Tuesday, 21 June 2016

Maha Prajnaparamita - Episode 3

Writing Thursday 71: Hoi Quan Hanh Deputy First Product 19-2

Venerable sir! Giving pāramitā real being, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita real being, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with any living being without two, not two; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with any living being does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So giving birth pāramitā estate, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita real being, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative real being, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four to any living being, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Because four real being contemplative with no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, formless four real being intent with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative real being, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four to any living being, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight rescue any living being, not the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since the re-liberation with real being no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Made with real being there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So eight rescue any living being, when neither the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four birth anniversary estate office, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spending real being, neither the district four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with any birth anniversary no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for expenses along with any noble birth does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So unborn four cylinder concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight noble piece for any living expenses, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not liberated subjects with real being no two, no two parts; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed along with any living being does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So no real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; Relics Death! Relics Death! Relics Death! Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So giving birth pāramitā estate, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita real being, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative real being, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four to any living being, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Because four real being contemplative with no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, formless four real being intent with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative real being, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four to any living being, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight rescue any living being, not the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since the re-liberation with real being no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Made with real being there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So eight rescue any living being, when neither the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four birth anniversary estate office, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spending real being, neither the district four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with any birth anniversary no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for expenses along with any noble birth does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So unborn four cylinder concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight noble piece for any living expenses, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not liberated subjects with real being no two, no two parts; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed along with any living being does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So no real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! Relics Death! Relics Death! Relics Death! Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So giving birth pāramitā estate, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita real being, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative real being, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four to any living being, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Because four real being contemplative with no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, formless four real being intent with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative real being, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four to any living being, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight rescue any living being, not the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since the re-liberation with real being no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Made with real being there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So eight rescue any living being, when neither the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four birth anniversary estate office, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spending real being, neither the district four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with any birth anniversary no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for expenses along with any noble birth does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So unborn four cylinder concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight noble piece for any living expenses, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not liberated subjects with real being no two, no two parts; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed along with any living being does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So no real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! Relics Death! Relics Death! Relics Death! filed nine minutes on, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since the re-liberation with real being no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Made with real being there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So eight rescue any living being, when neither the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four birth anniversary estate office, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spending real being, neither the district four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with any birth anniversary no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for expenses along with any noble birth does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So unborn four cylinder concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight noble piece for any living expenses, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not liberated subjects with real being no two, no two parts; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed along with any living being does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So no real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; Relics Death! Relics Death! Relics Death! filed nine minutes on, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since the re-liberation with real being no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Made with real being there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So eight rescue any living being, when neither the eight freed; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables unborn origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four birth anniversary estate office, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spending real being, neither the district four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with any birth anniversary no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for expenses along with any noble birth does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So unborn four cylinder concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight noble piece for any living expenses, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not liberated subjects with real being no two, no two parts; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed along with any living being does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So no real being liberated subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite real being voluntarily liberated subjects, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; Relics Death! Relics Death! Relics Death! