Buddhas world. Con will help Countless beings. All ten Wherever there is suffering You will save not inconceivable. Countless numbers of them born Originally stay tenth. has been peaceful and Resident tenth. Both made ​​full Enlightenment Tathagata. beings As a religious life Breasts Makes them immeasurable suffering sea Quit! Con will for such beings Forum Justice said the deep mystery of the Kim Quang Minh eradicate crime, causing many lives to create very serious crime , or even if center, One phen penance, such sins are all cut off. said this child continental method exchange, Kim Quang Minh this mysterious purity, Hay eradicate than all karma. peaceful I'll Where tenth Ten treasures dishes Use as heel. Thanh Buddhist supreme clarity Merit, India beings Escape from the three worlds. Buddhas have profound visceral France not inconceivable merit Boundless, location Necessarily strains are fully Prayer, meditation Hundred thousand, Base, Power, Sense Forward (6), The Da La Ni (7) No inconceivable, Cross Exalted Power (8) I will achieve. Bhagavan Buddha Have Great Compassion, Confirmation sincerity I ask repentance. Either the hundred lives of sin Cause bags, goodness Due coast He Sanh much grief, poverty and deprivation, melancholy panic, Fear crimes often terrible Mind, Any Where no little joy! October the current bi Exalted Great Hay except being scared Everything , May received for the City repent, you eliminate Makes Things frightened. did you have troubles Industrial structure, only the current voluntary Bhagavan Buddha Compassionate Use water wash except clean! Past Crimes Now are penitent, The current offense manifested Sincerely, The wicked do not dare vow not to do, that business did not dare conceal. Ba's body now, four of the export industry, and now the three are now repent. body and artifacts And by the thought, something bad karma Ten (9) Repentance all. Lia ten evil deeds Tu ten good karma. An residing in decades Until the Buddha. created karma must be evil. now in before Buddha List repent. Either this country of the world Or else there fresh approach brings Equal dedication. now I practice three honest now, in May the next life certificate supreme director. Either in the realm of six animals (10 ) casualty insurance, dense in the irrational Creating evil, now in front of the Buddha Equal ask penance, The world has accident insurance Samsara: The lewd industrial accident Source afflictions. Survivors like this I repent, Victims profane heart, you evil Victims nearly three realms victim Insurance (11) and three toxic accidents (12). Difficult not crashed Hard to see the good, the virtuous ascetic Buddhist ... It is hard to see how The victims now are continental exchange. Buddhas Exalted Property lean, So far I Homage to Buddhas, resplendent golden Mount Meru Like, So far the existing Ceremony professor Figure supreme excellence heaven as golden, shining eyes As gem lapis, majestic Merit Title radiant. Buddha length bi eradicate darkness. divinity does not constitute, Lia the dust, Tri great Buddhist lighting everywhere! data negativity Fire Gets hot burning center , The Buddha or unless, like the moon throughout, two generals Hashing good, beauty Eighty (13) Dignified Buddha forever watching boring! Merit glorious morning where want to shine, as the sun Dwelling three worlds, Like lapis Without sordid, mysterious colors Shining Enough different things, Matter blush like sunrise, crystal, onyx premiere Mixed unfurl, gold pearl Enough stuff Dignified Buddha in the three worlds At Sea samsara large wave flooded abundant water psychosis human brain, The bitter poison Seriously protruding roughness, Grid Light Tathagata Or that dried up. Dieu itself seriously radical Gen. infinite perfect, shining golden Sac lighting across all major Sea intellectual Fully three worlds. So now I bow my head, As great sea is difficult to know the number, age Dust address can not be counted, The Mount Meru can not measure, parents nowhere Impossible come. Buddhas too great merit, The Organic Center who may not know. During countless lifetimes thinking Wholeheartedly, can not be said to be of Buddhist merit. These great mountain location Also known quantities, can be counted said step drops sea of Buddhist merit is impossible to know. Gen. great solemnity, in particular Title. merit so they are Causes, Con for goodness grace Due to karma, life shortly after a director Will sense, the true Dhamma talk Lecture beings Benefits, The escape all we suffer unpredictable Breaking up the ghost And our relatives, Go wonderful sermon Supreme purity, Tho countless lifetimes not inconceivable. fully Beings enough nectar French position, I will fully Six Paramita (14). well as Buddhas Past achievements, End of negativity Unless