Monday 15 December 2014

Introducing the original Buddha's meditation. 
"The hybrid organ in Meditation As Pàli, or meditating, a healthy lifestyle in the am, an upper guiding methods", is a work just mentioned As Future Meditation without referring to The Master of meditation. Here we limit in Pàli Organ that does not mention A-Bhikkhu-Tibetan talks Pàli, with intent to recommend for Buddhists to understand what Meditation is primitive, firstly through the personal experience of the Buddha when he is not the leader, when He became leader, during the 45 years of the sermon and finally when He entered Nirvana. Next we introduce the disciplines of meditation through the teachings of the Scriptures, focus introduced traditions of meditation as a healthy lifestyle in the am, an upper guiding methods can be applied in the present life, as a process leading to liberation and enlightenment. Finally, we would like to introduce a France Anapànasati disciplines: meditation, meditate deeply breathing the breath out, an original Meditation traditions by the Buddha taught, a Mere number disciplines, the Wisdom song tu that everyone can practice, even in the present for myself.
All our presentations are both clearly derived from Tibetan in Pàli would, to testify that the teachings of the Buddha, rather than the imagination of the presenters, and help for those who want to research his material also can trace to the source correctly.
First of all, we would like to present: The personal experience of the Buddha on Meditation.
Meditation is an initiative by the disciplines of the Buddha, by the experience of his self cultivation, no one taught him, and thanks to the experience itself then helps Him build a liberation and enlightenment traditions, very unique, marvelous; It's disciplines: about Going Downstairs.
The first Meditation experience of Buddha was upon him to religious schools with Alara Kalama on Countless disciplines-fan-ownership-of, and studied with Franco Mon Uddaka Ramaputta to Africa-thought Africa-Africa-thought-of. The two traditions of meditation, Mr. pagan learning, He ran, He saw and was two pagan counsel confirmed that testimony.
But He noticed two disciplines that do not bring liberation, so He ran away. Two foreign masters he confirmed: "the France that I manually counted, self certification, self, and declared, that France's gentler self self, fake self evidence, reach voters and stay. That gentle mock self self self evidence, tri, and reached the main stay, France I manually counted, self certification, self gain and claims. France that I know of, does the French main Sage pundits know; That's assuming the French major, said Buddy I know. I like gentle, pretending to be so; How is the fake buddy, I like that. Now come here, false Sage! We take care of this congregation ". Thus, the Male-stilts, Alara Kalama's direction, the order, the disciple of her along with her, and We went with the ultimate fetish. The Male-stilts, then try to think: "this is not directed to cynical cups, not toward the Cup took part, not towards the removal, not geared to an upper bound, no net position, not towards enlightenment, not geared to Nirvana, which was only brought to the show gaining Loads of possession. Thus, the Male-stilts, we don't respect this, and from the French refuse it, leaving "(Central Business).
The second experience was the Buddha's experience as a leader, he wants to eliminate the paragraph exercise, but because he has not meditating, should not take part in the si field except paragraph, as the following passage stating: "this Mahànàma, Oldtimer, when I was the Dude-slapped, not yet shown to be Bodhi, not the Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice, vigilanceWe really see as cited by Chief Justice comments: "The sex, the less numerous, many width, the more danger". We see tremendous oil with as it's Chief Justice opinion as such, but we have not yet shown to be loving Cup by French charity Cup, a real living being, or any other French superior, and as such, We know that we have from being the dominant sex. And when We Mahànàma this manual see with as it works consistently: "The exercise, less fun, more numerous, and gauge the danger here than". And we were loving Cup by French charity Cup, a real living being, or any more, so I left the dominant sex "(Central Business)
This experience clearly, just as it's a fun little is the agony many incomplete, must be conducted, i.e. is the new birth by physical separation, loving can stock photography and the minus the sex. This experience by, the Buddha was meditating and the Regency to established traditions About Going Downstairs, in the meditation practitioners he has to go to the enlightenment freed.
The third experience of Sa-keeper Gotama's six-year ascetic austerities as that is done, He noticed people not incompatible to the enlightenment and Liberation, so He abandoned asceticism and arrived at Uruvela.
There, He found a place there, stylishly River flows near the bright, a forest village, relaxed, a resident of convenience to meditate. Update location and decides to sit down in it to approved. But three examples had kicked up, helping You to understand how new meditation results.
For example, the person holding the fire took a wet plastic soaked tree full of life, put into water and then rubbed with fire tools to rekindled the fire. Probably, of course, with this condition, the fire can not rekindled pinch is.
For the second project is the same as above, this song still wet to the bone tree, still full of plastic, but is picked out of the water, if rubbed with fire tools to rekindled fire, streets with this condition cannot be fire spiders pinches are.
The third example comes to no plastic trees song, were rescued from the water, and place on dry land. If people rubbed her tree song with fire tools, fire forecast may appear. This example showcases for Sa-keeper clearly wanted to meditate Gotama is effective as of right, the glass cups of real charity new hope demonstration results as reported in the Central passage:
"This Aggivessana, the fake religious Sa-keeper or Brahmin would live not to desire the glass-discharge, on the inside not yet politically the subtraction, not yet cleverly makes ease, with the fake Sa-Mon or she-la-not subjects can be disabled from the upper level Primary sensory of ... If false respect Sa-Mon or she-la-band live to the glass-discharge desire ... and inside was cited by the minus, was cleverly makes ease, with the fake Sa-Mon or Mon-la-She can be shown to the upper Primary level Public Radio-Ant tri sensations ".
The three examples above were introduced for Sa-keeper Gotama know want to meditate for positive pay, the real French charity cups cups. So, later when teaching about meditating meditation's prerequisites have to be "physical separation, separation of real French charity". Also the passionate sex while doing the everyday real good, then could not meditate for results. The experience you will treasure these things are Buddha applies when You teach about Meditation.
A more experience coming to Sa-keeper Gotama: after the ascetic austerities for 6 years with no results, You wonder what other avenues can lead Him to enlightenment, and here is the response to his record when He aims to find a different route, as has noted in the great classics Saccaka, Central Beijing:
"But with the fierce ascetic like this still not shown to be superior French workers, voter opinion enemies rise and worthy of the Holy steps. Or is there any other way to enlightenment? ".
