Saturday 5 April 2014

ABOUT Bodhgaya - Bodhgaya.


            In the Buddha said: " Monks, after our passing, all male Compassion, Trust Women, who have faith in the Dharma should go to 4 sacred place and remember that this is Lumbini , where I was born, here is Bodhgaya where I enlightenment, here is Sarnath where I Zhuan Falun and this is Kushinagar where I enter Nirvana. "
            And he taught further that: " this bhikkhus, after passing me, the new bhikkhus and asked to speak with their teachings should be about 4 places of pilgrimage and advised them that would enable them to be pure Industrial jobs and their old. "
            Through the teachings of the Buddha shows the importance of the four achievements in the field of spiritual pilgrims.
            One of the Buddha relics mentioned above, the present Bodhgaya where the Buddha attained enlightenment was the most prosperous places, pilgrims visited and most practice. And it was dubbed the " navel of the universe ".
            Bodhgaya situated on the banks of river-boats Ni-Union, where it was formerly a small village called Village sambodhi with dense forest. Prince Siddhartha asceticism here 6 years, body and spirit almost went to the dead, he found this way ascetic merit only be born to heaven is not a cure-freed for themselves and for being, at this point love about the suffering of sentient beings be recovered in Himself. Abandon the ascetic way, he took the song to the linen cloth made ​​clothes and get milk from a bowl of porridge girl Sujata offered, then the date to Ni River Union Boat clean bath and feed life, health gradually He slowly recovered and went to the Bodhi tree and meditated grass cover. place where this is the realization.
            At this place now has two treasures that worship the Bodhi tree, Bodh Gaya and Tower (Mahabodhi Temple).
I-Sacred Bodhi Tree
            Coordinates Diamond ( Diamond Throne of Enlightenment Vajrasana ) Buddha meditated and attained the position characteristic of enlightenment, we can say that Bodhi tree is closely related to the Buddha's enlightened master and it becomes The main center of worship places of pilgrims prostrating, is more important than the Bodhi tree is regarded as a symbol of its development Buddhism influenced downs under attack and support of communication Brahmanical system. In a written record that before the Emperor Asoka became a Buddhist, he had cut the tree for lumber for pagan sacrificial fire as offerings to Brahma. Not long after the tan lazy smoke is a rather strange is the Bodhi tree growing out of the ashes with shimmering foliage nnhung as feathers, Emperor Asoka and His amazing offerings of milk on the rest old Bodhi tree, the next morning the new Bodhi Bodhi tree was as tall as the old.
            Emperor Asoka became a Buddhist shortly, after which he regularly visited the Bodhi tree and regrets his past behavior had cut it. However, Queen ( wife Asoka ) becomes jealous of the tree cut down and sent the servant again. Again Asoka bodhi tree bath with milk and banyan tree restored as sheep. Later, a grandson of Asoka visited the Bodhi tree and build a stone wall around the Bodhi tree to protect it from harm later. Some pilgrims later to find and bring about bodhi seeds planted in their house or monastery to have peace and happiness.
            Sanghamitta nuns daughter of Emperor Asoka brought a bodhi tree branches in the south to Sri Lanka. There Piyatissa Devanam king planted it in the Mahavihara campus, one of Sri Lanka's largest monasteries. The planting of the Bodhi tree took the Buddha's enlightenment, and prosperity manifestation of Sri Lanka Buddhism. Bodhi is always lush and the trees grow from its seeds.
            According to traditional Tibetan history Taranatha Nagarjuna said that the master of the Madhyamika school (Madhyamarg) Bodhi tree protected from the ravages of wild elephants around it by building a stone wall around by 108 shrines sacred to idols. And after the eastern shore of the river eroded Ni Contact Boat Nagarjuna made a huge beating from the big rocks carved with the image of Buddha. It became known as the seven sages of the dam.
            In the 6th century, under the Bengal king battle of attack damage Bodhi tree but it was restored in 1000 with the milk of cows. Pilgrims visited Bodhgaya should be noted that this sacred Bodhi tree regeneration bud it can pierce plant therefore continue Bodhi tree restored itself.
Currently, nearly 1,000 people each day pilgrims from around the world visited, bowed, chanting, meditating around a bodhi tree to find peace in their mind and body for the present as well as in future.
PART II-TOWER Bodhgaya (Mahabodhi Temple)
            Cao, tasteful built in place of the vertical response realizations for both worship and practice. Pinnacle above the relics of Buddha, Mahabodhi Stupa also known as the bottom part of the main hall is called the Mahabodhi Temple.
            Before this splendid Bodhi Tower, veiled in dark sand stone. Xuanzang said that Emperor Asoka built a small architecture in Bodhgaya after he visited this place in 260 BC. Then two Brahmins Magi seek wisdom has built a bigger tower on the advice of a God: " If you want to cultivate the seeds of high class people with high intellect and virtue he should go to the Bodhi tree where the Buddha attained enlightenment and built a temple unearthed a landmass that place then he will achieve his dream of. "
            Archeology that was later determined to find traces of the building or reconstruction can be completed in 50BC-200CE. But this is not even sure the district building and repair before the 7th century is not clear.
            Mahabodhi Temple is described by Xuanzang's magnificent three-tier tower vertical height of about 160-170 feet. It lies in the east of the Bodhi tree. Wall of the tower is built of brick and lime green mixed with the frame in the wall cavities to worship golden Buddha. Columns, doors, and windows are decorated with gold and silver mixed with mother of pearl and precious gems. Buddha Avalokiteshvara and Maitreya each about 10 feet high statue placed in the alcove to the left and right outside the hall door. Inside the church hall a large statue of Buddha in the earth touching posture with his right arm.
            Mahabodhi Temple around seven sacred place where Lord Buddha is believed that underwent seven weeks to enjoy the quiet life of his enlightenment.
            In a nutshell, Bodhgaya can say that this is a sacred place like no other in the world. Buddhas of past, present Buddhas, future Buddhas have attained enlightenment here. Design thinking is that if there is a Buddha figure that at least once in a lifetime pilgrimage to come here to spend holidays Buddhas and visit this sacred land.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.5/4/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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