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, there is no legal error so.Bach Exalted! Billion into the world duality, no error of law; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Damage to the duality world, no error of law; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy engenders life in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Monkey World in duality, no error of law; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! The world in duality, no error of law; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact coy born in duality of life, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Boundaries in duality, no error of law; feng shui does not fire on gender duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Truths of Suffering in duality, no error of law; Holy Roman Emperor to destroy collective duality religion, no error of law. Venerable sir! Ignorance on duality, no error of law; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Cabinet not in duality, no error of law; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature of the target non-dual nature, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Relics Death! Relics Death! Relics Death! Five labels real being, not a four-year period the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? As with any birth year mark without the two, not two; Kabbalah six with real being no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So whatever the label year of birth, the time is not in the label; six real being psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten unborn force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma any real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Department why? As with any force Buddhist ten being no two, no two parts; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with any living being without two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the ten unborn Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha for any legal eighteen plus real being, time is not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Feet as a real being, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible real being, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? As with any birth feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible real being presented no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So feet as a real being, not feet as time; French border to any sentient incredible estate, the legal world is not incredible to any gender. White Exalted! Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? Since the Supreme Chief of class along with any birth Bodhi no two, no two parts; where necessary, general director position, necessarily Minister along with any birth place without the two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief unborn Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; where necessary, general director position, being necessarily general anywhere, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is real danger, with no second birth, not of two parts; constant nature office real being discharged with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is danger, real being, the loss was not in vain measures; constant discharge of any living being cylindrical nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la real being, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects momentum ni la Real born with no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with no two real being, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-binary real being non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la unborn momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects regardless of birth, the time is not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Immortal identity, time is not sharp; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, there is no legal error so.Bach Exalted! Billion into the world duality, no error of law; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Damage to the duality world, no error of law; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy engenders life in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Monkey World in duality, no error of law; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! The world in duality, no error of law; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact coy born in duality of life, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Boundaries in duality, no error of law; feng shui does not fire on gender duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Truths of Suffering in duality, no error of law; Holy Roman Emperor to destroy collective duality religion, no error of law. Venerable sir! Ignorance on duality, no error of law; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Cabinet not in duality, no error of law; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature of the target non-dual nature, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked. operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, there is no legal error so.Bach Exalted! Billion into the world duality, no error of law; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Damage to the duality world, no error of law; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy engenders life in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Monkey World in duality, no error of law; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! The world in duality, no error of law; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact coy born in duality of life, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Boundaries in duality, no error of law; feng shui does not fire on gender duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Truths of Suffering in duality, no error of law; Holy Roman Emperor to destroy collective duality religion, no error of law. Venerable sir! Ignorance on duality, no error of law; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Cabinet not in duality, no error of law; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature of the target non-dual nature, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked. operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. Department why? As with eternal identity no two, no two parts; operating life thought immortal form with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal identity, the identity is not; operating life thought immortal formula, the formula is not operating life thought. White Exalted! Labels Made immortal, the origin is not labeled; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, operating time is not a great life form. Department why? Because along with the eternal origin label does not have two, not two; Atrial billion loss the parish itself with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So immortal origin label, the label is not origin; atrial rate itself the land of eternal loss, the loss is not itself the origin of atrial rate. White Exalted! Made immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; legal bar emotional flavor Origin immortality, the contact is not legal origin flavor bar. Department why? Because the identity of origin with immortality no two, no two parts; bars taste Made contact with the eternal law does not have two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Origin immortal identity, time of origin is not sharp; Made contact flavor legal bar immortal, time not contact legal bar Origin flavor. White