"Hey Aggivessana, I think the following:" we know, while the father's lineage, Like Ca, are plowing and We are sitting in the shade tree Match match title. One cup of gymnastics Cup real friendly France, testifying and stay the first Meditation, a State of being, by loving sexual glasses have got four, while an stay so I thought: "this way can lead to enlightenment organisation"? This and Aggivessana, followed by the notion that this sense, starting up where We: "this is your path to enlightenment". With this experience, Sa-Mon Mon Gotama meditation practice testifying Beginner meditation, meditation Monday, the third Meditation, meditation Wednesday. And in the fourth Meditation, radial and You are three and eventually, He became a Scout, is Holy berries, a Chief of the buds.
We recorded the following experience meditation, his Director credentials such as entailed in Doing this: "and the Aggivessana Saccaka, after eating real rough and strength back, one cup of gymnastics Cup real friendly France, testifying and stay the first Meditation, a loving sexual fault State of birth has had four. Hey Aggivessana, life is so run up where We were, but not exist dominated My mind. Kill games and quarter finals, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, non-static content, the four range for the mind. Hey Aggivessana, that lost its starting up where We were, but not exist dominated My mind. LY Hy stay discharge, static Visual mindfulness, environmentally sensitive life optimism that the Saints called discharge of reciting and residencies, Club stay third Meditation. Hey Aggivessana, that lost its starting up where We were, but not exist dominated My mind. To discharge the discharge gauge of anniversary, killing life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable not to stray, discharge of pure concepts. Hey Aggivessana, that lost its starting up where we're at. "
And then with the mind set in the fourth Meditation time, Sa-Mon Mon Gotama who oriented Student network, the smart label Objects to, to take advantage of the Illicit Alliance: "thanks for understanding my mind, escape, escaping, illicit sexual possession contraband, escape from ignorance pirated. For themselves have freed so, set up your understanding: "I have freed". I said: "take advantage of birth, offense has become. To do have l, m. No longer back this State anymore. " Hey Aggivessana, that's the third Ming, we were in the last soup, ignorance about birth, Ming kills Max kill light being, do we live dont launch Yi, zealous, essential need "(Central Business).
After the Buddha Directed his particular lifestyle, as has been happening in Tibet's Pàli theory of being, and meditating the rescue. Actually there are two flexible image for home of Buddhist theory and practice. In the daily life of the Buddha, also responsible for the sermon of Buddha's birth, fully lived life of meditation. The morning goes real qifu gangui, the Wu is completed, You go deep into the forest to meditate. In the afternoon, the Buddha often from malicious NET residential Meditation stood up, i.e. the afternoon Mr. also meditation. At night, in a soup You go investment Executive. In the broth, he experienced two go and meditate. Broth ba, He is with is the lion. You wake up, take my onions and sitting meditation. When He entered Nirvana, He is also from where the meditation that enter Nirvana: "export Meditation Wednesday, He added to himself in the third. Export the third Meditation, He entered to the second Meditation. Export the second meditation, He added to A Meditation. Export Records to import, but Mr. Meditation Meditation Monday. Export the second Meditation, He added to himself in the third. Export the third Meditation, He added to himself in the fourth. Export the fourth Meditation, You immediately enter the kill "(Central Business).
And we often met the two tips of the Buddha for the Male-stilts made her: "this the Male-stilts, when the who reunion, typically have two things to do: one is the conversation about the Dharma, the two are keeping silence of the Holy one" (Central Capital). And the silence of the Scriptures here is meditation.
The second teachings is the Buddha's meditation advice: "the Male-stilts, this is the tree, these are the empty House. The Male-stilts, be meditation, shalt not have ample launch, it has being wholeheartedly regretted later. This is the word's border for the people ". And, when about to Nirvana, the Buddha asked to go again a National lifestyle-stilts up WINS as the tu-one Meditation, meditation:
"In this life, in the National And Ananda-the cafe on stilts on the trunk ... the one on the life experience ... ... ... ... a mind on the mind ... the French Consulate on the France, zealous, the buds, mindfulness, NIE provides all take priority in my life. So this Ananda, Female-stilts himself is the light for himself, his self titled y yourself, do not use a title elsewhere, the medical Chief of France made light, used the French Public as refuge, the refuge is not one of anything else. This time, the Ananda, is paramount in the billions – my stilts "(Great School of Economics Minister, bowl of Nirvana). This Buddha's teachings is a meditation and meditating.
With a Masters degree, before the Leader had much experience with such Meditation, had discovered The path To Wisdom brought to the enlightenment freed, in her Meditation occupied a vital position, until the station and enter Nirvana, also it is the personal experience of meditation. Moreover, since its Leader until entering Nirvana, He lives a daily life meditating to stray current stay and tons of books the disciples austerities, so during the 45 years of the sermon, his teachings is to meditate. Up to the moment of near entered Nirvana, the ultimate encouragement words for the disciples as well as the response to encourage meditation. For a Masters degree as such, natural meditation occupied a position has priority, just key in the Scriptures He taught.
So far, let's find out what is Meditation, and General of the meditation is like? The word Meditation from Pàli is Jhàna, from Sanskrit word is Dhyàna, which He defined as Buddhaghosa: "Aramman, ùpanijjhànato paccanika jhàpanato-and jhapam" (Visuddhimagga, 150) meant by meditation on the objects selected, and do burn what should rival called Meditation. So, meditation is the means of choosing a subject and then private Meditation on his audience, making it capable of burning, destroyed the French rival here, just for the slopes and the unlawful use negativity.
Definition of meditation in the classics are often nested in the World To Rights, and mentioned the Intention that is meditation, i.e. Meditation. This definition there are many details and examples, and can be analyzed into the following stages:
-Way to meditate
-Paragraph except for the slopes of the
-Evidence of First Quarter to meditation meditation
A. the way to meditate
After the Gender achievement aggregates, i.e. achievements households maintained the grounds, Xue in dining, attention vigilance, mindfulness in the sensory, practitioners: "Select a place to stick away, President of miluo city, such as trees, forests, ravines, caves, Miami tha ma, Pine Grove, outdoor, piles of straw. After qifu gangui and ate, the old urban planner to sit him, back straight and stay ahead of anniversary ". (Business Central).
