Compassion Now! Giving pāramitā past, giving pāramitā the past. Giving pāramitā future, giving pāramitā no future. Giving pāramitā current, giving the current pāramitā not. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, pure precepts diligently security ring contemplative Prajnaparamita past no. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita future, an international translational diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita no future. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita current security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not present. Department why? Compassion Now! Giving pāramitā past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms past pāramitā ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite get past. Compassion Now! Pāramitā alms in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms pāramitā ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Giving the current pāramitā in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms current pāramitā ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite be current. Compassion Now! Giving pāramitā past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past in such not quite get. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not past. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite get past. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita did not quite present in it. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite be current. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Four contemplative past, the past four contemplative. Four contemplative future, not four contemplative future. Four current contemplative, contemplative current four no. Four immeasurable, formless four of the past; four immeasurable, formless four of the past. Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning; four immeasurable, formless four non hybrid positioning. Four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations; four immeasurable, formless four current regulations do not. Department why? Compassion Now! Contemplative past four did not quite get in. Wherefore? As contemplative past four ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative rather be. Compassion Now! Four contemplative in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four contemplative ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four contemplative quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four current contemplative did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four contemplative ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four quite contemplative. Compassion Now! Four contemplative past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As contemplative past four, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four in the past did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, the past four formless ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, for the past four formless rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Wherefore? Because alms past pāramitā ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite get past. Compassion Now! Pāramitā alms in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms pāramitā ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Giving the current pāramitā in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms current pāramitā ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite be current. Compassion Now! Giving pāramitā past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past in such not quite get. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not past. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite get past. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita did not quite present in it. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite be current. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Four contemplative past, the past four contemplative. Four contemplative future, not four contemplative future. Four current contemplative, contemplative current four no. Four immeasurable, formless four of the past; four immeasurable, formless four of the past. Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning; four immeasurable, formless four non hybrid positioning. Four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations; four immeasurable, formless four current regulations do not. Department why? Compassion Now! Contemplative past four did not quite get in. Wherefore? As contemplative past four ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative rather be. Compassion Now! Four contemplative in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four contemplative ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four contemplative quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four current contemplative did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four contemplative ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four quite contemplative. Compassion Now! Four contemplative past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As contemplative past four, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four in the past did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, the past four formless ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, for the past four formless rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Wherefore? Because alms past pāramitā ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite get past. Compassion Now! Pāramitā alms in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms pāramitā ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Giving the current pāramitā in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because alms current pāramitā ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā quite be current. Compassion Now! Giving pāramitā past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no alms pāramitā past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past in such not quite get. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not past. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite get past. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita did not quite present in it. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite be current. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Four contemplative past, the past four contemplative. Four contemplative future, not four contemplative future. Four current contemplative, contemplative current four no. Four immeasurable, formless four of the past; four immeasurable, formless four of the past. Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning; four immeasurable, formless four non hybrid positioning. Four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations; four immeasurable, formless four current regulations do not. Department why? Compassion Now! Contemplative past four did not quite get in. Wherefore? As contemplative past four ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative rather be. Compassion Now! Four contemplative in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four contemplative ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four contemplative quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four current contemplative did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four contemplative ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four quite contemplative. Compassion Now! Four contemplative past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As contemplative past four, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four in the past did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, the past four formless ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, for the past four formless rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita did not quite present in it. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite be current. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Four contemplative past, the past four contemplative. Four contemplative future, not four contemplative future. Four current contemplative, contemplative current four no. Four immeasurable, formless four of the past; four immeasurable, formless four of the past. Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning; four immeasurable, formless four non hybrid positioning. Four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations; four immeasurable, formless four current regulations do not. Department why? Compassion Now! Contemplative past four did not quite get in. Wherefore? As contemplative past four ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative rather be. Compassion Now! Four contemplative in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four contemplative ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four contemplative quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four current contemplative did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four contemplative ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four quite contemplative. Compassion Now! Four contemplative past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As contemplative past four, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four in the past did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, the past four formless ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, for the past four formless rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita did not quite present in it. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita quite be current. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As an international ring net contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the world there is no security net diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Four contemplative past, the past four contemplative. Four contemplative future, not four contemplative future. Four current contemplative, contemplative current four no. Four immeasurable, formless four of the past; four immeasurable, formless four of the past. Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning; four immeasurable, formless four non hybrid positioning. Four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations; four immeasurable, formless four current regulations do not. Department why? Compassion Now! Contemplative past four did not quite get in. Wherefore? As contemplative past four ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative rather be. Compassion Now! Four contemplative in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four contemplative ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four contemplative quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four current contemplative did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four contemplative ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four quite contemplative. Compassion Now! Four contemplative past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? As contemplative past four, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past four contemplative, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four in the past did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, the past four formless ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, for the past four formless rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. formless four hybrid positioning in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four hybrid positioning rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four current regulations did not quite get. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four current regulations ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four existing regulations rather be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Head past four concepts, four cylinder past no idea. Four pillars futuristic concept, four cylinder futuristic concept is not. Current four cylinder concept, the current four-cylinder concept is not. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight holy religion; district four to eight segments for the past noble expenditure. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble future spending; district four to eight segments for future expenses not noble. Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, noble eight current expenditure; district four to eight segments for current expenditure does not holy religion. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the universe has no idea past four rather be. Compassion Now! Four futuristic concept in office not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four futuristic concept that is not cylindrical. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the office do not have four futuristic concept rather be. Compassion Now! Current concepts in the four pillars did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the current four cylinder concept that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current four pillar concept rather be. Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the past four cylinder concept, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble quite be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in the future no such expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not future spending. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to spend quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble path in no such current expenditure rather be. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until eight noble path that is not current expenditure. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no noble eight paragraphs to current expenditure rather be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spent the past eight noble path, future, present in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four primary segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more of the four primary no passage to spending the past eight noble path, future, present fairly be. Good time! No goal past liberation, not liberation the past subjects. No future goal of liberation, not liberation not subject future. No current goal of liberation, not liberation is not currently subject. Formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer; formless, infinite past vows not liberated subjects. Formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not subject future. Formless, infinite current subjects voluntarily freed; formless, infinite liberation vow not currently subject. Department of the stars! Compassion Now! No goal past liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the past is not the goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the past rather be subject. Compassion Now! No liberation is not the goal in the future is not pretty. Wherefore? Since no liberation ie not subject future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no deliverance in the future rather be subject. Compassion Now! No current goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since no current goal of liberation that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation in existing subjects rather be. Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because no professional rescue past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no liberation of half past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite past vows liberation that is not the goal. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite goal past deliverance prayer rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite liberation vows no such courses in future rather be. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite future voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite future subjects voluntarily liberation rather be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite current voluntary goal of liberation in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite current voluntary liberation that is not subject. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite current voluntary liberation rather be subject. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Label the past year, the past year mark. Five brands of the future, not in the future label. Five current label, label the current year are not. Kabbalah past six, six the past miracles. Kabbalah six futuristic, six supernormal not futuristic. Six current psychic, psychic current six not. Department why? Compassion Now! Label in the past year did not quite get. Wherefore? Since the past year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in the past five labels can not quite get. Compassion Now! Five labels in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because in the future that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future do not have quite been in label. Compassion Now! Five current label does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of the current year that is not labeled. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the current label does not quite get the year. Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because the labels in the past, the future, which is not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past did not have five brands, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Kabbalah past six in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six miracles in future not quite get there. Wherefore? Since June psychic ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in six Kabbalah without quite being futuristic. Compassion Now! Six current psychic did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah current six ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no current six rather be unseen. Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Kabbalah past six, Futurism, ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, not how much more in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddhist past ten forces, forces the past ten Buddha. Buddha ten future force, the ten future Buddhas not. Buddha ten current capacity, current capacity is not Buddha ten. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the past. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, future position necessarily general; Captain basis until four myriad necessarily minister does not mind the future. Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general; four very necessary facility to minister Lt Current place not. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces did not quite get in. Wherefore? Since its Buddhist past ten ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhas in the ten future did not quite get. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten ie not force future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the future force rather be ten. Compassion Now! Buddha ten current force does not quite get there. Wherefore? Because Buddha ten current capacity ie not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no Buddha ten existing capacity rather be. Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddhist past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no Buddha in the past ten forces, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, where the past necessarily general in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt past position that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be located past. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in the future where there is not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt futuristic place that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant until quite be the future location. