Friday 12 September 2014

I can not escape suffering.
Has countless lives and remains forever propelled us into a cycle of samsara suffering. Being ignorant so I do not see where is the truth of suffering, what is the cause of suffering, the suffering can end balance completely missed the path and we went to the shore of liberation. Con path is the path of enlightenment to seek and practice the Four Noble Truths. Here are four wonderful truth is Buddha Shakyamuni, the master of heaven and human species, has a deep understanding and being taught to understand the Four Noble Empire.

More than 2500 years ago, the Prince Siddhartha, son of the King, when traveling around the city inspecting witnessed the suffering of life. Who are born and old to get sick and die. Whether civilian or royalty should do well. Life is very short, less than a hundred years, although more than a hundred years, but it does not matter from dead. Countless patients, and no one is not sick at all. Who then is old, frail, gaunt, and finally back to the deep grave. Seeing that the prince should always carry in a yearning to seek his release. He has quietly out to find the truth, leaving behind most fame, most property, beautiful wife, the poet, best to leave him to discover the truth of magic. later practices of suffering well-mortification, but not pressure center can result in the cessation of suffering, he left the ascetic way. Sitting under the Bodhi tree, his strong vow: "Today I pray for suffering beings sitting under a tree until the certification is Supreme Enlightenment, if not to get it, though broken bones dissolve meat decided not to stand up. " After 49 days of practice patience, plus molded blessings of countless previous lives, he had attained Supreme Enlightenment. Through wisdom beyond the three worlds he has comprehended the Noble Truth of Suffering, The Emperor, and the Emperor Kill sole director. Throughout the rest of his life, the Buddha devoted to being taught about the four noble truths and the means to terminate the path to liberation samsara entirely. How many Buddhist asset share all beings without concealing anything, property of Truths property of liberation without an asset in the world can match. Until his last breath, Buddha beings but also because of another monk to follow the path of Dharma. truth is the truth first of Suffering: "Birth is suffering, aging is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, grief, lamentation, suffering, distress brain is suffering, resentment met is suffering, kindness separation is suffering, suffering is not permitted. summary, the five aggregates is suffering. " These are worldly domination, repression of impermanence. What then will be born no more. These measures are commonly, the office is not damaged, do not have separate falls called us both, when you fall I will not separate the old, sick and die not, not governed by birth and death, impermanence. The birth was so ignorant not to understand the truth of suffering is profound and complete. For such difficult circumstances, and not with the people, the people are suffering. If the life of affluence, abundance, the immersed and not see the damage variables can lead to suffering. If wealth is impermanent, why not have billionaire bankrupt overnight came back empty handed. Without impermanence, the poor will be poor forever. What is the introduction to sustainable happiness, just a little while ago it terminates the sorrow, the pain manifest. truth second is the truth about the cause of suffering, "It is this love given to reborn, looking for joy and there. means that sexual love, friendship love, non-organic kindness. Monks Hey, this is the Noble Truth of the Origin of Suffering. " The sole origin of ignorance, craving, clinging, volitional and Industry. Stay on top of the origin of suffering is ignorance. Because I do not see the truth of the law should have wrong perceptions about the law. The impermanent necrotic killing continuous variables, which have no self-assessment method should separate the selfless approach, the law is the expression of an affinity, this method being born because other methods, this method kills for the other measures killed, another refuge that things arise, perishing, yet there is no general method to separate the formless, the method overcomes all grasping, all concepts should not be affected or describe. I put to the minister called a tree like this, as this is the general house, the car, this is like this is pretty bad, this is manifested is longer, every expression is lost ... Every Age sa number concept was coined because I was stuck on what we see, we hear, we taste, we smell, we touch, we volition. So do not think it's general ignorance of the law, so we being free attachment, attachment and participation requirements. Now therefore arise even so we also create a human being reborn results should be kept forever immersed in samsara. truth Removal third empire. Suffering can be totally eradicate. The fruit's rebirth no longer arise, go out of the world but do not get immersed in the legal world. Seeing the truth of the law minister to completely let go of craving, clinging and participation requirements. The method overcomes all and grasp concepts, can not change the impact of impermanence and non-self, then there is nothing, formless, very often, no longer works. We see the impermanence, selflessness, formless to let go of the center of the poison of greed, hatred and delusion, romantic, comfortable, prejudice, sexual abandon in the world, let go of ignorance, wrong for so long his present. But impermanence, selflessness, harmless, we must also give up because can not grasp the idea that the law is, we just karmic flow only. For as the rain stops rain where we start has been, or is more rain, longer go where there are also. Rain