Monday 15 December 2014

The title of my Local Organs need to explain first that "Religious duty to Catholic U minh Ksitigarbha Ma ha slapped". Means U minh realms Catholic who is obliged to show respect to a Tibetan bodhisattva Ma ha slaps. Usually, we believe there is a bodhisattva Tibetan place names, He held in his right hand a plant area of thy left hand and an EU beads. Mr hell do the Pope, used area of the staff breaks the door of hell to rescue beings, if beings releases into reciting the name of the Lord. But if we believe in an honest manner so true? That's something worth saying.
We should know, using words in classic extremely literal and obvious: "my duty" is to learn more about the mind. "Ton" is dignified, "Local" is the heart, "Tibet" is Like a hybrid organs. So, just create new mentality is the most dignified, which is as visceral Hybrid centres; just create a new mind mastered the u minh, the master of the underworld in the si field by yourself. Hell is hell in the si field, as beings suffering are due to take part in the si field that gauge. And when in the si field abound in mind impurities raise the start-up, then something new is this hell's Gate? -Of course it is my duty to honor his own Organ Sites such. It is important to recognize the duty to Respect Tibetan Place names such as self-i.e. the hybrid organ centres, the ultra extreme respect you, or say the Compact as in Nirvana, the Buddha returned to his new name, I can vandalize be hell took part in the si field and save beings King.
If reading Mahayana sutras, we will see in using a lot of the fabled implied, hinted that magical far deeper reasons. So, when we too accept Nepal on the word meaning, understand the pictures lung linh is described in such a way too honest, then we would be receiving my menstruation. Without receiving any investment is unlikely to understand a mind of Buddha Tibetan Local economy is not true Islam-that is just straight, but in power-which means the right to transform the media, which had used the magical shimmering general it to display logical names absolutely other. When you want to point to a real one, if you use the arguments expressed more li, it's easy to give rise to the concepts from formal segregation Center, will be difficult to go straight to the truth save wings. The French economy such as flowers, the example of the same molecule, on the Tower To Tell, about the Future of life As of ... Want to say something? Obviously, the pictures are intended to stimulate intuition before. My Tibetan Place here too, bodhisattva Tibet and Places the U minh is described as well just use the to Manager.
The Buddha often found Sami claimed the vote was "Like Hybrids know that, knew French, know your level, to know time and know the". The sermon of the Buddha was based on three factors: the weather, the origin and situation-i.e. time period say France, French speaking places and subjects listen to France. So, Buddha did not say France would just mean one way. There when he said France low for poor basic goods; at one point He says France has just found the one; also when the French speaking high, it. for basic upper ranks. So, much as in the Scriptures we see seems to contradict each other, but stumbles is so customized charm plat. "Necessarily tu to 50 as the target Moon only", all classics like the finger pointing to the Moon, we have to come up to see the Moon, that is, to come up into the texts in order to subtly whisper the truth.
As for the Local economy, if we understand an honest and superstitious that, the Organ is a bodhisattva that general scheme, and there is a real hell realms, then we already accept the finger is on the Moon, we will one tree Hill back on tha strength, belief in the God of power, and then accidentally post Uncle Li causation. If there is a true bodhisattva Tibet Site capable of hitting the door of hell, then we should leave chanting, meditative or tu eight, just a crush for bodhisattva, until death would take Him to the rescue. So then, the spirit who eat yours no-one went to drink out of thirst there anymore? Any result you do yours also does not make sense. The Buddha's birth always meaningless. But in fact, why we must endeavour austerities? If we are not evil, not of good clothes revamped end to eliminate the evil karma the place itself, export, Italy, the bodhisattva would save themselves? For example, in a classroom, the teacher brought out the ability to teach in an equitable manner, but would you do the whole pupil are both good at evenly like each other? Intention of the master is taught entirely equal, but study results back up intelligence, diligence diligence, family situation of each student. Also, the headless Buddha and bodhisattva in China is not absolutely no excuse for being, but spared the force of the Mr just jewelry charm aid only. The Buddha was born, opened for beings Satori enter Buddha tri comments, but a declaration that the beings have food poisoning type are or not is because in every being. If the Buddhas can ban for being a voter opinion--Buddha, the beings don't have tu, and spiritual "Self lighting torch up that goes" turned out to be meaningless. So, if a little thought, we're going to see, all the classics are intended to stimulate intuition to her that his duty to honor The Tibetan, and then manually attempts to bail themselves out of mortal reincarnation.
