Sunday 14 September 2014

Guide To Basic Meditation Practice.
"The exchange rate used on stilts cultivation method of contemplation of this breath for most of us. And thanks to live in the practice of this method is that the body and the eyes I wasn't tired; that's a result of mind we deliver the contraband or. "
Contemplation Of Breath

I. Prepare Sitting Meditation

Body: You can sit by, old urban planner, sell old, or sitting on the bench to drop two feet into the ground but must sit straight back to the spine in line. Hands folded in, hang up on legs just below the abdomen or to on two knees. Sitting posture must be sturdy, disengaged, and peace.

Center: focus of attention (attention) to the point of contact of the breath at the door of the nose or upper lip. If you feel discomfort or stress, can turn our attention to the region under the navel or center right in front. The attention during sitting meditation is a full three elements of mindfulness (mindfulness) that is: Awakening (awareness), attention (attention), and the buds (alertness).

Breath: the breath To unconscious/out naturally; do not try to make two more long breath shortened. Breathing steadily, quietly in a natural way. Remember breathing is the only object during meditation. Sometimes if the release of mind (think about otherwise), you have to try the formula and bring the mind back to an stay on the object of meditation by tracking the flow of infinite breath out and affix the mind where the contact point. Let's imagine that the invisible breath-out is the mole; anniversary (the attention) is the invisible ropes used to tie into a meditation object, not give it too Cavalier.

II. Three-Step Basic Meditation Practice

Step one:

Know more: infinite breath, out, long, short.

You merely follow and identify clearly the breath long/endless long out of breath, or breathing deeply as short/short breath away. Here, you just try to know the four expressions of breath: infinity/out; long/short. Are the manifestation of each breath a specific way to keep the mind awake, not disarray (think anywhere) and reached the centering. When the mind becomes quiet the pure land (no longer launch Center) and the breath becomes gentle, you can move through the next two steps.

Step two:

"The feeling of infinite breath body" — "feeling out of breath body".

Try to identify clearly the whole breath, including: the starting point – between the end of infinite breath-, and the point-between-the end of the breath out. These are the efforts noted the whole flow of the breath in a clear way. The important point of this exercise is that you should step to the attention (anniversary) right at the point of contact and get to know the flow of infinite breath out fully. Should not take the mind follow the flow of the breath in the body or out of contact points; as that mind will become disarray.

Step Three:

"NET Security stems, I breathe deeply" — NET Security stems, I breathe out ".

Try to maintain mindfulness and the sensations of the breath is continuous with the determination to make the breath, body, and the mind becomes NET security. If the breath yet tender, NET security, you should run silently recited that "Pray for my breath to be NET security." When the trigger resolves, the breath will gradually become net security. NET security, breath, body and mind will NET security. In this step, the breath often becomes very subtle hard to identify; at one point it does not appear to exist, but that's just the feeling of safety net of the breath. You keep your mind at the point of contact, the breath will appear clear again.

III. The Important Notes

If you can not centering by tracking endless breath out, you can work out how to count the breath as follows: breathe in deeply-exhale counting one, inhale deeply-exhale counting two ... so count to ten, and then return a. Such practice a while, mind you'll ANDing. When the mind has an intent, you get back on track the four expressions of breath: infinity, out, long, short, or all of the flow of the breath, as mentioned.

Don't turn our attention from the breath into the other item properties such as impermanence, suffering, egolessness. The three properties that belong to the object of meditation in a later stage. Here, the main purpose of reciting the breath is to stay and to reach the peace plan.

When transferring from step one to step two or step three, you only do a single thing that is volitional (launch anniversary) full-body feel the breath (step two), or is the determination to reach peace of mind and breath of pure land (step three). While the work of Italian, you still maintain the attention follow the breath.

Five hindrances (in slopes of the): there are five major obstacles in the practice of meditation which are: education (the kind of craving), pitch (the anger), Kiss and fall (the fraud đừ, sleepy, enchanted mind blurred, wildlife dượi), explains that the trạo (Centre of oscillation, insecurity), and (no doubt, lack of conviction).

When the center of a long period of time (from one hour or more), General of the breath, such as light or color. etc will appear with many different forms in each person. You should not leave the breath in order to focus on the General. You must keep mindfulness constantly on the main object is the breath. For as long as breath and the intention to enter into a so-called General (nimitta/sign of concentration hand) right at the point of contact; now, you switch the focus on General, took the object of meditation. If you can maintain peace of this theorem in several hours or more, you will enter the Access Plan (upacāra) by abandoning the strong year (see no. 4); and going to An appointment (appanā) when in meditation details: games (maintain the formula where the object), four (an stay firmly where objects), Hy (rejoice, rejoice), lost (peace), and for the mind (ANDing) fullness and Byzantines.

You can use step meditation practice reciting the breath into the daily lives of anytime, anywhere as go, standing, lying, sitting. Remember that anniversary the breath is the Foundation of the French Lac currently stay (drsta-dharma-sukha-viharin/Living happily in the present moments.)

When did maintain mature contemplation breathing (Memorial of body), you should continue to practice the next three steps (see section IV. meditation section 16 below.)

IV. the 16 Headings of Meditation Anapanasati

(I) the Relative notion of:

Breathing deeply, I said: "I breathe loads long". Breathing out, I know, "I breathe out long."

· Infinite breath short, I said: "I breathe deeply short". Breathe out short, I said: "T i breathe out short".

· "Full body sensations (breath), I breathe deeply" — "the feeling of the whole body, I breathe out".

· "NET Security stems, I breathe deeply" — NET Security stems, I breathe out ".

(II)Ganesh Mantras Of:

· "Sense of life" I breathe deeply, Hy — Hy "feeling tho, I breathe out".

· "The feeling of touch tho, I breathe deeply" — "feeling lost tho, I breathe out".

· "The capital feel, I breathe deeply" — "feeling in the capital, I breathe out".

· "NET Security capital, I breathe deeply" — "An action meditate, I breathe out".

(III)Understanding Of:

· "The feeling of the mind, I breathe deeply" — "feeling about the mind, I breathe out".

· "With joy, I breathe deeply" — "With joyful heart, I breathe out".

· "With the mind to static, I breathe deeply" — "With the mind to static, I would breathe out".

· "With the mind liberation, I breathe deeply" — "With the mind liberation, I breathe out".

(IV) The French Notion Of:

· "A impermanent, I breathe deeply" — "A impermanent, I breathe out".

· "A glass of taking part, I breathe deeply" — "A glass of taking part in, I breathe out".

· "A paragraph removal, I breathe deeply" — "A paragraph removal, I breathe out".

· "A disclaimer, I breathe deeply" — "A waiver, I breathe out".

In Germany The Religion Taught:

"The exchange rate used on stilts cultivation method of contemplation of this breath for most of us. And thanks to live in the practice of this method is that the body and the eyes I wasn't tired; that's a result of mind we deliver the contraband or. " (Sn, V, 317)

"This And the female one by stilts, this breath, when practiced, made for fullness, is NET security and high-pitched, is stay of peace Immaculate, exclusion and make evil only translational real goodwill thinking as soon as they started up." (S. v. 321)

"Those who have attained a certain level of meditation will be reincarnated Celestial realms in public schools with solar reside Brahma. And even the practice to approach also led to the rebirth of goodness than in improving education in the animal world. " (Visuddhimagga XI. 123). END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.14/9/2014.

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