In the edited compose meditating, we clearly see precept practitioners, i.e. to live a pure and healthy lifestyle, to meditate. In other words, to meditate effectively only when meditating's lifestyle is right, the real French charity cups cups. Those who eat more, sleep more, of course, difficult to meditate; those who passionately in education, passionate about wine wine yeast to Cook, do the real happy to improve, about words, about Italy, of course, difficult to meditate. In short, people who meditate to live a healthy life and a clean, new meditation forecast results.
B. Paragraph except the slopes of the
"The sexual abandon he took part in his life, living with the escapist exercise in sexual attention wash shampoo, took part. Give up anger, are now living with no anger, kindness from introspection mercy all beings, who wash shampoo out of anger. Give kisses with the Cambodian, Swiss deposits toward the light, mindfulness in the sensory, shampoo wash attention kissing Swiss deposits taken. Disclaimer trạo foreign election does not live too, the trạo sent regrets, reticent inner shampoo wash attention trạo BA regrets. Abandon doubts, she tastes life lost in doubt, do not hesitate hesitated, shampoo wash mind out for the French charity "(Business Central).
In the slopes that are likely to make cleaner and infection do weak wisdom, should have to take out to be wise and to intellectual development. In Increased Spending, the Buddha has stated that France helped the slopes this year except:
"Gen. impure, the Female-stilts, if justified, the volitional exercise taking part have not being not being run and exercise take part was being be the take of ... From this, the National Rescue Center-stilts, if justified, the volitional beings yet pitch not being run, and was being given the take of ... The essential need for this effort, the Female-stilts, birth stigma exacerbates Kiss yet hypnosis not being kicked, kissing the Swiss deposits were taken birth was the take of ... Who has Kat just this, the Male-stilts, or not being not being kicked, or suspects or have been contentious passages make ".
"The Male-stilts, like a debtors, sailings do the profession, the profession is thriving, he does the old repayment, there are residual funds to nurture his wife. He thought: "We should make our debt before the occupation. The industry is thriving, not those charged are the former debt, there are residual funds to feed his wife ". So he was happy, the wedding Festival. The Male-stilts, like a person suffering from severe pain, eating indigestible, physical weakness. After a while, he cured, eating goals, the power restored. He thought: "we're used to suffering, severe pain, eating indigestible, physical weakness. Far from contracting the disease, General pepper eating, fitness to recover ". So he was happy wedding Festival. The Male-stilts, as someone who is locked up in prison, after a while he was off the prisoners, peace and perfecting, the property does not reduce the loss. He thought: "We previously locked in hell, now I was off the prisoners, peace and perfecting, the property does not reduce the loss". So he was happy wedding Festival. The Male-stilts, like a slave, not autonomy, dependency on others, not freedom of movement. After a while he escaped slavery to be autonomous, indiscriminately on others, one freed, was freedom of movement. He thought: "I used to be slaves, not of autonomy, dependency on others, not freedom of movement. Today we escape slavery, is autonomous, indiscriminately on others, a rescue, are freedom of movement ". So he was happy wedding Festival. The Male-stilts, like a rich person has many properties, are going through a desert beach. After a while he went out to the desert he, to the village, alone, there is no danger, the property is reduced. He thought: "I formerly wealthy, many properties, passing through a desert beach. Now we went through out the desert--alone, there is no danger, the property is reduced ". So he was happy wedding Festival.
Likewise, where the Male on stilts, the Female-stilts-one himself in the slopes of the not yet discharged debt, such as a Cup, such as illness, like prison, like slavery, like the road through the desert. The exchange rate on stilts, as well as not indebted, as no disease, such as being removed from prisoners, as are free, as are the fresh land alone, where the Male-stilts, Female-on stilts a five strong ones, as they are eradicated. "
So for people to meditate, in slopes of the acts as a burden, as a bondage and Liberation, we meant a mild transcend the burden and do release the bind. When in the slopes of what has become the exception, the new meditation really step into the meditation, as a progressive process as follows, as described in The set of self-consistent: "when did the constant year glass-discharge, joyful being. Due to the jubilation should bring forth Hy; because the mind is an contempt, the wedding Festival, due to relative peace and balloon delivery service life. Due to the still-life was centered, Club ".
C. Evidence of first meditation until the Fourth meditation
The Buddha explains a meticulous four Meditation is privileged, according to hierarchies, with the meditation of the genus:
"After the subtraction in the slopes of the thing, the slopes of the polluting private mind, making her weak mind, the glass, the glass of the French evil, and stay the first Meditation, a State of being, by loving sexual Cup with games to four. He instilled, soaked wet makes fullness, full bodied with a loving sexual fault being, not a spot on the body without fault of birth sex loving him instill. The Male-stilts, like a most adept, bath or shower, most disciples after sprinkle the powder bath in bronze at the same instant, stuffed powder with water, the Bureau's bath powder is wet, water movement and instilled mixed with water is wet, wet outside and with water, but don't melt into drops. Likewise, where the Male-stilts, instill, soaked wet, make this torso full of prolific with loving sexual fault being, not a spot on the body not to be sexual beings by the loving Cup was then instilled ".
"Then again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts removal games and four certificates and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, non-static content, the four range for the mind. Its time to instill, soaked wet, make this torso full of prolific with specified by loving being, not a spot on the body are not given birth by loving him instill. The Male-stilts, like a Lake, the water from the insurgent, the East does not have holes the water flows out, the West does not have holes the water flows out, the North does not have holes the water flows out, the South cannot have holes the water flows out, and sometimes the rain is greater. Cool springs from Lake-extrusion, instill, soaked wet, make the fullness full fountain with cool water, not the fountain cool not instill. Also, the Female on stilts, the he instilled, soaked wet, make the fullness full of myself, with non-being, by loving to a seat on the body are not defined by the loving beings he instilled ".
"Then again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts ly Hy stay discharge, static Visual mindfulness, environmentally sensitive life optimism that the Saints called discharge of reciting and residencies, Club stay third Meditation. Its time to instill, soaked wet, make this full-body n m Fig with a touch tho no Hy's a place on the body not be lost without her wedding life instilled. The Male-stilts, such as in the Blue Lotus, pink Lotus, White Lotus, the Lotus Nelumbo, green, or White Lotus. The Lotus's birth in the country, grew up in the country, not beyond the water, farming life under water, from the beginning until the roots are instilled, soaked wet, filled with being cool by water power, not a place of whole green Lotus, pink Lotus White Lotus did not cool water instilled. This count also the Male-stilts, Female-stilts instill, soaked wet, make this torso full of fullness to life Club no Hy's a place on the body not be lost--no life "Nico whispered Hy.
