Sunday 14 December 2014

Bo-slapped Avalokiteśvara with Universal products Division
the French economy-flowers-


In France the United, Prussian goods Subject is talking about Everyday subjects in France of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Universal Sports, Sanskrit is Samantamukha. Samanta is common, the same all over. Mukha is the gateway. Mr. La Cross, French Households and Na Qu, both Multi room Samantamukha is Catholic subjects.
Universal Sports is the gateway the same everywhere. And gateway help me go into ten as of all existence, to clearly see any existence would also have ten as the, including: Chess, a computer-like as possible, such as a municipality, such as cities, like people, like a charm, as a market, such as the, quote, such as marketing, a loss ofa wing as rescue1. Universal Sports is the door to come into reality, goes to the existence of any general reality through ten as the thing.
Then again, the spectrum means the same throughout; Subject is the environment. Universal Sports is the same throughout the operating environment of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is not only active compassion to public speaking and French business communication in China Hong gateway into and out of the nucleus or the environment of the nucleus, but also lecture and French economic infusion Hong United simultaneously throughout the ten methods of sex. Including the Voracious Green and the four Saints.
* Attach Himself To Record:
1. the world of hell: Hell in the world also has countless worlds, countless human Karma results, rather than just a world or karma as a result. And all the existence in the world of hell, each existence has both the full ten as the.
2. the world of hungry daemons Demons: in the world of hungry daemons demons also have countless worlds, countless human Karma results, rather than just as a Karma results. And all existence in the world of existence, each demon hungry daemons are full at all ten as the.
3. the world of Animals Being: in the world of animal beings, too, we also have countless worlds, countless human Karma results, none of the fruits of karma people typical of animals being as kind of animal living being would, meaning that there are countless world of animal being. And all existence in the world of animal beings, each existence has both a full ten as the.
4. the world of species A Tu La: in the world of the demon God behold, they also have a multitude of Wo i, countless human karma and effect. And all existence in the world of A Tu La, every existence has both a full ten as the.
5. the world of humanity: in the world of mankind also has countless worlds, countless human Karma results, not outcome of karma people who would just like someone who, even in a blood lineage, multiply the fruits of karma every person is also different, each of whom is a world of human karma and effect. And all the existence in the human world, every existence also has the full ten as the.
6. client's Natural World: in the world of Chu Tian also has countless worlds, countless human Karma results. Chu Tian multiplied not only about Sex Tutty Karma with Chu Tian the realms Invisible gender identity and Gender Identity solar value, which soon multiply Karma results in the realms of heaven Education gender, they are not identical to each other, and soon the place of Gender Identity, Sexual Favoritism lettered gender and gender identity Invisible; multiply Karma results in themselves not also by each other. Themselves of every Angel, each world is per. And all the existence in the world of divine existence, each object has both the full ten as the.
* The Four Saints:
1. the world of the Sacred vocal Writer: Per Lord comprehend Four Holy Roman Empire each way depending on the personalities of French charm, his listeners coast tri agony, the make, the removal, by Abbey of each situation. And France in the world of the Sacred vocal Writer, each and every France also has full at all ten as the.
2. the world of the false sense of Charm: Each Lord and flow farther down twelve tenets of pratītyasamutpāda each way, also depending on the number of shallow to deep meditation for Coast Guard personnel each. So, each world is per tu also testifying. And the French as well as in the world of the false Visual Charm, each and every France also has full at all ten as the.
3. the world of Bodhisattva: each of You depending on the energy of the Bodhi mind which start voluntary and depends on voluntary action and the ways that make up his realm. And the French as well as in the world of Bodhisattva, each and France also have both the full ten as the.
4. the world of Buddhist followers: also, when administering Bodhisattva way, depending on the voluntary practice of each himself, which forms the corresponding realm to chemical education. And in the world of Buddha, each lettered the existence also full at all ten as the.
Therefore, in each of France's many worlds, so there are countless worlds. And in Jesica's relatives each species, or the existence of any property in full ten, and as in every legal sexes full both in the legal world.
So, say The French are speaking generally, and the specifics must then say there are countless legal world or world deluge.
So, the French are Common everyday of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, France's voice is at once which are present throughout the whole world the French, both French and ten world's countless happy to not fear that donate to all Divine Scriptures, and French speaking States for all kinds of ScripturesThat means, the same throughout all of France in ten directions. For Regular divine Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara lectured the French Economy United, making them practice no longer fear for those by miseries "mortal segment provides" that kicked the Bodhi mind aiming For Excessive Lead. And as for the false, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara lectured the French Economy United, prompting the Saints no longer initiates the mind fear for the suffering caused by "Turning mortal translation brought", willing to let go of the tu status shown to have ALC temporarily that assures the most advanced to Admit the Buddhist Leader.
For anyone who hasn't yet opened Buddha tri comments, the Bodhisattva theory a way of adaptation to let them open the Buddha tri opinion, for someone who has not seen the Buddha tri comments, the Bodhisattva theory a way of adapting them, to only display Buddha tri comments to them. For anyone not yet enlightened Buddha tri Kien, the Bodhisattva theory a way of adaptation to the enlightened Buddha tri comments for them and for someone who is not yet able to enter Buddha tri Kien, the Bodhisattva reincarnation theory in a proper way so that they can enter absolutely Buddha tri comments.
And, if for anyone not able to believe that, in themselves are Buddhas and all beings are Buddha's computer; and have the potential to become Buddhas, then for the everyday Catholic subjects, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara can manifest itself and a theory of adaptation, meant that they kicked the faith that "we and all beings are Buddha, and all have the potential to become Buddha".
If there are many people at once without this faith, then the Bodhisattva manifest that's left the body at the same time, adapting to the sermon, making all of them, all at the same time starting her faith was born.
So, the French are the subjects of Popular Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is people are practicing universal traditions subject matter.
As for the French economy United, Bodhisattva Medicine King's ascetic subjects happy and stressed the bulbous body and burning pure purity to donation of Buddha and France, should DượcVương Bodhisattva Bodhisattva's alms absolute body.
Bodhisattva Magic Audio for almond French subjects are typical for the pure administrative language and terminology that's pure acting Chief Justice should serve French Sound Marvelous Bodhisattva Bodhisattva's alms France an absolute way.
And the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara to the French economy are typical bodhisattvas for Italy runs the purity and bring Italy's purity practices serve the French public. So, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva's alms resiliency, he willed or alms the fearless one absolute way.
According to Jing Bi United, during the past, the world has named Concur Strongly Improved life in Blue Tri, now there are Buddha's birth as The Tibetan, is the Crown Prince of King Ridiculous Weight, said Bodhi heart donation for Buddhist and increasing female khưu three months and the will, if there are beings subjected to brain size in the three evil leaderThey soon think of me, claiming to recite the title, I'll use listening to their audio Atrium bias, use natural label showing them that they do not escape from suffering, I pray no achievements led outcomes Loads Upper Bodhi.
Now, the Buddha Said Tibetan told the Crown Prince that: "people look at all beings is because wants the except all suffering for them, so now the title of the person who is Avalokiteśvara". And the Crown Prince that is Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara And Buddha were Tibetan Buddhist dig into life's future with shelf:
Great Balls of Germany
Kim's run
the seismic record
correct lettered Buddhist precepts.
