Thursday 17 April 2014

Do not let your anger release.
Has the human condition that everyone has the ego, my ego, it was formed in a certain direction, but thinking and awareness also contributes, on the behavior of each person.
Indeed, anger and patience are two sides of an issue, if the ring is, things will pass, And anger will cause suffering for people and for themselves, when in contact with the opposite Our attention then anger arises, because of the nature of the ego is only one way, but you should remember that nothing is absolute whole, is all due to our perception only.
For example, the same case that the longer people are not angry, so angry that the people that are so important they angry, not angry because the other said it was normal.
So angry is angry or not, depending on one's perception, much anger outburst suddenly do not restrain me, I also do not be surprised because it has been programmed in our minds and, So when it left the protest immediately stop spontaneously, especially the ones in the family, because of the emotional ties, honor our responsibility to ease anger over outsiders, but even with reason the anger is not good for me and others ...
For cultivates patience is very important, because it is the foundation of spiritual practice, is a measure of the practice, ie anger when we've lost mindfulness, wisdom, awareness of their , one can sometimes alms but not a huge amount of patience is a saying, it shows that in order to practice patience is not easy, the ring is small but we are not sure we have the largest ring is ...
The reason that we must constantly reflect on the body, the mind, impermanence, selflessness is because we see through contemplation of phenomena as they really are, without ego, such as the human body is assumed temporary, illusory, ephemeral, it is not true, all the conditions are sufficient conditions are dissolved, the mind is also impermanent, at other times like this, run outside, grab taken pretending it's just asking for nothing but negativity, consistency of selflessness, we see,  what are the conditions and have generals, even so our mind, the purpose of our life is to be true to his heart, not external ones.
From this awareness we see things more gently, and it becomes not important for us, that was not important, then what must be mad, too ...
For pure practitioner must be aware, mindful not to lose, because if we lose mindfulness prone charismatic center, relapse, because not very mature, so we need to keep mindful, focused on questions Buddhist concept, then all will go away.
In short, to practice the legal entity is very difficult, because the mind is already familiar with the habits and life long term, but we diligently practice the proper methods ego will gradually wear out, every day a little, then they will become public.
I practice a lot more benefit, we benefit from as little less, depending on our decision, we do not get to compare with others, we also do not subjective is true when we're angry, no one forbids us to say but do not speaking in anger and enjoy your stay.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/4/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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