Before the Buddha Sakyamuni entered removal in the forest I La Song tho, He has stated very clearly: "you ask yourself lighted torches up which go, lit up with the Chief Justice of France". If we don't burn up that torch going, just look for where the Buddha, bodhisattva, we have fallen into the right spirit gone, Buddha became a deity then! And if we were gods of the Lord, the Lord will be reduced in value; the Buddha's teachings also take practical, scientific and human, is the Foundation of value of lifelong morals and Buddhism Buddhist historians should, for ours, every every right y on the spirit "himself lit the torches", which is the guideline for each life the Buddha BoardAlthough the renunciation or in the home. We need to know that, as the conclusion to the profound sense of Mahayana Scriptures, then when it comes to being, must be understood as being the mind, because there is no center of beings. Strictly speaking, consciousness has flowered as workmen painting, drawing out each of the skandha of ours. Each fuselage skandha is created due to hopes the mind, in other words by the power industry. So, it comes to being Chief of the newspaper, it's being mindful, did not report medical conditions in addition to the mind that is. Here too, we must always return to the center of yourself to understand your business. The beings were fallen to hell, that's who the beings were fallen into hell in the si field experiences. Want liberate beings mind, Leanne's Site itself must be used yourself. If the beings are beings of mind, the Buddha was also the Buddha mind, beyond mind no Buddha; If hell is hell self consciousness, the Local Organs of course Tibet is hearts. So, can say, it can't be left to austerities, it can't be absent from the mind which freed. This is something we must urgently note. we are our minds tu tu, if purity is also pure mind; When Enlightenment is the enlightenment of mind, until the relief well is his achievement a mind thing. In addition to mind will not have anything. It is the seat of all medical classics Mahayana.
Usually, if understood in the General, the Buddhist refuge is returned to the refuge where the Buddha Sakyamuni, the French medical news refuge of his teachings, and the Rise of medical means refuge monks austerities purity. But if out in the spirit of Lu Hui, talents, or Mahayana sutras, the three jewels refuge that is three jewels Buddha mind: himself is his own sense of family identity, France's Chief of staff is sufficient where the mind, Increase is a pure mind (the Buddha was Enlightened, France's Chief, the Increase is the Net). Understand that the whole new and justified, but if it rules towards the outside, which is beyond the mind of Buddha bridge-i.e. layman. By Buddha for Buddha's mind, that return to Tibet as a Place name self qui y big. The refuge is that all three life Like lenses and Hybrid threshold, and the ten bodhisattva means new full-time return to the refuge. We will examine this more closely when reading there.
Back to the top: we should know, title article claiming Religion is Tibetan Prefecture to learn more about canopy platform, is the guideline, is an overview of the entire texts. So, if this title is clear, we will understand the full texts is not difficult:
"The slope ensure homage Pope the U minh
Is Obliged to honor Ksitigarbha Ma ha slapped "
Respect where the slope wholeheartedly, that means full position respect the ceremony. Pope the U minh is a pure mind of oneself. As such, it is a Religious duty to return to the refuge Where his Organ.
"Bow homage Grand maesters Who graciously
Like the sturdy land depth, thickness, width contains all over ".
The land here has meant the land Center. The land of mind very solidly, nothing the break, destroy. The fortified heart of the virtues is his duty to honor Local organ. second virtues is deep thick. We see deep sea, the way these guys also are, but how do tune in mind? The mind has no general shape, size, retract the needle on the top by the bosses all over the about the French; for so called thick deep. Virtue is the third extension contain all over. Buddha: the duty of every true beings vastly ngằn not overlapping, if bringing frivolous compared to learn more about the mind, as well as the preparation for the same sea.
We dare to get themselves obliged to honor The Organs do not? If we dare not pick up, then as the French economy the United stated, we are the same molecule the begging the corner market, son of growth theory which kept bear wandering. Perhaps, knows his father's very rich, gold and silver with lẫm repository is full, we must return to her father's fortune enjoyed life. As well as that, we have the duty to Respect Tibetan Place solidly, thick, wide deep contains all over this, which she owned her own spiritual side, then the other three lines in the six realms. That's the tragedy of the human.
Next, when lauded his duty properly Religious Tibetan Prefecture of merit here, then start the magical shimmering images:
"The world from the South by the cloud of sandalwood,
Rain rain rain of flowers and incense, flowers,
Rain clouds much treasure, treasure the multitude,
Existing effects bodes around dignified ".
The South is the South African Ministry of Thiệm, i.e. the Right Matches this. The world at the moment is not the cloudy divisions but also with rain clouds rain flower, incense, flowers, and even the rain clouds much treasure, treasure countless more. We believe that, in the Us-this lady that cloudy with incense cloud flowers If we believe in this stinking leather has the Pearl as the fireplace impermanent has a Lotus Flower blooms, it will believe that the current application's bodes. Said by United Severely, when getting to learn more about the Center, adjacent immediately all the France became the dignified. That is, when a person realizes his duty in her own mind, immediately all of France became the author's taste. Because "all of France are all from the mind of birth". Then all the passion, that when buds, "French for the Dharma", all of France are all Buddhas, Dharma Realms I-Mrs. sailings immediately become Net degrees.