Shifang Buddhist schools
sugar flowers signed
yōzei vi Buddha
try to fit the wedding Festival ". 2
Merit dhāranī
now, should start again
the soil six shocks
together the realms Buddha.
The Buddha's ten method
are you up for life
the future vexed
so, let's cheer up.
And in the vast emerging Bi: the Buddha Sakyamuni was said to the Bodhisattva Of the United Kingdom Maintain that: "Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara from was immeasurable achievements from the Center, the ball, potentially immeasurable practice disciplines, holds all the French charity in an intelligent way. Because want to make all beings at peace, so the suite launched the power of God through the great ". And the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara was also distinguished with the Buddha Sakyamuni, saying, "Behold, the Marbles Belt mantra from immeasurable life ago, I was the Buddha the optical Galaxy United Kingdom TV Award and taught me to stay here, that You do maintain mind you behold, to great benefit for all beings all the evil into the weapon in the future". And also in this Sutra, the Buddha Like Ca told the Sun mass and A fake Slat at the time in Mount Putuo that "Dread of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is do, in past lifetimes immeasurable bodhisattvas have vexed the French Public is Proving As Laibecause want to start praying the great powers marbles for all Bodhisattva and to achieve the peace to all beings which incarnate as the bodhisattva way ". 3
But, in France the United Universal products, this Subject, Endless Bodhisattva Buddha Italy has asked Sir Liking Ca that: "Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, because by what coast known as Avalokiteśvara?".
The Buddha Like Ca have responded to the Bodhisattva Endlessly noted as follows:
"O My Goodness Female Suicide! If there are countless beings, is take all the suffering, they heard of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, associated himself wholeheartedly celebrated his title, then, You hear the sound of their sailings are freed ". 4
This is the explanation of the Buddha Like Ca for the Bodhisattva of Infinite meaning of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and pratītyasamutpāda Universal products Division, we also do Endless Bodhisattva Italy ladies and asked, and people there, the Buddha explained the title, as well as our happy band of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara to hear mass.
The content of this publication is talking about Everyday Subjects and powerful plat of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Almond and powerful turns his degrees include:
1-Pass out eight accidents:
1.1 Transcend the accident of the fire:
Kinh said: "if people accept the lead title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, then do it in a fire, the fire's fury could not burn, it is caused by dread of the Bodhisattva way".
The fire here has three types: the first is pure physics fire. The second is the fire of enemy fire in the third and in the fire belonged to the afflictions of the mind. Three things this fire can burn me anytime and anywhere.
Due to the powerful Citadel of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara anniversary we should not fire three kinds, burn my German approval. Whenever faced with accidents, we are blessed in Germany, we have to get rid of. Why? So when for the mind book maintenance title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, we meditate so true to the force and the force of this force, the Bodhisattva compassion, wisdom and joy in one start of exposure and was sympathetic with the force and the will power of compassion, wisdom and joy in Germany which both France's turn of Bodhisattva., creating a vivid human energies ultra friendly charm, making changes to the status of the accident. Fire cannot burn, because the coast guard personnel of the fire have been changed. So, the kind of physical, fire fire fire, the birth of the mind defilements are suppressed makes the mind and circumstances of not burned by the fire operations.
1.2 Beyond the accident Of water:
Sutra says: "If the big countries were swept away, which maintained reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, immediately adjacent, shallow place".
The country also has three types: first, the water is pure physics. Second, the water belongs to the marine in May. Third, the water is the material the craving of consciousness. Three things above water can drown and washed me anytime and anywhere.
Physical water can drown and washed us in where floods, sea, River and Rapids.
The water in the born can drown and swept us into the body of disease woes 101.
And who's craving water swept all blessed my German, engulfing him in the sea, birth and death.
When the accident belonged to the country as such, I consider the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, making the juices she could not drown and washed my German approval.
Why? At the most, because I consider the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, reciting the same is true with the force and the will power of compassion, wisdom and this Bodhisattva's German, so compassionate force, wisdom and joy was born in Khoi, exposed and was sympathetic with the force and the will power of compassion, wisdom and joy in Germany which both French variable of the Councils, bodhisattva, he creates a vivid human energies ultra friendly charm, making changes to the status of my accident. Now the water cannot wash away and engulfing me, because human charm as the water triggers has completely changed. So, the type of accident belongs to physics, biology and the craving of consciousness were to dry out, causing the mind and circumstances of him being swept away and drown by the water.
1.3 Escaped the accident and wind Demons La Police:
Kinh said: "If there are hundreds of thousands of myriad memories people, because the search for gold and silver, Yuri, far from the CU, brain code, coral, amber, Pearl and precious things of the same kind, upon entering the sea, let's say were overcast, wind blown battle sailing ship pull over the Devil's people, the Survey Dollar, although only to a person who kept reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the people who still get rid of are the scourge Devil La Police. Because these workers are so charming, so called Avalokiteśvara ".
Overcast winds: Han called the black room. The black room is wind obstacle course, blowing away the ordinary, making obscure God, causing pedestrians to come on board, in the sea, go on the plane, no longer able to go, so it's easy to see the accident. The wind also has many varieties:
+ Wind is caused by changing air pressure, causing the air to have the movement. So, the wind is caused by the movement of air is created. This wind is the wind in terms of physics.
+ Wind is wind because of evil karma of beings that make up. The wind was pushing the beings drifted into the evil as hell, hungry daemons demons, and animals being.
+ Wind negativity is wind kicked up from the heart of greed, anger, delusion, arrogance, deviant ideas and accept the ego. The wind then blows up and engulfing mortal beings in the sea.
+ Wind a boon as the wind blows and the ethical roots of apricot, our kindness.
But, in this economy food, says the black wind blows strong and push the boat's ship goes to sea in search of the jewel of the Island Police pull over, that if in it, one person reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, all people in the boat all rid the devil crash La Police.
Demon demon species is Close to La: specialize in eating they occur everywhere, but usually stay in the Islands. The encounter Vortex black as sorting both heaven and Earth, the sea, the sailing ship drifted into the island La Suicide that way, in which one person who most represented reciting the title of Avalokiteśvara, then everyone in the boat all rid the devil crash La Police.
Recite the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Meanwhile, making b. run compassionate and force where we and compassionate force, where species of La Police, prompting the German approval and compassion where I born run wild, the impact on the seeds of compassion and wisdom where demons La Police, made in the moment.their malevolence, is not eligible to run; that only run in good heart, causing the demon to La did not eat people but also kicked up from the rescue Center to help people escape from the accident.
This demonstrates that, in good faith Tanh Tanh evil or in all beings there is certain, no self Tanh. If having friendly charm, then good faith Tanh born startups, if bad fate, Leanne evil arises. So, when going into the sea is Vortex, wind obstacles such as a sailing ship pull over the island La Police, we have in mind for the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, Coast Guard personnel is nice to good faith Tanh where species La Starter kill, and let compassion Center where species of La Suicide run was born. Once in good heart and Devil's marbles from La kill kicked over the title of A Bodhisattva, one who by most professed ni m, then the species of demon who's not starting to hurt from La Cop, which initiates the mind save me is something we can understand. Demon La Marshall is the real seed as in mind we started up, or an angry impulse gas natural in me rebelled, I want a meal that has caused him trouble as we have no time, it is me, that I am the demon La Police.
Then again, the devil is a carnivorous species like Watching La being, especially human flesh. Because of this species's mind filled with the seeds of karma and the seed's permanent expression in their lives.