"Then again, the Male-stilts, Female-stilts-discharge discharge charge gauge, destroy life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable not to stray, discharge of pure concepts. The body was then instilled with pure heart light seat not in net on the net are not pure mind body in the am he instilled. The Male-stilts, for such a person sitting, using hooded white drapery, not a spot on the body are not white cloths cover the spectacle. This, too, the Male-stilts, the then sitting, instill his body with pure light, not in a net on the net are not pure body in the am then thuấm by Nico ".
With the passage above, we have a number of reviews are as follows:
Meditation is a focused thought on a subject, thanks to centralized power he should be able to change in the slopes of the Exercise took part, the Swiss deposits Trạo, hypnosis, Kiss quotes, and equal, Facilities, Meditation information, i.e. Games, four, Hy, LAC and For the mind. Alternative views of the Swiss deposits to psychoanalyze, Foursome, an alternative to the alternative Hy, Lost substitute for foreign Trạo, and For alternative Education Center take part.
Games that is bound to the object. The four are mounted on the object. The mind no longer run under other objects, so for treatment on the Swiss deposits and kiss thanks to mind is fastened on object, should doubt hesitate no more. Next up are two Meditation genus Hy and lost, Hy's mind at ease, and Peanuts are environmentally comfortable. So meditation brings the mind relaxed, comfortable body for practitioners. By loving Cup exercise being to instill the same all over the body of practitioners, not in one location would not be saying by Nico. As bath are stuffed with the country to instill water wet. As the cool springs instill soaked wet makes fullness filled Lakes. As the Lotus born in water, grows up in the water, not beyond the water, from the roots to the comes silently Nico water is wet. As a white cloth is used hooded seat, not a spot on the body are not white cloth covered his spectacle. So people who meditate are feeling loving full body, and instilled that reason, meditation is called the stray current residence (Ditthadhammasukhavihàri). It can make people suddenly pauses brought to mind at ease, with the conception of the eternal watch Meditation is something austere, anomalies, secrecy and evasion of life. So two Loving chi Meditation will instill people meditating as the coast guard Assistant t t for meditating, and principal and Hy takes to meditation as we will see in the following process:
"Due to the jubilation should bring forth Hy. By Hy being so close was an contempt. Due to the relative safety of contempt should touch the life of birth. Due to the life lost should plan to bring forth "(Business School of Ministry). As its birth thanks to the life lost. Lost birth life thanks to an environmentally safe horizon, the horizon is due to the wedding Festival Center, and Center for joyful heart is due to the wedding Festival. Rejoice, Hy-life Club, life plays an important role play start meditation, in other words, the State is a State of loving her loving brought to meditation. As such, it is strange to hear comes to meditation case is madness, was defeated by foot, hand, blow the eye, etc. Because how could the status review loving brought to such disastrous results? This is what can not be!
A further review is in meditation, Meditation, chi-games, Foursome, Hy, LAC and for the mind-full. Up the second Meditation, games quarter finals are neglected. Up the third Meditation, Hy was neglected. Up the fourth Meditation flush instead of reach, and so fourth Meditation flush left and for the mind. This event comes up gradual purification of the status of the genus Meditation is likely to make the mind as agitated. In meditation, to use the games to direct attention to the audience, must use the Foursome to affix on objects, so the mind is the new powerful living from falling into the two slopes of the Swiss deposits suspected and kiss. Because of the strong activity, should naturally be agitated. So onto the second Meditation. Views of four abandoned and only the loving and for the mind. But the wedding of the second Meditation also do more Meditation Monday agitated, so it's up to the third Meditation, while the wedding was abandoned, and only left memory resident tribe of flushing. And then up to the fourth Meditation, Lac is also a factor as the fourth Meditation agitated, so the tribe are alternate discharge, discharge and also for the mind, and the fourth Meditation flush is called purity notion.
The following passage (Central Capital) it comes up clear three Meditation first agitated, there is only the fourth new Meditation known as real:
"This here Udàyi, Female-on stilts, the glass cups of real friendly France, testifying and stay the first Meditation, a State of being, loving, sexual fault has had four. This meditation, this Udàyi said that, in a State of agitated. Here the views of the four main Quad games paragraphs yet this removal, in a State of agitated. Here is Udàyi, the stilts of killing games and Quartet, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being no games no Quartet, static content for the mind. This meditation, this Udàyi said that, in a State of agitated. And here something agitated? Here is the loving was not the kill, this loving himself in a State of agitated. Here is Udàyi, the stilts ly Hy discharge stay, mindfulness in the empathy, the sense of expectancy that the Saints called discharge of reciting and residencies, Club stay third Meditation. This meditation, Udàyi, I say this in a State of agitated. And here, something agitated? Here is the discharge of Lac was not the killer. The discharge of this Club in a State of agitated. Here is Udàyi, Female discharge discharge Club stilts agony, kill life has priority before the wedding, and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable not lost discharge of pure concepts. This meditation, Udàyi said, is not in a State of agitated ".
Passage on the purification of the Zen chi, from the first Meditation Meditation occur Wednesday.
A new picture is the Buddha refers to as flax, and in meditation, the flax is for meditation, as was expressed as follows (Increased Nikaya):
"With people testifying Beginner meditation, the noise is flax. With the second Meditation certification, quad range is flax. With the third Meditation certification, Hy is flax. With the fourth Meditation syndrome, breath deeply breathing out is flax. Firepower called hemp, because the obstacles to making this Meditation the mind of most people to meditate and do not achieve the desired proof Meditation ".
In summary, meditation is a healthy lifestyle in the am, an upper guiding methods help the slopes of the year except: sex in pool, kissing the Swiss deposits trạo, hypnosis and Meditation, replaced with facilities in more games, four and loving for the mind, the mind raises the upper bring out lost and so four Meditation is also known as upper current tribal mind Increases stay.
Now we step over a problem that meditating brings the benefits of, or said another way, meditation is something under the Buddha taught. Here, we only mention four benefits or four power of meditation:
--A Meditation is likely to fragment except the exercise, making the evil don't see way.
--The second is Meditation is likely for fear.
--The third Meditation bring Meditation for the practitioners.
