Thursday 10 April 2014

Tu means repair, home means home. Tu house is remodeling itself right at home. The laity secular life with family responsibilities and social principles modification, transformation temperament, language, their behavior according to the Buddha's teachings is the practice at home.
 Pure lay List.
Generally, after the Buddhist refuge vow to maintain life and year is presented roadmap began practice at home. Refuge moment marked a clear change in perception and action, all of the Buddhists are now taking refuge in the Three Jewels, in the light of Buddha-France-Increase. Then, Buddhists cultivate moral character by keeping the five precepts, the mind has fasting (one month at least two days), doing good deeds in the possibility to cultivate merit. More important is to find religious education, information and understanding the Buddha's teaching applications in daily life practices. Living Ethics (s), always calm relaxed mind (have to), not lucid delusion (with wisdom) is the fundamental virtues that lay people always come and achievements.
In addition, the phrase lay there for only a few lay Development Center diligently practicing Buddhists than normal. Although still at home, but often lay Development Center vegetarian, pretty much the bodhisattva precepts, reciting elaborate and worship with the schedule as part of that.
Every day you have to know Buddha, a few days each month and vegetarian Buddhist ceremony, so it should be called religious then. So as mentioned, is amended edit. Edit as much of their own limitations, the higher its cultivation and thus merit more progressive and up.
Who in the past are also wrong. Want good direction, we must first recognize that mistakes and repent sincerely repented of the past, may not relapse again. Next to the grill according to Buddhist teachings to being good. May the Triple Gem refuge, the right to live and practice the virtues of pious laypeople are turning towards the most appropriate charity.
Turning the shore! Knowing turn directions to any good moments in life as well as early, not late. Because life always be followed, our life is just one link in the chain that continues only. Therefore, there is no story "too late" in the wake good direction to turn.END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.10/4/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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