Then Bhagavan soi know we are four numbered balls, numbered balls ni, O three books ca, ca in Persia and Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped, our natural and Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, Pour multi natural history, natural evolution Lac, Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, pure heaven , lack of bias, bias Countless net, net variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac Air group contracts are proved. Rate this Thien Lien told Sakka said Kieu Thi Ca! If Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped, or Secret number, secret number ni, O three policy shifts, shifts in Persia, or the God-mail, or female God, or good men to death, or good woman did not leave the center position Necessary location, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for prajnaparamita habitually recite this, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable to think, and because others took note published by extension making. They must know this, the evil ghost Mara and can not attain comfort relatives of the brain that do harm. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly; clever idea of operating life does not formless countless prayer formula. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature aggregates of matter are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic labels origin does not formless universe very willingly; Head injury cleverly atrial rate itself does not formless attention very willingly origin. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the labels are not the land of all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly origin; Head bar flavors cleverly touched countless legal origin vow not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the origin of all nature colors are not so brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly sex smart label does not formless universe very willingly; smart office gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional labels do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because labels are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world atrial very willingly; cylindrical bars cleverly gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the atria are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless billions prayer; Head incense cleverly presented, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because rates are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Disturb natural wealth, natural thermal Infinite Compassion is natural, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac Air group contract proof. Rate this Thien Lien told Sakka said Kieu Thi Ca! If Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped, or Secret number, secret number ni, O three policy shifts, shifts in Persia, or the God-mail, or female God, or good men to death, or good woman did not leave the center position Necessary location, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for prajnaparamita habitually recite this, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable to think, and because others took note published by extension making. They must know this, the evil ghost Mara and can not attain comfort relatives of the brain that do harm. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly; clever idea of operating life does not formless countless prayer formula. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature aggregates of matter are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic labels origin does not formless universe very willingly; Head injury cleverly atrial rate itself does not formless attention very willingly origin. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the labels are not the land of all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly origin; Head bar flavors cleverly touched countless legal origin vow not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the origin of all nature colors are not so brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly sex smart label does not formless universe very willingly; smart office gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional labels do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because labels are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world atrial very willingly; cylindrical bars cleverly gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the atria are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless billions prayer; Head incense cleverly presented, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because rates are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Disturb natural wealth, natural thermal Infinite Compassion is natural, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac Air group contract proof. Rate this Thien Lien told Sakka said Kieu Thi Ca! If Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped, or Secret number, secret number ni, O three policy shifts, shifts in Persia, or the God-mail, or female God, or good men to death, or good woman did not leave the center position Necessary location, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for prajnaparamita habitually recite this, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable to think, and because others took note published by extension making. They must know this, the evil ghost Mara and can not attain comfort relatives of the brain that do harm. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly; clever idea of operating life does not formless countless prayer formula. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature aggregates of matter are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic labels origin does not formless universe very willingly; Head injury cleverly atrial rate itself does not formless attention very willingly origin. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the labels are not the land of all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly origin; Head bar flavors cleverly touched countless legal origin vow not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the origin of all nature colors are not so brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly sex smart label does not formless universe very willingly; smart office gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional labels do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because labels are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world atrial very willingly; cylindrical bars cleverly gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the atria are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless billions prayer; Head incense cleverly presented, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because rates are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. The devotees this female friendly smart electronic labels origin does not formless universe very willingly; Head injury cleverly atrial rate itself does not formless attention very willingly origin. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the labels are not the land of all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly origin; Head bar flavors cleverly touched countless legal origin vow not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the origin of all nature colors are not so brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly sex smart label does not formless universe very willingly; smart office gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional labels do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because labels are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world atrial very willingly; cylindrical bars cleverly gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the atria are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless billions prayer; Head incense cleverly presented, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because rates are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. The devotees this female friendly smart electronic labels origin does not formless universe very willingly; Head injury cleverly atrial rate itself does not formless attention very willingly origin. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the labels are not the land of all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless identity is not very willingly origin; Head bar flavors cleverly touched countless legal origin vow not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the origin of all nature colors are not so brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly sex smart label does not formless universe very willingly; smart office gender identity, gender and label emotional consciousness, emotional labels do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because labels are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world atrial very willingly; cylindrical bars cleverly gender, gender consciousness and atrial contact, ear contact coy engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the atria are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless billions prayer; Head incense cleverly presented, billions and billions of cognition, emotional, emotional posturing billion engenders the prayer life does not formless multitude. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because rates are not presented with all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless world countless losses prayer; Head to your well-presented, and loss of cognition, emotional damage, loss of contact coy born formless life not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since losses are not presented all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylindrical body does not formless world very willingly; contact smart office sex, body-consciousness and body contact, body contact as grace born of countless prayer life does not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since the world body are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-standard smart formless world not very willingly; Head cleverly France, conscious world and the contact, the contact do not grace born of formless life very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the world is not all nature are so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless boundaries very willingly; feng shui office fire smart not formless gender not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all nature boundaries are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless noble suffering very willingly; Removal office director cleverly set formless Truths not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all suffering noble nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic ignorance office not very willingly formless; smart office, consciousness, mentality, continental origin, contact, feeling, craving, capital, property, birth, old age and death benefits melancholy admiration brain size does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Ignorance because all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cabinet office not very willingly not formless; foreign office did not smart, exterior no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister , communities minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, indefinite nature does not formless nature not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all internal nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless feet as very willingly; Head cleverly France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, separatist nature of birth, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender does not formless incredible wealth prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the feet are not like all nature, so the brain function, brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office pāramitā alms not very willingly formless; smart security office rings pure precepts contemplative diligent Prajnaparamita not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since giving pāramitā all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Should brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Should brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless four myriad contemplative prayer; countless clever four cylinder, four formless formlessness of not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four contemplative nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office does not formless eight freed countless prayers; Made eight wins smart office, filed nine minutes on, ten variables formless origin not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all eight liberation nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic cylinder four cylinder does not formless concept very willingly; four district offices clever piece, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble spent countless vows not formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all four pillars concept nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly head-unreleased smart formless subjects not very willingly; formless universe clever, very willingly freed formless subjects not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because not all nature subjects liberation are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly smart label does not formless universe of countless prayers; smart office does not formless Kabbalah six very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As noticed in nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Buddha ten well-cylinder does not formless force very willingly; four legions of well-cylinder, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen estate law does not formless Buddha countless prayers. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all the ten Buddha nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female friendly vain clever interior legal office not very willingly formless; Head office constant discharge clever nature formlessness not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because nothing is danger, not all nature, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office location does not formless necessarily very willingly; clever director generals office location, location not necessarily Minister formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because the position necessarily all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office all subjects momentum ni la formless not very willingly; smart office ma tam address all subjects not very willingly formless. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since all subjects momentum all ni la nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save countless vows not formless; Nhat Lai smart office, Real finished, Arhat does not formless very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? The nature because all are not saved, so the brain function, brain head and brain damage is not quite so. Kieu Thi Ca! The men e this female-friendly office project smart save to save results oriented project not very willingly formless; Especially skillful direction Lai Lai Nhat office work, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A formless Luo Han Guo is not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? As expected flow flow direction The results are not all nature, so the brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic Single cylinder formless sense not very willingly; Single cylinder Single oriented smart sense formless feeling not very willingly results. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Single sensory nature because all are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva smart office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Tam Mieu smart office formless triangle buddhas not very willingly. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because all Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The good devotees mail this female Bodhisattva clever legal office slapped Ma ha not very willingly formless; Supreme Chief smart class office does not formless multitude Bodhi prayer. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Since Bodhisattvas Ma ha slapped legal nature all are not, so the brain function, the brain and the brain basis not quite be so harmful. Kieu Thi Ca! The devotees this female friendly smart electronic office formless Sravakas not very willingly admit; Single cylinder clever visual excess, does not formless Supreme countless voluntary redundancy. There's not that be convenient to bring not, can not be comfortable formless formless, no prayer can not be very comfortable chapel. Wherefore? Because excess Sravakas all nature are not so brain function, brain, and the brain basis not quite be so bad. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! the men e this female-friendly, can not be human and inhuman is this to his brain damage. Wherefore? As for the men e this female-friendly, provide a wealth acquired as a means, for all smart charming cultivate compassion so petal. Kieu Thi Ca! Good men to death this female friendly full climber was not hurt by the evil brains grace, nor Programme of death. Wherefore? Because the men e this female friendly practice pāramitā alms, so new to the nursing major so charming. Again, Kieu Thi Ca! In the world of this great Christian Tam, how much of our natural Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, Tha Self in heaven, Pham our natural, pure Auroras natural, all natural fruit found Quang Supreme Enlightenment mind, but for prajnaparamita if those who have not heard slang, life over recitation, crystal key diligent practice thinking, this should not leave the mind Nhat set location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, to prajnaparamita should take heart slang heard, life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of that thinking. Kieu Thi Ca! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, for Prajnaparamita take heart slang heard this, recite maintain life, diligent practice fine, just as justice thinking, the men e this female friendly, or where the drum, or local places, or places where the road risk insurance and casualty, announced Captain dread such a full coat up. Department why? Because good men such death this female friendly Necessarily left center location location, bring a wealth acquired as a means, not so clever internal cultivation, not smart foreign religious, exterior no, no no, not great, not winning means, not conditioned, not unconditioned, every scene is not, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis Us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. self emptiness, emptiness itself so indefinite nature. Then, in the realm of great Christian Tam c1o how much this world disaster we Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, natural metamorphosis Us , Tha self in heaven, Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of natural, natural Optics, optical Qualification natural, boundless natural fiber, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Radio net natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang result, disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-all Sac, the Buddha said that: Bach Exalted! If the charitable good men left the woman no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often feature on Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as for failure think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. We usually follow reverently preserve supporters, not for all ears Programme of doing harm. Wherefore? Because the men e this female-friendly, ie Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped so. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the finish beings really hell, animalzxy, devil, a diabolical element All the interesting touch. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should make the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, disability services, hot cold hungry impoverished all. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world religion karma ten. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world contemplative four, four immeasurable, formless four provisions. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world freed eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten variables origin. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world pāramitā alms, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita. White Exalted! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new cabinet should not the world, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading , infinite variation not, nature is not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality emptiness, isolation of birth before, legal, law offices, real fact, nowhere gender, no gender incredible. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of suffering Noble Truths, Truths directing collective killing. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world of labels, six clairvoyants. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen Buddha dharma estate. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new legal world in vain loss, emptiness constant exhaust cylinder. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily new world where, director general location, location necessarily general. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world all subjects momentum la ni, ma tam address all subjects. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world era surveys to benefit minority, ethnic Brahmin modern, contemporary ethnic Head, academia, ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, I side assist. Bach Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world we disasters Royal Four, Three decades celestial triangle, Da ma disasters, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, natural Tha Self in. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of natural, pure boundless natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, natural Quang results. Venerable sir! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped new world should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world natural origin boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non bias. White Exalted! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha are expected to save the world, Nhat Lai, No Full, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Single Single sensory awareness and sensory oriented Single fruit. White Exalted! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped charming mature, strictly net Buddhas. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world application Tathagata attained Enlightenment Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Venerable sir! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap new world Buddha, Dharma, Sangha numbered balls. White Exalted! Because this pretext should Thien, Long us and a communication element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching me, they shake the old Mac, all human and inhuman, will monitor supply Bodhisattva glass Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, Bhagavan told God and God Indra, Long, A touch all elements that: so, so. As you have just said. Kieu Thi Ca! If the female devotees all good death, leaving no place where the mind is necessary, bring wealth as a means to acquire, often for Prajnaparamita this profound life over recitation, crystal diligent practice, as of thinking, talking poetry prize description, making up around wide. Men e must know this female friendly bodhisattva Ma ha ie slap. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha caused quite charming end to hell, animalzxy, demons, a factor all communications. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap new Ma ha makes the sun apart from all suffering people in Hoanh, hot cold hungry impoverished all. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap ten new directors appeared wholesome world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap contemplative four, four immeasurable, four new regulations appeared formless world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should liberate eight, eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turn out world new parish. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should give alms pāramitā, Security pure precepts diligently rings contemplative Prajnaparamita new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva internal Ma ha should not slap, not external, internal and external no, no no, not age, that does not win, not compounded, not inaction, of not scene, not economic wealth, not spreading, infinite variation no, not nature, not self minister, communist minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, emptiness itself, nature is not new indefinite nature out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should feet as, France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation nature, equality nature, cups of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, the world of nowhere, no investment the incredible new world out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should suffer Truths, Truths set new anti religion out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should Ma ha slapped four cylinder concept, the four primary sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight new genera appear noble world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha should not liberated subjects, formless, infinite liberation vows new subjects out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should in labels, six out new psychic world. Kieu Thi Ca! Due Bodhisattva Buddhist Ma ha should slap ten power, legions of four, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, plus eighteen any new measures appear Buddhist world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva should slap legal Ma ha vain interior, new exhaust cylinder constant nature of the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should necessarily location, location directing minister, minister necessarily new location out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha surveys to minority interests should modern, contemporary Brahmin clan, clan head fake college, college ethnic Layman, sub-Sultan, cakkavatti, my side to help me out the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap them natural Royal Four, Three decades triangle disasters, natural ma Yes, due to the multiple disasters, Lac natural evolution, new natural Tha Self in the world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should Pham our natural, natural byproducts discounts, discounts Assembly disasters, University of Natural, Natural Optics, Optical Qualification natural, boundless natural photosynthesis, natural pure Aurora, Tinh disasters, lack of bias, Immeasurable pure natural, pure variable bias, Quang disasters, disasters Qualification advertising, promotional Countless disasters, new Guang natural results out into the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should disturb natural Wuxi, Wuxi natural heat, is natural compassion, compassion is natural, natural cure-Sac new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this bodhisattva Ma ha slapped natural origin should not boundless, boundless natural origin, Radio owns natural origin, African origin idea ideal non out new natural world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap a Stream, Nhat Lai, Real finished, Arhat and expected flow flow direction The result, Nhat Nhat Lai Lai direction results, Real completely oriented Any Full results, Arhat direction A Luo Han Guo new world out. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha slapped Bodhisattva should sensory oriented Single Single Single vision and a new sense out of the world performance. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this slap Bodhisattva Ma ha ha slapped Ma should Bodhisattvas new world out, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. Kieu Thi Ca! Do Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped Applicants should Tathagata out new Enlightenment world class chief evidence Supreme Bodhi Dhamma transfers the innumerable beings. Kieu Thi Ca! Because Ma ha Bodhisattva should slap Buddha, Dharma, Sangha new numbered balls out of the world. Kieu Thi Ca! Because this pretext should Thien, Long, A touch elements you usually have to track all donations reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of invasive . Kieu Thi Ca! If there reverently pair of offerings, praising Bodhisattva respect Ma ha slapped like that, to know that is offered reverence, respect and praise me all Tathagata ten Candidate Enlightenment. So you all Thien, Long, A factor will monitor all communications offerings reverence, praise respectful, diligent extend the Bodhisattva Ma ha upholds this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the Single European sense is Thiem set, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, could not one hundred thousand parts, components such inhibition up a hundred, hundred and a hundred memories keep such parts, hundreds of thousands of such memories keep a portion , hundreds of thousands could not share a memory, part number, part math, part design, part example, until the pole did not keep up a part number. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, filled the two continents Single feeling is Thiem and East wins the gods, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across three continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous all, in an open space not. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, across four continents Single fullness is Thiem won the East and West ox spirit and chemistry, North sentences plot, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the realms four continents, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout the world Elementary disasters, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion.
Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness throughout Central worlds, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness worldwide Three great Christian, for as sugar cane or bamboo forest grove Sat sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Kieu Thi Ca! Assuming bar text, Single fullness around ten boundless world, such as sugar cane or bamboo Sat experimental forest groves sesame glutinous not all in open space. There are good men and women's charity for the other field of merit, bringing countless marvelous terrace offering fun toys reverence, respect the lives of all praise. If the person experiencing a moment about offering reverence, respect praising a Bodhisattva Ma ha slapped a play not leave six pāramitā. Merit brought before this blessed group match, could not one hundred percent, do not keep a thousand parts, hundreds of thousands of such parts to keep up a positive number would not keep a portion. Wherefore? Kieu Thi Ca! Such as bar text, which can sense the Bodhisattva Single Ma ha slapped and application Tathagata appeared Enlightenment world. Only by Bodhisattva Lama ha should slap new co bar text, visual and Single Application Tathagata appeared Enlightenment world. So you all Thien, Long and a touch element, Sue achieved blessed, Regular tea recipe, imploring touch, remove, Siem watching us, Mac coral old communications, human and inhuman upholds all donations should normally supply glass, respecting praise Bodhisattva Ma ha this slap, not for all ears Programme of abuse. Then, heaven Like Buddha said that revered sir! Very strange and rare. Bodhisattva Ma ha this slap on Prajnaparamita this deep, life over recitation, diligent practice fine, just as reasonable to think, speak poetry prize description, making up around wide. Photography is legal merit life like, mature beings, strictly net Buddhas. From a Buddhist country to a Buddhist country, the excessive closeness of Bhagavan Buddha. Depending based rejoice good place wins. Remember where the Buddha, offering reverence, respect, praise, that was true. In place of the Buddha Dharma listen, until the Supreme Chief Bodhi College full not forget, weak legal hearing sunscreen life photography. Members clan forever, mother fullness, fullness birth, relatives of fullness, excellent minister fullness, luminous fullness, fullness eye, ear fullness, fullness sound momentum ni la consummation, ma tam address fullness. Hybrid power brings skillful means, such as Buddha transformed from a world to another world, to numerous Buddhist country, give alms saying pāramitā, commended police said ring pure precepts diligently uncivil contemplative Paramitayana skin. Praise not say internal, not external, internal and external no, no no, not great, not winning means, not compounded, not inaction, of not sight, not economic wealth, not spreading, wealth does not mutate, not nature, Thought not, public minister, not necessarily legal, elected not impossible, infinite emptiness, self-emptiness, emptiness itself indefinite nature. Said feet as a compliment, compliment say France, legal nature, any falsehoods nature, any variation emptiness, emptiness equality, cup of birth before, legal, law offices, real world, unreal world, regardless of gender incredible. Holy Roman Emperor suffering compliment say, give away our Church said collective substrate. Khen said four contemplative, said four immeasurable merit, the four formless. Said the eight freed compliment, compliment say eight wins origin, filed nine minutes on, ten turns of origin. Praise say four cylinder concept, give the district said four sections, four-sufficient spirit, five-door, five forces, seven enlightenment class, eight noble limbs. Say no liberation disciplines compliment, compliment say formless, infinite subjects voluntarily freed. Khen said five labels, compliments say six clairvoyants. Khen said the ten Buddhist, said the four legions of Merit, four very afraid Prize, pronouns, compassion, sympathetic joy modern era discharge, regardless plus eighteen Buddha dharma. Furniture legal vain compliment say, give discharge office said constant nature. Praise necessarily say, commend said director general location, location necessarily general. Mandala compliment ni said all subjects, give place to say all ma tam goal. Khen said Buddha, Dharma compliment saying, secret number Sangha. Back skillful means to bring health because the statement says France charming weak, discretionary Tam legal security to the ministers, would cause death freed birth, aging, illness, stock Countless medical realm Nirvana balance. Or again picked at the suffering beast, in heaven who enjoy fun pleasure.END=NAM MO CAKYA MOUNI BUDDHA.( 3 TIMES ).VIETNAMESE TRANSLATE ENGLISH BY=THICH CHAN TANH.THE MIND OF ENLIGHTENMENT.WORLD VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST ORDER=VIETNAMESE BUDDHIST NUN=GOLDEN LOTUS MONASTERY=AUSTRALIA,SYDNEY.29/6/2016.MHDT. |
Wednesday, 29 June 2016
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