Thursday 17 April 2014

Necessity of discipline.
Buddhism and the reason is to promote long lineage in the world, in fact, not only because it contains a self-massive treasure: profound teachings-logical literature as many people said, but it prerequisite and is essential precept.
This is thanks to the Vinaya-Pitaka, the foundation's executive for any process of thinking of holiness: the practice of meditation, intellectual. That's why Thich Ton special attention to repeat in more than 40 years of spreading the advantages of his birth. Sayings about to thunder at Buddhist Nirvana really unforgettable in how the human subconscious Buddha: "The law remains, even dharma; Discipline lost, lost dharma ".
Today, in the context of social chaos, transforming itself compatible with the development and emergence rhythm of civilized era, Buddhism, a religion considered "real truth", what to do to proving the identity and the true value of it? This is the most elite of high levels rise dormitory in particular, of the Buddhist world in general.
Over the period, there are many issues to be taken into, but, still is axiomatic precept. Why so? So that it can bring to the community waste manic or Sangha, the decision for the survival of Buddhism. At issue is not just explaining the theoretical aspects of literature, but we really have to think, decide and determine how to experience each member increase in each monastery, monasteries, true ... step by step perfection personified virtues for ourselves in order to bring out the life in peace, liberated future.
Discipline (Siksapada) material means to subdue, tame ... do all things obstacle noble. Speaking in relation to the origin, it is tied to the life of the Sangha, this pilot are treated as though we took the original "line Tang generals, good appearance." When taking research or practice the precept that we should be aware and not hastily conclude that it is negative or positive, Theravada or Mahayana, because it is not subject to any separate category system of Buddhist thought. It essentially no bearing binding, which is the focal point for the willingness of those who want to learn Buddhist on the roadmap: refinement of body and mind, cultivate character, perfection of virtue itself. Although we belong to any sect, any lineage, the system first issue is still stately body for yourself education methods practiced by precept. Never have miscalculated idea when we "to remain" a number of charges, the behavior differences or "retrograde" of the bodhisattva, Sensei, Zen ... and said that the "reviews gnostic nature "has nothing to Discipline, which we must understand that he practiced the precept that does not need to practice anymore. On the other hand, the Buddhist Precepts as Ethical Standards Codification for glaucoma. Do not see it as the law of life. Speaking as the Central Securities Ven: "The law is not the same and does not follow a motif as law generally, however, it is not against the left that actually go deeper, it is universal compassion is derived from and wisdom ".
When surveyed about realism same line or any similar line of each sex in the world for 250 monks, 348 nuns gender (singling Law Section Four), we must know what is important: Precepts course be viewed as ladders for thousands of "holy well", though, it's not the law, that is subject to change. This point, in holy specify: Thich Ton allow some small things left after his nirvana. But in fact, the history of Buddhism who have not left anything be it small things. Currently, we may or may not practice the precepts given in precept, but all have value and meaning of it.I really startled and grateful to hear about Ven Central Securities deeper meaning of the world: do not touch goats (...). So today whether the rule is no longer adapted to the practice, but it remains forever symbolic value, as we care for bibliographic reference tool. Because the reserves it has such importance, should undergo periods, Discipline is practiced in many Buddhist concrete subjects in many different countries retains its original version.
As the monks "lowering of the upper bridge," bringing Buddhism into life's ambition, but, to preserve the dignity of the mind, not assimilated by the secular is always nagging the heart. The two words "custom charm" are we done so positive it makes sense, "depending upon living beings, of direct transport", do not let it expressed as means: "phan sensual charm, body and mind pollution ".
I hope that one day, one of the eternal laws for institutions of learning activities and community clergy ensure three important factors:
1. Preserving the traditional character of the original precept.
2. Consistent with the lives of the monks practiced in modern times.
3. Towards the sanctity of the body and mind: current peace, liberated future.
Such aspirations may be true or not uphold is in each of us.
Yourself to do evil
Polluted themselves.
Do not themselves evil
Yourself pure.
Net net not themselves
No one who purification.
(Dhammapada 165)

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