Tuesday, 14 June 2016

Maha Prajnaparamita - Episode 3

Writing First 56: First Products Association Deputy Attorney Mahayana 15-6
Praise Products Association First Vice Mahayana 16-1

Compassion Now! To know no property boundaries, impossible attained, should man riding Mahayana also impossible attained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Feng shui fire so no cognition, no property, no ability attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Compassion Now! Must know very noble suffering ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Destroy our Church so fragile collective ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Ignorance must know very own, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Thus, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain suffering property wealth, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! To know the wealth owned illusory, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. So romantic scene, image, reputation, shine, no flowers, sunshine, a range of flavors, the very ownership transformation, impossible to attain, so guys riding Mahayana majeure also obtained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Must not know what possesses no, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Not so foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature very nature do not own, impossible attained, should man riding Mahayana majeure also obtained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Must know pāramitā alms very own, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Security ring so diligent pure precepts contemplative Prajnaparamita very own, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Must know four contemplative very own, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Thus the four immeasurable, formless four ownership of wealth, impossible attained, should man riding Mahayana majeure also obtained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Must know very owns four office concept, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Thus the four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, spending countless noble eight ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Must know countless subjects freed ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. So formless, infinite myriad subjects voluntarily freed ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding Mahayana also impossible attained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! To know the owner of numerous brands, inability attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Thus owns six countless miracles, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Buddha must know ten and without ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. So legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general wealth position of ownership, impossibility prime , who rides Mahayana should also impossible attained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Provision must know who saved countless sentient beasts ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. So guys Most hybrid frequency hybrid being, man Real finished being sensuous, Arhat, unicorn, slapped his own benefit Ma ha birth, Tam Mieu rear triangle buddhas owned property being myriad, impossible attained, should man riding Meeting prime ministers also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! The user must know the expected flow flow possesses a wealth effect, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Thus Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No Full complete user No results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattvas, As countless hybrid ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding Mahayana impossible also obtained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! To know the name of a fictitious self-nonsense competition for ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Kill the unborn to know very, very pure immaculate, formless invisible because no ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Must know before mid prevented her after numerous ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Have known back very own, impossible attained, should man riding Mahayana majeure also obtained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Compassion Now! Must know walking very own, impossible attained, should man riding Mahayana also impossible attained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Unborn must know very own, impossible attained, should man riding Mahayana majeure also obtained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! To know up and down very own, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Extreme joy to know local property wealth, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Such sites Ly profiles, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, money local time, local Telecom operator, local estate, Compassion favored location, location and so very French property, impossibility attained, should man riding Meeting prime ministers also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Pure numerous local shops to know ownership, impossibility attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Thus strain local nature, to enable local, particular, is local, local Silver, Dispassion local, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata possesses numerous places, impossible attained, should man also riding Mahayana majeure attained. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Good time! Maturity to know very charming owner, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Compassion Now! Must know buddhaland strictly net property wealth, impossible attained, should man riding a prime Mahayana also impossible. Department why? Because ultimately this net. Then sir specific time Buddhist Compassion life that revered sir! Yet attained legal impossibility, impossible to say down all prime it? Buddha said: Good time! Down majeure nature attained, should say a prime intersection majeure, until nature is a prime author majeure, should say is a prime author majeure. Wherefore? Because nature is down to nature was not capable prime author, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Feet as a prime nature impossible, as impossible to say attained feet, until the true nature attain economic impossibility, so honest prime economic impossibility. Wherefore? Because such emptiness feet, until the true nature fact, neither was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature attain excellence, excellence should say impossible elected, until nature attained knowledge impossible, impossible elected official should say. Wherefore? Because identity to nature informal nature, nor was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature Made majeure prime label, the label should say prime origin impossible, to emptiness the prime origin impossible, impossible to tell the prime origin. Wherefore? Because of the nature of origin labels to the origin of such nature must have likely attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature Made Impossible attained excellence, excellence should say impossible prime origin, until nature attained legal impossibility origin, should say impossible favorable legal origin. Wherefore? Because nature nature legal identity to the land of origin is not already possible acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature perspective attained, should say prime perspective impossible, to emptiness label coy contact engenders the prime life impossible, the label should say grace born of contact makes life impossible attained. Wherefore? Because gender identity label to label contact coy nature engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Atrial nature attained gender impossible, impossible to say atrial attained gender, exposure to nature as charming atrium born the prime life impossible, to say coy born atrial contact the prime life impossible. Wherefore? Because gender identity to the nature of atrial atrial coy contact engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature billion attained gender, gender should say impossible prime rate, to contact coy nature billion engenders the prime life impossible, said percentage should contact coy majeure born of life attained. Wherefore? Because gender identity billion billion exposure to nature as grace born of life was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature damage attain gender Impossible, impossible to attain gender'm serious, emotional damage done to the coastal nature engenders the prime life impossible, say the damage should contact coy majeure born of life attained. Wherefore? Because damage gender identity to contact coy nature engenders loss of life attained not have possibilities, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature itself impossible attained gender, gender should say impossible elected body, to contact relatives coy nature engenders the prime life impossible, to say grace born of body contact as the prime life impossible. Wherefore? Because gender identity until