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, current position necessarily general in such not quite get. Wherefore? Because four very necessary facility to minister Lt current location that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to current location rather be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general location, location necessarily general past, future, present in did not quite get. Wherefore? Because the four legions of location necessarily general until past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, let alone in four very basis without necessarily general lieutenant to mind the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Hetero being past, the past being heterosexual. Futurism born heterosexual, straight delivery no future. Current birth horror, horror not being present. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata the past. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata Futurism; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata no future. Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata current; Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata does not currently. Department why? Compassion Now! Hetero past birth in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because of past horror that is not born. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the past without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Futuristic horror of not being pretty is not. Wherefore? Since being futuristic horror that is not. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the future without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since allergic ie not being present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in the present without being quite simple. Compassion Now! Hetero being past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Since birth allergic past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more there is no simple birth in the past, future, present fairly be. Since the fall, so charming false prophet, is not fairly be fake. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past rather be. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata in the future is not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie no future. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata quite futuristic. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata ie not present. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata is now fairly. Compassion Now! Sravakas, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present in not quite get there. Wherefore? Because bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present, ie no. Nor the nature of not. Not in not just not quite be, how much more in no bar text, unicorn, Bodhisattva, Tathagata past, future, present fairly be. As charming self to assume false prophet is not quite get that. Again, Good Show! Excellent time ago not quite get. Next time do not quite been excellent. Between not quite been excellent time. Sac in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Sac past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality with excellence in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken before. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken later. Operating life thought he ought not to be awoken between. Operating life thought form in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Operating life thought past form, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the idea of equality with operating life form the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Origin time before such labels rather be. Origin label not quite be time later. Origin label not quite be time between. The label Made in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Origin Labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality labeled Made in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! The parish itself atria billion loss the previous time was not pretty. The parish itself atria billion loss after such time quite it. The parish itself atria billion loss between not quite be time. The parish itself atria billion loss in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial rate itself the origin of past loss, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Equal current in all not quite get. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be. Equal current in all not quite get. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with atrial rate itself the land of past losses, future, present fairly be. Good time! Made excellent time not quite been before. Made the following identity is not pretty. Made in the middle of such excellence rather be. Sac origin in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made excellent past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the land of equality has excellent past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Flavor bar contact time before such legal origin rather be. Thanh taste after such contact time legal origin rather be. Thanh flavors such contact between the legal origin rather be. Made contact flavor legal bar in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Made contact flavor legal bar past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in contact with legal bar Origin taste past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Before such time perspective rather be. Labels next time he ought not to be presented. The time between such perspectives rather be. Department why? Compassion Now! Perspective the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the perspective of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling after not quite be time. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy emotional life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! Atrial world not quite be time before. Atrial world after such time quite it. World time between such atrium rather be. Atrial presented in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Atrial world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have atrial gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling of not quite been before. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear-contact as the life of grace born between not quite been. Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Thanh gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the bar gender equality, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Billion the previous time he ought not to be presented. Rate the following instructions are not pretty. Billion between not quite been presented time. Gender billion in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Billion world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have billions of gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing birth rate of the previous life was not pretty. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy after birth the life time is not enough. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, charming birth rate as the contact time between not quite been life. Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Huong world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling of equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more flavor in gender equality, gender and percentage rate exposure, exposure rate coy life engenders the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such damage rather be. World time after such damage rather be. World time between such damage rather be. Loss of three lives gender equality is also not quite. Department why? Compassion Now! Damage world past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more can damage gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born not quite get life time ago. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born after not quite get life time. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss coy contact time between the birth of life is not pretty. Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born equal life expectancy of three did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in gender flavored, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! World time before such body rather be. Body not quite be presented the following. Between the world body not quite get. Monkey World in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Monkey World the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the world equally dear past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace before birth is not pretty. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy after birth the life time is not enough. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the life expectancy of three would not quite be fair. Department why? Compassion Now! Promotion gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the promotion of equality have sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of past life, future, present fairly be. Good time! The world did not quite get the time before. The world did not quite get the time back. The world did not quite get the time between. The world in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Italy presented the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the gender equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born before not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born after not quite get. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes the life of grace born between not quite been. France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of life in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of past life, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the legal equality of gender, sex and the emotional sense, the fate being out of touch as past life, future, present fairly be.