So, these species like carnivorous beings, whether eating meat in any way, also has a seed of species of demon La Suicide at all. If the seeds of time, as that expression is too strong, then the moment, we're no longer a person; I am the demon La Police. And if I don't eat the flesh of seed expressed strong enough as Devils, to as La Police, it also embodies the desire to eat the meat of species of beings such as wolves, Tigers, Leopard cats, weasels, and the moment he found the thing. Therefore, for the devil or demon of genuine Police La La Suicide disguised, or belong to the devil, the Murder of La seeds of murder, imprisonment, acting coast guard personnel killed, bitten murder where the person who is the operating environment of their standing. In that environment, desperately needs the presence of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, through General, through prayer and trophy of his compassionate force to alter the personality charm of career suicide, making career suicide to become compassionate action, bīja suicide become bīja benevolent, humbled in love, when we recite the Nam Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, with all earnest heart full of compassion and the will power of ta.
1.4 Escaped Criminal Incidents:
Kinh said: "If someone is about to be brought out to the execution that maintain Memorial Trophy of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the blade sticks in hand executioner immediately snapped up each piece and the person being executed soon gets rid of".
Criminal incidents, also known as United Kingdom accident, was an accident due to the King's power giving people and bring people to trial in France family United Kingdom France, through instruments such as knife, stick, or to hit the guillotine to die, or to beat up for injury, also called thy Knife accident.
Or by crime that falls into criminal accident, or by creating criminal personalities that fall into the consequences of criminal, or French family statement executed, or injuries, or be called upon conviction of prisoners, in these cases, the victims keep reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with releases to feature a nice effect.
Why? In memory of maintenance capacity by the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, making compassionate competence and wisdom of turning his whole self, the French invade the mind of people meditate, forming the intellectual capacity, compassion is likely his stronghold, prompting the Court people capable of discerning, to hearing problem quibble. If the person sentenced Vietnamization, it will be vindicated; If the person sentenced is true crime, true crime and general crime, the right strains of criminal charges, then the moral teachings are immediate, prematurely and recovery are reduced or be compensated by your animal, without detriment to the body or be spared temporarily, depending on the circumstances of the matter.
But, certainly when the trial, which was tried by the notion maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, impossibly household and household crime. Conversely, heavy guilt will turn into misdemeanors and misdemeanors into innocence. Despite this, but justice still be respected. In crime due to the mind, while the mind was remorseful and changed by the will to maintain the title of anniversary of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the charges of racial crimes, crime, and criminal charges are determined according to the change of mind the violations, which itself is changing, and the mind of the judge also favored by changing the mind of the prisoner which changed the way the judging and the degree of judgement.
So, the notion maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara which escaped criminal incidents that can happen and we can verify from where the inmate and the trial, even though the prisoner by reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara which escape criminal incidents, but France still be respected and justice still are conserved.
1/5 Pass exit underworld Evening Massage:
Sutra says: "If the whole world assumed tam Thien and Heavenly, filled with all the demons I Rubbed, La Police, the species needs to brain harm anyone, but to hear him, the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, then the devil society cannot use the eyes to see the case, further harm".
Does the La Police is the demon that Evening Removing also the species of demon. The massage Felt devil is the devil or pathogen beings and love-gas of people and beings.
Why meditate maintained the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, then the devil, we cannot use evil eye to look at the book case, attempt to do harm?
In because of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara in respect of all the species of human genius, Holy chums, damn ... well, not the Bodhisattva has grace Germany great salvation for them, but also have great outfits for photographers in Germany all beings again.
For any beings, species would need grace to NIE recovery, then the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara charismatic Germany for aerial photography and for those species to use Norway Germany to NIE recovery, then the Bodhisattva associated uses photography to uniforms, and in the title of the Bodhisattva has fully conveyed both Norwegian and German favour material in when heard, your honour, maintenance concept, this demon species ever grace Life Church turns, or fear of German prestige, making the species the demons he dare not put data eyes that look people are kept reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. And, because people keep reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is made to grace the Germany and Norway Germany of this bodhisattva, are present in an authentic way in place of relatives who are reciting, due in Germany which, making the species the demons he can't take eyes that looked at data thatmore troubling, is acting hurt.
1.6 Escaped Widespread Cangue:
Kinh said: "suppose, leave someone's guilty, or not guilty, but their bodies were cangue, bondage, shackles, he himself maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, then the bondage gear, shackles, she, cangue are broken apart and the sailings are freed".
This is the force to rescue people who are arrested to jail, whether that person is guilty or not guilty. Inmates captured tied up where the hand called nữu (), tied the legs called world (); tied up in the neck called the (); tied up in the trunk called radiate ().
People arrested in jail despite guilty, not guilty, were arrested, tied up in any manner whatsoever, who knows who run prisons freed for AI career, against Ireland, as regards the comments made by its fall and heart repentance for the current operation and report from first, and then for consider the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara one way releases the, make themselves arise to force the rescue force and freed him, back in contact and integration are the French turning the European rescue force of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, prompting prison warden was born from the mind and self start disassembly for the prisoners, or make the prison director b. run from Center, which ordered the release of people in jail, or make the prison scene change, causing all the cangue definitive natural decay.
Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, also known as A Character In, should the cangue deported, him recite his title, making the seeds of self at the start and grow in my mind, in all our thoughts, in our words and actions, so when the coast guard personnel, then we have the freedom, self in and we exit underworld plunge, shackles, cangue spontaneously.
And while the notion maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as such, though the US is in our minds that the cangue was beginning to have freedom. The more we keep reciting the title of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the freedom of the mind as we expand. And every time the mind has great freedom, the mind will help to stem the freedoms and the Centre will be capable of dismantling all the corollary and the cangue for loved ones.
Every time we have the mentality the freedom, there have been freed, the body suffers cangue no shackles, being as important anymore. What is body before freedom, liberation, because all the freedom and Liberation of oneself entirely depending on the freedom and Liberation of the mind.
This is a truth that one can practice to experience the teachings of Sutra.
1.7 the aggressors ' beyond the robbery:
Kinh said: "If in three heavenly heavenly world full of both aggressors stole, a trade union leader home caravan, carrying valuable gold bullion held crosses the road coverage; the Union has a chorus that the friendly male suicide, do not fear, let us together all claiming to hold the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Bodhisattva, we have the ability to ban for being really scared. We accept maintained his title, it will exit the aggressors stole on the path this insurance. Merchant crew heard, all together played up his stronghold Nam mantras Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. By claiming to hold the title of the bodhisattva sees that immediately cross the escaped victim aggressors stole ".
The aggressors ' robber fall victim to Rob, murder. The road is on the way, he has often triggered accidents kill people, Rob. In road condition coverage, the aggressors stole pickup lines that in Union there is a chorus that, don't be scared, we confess together recite Nam Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva, then we will get rid of widespread coverage. Because all people are all together recite the title of Male Model Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the instant they all escape.
Here, the road is dark, enemy pirates, who often operate in darkness, we go in darkness that has tools of light, together with the power of faith, a Notion of force, power and Wisdom are together expressions of faith, expression power mantras, manifesting intellectual property resources, claiming the German title in memory of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, none else would go in darkness with the light of protection, opposite the aggressors stole back in good faith and in good spirit and make the enemy robs itself does not retreat dares unleashed raging, this is something that we can explain it.