relatives of body contact coy nature engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Attain the impossible nature world, the world should say impossible elected, until the emotional nature of life coy majeure born prime, so said the grace born of contact makes life impossible attained. Wherefore? Since the gender identity to the emotional nature of life as birth coast was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Boundaries majeure nature attained, boundaries should say impossible elected, until majeure attained gender identity, gender should say impossible attained. Wherefore? Because boundary nature to nature was capable of cognition, not elected, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Holy Roman Emperor suffering majeure nature attained, should say impossible suffering elected Holy Roman Emperor, to the Holy Roman Emperor majeure nature prime religion, religion should say impossible elected Holy Roman Emperor. Wherefore? Since suffering noble nature to nature noble religion was not a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Ignorance majeure nature attained, ignorance should say impossible elect, till old age and death nature melancholy admiration majeure suffering brain prime priority, should say melancholy admiration laozi majeure suffering brain prime priority. Wherefore? Because of the nature of ignorance to old age and death nature melancholy admiration did not suffer brain offers a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The impossibility illusory nature attained, the impossibility to say illusory prime, until metamorphosis majeure nature attained, should tell the prime transformation impossible. Wherefore? Because the illusory nature to nature has the ability to transform not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Not impossible to attain inner nature, not to say impossible elected cabinet, until unconscious nature nature not impossible prime, indefinite nature should say not impossible favorable nature. Wherefore? Because of the internal nature not until unconscious nature nature not have the possibility not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature alms pāramitā impossible attained, should say alms pāramitā majeure prime, until nature Prajnaparamita impossible attained, should say Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because nature pāramitā alms, until nature Prajnaparamita not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Contemplative nature majeure four elected, should say four prime contemplative impossible, until four formless nature impossible to attain, should say four formless impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because four contemplative nature until four formless nature was not able to attain, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness four pillars impossible concept attained, should say four cylinder majeure concept attained, until eight noble nature impossible acquisition expenses, to say eight noble GMT impossible attained. Wherefore? Because nature four cylinder concept until eight noble nature spending was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness liberation prime goal impossible, not to say impossible to attain the goal of liberation, for liberation vow to unconscious impossible goal attained, so very willingly say impossible goal attained liberation. Wherefore? Since emptiness liberation vow subject to unconscious liberation prime goal is not already available, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature of prime labels, the label should say impossible prime years. Emptiness six prime Kabbalah impossible to say six prime psychic impossibility. Wherefore? Because the nature of the label, six psychic nature has not obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Force majeure ten Buddha nature attained, should force majeure ten said Buddha attained, until nature necessarily impossible position prime minister should say necessarily prime minister impossible position. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddha nature, necessarily general nature to not have ability prime location, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Provision for bad guys to save interesting nature majeure being elected, to say who The Beast up being impossible elected, until the Buddha nature Tam Mieu rear triangle property acquisition being impossible, so the Buddha said Miss Tam Mieu Property triangle being impossible DAC. Wherefore? Since nature saved the Beast The delivery guys, the three shrines to Buddha nature Three post-organic momentum was likely born not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The flow direction The flow nature impossibility results obtained, so says The flow direction Impossible Project saved favorable results, the inability to attain emptiness As hybrid, hybrid impossible to say As prime. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results to nature as possible hybrid was not elected, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature lists the fictitious self Competition prime speech impossible, to say the fictitious name of self-examination set majeure prime words. Wherefore? As fictional character Competition title will not have the possibility speech acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! No kill unborn nature, immaculate very pure, unconditioned majeure formless prime, should say killing unborn wealth, immaculate very pure, unconditioned majeure formless prime. Wherefore? Because no kill unborn nature, immaculate very pure, formless invisible because neither was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature prevented her before mid next prime majeure, prevented her to say before mid-elected after majeure. Wherefore? Since the middle of nature prevented her before then have the possibility not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature retreat impossible to attain, should talk back to the impossibility attained. Wherefore? Because nature is not already available access to prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Compassion Now! Nature walk majeure attained, should say walking impossible attained. Wherefore? Because of the nature walk was not able attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature elect death and birth impossible, should say a prime element being impossible. Wherefore? Since nature has death and birth is not likely elect, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Increase or decrease majeure nature attained, should speak up and down impossible attained. Wherefore? Since nature has the possibility to increase or decrease not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Local nature majeure prime wedding Pole, Pole wedding should say impossible prime location, until the French character so impossible a prime location, so should speak French prime location impossible. Wherefore? Because local nature to nature wedding Pole France was not available so a prime location, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature shop majeure prime location, local shops should say impossible Pure prime, until local nature majeure Tathagata attained, should say impossible Tathagata prime location. Wherefore? Because the local mood to shop local nature Tathagata attained not already available, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Mature nature majeure prime charming, charming mature should say impossible attained. Wherefore? As charming mature nature was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Strictly net emptiness prime buddhaland impossible, to say strictly net favorable buddhaland impossible. Wherefore? Because nature is not strictly net buddhaland was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! An international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita attained within not impossible, to say and give to Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Until an international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita indefinite nature of nature is not impossible to attain, should say and give to Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Wherefore? As an international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, formless four internally not impossible to attain, should say four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four impossible to attain. Until four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, four formless nature of the indefinite nature impossible not attained, should say four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, formless four not this has the possibility of acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures among elected not impossible, to say four to eight cylinders for anniversary expenses majeure noble attained. Until emptiness four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent in the indefinite nature noble nature impossible not attained, should say four to eight anniversary noble office GMT impossible attained. Wherefore? Because nature four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent in this noble path was not able attain, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, carrots net