Monday 15 December 2014

Operating method of maintenance.
A. a few Don'ts
1. before meditating, learn clear methods for Administration of the misunderstood and misleading.
2. Do this Meditation traditions intermingled with other Meditation traditions, because is so dark and difficult achievement results.
3. Have to meditate on right time would also sit, and it is better to sit at the right time selected. The oil sick basis must also meditate. Only the persistence of sitting meditation, time, time right on your day out, for life, the oil sits just half an hour or an hour, most in need is perseverance. Patience is the mother of success.
4. Meditate for long can run up some strange phenomenon, but that's just the phenomenon due to the power of Meditation to, have already lost it, not that the phenomenon of the rescue, sometimes lost, and then not come back. We should only view is the normal phenomenon, so just come on and then continue to meditate as often.
The Buddha taught his method was made at, is effective immediately, comes to that see, likely from the upper direction. Meditating, too, the beautiful results of meditation will be waiting for us, once we correct maintenance methods and persistence propelled Tri, no interior rot.
B. Administrative maintenance method
After you understand the purpose, meaning and benefits of meditation are now presenting the method runs the Citadel, consisting of 3 phases: reconcile oneself, regulate breathing and conditioning the mind.
(1) regulate body:
It belongs to the Zazen, so sitting is very important, sitting how to can sit for long, no numbness, no pain, no fear and no traffic movement, keeping his back to straight.
Sitting: Sat consists of five movements.
Sit the old unlawful: leader of the left foot placed on the right hand side, then head of the set on the right hand side left foot, pulling both ends feet flat into the abdomen. The so called old urban planner to sit. It is possible to start the set on the right hand side left leg, then the left leg led located on the right hand side also. This is how the best seats, which helps back straight, sitting so long without fatigue numbness. Originally sitting not familiar with pain, but the volume gradually sit longer into familiar, just tap gradually is being. If it hurts to sit not, time to sit for sale old, just to a foot on the calves is enough.
Back straight: always keep the back straight, don't sit down cartilage lựng long is bad for your back. Sitting back down, the cartilage may be long time keeping his back straight back.
Hold the top of the nose, neck and straight a rún holes, not in favour of the party or the left, keeping the stars to be the head and back straight a line.
Then put your hand on the left, the two thumb-side crash, and then pressed the two elbows on the side, squeezing slightly to keep his back to straight.
Finishing slightly down, not too high, not too low bow.
Finally, close your eyes, don't be too moderate to strong born tired. Sit so not agitated for 10, 15 minutes for up to 30 minutes. Don't sit too 1 hour without the instructions.
Should sit on a small mattress, sitting half cushion, to two knees close to the floor. Cool seating options, at least in fruit flies, mosquitoes and ants, can sit in June also. The time of the morning is the best, or the evening before going to sleep, or in the afternoon also sit as to how his body had not agitated. When sitting keep the mind clean NET security, don't eat, don't drink, don't make strong moves before sitting.
(2) automatic breath:
After the finished body conditioner, to regulate the breath. To recite in front of endless breathing, mindfulness, mindfulness breathing out, breathing the fold, not wheezing, breathing are both gentle and taking breath track concept, not to leave the breath. Breathe deeply, the exhale counting 1, also counts 2, 3 count as well, until the count of 5. Count 5 is completed, return to count from 1 to 6. Count 6 is completed, return to count from 1 to 7. Count 7 is completed, return to count from 1 to 8. 8 count is completed, return to count from 1 to 9. Count 9 is complete, return to count from 1 to 10. Count to 10, and thus regulate the breath was completed.
Note use the anniversary to track the breath, breathe deeply breathe out steadily, count sequential breath properly, do not count wrong, don't break the count. On the contrary, it should breathe deeply breathe out continued, always meditate on track the breath; If counting wrong, time begins to count down until it's smooth. Regulate breathing, counting from 1 to 5 and continue from 1 to 10 on about 5, 6 seconds is medium.
(3) the harmonic mind:
When automatic breathing, the object of the anniversary is breathing out, breathing in, through the mediation of mind, the audience of 16 subject: four on the fuselage, four topics about life experience, the four themes of the mind, the four themes of the law.
Four topics about Family:
1. Breathe deeply, I clearly know I breathe deeply long. Breathing out, I clearly know I breathe out long.
2. Breathe deeply short, I clearly know I breathe deeply short. Breathe out short, I clearly know I breathe out short.
3. body sense would I breathe deeply.Full body feeling I'm going to breathe out.