"Sun people ask Buddha: is what?
Buddha said: Ksitigarbha comes ".
When you see the reaction bodes, Sun of US Congress has asked the Buddha, it is caused by personality what charm? The Buddha answered, bodhisattva Tibet to Address. If understood in theus, the idea that a bodhisattva Tibet Geography, the handle area of the staff and the Jade Pearl arrived. But if by reasons, to understand that, the duty to Respect Tibetan Sites appear raw shapes, the raw image from infinity cards to infinity we all have in common that forgot to go. It's pure mind, the mind of enlightenment comes out outside into the see, hear, or know of us. If look at the France which we do not have a little hope idea driven at all, the current bodhisattva Tibet Local money, the French became micro magic. If said by France United, is a geography meets beings enter Buddha tri comments; also under The Organ, which is testimony to the beings realize that his duty to honor his own Organ Sites. This is the only purpose of the Buddhist schools of its inception. If understand the profound sense of Tibetan bodhisattva event Sites appear, we will shed light on the next two sentences are:
"Three lives As Hybrids are dear threshold,
The ten bodhisattva means full-time refuge ".
Construed in accordance with the, we will find it ridiculous. How the Buddha bodhisattva threshold glass is proficient enlightenment, rather less spiritual level? So, we must understand its profound physical sense. Sutra says: Uncivil I lettered Buddhist ten third method. Nhon's Chief uncivil by bodhisattva, are the roots of all spiritual love. If understand such uncivil, new star Tibetan Place understands the three glass Hybrid such as the threshold. Bodhisattva Tibet Geography here is a mind of her own, which is a center of the Chu Buddha, bodhisattva are equal as each other. Buddha-Buddha peer in a t m. Buddha's enlightenment is food poisoning the mind, evidence is shown to the mind. Recognised certification center the Center, then lettered glass Buddha mind is a threshold of reasonable things.
"Now the coast guard personnel full heal
Extolling true merit of Tibet ".
Lauded that understands The Organ is a pure mind of yourself, then the new is lauded honest, full Entertainment's wholesome charm.
"He is the embodiment of compassion, for everything to heal.
He was saving all beings ".
Compassion in addition to mind anyway? -Compassion is at the center of the mind, is, should say he is the embodiment of compassion. Do everything to heal, create line of Germany nor outside of the mind to create, should say he is the embodiment of all things fresh. And as Word of his prayer: "Hell no unsuccessful becomes the Buddha, being the ends of the Bodhi syndrome". When its clean off residual beings infinite mind on Nirvana, by Kim Cang, the radical new Bodhi syndrome. If there is a mental beings, means hell have not completely blank, not as the Buddha is.
Now it comes to signify his Native General Organ:
"Area of the staff hold in hand, open the door which opened hell.
EU beads are on hand, sparkling light soi around heavenly world ".
This is a magical shimmering images anymore. We see his staff area, there are four rings, which symbolize the four emperors, has twelve buttons, symbolizing the twelve human fate. Mr holding area of the staff on hand that holds are four emperors and erren Cross charm. Area of the staff also represents the indomitable, with enough will to power open new era Ursa was lightly was the door of hell took part in si's pitch centered self. Sparkling EU beads that the Pearl as Italy, symbolically a pure mind, there is light soi around the heavenly world, means the computer is often the projection of the mind, illuminating the same all over. So when expressed are justified the tetrarchy and erren Cross charm, and then recognizing a purity of mind, are enough to break the underworld who take part in the yard to the si to rescue the rescue wing.
"He is the Hades on mobile".
Pluto was the treat beings in underworld, why Tibetan bodhisattva Pluto's Place? If anyone working against the law or create crimes, though sometimes hide people, evade national laws, but the Court was his conscience. As such, the conscience, the conscience, the bodhisattva Tibet Geography, Pluto's treat for yourself. I just kicked an evil notion, the notion was then successively in the A-back-skin formula, the evil karma.
"He is my career before the TV station"
Career like mirrors, Indoor to Outdoor, Han to Han Chinese. When a pure mind, the France show presentation to the names; When did ignorance, the print industry in A eight formula as shown in mirror, save the image in front of the radio. As such, his guilt is created, create joy also by themselves, we're from here onwards have dared create Sin again? By yourself is both mirror industry, just as Pluto, hiding it from? The austerities so as promptly, is that right?
"Because they are the Male Subject Line Matches
Order Primate prove any merit "
Her mind yourself will prove any merit for themselves. We see, that the mind is the roots of all of Germany, which is also the root of sin; the mind is the basis of liberation, birth and death, which is also the root of samsara.