is the name we put to the Minister of liquid water. Cloud is also Minister of State, Minister of State is also the sea, as well as minister of water waves. Meet weather stripping hot water vapor into clouds, rain clouds, the cold weather, rain returned to land and float the river, out to sea. The causal loop transformation can not affect. Causal was not able to grasp the self or non-self, often or very often is just a concept we set out for the only way out. Overcoming all concepts, ignorance, craving, we exposed the reality of peace. For example, housing is not dirt today take for cleanliness, dirt tomorrow, then we let it be dirty. Dust itself did not want it dirty or clean, it's just the karmic rotation only. Because we set up our notions engenders discrimination. Completely abandon the idea, we return to the pure self, law of peace. fourth truth path to the Cessation of Suffering: "It is the Noble Path Eight sectors, namely chief knowledge , right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, Right effort, mindfulness, right concentration. " This is the third school Virtue, concentration, wisdom. Practice keeps About help to overcome the causes leading to the woeful states, who know people who know keep bringing peace and happiness for ourselves. The fear of the result of the transgression caused the chapel to hold the world and always keep a clean mind and body. For example, said the affair led to melt the door apart, distant parents, his wife lost her husband, who vows to protect the virtuous precepts. Or drink do we lose control, hit her home, hit me, or dispose of all the life of others, alcohol liver decay, affecting people's health should pray precepts protect and nourish the body and mind. Knowing the harm if I do that, I do not have to do it, do it implicitly when the consequences arising regret not keep up. The precepts are not forcing our body and mind we have a framework, we find rules that can benefit from keeping the world should bring the best that we pray and keep practicing. mindfulness, right concentration, three school district is tons of information about Dinh. Mindfulness is simply outstanding legal recognition and nomenclature without putting on any given conception. Mindfulness not only sophisticated but mindful now 24/7. High a Buddhist abbot, high ma want to grow, which is why we are often located in areas forgetfulness. Has countless lives and we lost in craving, ignorance following link, we just want to enjoy, be satisfied that pleasures do not want to let go of renunciation. Thick deep now so it pulled me away from the area of mindfulness. Achievement is suffering food Ma, Ma so excited when we put to work creating human suffering. Dharma practice, our district must be diligent. That diligently practicing 24/7, practice until his last breath. Right effort and right concentration arises from the presence and we begin with mindfulness. Mindfulness as the primary intensely private and tons more concentration is more obvious and more robust. chief knowledge and learning right thought is third on Tue. While mindful of legal recognition, the legal observation of intellectual understanding of the facts and legal expression. I was real exposure Minister of Justice and reflect on the truth of the Four Noble Truths. The show of wisdom to help us let go of ignorance, craving for so long, six virulent heart is suffering leads to greed, hatred and delusion, romantic, comfortable, is to be identified and transformed until it is no longer found start again. The practice is not blindfolded, headphones, or as a worm into a cocoon hiding. The convent itself to go straight to the suffering, to identify and transform suffering. If suffering repression and escape the pain is still there, and when it's full of conditions arise. In life miserable too, we run into the temple. At the temple, but do not worry monastery not abandon the immoral, then it's time to see the temple does not bring peace to her. Because pain is right in the center, I have to practice and self-transformation. No one practicing his behalf that his deliverance. Wherefore bliss, nirvana is right here, at this place, the expression 24/7. It is self-clean and quiet the mind. When the rebirth of expression is no longer're not immersed in samsara again. Suffering arises from the mind, so to end the origin of suffering, we must go and practice detachment. The escape from the Earth to the realm of Bliss is not the path to liberation, but must satisfy themselves practicing Dharma, the Eightfold Path, the Four Noble Truths until attain liberation. Dharma is not Nirvana, Dharma is the boat to Nibbana. Dharma is exposed Nirvana also start to show, but we have to steer to shore Dharma Nirvana. Buddha Shakyamuni practicing generosity and countless lives to this life and enlightenment to save beings. Because beings suffering innumerable Buddhist vows to save all beings into. So be exposed Dharma blessings that we do not practice the Buddha's sins too. The Arahat, the group, the teacher practice and maintain Dharma to preserve the future generations to come. Now we are also Buddhist knowledge thanks of the Patriarch, the teacher. The religious man are as beings that preaching of Buddhism, do not hurry tu go. Whether the Maitreya Buddha after enlightenment, or the countless Buddhas in the ten directions, the Buddha attained enlightenment and taught the truth about the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, twelfth predestined, countless of means to transform suffering. There are also blessed when we take a quick Dharma maintain life and practice. Wait until the advent of Maitreya Buddha is a long time.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD .AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.13/9/2014.

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