--And fourth Meditation brought to intellectual achievement, brought to the enlightenment freed, taken to Nirvana.
A the power of meditation to help escapist was a year of sex, head of nursing, that is, thanks to meditation who meditate the physical hearts are one effective way. The following passage (My Central) clearly states that the function of meditation:
"The Male-stilts, the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-la-band tied, were taking part in wrecked, was enchanted by this Agency Chief sex drunk, do not see the harm of them, the guy needs to be understood as:" The people who have fallen into misfortune, has fallen into evil, evil was used as it wants ". The Male-stilts, like a deer in the forest crash down, trapping the deer then needs to be understood is that: "It has fallen into misfortune, have fallen into the disaster, were hunters use as it wants, when the hunters arrive, the deer cannot be removed as it wants". The Male-stilts, the Sa-keeper or Mrs.-would not tied, is not taking part in wrecked, being enthralled by the five Education Minister this support, see the harm of them, know well the glasses from them and using them, the life that needs to be understood as: "The people do not fall into misfortune, not falling into disasterthe evil, from being used as it wants ".
"The Male-stilts, like a deer in the forest, not being close to the ground, the deer then needs to be understood as:" it doesn't fall into misfortune, it does not fall to the scourge, it does not suffer hunters use as it wants, when the hunters arrive, the deer may be removed as it wants ".
"Chu, female-stilts, because as the deer live in the forest to and fro in the forest, secure it, secure it, secure it to sit, rest assured it is located. Why is that? The Male-stilts, as it is beyond the reach of hunters.
"This, too, the Male-stilts, a Female-sex glasses on stilts, the evil separatists and France stay the first Meditation, a State of being, loving, sexual fault has had four. The Male-stilts, Female on stilts known as: "A situation did the evil eye blindness, has eradicated every trace, was spiralling of Devil eyes". The Male-stilts, then again, Female-stilts removal games and quarter finals, and stay second Meditation, a State defined by the loving being, non-static content, the four range for the mind. The Male-stilts, Female-on stilts known as. ... was spiralling of Devil's eyes. The Male-stilts, then again, Female-stilts ly Hy stay static Visual mindfulness discharge, environmentally sensitive life optimism that the Saints called discharge of reciting and residencies, Club stay third Meditation. The Male-stilts, Female-on stilts known as ... was spiralling of Devil's eyes. The Male-stilts, then again, Female-stilts to discharge the discharge gauge, lost, destroying the life come retirement before, the wedding certificate and stay third Meditation, non-miserable not to stray, discharge of pure concepts. The Male-stilts, Female-on stilts known as a devil did blind eye, has eradicated every trace, was spiralling of Devil eyes ".
In the U.s. the gauge Aggregates, the Buddha articulates his experience before the Buddha, for years the Chief education packages, without meditation time cannot fragment except them. Passage written as follows:
"Hey Mahànàma, Oldtimer when is Bo-slapped, not yet shown to be Bodhi, not the Chief Justice, Associate Chief Justice, we see tremendous sense with as it's Chief Justice comments:" The exercise a little more cerebral, gauge, and more. The harm here than ". We see tremendous oil with as it's Chief Justice opinion as such, but we have not yet shown to be loving Cup by Cup, a real friendly France birth or a other superior French. And so, We know that We have from being the dominant sex. And this, Mahànàma, when I saw the Chief Justice cited as real with ants, the fun little sex many many brains, gauge. The danger here again and We were loving sex real friendly cups cups due to France being or a more French, so we from being the dominant sex ".
In the Trap Primer (My Central), the Buddha used the example of four deer herd to articulate the purpose of Meditation for treatment education head of maintenance, make the evil eye blindness not knowing the way. The Moose group, saw the traps prey by hunters sow and place associated intrusions, eating the bait trap he became joined and fall into the hands of the hunters. The second deer group, found the experience of the deer group, successively fled into the jungle, fear not dare come near the bait trap. But summer to lack of water, lack of food, the second deer group to back out, invading and eat the bait traps by hunters and eventually were United as the deer forest. Third deer more cuteness group, saw two deer in distress, the crew soon find a place lurks near the trap the prey of hunters, eating the bait traps but not intrusive, not to lose should not fall into the hands of the hunters. But the hunters left more cuteness. They tune in to la Tong of United Moose, and find the shelter of nai nai delegation Tuesday, and it eventually fell into the hands of the hunters. The nai group Wednesday's cuteness, learn of the three Corps of the stag before finding a shelter without leaving a trace prevented the hunters may know his shelter, and from where it was then going to bait traps but not intrusive, no nuts, should eventually escaped pitfalls of hunters.
The hunters represent the devil. The only bait traps for the Education Minister m. The nai refers to the Sa-keeper, She-la-his austerities. First Deer group only for the Sa-keeper, She-la-field penetration, passionate, healthy head of education should become a victim of the evil. Stag group Monday described the Sa-keeper, She-la-subjects are the experience of the first, the nai group completely renounced the worldly and bait, live mosaic ring in the jungle. But come summer, rare mosaic water grass, the body of the Sa-keeper, She-la-Mon became thin weak strength of starvation. So they go back to the map of Devil by bait sowing and the worldly belongings. They penetrate deeply, taking part in the dish. So they become the victim of the devil as the first deer. Third deer Group learned the experience of two deer heads, not intrusive, not to lose, no escape into the Woods. On the contrary they made a shelter near the bait by the devil sow out and worldly belongings, not intrusive, not wrecked, they eat the food because of the evil planted out and manipulate the world. So they do not become a victim of the evil. But then they start up the deviant comments: "the world is often longer or not permanence, the world is boundless friendship or marginal" etc. Consequently, she subjects the Sa-class-la-this subject did not escape as the evil force. Stag group, Wed symbolizing Sa-class subjects, She-la-learn courses of three-class Sa past subjects penetration, not to soak up the life in Education Minister m, so the devil can't find trace of .... They made a shelter meant for evil and evil progeny in cannot reach. Do cover it, they could not penetrate not immerse eat the food because of the evil planted out and worldly belongings. So that they don't become enchanted disorder and eventually they become the objects being made in my evil desire.