Exalted! Eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label generates immortal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. Department why? Because along with the eternal perspective there are two, not two; gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent with eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity to mark the birth coy contact eternal life, time is not gender identity to mark the contact as interdependent life. White Exalted! Atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born of immortal life, the world does not have to stick to contact coy atrial born of life. Department why? Because atrial world with undying no two, no two parts; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So atrial immortal world, the world is not atrium; atrium bar until contact made ​​world charm born of immortal life, the world does not have to pay for making contact to the charming atrium born of life. White Exalted! Rate immortal world, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Department why? Because the world with everlasting flavor without the two, not two; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. Therefore billion immortal world, the world is not billions; contact international flavor to rate coy born of immortal life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. White Exalted! Damage immortal world, the world is not lost; your gender, injury and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage done to the coast killing eternal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. Department why? Because the damage to the immortal world and there are not two, not two; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So damage immortal world, the world is not lost; until the damage to your emotional world as grace born of immortal life, the world is not what you do to the emotional damage grace born of life. White Exalted! World immortal body, the body is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Department why? Because the world with immortal body are not two, not two; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So gender immortal body, the body is not gender; exposure to body contact as world charm born of immortal life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. White Exalted! The eternal world, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes grace born of immortal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. Department why? As the world with undying no two, no two parts; until the legal world as dependent arising out of contact with the eternal life are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the eternal world, time is not the world; until the legal world as predestined contact engenders the eternal life, the legal world is not touched until the birth of life coy. White Exalted! Eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. Department why? Because boundaries with immortality no two, no two parts; no cognitive style hydration along with undying no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eternal boundaries, the boundaries not; Fire hydro cognitive style not immortal, not hydro-fire period style not gender. White Exalted! Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. Department why? Since suffering with eternal Truths are not two, not two; Removal practice religion with eternal Truths are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So Truths eternal suffering, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Removal collective Truths eternal religion, the religion is not set kill Truths. White Exalted! Ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, prime, organic, destroyed, aged between six undying admiration brain size advantages, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. Department why? Because ignorance with immortality no two, no two parts; out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So ignorance immortal, time is not ignorance; out until old age and death benefits sorrow suffering brain undying admiration, time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Cabinet is not immortal, not the internal time is not; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, there is no legal error so.Bach Exalted! Billion into the world duality, no error of law; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Damage to the duality world, no error of law; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy engenders life in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Monkey World in duality, no error of law; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! The world in duality, no error of law; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact coy born in duality of life, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Boundaries in duality, no error of law; feng shui does not fire on gender duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Truths of Suffering in duality, no error of law; Holy Roman Emperor to destroy collective duality religion, no error of law. Venerable sir! Ignorance on duality, no error of law; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Cabinet not in duality, no error of law; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature of the target non-dual nature, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked. Impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, there is no legal error so.Bach Exalted! Billion into the world duality, no error of law; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Damage to the duality world, no error of law; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy engenders life in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Monkey World in duality, no error of law; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! The world in duality, no error of law; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact coy born in duality of life, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Boundaries in duality, no error of law; feng shui does not fire on gender duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Truths of Suffering in duality, no error of law; Holy Roman Emperor to destroy collective duality religion, no error of law. Venerable sir! Ignorance on duality, no error of law; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Cabinet not in duality, no error of law; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature of the target non-dual nature, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked. Impossible not attained, no emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. Department why? Because not with eternal inner are not two, not two; Foreign not until indefinite nature with nature is not immortal no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So cabinet not immortal, not the internal time is not; Foreign not until very nature not eternal nature, time is not foreign to the very nature itself is not emptiness. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. Department why? Since giving pāramitā with immortality no two, no two parts; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So giving pāramitā immortal, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita immortality, the police is not pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless. Department why? Since four contemplative with immortality no two, no two parts; four immeasurable, the four formless eternal with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four contemplative immortal, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, the eternal formless four, not four immeasurable time, the four formless revered sir! Eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Department why? Since re freed immortality with no two, no two parts; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables with eternal origin are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So eight freed immortality, time is not freed eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables eternal origin, the origin is not eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten variables Origin. White Exalted! Four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment College, spent eight noble immortality, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. Department why? Because four cylinder with undying notion that no two, no two parts; district four to eight segments for noble spending eternity with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So four pillars eternal concept, the concept is not the four pillars; district four to eight segments for directing expenditures immortal saints, the district is not four to eight segments for noble limbs. White Exalted! No liberation immortal subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Department why? Because not freed immortality subjects with no two, no two parts; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subjects with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So not freed immortality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite liberation vow eternal subject, the time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. White Exalted! Five labels immortal, not four years time the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. Department why? Because of the label along with immortality no two, no two parts; six immortal psychic with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So in the label immortal, time is not in the label; six immortal psychic, psychic time not six. White Exalted! Buddha ten immortal force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, any Buddhist community legal eighteen immortal, not four very basis of Captain till eighteen Buddha estate legal services. Department why? Because Buddha ten with undying force without the two, not two; no basis for four to eighteen Captain Buddha estate legal community along with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the ten eternal Buddha, the Buddha is not ten power; Four legions of Buddha to any public legal eighteen immortal, time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen. Bach Exalted! Such immortal feet, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, anti-separatist nature, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender immortal incredible, the legal world is not for incredible to any gender. Department why? Because along with the immortal feet as there are not two, not two; to any legal world with incredible eternal world there are not two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So as immortal feet, not feet as time; to any legal world incredible eternal world, time is not on any legal world for incredible sex. White Exalted! Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. Department why? As Chief Supreme Bodhi College with immortality no two, no two parts; omniscience, where religion minister, minister necessarily eternal place with no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So the Supreme Chief immortal Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location immortal necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French vain eternal loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. Department why? Because nothing is eternal danger, with no two, no two parts; Nature constant discharge along with eternal universe no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So nothing is eternal death loss, the loss is not in vain measures; every cylinder exhaust immortal nature, the nature is not constant exhaust cylinder. White Exalted! All technical momentum ni la eternal, time is not all technical momentum ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not address all subjects ma tam. Department why? Since all subjects ni la momentum with immortality no two, no two parts; ma tam address all subjects with immortality no two, not two. Wherefore? Because most non-legal non-sensitive immortal non-allergic non-majority. So all subjects ni la immortal momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; ma tam address all subjects immortal, time not all subjects tam ma place. White Exalted! Sac duality, time is not sharp; operating life thought duality mode, the operating mode is not a great feeling. Venerable sir! Labels of origin duality, not label the origin; atrial rate itself the land of duality damage the body is not the origin of atrial billion loss. Venerable sir! Made duality identity, time of origin is not sharp; Origin flavor legal bar duality contact, the contact does not have to pay the legal origin flavor. White Exalted! Non-dual perspective, the world is not labeled; gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy emotional duality of life, time is not gender identity to mark the birth coy emotional life. Venerable sir! Atrial world duality, the world did not have atrial; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy born the duality of life is not presented to the atrium bar touched the life coy born. White Exalted! Billion world duality, the world is not billions; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional billion coy born of duality life, the world is not native to the coastal billion exposure as born of Life. Venerable sir! Damage world duality, the world is not lost; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact makes life charming duality engenders the world not to damage your fate being out of contact work life. White Exalted! Duality of body, time itself is not gender; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born of duality life, the world is not exposed to body contact as grace born of life. Venerable sir! The world duality, time is not the world; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact makes life charming duality engenders the same time not to the legal world as a charm born of emotional life. White Exalted! Boundaries duality, the boundary is not; feng shui fire not gender duality, the fire feng shui is not no gender. Venerable sir! Suffering Truths duality, the Holy Roman Emperor was not suffering; Holy Roman Emperor directing collective duality kill time not set kill noble religion. White Exalted! Ignorance duality, time is not ignorance; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain duality, the time is not out until old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size. White Exalted! Internal no duality, no time is not internal; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature nature no duality, no time is not internal to the indefinite nature of emptiness itself. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā duality, time not giving pāramitā; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita duality, the security ring is not pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita. Venerable sir! Four contemplative duality, not four contemplative time; four immeasurable, formless four times the duality not four immeasurable, formless four provisions. White Exalted! Eight non-dual liberation, liberation of not eight; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten duality variables origin, date of origin is not eight wins, nine minutes filed to ten variable origin. Venerable sir! Four pillars duality concept, the concept is not the four pillars; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight holy duality of direct expenditure is not until paragraph four district spent eight noble revered sir! No liberation duality subjects, the subjects did not liberate; formless, infinite duality subjects deliverance prayer, time is not formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Five labels duality, when not in the label; Kabbalah duality six times six is not psychic. Venerable sir! Buddha ten duality force, the force is not Buddha ten; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any legal duality Buddha, the time was not until four legions of Buddha estate legal community eighteen revered sir! Chon as enable binary, not feet as time; France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, the legal world is not for Real world to incredible revered sir! Supreme Chief duality Bodhi College, the College is not the Chief Supreme