4. NET Security stems, I'll breathe deeply. NET security stems, I'm going to breathe out.
Four topics about Tho:
5. the feeling of endless life, breathing me Hy. The feeling of the wedding I will life breathing out.
6. feeling lost tho, I'll breathe deeply. Feeling lost tho, I'm going to breathe out.
7. capital feeling, I'll breathe deeply. The capital feel, I'm going to breathe out.
8. An action meditate, I would breathe deeply. NET security capital, I would breathe out.
Four topics of mind:
9. sense of mind, I'm going to breathe deeply. Sense of the mind, I'm going to breathe out.
10. with joy, I'll breathe deeply. With a joyful heart, I'm going to breathe out.
11. with the default, I'll breathe deeply. With the static plan, I'm going to breathe out.
12. with the rescue, I would breathe deeply. With the rescue, I would breathe out.
The four themes of the law:
13. A impermanent, I'll breathe deeply. A impermanent, I'm going to breathe out.
14. A glass of taking part, I'll breathe deeply. A glass of taking part, I'm going to breathe out.
15. A wonderful piece, I'll breathe deeply. A great clip, I'm going to breathe out.
16. A disclaimer, I'm going to breathe deeply. A give up, I'm going to breathe out.
1. today there are two audiences need reciting column, radial: i.e. Infinite breath breath out and 16 topics. For example, when reciting the first verse: breathe deeply, I clearly know I breathe deeply, then long celebration has just watched the breath deeply, just follow the "breathing deeply, I clearly know I breathe loads long". So recite two jobs, just reciting the long breath, just reciting the phrase "breathes deeply, I clearly know I breathe loads long". The anniversary or tell more correctly the games and fourth in two tasks.
For every subject, we breathe deeply breathe out once and we repeat three times for each topic. So if the meditation for all 16 topics, we breathe deeply 48 times, breathe out 48 times, breathing just right, we spend about 7, 8 minutes. If slow breathing during approximately 10 minutes.
Two of the topics, we need to clearly know when breathing deeply, when breathing out. But the 14 remaining projects, we have to practice each of the subject per. For example with the subject: "Safety Net stems, I'll breathe deeply". The recent anniversary of his breath track loads just tap how while breathing deeply, her body is truly an oscillation, with no net. Other topics are the same practice. So, for every infinite breath, breath out we use the anniversary to track invisible breath, breath out, we order anniversary. We're decanting filter the mind as irrelevant, we focus on the nose we breathe out while breathing deeply, so we practice on the Plan. And in every breath we exhale deeply and contemplate the subject at issue, so we practice on intellectual property. The magic of traditions deeply breathing the breath out is here.
2. meditate on the subject until the subject 16, then recite the topic back to the subject at the 16th, continue like that until the end of the hour given. How is the anniversary don't forget, don't be messy mess mantras, don't cut the ties anniversary. If false, the notion from the beginning.
3. Want to meditate, we took four themes as standard, finishing four subject untouched through four different themes, so that easier to remember and avoid ballooning magazine.
4. we can see the concept belong to 8, thanks to recite this topic 8 (4 belong to the fuselage, and 4 belong to the life) we are NET security body, mind an Tinh, us wedding Festival, body mind life at peace, so the influence is very good for the body and mind of people meditate. Four topics of mind belonged to meditation, makes the mind is joyful, meditation and moksha. The four topics of the law of intellectual property, particularly one focused on impermanence, a separation took part, a snippet of extermination, the abandoned, taken to the liberated bootleg or (negativity), be enlightened liberation. As such, reciting the full 16 subject is practicing in whole World-To-Wisdom.
5. while sitting, from 30 minutes to 60 minutes, trouble for the Memorial column on the breath and into 16 topics. Sometimes meditate, do we flee anything anywhere. Learning, we must stop, right, and back to the top, no depressed disappointed.
6. we are conscious of the sequentially of meditation 5 genera, the sequential constant 5 minus the range first quarter operated Memorial column on the breath and 16 topical; Thus, the exception being married Swiss deposits taken (sleepy) and comfort. Thanks to the anniversary was an stay on the breath and should start loving theses 16 up; and when starting up, loving duration except be and trạo was. When an is loving, especially peanuts, the depth of new mind kicked up and the sex are excluded. This process is very important, help us learn is unfolding of meditating and reviews are our meditation right or wrong. If meditation that slacking, passivity, indolence, jerk it hard before, anger, sexual and grave illness increase, while meditating is so misleading. Also when meditating mind feel soothing, exhilarating, wedding Festival, fun, less disease, less negativity, while meditating is so nice results. END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/12/2014.

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