In the moral, the path is the path of the aggressors, mortal who is robbing the Department real friendly day and night activities freely in the consciousness of each of us, they robbed all friendly to France where the mind and body of wisdom about killed us, cause we don't go to the place where peace of nibbana. In that situation, we have a Master Plan with the intellectual property firm, recommends that one should recite maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, then we can escape the harassing of the aggressors negativity on the way of mortal danger to preserve the relative intellectual property network that Ben coast Nirvana.
Degrees of Masters teach you recite the title Germany Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is helping me to put the subject into mantras function object relational notion, i.e. enter into bi and the position of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, causing great material and the position of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is present in my mind, our conscious mind to scan, causing the aggressors negativity in mind we vanish, return the tranquillity and freedom for the soul, he makes it through the path of death that goes back home to Nirvana in a way like that.
As such, reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, not only helps us transcend the ills of social status, but also escaped the consciousness of the evils of us anymore. The evils of society, they are always attached to the evils of the conscious mind. These social ills, they run from the evils of the consciousness, if individual consciousness and community activity in the pure land and love, then every social activity itself went fine, and given the ills of society increasingly minimized and will terminate.
Kinh said: "If there are beings as much lewd that frequently recite maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is respect, then the Mainland exit count him.
If there are beings as much anger, which often recite maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is respect, successively escaped computer operations.
If there are multiple properties being foolish, that frequently recite maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is respect, then the Mainland exit count thing ".
Took part in the exercise, the anger and the foolish are the three basic troubles, direct contact with the industry and through Italy career acting on body language and to create thousands of secret sin that leads to suffering newspapers.
Sybarite is a living activity ability of all beings in the world of gymnastics. The capacity he not them due to the impact and kicked by the pure elements of biology, which themselves are affected by the energy or will to survive, desire and enjoyment have psychological content.
The will to survive, desire and enjoyment is the agent and the biological or physical energy was the charm as conditions for the agent born run.
Therefore, we need to know to manage our living, we don't push the existence back to the lowly, that must know how to transform the living right up to senior activities.
To enhance in me going up as the ideal, a voice and a vow of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. We recite maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is respect, as we have the ability to manage the source of survival, and pushes the energy's survival, to come up with the ideal of compassion, with a voluntary suffering, with a lifetime of happiness of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the living energy., is no longer the encyclopedia of energy and brain hurt me, but it helps me happy in life.
Therefore, we have to know take care of energy in us by compassion and intellectual material of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, then surely sexuality, or energies in ourselves will be converted and will enter the power source of the marbles and the great location of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. This issue, not the argument or theory that is the problem of experimental practice, experience and self-tri.
Lustful energy sources which do not have self identity, they kicked the coast, then customised them to kill or convert as well as charm. Anniversary maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, prompting the coast guard College and university chapel, positions _ and the happy birthday kicked in we, alter and transform the lowly bio-energies in ourselves is what can be seen, exposure and practice.
Anger is an energy source of the seeds of discontent are operated in the consciousness of each of us. Who would have this much power, that person in their life there is a lot of dissatisfaction and misery. And only the energies of love, Hy discharge and tolerance can put down and neutralize angry energies of this consciousness.
The higher this fall, the high side and outraged as much. Therefore, when angry starts up in our minds, we must remember the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and recite his title carefully, so that the energy of compassion, Tolerance and Discharge of Sir Hy infiltrate our mind, the impact seeds of Compassion, inherent Tolerance and Discharge the wedding where the mind I start up, to neutralize the source of anger is functioning and expression where our consciousness, making the power source it to Yen and slowly vanish.
The mind's anger, the words and deeds of the us no longer creates resentment and crashes for themselves, their families and society.
Source of anger in me, they did not have before, they manifest due to the contact between the coast guard and agents accept the ego that run, so they are run by the coast guard, they depend on destroying or converting as well as Coast Guard and Coast Guard.
So, when we got in too many anger, they must regularly recite maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is the bodhisattva has the intellectual energy and compassion embraces both gender solution, making the source of his time, had a chance to go into our consciousness and transform those seeds of rage, anger in our consciousness, the compassion and wisdom.
The intellectual energy and compassion of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara in turn both French about tha power, as foreign charm, we accept maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara an urgent to compassion and intellectual seeds in consciousness we start is self, as the coast guard and civil personnel.
Self and foreign and domestic forces, tha charming acting on each other, with each other, make sure the seeds of anger, anger in consciousness will be replaced and broken by her beautiful compassionate energy.
Foolish is also a source of pollution of the mind. On his own mistakes, not delineate is the Chief evil, deviant, foot down, the so called stupid. Make others crush mistakes, do not know what is the Chief evil, deviant, the foot forward, right and wrong, the so called si. That stupid "with si, just straight into the darkness, dropped down to the abyss, dive into the boiling cauldron, sa on a large fireplace to self-immolation, burn, shortchanging yourself.
Living with horses, Buffalo pulled plows, cargo, heavy, death was personal, not suffering, that suffering is caused by foolish infinity position provides.
Many people with such foolish, if accept maintained the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara a way into an emergency, then the imbecile and she was slowly si metabolism.
Why? Do we earnestly maintained Memorial trophies of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, who should we have, and every time we have the center of force, then the rights will have to run.Intellectual light in my heart arise, then the foolish in my mind slowly cleared.
Therefore, if we have too many foolish, we just accept the maintenance of this bodhisattva titles, I might arise is wisdom. Recite the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is favored to be the mind goes into meditation and leading intellectual initiation.
So, we see, accept the lead title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, not only helps us transform the miserable result but also metabolism in human suffering, not the sole Gauge-changing helpful but also change the set of truths.
Seven accidents in question precedes is suffering or Agony Empire, three basic experiences including tham of sex, anger, foolish is the human suffering or The Roman Empire.
Know and like to transcend suffering is not the exception they start birth charm. Know the seven accidents include fire, water, wind, demon, Devil, Criminal Police Dollar Evening Massage, cangue prisoners, resentment of the pirates, is the accident of birth and death, then we must strive to practice the basics of the toxins and the mind is involved, the yard, and si, from where three of this toxin, which caused seven crashes in on and can cause a myriad of other accidents.
Therefore, in the French capital's Popular products with this Flower, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is not the open doors, take us away into the world of Suffering Roman Empire to see everything crash, which also left open the door of God, to help us clearly see the start-up of suffering, and also helps us clearly see the road kill part i.e. Imperial Leaders through Credit units and Credit resourcesApartment, tons and tons of force, anniversary of the radical and radical, the force and m Ni force, the intelligence unit and the intelligence forces.
Let's believe in power and a prayer plat of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, which are flat and Credit resources; Please attempt to embrace his titles to keep ballooning, making the evil in me being, cannot bring forth; makes the evil in the instant of birth were destroyed; making things in me yet arising instant arises and the things in it was instant constant growth arises, there are Tons and tons of resources base; take his trophy, which honours him increasingly visible and maintain firm in the in the light of consciousness and specific expression through the power, and maintain it through the moves go stand is sitting or any active demeanor, which is the anniversary of the radical and the Anniversary date. Radical notion and notion of such forces, until the mind's been kissing bass, oscillator, doubt and fear, which is intended to align and force. To align and such force, until the thirst of charity, the good player, the artifacts, the strain of death generator rotation no longer does run, the ignorance and its silhouette is clean, now clearly see in themselves of reality, which was then the intelligence unit and the intelligence forces. And then, His infinite relief of instant escape, run student smuggled the accident death and be freed, there are achievements Killing God, the God Emperor and the gauge is now fully complete.