all suffering now, Kill all greed , hatred, etc ... The would think to remember that the sufficient network lifetime Hundred, thousand generations, Hundred thousand memories of his life, will usually even mind Mindfulness Buddhas, legal Heard Supreme mysterious. wholesome goodness Con Common Buddhas, far apart from evil, Amendment of good karma. Each world beings Property brain size does not measure unless I'm going out. If there are living beings destroying the base is not sufficient Both made ​​full. Muoi the world are the sick suffering major illness forced strictly no helpers, Equal led liberation End the suffering sick, again the strength Recovery same. Either legal criminal offense must be unexpected Fear Saul suffering. Such men make deliverance Equal. Or beaten, shackled tied column, enough of the suffering body pressing. Countless hundreds of thousands of vegetable lo horrible Qualified panic disorders soul, all suffering. Boundless like, Prayer makes all both. Both are freed. Either beings suffering brain hungry enough Makes things really juicy material. blind see, the deaf hear, the dumb speak, Ke torn shirt. Those poor guys with Noodles treasure, full of wealth, no longer worry about missing, Everybody are also pleasures An okay. until there is no one person miserable. different beings see fun harmony. stately shape, people prefer to see . Tam often think of the good work. Satisfying dinner jacket, fully merit. Optional think of these beings wish for all of the music stuff: Text, flute, war, war, Cam, color, drum beat sound enough Miraculously so. river water, pond, lake, stream, slots, grooves, creeks Fragrance La Bat Blue yellow blooms throughout. Depending on the wishes of all beings, things Soon enough Costumes , meals, Money treasures, gold and silver lapis, Chon Asia, jade, interspersed He lost together ... Let all beings hear no evil, So do not see the evil there. Vow of being Sac nice area, with each treatment capacity commercial air affection. These dishes from being there in the world, depending where thoughts can make it full. Vow beings wish for things, like that they need, Just thought immediately be. The fragrant flowers usually in the third period, Drop dough smooth flavor and aroma rub his head Beings Life Fun pleasures. Vow beings Often offerings not inconceivable Buddhas Ten Abhidharma Supreme Purity not measure both mass and Bodhisattvas Thanh Van. Vow living beings are usually shuns evil three, eight survivors (15) Having no accident spot. Almost access Buddhas supreme Holiness. Vow beings born Often honor, of wealth, fun An okay. Fig wonderful color upper body Dignified Merit achievement, college career Yes, Let the woman. Both the male body, Full of wisdom. , effort is no different. practice all both happy Bodhisattva Path, Mind diligent practice Six Paramita. usually see ten Buddhas Countless buildings lapis Sitting Beneath treasure tree, meditation Dwelling Liberation pleasure, dharma Speech beings prefer to hear. Child or current and past lives. Doing misdeeds accident insurance there, should be punished evil
Not pleasant,
Let them kill all
Makes no residual.
beings If the
three realms of bondage,
birth and death nets
consolidation tight
Prayer knife position
Severed dilapidated
Except suffering
into enlightenment soon.
Either realms of Hell match
Or the other way,
Boundless world
of beings there
Cultivation all
good magic almond
Prayer discovered deep
under their fun,
because I now
rejoice merit,
and body and the
Monastery of good karma ,
Prayer in life after
The supreme direction and
be friendly retribution
purity not remember,
or have worshiped,
gathering tons of coal power.
Loan pure heart,
not the grid suspected,
Or say things
like Repentance,
Soon to be beyond
Sixty-life crime.
son of charity
and mercy female friendly,
Kings insight Benefits
And brahman
If reverently
observe the direction Buddha hand
pulse Tathagata
And the verses,
place where, place place
usually sufficient to know the network .
the full house
presentable Pure,
All virtues
are accomplished.
place where, place place
Often Sultan,
Minister of Women, University gods
must respectfully.
Was not in a,
year, or ten Buddhist
Growing the merit
Listen continental law that,
in the infinite Or
want Hundred thousand memories
Tathagata Buddha
Growing fresh grounds
Eventually newly
Play this continental approach
god Then Kien Lao Buddha Land and Tian Shan Women: Past kings named Kim Long Ton frequently used words of praise, saying that Buddha praised past, present and future Buddhas:
Con this respect,
praise Homage
Ten Buddhas
Past, future, present,
Buddhas pure,
quiet mystery,
Sac than outstanding,
dazzling resplendence;
Chinese Buddhist supreme
Being in the language,
known as Dai ​​Pham (1)
deep tremors.