Compassion Now! Period before such boundaries rather be. Time after such boundaries rather be. Boundaries between not quite be time. Boundaries of three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Boundary past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone have the boundaries of equality in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Feng shui fire no time before such gender rather be. Feng shui fire next time such gender not quite get. Feng shui fire between the gender not quite get there. Feng shui does not fire in three generations gender equality did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Feng shui fire not gender past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone in the water, fire equality have no cognitive style past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Ignorance time ago not quite get. Ignorance not quite be time later. Ignorance of between not quite been. Ignorance of three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Ignorance past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equal ignorance in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration previous time such suffering brain superiority rather be. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death of melancholy admiration after suffering brain such advantages rather be. , Consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size between not quite be time. Out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain admiration past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more equality in the old committing until brain death advantages suffering melancholy admiration past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Pāramitā alms before such time quite be. Giving pāramitā not quite be time later. Giving pāramitā between not quite be time. Pāramitā alms in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Giving pāramitā past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the Equal generosity pāramitā past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita time ago not quite get. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not quite be time later. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita between not quite be time. Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is not much more of an equal world rings with crystal pure contemplative process Prajnaparamita past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Four times before such contemplative rather be. Four times after such contemplative rather be. Four contemplative time between not quite been. Four contemplative in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Four contemplative past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in four contemplative past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four previous timing is not pretty. Four immeasurable, formless four times after not quite get to. Four immeasurable, formless four between not quite been timing. Four immeasurable, formless four provisions in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in four immeasurable, formless four of the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! The four pillars of the previous concept did not quite get. Four pillars anniversary after such date rather be. Four times between such concepts rather be cylindrical. Four-cylinder concept in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Past four cylinder concept, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in the past four cylinder concept, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent time before such noble quite be. Four main stages for the path to eight times after such expenses rather be. Four to eight main sections of the path between such expenditure rather be. Four main stages for eight noble spent three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Four main segments until spending the past eight noble path, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality in primary four to eight segments for the past noble expenditures, future, present fairly be. Good time! Not freed before such subjects rather be time. Not freed after half time was not pretty. No liberation time between such subjects rather be. No liberation subjects in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! No liberation goal past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality has not liberated subjects past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Formless, infinite time voluntarily freed before such subjects rather be. Formless, infinite willingness freed after half time was not pretty. Formless, infinite deliverance prayer time between such subjects rather be. Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in equality with the formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed the past, future, present fairly be. Good time! Years before such time fairly be labeled. Year after such date fairly be labeled. Five times between not quite been labeled. Five labels in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Five labels past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, let alone equality has five brands in the past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Six times before such miracles rather be. Six times after such miracles rather be. Six times between such miracles rather be. Kabbalah six in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Six psychic past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because of the nature of equality make such equality rather be much more equal in the past six psychic, future, present fairly be. Good time! Buddha ten times before such forces rather be. Buddha ten times after such force rather be. Buddha ten times between such forces rather be. Buddha ten forces in three equal partners are also not pretty. Department why? Compassion Now! Buddhist past ten forces, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in human equality Buddha ten past, future, present fairly be. Compassion Now! Four legions of four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily Minister before such time quite location. Four very basis necessarily general lieutenant until after such time quite location. Four very basis necessarily general lieutenant until the middle position is not pretty. Four very necessary facility to minister Lt place in three equal partners did not quite get. Department why? Compassion Now! Four legions of mind necessarily general until past, future, present in equality are not quite be. Wherefore? Because equality in equality nature make such pretty is, how much more in the very basis of equality has four lieutenant generals necessary to position the past, future, present fairly be.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.16/6/2016.MHDT. |
Wednesday, 15 June 2016
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