So, the French economy's Spectrum United products have helped us take from low to high, from deep, from rough to leadership, from the essential to the magic, and from a point to turn the French boundary. So, in France, the life can be maintained to read French business practices litigation and who can also keep reciting the title of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara at all, because the title is the title of all disciplines and is the title of the Bi and the Great Location, have the capacity to hold and maintain all friendly France.
Kinh said: "suppose, if any woman would want for his son that will speed up the donation ceremony of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the Mainland being the son, has just got blessed in Germany and have just had the wisdom".
Suppose, if the woman would like to request that cult ceremony donation Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the linkage of birth daughter pretty, Dapper Chief, Irene has roots in Germany have cultivated since before and were people hurt you. "
One of the suffering of the people is when families without children, or have children that are just boys, or just girls, or boys and girls are not blessed in Germany, intelligence, and major general decency.
So, despite the baby not born child or not as you like, still suffering at all.
Real as Italy is one of the eight suffering pain in the soles.
To tackle this Universal products, Imperial Gauge emerging subjects of France United to help women who give birth as you like, through faith donation, and a cult for the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Tin, and glass are two valuable material which was where the consciousness of each of us, but do hope anniversary, since no mindfulness, prompting two material he can manifest.
So, when the American glass and Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, demonstrate and foster the trust of her glasses, through the cult ceremonies and donation for him, then it blessed Germany, wisdom, and the general public decency of the woman will arise and grow, "adding the Citadel of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvarafor females, the likely born a son or daughter as you wish.
Then again, from where the glass and materials through the cult ceremony, donation for the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara women's, meant that the German General, wisdom, joy and the decency of their Chief Justice b. run in collaboration with your compassionate and vows of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is variable across France as world charmthe warm Middle hid the body of these false For hybrid, or Furniture, or hybrid of the bodhisattva to the falls turned into human bodies to the birth, then the instant he falls into Phuoc son in Germany, wisdom or is the daughter of general good presentable ones have a female Chief Justice of Tin, glass for the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara then.
This is not only explained by faith that we can explain it in terms of psychoanalysis and science again.
As such, the childbirth as the French economy has been United and have proposed methods of implementation, but with the birth you want, recently proposed a new science and has made experimental works.
Universal products Division of the French economy United has raised Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara expression thirty-three appropriate body effects with basic, Pro, race, Chief of newspaper reported y type in ten French about French theory to beings, to denote that the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is the bodhisattva has reached the Ly, The content. So for Leanne Li, all beings come up where You can type and that for the General, then all beings come up where that expression. However, the hi n the General without any obstacle to the General of the beings in the entire cosmos.
My dear effects thirty-three clearly suited are just typical, rather than actually being in the ten methods about how many categories, how much of nature, how many good chess, how much capacity, how many people, how much charm, how many results, how many newspaper industry, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is capable of manifesting physical agents to the magic to geography, cities, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri comments for all of them.
So, in the French capital's Popular products, flowers, Endless Bodhisattva Italy had asked Germany, the World Religious travel of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara where the Us was how, and Endless bodhisattva Buddha Italy was raised in particular applications, thirty-three stems of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara du in the Ta Ba.
The Buddha clearly states that the body of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara as such, is intended to denote the ability to a Blossoms French economic infusion Hong and vividly portray their bodhisattvas. At the same time not only help to Endless Bodhisattva Italy found that how many beings, the notion of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara has much the meditation to stock photography offers the notion that. And if the beings are endlessly Italy, then a chapel of the birth of Bodhisatta is also incredibly, that application of Bodhisattva also timeless.
So, in the application of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara has helped me to understand more of the following:
Any way we can lecture the French economy blossom.
Any way I can also hear my France United.
Any way we can live and practise the French economy blossom.
Why? The French economy is because United States specify magic in place of France to give being to see, to know that enlightenment enter, should French economy United is doing of all France and is offering the highest benefit for all beings, so did business investment of beings, and all beings have a duty to preserve, read legend claim maintenance, administrative litigation, and spread along all over.
Universal products Division of the French economy have raised the practice methods are as follows:
1-about school Subjects:
Following is the shelf post represent about school Subjects:
"Bi world pulled his
From Italy the magic great van
The French giant Orange notes dance
Eradicate unhappiness diem ".
About entities dhāranī
Run user dread as Thunder
The magic of France from the heart
As a large cloud cover
The French giant Orange rain sprinkle soy source
Flame negativity.
About Universal's French Division, about France's from place a to the inexhaustible by marbles of volunteers, the endless language and becomes the wedded endlessly of the body that initiates and achievements.
So, About this French French World called Universal sports. About the universal French Subjects who took the ball to the self; retrieved from the mind as, taking all the generals loved doing general salvation and use all sounds do sound number object to display the magic of France.
Therefore, the High School Division is not just limited to a time that all of the time. Not just limited to one of which all parishes; not just limited to a trunk that all stems, not limited to one category of which all types.
So, I ran the maintenance according to The High School Band, then at any time, any where and any body whatsoever, we all act according to a possible greater bi and according to Italian pronouns, to quell unhappiness for all beings, bringing peace to the King.
2-To School Subjects:
Following is the typical shelf paper for high school Subjects:
"One Foot, pure Cafe,
Generous intellectually consistent,
BI Quan from the restaurant,
Often pray, often admire ".
A true slide show
A shining truth purity
A great intellectual projection
A projection by dhāranī
A slide show by using the pronoun
Usually voluntary treaty practice
Often enjoy the experience of admirers.
In the article this shelves have launched five consistent meditation or High School Sports as follows:
2/1-one Foot:
The foot is the honest truth. A look deep into the subject. Object to me carefully possibly physical, possibly the feeling, be it capital bīja, probably the best outside centres such as France, stick, flavor, taste, tactile, and France, and also is the French, like the inner image of good, sound, aroma, taste, tactile, and France are unsettled on the mind, or have the vaccine and sinking deep into the Museum of the formula. And the audience to look deeply, he could also be the master of the five aggregates or aggregates of individual self.
As such, One Foot is looking deep into the audience to discover the truth in the place of the subject matter.
The truth in the place of objects that One Leg Universal Subjects found:
+ All France has no self is able to take possession.
+ All beings are Buddha's name, and the seed of Buddha also run by the coast guard.
+ The Dhamma of the Buddha, tam was due to excess use, should they emulate.
+ For admitting France's France rescue wing, true Buddhist followers of French culture.
+ Self footer as in the place where the French are born of the Earth is immortal, so a possible origin of the world as a possible permanent, so Buddha said For admitting to being found to be a possible foot as it's food poisoning type.
So, One Leg is Universal's French Division, France a French practitioners makes the flowers cultivation wishes, often admired and often enjoy the experience.
2/2-one Pure:
Purity is the clean, pure, not dirty.
Pure Bar is the pure content projection. The Consulate ran throughout, no passport is no longer ignorance, thirst craving, accept and help companies do bullshit opaque. And one is a reference to clearly see a possible gap in the place of all existence.
Pure Bar is the bar premieres throughout, from falling ever stop concerned.
Therefore, the Consulate is Consistent Purity shone clearly:
+ About possible College ball is about to be completely pure and the French turn about.