drain so. Good time! Emptiness, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed within elect not impossible, to say no, formless, infinite willingness impossible goal attained liberation. Until emptiness, formless, infinite liberation vow indefinite nature subjects in nature not impossible attained, should say no, formless, infinite willingness impossible goal attained liberation. Wherefore? Because emptiness, formless, infinite subjects in this prayer of liberation has not obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature of the label, six internal psychic impossible not attained, the label should say five, six prime psychic impossibility. Until the nature of the label, six in the indefinite nature miracles are not impossible to attain the essence, the label should say five, six prime psychic impossibility. Wherefore? Because the nature of the label, six in this psychic ability is not already attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Buddha nature ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general resistance within no estate ability attained, should say to the Buddha ten necessarily force majeure prime minister position. Until the ten Buddha nature, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, located in a multitude necessarily Minister nature is not impossible nature attained, Buddha should say ten to necessarily force majeure prime minister position. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddha nature, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in this position such must have obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The flow direction Provision save nature fruit, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata attained within not impossible, Provision should speak up to save results to guide project Bodhisattva, Tathagata impossible to attain. Until nature Provision save up results oriented project, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Real Full Full results oriented Real, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata indefinite nature of nature not impossible to attain, so says the flow direction the flow until Bodhisattva results majeure Tathagata attained. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, bodhisattvas, the Tathagata in this was not likely prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Extreme joy nature address, address Separated structure, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, money local time, act local Telecommunications, Real location, location Thien Hue, French place internally so attained not impossible, to say French extreme joy to so local addresses majeure attained. Until local nature wedding Pole, structural Ly location, location Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France in indefinite nature so nature is not any ability attained, should say to the French Polar wedding location address majeure so appealing. Wherefore? Because the nature of Ultimate wedding location, location Ly profiles, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France so this is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature traditional culture, local United emptiness, to turn on location, location is particular, local Silver, Dispassion local, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address internally elect not impossible, to say the Pure restaurant local to local majeure Tathagata attained. Until Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, particular localities is Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address indefinite nature of nature is not impossible acquisition , should say Xu shop until Tathagata local addresses majeure attained. Wherefore? Because Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, places particular is, Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata did not address this possibility in a prime, not will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness charming mature within not impossible attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Until mature nature of the indefinite nature charming nature impossible not attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Wherefore? Because mature nature of this charming likely not have attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature buddhaland strictly net within impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Until serious nature of the indefinite nature buddhaland translational nature impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Wherefore? Because of the nature of this strictly net buddhaland not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Thus the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita, but all measures are consistent ownership, acquisition majeure, the ultimate net result, there is no man that rode that out to Mahayana. But bring wealth as a means to acquire, where Mahayana rode out the three worlds of birth and death to the place where Necessarily, happily benefit all sentient beings, supreme life in the future is often not an end all. Wherefore? Because such emptiness feet, until the true nature fact, neither was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature attain excellence, excellence should say impossible elected, until nature attained knowledge impossible, impossible elected official should say. Wherefore? Because identity to nature informal nature, nor was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature Made majeure prime label, the label should say prime origin impossible, to emptiness the prime origin impossible, impossible to tell the prime origin. Wherefore? Because of the nature of origin labels to the origin of such nature must have likely attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature Made Impossible attained excellence, excellence should say impossible prime origin, until nature attained legal impossibility origin, should say impossible favorable legal origin. Wherefore? Because nature nature legal identity to the land of origin is not already possible acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature perspective attained, should say prime perspective impossible, to emptiness label coy contact engenders the prime life impossible, the label should say grace born of contact makes life impossible attained. Wherefore? Because gender identity label to label contact coy nature engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Atrial nature attained gender impossible, impossible to say atrial attained gender, exposure to nature as charming atrium born the prime life impossible, to say coy born atrial contact the prime life impossible. Wherefore? Because gender identity to the nature of atrial atrial coy contact engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature billion attained gender, gender should say impossible prime rate, to contact coy nature billion engenders the prime life impossible, said percentage should contact coy majeure born of life attained. Wherefore? Because gender identity billion billion exposure to nature as grace born of life was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature damage attain gender Impossible, impossible to attain gender'm serious, emotional damage done to the coastal nature engenders the prime life impossible, say the damage should contact coy majeure born of life attained. Wherefore? Because damage gender identity to contact coy nature engenders loss of life attained not have possibilities, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature itself impossible attained gender, gender should say impossible elected body, to contact relatives coy nature engenders the prime life impossible, to say grace born of body contact as the prime life impossible. Wherefore? Because gender identity until relatives of body contact coy nature engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Attain the impossible nature world, the world should say impossible elected, until the emotional nature of life coy majeure born prime, so said the grace born of contact makes life impossible attained. Wherefore? Since the gender identity to the emotional nature of life as birth coast was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Boundaries majeure nature attained, boundaries should say impossible elected, until majeure attained gender identity, gender should say impossible attained. Wherefore? Because boundary nature to nature was capable of cognition, not elected, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Holy Roman Emperor suffering majeure nature attained, should say impossible suffering elected Holy Roman Emperor, to the Holy Roman Emperor majeure nature prime religion, religion should say impossible elected Holy Roman Emperor. Wherefore? Since suffering noble nature to nature noble religion was not a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Ignorance majeure nature attained, ignorance should say impossible elect, till old age and death nature melancholy admiration majeure suffering brain prime priority, should say melancholy admiration laozi majeure suffering brain prime priority. Wherefore? Because of the nature of ignorance to old age and death nature melancholy admiration did not