And the Buddha teaches: "the Male-stilts, so called evil and evil progeny in can't get? Here is the Male-stilts, Female-on stilts, the glass cups of real good French, and stay the first Meditation. ... the evidence and stay second Meditation. ... the evidence and stay third Meditation ... the show and stay fourth Meditation, non-miserable, not peanuts, discharge book, purity. The so-called Male-on stilts as the evil blind eye, great piece of Devil's eyes, no longer ticks cause no evil way ".
The power of meditation is not bringing the fearful for people to meditate. In the schools of astronomical objects (Falling Branch), mentioned the Chu with Object A-tu-la. In this battle Chu Thien defeated and fled, the A-tu-la in pursuit. Chu Tian stopped soldiers Monday, also defeated and the long runs, and the A-tu-la in pursuit. Chu Tian stopped the third battle, defeat and also also runs long. This time Chu Tian back into hiding in the city schools of Heavenly, and Chu Tian knows that to hide in this, the A-tu-la couldn't have come to bat. "Chu Tian thought as follows:" Now we have to go to the hideout of the fear. Currently, we live with ourselves, there's nothing to do with the A-tu-la ". The Male-stilts, the A-tu-la also think thus: "Now Chu Tian went to the hideout of the fear. We now live with them it does have to do with us ".
"This, too, the Male-stilts, while Male-stilts, the glass cups of real French charity, the reach and stay A meditation, a State of being, by loving sexual separation offer, there are four ... ... ... ... shown to reach and stay second Meditation. ... the evidence and reach an stay third Meditation. ... the evidence and reach an stay fourth Meditation ... in this then the Male-stilts, Male-stilts she thought as follows: "with the go to the hideout of fear, we live with the ego, there is nothing to do with the devil". The Male-the evil own stilts is also thought as follows: "with the go to the hideout of fear, Female-on stilts with the ego, there is nothing to do with me." The Male-stilts so called Male-on stilts as the evil blind eye, great piece of Devil's eyes, no traces of devil, cause no way ".
In the Upàli (Falling Branch), the Buddha speaks to the power of meditation, and suggest that only the Male-stilts new meditation should stay in the mountains far away. Sun Jia Upàli, wants to overhaul the stay of far away, the Buddha teaches: "it's not easy living in the mountain forests of the plateau, the stay of far away. Life is hard, hard glass is far preferred independent living residences. It was thought that the Italian National rebellion forest on stilts is not meditation. Hey Upàli, who says the following: "the oil I have been meditating, I would live in the mountain forests of the plateau, in the absence of distant origin, a resident who was waiting as follows:" Situation would sink away, while he was waiting, like this: "the will to rise to the surface or water".
Then the Buddha used the example of a large elephant can dive into the Great Lakes, bathing and playing the game of elephant, ready to climb ashore safely. Because of the enormous ego of elephants, found the foot of standing in a lake. By contrast a cat or a rabbit, saw the elephant to do so as well, think the elephant do time I do. Don't think calculus, it jumped into the Lake. With a cat or a rabbit, he was waiting for it to rise to the surface water or water, because of the ego of its tiny legs could not be found in the Lake.
This also Upàli, who said: "oil me not To, I will live in the mountain forests of the plateau in the stay of far away". As he was waiting for that "It will sink or float". So Meditation gives us a fearless, do appeased every freaking tremble, causing the person meditating can live in deep forest wilderness, not a little fear.
Here, we seek bright mirror of the ten billion-stilts-ni in the Samyutta Nikaya, from Male-stilts-ni Alavikà to Female-stilts-ni Vajirà, both the ten billion-stilts-ni face of Devil without a Male-stilts-ni would panic fled, because all ten are Female-stilts-ni are meditative seclusion.
A possibility of meditation is to provide the human loving meditation, beginning with the birth of gymnastics by loving Cup, to the second Meditation given by birth, came to the third Meditation no Hy discharge only meditate on Lac stay, to Meditation flush with the fourth anniversary of purity, each sequential loving micro magic than previous lovingThis loving, and does not govern the mind of people meditate, by contrast is to meditate we at Lac Ditthadhammasukhavihàri nouns, as resident is defined for Meditation. As such, bringing Meditation to meditation, loving and loving that acts as the dish is called real emotions, brings optimism, effort, effort, enthusiastic, energetic people to meditate, not bring sickness, madness, disorder, negative, cynical as it was falsely attributed to meditate.
One of the marvelous power of meditation is taken to wisdom, from the intellectual to the rescue, freeing tri comments in the correct Gender process, regulatory, intellectual property, criminal, criminal voter opinion.
The first is from the fourth Meditation, with the mind to static, non-structural, in the glow of pure translational infection, no negativity, your immune system needs, easy to use, sturdy calm as such, practitioners who are student driven intelligent networking, smart label Objects to, to take advantage of the intelligent Smuggled. "The truth" as she is suffering, "said as truth" here is truth ", known as the file format" this is true ", as removal gauge" Here is the road taken to gauge removal ", known as" this is the real bootleg or "know as," this is the cause of gonorrhea or ", known as" this is pirated or removal ", known as" this is your path to pirated or removal ". Thanks for understanding, awareness of the mind, so she quit gymnastics contraband, escape from possession contraband, escape from ignorance pirated. For themselves have freed so, run up the understanding we have freed "knows its" Birth take advantage, It has become, what to do have done, does not back this State anymore. " (Business Central).
A process of liberation is mentioned in the bowl of the Sutra (Sutra Central), in the process, and Wisdom, and A Council of tu 1st Meditation together, from directions to the restaurant, from the second Meditation towards the restaurant, from the third meditation is geared to the restaurant, from Meditation Wednesday headed for a ... the resulting paragraph except the pirated or:
"Here is my home, the Female-stilts, the glass cups of real good French, and stay the first Meditation, a State of being, loving, sexual fault has had four. The time and thought: "this Meditation Profile is compounded by its author thought vi, as she things are impermanent, subject to the removal. The firm's stay here, the exception being the contraband or. And if the omission or exclusion paragraph by this passage, because it does, their wedding parties, the exception was five down the unlawful use, be turned contentious, enter Nirvana in his realm, from having to go back to this life. As such, this unique home is France, due to The ton, fake fake Mind ranks Ant, steps, steps A-la-Han, Chief Dan Sensory statement. If Female-stilts not sheltered, crystallized launch fervent need, living in France, she, who then represented the then not yet freed was freed and the contraband or has not been the exception to the exception, and loads from the physical security of upper yoke be not yet shown to achieve reach ". Also, for the second Meditation, for the third Meditation, Meditation for Wednesday. "
General view about meditation, we see clearly the important place of meditation in the process, the Plan, and thus help us paragraph except the exercise, making the evil not seen road; Meditation helps us piece except the fear; Meditation gives us Hy and lost, emotional comfort, relaxed body, meditation provides healthcare for the body and for the mind to meditation, and finally to the intellect, the mind free and liberating wisdom.