+ Application and Quote reincarnations from where France itself purity that we run to plat beings.
+ Area of subjects and disciplines from where a subject that we run.
+ Buddha is a pure raw Leanne self of all beings.
+ And a can of the present French is usually pure and calm.
So, Purity is A Universal's French Division, France's consistent throughout all of France Consulate, making the mind of meditators still residing in Nirvana that practitioners of the same popularity throughout ten to plat beings that still didn't leave the equivalent of speaker of the kill.
Therefore, this number-one in France is France that French practitioners often aspired practice, often admire and enjoy the experience.
2/3 Generous Wisdom Pubs:
Generous vast intelligence is Intelligence. Vast brainpower is Uncivil.
Generous Wisdom pubs, is the Consulate ran by vast wisdom.
A projection by the vast intellect, not the show itself owned the five aggregates is not, but also find themselves of each are also aggregates do not, which has the names.
So Generous was the number-one Intelligence shone clearly:
+ Fallen and France are not
+ French President General of the Real Killer General, loads of General or General.
+ Negativity and Bodhi are not two separate entities.
+ Nirvana and samsara, Buddhism and beings as manifestations of the mind.
2/4 Bi Quan:
BI the bi, is the ability to save a large width. The possibility of salvation now, not in a category where all the categories, not in a way that the ten directions, not a legal brief that all the legal boundary. The possibility of salvation so called dhāranī
As such, Bi-one possibility is Consistent projection to make voluntary extensive, comprehensive saving and the same all over.
So, One Bi-one is the ability to broadcast, to clearly be Leanne chon TAM as between the subject of salvation and the object of salvation is not two, they intervene into each other and the most able.
Therefore, Bi-one possibility is Consistent projection to infiltrate France's charge to second world; and permanent residence in may charge the second time, that manifests itself General and a vow to save suffering beings throughout France world. Due to Consistent Ball that kicked up voluntary: "Leanne Self negativity becomes prayer verses and passages except endless negativity".
So, is Universal's French Consulate Bi Disciplines, France a French practitioners makes the flowers wishes tu student, often admire and enjoy the experience.
2/5 From:
From the word, is the ability to love and to donate the vast pleasure for all of everything.
The ability to refer to a category of which all the King; not only for a method that around ten mass media; not only with regard to a legal brief that the ten French boundary. The ability to love and to donate such a pleasure, known as pronouns.
So, From A capability is a passport to practice voluntary love at large, and the same throughout, bringing peace to all beings.
So, From Pubs and bars is the ability to cuddle your pain and Bi-one possibility is Consistent projection to turn pain into the canvas material happiness peace for beings.
BI Quan is a possible salvation and from the effects of his salvation; BI a capable Emperor chunk except the one Episode, from likely passage except for Emperor Format.
Therefore, From A Cafe is the ability to impregnate all the actuality of suffering of all beings in France about, in order to clearly see calculate chon TAM as between subject and object of love is love and not the two entities exist, the fish which they interact to each other and in each other.
Mortal segment and transform mortal epidemic is profound fears, not the individual that is common to all everything, so from the heart is likely to expand, broaden and extend the myriad arms to cuddle all beings are his fears into hearts, where his vows and Words From mind to appease and illuminating; at the same time taking Bi to the canvas transfer the seeds of ignorance, thirst must accept its ego where consciousness beings, but also moving afterword the seeds of ignorance, the head is the seeds stay and dive down deep bottom of the conscious mind, where the root manipulated out of ignorance, hope thought about the fall in love and the French love of beings again.
So, From Universal's Expertise is the ability to manifest a multitude of relatives of General freshness to dialogue, sharing and empathy with that immeasurable suffering of beings, but Universal's Division has the ability to manifest a multitude of spectacular chess body to direct and slip deep into the consciousness of beingsto canvas the nest episode run of them, which has manipulated the material miseries.
BI shop has the ability to obliterate any guts, any UE of the mind and from the back has the ability to take care of, making it the guts not to relapse, and the UE of the mind is no longer the condition to manifest.
By, From Universal's Bi and Subjects is that, should the French practitioners often aspired tu learn, enjoy and admire France's Consulate.
3.-intellectual property School Subjects:
Wisdom high school Subjects, I see described in the post following shelves:
"Infinite spatial optical purity
Japanese wisdom breaking Chu renders,
Fire disaster recovery function room
Universal intelligent worldly projection ". 5
The light in the dirty air,
The Sun breaking wisdom renders,
Subduing accident wind fire,
Illumination of worldliness.
This shelf post talking up Universal's Wisdom of the Division.
Universal's Wisdom, saying His purity, pollution, should no longer be the negativity as hindrances, nor was ignorance do the obstacle course wisdom eyesight.
So, the intelligence School Division has three working together throughout and comprehensively:
3/1 for comprehensive care:
For the intelligent mind high school Subjects that clean out negativity obstacle course, the Department cut back Center, putting the voter with a raw pure Pearl himself. Should the two top shelves says:
"Infinite spatial optical purity
Japanese wisdom breaking Chu innuendo ".
"Infinite spatial optical purity" (the light in, not dirty), is a subject of wisdom eyesight, or a can of intellectual property, and is a subject of Nirvana represents the President.
Therefore, the "infinite optical purity profile" is a way to kill the emperor.
Also, "Japanese Wisdom breaking Chu innuendo", (the Sun, referring to breaking wisdom) is the effect of a possible sense of wisdom, or the effects of a possible academic wisdom for the kind of ignorance negativity of beings in France about.
Or in other words, it is the effect of the Removal for The Roman Empire.
3/2 with comprehensive scenes:
As for the scene, the intelligent high school Division has the ability to impact the changing scene suffering into peace scene, accident scene the scene safe.
So, the third shelf says: "Energy Easter tai phong Hoa" (subduing accident wind, fire). Only Universal sense of Wisdom new Subjects capable of subduing and metabolic accidents in the world, that the shelf raised two typical accident was wind and fire, but the accident of profound world is being mortal, is the living dead have no freedom.
Accidents caused by fire, water, wind, earthquake, disaster, qủy, armed soldiers, United Kingdom accident..., original still from where took part in exercise, anger, foolish, accept the ego of man that was born.
So, subduing and overpower the accident he was subduing and overpower the bad mentality of human evil, by the universal sense of intellectual property subjects.
With the intelligent high school Band, ta subduing and overpower the accidents in Part by how tame and metabolizes the seed caused the accident being the order of the episodes and starting from The Roman Empire.
With the dress and tame thus is the tame and subduing the accident, subduing a sole Gauge throughout and from popular entertainment to the fruit.
It is the subduing and overpower the accident of Common Sense Wisdom of the Division.
Or in other words, it is the subduing and overpower the accident of the Roman Empire for the Emperor and the Imperial Framework.
3/3 total for both the mind and the scene:
Wisdom high school screening subjects together across the Centre and scene of all beings in the legal world, bringing benefits to both the Earth and the Earth. So, final sentence of the shelves are "Universally intelligent worldly projection" (lighting of worldliness), wisdom eyesight screening her equally for all beings in France about no stigma, discrimination, not being obscured by something. And does light screening is also equally against the Holy Sage in the tu status certificates, but the beings and the Hien St., according to coast guard personnel, which receive and consume the light's sense of wisdom to change the mind, a mind-body transformation, in order to become and be merged completely with her sense of wisdom.
