Thursday 10 April 2014

We applied the Buddha's teachings in their daily lives.
Tu's personal transformation from ignorance to wisdom, the search, discovery path to happiness and peace. So his grandparents have the "Tu-being realms, the cord is unjust." Tu is happy because his plane was afflictions way across the world, to the realms of bliss suffering, liberation.
 talk about the practice of a lay disciples as follows: "Shariputra, teachers should keep in mind that a white shirt if the disciple to practice five precepts and practice the four noble heart has ceased to be the descends into hell, hungry ghosts, animals and other road data, has attained fruition Tu-momentum-finished, no longer fall into the evil rotten law. He's definitely going the way of enlightenment and a maximum of just over seven times more in the heavens and the border can reach full liberation of the cessation of suffering. " Thus, a monk is to find, discover a method to practice spiritual transformation and its people.
 "From the realm of being, the cord is unjust." Artwork.
But if not skilled practitioner can be the opposite! The snakes as in business, Master Hanh services and solutions: "They are like the snake collectors that know how to use an iron crutch stick there: When you go to the wilderness, that big snake, they press the right crutch Solid neck and right hand caught the snake's head. Other solid but can spin the tail, trousers, leg or other part of the snakes body, but he can not be operated. Getting solid so no hardship nor labored, just because he knows tricks snakes. The son or daughter learn the classic good as ingenious must also receive business documents and that a reversal is not new understand dharma. They learn not bragging purposes only controversy that's to seek liberation. They do not need to go through the misery and hardship. "
Smart cultivates well, awkward cultivates sink! If I did not know snakes by its capacity to take, I'll get it to bite back. So it can be said that the practice is in accordance with the Buddha's teaching life: how to live with happiness, sorrow shuns suffering. Therefore, when Zhuan Falun Buddha first taught the truth supreme Four (Four Noble Truths) shows us the way to end suffering. If we are religious themselves but can not find peace, so that they are cultivating the wrong way, not just as the Buddha taught the Dharma. Do not let myths Buddhist teachings or doctrines is attained fruition, just remember that "the doctrine friends" bringing her to the shore of enlightenment. He tells us, "It is necessary tu-la as multi-criteria moon", meaning all the Buddha's teachings, scriptures or just a finger pointing to the moon. New Moon is the goal to enlightenment. The practice, just classic finger pointing us alone! If we misunderstand finger is the moon will regret endless!
What about the practice of what? Disciplines are practiced method, if we choose a method that suits you, then the study will progress. France is subject methods, is the key to open the door of his spirituality. To find the right key to open the door, we must practice test. Use wisdom to contemplate, illuminating the achievements through meticulous practice. If it advances, such as he had found the true key to his spiritual; otherwise I have to keep searching and testing.
As the practice known as Pure Land Buddhist mindfulness practice, Pure Land is not just a sex scene, but also a state of mind. So teach ancient Patriarchs "Pure idealist" or "Ecstasy of currencies", which means Pure Bliss comes from the heart and not have to wait for a new rebirth, which is present even in this moment! If we practice this method but my heart is still sorrow, anger is clear we are practicing or wrong, or is not properly chosen method, the key is not correct.
In the doctrine of forum Quartet - Four standard chemical education achievement, the Buddha's teachings according to their inborn birth, like that for medication depending on the disease. Thus, the practice of using the mind when practicing introspection to find the right method for your good, not too stubborn for his own understanding must also undergo changes depending on the level practice, his test. Therefore, we must hold to be the "custom charm immutable and invariable custom charm" in Buddhism.
Talking to the patient depending on the drug, which means that the Buddha wanted us to try remedy after his treatment, I have felt the results of the "taking" medication. So the Buddha taught the Dharma right Cultivate will achieve the "stay out of its peace", meaning that they will find peace and happiness even during practice, not to wait for later. During the time of Sakyamuni Buddha, He rebuked him have some concept is good practice to have the following results, as well as some pagan clergy to ask him about this. Practices "existing legal resident optimistic" that Buddhists presented in many books, magazines Buddhist Buddha spirit in business .
No coal the past,

Not looking forward to the upcoming

Living right in the present,

Therefore, try color.

Do hope the upcoming

Because the coal is over,

Fools should wither,

Green leaves and long stems.
Also with this content, business Central (most godly sage stomach) also verse:
The past is not traced

Future aspirations.

The past is annihilation,

The future has not yet arrived,

Only current legal

Wisdom here.

No action, not shaken

Knowing this, should practice.
"Only the present method, the main insight here" shows us the fruit, the result of a monk is not an expectation, unrealistic hope, but a specific harvest, even in now! Moreover, the present results also bring us pleasure to a happy future.
The time now happy, then please

A waiver of the ten evil

With jubilant mood

Into the realms of healthy living dead

As the delicious complementary medicine.

As the sun rises again

Dark clouds Tan

The practice currently located

Future results and fun

Because the Tathagata teaching

Destroy all heresies.
Of course, to be the beneficiary of this peace, we have to change their lifestyle and daily behavior. These habits, old habits take us to the suffering must be cut off, suspended. I like the cocoon slowly molting to turn into beautiful butterflies brilliant! It is in the process of metabolism, molting this we are experiencing profound teachings peace and happiness in the present.
In life please feel free to direct the coast

Wait until they eat, hard to sleep immediately

In the treasure house only search

For scenes not interested, do not ask meditation.

So spiritual journey to discover the route to escape suffering. We can find in all the scriptures, the Buddha always talked about the purpose of Buddhism is liberation from the suffering, so the method is established, efforts have focused on practice targets 's. That all suffering is everyone happy, happy!
In short, a monk is to look for the clues to the suffering created by ourselves in the past or in the present. And, once once removed (metabolized) connections knots, or changes in lifestyle, attitude. If your just waiting for a chance that its going to be happy to be a quixotic dream, not true Buddha Dhamma as taught. A nun who had known her as of right to choose an appropriate method of the practice and to transform themselves. If only "waiting loss supplement" the day get to know real peace?! END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/4/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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