By the above definition, we see meditation as a French Division there are defined, the special and General diversity. First of all, meditation is a harmony between human and natural power, a harmony through meditation position, time, meditation, meditation landscapes. Meditation and a capable Trach of friendly, user friendly, and rescue wing is good. More Meditation can be seen as a education about life experience, foster the good life as Hy, Lac, discharge and relinquish the life feel not nice, like agony, favor. Meditation is an education in psychology, the ends of the psychology of not nice as in the slopes of the pitch, and si, and replaced by the psychological well being in Meditation is not participating, not Golf, not si. In summary, meditation is a next stage and entered teaser i.e. consistent Meditation.
Here, we introduce a meditation traditions that we find in the Samyutta Nikaya set of translation as we (My The Samyutta). We would like to summarize the presentation to introduce to you the most, you can apply the practice, to be able to assess such traditions and enjoy the results of this subject from France brought to. There are traditions Anàpànasati, translated as reciting endless breath breath out, and is described as follows in "A France" (Samyutta, V):
"There's a France, which the Female on stilts, was practice, made for fullness, have great fruit, great benefit. What is a method? Anniversary of the invisible breath, breath out. This and the Male on stilts, reciting the invisible breath breathing out cultivation, how, make, how prolific, big fruit, has great benefit? ".
"Here, the Male stilts, stilts Billion going to the forest or go to stumps, or come to the drums, and old urban planner to sit, back straight. Put anniversary in front of him, the invisible breath mindfulness, mindfulness breathing out ".
"Breathe deeply, his long time clearly said" I breathe loads long ". Breathe out long, its clear he knows: "I breathe out long." Breathe deeply, his short time clearly knows: "I breathe deeply short". Breathe out short, the she knows: "I breathe out short".
"Full body feeling I will be invisible," her position brings. "Full body sensation I breathe out", the episode's. "NET Security bulb I'd breathe deeply", the episode's. "NET Security bulb I'd breathe out", the episode's ".
"I feel deeply breathing-life wedding", the episode's. "The feeling of the wedding I will life breathing out", the episode's. "The feeling of touch tho, I'll breathe deeply out", the episode's. "The feeling of touch tho, I would breathe out", the episode's ".
"The capital feel, I would breathe deeply", the episode's. "The capital feel, I would breathe out", the episode's. "NET Security capital, I would breathe deeply", the episode's. "NET Security capital, I would breathe out", the episode's. "The feeling of the mind, I'm going to breathe deeply," does the episode, "the sense of the mind, I'm going to breathe out", the episode's ".
"With joy, I'll breathe deeply", the episode's. "With joyful heart, I would breathe out", the episode's. "With the mind to static, I'll breathe deeply", the episode's. "With the mind to static, I would breathe out", the episode's. "With the rescue, I would breathe deeply", the episode's. "With the rescue, I would breathe out", the episode's ".
"A impermanent, I'll breathe deeply", the episode's. "A impermanent, I would breathe out", the episode's. "A glass of taking part, I'll breathe deeply", the episode's. "A glass of taking part, I'm going to breathe out", the episode's. "A paragraph removal, I would breathe deeply", the episode's. "A paragraph removal, I would breathe out", the episode's. "A disclaimer, I will breathe deeply", the episode's. "A disclaimer I will breathe out", the episode's ".
"Such practice, behold the Male-stilts, made for fullness, as such, the notion of infinite breath, breath out with great results, has great benefit".
Traditions is the Buddha body is taken to the two results are the Chief Justice and Any hybrid:
"Anniversary of the invisible breath and breath out, is such a practice, which the Male-stilts, made for fullness as such, been waiting for one of the following two:" Right now in my life to be the Chief Justice position. If there are residual y, the result of real hybrids ". (Samyutta Sets).
These traditions help people meditate escape body vibrations and vibration:
"Thanks to such practice, the notion of infinite breath breath out this, the Male-stilts thanks for making such a prolific user, should not be shaken or agitated, not shaken, not agitated" (My Kappina, Samyutta V).
Before enlightenment, the Buddha practice this traditions the Buddha's eyes and don't get tired and the mind is freed from the smuggled or:
"The Male-stilts, one before the Enlightenment, not to witness the Chief sensory class, as Bo-slaps, I stay more with an stay this (anniversary of the breath of infinity breath out); Do I stay many with an untouched and body boarders the eyes have no hard, and Our minds are freed the contraband or, without good players. Thus, the Male-stilts, if Female-stilts desires that: "looking forward to that body and eyes from being tired and hoping that my heart was freed from the pirated or not accept player, time to recite endless breath breath out this need manual work of Italy". (Samyutta, lamp Economic V).
There are many Female-stilts while impure for body, want to abandon this incarnation, with the boring, cynical cups for this incarnation, so some Female-stilts have given a knife to kill his life. The Buddha heard successively gathered the Female-stilts again, rebuke and teaches tu traditions recite endless breath breath away untouched.
"The Male-stilts, the notion of infinite breath breathing out cultivation, which are made for fullness is President of the pure land, marvelous retribution, homogeneous (Arecanako), Lac stay, make the real evil in good French birth or not being, making them disappear, only the net immediately. For this, as the Male-stilts, in the last month of summer, dust and nhớp up, the heavy rains left the season away making them disappear, just pure land. This, too, the Male-stilts, the notion of infinite breath breathing out cultivation, which, made for fullness, is President of the pure land enemies magic, spread evenly, Lac stay, make the fullness, the President represents his vengeful magic, spread evenly, Lac stay, make the evil, real friendly France was being disappeared, only net away "(My Vesali, Samyutta V).
When practicing 16 topics, on life, on the mind and on the Dharma, the Buddha teaches us to focus the mind, such as how to achieve results while meditating.