Therefore, the "universal intelligent worldly projection" is emphasized visually scan the same all over, so both the subject and the object scan is already intervening entered into each other and the same throughout in each other, no longer has any one the shy would.
"Universally intelligent worldly projection" is a comprehensive sense of wisdom, wisdom eyesight throughout, from the world to the phenomenon, from the landscape, from France to meet human incarnations, from to result, from the calculation for like that throughout the whole Xang.
Therefore, the intelligent high school band is wisdom learned throughout and comprehensively both self and phenomena, both in mind and in landscape, both Divine and Holy.
In addition to posting shelf, we also have the shelf post clearly states the practice Wisdom high school subjects as follows:
"Magic sound, Avalokiteśvara,
Pham Hai yin, Yin Dynasty,
The Belgian won the world sound,
The attempt to overhaul often recite ". 6   
The mission, the looked at life
The offense, the North Korean Navy,
The worldly transcends
So often the contemplation.
This shelf post help me five methods consistent projection of Wisdom School:
1. the magic Sound: the sound is wonderful, deep and delicate sound.
All sounds are processed by expression pratītyasamutpāda does not have self owned, and do not have self owned, should any manifestation of all the sounds are all marvelous and magical as the owner, should hum called Lunar Magic. And only the new Sound vocal performances, spectacular magic of France.
Should the French practitioners, United must listen to every sound emanating from the France pratītyasamutpāda, marvelous achievements to position, Chang added that marvelous Chorus Concert sound marvelous, and universal truths of France to the King to Buddhist enlightenment, import, marketing, voter opinion for them.
2. Avalokiteśvara: sound is due to look at the life that take place chorus. due to the consistent projection of pratītyasamutpāda, of impermanence, of egolessness that speaks out; do a slide show about the Emperor and Imperial Gauge that comes out; due to the consistent projection of Removal and Relief that comes out; due to a projected flow properties and complete removal of the principle twelve pratītyasamutpāda which speaks out; because of a projected five aggregates are no Leanne self that speaks out; due to a projected Record level of purity before self that speaks out; due to consistently current Bodhi screenings run from the negativity that comes out; due to the consistent projection Nirvana in death that speaks out and do a projection which sees all beings are Buddha's computer and have the potential to become Buddha that comes out. The voices emanating from the projection as such, known as Avalokiteśvara.
As such, Avalokiteśvara is the voice that says, look at the life directly with the life that comes, comes true to itself of all existing between the life.
Such a voice is the voice of Jinji was able to enter the truth. And II any location.
So, the French practitioners United, must learn the voices look the life that speaks to her voice right where is the voice of the magic of France, France's voice in the United States, the voices are capable of giving, marketing, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri comments for all everything.
3. It Sounds: are sounds just like Brahma. According to the Brahmin religion, Brahma is the Lord born out of everything, so the sounds of Brahma is the pure and sound is the starting point of every sound.
But, It's not their Subject Spectrum sound in it.
Violations of the universal Sports is true voice, a voice with the right foot to the right, as with the able bodied dhāranī, with General pronouns, with great action and great wedding to discharge.
Therefore, It is the voices emanating from a possible greater bi. He is the voice of calm and the spectacular, capable of opening, market, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri comments for all everything.
This is the voice that French practitioners United must generally study and a passport to enter, in order to declare the French miracle took place, publicity, marketing, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri comments for all beings.
4. Sea Tide Sound: is the sound of the ocean waves, the voice of the ocean waves, is the vivid voices emanating from France about same same pratītyasamutpāda. Therefore, behold, the voice does not impede other voices other voices, not making this speech impediment, they interact to each other that outputs consistently and endlessly.
So, is the subject of one, to discover computers, not impede, and computer magic won't do not. The computer does is magic and the magic ownership is not, relevant content, and photographer them together.
Due to the intelligent shop for the sound of the ocean waves like that of intellectual achievement, honest, full Visual intelligence.
This is the voice that French practitioners United must generally study, a passport and able to enter, to have the ability to cast magic, the initiator of the French, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri opinion for everything.
5. the Belgian Wins World Sonic: is the sound transcends every sound in the world. This is the sound made up.
As Germany was that Sun says:
"This is Hard, this is, this is Extermination, this is religious. This is the gauge should know, here is the set up section, this is Extermination should be certified, it is the Leader should order. This is the Suffering already know, this is already the, here's Removal have shown, it is Directed has tu.
Here are twelve pratītyasamutpāda, here is the flow of twelve pratītyasamutpāda, here is the complete removal of the twelve pratītyasamutpāda. "
Or say:
"We have means of
Giving the French a right triangle surplus
All Christians are The religious affiliation
Both said Most leaders admit.
Now in this mass
Please exclude doubt
Lettered Word identical Buddha
Only France For Admitting ". 7
Comes with such sound, the hum is the sound transcends every sound of the Earth and the Earth.
The sound thus obtained speak up from the intelligence of All Ranks for all beings and his saints in France about, so the United States does sound French practitioners need to listen, study, a reference to run downstairs to customs, market, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri comments for all beings in the legal world.
The five types of sound: Sound Marvelous, Avalokiteśvara, Pham Hai yin, Yin Dynasty, Won the world sound, is the delineation of sounds for each type of object of the intellectual property bar.
But, we're a projection for real deep, then they are the sounds of expression depending on the level of pure pure land of the mind and the shallow depth of the level-one's wisdom.
We listen and a projection for real deep, I'll realize in the magic to presence of Avalokiteśvara, Pham Hai yin, Yin Dynasty and Won the earth tones. And we listened and ran it deeply, then in each lunar has a variety of other tones.
Hence, in this kind of sound is the object of one's wisdom that French practitioners United must always remember to practice, in order to launch the most enlightened wisdom students admit, French horror TV Hong flowers for all basic they are all over the place.
Read the eulogy, Shou and research United States France, we see clearly in France United not just describe about A Subject and area of Expertise, but also about Everyday Subjects in a flexible and lively again. The French Economic researcher States that completed his fourteenth as belonging to the area of expertise and ideas of the Subject Area to be complete packages in the product means, and fourteen since the latter belongs to A Subject, and the whole package is mainly thought of as a hybrid Of life span, but I read that litigationlife, maintenance and research, the United States is not just referring to A Subject and area of Expertise but also refers to Everyday Subjects anymore.
Universal products Division is one of the products described on the French economy of Almond Blossom. And read the eulogy, tho Tri, delve into the French economy United, we see in each of the French economy goes full to contain both A Subject, area of Expertise and Disciplines. Now in the French capital's Popular products, flowers, the presence of the Buddha To Protect and his stupa is the presence of A keeper. And the Buddha Like Ca answered the questions of the Bodhisattva Endlessly on voluntary and powerful of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, which is the presence of Everyday Subjects in the area of Sports and Disciplines. The presence of the Buddha To his Tower and in this product is the presence of A Subject, to witness to what's going on and are being presented by the Buddha Like Ca in Subject Area is true to The subject. That is the Buddha To Buddha is A witness to what was Buddha's Indian Love Song tells the timeless Italy, Bodhisattva of our happy Band of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is true to itself and a can of itself.