Buddha jet-black hair,
iridescent brilliance ,
beautiful silky mild
Nothing example is
the Buddha Tooth clean light
snow Just as pearl,
Featuring the face of
quibble Flat.
eyes bright Buddhist
Pure serious
as blue lotus
bloom light water.
Gen. wide blade length
pink Sac splendor,
wise shines
fresh as flowers bloom.
Hao brilliant generals (2)
As European light periods
radiant purity
as lapis bowl.
tiny scratches bent You're
the picture of the moon,
Sac sparkling black
color as the queen.
round nose straight
As gold diamond casting,
psychology, smooth,
beautifully balanced.
Wins minister Tathagata
supreme class Monday.
Dang the right feet
No one at the match:
Each pore
Grows a swirling hair,
flashing black Soft
As Confucius stripped fur.
soon intrapartum
body halo
lighting around ten
Countless national level.
Removal of all
sizes in the three worlds,
Make these beings
are pleasure
Hell, demons Peta
Animal Until birth,
Nhon time, gods
An okay fire.
Equal killing off all
evil Boundless realm.
Than great mystery
As dazzling gold.
purity Appearance
As the full moon light,
radiant Buddha show
as the sun,
majestic Walking
Dread as Lion.
Standing stretching arms
hangs down over the knee,
such as branching Flexible
la I wind up,
a circular stage light
projector immeasurable Or,
As concentration
eclipses Hundred thousand
Buddha pure
Not sordid little,
light reference throughout
all realms of Buddhas,
brilliant aura
projection glorious morning
Equal or evil lurking
eclipses Countless
Buddhas Light
Projection infinite realms,
Or make beings
see the Buddha Light Princess,
Capital was practicing
the career Hundred thousand
Contains groups merit
Dignified Buddha
slender arms round
like heliotrope.
limbs soft
glass love not boring!
Past future Buddhas
as Mote number,
Buddhas now
also the same.
Tathagata so
far I have ceremony.
Than pure export,
as well as Italy's.
use your floral
offerings Surrender,
Ca Bay extolling
the virtues Hundred thousand.
Though hundreds of blades used
In thousands of lives in the
canopy of the Buddha
can not be the same!
Tathagata the
current Merit
Profound solidly
Junior psychology,
although he has a thousand tongues
Want to spread a Buddhist,
And not all
sections of merit Little,
How much longer wanted to spread
the Buddha Merit!
Oil for large ocean
Across the sky,
Friends pay homage to the sun (3)
filled with water in it,
Get a hair
Termination know some drops,
but do not know
a Buddhist merit!
Con today due ceremony,
praising the Buddhas,
professional body and mind
are pure.
All both religious place
Boundless good karma,
the same beings
Stock supreme director.
Nhon Wang praised
the Buddha doing so, he
discovered vows again
Boundless like this:
The next life or
A term life increased
birth in that What,
in dreams usually
seen in gold,
To hear audio
Repentance mystery.
Due to this praise
Appearance pure,
May the next life
is also like that.
Merit Buddhas
can not think counting!
At hundreds of thousands life
is very difficult to see,
in future Vow
countless lives in
the dream that night,
Day said as truth.
practice I'll
Sufficient altitude,
Salvation help sentient beings
from suffering Pass,
close Eventually the
supreme enlightenment
making the world
No match.
Nhon coast chanting,
Down the drain free gold,
Because this retribution
in future life
Meet Buddha Shakyamuni
Buddha Life Is Up,
And left two children:
Kim Long, Kim Quang
Thuong home delivery son,
Dong prophesies.
beings If
no man help,
suffering head urged
not to rely on,
the Son of tomorrow
's So guys,
do shelters
and help them,
Except all
things suffering basis,
the Board announced beings
Phuoc friendly peace.
afterlife Con in
Bodh Monastery,
not counting lives of
fact as to take responsibility,
this gold drum Nhon
and legal repentance,
Makes it to the
evil Sea, Marine Industry,
Marine major negativity
dry Equal cleared,
the merit Sea
Chapel are achievements,
major intellectual Sea
Pure fully
Boundless merit
assistant director Bodhi.
well as big sea
Full treasures.
Due to the power of repentance
Kim Quang Kinh This,
Bodhi Merit
wise very afraid.
Intellectual radiant shine
through pure projection
in the next life I
Body shines throughout,
compassionate Merit
dazzling Luminosity,
winner particular night
In the three worlds.
capacity of merit
Without reducing costs,
Will sentient beings
from suffering Pass.