Bodhi; omniscience, director general location, location duality necessarily general, not necessarily the location, location directing minister, minister necessarily place. White Exalted! French Interior vain duality, the interior is not legal in vain; Nature constant duality discharge cylinder, the cylinder is not constant discharge nature. Venerable sir! All subjects duality ni la momentum, the momentum was not all subjects ni la; all ma tam address the subject duality ma tam not address all subjects. White Exalted! Sac in duality, no error of law; operating life thought in duality mode, no error of law. Venerable sir! The label Made in duality, no error of law; the parish itself atria billion loss in duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Perspective on duality, no error of law; gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional posturing label born into the duality of life, there is no error of law. Venerable sir! Atrial gender duality, no error of law; bars gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law; Made contact legal bar to taste duality, there is no legal error so.Bach Exalted! Billion into the world duality, no error of law; incense world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Damage to the duality world, no error of law; gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy engenders life in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Monkey World in duality, no error of law; sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy expectancy at birth of duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! The world in duality, no error of law; France, gender awareness and the contact, the contact coy born in duality of life, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Boundaries in duality, no error of law; feng shui does not fire on gender duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Truths of Suffering in duality, no error of law; Holy Roman Emperor to destroy collective duality religion, no error of law. Venerable sir! Ignorance on duality, no error of law; , consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Cabinet not in duality, no error of law; not foreign, interior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, community minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature of the target non-dual nature, there is no error of law. White Exalted! Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked. Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked. Giving pāramitā on duality, no error of law; Security ring pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four contemplative in duality, no error of law; four immeasurable, formless four provisions in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Eight freed on duality, no error of law; Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, ten turn the land into non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Four-cylinder in-duality concept, no error of law; four main sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent on non-duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Not subject to the duality of liberation, there is no error of law; formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed on duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Five labels on duality, no error of law; Kabbalah six in duality, no error of law. White Exalted! Buddha ten forces in duality, no error of law; legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! Chon as on duality, no error of law; France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender duality incredible, no error of law. White Exalted! Supreme Chief Bodhi College in duality, no error of law; omniscience, director general location, location necessarily general in duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! France vain losses on non-duality, no error of law; every pillar nature discharged into duality, no error of law. Venerable sir! All subjects ni la momentum into duality, no error of law; ma tam address all subjects in duality, no error of law. Then ask Thien Tu Relic Show, saying, Tell the Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped when practice Prajnaparamita shop was legal. Why call Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva? Star called Prajnaparamita? Why call this restaurant the other legal entities? Then crude instrument response time Tu relics that: As the word venerable Bodhisattva asked why call her Ma ha slapped. Relics Death! As sentient kind Great Bodhi Bridge, also called the Bodhisattva Bodhi should. Realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked, so called Ma ha slapped again. Relics wondering: Why Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped, realistic energy minister said that such measures approved all wrecked? Compassion response time: relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors without approval wrecked minister. Lifelike sensations and perceptions minister said that such acts approved formula wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approval wrecked origin label. Said Minister realistic body damage atrial rate mortgage the land, which did not wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike colors parish minister approved without sinking. As Minister bar taste really know the land where such methods approved exposure wrecked.

Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped realistic perspective without approval Minister wrecked. Lifelike said Minister gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label generates contact coy accept life without sinking. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such approved atrial wrecked world. Gender minister said lifelike sound, cognition, and atrial atrial contact, ear contact coy born the sinking feeling that such approval. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped realistic world know that such general acceptance rate sank. Said Minister taste like the real world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the sinking feeling that such approval. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped realistic world know that such general acceptance wrecked damage. As your true gender minister said, the damage and loss of cognition, emotional, emotional damage coy born the sinking feeling that such approval. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped realistic world know that such general acceptance immerse themselves. World known as real contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy born the sinking feeling that such approval. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said the world without approval wrecked. General legal world as they really know, consciousness and the emotional world, the fate being out of contact made ​​without approval wrecked life. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped realistic boundaries minister said that such approval wrecked. Water, fire minister said lifelike style that did not accept wrecked gender. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such noble acceptance of suffering shipwreck. Removal realistic training director general said that such approval wrecked Holy Roman Emperor. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such ignorance accept wrecked. As said Minister truth, consciousness, and matter, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration suffering brain without approval wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike cabinet minister does not know that such approval wrecked. As foreign minister does not know the truth, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature itself sinking emptiness without approval. relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike minister pāramitā alms without approval wrecked. NET world known as real security minister diligent ring contemplative Prajnaparamita approved without sinking. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike minister approved four contemplative without sinking. As true minister said four immeasurable, formless four wrecked on without approval. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike Minister approved eight freed without sinking. Lifelike said Minister Made eight wins, nine minutes submitted to, approved ten variables such land which wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that there are four pillars anniversary observance wrecked. Chief Minister said lifelike paragraph four, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent without approval wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said that such subjects are not freed accept wrecked. Lifelike said Minister formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed without serving wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike minister in the label approved without sinking. As true minister said that such miracles approved six wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike Buddha knows generals approved ten power without sinking. As truth knows no basis four lieutenant generals, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, eighteen plus legal estate without approval Buddha wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike feet as minister without approval wrecked. As true minister said France, legal nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, without any approval incredible sunken world. Relics Death! Bodhisattva said Ma ha slapped lifelike Supreme Chief Minister Bodhi without mortgage equity wrecked. As generals know necessarily true location, location director general, where not necessarily accept wrecked Minister. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped legal realistic vain interior minister said that such approval wrecked. As true nature every office minister said that such discharge accept wrecked. Relics Death! Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped lifelike minister said all technical momentum ni la approved without sinking. Lifelike said Minister ma tam address all subjects without approval wrecked. Then ask Thien Tu relics that time: What is the Minister all the legal name? Compassion Show Stone: If by Minister acts like this situation, the legal expression of this identity, this sound, this taste, this taste, this exposure, these measures, this cabinet, this foreign, organic contraband here, this outflow, here compounded this unconditioned. The minister called it all all legal. Then, specific time to meet life Thien Tu relics that: As the word venerable asked, why call Prajnaparamita it. Relics Death! Huiyuan has won wonderful place apart, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics wondering: This legal entities which are separated from? Friendly response time: Here for all negativity seen to be far from where. This for all six animals, four types of birth that was separated from. This for all aggregates, gender, origin shuns all that is, so called Prajnaparamita. Again, relics Death! Huiyuan has won wonderful place apart, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics wondering: This legal entities which are far? Friendly response time: Relics Death! This is the true nature of identity that is far, the operating life thought that knowledge is so far true nature, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This is the true nature of Origin label that is far, for the parish itself atria billion loss that was far to the true nature, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This land of the true nature of that identity is far, the legal bar emotional flavor that is far from the land of the true nature to so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This perspective on the true nature which is far, on gender identity, gender consciousness and emotional label, label born coy contact the true nature of life which are far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Here the true nature of atrial world that is far; to bar sex, gender and atrial atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders true nature of life which are far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Here the gender ratio that is far to the true nature, to taste world, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders true nature of life which are far, so called secret Wisdom da.Xa Death Benefits ! This is the true nature of the damage that was presented so far; for gender status, loss of cognition, and emotional damage, loss of contact coy life engenders true nature which is far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This is the true nature of the world body that is far, for sex contact, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact coy forth the true nature of life which are far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This is the true nature of the world that are far; for France, consciousness and the emotional world, the fate being exposed as the true nature of the life that was far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This is the true nature of that boundary is far, the feng shui fire is not the true nature of cognition, which is far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Here the true nature of suffering Noble Truths that are far away, for collective killing noble religion which is so far true nature, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This ignorance of the true nature that are far; respect, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, love, competition, property, birth, old age and death melancholy admiration that the true nature of suffering brain advantages that far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death ! This is not the true nature of that internal that far, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, very variable not allergic, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature, but nature is not the true nature is far, so called Prajna pāramitā. relics Death! Here for alms pāramitā true nature which is far; Security ring for diligent pure precepts contemplative Prajnaparamita true nature which is far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Here for four contemplative true nature which is far, the four immeasurable, four formless true nature of which is far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Here the eight freed true nature which is far; Made for eight wins, nine minutes filed the ten variables that are distant origin to the true nature, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This is the true nature of the four pillars that notion was far; on four main stages, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble true nature that is spending far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Here the goal is not liberation the true nature which is far, the formless, infinite voluntarily freed the true nature subjects that are far away, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This year to mark the true nature which is far, for six Kabbalah true nature which is far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! Buddha here for ten forces that are far to the true nature; the legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, eighteen Buddha estate legal community that is far true nature, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This is the true nature of which is the feet as far, to France, legal nature and equal nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible true nature which is far, so called prajnaparamita. relics Death! Here the Supreme Chief of the true nature Bodhi class that are far; for omniscience, general director position, necessarily general nature which are located very far, so called secret Wisdom da.Xa benefit from! This legal vain for losses that are far to the true nature, the true nature emptiness constant discharge that office is far, so called Prajnaparamita. Relics Death! This for all technical momentum ni la true nature which is far; ma tam place for all subjects that are far to the true nature, so called Prajnaparamita.END=NAM MO SAKYAMUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.22/6/2016.MHDT.

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