suffer brain offers a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The impossibility illusory nature attained, the impossibility to say illusory prime, until metamorphosis majeure nature attained, should tell the prime transformation impossible. Wherefore? Because the illusory nature to nature has the ability to transform not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Not impossible to attain inner nature, not to say impossible elected cabinet, until unconscious nature nature not impossible prime, indefinite nature should say not impossible favorable nature. Wherefore? Because of the internal nature not until unconscious nature nature not have the possibility not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature alms pāramitā impossible attained, should say alms pāramitā majeure prime, until nature Prajnaparamita impossible attained, should say Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because nature pāramitā alms, until nature Prajnaparamita not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Contemplative nature majeure four elected, should say four prime contemplative impossible, until four formless nature impossible to attain, should say four formless impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because four contemplative nature until four formless nature was not able to attain, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness four pillars impossible concept attained, should say four cylinder majeure concept attained, until eight noble nature impossible acquisition expenses, to say eight noble GMT impossible attained. Wherefore? Because nature four cylinder concept until eight noble nature spending was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness liberation prime goal impossible, not to say impossible to attain the goal of liberation, for liberation vow to unconscious impossible goal attained, so very willingly say impossible goal attained liberation. Wherefore? Since emptiness liberation vow subject to unconscious liberation prime goal is not already available, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature of prime labels, the label should say impossible prime years. Emptiness six prime Kabbalah impossible to say six prime psychic impossibility. Wherefore? Because the nature of the label, six psychic nature has not obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Force majeure ten Buddha nature attained, should force majeure ten said Buddha attained, until nature necessarily impossible position prime minister should say necessarily prime minister impossible position. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddha nature, necessarily general nature to not have ability prime location, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Provision for bad guys to save interesting nature majeure being elected, to say who The Beast up being impossible elected, until the Buddha nature Tam Mieu rear triangle property acquisition being impossible, so the Buddha said Miss Tam Mieu Property triangle being impossible DAC. Wherefore? Since nature saved the Beast The delivery guys, the three shrines to Buddha nature Three post-organic momentum was likely born not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The flow direction The flow nature impossibility results obtained, so says The flow direction Impossible Project saved favorable results, the inability to attain emptiness As hybrid, hybrid impossible to say As prime. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results to nature as possible hybrid was not elected, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature lists the fictitious self Competition prime speech impossible, to say the fictitious name of self-examination set majeure prime words. Wherefore? As fictional character Competition title will not have the possibility speech acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! No kill unborn nature, immaculate very pure, unconditioned majeure formless prime, should say killing unborn wealth, immaculate very pure, unconditioned majeure formless prime. Wherefore? Because no kill unborn nature, immaculate very pure, formless invisible because neither was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature prevented her before mid next prime majeure, prevented her to say before mid-elected after majeure. Wherefore? Since the middle of nature prevented her before then have the possibility not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature retreat impossible to attain, should talk back to the impossibility attained. Wherefore? Because nature is not already available access to prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Compassion Now! Nature walk majeure attained, should say walking impossible attained. Wherefore? Because of the nature walk was not able attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature elect death and birth impossible, should say a prime element being impossible. Wherefore? Since nature has death and birth is not likely elect, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Increase or decrease majeure nature attained, should speak up and down impossible attained. Wherefore? Since nature has the possibility to increase or decrease not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Local nature majeure prime wedding Pole, Pole wedding should say impossible prime location, until the French character so impossible a prime location, so should speak French prime location impossible. Wherefore? Because local nature to nature wedding Pole France was not available so a prime location, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature shop majeure prime location, local shops should say impossible Pure prime, until local nature majeure Tathagata attained, should say impossible Tathagata prime location. Wherefore? Because the local mood to shop local nature Tathagata attained not already available, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Mature nature majeure prime charming, charming mature should say impossible attained. Wherefore? As charming mature nature was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Strictly net emptiness prime buddhaland impossible, to say strictly net favorable buddhaland impossible. Wherefore? Because nature is not strictly net buddhaland was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! An international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita attained within not impossible, to say and give to Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Until an international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita indefinite nature of nature is not impossible to attain, should say and give to Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Wherefore? As an international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, formless four internally not impossible to attain, should say four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four impossible to attain. Until four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, four formless nature of the indefinite nature impossible not attained, should say four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, formless four not this has the possibility of acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures among elected not impossible, to say four to eight cylinders for anniversary expenses majeure noble attained. Until emptiness four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent in the indefinite nature noble nature impossible not attained, should say four to eight anniversary noble office GMT impossible attained. Wherefore? Because nature four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent in this noble path was not able attain, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, carrots net drain so. Good time! Emptiness, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed within elect not impossible, to say no, formless, infinite willingness impossible goal attained liberation. Until emptiness, formless, infinite liberation vow indefinite nature subjects in nature not impossible attained, should say no, formless, infinite willingness impossible goal attained liberation. Wherefore? Because emptiness, formless, infinite subjects in this prayer of liberation has not obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature of the label, six internal psychic impossible not attained, the label should say five, six prime psychic impossibility. Until the nature of the label, six in the indefinite nature miracles are not impossible to attain the essence, the label should say five, six prime psychic impossibility. Wherefore? Because the nature of the label, six in this psychic ability is not already attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Buddha nature ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general resistance within no estate ability attained, should say to the Buddha ten necessarily force majeure prime minister position. Until the ten Buddha nature, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, located in a multitude necessarily Minister nature is not impossible nature attained, Buddha should say ten to necessarily force majeure prime minister position. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddha nature, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in this position such must have obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The flow direction Provision save nature fruit, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata attained within not impossible, Provision should speak up to save results to guide project Bodhisattva, Tathagata impossible to attain. Until nature Provision save up results oriented project, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Real Full Full results oriented Real, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata indefinite nature of nature not impossible to attain, so says the flow direction the flow until Bodhisattva results majeure Tathagata attained. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, bodhisattvas, the Tathagata in this was not likely prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Extreme joy nature address, address Separated structure, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, money local time, act local Telecommunications, Real location, location Thien Hue, French place internally so attained not impossible, to say French extreme joy to so local addresses majeure attained. Until local nature wedding Pole, structural Ly location, location Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France in indefinite nature so nature is not any ability attained, should say to the French Polar wedding location address majeure so appealing. Wherefore? Because the nature of Ultimate wedding location, location Ly profiles, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France so this is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature traditional culture, local United emptiness, to turn on location, location is particular, local Silver, Dispassion local, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address internally elect not impossible, to say the Pure restaurant local to local majeure Tathagata attained. Until Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, particular localities is Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address indefinite nature of nature is not impossible acquisition , should say Xu shop until Tathagata local addresses majeure attained. Wherefore? Because Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, places particular is, Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata did not address this possibility in a prime, not will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness charming mature within not impossible attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Until mature nature of the indefinite nature charming nature impossible not attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Wherefore? Because mature nature of this charming likely not have attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature buddhaland strictly net within impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Until serious nature of the indefinite nature buddhaland translational nature impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Wherefore? Because of the nature of this strictly net buddhaland not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Thus the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita, but all measures are consistent ownership, acquisition majeure, the ultimate net result, there is no man that rode that out to Mahayana. But bring wealth as a means to acquire, where Mahayana rode out the three worlds of birth and death to the place where Necessarily, happily benefit all sentient beings, supreme life in the future is often not an end all. Wherefore? Because such emptiness feet, until the true nature fact, neither was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature attain excellence, excellence should say impossible elected, until nature attained knowledge impossible, impossible elected official should say. Wherefore? Because identity to nature informal nature, nor was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature Made majeure prime label, the label should say prime origin impossible, to emptiness the prime origin impossible, impossible to tell the prime origin. Wherefore? Because of the nature of origin labels to the origin of such nature must have likely attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature Made Impossible attained excellence, excellence should say impossible prime origin, until nature attained legal impossibility origin, should say impossible favorable legal origin. Wherefore? Because nature nature legal identity to the land of origin is not already possible acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature perspective attained, should say prime perspective impossible, to emptiness label coy contact engenders the prime life impossible, the label should say grace born of contact makes life impossible attained. Wherefore? Because gender identity label to label contact coy nature engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Atrial nature attained gender impossible, impossible to say atrial attained gender, exposure to nature as charming atrium born the prime life impossible, to say coy born atrial contact the prime life impossible. Wherefore? Because gender identity to the nature of atrial atrial coy contact engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Majeure nature billion attained gender, gender should say impossible prime rate, to contact coy nature billion engenders the prime life impossible, said percentage should contact coy majeure born of life attained. Wherefore? Because gender identity billion billion exposure to nature as grace born of life was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature damage attain gender Impossible, impossible to attain gender'm serious, emotional damage done to the coastal nature engenders the prime life impossible, say the damage should contact coy majeure born of life attained. Wherefore? Because damage gender identity to contact coy nature engenders loss of life attained not have possibilities, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature itself impossible attained gender, gender should say impossible elected body, to contact relatives coy nature engenders the prime life impossible, to say grace born of body contact as the prime life impossible. Wherefore? Because gender identity until relatives of body contact coy nature engenders the possibilities life has not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Attain the impossible nature world, the world should say impossible elected, until the emotional nature of life coy majeure born prime, so said the grace born of contact makes life impossible attained. Wherefore? Since the gender identity to the emotional nature of life as birth coast was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Boundaries majeure nature attained, boundaries should say impossible elected, until majeure attained gender identity, gender should say impossible attained. Wherefore? Because boundary nature to nature was capable of cognition, not elected, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Holy Roman Emperor suffering majeure nature attained, should say impossible suffering elected Holy Roman Emperor, to the Holy Roman Emperor majeure nature prime religion, religion should say impossible elected Holy Roman Emperor. Wherefore? Since suffering noble nature to nature noble religion was not a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Ignorance majeure nature attained, ignorance should say impossible elect, till old age and death nature melancholy admiration majeure suffering brain prime priority, should say melancholy admiration laozi majeure suffering brain prime priority. Wherefore? Because of the nature of ignorance to old age and death nature melancholy admiration did not suffer brain offers a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The impossibility illusory nature attained, the impossibility to say illusory prime, until metamorphosis majeure nature attained, should tell the prime transformation impossible. Wherefore? Because the illusory nature to nature has the ability to transform not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Not impossible to attain inner nature, not to say impossible elected cabinet, until unconscious nature nature not impossible prime, indefinite nature should say not impossible favorable nature. Wherefore? Because of the internal nature not until unconscious nature nature not have the possibility not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature alms pāramitā impossible attained, should say alms pāramitā majeure prime, until nature Prajnaparamita impossible attained, should say Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because nature pāramitā alms, until nature Prajnaparamita not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Contemplative nature majeure four elected, should say four prime contemplative impossible, until four formless nature impossible to attain, should say four formless impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because four contemplative nature until four formless nature was not able to attain, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness four pillars impossible concept attained, should say four cylinder majeure concept attained, until eight noble nature impossible acquisition expenses, to say eight noble GMT impossible attained. Wherefore? Because nature four cylinder concept until eight noble nature spending was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness liberation prime goal impossible, not to say impossible to attain the goal of liberation, for liberation vow to unconscious impossible goal attained, so very willingly say impossible goal attained liberation. Wherefore? Since emptiness liberation vow subject to unconscious liberation prime goal is not already available, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate purification. Good time! Majeure nature of prime labels, the label should say impossible prime years. Emptiness six prime Kabbalah impossible to say six prime psychic impossibility. Wherefore? Because the nature of the label, six psychic nature has not obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Force majeure ten Buddha nature attained, should force majeure ten said Buddha attained, until nature necessarily impossible position prime minister should say necessarily prime minister impossible position. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddha nature, necessarily general nature to not have ability prime location, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Provision for bad guys to save interesting nature majeure being elected, to say who The Beast up being impossible elected, until the Buddha nature Tam Mieu rear triangle property acquisition being impossible, so the Buddha said Miss Tam Mieu Property triangle being impossible DAC. Wherefore? Since nature saved the Beast The delivery guys, the three shrines to Buddha nature Three post-organic momentum was likely born not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The flow direction The flow nature impossibility results obtained, so says The flow direction Impossible Project saved favorable results, the inability to attain emptiness As hybrid, hybrid impossible to say As prime. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results to nature as possible hybrid was not elected, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature lists the fictitious self Competition prime speech impossible, to say the fictitious name of self-examination set majeure prime words. Wherefore? As fictional character Competition title will not have the possibility speech acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! No kill unborn nature, immaculate very pure, unconditioned majeure formless prime, should say killing unborn wealth, immaculate very pure, unconditioned majeure formless prime. Wherefore? Because no kill unborn nature, immaculate very pure, formless invisible because neither was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature prevented her before mid next prime majeure, prevented her to say before mid-elected after majeure. Wherefore? Since the middle of nature prevented her before then have the possibility not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature retreat impossible to attain, should talk back to the impossibility attained. Wherefore? Because nature is not already available access to prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Compassion Now! Nature walk majeure attained, should say walking impossible attained. Wherefore? Because of the nature walk was not able attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature elect death and birth impossible, should say a prime element being impossible. Wherefore? Since nature has death and birth is not likely elect, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Increase or decrease majeure nature attained, should speak up and down impossible attained. Wherefore? Since nature has the possibility to increase or decrease not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Local nature majeure prime wedding Pole, Pole wedding should say impossible prime location, until the French character so impossible a prime location, so should speak French prime location impossible. Wherefore? Because local nature to nature wedding Pole France was not available so a prime location, will likely not favorable, not favorable now available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature shop majeure prime location, local shops should say impossible Pure prime, until local nature majeure Tathagata attained, should say impossible Tathagata prime location. Wherefore? Because the local mood to shop local nature Tathagata attained not already available, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Mature nature majeure prime charming, charming mature should say impossible attained. Wherefore? As charming mature nature was likely not attained, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Strictly net emptiness prime buddhaland impossible, to say strictly net favorable buddhaland impossible. Wherefore? Because nature is not strictly net buddhaland was likely obtained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! An international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita attained within not impossible, to say and give to Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Until an international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita indefinite nature of nature is not impossible to attain, should say and give to Prajnaparamita impossible to attain. Wherefore? As an international nature pure alms diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, formless four internally not impossible to attain, should say four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four impossible to attain. Until four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, four formless nature of the indefinite nature impossible not attained, should say four contemplative, four immeasurable, formless four impossible to attain. Wherefore? Because four contemplative nature, four immeasurable, formless four not this has the possibility of acquisition, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble expenditures among elected not impossible, to say four to eight cylinders for anniversary expenses majeure noble attained. Until emptiness four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent in the indefinite nature noble nature impossible not attained, should say four to eight anniversary noble office GMT impossible attained. Wherefore? Because nature four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight spent in this noble path was not able attain, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, carrots net drain so. Good time! Emptiness, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed within elect not impossible, to say no, formless, infinite willingness impossible goal attained liberation. Until emptiness, formless, infinite liberation vow indefinite nature subjects in nature not impossible attained, should say no, formless, infinite willingness impossible goal attained liberation. Wherefore? Because emptiness, formless, infinite subjects in this prayer of liberation has not obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature of the label, six internal psychic impossible not attained, the label should say five, six prime psychic impossibility. Until the nature of the label, six in the indefinite nature miracles are not impossible to attain the essence, the label should say five, six prime psychic impossibility. Wherefore? Because the nature of the label, six in this psychic ability is not already attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Buddha nature ten forces, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general resistance within no estate ability attained, should say to the Buddha ten necessarily force majeure prime minister position. Until the ten Buddha nature, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, located in a multitude necessarily Minister nature is not impossible nature attained, Buddha should say ten to necessarily force majeure prime minister position. Wherefore? Since the ten Buddha nature, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, Hy, college discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community, where necessary, the director general position, necessarily general in this position such must have obtained the ability, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! The flow direction Provision save nature fruit, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata attained within not impossible, the flow direction Provision should say up until results Bodhisattva, Tathagata impossible to attain. Until nature Provision save up results oriented project, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, Real Full Full results oriented Real, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, Bodhisattva, Tathagata indefinite nature of nature not impossible to attain, so says the flow direction the flow until Bodhisattva results majeure Tathagata attained. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, bodhisattvas, the Tathagata in this was not likely prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Extreme joy nature address, address Separated structure, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, money local time, act local Telecommunications, Real location, location Thien Hue, French place internally so attained not impossible, to say French extreme joy to so local addresses majeure attained. Until local nature wedding Pole, structural Ly location, location Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France in indefinite nature so nature is not any ability attained, should say to the French Polar wedding location address majeure so appealing. Wherefore? Because the nature of Ultimate wedding location, location Ly profiles, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France so this is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature traditional culture, local United emptiness, to turn on location, location is particular, local Silver, Dispassion local, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address internally elect not impossible, to say the Pure restaurant local to local majeure Tathagata attained. Until Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, particular localities is Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address indefinite nature of nature is not impossible acquisition , should say Xu shop until Tathagata local addresses majeure attained. Wherefore? Because Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, places particular is, Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata did not address this possibility in a prime, not will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness charming mature within not impossible attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Until mature nature of the indefinite nature charming nature impossible not attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Wherefore? Because mature nature of this charming likely not have attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature buddhaland strictly net within impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Until serious nature of the indefinite nature buddhaland translational nature impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Wherefore? Because of the nature of this strictly net buddhaland not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Thus the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita, but all measures are consistent ownership, acquisition majeure, the ultimate net result, there is no man that rode that out to Mahayana. But bring wealth as a means to acquire, where Mahayana rode out the three worlds of birth and death to the place where Necessarily, happily benefit all sentient beings, supreme life in the future is often not an end all. Tathagata indefinite nature of nature is not impossible to attain, so says The flow direction The flow until Bodhisattva results majeure Tathagata attained. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, bodhisattvas, the Tathagata in this was not likely prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Extreme joy nature address, address Separated structure, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, money local time, act local Telecommunications, Real location, location Thien Hue, French place internally so attained not impossible, to say French extreme joy to so local addresses majeure attained. Until local nature wedding Pole, structural Ly location, location Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France in indefinite nature so nature is not any ability attained, should say to the French Polar wedding location address majeure so appealing. Wherefore? Because the nature of Ultimate wedding location, location Ly profiles, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France so this is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature traditional culture, local United emptiness, to turn on location, location is particular, local Silver, Dispassion local, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address internally elect not impossible, to say the Pure restaurant local to local majeure Tathagata attained. Until Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, particular localities is Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address indefinite nature of nature is not impossible acquisition , should say Xu shop until Tathagata local addresses majeure attained. Wherefore? Because Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, places particular is, Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata did not address this possibility in a prime, not will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness charming mature within not impossible attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Until mature nature of the indefinite nature charming nature impossible not attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Wherefore? Because mature nature of this charming likely not have attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature buddhaland strictly net within impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Until serious nature of the indefinite nature buddhaland translational nature impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Wherefore? Because of the nature of this strictly net buddhaland not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Thus the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita, but all measures are consistent ownership, acquisition majeure, the ultimate net result, there is no man that rode that out to Mahayana. But bring wealth as a means to acquire, where Mahayana rode out the three worlds of birth and death to the place where Necessarily, happily benefit all sentient beings, supreme life in the future is often not an end all. Tathagata indefinite nature of nature is not impossible to attain, so says The flow direction The flow until Bodhisattva results majeure Tathagata attained. Wherefore? Since nature saved towards a Stream project results, Nhat Nhat crossbred hybrid fruit, No refund No refund direction results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo, fruit unicorn unicorn direction, bodhisattvas, the Tathagata in this was not likely prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Extreme joy nature address, address Separated structure, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, money local time, act local Telecommunications, Real location, location Thien Hue, French place internally so attained not impossible, to say French extreme joy to so local addresses majeure attained. Until local nature wedding Pole, structural Ly location, location Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France in indefinite nature so nature is not any ability attained, should say to the French Polar wedding location address majeure so appealing. Wherefore? Because the nature of Ultimate wedding location, location Ly profiles, local Luminescence, favored local Diem, Local Pole wins nan, local time money, Far local executive, local estate, Compassion favored location, location France so this is not already available in prime, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Pure nature traditional culture, local United emptiness, to turn on location, location is particular, local Silver, Dispassion local, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address internally elect not impossible, to say the Pure restaurant local to local majeure Tathagata attained. Until Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, particular localities is Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata address indefinite nature of nature is not impossible acquisition , should say Xu shop until Tathagata local addresses majeure attained. Wherefore? Because Pure nature traditional culture, local Race nature, to enable local, places particular is, Silver location, location Dispassion, local seafarers, unicorn address, address Bodhisattva, Tathagata did not address this possibility in a prime, not will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Emptiness charming mature within not impossible attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Until mature nature of the indefinite nature charming nature impossible not attained, should say maturity attained charming majeure. Wherefore? Because mature nature of this charming likely not have attained, neither will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Nature buddhaland strictly net within impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Until serious nature of the indefinite nature buddhaland translational nature impossible not attained, should say impossible buddhaland strictly net realized. Wherefore? Because of the nature of this strictly net buddhaland not have a prime possibility, nor will likely elect, elect not currently available, so ultimate net. Good time! Thus the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita, but all measures are consistent ownership, acquisition majeure, the ultimate net result, there is no man that rode that out to Mahayana. But bring wealth as a means to acquire, where Mahayana rode out the three worlds of birth and death to the place where Necessarily, happily benefit all sentient beings, supreme life in the future is often not an end all.