Council position is an
big Sea merit.
Hereafter lifetimes
director Bodhi Monastery.
As ancient Buddhas
Having practiced.
Buddhas Three
Nations of pure magic,
even religious Buddhas
Countless merit,
Makes the afterlife
wins Being
pure merit
As Bhagavan Buddha!
Tin General should know:
Mr. Kim Long Sun
King then
his body is here,
Kim Long, Kim Quang
Hai I then,
That this son of
General Banks, General Kim.
the economic Countless
words do not mean much,
So here
Interpretation comb through.
Beings padded base,
poor intelligence,
can not be said wide
mean not infinite.
should respect sutra
says only a summary.
mystery Vehicles
Used enough mercy coast,
For he who padded base
Departure great compassion,
I said this takes
Classics mystery,
as we have understood
the Know beings.
The body camouflage damaged
in the clouds As,
enter the six villages (1)
The residence of the enemy (2)
All self in
Both did not know each other.
admission sharp eyes.
Tai-known distinction,
nose to smell the smells,
the tongue to taste position,
the trunk base In
Join leaders of exposure,
distinguishes the Italian base
all legal.
situation Six units
each every self-coast
ceiling realm of
grace No other stuff (3)
Mind as virtualization,
Giong half after sex,
which delusions often
the legal distinction.
well as the introduction
of catch nothing.
Sau enemy sabotage
Source avoid unknown.
often rely Center
realms six apartments,
each a self-knowledge,
its own scene.
according to the color bar Duyen
Huong the contact method,
the center of the six
halcyon As grid,
he often Tam
Where the base,
Pursuing the ceiling
not be left.
Than beds frivolous claims
can not cultivate
No litigation
Nor master chief.
From goodness grace
that Harmony,
not sure really
starting Due delusion,
karma Agencies
Say camouflage gathering
wind fire nation
founded Compositing
Depending up and down
twice by the same
snake as four
Council locked the box.
Four snake to her
nature, other,
two over two under
two and Methods (4)
large snake like
Equal kill not survive,
two solid Earth, Water
Nature they sink,
two qualities Mind, Soul (5)
Remove the non-stop action .
Depending take notice now
the realm of The Sun,
Custom seat deeds
which oppressed species (6)
Deputy Fire Water Wind
When soluble anti-septic.
Dai primary impurity (7)
Full flow out,
being the same body
can not liking ,
Dispose outside the mound
as rotting tree!
Shan Women should review
the law like
any Property Relationship
And beings?
Bon quiet nature
with ignorance.
Agents like
every every such fact.
Equity unproductive,
Emptiness harmony.
Due coast goodness that
I said the agency
does not stem from true,
draw half that.
general ignorance Physical
Capital has no
delusions coast Nhon
Hoa union that
is not true Because there is
ignorance assumed identity,
So It is said
that ignorance Call
Action Mentality Food
Import Promotion Luc Tho
Huu Ai Prime Sanh
Aging mourning death (8),
Happiness and suffering now
not inconceivable,
Samsara very short
rotation did not stop!
Capital without being
well not harmonious.
unwholesome thoughts
of causing heart created.
Ta segment all
the reviews bound.
knife intellectual
Roc afflictions grid.
Quan body warm in
all tranquility,
Stock director supreme
merit mystery.
Opens door nectar,
nectar map Only,
At the nectar,
nectar at home,
Makes beings
eat the nectar;
Blow speaker legal age,
legal age Drumming,
Burning Torch legal age,
legal age Flush rain.
now I break up
all the injustice,
the high Erect flag measures
first mystery,
The beings
Needless sea of birth and death,
Hang stop three evil
afflictions Boundless.
afflictions Fire Data
Burning beings
Nobody rescue,
no refuge title,
I used dainty
cool giant Orange.
assist them in full,
hot burning Makes apart,
countless eons In
practice the virtues Lo,
Offering, reverence
Bhagavan Buddha,
practice consolidation
industry Bodhi Path,
Equanimity lost my life
burning limbs Internode
First medulla oblongata eyes,
beloved wife,
treasure All
Chon Europe, he lost,
gold Lapis,
Pearl said money ...
Demand the Tathagata
Dharma body true!
At the same life quality, to which the unborn,
empty dreams of gold found in magic bar,
the obstacles are dashed,
Union Members Nature minister,
Hang terminate all the love!

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