"Far into the mind homage
Great bi, the great prayer, the great Saint, from the
To learn more about Ton Ksitigarbha Ma ha slapped ".
Again, the bodhisattva Tibet Place if talk about justice, is a symbolic figure, implicitly pointing the dignified pole available where each of us. So, when the Temple of the Tibetan Prefecture bodhisattva ceremony, wealthy girl, remember to Tibet's own mind. Only Add this new Organ capable of breaking down pour the walls of ignorance and save yourself from hell took part in the pitch dark of si. The so-called heaven with no outside the mind, hell nor out of mind that is. The mind like the drawing, created the circumstances of primary health and every being, makes all things upon the Earth, to create all six lines of three realms. So, people who are funny and fulfilling life with the mind, that person is called the Buddha. Buddha was enlightened, that is, Visual mind is sufficient in himself, being miserable delusion life life is so miserable where self care; Bodhisattva Tibet Prefecture of Salvation are also beings who beings. The Buddha theory always had the physical conditions, and use the pictures to make the media, to show what is on the other wing saved the truths presented. There are many Mahayana Scriptures read, back to the that doesn't understand justice, should be easy to fall into the "superstitious Mahayana". So, we are thinking smart, cleverly infiltrated, see interesting investment. If not, will see investment seem disconnected, inconsistent with the scientific era right now. In fact, a person's sex scenes were very different from the common people enlightenment: all things equally mediocre stand-up performances display the Dharma, such investment was saying, the reo, stream, singing birds are worship, reciting mantras, France Increase. total France inviting, but since we do not worry yourself to listen, forever chasing the good idea of chaotic insanity, should know that all these are the Buddhist encyclopedia. above-ground reality of this life, if we mind purity, we'll see where has seven treasures, the country would also be merit in eight countries is also the Sukhavati.
All of France are driven from the mind, all realms are mindful of that turn out. For example, just as a river, but for humans, it is water for use; for fish, the world is for them to swim lived, is the air for them to breathe; for species of demon hungry daemons, see that all is blood; for headless Angel, by blessed career should you see the Save crystal glass throughout. As such, the River had enforced the amount of each being. So, the pure land or the world we also grandparents-in here, heaven or hell, also at this end.
In the Buddha School, if they understand the Scriptures according to the spirit of the Member content as that, we feel very confident, does not live up to the expectation and one tree Hill back on tha power. Will naturally with physical causality, with the word of Buddha "Himself lit the torches up that goes". No one could eat it, live for anyone. If the Liberals create evil pray to bodhisattva Karma Where Tibet, believing that the bodhisattva to save herself, then thought that fallacious and ruinous, that absolutely no Chief Justice and Chief Justice again.
Here, we also need to give clear, hell is not complete without. Hell is hell self consciousness, but it is also the realm of copper by sympathetic businesses beings. Evil industry alike will feel equally a Hyena. For example, the Buddha and the bodhisattva sees the person who is going to dream scene, not true; but we're still th y this is truth, because of who we all are, yet was mortal. Similarly, the realm of hell there is no truth to the Enlightenment, but still the truth for these beings create guilt. In the world, too, those same industry tend to congregate together with one another in an environment, an appropriate landscape: thief robs in prison, the ham tu together to the Temple of the chanting, listening to French.
In summary, the hell that is taking part in the si field negativity of beings. Hell is also the realm of the three evil industries, from Italian imports stems arising out. Hell is the dark renders karma, is the circumstance in the consciousness of each person. That's the hell of self consciousness. Buddha said Tibetan Local economy is essential scene we all take part in eliminating the si field where the mind, practice three wholesome Karma where self consciousness, and then ends the industry where mind and dark ignorance disarmament also where self consciousness. Finally back with his duty to honor his own Organ Sites. That's the entire Tibetan Area economy.
The main part of the text in a business, the proposal we carefully read and understand the deep sense of variety, according to Jing. It will see my talk with myself many things downright refreshing, the mystery. When you understand your business, the Court maintained the full new meaning, tu establishment of us under the orbit of austerities; If not, we can fall into the space, the superstitious, it does seem a lifetime as a disciple of the Buddha. we are disciples of Buddha, bathing in the glory of Buddha, Buddhist wisdom's aura of mind is enough of yourself. We have to come up, opened her aura emitted, to increasingly discerning Lily decoration, taking more and more thin, sparse si yard Karma increasingly target except the hope idea driven increasingly minimized. At the time, the bodhisattva Tibet Area will appear, hell's Gate in the si field will be poured. Hoping that all those property interests were favored, and y for the austerities, from here until the consummation.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/12/2014.

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