Bodhisattva Timeless Italy, after listening to the Buddha Like Ca talking about Everyday Subjects in France of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, who kicked the instant respect, ride a Chau Sedum right He Lost worth hundreds of thousands of gold that donation Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara but had a delivery. Endless instant bodhisattva Italian ladies with the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara says: "Dear fake People! If our injuries that British councils Sedum getting this Club! ". And now, the Buddha Sakyamuni also spoke with the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara Bodhisattva says: "Let's trade Endless this Bodhisattva in Italian, as well as make her Priorities include four trade off, giving priority to Ms. di, Male khưu, Female Khưu Ni, head trader of Them Sun, the Dragon, Well rubbed, Qian thát BA, A tu la, Ca so laAn emergency, na la, Ma most Human and non-human, old dollar..., which take euro Sedum You Lost! "
Now, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, as injured Quartet, as well as whole beings, which received the British councils Sedum Tribe, and later, the Bodhisattva associated divide Sedum in He Lost in two parts, one part rise donation Buddha Like Ca and part of insurgent donation Buddha's Tower To Tell ". 8
The donation of Kingdom of Sedum Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy is talking up the trust, understand and feel her profound Almond flowers of France for the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, Bodhisattva, after Endless Italy listened, Buddha Like Ca teaching of Almond flowers of France--bodhisattvas. And the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, the Bodhisattva of Italian trade because of the endless, as well as trade of all beings, which receive European and British Sedum Sedum Chau gave Me pit, apart, partly rising donation Buddha Like Ca, and part of the insurgent donation Buddha's Tower To Tell. The Act's donation of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, as to geography, cities, food poisoning, enter Buddha tri comments for Bodhisattva Timeless Italy, causing the bodhisattva ye believe and understand that Almond flowers of France: the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara, A French Subjects United by the Buddha To Protect French Subjects and the Buddha's Favorite Flowers Ca are the three sides of a Transcendental Reality. Does Transcendent reality, exactly For Being Buddhist Leader.And at the same time also said that Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara got Sedum CHOW He strayed from the endless Bodhisattva Italy, and he has presented his Sedum, up donation Buddha Like Ca and Tower of multi-Buddha said to the Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy believed and understood that the Buddha: between A Subject, The Buddha and the Bodhisattva Of Everyday Subjects just one.
In the Happy Buddha Bodhisattva Division has A Subject and a Buddhist area of expertise; in Buddhism A Buddhist Area and the Division has had the Happy Buddha Bodhisattva, in the Subject area of Expertise are Happy Buddha and Bodhisattva Version Mon, so from the Bodhisattva Everyday Subjects, Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is denoted A and area of Expertise, given the British councils Sedum Strayed from the endless Bodhisattva Italy to insurgent donation Buddha Like Ca and Towers To Protectin order to guide the practice of the bodhisattvas, we headed For Admitting the Buddhist Leader.
Bodhisattva Endlessly Italy in French economic Subjects Spectrum products flowers is typical to Bodhisattva Superfluous; and the four of them Male khưu, Female Khưu Ni, favor she turned off her Priority, di's Sound Superfluous text, as well as mass, a whole person, A tu la ..., is typical for the Superfluous and Redundant Personnel, all have been Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara who guidelines intended For Admitting the Buddhist Leader. And with Bodhisattva Everyday Subjects, Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara has refused to accept the donation of Kingdom of Sedum Bodhisattva Timeless Italy, but for A Subject and area of Expertise, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara got Sedum in Britain Lost to donation Buddha Like Ca and Tower of Buddha To Protectin order to show that, all activities of the Bodhisattva is equally driven to Excess, the Buddha's most without getting stuck in the place of the Bodhisattva and redundant. So, Happy Bodhisattva Mon is the only means of Buddhist Subjects, too.
By the way, Happy Subjects of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is Everyday Subjects always associated with material of Greater Bi and Tri. Uncivil Three La Suite most of Almond's Interest Subjects of Great Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Now, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara in mass, called false Religious Symbolism the echo that statement Uncivil theory Three La Suite Most Interest with all the great position. According to the Promo a Uncivil Three La Suite Heart Sutra says: "after the Bodhisattva Quan himself in saying the mantra Three Uncivil La Suite To complete calls, false Religious Symbolism the ECHO and the great Bodhisattva which says: for Most Uncivil yew, penetrating Three La Suite should be studied as such, should such action".
Now, Germany World Religion from where happiness peace of meditation which appeared, called Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara which praises that "Little Friendly male suicide, great place, great place! As the lyrics say: Three Uncivil La Suite was very intensive magic, if maintained, should issue such maintenance operations, rightly so. And then the Germans As Lai also feature the wedding Festival ".
"Now, in Germany The Religion says so is done, false Religious Symbolism the ECHO, the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara and whole assemblies, a Person, A tu la ..., listen to Germany That such teaching Respect, were the credit tho, Phung and Hy Festival runs". 9
And the great mantra, Bi De La Ni, is Happy for His Great Ball of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Now, in the middle of where the mass of Mount Putuo, Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara with the White World Religion that: "I have the mantra of da la ni of the center ball, now want to declare novel: to all beings have peace; to exclude all diseases for beings; to all beings to live long and rich; because want to eradicate all evil and felony for beings; to all beings escape serious accidents; due to the growth of France's German purity for beings; to all beings achievements all donation based; to all beings depart all these fears and to all beings desire accomplishments quickly, should bow to ask for Germany That compassionate Respect mercy, accept for the pronouncement of mantra theory! ".
Now, the Buddha taught the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara that: "O my Goodness Female Suicide! People who want to do great as bi, peace to all beings, so the theoretical propaganda mantra, now is the right time, should be said quickly, such as custom Hybrid Hy and Lettered Buddha too ". 10 thus, the great mantra Bi De La Ni is our happy Band of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara.
Great Bi and the Location are the two materials that make up our happy Band of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Two Happy this Subject material of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is the great uncle doThần Balls and Uncivil Three La Suite Most Interest form, which own Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara directly declared dogma for mass at the time and had been in Germany That direct evidence of Indian Religion. The two materials that make up our happy Band of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara behold, has affected the entire life of seclusion up most Asian Buddhists monks and nuns traditionally Northern Sanskrit throughout a long history.
Currently most ritual chant of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha, the opening chant Mantras Dhāranī Uncivil and ends with Interest, that is opened with The Bi and ends with the Great Location. Put The Balls go to College and take Place with the Position casts into Greater Bi. Great location and Great Bi inseparable from each other in the life practice of Buddhist monks and nuns.
So, the Ball and the position would lack a key ritual, or a course and practice, or where every action made by Vietnam Buddhist Sangha. Without either, the Act of seclusion will tilt to one side, or is too transcendence, or is too pragmatic. Who would practice that tilts the about either, the life of the people, will lose balance and possibly fractured flock. So, two Great stuffs Bi and Tri tied together in the life of a practice, like bird wings attached where the body of a stuffed Eagle.
Modern mantra Bi and Uncivil Interest is Everyday Subjects of Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara. Hanh's Subject make up the cultural, moral beliefs and practices, which combine nicely for those of the Buddha. And it's happy to practice His spiritual conversion and the practical way of life and the magic of Vietnam Buddhist Sangha has undergone so many generations, and it has also created a unified, transparent, flexible and unique Buddhist Vietnam.
So, Happy Subjects of the Bodhisattva Avalokiteśvara is described in Universal products Division in France are represented as possible and the effect of a Buddhism throughout, consistent, vibrant, unique, and the transcendent reality. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/12/2014.

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