First Assembly
Brand Praise Mahayana
Saturday 16-1

Now, sir specific time Buddhist Compassion life that revered sir! Said Mahayana, Mahayana who rode all the world beyond the horizon, people, a factor all optimistic, very religious so wonderful. Mahayana so with equal nowhere. For example, nowhere throughout bosses includes numerous features infinite beings. Mahayana, too, throughout the performance includes numerous bosses boundless beings. Again like nothing, no future not the past not quite found office. Mahayana too, not past the not quite find no office. Again like nothing, short front edge between them impossible after acquisition. Ð? I admit, too, prevented her before after between them impossible attained. Three equal partners should be called Mahayana! Buddha said: Good time! So, so. You just say the word. Mahayana bodhisattvas enough merit such boundless all. Compassion Now! Mahayana as such, must know that is pure precepts alms diligent security ring contemplative Prajnaparamita. Again, Compassion Show! Mahayana thus do not have to know that is internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, very variable not allergic, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature not all. again, Good Show! Mahayana Such acts must know that is Sue tam ma place, until Immaculate ago ma tam place like nowhere else, boundless hundred thousand subjects tam ma place. Again, Good Show! Mahayana thus must know concepts ie four cylinders, four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble path. Again, Good Show! Mahayana thus to know ma tam ie three to eighteen legal address any Buddhist community. Again, Compassion Show! Mahayana thus must know the momentum that is written all ni la, la ni all technical momentum. Compassion Now! Such boundless all merit wins. Must know Bodhisattvas are Mahayana Ma ha slapped. Again, Compassion Show! You say Mahayana beyond all worldly heaven, people, a factor all optimistic, very religious are leading the way. So, so. As the man said. Department why? Compassion Now! If Education is the feet as such realms falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, is probably true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By plane Education not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , beyond all worldly heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If Sac and Immaterial realms such as the feet, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By plane Sac and Immaterial not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If the feet as sharp, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By not feet as sharp, as falsehoods, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is not so true nature, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all of earth, sky, people , a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If life is a great operator feet as informal, not falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, is probably true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By operating life thought not feet as a form, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so here is religious Mahayana is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If labeled as originating foot, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By labels such origin not feet, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If the atrial rate itself the land of foot damage such, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Because the origin of atrial rate itself not damage feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not true, it should Mahayana is respected as outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If the origin of the feet as sharp, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By origin not feet as sharp, as falsehoods, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If bars taste like feet touched the land of law, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By contact bars taste like feet not legal origin, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not true, it should Mahayana is respected as outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If such perspective foot, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, is probably true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, with his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By label instructions not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label coy contact engenders the feeling that his feet are like, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not exceeding more than all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. By gender identity, gender consciousness and label contact, label coy emotional life was not born the feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with variable change , qualities that are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If the feet as atrial world, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By atrial feet as presented is not, as falsehoods, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the feeling that his feet are like, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born feet as the life was not, as falsehoods, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, there are variables that change , qualities that are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If the world's billion feet as, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, is probably true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, with his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Because neither gender billion feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If the fragrance world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the feeling that his feet are like, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion grace born of life do not like feet, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, there are variables that change , qualities that are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If damage is presented as the feet, such falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By damage to the feet such as gender, are falsehoods, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If the world, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, emotional damage as a charm born of life such as the feet, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By your gender, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy born tho, not feet as ï, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with variations have changed, so have no real identity, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If the client is presented with such feet, such falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By themselves neither feet as gender, are falsehoods, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , beyond all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If contact gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as the life is predestined born feet as, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, is probably true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By exposure gender, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of life not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure, not really, not usually, not constant, with variations have changed, so have no real identity, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If the world is such feet, such falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Because the world is not like feet, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If the legal world, consciousness and the emotional world, the fate being out of touch as his feet are like life is, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By France, consciousness and the emotional world, the fate being out of touch do not have feet like life, is a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, there are variables that change , qualities that are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If boundaries are like feet, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By boundaries not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If feng shui fire is not gender feet as, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. Feng shui fire by not gender not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not true, it should Mahayana is respected as outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Good time! If ignorance is his feet are like, no falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, that sure is true, there is usually constant, not variable constant, his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By ignorance not feet as, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not sure there is no truth, there is often not constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so this is the Mahayana Buddhist religion is magic , besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications. Compassion Now! If, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, aging brain death is sad admiration feet as suffering advantages, such falsehoods, not crazy, not hypothetical, is probably true , there is usually constant, not variable constant, with his true nature. Mahayana time here is not religious, not magic, not beyond all earth, sky, people, a factor all communications. By, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration not suffering brain feet as a priority, a delusion, is crazy, is hypothetical, not to make such truth is not always constant, with changing variables, such qualities are not real, so here is religious Mahayana is outstanding, besting all the world, heaven, people, a factor all communications.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH  CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.15/6/2016.MHDT.

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