He taught as follows (My Kimbila, Samyutta V):
"This one living body upper body, Ananda, are Male-on stilts, in the meanwhile stay static, fervent vigilance, mindfulness, offering photographers taking advantages in life. Because why? The Male-stilts, We declare that depends on oneself, i.e. Infinite breath breath out. As a result of this, the shop on the Ananda, while stay static, fervent vigilance, mindfulness, offering photographers take priority in life .... This Ananda, We declare that the subject gathered to recite endless breath breath away, not for the anniversary and not static sense, this therefore Ananda, a mind on the mind, Female-on stilts in the meanwhile stay static, fervent vigilance, mindfulness, offering photographers take priority in life ... The French Consulate, French on the Ananda, Female-on stilts in the meanwhile stay static, fervent vigilance, mindfulness, offering photographers taking advantages in life. The take in favor, after seeing the teaser, the cleverly's stay discharged. Consequently, this French restaurant on the semi-open Ananada France, Female-on stilts in the meanwhile stay static, fervent vigilance, mindfulness, offering photographers taking part in favor of life. "
"For this, such as Ananda, a pile of rubbish and dust at the crossroads, if from the East a car going to and make the trash and dust him off, if from the West ... If from the North ... If from the South, a car going to and make the trash and dust was then relieved by this, too, Ananda, Male-stilts while stay consistent on the wings, making the evil the relieved real friendly France, when stay consistent on the life experience of ... When the French Consulate on the boarder of France, making the real evil relieved the French charity ".
With the passage cited Lord Buddha's teachings about traditions recite the breath out, we find out and analyze, and we have the following comments on this Anàpànasati disciplines:
1. the disciplines belong to four disciplines of mantras (cattàrosatipatthàna) i.e. the disciplines mentioned four seat (made) to stay close as mantras, tho, and France. This Anàpànasati traditions mention 16 subject to stay of mind: four topics about family, her life feel about emotional topics, four, four topics about France. People meditate, just breathe deeply just breathe, just reflecting visualizations on 16 topics, linked to the breath.
2. This disciplines including meditation and wisdom, including only (samatha) and a (Vipassana). Both are just A Given, Wisdom are all song tu in this disciplines. When the user views the four columns on the breath of infinity breath out, so Just, so is given. When obtaining consistent intellectual suicide 16 selected theses, so Consistent, so is intellectual property.
3. Because traditions recite endless breath breath out is Just A song tu, the Wisdom song tu, the two major tasks of the disciplines should be noted. First of all grab games and four radial and columns into infinite breath breath away during the sitting meditation, not leaving out of sight. Thus, for treatment on affective trạo kissing Swiss Cambodian, and doubt. During the sitting meditation, the mind that we don't leave the invisible breath breath out. Only when reaching the fourth Meditation, we have to leave the breath of infinity breath out. Next up, we take one intellectual close to 16 selected theses, from the first topic to topic-one at the 16th continuity, suicide, and while we have the practice to made to be the subject himself is a close, traditions so heavy this set the human mind training depending on the subject of selection.
For as his mind want to be feeling Hy and peanuts, the need to rally: "I feel deeply breathing-life wedding", the episode's. "The feeling of the wedding I will life breathing out--" the episode, "lost sense tho, I'll breathe deeply" does its volume. "The feeling of life Club I would breathe out" the time set. Want to let the mind be NET security, time must be set to "An action meditate, I would breathe deeply" does its volume. "NET Security capital, I would breathe out" the time set. Want to be static, and must rally: "With the mind to static, I'll breathe deeply", the episode's. "With the mind to static, I would breathe out", the episode's. Depending on what you want to who practice according to what the French Consulate, the weather yourself completely into his problems to practice, this can be viewed as a method of autosuggestion, but there are other forces should maintain households, defined with the method autosuggestion normally. We should see this as a psychological coaching disciplines, particularly the selection of Psychology felt the need to develop training and training for his Manager.
4. the Buddha taught the disciplines, taken to the result shown to be the Chief Justice position right now in the present, if there is Any excess y, fruit hybrid. So this traditions brought to rescue wings of enlightenment and liberation.
5. This disciplines help us tame is relative vibrations and vibration, helping our body, our eyes are not tired. This traditions is again a net President disciplines, marvelous retribution, spread evenly without causing a harm to mind. On the contrary help people meditate stray current stay. These traditions are likely to take advantage of the piece in favor, transcend the France real friendly.
Therefore, take this Anàpànasati traditions hold, nothing harms the mind, no spells, no catch, no publications match allowed, purely for a healthy lifestyle, in the morning, a pp only upper direction education benefit for practitioners who seek fresh air when meditatingThanks to breathe deeply breathe out conditioner, thanks to nourish the heart, thanks to the loving life being cleaned from the slopes of the eye should be lucid, healthy itself, lungs to breathe deeply breathe out regulates regulates heartbeat dance circuit regulates help practitioners towards enlightenment and liberation.
We have presented the experience of the Buddha's Meditation before the leader, while the leader, during his 45 years, and while He entered Nirvana. We have also presented the basic teachings of the Buddha on the subject of meditation. We have also introduced traditions recite endless breath breath away to Buddhists and scholars can study and practice.
If we apply disciplines reciting endless breath the breath right out of the present life, apply a simple way and persistence, May 15 minutes, half an hour or an hour every day, in the evening, or early morning while we eventually produced practical results of this disciplines. As for the importance of diet, reciting endless breath breath away giving you the necessary mind-body health and closer to the "Invisible diseases, supreme interests" (Arogyà paramàlabhà).
For those wish to unite inner strength with the strength of nature, meditate between the Sun, the President of miluo city, empty bar scene in the night or in the jungle she was President, will give us much sense of magic. For those who want to feel nurtured, life education the healthy life span, for treatment with premium gauge, nurturing, loving memory infinite breath breath out stray current can help them stay and look at life with optimistic eyes. For those want to go deeper into the issues, educate, nurture yourself the power of Mantras, regulatory, intellectual property; This breathing Meditation disciplines helped them reach the rescue wing of the Offense were happy heart freeing, liberating wisdom.
We try to make life healthy sense of meditation disciplines, apply the primitive notion of infinite breath breath away in our daily life and so we just repay German grace sermon of Buddha's birth and be san rips the experience about Zen of Buddha. We Have proper evaluation of new methods of meditation of the Buddha and was outlawed the good influence of disciplines to meditate.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=THE EIGHTFOLD PATH.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/12/2014.

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