Thursday 17 April 2014

"I do all my career. I inherited now. I gave birth to now. I and mutual business relationship. I live under the guidance of industry. What I create now, good or bad, I'll be the leader after this life. " The Buddha taught that we must remind ourselves every day like. But this is how important it is that we have a day like that in mind?
Karma means action. At the time of the Buddha, it has been used with such meaning. 'Karma Yoga' Yoga means of action. But the Buddha said: "Karma, dear monks, as we say, the deliberate". Karma is not just any action, but only on intentionality behind every action. Not only as a deliberate act but while the thinking, talking. Theoretically, if we use the word Karma to action, and the result of the action, is not true, but for too long has been used in that sense, it is difficult to understand another way more Karma.
Action to do with intentionality is very different from the heartless actions. If I accidentally stabbed an ant, it is not karma of killing, though I have a lack of mindfulness. Because there was no intentional, deliberate action that follows. But if there is a drive in the garden, and I want to clean it up by spraying on ant nests, intentionally kill them as much as possible, then that was created because there was now killing intentionality behind the act that action. 
Anything we do to deliberately bring consequences are, because we have thought about them before action should therefore be wary of all his thoughts. That's when we can practice meditation Thami. Be aware of your thought processes, creating new hope good karma, if not we just act without deliberate, intentional. When we know about, our own thoughts, we can modify them for the better, in a more correct direction, in the direction to create good karma.
People often say: "I created the karma to be reborn beautiful than me." It is an exchange that has commercial character. Doing something in exchange for something else. Oil better than acting on instinct, lack of intentionality, but they can not bring us better results because of the way it is full of ego.
Action needs to be improved in clarity, knowing that failure to do so, we only bring suffering upon themselves. Kusala is a prerequisite to help us live in peace, harmony rhythm with ourselves, with others. Thought to be the result of waiting, yearning, clinging. All these desires only bring disappointment. Without any desire to become a reality as we had wished. The longing leads us to the future rather than the present moment in office. Afterlife, or life after that, or after the later half, public life? Five minutes to the stars? Action should have been doing good with all the popular mind can not think of anything else. But if there is something else to intercept, then wisdom will tell us how the right choice.
When two people doing the same action, they will not have the same karma. The Buddha compared the karmic evil of two people to remove a spoon of salt in a glass of water or skip down to the Ganges. Glass will not drink salt water, but the water of the Ganges where nothing changes. Also, there is a line with 'river friendly' is a wrong action is not affected. But if we only have a 'happy juice' is just a wrong action is enough to make life bitter. Since we do not know what work was created in a previous life, it is better to report our hypothesis that only a full glass of water. Sometimes we often wonder why there are those who do evil, but which still live happily. Family, money, health are good. Why are they not punished? They are not punished there. They will receive the consequences of their deeds. There is no such thing as chance or accident. Nothing happens in this universe randomly. Moon, stars, sun - everything goes according to the law, the earth we live too. My career too.
Now not distinguish, we should remember that. It knows no partiality. It is cause and effect. It does not pay any attention to the action. What has to be kept private in the river, will be there and will achieve results when 'ripe'. 
We carry a number of 'habit' from the previous life, but much of what happens to us is the result of actions in the present life. I do not have to think: "Well, perhaps it is the result of the work I've done two or three lifetimes ago," or "If I do that, the next life I will be safe." Such thinking is shirking responsibility. If we are responsible for ourselves, then sure I will remember what we have to do that or omitted to do something; even in this life to bring the results to today, as this right now.
We can easily recognize the correlation. Any action skillfully, how good we have done in this life, we also give results. We latent ability, strength, health, our personality. We are the creator of your destiny. No one can really do for us is. If we believe that someone could replace our actions, then we have not understood the meaning of the sentence: "I do all of my business." Now the only thing we can possess. Everything else is borrowed. I will not take anything except business. Everything else who will inherit the post-birth. Only now are mine. 
When recycled, we carry karmic, and major karmic circumstances create opportunities for us. I have no choice, but is not absolute. All of us have a choice as to the monastery should not. When you have selected is present in that place, you have to create a healthy business. When listening to France, you have the choice to listen or drowsy or listen to your soul. When you hear sloping center, you have the choice then immediately forget or try to retain. And if you can hold, you will hold them by always practicing or just because they are interesting in mind. When did France choose to live, you can either choose to live like this always or only when there is occasion, convenient circumstances.
There are choices not stop thinking, every moment is our right. Each second, except sleep, every moment is karma. That is why we need to complete his artistic life moment by moment. If we do not watch every moment of their karma, it is difficult to create many beneficial things for us. How many sins moments can occur. So attention must be guarded at every moment because it is the choice moment, the moment of now. The more we have the choice wise, skillful, the more we create better opportunities for themselves. Like living in a house with many doors, windows, one door will have that much to choose from when you need to leave the house. If we continue to be the wrong choice, then our chances will decrease until I woke up in prison, where the Congress was behind the door of choice. At that time, we will not have any choice until they are freed. Sometimes we wonder why other people seem to have many choices for how interesting job, while we have no choice at all, it is because we have created now.
Buddha said there are people born in the light and go toward the light. Someone born in the light, to go into darkness. Someone born in the dark, but the light went on. And finally, there are people born in the dark, to keep going in the dark. That means that, though I was born in any circumstance, we still have many opportunities to choose from. 
There is a woman named Helen Keller was born deaf, dumb and blind. Yet she is still studying, writing and teaching other people with disabilities live better. Obviously she was born in the darkness, but the light went on. 
All of us in every moment to have a chance with her. If we miss this chance, we may never have a second chance like that again. Because when we lose a chance, just like we've locked down the door of my life back home. So totally focused for every moment is a necessary move.
Buddha for a drive now like spider, a spider drive was braided too ingenious to say that I do not know where is the thread where the thread first spider end. We can not know if their illness is due today did something bad or fifteen years ago because we did not pay any attention to eating problems yesterday. It's also the result of the string to floating spider crisscross obviously do not know why it happened like this, like that. But we can understand the reason of the happening of importance in our lives. I can easily recall the wrong choice for easy on yourself, and the consequences they cause. 
From now to the past or will happen in the future does not matter, because the past is like a dream, the future was yet to come. That we should be concerned that our present moment. The rest is all just a dream, do not know which province or passion, not knowing what was going on. Nothing delights in life such as when covered with dew in the blind. All of us unenlightened as they live in the fog of it, but we can still wake yourself out of that dream. Actually, there are moments other than the present moment. I can not relive the past or experience the future. There is only one thing we can do is: Live for this moment. To do so, we must fully awake, aware. Vigilance and awareness of all of our attention.
Mind is chief. Nothing can exist without the mind-made. Mind is the driving force underlying how we create now. I have three open door: thoughts, speech and action (body, speech and mind). Here are three gates lead us to create now, and come into contact with the outside world through these three gates.
Oil that thinking is the underlying motivation, it creates the lightest, if not now manifest in word or action. For example, who hates, and a thought flashed through his head: "If he come near me again, I will kill him", but did not say anything or do anything. Oil is a bad idea, creating bad karma, but because there is no specific action, karma is so mild. But if you continue to think like that, it will create a habit leading to utter words. If you guys hated to close, we actually said: "If you come near me, I'll kill you", it now gets worse. In the immediate future is going to create enemies, and we have strengthened bad thoughts verbally. And if evil continues to say it will lead us to action. At that very heavy karma and how to bring dire consequences. Thoughts, ideas need to be guarded and modified if necessary. If a bad idea sparked, best not to keep it turns into speech or action ... END=VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.17/4/2014.NAM MO SAKYA MUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).

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